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11x09 - Devil's Triangle

Posted: 11/09/21 12:32
by bunniefuu
He was a good person,
and then he came here,

and then he turned bad.

It's been really affecting
my husband the most.

He feels like his life
was taken as a sacrifice.

It kind of creeps me out
to be here by myself.

I'm hearing
"the Devil's Triangle."

I just had no idea it was
this extreme and this bad.

"Get out.
Get out of here.

Get out now."

And I just feel fear.

My name is Amy Allan.

This is like Grand Central
Station for the dead.

I see dead people.

They have pain
that they suffered.

I speak to dead people.

She hates them, hates them.

And they speak to me.

But there's only one way to
know if my findings are real.

It's a demon.
It's Satan.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

What was the body count,
what happened?

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I don't know if
it's a demon or not,

but it sure as hell
looks like one.

It's my job to reveal them.

I feel like I'm crazy.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end...

I don't even want
to show you this.

...when we uncover if it's
safe for you to stay...

I just don't want anything
to happen to my mother.

...or time to get out.

You have to get out.

I'm back
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

because I got a call
from a woman named Diane.

She went and opened up a tattoo
parlor in an old building.

Now all hell has broken loose.

Artists don't want
to be there alone,

and customers
don't think it's safe.

Look, I know the tattoo crowd,

and they don't scare
that easily,

so for them to call us in
for help, it's got to be bad.

It's tough to hide the fact
that this is a tattoo parlor,

but I still need to cover
leading information,

like artwork, workstations,
and personal items

that could influence
Amy's findings.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.

There's something bad here.

There's this dead guy.

He kind of felt like he was
a good person,

and then he came here,
and then he turned bad.

He's like, you know, the
devil-influence kind of thing.

Yeah, this place,
it's hella confusing, man.

Literally, I'm hearing
"the Devil's Triangle,"

and he's just warning us.

He's like, "Just go.
Just get out. Just run."

So, Diane, when
we spoke on the phone,

it sounded like things
were pretty bad.

I mean,
what's going on here?

The paranormal activity
in the place

has gotten
really out of control.

I think it's dangerous,
and it's scaring our clients.

It's scaring our artists,
and it scares me.

So, Diane, when did stuff
start happening?

Two years after we opened,
we expanded.

When we expanded,
things got worse.

What's happening?

We're hearing
disembodied voices.

We're feeling watched
all the time.

Objects are being thrown.

We see shadow figures.

People are being
physically touched,

and everyone's been
having terrible mood swings.

It's been really affecting
my husband the most.

Any reason why?

He's had struggles in the past
with mental illness.

He was
just diagnosed bipolar.


And I feel like
whatever's here

all of his symptoms

and made his anxiety and
depression way more intense.

I'm very worried about him.

Now, how does your husband
feel about

this whole paranormal thing?

He doesn't put much stock
into it.

You think he'd talk to me?

I think you could try.

What are you hoping
we can do for you?

I'd really like to know
what's here,

and I'd really like to know
how to get rid of it.

It just is really depressing
to not feel welcome in something

that you put
so much passion and love into.

So, Diane, why do you think this
stuff is actually happening?

I think it wants us
out of this space,

and I think
that it's not afraid

to hurt someone
to get us out.

The dead dude, he's just, like,
crying and freaking out,

and he's like, "Just go.

Just get out
before it's too late."

I think that people would hear
a man crying.

He made himself real tiny,
like, into a ball,

so I think they might see,
like, little black balls.

I'm hearing something about
some kind of sacrifice ****

going on.

He feels like his life
was taken as a sacrifice.

Is that something that might
happen to the living here?


Okay, so, Diane,
why are we over here?

What's going on?
I hear a lot of banging,

a lot of knocking,

strange noises that don't
really have any cause.

Where are you hearing it

It seems like in the walls
and the ceiling.

It's an old building,
though, right?

Could it be the plumbing?

These walls
are really thick.

They're concrete, and the
plumbing has a distinct sound.

When we hear the noises,
it's different.

Anything else?

In the last few months,

we've had a lot of artists
with physical illnesses.

People have to take weeks
off at a time to recover.

