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12x02 - Town of the Dead

Posted: 11/09/21 12:54
by bunniefuu
He doesn't want
any living people here.

He's pushed people
down the stairs.

I've had several accidents
falling and rolling down.

You could break your neck
and die.

I'm feeling choking,

Get the ****
out of my house.

You're picking on my kids.

Why don't you come
and pick on me?

You have a dead person
inside you.

He's shouting,
"this is mine.

Get out. Get out."

I'm hearing
the devil's triangle.

My name is amy allan.

I see dead people.

I think he might've
been a stalker.

I speak to dead people,
and they speak to me.

He will k*ll you.
He has k*lled people.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real...

They're being possessed.

...I rely on my partner.

I'm steve dischiavi.

I'm a retired new york city
homicide detective...

How many people died here
over the years?

...And I know every person,
every house, has secrets.

It's my job to reveal them.

But steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...Until the very end.

This sketch
is like a nightmare.

When we uncover if it's safe
for you to stay...

I never thought
the biggest problem was me.

...Or time to get out.

He could, more than likely,
k*ll you.

So I'm out here in
upper darby, pennsylvania.

It's about 15 minutes
west of philadelphia.

I got a call from a mom
named nicole.

Now, she bought her family
a good-sized house out here,

But everyone is so terrified

They spend their nights
huddled in one room.

She says activity is getting
more dangerous by the day,

And if we can't stop it,
someone is gonna die.

I just saw darkness
in this place.

Like, it feels very wrong.

The dead are overcome with anger
and then I just felt utter fear.

So nicole,
when we spoke on the phone,

Things didn't sound good.

What's going on?

Something in this home
is torturing my family.

It's extremely dangerous.

Okay, so who all lives
in the house?

Okay. All right.
So that's you, obviously.

That's me.

This is darren, my youngest,
he's eight.

Nikiva, he's 17.

Bethany, she's 20.

How long have you been here?

Seven years.

This home was
a new start for us.

All the children,
we've had their own bedrooms.

But we're all basically
bunked up in one room,

Because of the experiences.

All right.
Well, that's no way to live.

No, it isn't.

Do me a favor, give me a list of
what you guys are experiencing.

We hear knocking.

We hear voices.

Shadow figures.

Constant night terrors.

And our health is being
physically att*cked.

And when you guys
leave the house,

As far as your health,

Do you feel any different,
any better?

Whenever I leave this house,

I can actually feel
that energy with me.

What do you think it wants
from you, whoever it is here?

To k*ll, destroy,
and separate.

Would you move, if you had to?

I would definitely move.

Even if it's fixed I still
wouldn't want to leave here,

Because it would be
like reliving a nightmare.

So what did you need us
here for?

I don't want to move and carry
what's here to my next home.

I try to be strong
for my children.

I just want everything to be
over so we can move on.

I just want those kids
to be happy.

There's a lot of dead
people here.

All the dead
are suddenly converging.

I do believe that people
are seeing

And experiencing various
dead people here.

They would see apparitions
walking around in the streets.

You're dealing with
30 or 40 dead people.

There's a possibility
that one or two of them are

**** nuts
and might harm the living.

So I think that the living would
have that experience of feeling

Very confused
and profoundly disturbed.

So what's going on in here?

I have a feeling of being
watched in this room.

It's something that's definitely
negative and actually

Is draining your energy.
- All right.

So the feeling of that negative
being watched

And feeling drained
is connected?

Anything else?

These stairs over here.

I've had several accidents
where I came falling

And rolling down
to the bottom of the step.

How often does that happen?

About 10 times?

You know, nicole, you get
to the bottom of that stairs

And you fall
and hit your head,

You could break your neck
and die.

I know.
That's what I'm afraid of.


There's a dead female here.

I think that the dead woman
is putting herself

In this living woman.

So it's been
a slow progression of her,

Like, inserting herself
inside of this living woman.

So this dead chick,
she fell down.

I think a male had something
to do with it.

