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10x12 - k*lling Fields

Posted: 11/09/21 12:25
by bunniefuu
This little thing
comes out from the earth.

The land's been cursed.

Something's really
going after my mom.

Things are getting
pretty violent.

He liked to k*ll things.

He k*lled
at least six women.

It makes me sick,

I broke my neck.


There will only be
darkness here.

Panic, panic, panic.

My name is Amy Allan.

I'm seeing, like, blood.

The house just feels bad.

I see dead people.

This man is completely insane.

I speak to dead people.

Okay, she doesn't
like it in there.

And they speak to me.

He likes to twist that knife.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

Something paranormal
is trying to k*ll them.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

Now, does he die right
there on the spot?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I think it's trying
to steal my soul.

It's my job to reveal them.

You ever get touched
like that again?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end...

I'm as stunned
as you guys are.

...when we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I don't want anything to
happen to my daughter.

...or time to get out.

His goal is to k*ll you guys.

I'm in Springfield, Ohio.

It's about 30 minutes
outside of Dayton.

So, I got a call from
a young guy named Josh.

Now, he says
the house he grew up in

was a paranormal w*r zone.

He got out, but his parents
are still there and won't leave.

He said Amy and I need to either
fix this or convince them to go.

Before Amy arrives,

I clear the house
of any leading information.

Photographs, antiques,

even pieces of furniture
can influence her findings,

so it's important that
I cover or remove them all.

When I'm finished,

the location will be ready
for tonight's walk.

Lots of negativity
back in here.

You can feel it.
It comes right into your gut.

I don't think
this is a good place

for a living person to be.

They are trying to get ahead

or trying to fulfill
wishes or dreams,

but the land won't let you.

And I heard the dead guy say

there will only be
darkness here for them.

So, Josh,
when we spoke on the phone,

you made it sound like things
were pretty bad in this house.

What the hell's going on?

Something's really
going after my mom.

Things are getting
pretty violent,

especially towards her,

and I have a feeling that
if we don't solve this soon,

it's gonna get really bad.

Does your mom realize
the kind of danger she's in?

I think she does now.

Then how come
she didn't call us in?

There's a point where
your parents take care
of you in your life,

and there's a point
where you return the favor.

- So I know you moved out.
- Yes.

So who's living
in the house now?

My mom and dad.

So, I assume you growing up
here, you had experiences?

Yeah. Things would happen
you couldn't explain,

and just kind of
had to deal with them.

Do me a favor and give
me a list of what's
happening in the house.

Things like objects
move on their own,

footsteps, voices,

shadows and apparitions,

and then there's been times
where things will get physical.

Okay, so when you say
"physical," give me an example.

My mom's been pushed
down the stairs.

I've seen people die
from falling eight feet --

you know,
breaking their neck.

Her neck
was actually broken.

I literally watched
her torso go forward

ahead of her feet,
ahead of her head, everything,

and just -- bam! --
comes crashing down.

So, what all is going on?

How's your mom
dealing with it?

It's just causing
a lot of stress,

having several health issues
that are unexplainable.

Why do you think your mother's
health problems are paranormal?

It's unexplainable.

Doctors will see some sort
of medical condition

and say, "You're that
one-in-a-million case."

It's just gotten worse
and worse and worse.

And, now, how old is mom?

Mom is 50.

So she's still
a young woman.

Yes. I think something here
kind of has its own agenda.

My mom's the target,

and I think it just kind of
takes pleasure in abusing her.

So, one of the main things
that's here

originated from out there.

This little thing
comes out from the earth.

It has a weird, long neck,

really skinny arms
that are always up.

It just has, like,
big round blobs for eyes,

like white blobs.

How might the living here
experience this thing?

I think that the living would
feel this fear and this anxiety.

There's a living female here
who has heart trouble

directly related
to the land thing.

It's always, like, kind of
growling and snorting.

It's always making
disgusting sounds.

It can go anywhere it wants.

It's physical.
It can do physical harm.

Then I saw
these two shadow people

standing up by the trees.

So, one shadow person --

it was actually
a living person at one time.

The other one is a shadow man.

I think they're both connected
to this strange creature.