We are definitely missing
business because of it.

So, now, is any of this
sickness stuff affecting you?

I don't really get sick,

but the anxiety is
really getting to me.

So I usually leave
because I feel too anxious

and just like
I'm being watched,

like something's close to me,
and I don't like it.

So, anything else?

I see,
and a couple other artists

have seen, black figures

out of the corner
of our eyes.

I've also seen
black, like, blobs, kind of.

It scares me.

Progressively, it has gotten
more and more menacing-feeling,

and the anxiety kicks in,
and it just...

Off-the-charts scared.

I'm seeing a couple dead guys
up there.

And there's yelling.

There's, like, screaming.

I think that the living
would possibly see them.

They would hear them yelling.

I feel very sick and panic.

Very panicky.

I felt like somebody
was coming at me.

Like, a male, I think,
was coming at me real fast.

They're, like, throwing
people down the stairs.

So, the living would feel panic,

like, panic-stricken.

When we expanded
into this space

is when things got
a little crazy.

So, what's going on?

A dark shadow came out
from behind me,

and when I started to walk
towards the staircase,

it followed me.

Did you feel like you were
about to get mugged?

I mean, how'd it feel?
It felt menacing,

and it was just
an instinctual "Get out."

So, what else?

We've had clients complain

while they're getting tattooed
that someone touched them

or someone's standing
behind them,

and there's no one there.

You realize how lucky you are
no one's gotten hurt yet?


Like, we took the time
to build this up,

and it means the world to us,
and it's really upsetting.

Alright. Okay.

I'm seeing an older man --
50s, 60s.

I think he's kind of crazy.

He says he doesn't really
belong here,

that he was brought here,

but now since he's here,
he feels like he owns it.

This is his.

Does he have any interaction
with the living?

Well, I think they hear
his fits, when he's, like,

stomping around
and hitting things.

He beats on the walls.

He beats on the floors.

He stomps around.

He yells.

I think the living would
experience all of these things,

which also means that he could
potentially become physical

with living people,
and he's like,

"Get out of here. Get out.
Get out of here.

Get out now."

So, Shannon, I understand
that you and Diane

are business partners.

She described some of the stuff
that's going on here,

and she thinks
it's pretty dangerous.

I mean, you agree with her?
I agree.

It's escalating,
and it concerns me.

Can I assume
you've had experiences?

Yeah. For sure.

Okay, so let's talk
about some of them.

One of the first things
that I clearly remember

is seeing an apparition
upstairs on the second floor.

What'd you see?

I saw
a man walking into a room --

black dress shoes
and gray dress pants.

Are you sure it wasn't
one of the other artists
that were here?

Yeah. I'm sure.

I checked.
There was nobody there.

So, what else?

Well, just last week,
I was tattooing someone,

and my sweatshirt
got pulled from behind.

That could be
really dangerous with you

holding a needle
to someone's skin.

So, was there anybody else
in the shop

that could have done it?
No, no.

And nobody would ever
physically touch you.

When I was talking to Diane,

she was telling me
about personality changes

with personnel,
and mostly with Josh.

Have you noticed it?

When I agreed to be
business partners with him

about 5 years ago now,

he was
not what he turned into.

Okay, so what kind of changes
have you seen in Josh?

It's a lot of stuff.

More depression, but
he would have these episodes

where he would be
irrational and angry.

And you try talking to him
about them later,

and he has no recollection
of these events.

So, we've seen this
in other cases,

where whatever's
in the home

or the business is
influencing whoever's there.

Do you think that's what's
going on with Josh,

or you think he's
just being an ****

I believe
it's influencing him.

Okay. So, with all the stuff
that's going on here,

did you ever think
about just calling it quits

and packing up and leaving?

There have
definitely been times

when I've wanted
to leave here.

It's hard.

It really is.

This is
my home away from home.

We worked really hard
to get here,

and I'd be really devastated
to have to leave.



There is evil here,
and it comes up from the ground.

There's three evil entities.

I think they're demons.

And they call this place
the Devil's Triangle.

Someone sold their soul,

and now they are coming
to collect.