So I think that there
was fighting going on between

This dead woman and some guy,

And she fell down the stairs.

She hurt her head
and her neck.

I think she might've done this
to the living woman, too, like,

Reenacting it?

This dead female
has made her fall.

So I know you guys are all
sleeping together in here

Because you're afraid.

- Yes.
- Has it helped at all?

- No, it hasn't helped.
- Okay.

So what's going on in here?

I have a fear
of extraterrestrials,

And this thing that's
in this home knows that.


So I normally have dreams
of being abducted,

Being experimented on,

And I get held down
in my room at night

To the point where I'm having,
like, seizure-like activity.

My body is just
moving violently.

So nicole, I see a hell of a lot
of medication over there.

Can any of that stuff
be causing the nightmares

Or this physical paralysis
you're going through?

- No, not at all.
- All right.

Any other physical things
like that?


One night, I was sleeping
and I felt two hands

Pulling me up out of the bed.

It felt aggressive.

Is anything else going on?

Migraines and nausea.

Full body pain.

What makes you convinced
it's all paranormal?

Because I didn't have
any of these problems

Before I moved in this home.

I don't know how you're dealing
with all this.

I spent many a nights
up crying.

We try to stay as positive
as we can,

But in this situation,
it's hard.


There's a living female here
and there's a male

Who **** hates her.

This is a younger dead male.

Definitely wife-beater.

Something about her
reminds him of his dead wife.

I think his dead wife
is the lady from the stairs.

This dead woman has, like,

Slowly merged
with this living woman.

Her intentions are
to be able to hide

From this nasty dead male.

The dead male is now focusing
his rage

On this living woman

And is beating on her.

It is causing her pain
and I believe,

If it continues
it could cause

Some long-term illnesses
to some organs.

He definitely makes women
feel nauseous.

The living woman is getting
weaker and weaker

Because she's always
with the dead.


So it's making her sick,
physically sick,

And then on top of it she's got
this guy beating on her.

Don't feel good.

So beverly, I understand
you're nicole's mom.

- Yes, I am.
- Okay.

She's got some pretty
bad things going on here.

I am concerned
and very worried.

I can't even describe
how awful it is.

I mean, it's a serious

So have you had experiences
in the house?

When I enter the house, I get
an overwhelming feeling

Like I'm just being emotionally
and physically drained.

You know, nicole mentioned
that to me as well.

Okay, anything else you
experiencing in the house?

Yes, I experience, like,

A presence of heaviness,

I don't know, and I feel like
it's just around all the time.

Well, that's got to make it
uncomfortable to be here.

I don't come inside
this house anymore.


I have the children
and my daughter to come out

And visit me on the porch.

Okay. So it's that bad?

It's awful.

Nicole believes that whatever
is here is gonna k*ll her.

It's draining her, her health,

And I personally
can't get any rest

Until she gets the help that
she needs, her and the family.

I'm getting some weird stuff.

I'm seeing thick black goo.

So it doesn't have a shape
and it's just big.

It's like human-size.

No distinct characteristics.

It's not male or female.

It's just a blob.

Literally turns into, like,
a body in a bag.

Like, if you were to roll a body
in a carpet

And drag it down there,
that's what it sounds like

When it's going down
the stairs here.

And it's gone up
on the ceiling,

And then coming down
and smothering.

And I think that the living
are thinking,

"the dark
is getting darker.

The darkness
is getting thicker."

And they can't breathe.

So darren, how old are you?

-8 years old, okay.

Talking to mommy, she said
there's some scary stuff

Going on in the house here.

We have experienced,
like, a lot of stuff.

So why don't you tell me about
some things that are happening?

The shadow entities.

You see shadow entities.

Now, where do you see
these things?

I see them in
my mom's closet...


...And I also see
in beth's room.

So we're talking about your
sister's room, up in the attic?


Sometimes I just see it,
peeking at me.


And as soon as I look at it,
it disappears.

So darren, the stuff that's
going on in the house

Is kind of scary,
do you want to move?

- Yeah.
- You do?