This isn't good.

All right, so Josh,
I assume this was your room?

Yeah. Yeah, this was
the room I grew up in.

So let's get to some of
the experiences you had

when you were growing up.

I saw a shadow at the stairs
that lead up here,

flipped on the light,
and I looked down.

I saw my shadow,
and then I saw

this little bit taller,
skinnier figure

and it was black --
I mean, absolutely black.

I took off after it when
it moved away from the wall,

started flipping lights
the whole way through the house,

and there was nothing.

Were you home alone?

No. My parents
were upstairs asleep.

Okay, so there was nobody
downstairs, though?

- No.
- All right, anything else?

There was a presence
one night,

and it felt like something
literally came up behind me.

I was sitting down,

and you could just feel it
breathing down your neck.

This breathing
that you felt -- I mean,

did you get a sense
of what it could have been?

Was it a man, woman?

I honestly have no clue.

It was bad, for sure.

Is there anything else?

I was almost asleep,
and someone slapped me.

I felt somebody slap
the left side of my face.

How hard of a slap?
Show me.


- Across your face?
- Yeah.

Did you think
you were dreaming or...

That's kind of
what I thought

until I walked
into the bathroom

and I saw the just --
they were faint,

but there were finger marks,
like, right here.

This is some
pretty serious stuff.

My biggest concern
is one day I'll get a call

my mom and dad
were seriously hurt, or worse.

I mean,
it's just bad here.

Whatever's causing the problem,
I want it out.

All right.

This strange creature
is very dangerous,

and I did see it
grabbing somebody in bed,

and I thought maybe
it was a teenage boy,

and he's getting hurt,

and he's getting hit
really hard on their upper back,

to the point
where it's like, "- "

I'm getting, like, really dizzy.

I'm scared,
and I just feel fear.

I feel like something
in here is being strangled.

So, Collin, I was
talking to your son, Josh,

and he's concerned that
something in this house

is going after your wife.

I mean, do you agree
with that at all?

Yeah. She's not doing
as well as she used to.

We've been to --
I don't know --

every doctor
that you can think of.

Do you think this house
is causing that?

Something's causing it,

so it could be
very possible.

You know, you don't want
your wife to be sick,

and you don't want
your wife to be

waking up in the middle
of the night screaming.

What about experiences?
Have you had anything?

We had a situation
with our television.

It will just come on
in the middle of the night

for no reason.

Was it an electrical
problem, do you think?

No, I don't think so.
We actually put new wiring in.

Okay, anything else?

My boots will slide across
the floor on their own.

So how far are these boots
actually moving?

Four or five feet.

Josh was saying to me
that he's really worried

about both of you.

You ever think about
just getting up and leaving?

Yes and no.

How do you sell a house

that could be
something wrong with it?

How can you do that
to somebody else?

You know, that's
the reason you're here.

I'm seeing a living man sitting,

watching this shadow person
coming out of the door,

walking through here,
walking back.

I think it's the dead shadow man
from outside.

He can project
this shadow-person form.

He's, like, just flipping out.

I think he's crazy.


doesn't like this place.

There's bitterness about it,

hatred about it.

He says that these living people
that done him wrong --

he said that they're liars,
cheats, and whores,

and he has a personal grudge
against them.

Do you have any idea
how he might act on that?

Definitely getting physical --

pushing, shoving,
possibly choking people.

He hates them.

He wants to hurt them.
It's really bad.

So, Beth, obviously, you know
that Josh called us in.

He's pretty convinced
that whatever's going on here

is pretty dangerous.

- I totally agree.
- Okay.

Josh told me about
some pretty scary experience

you had on the staircase.

Yes. I've been shoved down it
multiple times.

The first one, I have
a picture of what happened.

This is my leg.

The second time,
I went head first.

It was bad.
It was very bad.

Ended up in the hospital
with a broken neck.

You could have died,
you know that?

Yeah, definitely,
or been paralyzed.

- Right.
- Yeah.

I'm getting
somebody's falling down.

Somebody's being shoved.

And it feels like they've been
shoved or pushed more than once.

Any idea
what's causing that?

I think it's
that strange creature,

so it can make you feel
dizzy, nauseous,

and you could fall down
because of that.