I'm seeing a dead guy
in a coffin.

He's the one
who sold his soul.

He's the cause of all this.

He, like, legit sold his soul.

He summoned
those demon-devil things.

So, after talking to Diane
and Shannon,

I wanted to see what
their employees had to say.

I was sitting downstairs,

and two pictures
fell off the wall.

I was the only one here.

All of them are having
bizarre experiences.

I hear voices.

It tends to be mostly
a male kind of shouting.

I can never make out
specific words.

It's an angry kind of
mocking or scolding.

Like, it kind of creeps me out
to be here by myself.

And if these guys
are freaked out to be here,

you know things got to be bad.

I saw a white mist
in my station.

It was hovering towards
where that wall is.

You ever see anything
like that again?

Yes. I saw shadows kind of
out of the corner of the eye

when I'm working.

Somebody walks
into the room,

and I look up,
and there's no one there.

I feel like it's
a very hateful, angry energy

that is coming
from this building.

The demon thing.
I mean, they come and go.

What do these things
look like?

There's a little one.

That one has white shiny eyes
and is, like, a little person.

And then there's a big guy.
Really big guy.

It seems like the devil.

He had, like,
shiny soft skin,

and it was black,
and he had horns.

Living people might see, like,
evil-looking ****

So, Josh, I understand
you're Diane's husband.


She thinks that whatever's
going on in this building

is pretty dangerous.

I mean,
do you agree with that?

I don't really believe
in that stuff.

I mean, things used to
fall off the walls,

and it's annoying,
but other than that,

I don't see anything.

Okay. Now, one of the main
reasons she called us in

was because
she's worried about you.

Are you aware of that?

Thinks maybe you've been
having some mood changes.

Anything like that
going on with you?

I have bipolar, but I've
been crazy all my life.

Every, like, 6 months,
you get manic,

and you're depressed
for a while.

Then medicine helps.

But you don't see a change
in you since you've been here?

Nope. I've been
the same **** a long time.


I've always had
an aggressive personality.

Things might be happening,

and they're
not telling me nothing.

why do you think that is?

They're afraid
of the way I'm gonna act,

and they think I'll get mad
or something.

Well, that brings me
to another question --

Are you annoyed
we're here?

A little bit, but,
you know, whatever.


These demon things
come up in here.

I think
that they are dangerous.

They can do attachments
if they feel like it.

They look for people
who are prone to addictions

or not living what they felt

was a good life,

and that's what these things
jump onto and take advantage of.

They basically feel like
they own anyone

and everything that comes
into that space.

I mean, these things
take their souls.

So, this isn't our first case
in Pittsburgh,

so I already know a lot
of the local experts.

One of them is a local
professor who just called me.

Now, he says one of the guys
who used to own Diane's property

made himself real wealthy,

but it came with
a very high price.

So, Professor, you mentioned
on the phone that the guy

that owned my client's property
was crazy rich.

Now, who was this guy,
and how did he make his money?

His name
is George Bennett.


He opens a bar in 1868

about two blocks
from your client's business,

and that's how his empire
got started.

But it also brings a lot
of troubles to his family

and his personal life.

What kind of troubles
are we talking about?

1876, he gets into a fight
with one of his patrons.

Patron swings first.

George finishes the fight
by knocking him down,

and he hits his head,
dies of his injuries.

Okay. So was he charged
with m*rder?

He is charged with m*rder,

pleads not guilty
by virtue of self-defense.

He's acquitted.

I mean, did it k*ll
his business?

His business grew after that.

He went into partnership with
his father and brothers,

and they merged as one of
the leading distributors

and producers of alcohol.

Here's an ad
for his product.

So business was obviously good.

They were doing quite well.

From their sale
and distribution

and manufacture of alcohol --

$83,000 in one year.

Today's money --
$2.3 million.

Okay, so, what happens
after that?

In 1891, he bought
your client's property.

What's he do with it?

He puts
an eight-story building on it.

He used it for his business,
for the distillery.

So, on the phone,
you mentioned

that all this wealth
came at a price.

What did you mean?

George tries to take over
the entire business.