I think that dark blob
is actually a dead woman.

The living do encounter her
a lot here.

She comes out of spooky places.

So closets.

She goes on the ceilings.

She's trying to be near people
and it's like she's...

But she's so consuming.

I don't know if they're seeing
a shadow, like,

Shadow figure or whatever.

It's more like, like I said,
she's dark and smothers.

So bethany, I understand this
used to be your bedroom?

Yes, it did.

But I moved out about
six months ago

Because of the experiences
that I've had up here.

Your experiences,
what can you tell me?

It started off with nightmares.

So the nightmares that you were
having, what are they about?

They're always violent,

And they're always
about my family members.

All right. Anything else?

I actually saw the shadow figure
walk around my bed.

Then, when it got to the side
of me,

It jumped on top of me.

My back was hurting.

I couldn't breathe.

So how long did this go for?

At least a minute,

But it feels like forever
when it's happening.

Any other att*cks like that?

Physical att*cks, I've been
pushed down the stairs.

You, too?

Yeah, it's happened at least
two or three times.

- You sure you didn't trip?
- Yeah.

I mean, you're lucky
you didn't get k*lled.

Bethany, when I was
talking to mom,

I noticed her low energy.

And she told me she just
feels constantly drained.

Are you feeling that way
as well?

Yeah, as soon as you come
into this house from outside,

You immediately feel drained.

You can watch them make us
sickly to the point

Where we die.

I'm getting a male.

He's an older male.
He's shouting.

He's like,
"just get out of here.

This is mine.
Get out. Get out."

He's angry. He's so angry.

My lord.

He's pissed off.

I know he can interact
with the living.

He's a pusher.

So I think he's pushed people
down the stairs.

I know that the living are
having experiences with him

As far as him being
able to move their beds.

I know that he takes great pride
in the fact

That he can induce nightmares.

All of a sudden,
I'm feeling choking.

I'm feeling smothered.

He doesn't want any living
people here.

He's pretty much done
with everything.

He's yelling and yelling
and yelling.

All right.
I don't like him.

He's bad.

So before I got to town
I made my usual calls,

Historians, archivists, cops.

I just got a call back
from a genealogist

Who did some digging for me.

She says one of the early owners
of nicole's property

Were quakers who suffered
a lot of death,

And eventually managed
to get themselves

Kicked out of their church.

So julie, I appreciate you
helping me out with this case.

Now, before we get
to the tragedy

That happened to this family,

I mean, what do we know
about them

And when did they get
to my client's property?

So david and mary sellers
inherited property in 1868.

David was a craftsman,

And he worked with leather
and metal for his trade.

Okay. And mary basically...

- Took care of the family.
- All right.

So let's get to the tragedies,
what are we talking about?

They had six children
and three of them died.

Do we have any idea
what these kids died from?

We don't know what
they died from.

You said they inherited
the property in 1868,

Is that when they moved in?

No, 1874 they were able to
move into the house

That they inherited
from mary's parents.

And it's 1,000 feet away

From where
your client's house is now.

Okay, so did things get better
for them there?

In 1877, the house
mysteriously caught on fire,

And it burned to the ground.

Now, you mentioned this family
got kicked out of the church.

How did that happen?

David had to resort
to selling products

To the military
in order to survive,

And quakers are very
nonviolent people.

So in 1887 they disowned him
from the church.

- They threw him out?
- Yeah.

So what happened to him?

So it's unfortunate,
but a couple months

After he ended up
passing away.

And he died of chronic

So he was, what, 71 years old
when he dies?
Yeah, 71.

- So does he die on the property?
- Yes.

So when you said on the phone
this family

Had some serious tragedy
going on, you weren't kidding.

That old dead guy
is going crazy up here.

He says, "this is mine.
It's going to remain mine."

I feel like he owned
this place.

I'd put him in his 70s.

I'm getting that he was here
in the 1870s,

And I hear '74,

'74 was a big year for him.

He feels cornered.