Okay, anything else?

The other morning,
I just woke up out of the blue

and just threw up all over
the place for no reason.

You know, so Josh mentioned
to me about your health issues.

What are we
talking about here?

I have fibromyalgia.
I have a blood disorder.

I have a cyst in my heart
called a pericardial cyst.

One in a million get it.

Okay, anything else?

I've seen a smoky brown mist
go through the kitchen.

Now, did you ever see
anything like that before?

Yes. I've seen
a female apparition

going across the kitchen,

probably about
five-foot tall.

She was a white lady,

and she had, like,
a period gown on.

She was going
from room to room.

Now, was this
a solid figure

or something
you see through?

She was solid.

What do you think
whatever's here wants?

I guess me dead.

It sounds horrible,
but I really feel that now.

So what's
keeping you here?

I guess we worked
so hard on this.

We've been here 18 years.

But one more thing,
I'm out of here.

It feels --
it's not my home anymore.

Okay, there's a dead woman
in here.

She was in a gown of some kind.

She's actually
a big, big threat here.

But I don't think anybody knows.

She's sneaky -- very sneaky.

She's being
very, very bad, bad.

How exactly?

She's trying to
sneak into somebody --

a living woman, I believe.

She's trying to
take over their life.

She's doing it very subtly.

She's been doing this,

and she's able to do it
rather successfully

because everyone is distracted

by the other phenomena
that's going on here.

Do you have any idea
why she's doing that

to this living person?

She wants another life.
She wants a fair life.

So what would happen
to the living

if she did
get inside them?

A lot of behavioral changes
with this person.

So I'm worried that
the living woman

could think she's gone crazy.

All right, so what's
going on up here?

I just feel like
the presence here

has just changed
our personalities.

Our moods are changing.
We fight constantly.

When we enter this room,
it gets worse.

Why isn't this just
husband-and-wife stuff,

and why is it
the paranormal?

When we leave the house,
we're fine.

Get back here,
we're not in here 10 minutes,

we're at each other.

All right, anything else
happening in here?

I've actually felt like someone
has gotten in bed with me.

It feels like
someone sits down,

and the covers came back.

Does your husband
feel it?

He is out cold.

What about the dogs?

They don't sleep
in my room.

The door's shut.

Okay. How the hell
are you sleeping?

I don't sleep.
I have horrible insomnia.

I mean,
you got a lot going on.

- It is a lot.
- Anything else happen?

I wake up to this black,
tall figure with red eyes

staring at me,
and then it will disappear.

Okay, so how long do you think
it's staring at you?

It seems like forever.

Probably 40 seconds or so.

I got to be honest with you --
after listening to you,

I don't know how the hell
you're living like this.

It's just very hard.

I know. I know.

What do you do,
you know?

If we can help you, we're gonna
do our best to do it, okay?

I appreciate that.

I'm seeing a woman
being att*cked.

I see light hair.

She's yelling,
and she's being strangled,

and then crying.

The dead chick sleeps here.

And what kind of

would the living have
with her here?

I think that they can
feel her in bed with them.

It would make you uncomfortable.

It would make you
not be able to sleep.

She wants, I think,
to take over the lady

who has
the heart problems now.

What do you mean by
"taking her over"?

Tearing down
that person's personality

and putting her own personality
into that person's body

and then having a new life.

It's trapping them
inside of themselves.

They kind of die in a way then.

You know, just about
every property I investigate

has some Native American

so most of the time
I don't even bother.

But I'm heading over
to meet a local professor

who says Beth's property

was the site of an epic
and bloody battle,

and I'm definitely gonna
want to know about it.

I know this battle
happened on my client's land,

so who lived there,
and when did this happen?

In 1780 there is a group
of Shawnee villages here

called Piqua.

Your client's property's
in that area.

In the long run
what will be at stake

will be who controls
the region.

What prompted it?

At this point,
we're in the middle

of the
American Revolutionary w*r.

The Shawnee were allies
of the British.

At the urging
of the British,

the Shawnee have been
attacking settlements

south of the Ohio River.

All right, so we know
how things turned out

for the Indians
and the British.