He takes his father
to court,

forces his father
out of the business,

and by 1907, he's managed
to push all his brothers

out of the business, also.

so, when does he die?

He dies in 1912
at the age of 63.

I guess all that backstabbing
caught up to him in the end.

I'm seeing the dead guy
in the coffin again.

Can you tell anything
about him in life?

Really a long time ago.
I would say 1850s, '60s.

He imported things
or something,

and then I guess
he just bought land.

He owned a lot of this area.

He wanted to be rich.

He's the cause of all this,

He summoned
those demon things.

This area that this triangle
encompasses is affected.

This triangle or whatever
is a result of him

selling his soul
to those demon things.

Okay, so,
now George Bennett's dead.

What happens to the money,

the business
and my client's property?

It all goes to the wife
and the surviving children.

About $16.5 million
is the value of the business

and the cash in the bank.

So, what happens to my client's
building at this point?

The family
keeps the building,

and then there's
another piece of bad luck.

So, what happened?

It breaks out in a fire
that destroys the building.

Anybody die?

13 people were injured,

but, thankfully,
no one died.

They ever figure out
what caused the fire?

Well, the fire inspector
thought it was arson,

but they could not
find out who did it.

These demon things
are just bad.

I don't like this.
This is not good.

I'm getting, like,
gas or smoke,

like, all gray
and, like, thick.

There's snow on the ground,
and the place is on fire.

These evil things,
they did set the fire,

because they were bored.

So, I'm headed over
to meet a retired cop

who's been digging through
old records for me.

Now, he found out that
an officer was beaten to death

150 yards
from Diane's building.

He says this is
a really strange case

and something that's
definitely gonna be important

to my investigation.

Well, Bob, thanks
for meeting with me

and helping me out
with this case.

So, now, you mentioned
on the phone,

cop was m*rder*d down the street
from my client's property.

What the hell happened?

On April 24, 1872,
patrolman John Stacks

of the Pittsburgh
Police Department

was patrolling
your client's neighborhood.

He went in for lunch
to a local saloon,

ordered some oysters,

and at that time,
he walked out

without paying
for the oysters.

So, what happened
after that?

He walks out without paying.

Three men
followed him outside,

and they beat him,
fracturing his skull

and causing
a severe brain injury.

He was beaten to death.

Three people were eventually
arrested for the crime --

the bar owner, the saloon
owner, Henry Bender;

William Kocher;
and Samuel Golden.

Did they go to trial?

They went to trial,

and Bender and Golden
were found not guilty.

Explain that to me.
How did they get off on that?

There were several witnesses
that were called

by the prosecution
that didn't show.

mysteriously disappeared.

That's interesting.

It's almost like Mob stuff.


So, help me wrap my head
around this.

I find it hard to believe
that an on-duty cop is whacked

because he didn't pay
for oysters.

Any thoughts?
Any theories?

Stacks may have been involved
in some illegal activities.


And he was known to make
very physical arrests,

so he may have injured
some people,

and at one point,
he actually k*lled someone

while making an arrest.

So it's either
criminal activity,

or payback is a possibility.

Alright, so, what happened
to these three guys?

Kocher and Golden,
no one knows what occurred --

what happened to them.

Now, Henry Bender
became a social pariah,

and he became an alcoholic,
and he lost his bar,

so he became destitute,

and he eventually died
at age 43.

Karma came back
to get him.

I feel sick again.

And I'm hearing,
"You lying bastard!

You piece of ****

I'm gonna **** k*ll you!"

These voices are all yelling
at the crazy guy,

who's always throwing fits.

He's like, "**** damn it,
you have to believe me."

he just remembers being outside.

Some dude hurt his head,
something like that.

I think he was m*rder*d outside.
It was bad.

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So far, I've got a bunch
of tough tattoo artists

scared to be at work
by themselves in a building

that burned to the ground
in the '30s,

but I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I find a land developer

who used to own
my client's property.

Turns out he committed su1c1de.

So what can make
a big-shot developer

suddenly sh**t himself
in the chest?

I don't know, so I reached out
to a board-certified genealogist

who knows all about this case.