He's got some weird obsession
with fire,

Because he's like,
"this is it. I'm done.

"this is the last **** straw.

"and I'm burning it down.
I've had it.

I'm gonna burn this place
to the ground."

So I just got a call
from the police

Superintendent for upper darby.

He says he found
a bizarre m*rder

Right up the block
from nicole's property.

Now, here's the weirdest part,

He says the k*ller dropped
the victim's body parts

All over the neighborhood.

Superintendent chitwood,
I appreciate

You helping me out
with this case.

So what do we know
about our victim?

The victim's name
was john dopirak, 33 years old.

He was in world w*r ii.

He was a purple heart winner.

And when he came back,
he fell onto hard times,

Became homeless,
started drinking.

Okay. So the m*rder, take me
through what happened.

April the 23rd of 1954,

John is doing his usual drinking
in front of a local bar.

John hooks up with a guy
by the name of francis ballem.

What do we know about him?

He was very, very eccentric,

wears these crazy clothes.

Both his parents
had passed away,

Leaving him fairly well off.

All right,
so what the hell happened?

Ballem lured this guy
back to his house.

All right, so they go back
to ballem's house,

And that's where
the m*rder happens.

Now, how far is that
from my client's property?

Probably about 1,000 feet.

Okay. So it's close.

Okay. So what happens next?

Ballem sh**t john twice
in the chest, k*lling him.

Just to show you how heinous
this crime is,

He took a blowtorch and
blowtorched the face of john,

Along with his hands
and arms.

Okay, so he's trying not to
have him identified.

And then, subsequently,

He dismembers him
and takes the body

And puts the body
in some type of trunk --

...And then takes the trunk to
one of the local trolley stops.

So four days later police
discover this suitcase.

Okay. So...

It gets better.

Inside the trunk is a brown
paper bag

And it's got ballem,
b- a-l-l-e-m, will call.

Not the sharpest knife
in the drawer.

He doesn't leave that bag
with the body,

We got nothing to go on.
- Right.

This is ballem
identifying the deceased john.


They asked him,
"is this the guy

That you k*lled
and dismembered?"

He said, "yeah. I'll never
forget the smile."

He's placed in the institution
for the criminally insane

And in 1991 he died
at the age of 67

And he died as a result
of bleeding ulcers.

This guy got off easy.

In my opinion, he didn't
get what he deserved.

There's a dead guy out here.

He really doesn't want me here.

I see him as a well-to-do male
dressed in equestrian clothing.

I do feel that he was wealthy.

I do feel that he came from
a well-to-do european family.

He's short.
He's kind of hunched.

Probably in his 30s.

Then I hear,
he is the one who k*lled.

There's another younger man
up here.

I would say, maybe,
he's in his 20s?

So this guy is really scared,

Like, he can't breathe.

He can't breathe.

It's like the darkness
just closing in on him

And smothering him,
and he can't breathe.

He can't get a breath.

For more information
about the show

And if you need us
to investigate

Unexplained activity
in your home...

Click on "help me, dead files!"
to submit your story,

And we'll help if we can.

So far, I have a family
terrified something

In their house
is trying to k*ll them.

In the neighborhood where
a gruesome m*rder occurred,

But I want to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I find another brutal homicide.

Turns out the k*ller
lived right down the street

From nicole's house.

So I'm headed out to meet
a retired cop and historian

Who looked
into this homicide for me.

Now, he says the victim was
an outgoing woman

Who fell for the wrong guy,

And she paid
the ultimate price for it.

This m*rder that I came across
in my research,

What do we know
about this female victim?

The woman's name
was anna dietrick.

She was 35 years old.

And this is
a picture of her.

Okay. So now we know
who the victim is.

What were the circumstances
of her m*rder?

Well, in early January 1926,
she just disappeared.


No one knew
what happened to her,

And a few days later
body parts

Began popping up out
in delaware county.

The first thing they found
was her torso and legs,

And then they also found a head
about 2,000 feet

From your client's home today.

When they found her head, it
was wrapped in this bloody rug.