So what happened?

Colonel George Rogers Clark

a contingent of settlers
of about 1,000,

and they drove northward
up toward the Shawnee villages.

And the Shawnee decided
to make a stand up here

at the villages of Piqua.

Okay, so how bad
did the fighting get?

Well, you can get some idea
from this illustration.

Both sides have muskets.

They'd have had hand-held
weapons like knifes, hand axes,

and Clark also had cannon.

That battle went on
for the next few hours,

raged miles into the woods.

So, when all's said and done,
what's the final death toll?

Clark wrote a letter
to Governor Thomas Jefferson

about two weeks
after the battle.

It's right here.

And he said that he lost 14 men,
and he had 13 wounded.

He indicated that
the Indians had lost

probably three times
that number.

For the two days
after the battle,

Clark's men stayed around,

and they destroyed 800 or so
acres of planted corn.

So the immediate impact
on the Shawnee

really is quite enormous
and devastating.

Do you have any idea whatever
happened to the Shawnee?

Most of the Shawnee ended up
out West on reservations.

Okay, so they were displaced
and put in a reservation.

That's right,
absolutely displaced.


That's not good.

I see it's muddy,
but it's because

there's blood and guts
and pieces of flesh.

Now I know that
the land's been cursed.

Can you tell anything about
what this curse is from?

It was some kind of m*ssacre
or something like that.

It's hard to walk
because it's all muddy.

This is symbolic
of what this land does

to the living who are here.

You can't move ahead.

You're always gonna fall down,
and now even worse,

'cause the creature
came into existence

from this land that was cursed.

So it's like a physical
manifestation of a curse.

So far, I've got
a family under attack

on property where
a brutal m*ssacre occurred

between Shawnee warriors
and white settlers.

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I come across Margaret Keifer,

who used to own
my client's property.

Turns out she died
from a rare condition

that began as a stomachache.

I'm heading over to meet
with a local genealogist

who's looking in this for me,

and she says the poor woman
suffered a slow, painful death,

and it happened
right on Beth's property.

I know one of
the previous owners

of my client's property
died there.

What can you tell me
about her?

That was Margaret Keifer
and her husband, George,

and they bought
about 465 acres in the area,

including the property
where your client is, in 1816.

Okay, so how did it go
for them when they got here?

It was pretty unremarkable
for their first few years,

but after they lived there
for about six years,

Margaret started having
really bad stomach pains.

And she was eventually
diagnosed with dyspepsia.

Okay, so what do we know
about this illness?

What are the symptoms?

She would have had nausea,
vomiting, difficulty eating --

just extremely painful
to the point

where it would become difficult
to even breathe.

So I know
she winds up dying,

but how long
did she suffer?

It probably would have been
for at least a few months,

and then she ended up dying
eventually in 1822.

She was only 49
at the time.

This is her interment card.

All right, so what do
we know about her burial?

Well, at that time period,
there was wasn't funeral homes,

so her husband, George,

would have had her wake
there at the home,

and then she was buried
in a family cemetery

about 1,000 yards
from the property.


I'm seeing
that dead lady again.

She's extremely pale,
as if she was frozen.

I feel like she was
in her coffin here.

She must have been viewed,
so she had to have lived here.

And she got something sick
in her stomach -- bad.

Very bad stomach.

It made her feel like...

It made her feel like
she couldn't breathe.

Her diaphragm was compressed.

I think she died here.

For more information
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Another thing caught
my attention in research.

Back in the '90s, there was
a brutal double homicide

right down the road
from Beth's house.

I'm driving over to meet
a true-crime author

who studied this case,

and she says the perp turned out
to be a vicious serial k*ller.

Carol, I appreciate you
helping me out with this case.

So, I know this
double homicide happened

pretty close
to my client's property.

What can you tell me
about it?

Okay, on August the 22nd,

Phree Morrow, 12,
and Martha Leach, 11,

went for a walk
to a local bakery

and were never seen
alive again.

And the next day,
two little boys

found their bodies
behind the bakery.

This is the headline
that was in the paper.

"Girls found slain."

What kind of a condition
did they find these bodies in?

They were found nude,
and they were bruised.