She says the answer could be
summed up

in one powerful word -- money.

Elissa, it's good
to see you again.

So, I know the guy that bought
my client's property

at some point
k*lled himself over money,

but before we get to that,
who was this guy?

His name was Hunt Miller.

He bought the property
that your client

has expanded into in 1920.

So, what can you tell me
about this guy?

He made his money
in real estate,

but he also was
into sports promotions

and moving-picture theaters,

and in the 1910s, '20s,
that was cutting-edge stuff.

Alright. So this guy
is involved in all kinds

of flashy stuff
at the time.

I would have heard of?

He was the manager
and acting president

of the Duquesne Ice Gardens,

and he was also president
of the Amateur Hockey League,

and that was the predecessor
of the National Hockey League.

Alright, so this guy's
got his hands

in real estate,
hockey teams.

I mean,
was he making good money?

For a while, he was.

In the 1920s, when he bought
your client's property,

he was flying high,
so to speak.

He had a wife
and a teenage son.

He had a very nice home,

where he had
two live-in servants.

So he's doing well.

He's got money.
He's got servants.

What the hell happened?

He was involved in
a sports-corruption scandal

that got really ugly.

The amateur hockey players
were actually being paid,

which was
against the rules.

What happens?

He actually filed
for bankruptcy in 1923.

He owed over $350,000,

which in today's money,
would be almost $5 million.

I know he kills himself.
What went down that day?

So, he woke up one morning
on August 24, 1926,

and shot himself
in the chest.

He was 44 years old
when he died.

This is
his death certificate.

He left his wife
and 15-year-old son destitute.

So, he was kind of doing
really well for himself,

and then it all went
downhill for this guy.

I'm seeing
the crying man again.

Can you describe him?

He's just kind of small --

white shirt,
button-down collar.

He has dark hair.

He was a father.

Do you know
what he did here?

Something with money.
Doing bad things with money.

And I'm kind of wondering
about gambling a little bit,

'cause I feel like
he owed money, too.

He's like, "Yeah,
I was bad and cheated."

He said, "I was not
a good person."

He did say, like,
he **** everybody over.

Did he die here?

I want to say, like,
the 1940s,

maybe the '50s.

He feels like his life
was taken as a sacrifice

to these demon things.

He was just, like,
crying and freaking out.

I saw several
disturbing things on my walk,

but two stood out --

first, the man in the coffin
who sold his soul.

He had excessive bags
under his eyes,

a lot of expression lines
up here from doing this.

Eyes are a little bit softer,
and they were really deep.

Next, I described the three
demons who collect souls.

In the corner is this guy
who's in a tight ball, crying,

and then, to the left,
are these three demon things.

No eyeballs.
Just the sockets.

No nose.
Just the openings.

They do have
really sharp teeth.

Amy, is this what you saw?

That's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy, I'd like you
to meet Diane

and her business partner,

Now, when they opened up
this tattoo parlor

a few years back
with Diane's husband, Josh,

it was basically a dream
come true for you guys.

Now, these two ladies
are tough, right?

And so is their clientele,
but everyone's scared,

so you know
it's got to be bad.

In fact, the activity here
is getting so physical,

these two ladies don't think
it's safe to be here.

So, now that Amy knows a little
bit about your situation,

I'll ask her to describe
her walk for us.

So, upstairs
in the middle room,

there's an older, very
conscious dead male there.

I would have put him
in his 60s.

He was very upset
that I was here,

did not want
to talk to me,

and one of the things he kept
saying to me was, "Get out."

This guy is just
completely insane.

He does flare up
into fits of anger.

He's, like, stomping around
and hitting things.

He beats on the walls.

He beats on the floors.

He stomps around.

He yells.

I hear, like, a bang.

Like, it's so loud
that you think

it's a customer
or a client coming in.

And you guys
also have problems

with stuff
flying off the wall.

We had a terrible time
with our paintings.

We had to screw them onto
the wall to get them to stay.

Wow. I think
this guy could pose

a potential threat
physically to people,

which makes me nervous.

You had your shirt tugged,

Tell Amy what happened.