The relatives came and they
positively identified the head

As belonging to anna dietrick.

This is the second m*rder
near my client's house

That involved chopping up
the victim's body.

I know, it's weird.

So keith, you had mentioned
on the phone

That she, obviously,
fell for the wrong guy.

- I'm assuming that's our perp?
- Yes.

The family said she had been
dating this doctor,

David marshall.
- Okay.

He was supposedly
a chiropractor,

But he was not
a licensed chiropractor.

He was a salesman by trade,
and his house was about

1,500 feet away
from your client's home.

And when they searched
his house,

They found the exact same rug
that had been found

With the head with
a little bit of blood on it.

And basically, you know,
the rugs matched perfectly.


They also found some
bloody rags in his house.

Okay. So this genius had lots of
the crime scene at his house?


And the police arrested him
right then and there.

Marshall finally admitted
to the police

That he had m*rder*d
anna dietrick

By putting several
handkerchiefs in her mouth

And then choking her
with his bare hands.

And this is her death
certificate right here,

And it even has his name
on the death certificate.

"compression of the throat
at the hands of david marshall."

They already have him
convicted in this report?

All right.
So we know how he k*lled her.

Why does he k*ll her?

Well, marshall had been married

The whole time
that he was dating her,

You know,
and he finally got caught.

So he was just scared that
she was going to

Blackmail him for money.

He goes to trial.
What happened?

He was sentenced to
10 to 20 years in jail.

How much time
does he actually do?

He did 10 years.

He was paroled in 1936.


And then after he was paroled,
he moved to florida.

He remarried, and he died
in florida

At the age of 68
of a heart attack.

Well, when you said she made
the wrong choice,

You weren't kidding.

She thought she had a good guy
with her doctor,

And turned out he's probably

The worst choice
she could've made.



There is a woman
buried down here.

It's the woman who looks
like the dark blob.

She was m*rder*d
and was buried near here.

Any idea what she looked like?
Who she was?

She was young,
late 20s early 30s.


She was strangled

And hit in the head.

She started haunting the place
as soon as this happened.

Then she turned into
that black thing,

Because that's how
she feels about herself.

I saw a lot of disturbing things
on my walk,

But the angry man pushing
a living person down

The stairs
has me the most concerned.

He was, I think, in his 70s,

He's got a little bit of hair,
but not much.

- A little thinner in the face.
- Okay.

I know he was, like,
average build.

And someone is in motion
of falling down the stairs.

Amy, is this what you saw?


Now that amy and I have
completed our investigations,

We're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

And our clients
for the first time.

So amy, this is nicole
and her daughter, bethany.

Now, they live here
with nicole's two other kids.

There's nikiva, who's 17,
and this is darren, who's 8.

Now, over the past seven years,

Activity here has scared
this family so bad nicole says

She's moving out regardless
of what you tell her tonight.

But, they're hoping you can
make this place safe

So they can sell it

Without putting another family
through hell.

Now that amy knows
who you guys are,

I'll ask her to describe
her walk for us.

This area is extremely active.

There was probably about
30 or 40 dead people

That were converging outside,
and I was really overwhelmed.

You would, maybe,
see apparitions out in the road,

But the most likely way
you would experience them

Is emotionally,
feeling anxious or on edge.

Amy, the emotional things
you describe sound similar

To how these two describe
every day life here.

Yes, I have anxiety disorder.

So at any given time

I could be happy, carefree,

And at the next second
I could be snapping angry.

All right. So what else?

So I went up into
the attic bedroom,

And I saw this...

Black blob.

And I kind of felt like people
might see it coming out

Of closets,
moving across the ceilings,

Smothering the living person
in particular

In that room in the bed.

Now, bethany used to
sleep in that attic.

I couldn't take it anymore.

It was one particular afternoon
where I was laying in bed

And this really tall shadow,
solid black thing,

Cruised around my bed,
strolled over,

And just jumped on top of me.

I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't talk.

I really thought that
I was going to die.