They had both bone been
sexually abused,

had been r*ped.

All right,
so I know autopsies were done.

What was the official
cause of death?

A blunt-force trauma
to the head.

Did they recover any other
physical evidence

at the scene or near it?

About two blocks
from there,

they recovered
Phree Morrow's shorts,

and they had been
cut off of her

in a very meticulous manner.

All right, so I know
they eventually get this guy.

But who was he?

He was William Sapp.

He was 30 years old,

and he lived in Springfield
most of his life.

That's him.

If you saw
"low-life child molester"

and "k*ller"
in the dictionary,

this guy's photo
would pop up.

There's something else that
happened here that was...

not good.

I just see a chalk outline.

- Like of a body?
- Yeah.

So I'm gonna say
possible m*rder here.

And someone was
very happy about it.

He liked to k*ll things.

Feels good, really good.

All right, so I know
they eventually get this guy,

but when and what were
the circumstances of it?

Well, in 1996,
he att*cked a woman,

but she lived.

And he went
to prison for that.

And as a routine,

they did
a DNA test on him.

And it came back positive match
to Phree and Martha.

So they confronted him
with the DNA result

and he confessed not only
to Phree and Martha

but with some other cases

that were unsolved
in Springfield.

Did he brag about anything?

'Cause I know
they love to brag.

Well, in the confession,
he talked about

slowly cutting a woman's jeans
with a scalpel

and he talked about it
being like

Christmas presents --

doing it very slowly
and enjoying it, savoring it.

So I assume this sicko
got convicted?

He was found guilty
of all the charges against him,

and he received
three death sentences.

He's been on death row
since 1999.

I feel like this k*ller
has done this before.

Does he interact
with the living?

Yes. He is...

very capable
of getting inside a person.

So, what would happen
to the living

if he did
get inside them?

Well, he kind of makes you
want to, like,

s*ab people and do harm.

He likes to make people
try to hurt themselves.

This is weird.

I don't like it.

I don't feel good.

Are you okay?

It makes me sick,

like I want to vomit.

I saw several horrifying
things during my walk,

but two stood out --

first, the curse manifestation
attacking a living person.

There's, like,
a little being.

It's about, like,
two feet tall.

Its head is kind of flat.

The eyes are, like,

At one point,
I saw it attacking --

I believe it was a male.

But the guy had his back to me
and this thing was, like...

Next, I described the dead woman

laying in bed
with a living person.

In the center of
this large bed is a coffin.

There was no lid,

and she's wearing
a wedding gown.

is this what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy, I'd like you to meet
Josh and his mother, Beth.

Josh grew up in this house

and had all kinds of experiences
while he was here.

But now that he's moved out,
the activity has turned violent.

Josh called us in because
he doesn't think it's safe

for his mom to be here,

and if we can't find
a way to fix it,

he thinks this house
is gonna k*ll her.

So now that Amy knows
who you guys are,

I'll ask her to describe
her walk for us.

I came into contact
with a creepy male.

I can absolutely say
that he was disturbed,

crazy, and evil.

Possibly this male had
m*rder*d somebody here.

I was able to feel
how he felt

when he committed
this crime,

and he felt awesome.

This individual
really enjoyed k*lling.

I was getting that he had
k*lled before this m*rder.

Possibly he k*lled
after this m*rder.

I was like, this guy,
to me,

felt like a wannabe,
like, Ed Gein,

who was a serial k*ller.

My gosh.

I got a pretty good idea
who she's talking about.

His name is William Sapp.

He's a local guy
who lived here

most of his life
in this area.

He's also a serial k*ller.

August 22nd, 1992,

Sapp k*lled a couple of
young girls not far from here.

The victims were a 12-year-old
and her 11-year-old friend.

Both girls were k*lled with
blunt-force trauma to the head.

Both girls,
during the investigation,

had been shown they were
sexually assaulted.

My God.

I actually got
a newspaper article.

Now, you talk about
how happy this guy was

when he was k*lling.

The expert I talked to said
Sapp had a bizarre way

of taking
his victims' pants off.

He would cut each stitch
individually with a scalpel

so that he could
take his time and enjoy it.