I was sitting there,
working on this guy's arm,

and I just felt the back of
my sweatshirt get pulled down.

Now, all the stuff
that's happening to them,

is that all this crazy guy,
or is this...

Well, that does sound
like him.


Okay, so, what else?

Next person I encountered
was a dead male.

He's really upset
about being here.

He cries and freaks out
all the time.

He had dark hair.
It was neatly cut and gelled.

White button-down shirt,

starched dress pants,
nice shoes.

I actually saw
an apparition of a man,

but all I saw was the back
of his heels and his legs.

But he had on dress shoes --

they were black --
and pressed gray pants.


Any idea who this guy might
have been when he was alive?

I am putting him
in the 1940s.

He was married,
a father.

I don't know what his job was,
but it had to do with money.

But I got that he did
owe somebody money.

So, I couldn't tell if this
was related to gambling

or something else.

He admitted to screwing over
his family, his co-workers,

his friends,
really everybody in his life.

He said that he was
a good person,

and then he came here,

and that
he kind of turned bad.

So, I got an idea
of who Amy might have seen.

Now, this guy's name
was Hunt Miller,

and he bought
the property in 1920,

specifically the building
you guys expanded into.

This guy was the president
of the Duquesne Gardens,

and at the time, it was one
of the largest ice hockey rinks

in the entire country.

He was also involved
in theater promotion.

Now, the expert I spoke to
told me that Miller was

a gambler, a real risk-taker
in his investments.

But right after
he bought the property,

everything went to hell
for him.

First, he got caught up
in a sports-corruption scandal.

So, after the scandal broke,
the place went bankrupt

because of his mismanagement.

Now, you said the guy
you saw owed money.

At the end of all this,
Hunt owed $350,000--

the equivalent
of nearly 5 million bucks today.


Now, this guy was so broken up
about what was going on

in his life that he shot himself
in the chest in 1926.


He was 44 years old.

I actually got ahold
of his death certificate here.

He left his wife
and 15-year-old son

basically destitute.

I'm curious
if maybe you think

Miller might be the guy
you ran into.

I mean, it sounds like the guy.

Okay, so,
what else is going on?

The next thing I ran into
was very odd.

I saw a man in a coffin.

I put him in his late 60s,
early 70s.

He was active
in 1860s or 1870s.

He was buried in a very nice
black-and-gray suit,

definitely had
a lot of money.

He was in business,
and they kept repeating

"importing and shipping."

I got that he owned
this property

and a bunch of other pieces
of property in the area.

His sole desire was that
he wanted to be rich,

and he got rich by doing
some very, very bad things.

It's not a whole lot to go on,
but it does remind me

of one of the early owners
of this property.

His name was George Bennett, and
he was a ruthless businessman.

Before he bought
this property,

Bennett opened up a bar
a couple blocks from here.

You got that he was alive
in the 1860s and '70s.

Now, in 1876, Bennett wound up
getting into a fight

with one of his patrons.

Bennett hit him so hard,
his head hit the pavement,

cracked his skull
and k*lled him.


George claimed self-defense,
and the jury bought it,

so he gets acquitted.

After that, George went
into business with his father

and his brothers
and started selling liquor.

In 1889, they made 83,000 grand
in one year, cash.

Today, it would have
been $2.3 million.


So they used that money
to buy this property in 1891.

George built a huge
8- story building

and operated
his liquor distillery here.

This is the building
that was here.

That makes sense.

Despite the success,
George wasn't satisfied

splitting the profits
with his family,

so he pushed them
all out one by one.


First his father,
then his brothers.

He died in 1912
at the age of 63.

I was able to track down
a photo of this guy.

You think this is the guy
you saw in the coffin?

I had a sketch done
of the person I saw.


You ladies tell me.

My God.
Looks pretty close to me.

I'd say so.

They look similar,
for sure.

But do you think it's this guy,
George Bennett?

**** yeah.

That matches,
which is not good...

'cause he ****

I'll just tell you that.

This man in this coffin,

he's responsible for, like,
the bad things here

because he brought three,
like, evil entities here.

He summoned them.

They have been around causing
chaos for a very long time.