So I'm standing at the top
of the stairs, right there.

And I see that thing
turning into, like, a dead body

Being rolled up into,

Like, a carpet or, like,
in a body bag thing,

And then being dragged
down the stairs.

And when I saw it in that form,
I felt extraordinarily drained

So I definitely thought
you guys might experience that.

I don't have any energy,

At all.

Sometimes I can barely get
out of bed in the morning.

I finally did figure out that
this is a deceased female.

She just shows herself that way

Because that's how
she feels about herself.

Like, she feels like
she's a mess.

Did you get anything else from
this woman, when she was alive?

She was young.

I would put her in her 20s
or early 30s.

She was in a horrible
abusive relationship.

They had some horrible,
horrible fight that ended

With her
falling down the stairs.

I do believe that
she was m*rder*d.

I got that she was strangled
and hit in the head,

And I believe that
she was buried near here.

Well, I got an idea of who that
woman might have been, actually.

Now, she was a m*rder victim
from around here.

Her name was anna dietrick
and she was 35 years old.

She dated a local chiropractor
by the name of david marshall

For at least six years,
only to find out in 1926

That he was married
the whole time.

So now this guy was afraid
anna was gonna tell his wife

Or blackmail him for money.

So marshall took the woman
back to his apartment

And m*rder*d her, which is
about 1,500 feet from here.

He stuffed her mouth
full of handkerchiefs

And strangled her to death.
- My god.

I got her death certificate
right here.

Now, you said you thought
the woman you saw

Was buried near here.

Well, after marshall k*lled her,
he dismembered her body,

And ditched her body parts
all around town.

- That's so horrible.
- Damn.

So he ditched her arm
in a park nearby.

Then he rolled her
decapitated head in carpet --

- My god.
- ****.

...And discarded it near
some train tracks

About 2,000 feet from here.

Marshall wound up confessing
to the m*rder,

But get this,
he only served 10 years.

- What?
- You're kidding me.

I actually have a photo of her.

Think this is
the woman you saw?

Well, sure.

I mean, she was strangled.

He rolled her head in a carpet.

That's absolutely horrible.

What does she want
with these guys?

What I gathered was that
her boyfriend

Was still abusing her in death,

And that's why
she's always hiding.

Now, here's the problem,

Is that
she's hiding inside...


It actually is very dangerous
for you.

I wanted to ask you,
have you fallen down the stairs?

I have had so many accidents
on those steps.

I could be holding on to

The railing
and then I just fall,

And I fall all the way

All the way down the steps.

It's not normal.

So something that really
concerned me is that,

The dead guy, he sees you but
when he sees you he sees her.

And so
now he's beating on you.

And what I saw was not
necessarily you feeling punches,

But getting wicked, like,
muscle spasms,

Sharp pains for no reason.

I feel like the repetitive abuse
that he's causing could lead

To kidney, bladder,
and stomach issues.

I have digestive issues.

I'm in constant pain
every day.

It feels like I've been hit.

It feels like I've been
tortured in my sleep.

I've tried to get her
out the house

And she has no energy
to leave.

It makes sense, because you have
a dead person inside you,

All the time.

Her body is breaking down --

...Because you're also
an empath,

Which is why she probably
tried to hide in you.

One of the other threats
is an elderly man,

Very angry, very nasty.

Got that he was probably
in his late 70s.

I'm thinking
he owned this house.

I got very clearly that '74
was a huge year for him,

And he kept saying,

"if I can't live here
in peace by myself,

I'm just gonna burn the whole
**** place down."

Couple of things you said
did remind me

Of one of the early owners
of the property.

His name was david sellers,
and he was a descendant

Of some of the original quakers
that settled in this area.

He was a laborer
and a tradesman.

Now, you mentioned
'74 was a big year --

- Yeah.
- ...For this guy?

Well, he moved his family
onto this property back in 1874.

A little while later,

The sellers family home
caught fire,

Destroying everything inside.

Those fires left him
in bad shape financially.

Now, in order
to make ends meet,

He had to sell products
to the local military.