I could see that.

So, this sick bastard
eventually confessed

and got
three death sentences.

Now, I got a photo of Sapp.

So, could this be
the guy you saw?


You just want to get
your hands on somebody.

So let me ask you
a question.

Would our clients
experience him in any way?

Well, when I first
encountered his energy,

I felt disgusted,
like I wanted to vomit.

We talked about you
being nauseous.

Yeah, all the time.

I mean, for months,

I feel he could get
inside of someone

and possibly influence them
to do bad things.

Have you ever felt
anything like that?

I snap really easy --
really easy --

which never did before.

When I went to
the backyard area,

it was really hard
to walk.

I see it's muddy,
but it's because

there's blood and guts
and pieces of flesh.

Now I know that
the land's been cursed.

Obviously, there must have been
some kind of m*ssacre.

It's not a lot to go on,

but m*ssacre kind of
caught my attention.

Now, this land was the site
of a bloody battle

that took place during
the Revolutionary w*r.

During that time,
this area

was a Shawnee Indian village
known as Piqua.

The Shawnee
saw white settlers

as a threat to
their control of the land,

so they traveled around
attacking the settlements.

Now, by 1780,
the settlers

and the colonial government
had enough,

so a guy named
Colonel George Clark

mobilized a group --

over 1,000 revolutionaries
and militia.

Clark's men stormed
the Shawnee village at Piqua.

Even by conservative estimates,
the body count was big.

Clark said he lost
at least 14 men,

and the Shawnee lost
at least triple that.

So we're looking at
a minimum

of about 56 dead
right here in this area.

Now, before Clark's men
left the area,

they burnt
800 acres of crops,

basically destroying all
the Shawnees' food supply...
Geez! they couldn't come
back here and live here.

Then the Native Americans
put a curse

because they kind of got
**** every which way.

So, how does this curse
affect these guys?

It manifested somehow
into a conscious entity.

It actually took on
a physical form.

I've not encountered
this before.

That curse --

it's working with
two other entities.

The first one
that it's working with

is an actual
shadow person.

The second one
was a deceased male

who used to live here.

Basically, all three of them
are working against you guys.

My God!

And I think there are
several ways

that you would
experience them.

The first thing is that
you would see shadow people.

Tell Amy about
the shadow figures you've seen.

I was upstairs one night,
and I saw this thing

that looked like
a very tall, skinny man.

Upstairs I see a tall shadow --
dark black --

and it, like,
hangs in the corner.

And I just saw that
a couple nights ago,

and it was, like,
standing over my husband.

These three also create
serious anxiety issues.

I have horrible anxiety now.

It just pisses me off.

The curse manifestation
is also capable

of being very physical
with the living.

It can push, shove,
and choke.

I saw that it was shoving
a living person down.

This has happened
multiple times.

Well, this is the main reason
Josh called us in.

Beth has been pushed down
the stairs several times.

I got a photo
of one of the times.

This is her leg.

Believe it or not, though,

this time
wasn't the worst of it.

Tell her about what happened
to your neck.

I was shoved
down the stairs,

and I broke my neck.


You broke your neck?

- Yeah. Had surgery.
- What?!

I was lucky
I wasn't paralyzed.

I had slivers of bone
into my spinal column.

All right, so two of
these things look like shadows.

Did you get a good look
at the original curse thing?

I had a sketch done
of the curse manifestation

attacking a person.

My gosh.

Josh got att*cked when
he was here as a younger man.

I was upstairs,
and I was just getting ready

to shut my eyes,
and someone just slapped me.

I went into the bathroom
and looked,

and three little marks,
like, right here

on the side of my face
where somebody hit me.

It's weird 'cause that thing
only had three fingers.

My God.

Just want to strangle them.
That's all you want to do.

I just can't believe
that this is here.

Okay, anything else?

Then there's one more,

and this next person
is super sneaky.

The things I got about her
are she did live here

I think in the '20s.

She was extremely sad,
very depressed --

very depressed
during her life.

And she is miserable
now in death.

She had
nice dark-brown hair.

She was wearing what looked like
a gown of some sort.

I see a lady
in a white gown.

I see her go through
the kitchen.