They were like, "At one time,
we were so bored

that we just, like, set
the building on fire for fun."


Now, in 1935,

the building
burnt down to the ground.

This thing?

- This building?
- Yeah.

The fire department believed
it was caused by arson,

but they were never able to
figure it out or who did it.

My God.
That's so crazy.

They did this in the past.
Can they do it now?


So, basically, these demons
were summoned by him.

He sold his soul to get
everything he wanted.

They took him when he died.

They have his soul.

When they're around,
I feel like the living

could experience them
in a few different ways.

I think you might see them.

I'm not sure how you would
interpret them, though.

Like, if they would
be shadow figures or what --

I don't know.

You guys talk about
shadow figures here.

It's always
in my periphery,

but I sometimes
feel like I'm --

following me around.

They affect people mentally.

They look for people

who already have seeds
of darkness in them --

addiction issues,
gambling problems,

possible depression.

They identify, and then
they go in, and they exploit.

And once they start,
it just doesn't stop.

So, Amy, you actually hit on
one of the biggest reasons

Diane called us in.

I feel like my husband
gets the focus

of the weirdness
or the darkness here.

Like, he just fell back
into depression and anxiety

and into addiction.

You saw it, too.
Right, Shannon?

He'd be completely irrational.

The activity would tend
to flare up, too,

whenever he was having
bad times.

If they find somebody
they're interested in,

they can attach that way.

I was afraid that something
had attached to him...

...and that it was
torturing him.

It's connecting
a lot of dots.

So, you said these little
demon things look different.

How did they look to you?

So, I did have a sketch
of what I saw.

What the ****


My God.

I don't know what I think
about this.

I don't want them here.

I don't like it at all.

I don't want to be here
right now.

I'm worried about
their future activities.

They really did burn
the building down.

This is
not a good place to be.

I'm not feeling good
at all about this.

I just had no idea it was
this extreme and this bad.

So, Diane, Shannon,
you both told me

you thought this place was
dangerous, especially for Josh.

Now we know you were right.

What we don't know
is if you can fix this

or if you need to get the hell
out of here and cut your losses.

For that answer,
I'm gonna turn it over to Amy.

The first thing would be finding
a male medium who's strong

to talk to and remove the
crazy guy and the crying man.

Then you're going to begin
doing weekly cleansings

for 3 months,

and then monthly cleansings
for a year.

Will that take care
of these demon things?


The negative, evil demons

are always going to be
a potential threat.

there's not a whole lot

that can be done
about that.

So there's no way of getting rid
of these little devil things?


But one of the things
that they did say to me

when I was down here
was that they weren't interested

in the people
who were here right now.

The only thing
you could hope for

is that their interest
in you guys stays at bay.

I'm wondering
if there's anything special

we should be doing
for Josh.

I would keep him
out of here

until you get rid
of the crazy guy

and the crying guy,

'cause all of that's
gonna affect him.

So, if they do
what you're telling them to do,

they should see a difference
in activity, obviously, right?


And then people will start
feeling better probably, right?

Stuff won't go flying
off the wall anymore.


And once you get rid
of these two dead guys,

hopefully Josh
will be feeling --

start to feel better,

and you'll want to be
around him.

This could be a good thing.

Not just a paranormal fix --

This could also be
a person fix.

The person that I know
that he is.

Now you have to make
that decision

'cause you still have
a threat no matter what

that can come in
at any time.


It's a tough decision.


I mean, any idea
what you might do?

I think we should stay, though,
and try and deal with this.

We are gonna follow
Amy's advice to a "T,"

and we're gonna stick around
and hope that things get better.

I'm glad to hear that.
That makes us feel good.

Trust me.

I really hope Diane
and Shannon follow my advice.

If they do, Josh should return
to his old self,

and they can all work together,

running the tattoo shop
they love so much.

Hey, guys.

Shop update.

So, we've been following
all of Amy's instructions

since you guys left,
and things have been great.

We moved the energies out,
and we've been cleansing weekly.

Josh has
also been really great.

It's really changed the way
that he lives day to day.

It really has been a
life-changing experience for us,

and we're so grateful.

Thank you.