Now, quakers are
strictly nonviolent

So they kicked him
out of the church --

- Okay.
- ...In 1887.

So he died two months later
from chronic bronchitis,

And he was 71 years old
when he died.

And he died right here
on this property.

Now, could this be the guy
up in the attic?

I mean, it sounds
a lot like him.

So you mentioned that this guy
is a real threat,

What could he do to them?

He said he hates living people
in his space.

He tries to lash out
every chance he gets.

I know that he takes
great pride in the fact

That he can induce nightmares.

He goes, "I find out exactly
what scares them."

And he puts it into your mind.

He's given me horrible dreams.

She has some nightmares, too.

- I have a fear of ets.
- Oof.

And I will have this dream
very often,

Basically the same scenario
each time.

I'm being abducted.

I'm being experimented on.

What else is this guy
doing to them?

I did see him pushing somebody
down the stairs.

My god.

Just let me get this straight,
what's happening to nicole

And her stumbling down
the stairs

Is from this woman
that's been abused by this guy

And bethany is being tripped
by this old guy?


So I did have a sketch
done of that.


It is horrible.

I was walking down the stairs
and I was holding on

And I felt something
sweep my feet

And I slid down
the entire flight of stairs.

Like, fell and I busted up
my leg really bad.

I'm supposed to protect
and I can't protect

Because I can't grab this
**** and choke its ass out.

Sometimes I get pissed off
and I talk to them

And I tell them that
I'm tired of their ****.

Get the ****
out of my house.

Leave us alone.

You know, you're picking
on my kids

Why don't you come
and pick on me?

The threat I'm worried
about right now is with him.

He said that us being here
was the last straw.

He said that --

He goes, "that's it. I'm gonna
burn the place down."

I do think he is capable
of doing it.

So nicole, bethany, the two
of you have obviously

Been through hell here,
and nobody can really blame you

For wanting to pack up
and leave.

So now for the big question,
is there anything you can do

To stop
the violent activity here?

I saw that you could protect
your kids, repair your health,

And move
your beautiful family on

To another place where
you could start over again.

For that answer, I'm gonna
turn it over to amy.

Because of the location
the house is in,

It's like you live
in the town of the dead.

It's inundated with really
bad negative energy.

I personally would never

Live here, as a sensitive.

- I still want to leave.
- Okay.

I knew
I wanted to leave before

And I want to leave
even more now.

So even if you were
to move tomorrow,

There are still some things
you would have to do

To protect yourself.

The first thing
that would be done

Is to remove
the woman from you.

So I can have my team
come in,

And they would have to
slowly pull her out of you.

This could take some time

Because she's become

So intertwined with you,

And it could also be
somewhat physically painful.

But once they're done
and they get her out,

They're gonna move her on.

- Okay.
- Once all of that is done,

You will need to learn
about your abilities.

My recommendation for you
is that you need to shut down

For a few years,
because you need to recover.

My gosh.
You need to let your body heal.

So if you have this woman
removed, and move out of here.

No more nightmares.
No more physical att*cks.

Sounds like you're gonna
feel better.

- Right?
- Right.

Maybe they'll be able to get

A good night's
sleep here and there?

- Right.
- That would make me so happy,

For my kids to just
have a normal life,

Because they've been robbed.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna do what amy said,

And I will have to pray
for the next person

That buys my home,
that's all I can do.

So bethany, you ready to help
mom take care of business?

Yes, asap.

Soon as I can.
Got to get this done.

There's light at the end
of the tunnel.

There is some hope.

I'm very grateful for that.

Thank you.

I really hope nicole
follows my advice

And removes the dead woman
inside her body.

If she does that,
shuts down her abilities,

And moves her family
as far away as possible,

They can find peace
somewhere new.

Hello, "dead files."

This is nicole and bethany.

First, I want to thank
amy and steve for coming out.

Amy's crew,
that came out to help us,

They removed all the entities
that amy said to move.

Things have gotten better,
but we still have activity.