When I first saw her,
she was laying in this coffin.

Then I got that she had died
from some kind of illness,

possibly with the stomach.

It took her
a long time to die.

It made it extremely
painful to breathe.

I felt very much that
she probably died here.

And the coffin --

because she's so attached
to the coffin --

I felt like
she was displayed here.

A few things you mentioned
made me think of a woman

who used to live
on the property.

Now, her name was
Margaret Keifer.

She moved here
with her family in 1816.

Now, you said
she was a woman

that might have died
from a stomach illness.

Well, after just
a few years of living here,

Margaret got really sick.

I mean, she suffered from
an infected ulcer in her stomach

and eventually got
diagnosed with dyspepsia.

The expert I talked
to said it's a pretty
miserable condition.

Basically, she would have
suffered from stomach pains,

nausea, vomiting,

trouble eating
and even breathing.

Now, she died from
that illness in 1822,

and she was only
49 years old.

Now, back then there were
no funeral parlors, obviously,

and they displayed her
in the house.

Now, is it possible
Margaret Keifer

is woman
you might have seen?


Now, you said you were
worried about this woman. Why?

The ways that she actually
is affecting you

is she likes to get into bed
with the living people.

I saw it in
the big bedroom upstairs,

and I thought that the living
people would feel this.

When she does it,
it would make you uncomfortable

and hard for you to sleep.

I actually have felt someone
sit on the side of my bed

and pull my covers back.

Like, I'm afraid
to roll over.

I had a sketch done
of the dead woman

in her coffin in your bed.


I don't even want to
show you this.

My gosh.

So that's why
I don't sleep.

What does she want
from Beth?

Her goal is to

take over the living woman
in this house.

- Why?
- She hated her life.

She wants to create
a new life for herself.

What she's currently doing,
and has been doing,

is slowly chipping away
at elements of you

and replacing them more
with elements of herself.

She's chipping away?
What better way to do it?

In the short term,
you might experience,

or other people
might perceive, like,

some small personality changes,
behavioral changes.

Then you might think
you're kind of going nuts.

This can bring on depression,
self-destructive thoughts.

It just really upsets me,

I mean, 'cause my whole
personality has changed.

I mean,
I'm, like, depressed.

Pisses me off.

The thing that's scary --

she would like to
reduce your personality

down to the bare minimum

and take over your body.

I knew something was bad,
but not this bad.

I think it's horrible.
That's just horrible.

So, Josh,
you called us in

because you thought your mother
was in danger here.

And after what
Amy told us tonight,

looks like
the situation here

is even worse
than what we thought.

Now it's time to answer
the big question --

is there any way
to fix this

so your mom and dad
can stay here safely,

or should they just pack up and
get the hell out while they can?

So, for that answer,
I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

First thing is to
bring in a male medium

to move
the dead woman on.

All right, you're talking
about Margaret Keifer?

The medium must call on
her dead relatives

to come and remove her.

But why do
the dead relatives

have to come
to get this lady?

Because once
she sees them again,

it's going to make her
feel happiness,

and she hasn't felt that
in a very long time.

Once this has been done,

you will feel better

All right. Now, what
can they do to get
rid of this thing?

For the curse manifestation,

a Shawnee descendent
would have to come

and remove the curse
and bless the land.

This is the only way
to truly dissolve

that curse manifestation.

But here's some good news.

The shadow man was not
directly related to this house.

He will leave with
the curse manifestation

to try to find
another victim,

so there will be much less
physical phenomena, if any.

All right, will the other dead
guy working with them go, too?

Correct. Yes.

That's incredible.

What about this man?

He was only here
because I was here.

He'll leave
once we're gone.

Okay. That's good.

That's awesome.

It sounds like
you got a game plan.

I got to ask -- are you gonna
take Amy's advice?

No doubt about it.
I have to do it.

I want a life back.
I want to feel better.

- It's gonna get done.
- Thank you.

It's going to take some work,

but if Josh and Beth
contact a medium

and a Shawnee descendent,

they can remove the dead and
banish the curse manifestation.

Once they're gone,
Beth will begin to feel better,

and this family can find
the peace they deserve.