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03x06 - Lovesick

Posted: 11/10/21 07:43
by bunniefuu
Her parents are turning the
backyard into a movie theater,

and everyone's getting
their own personal snack bar.

All our friends are gonna be there.

- Can we go? Please?
- Please?

Absolutely not.

No sleepovers
until you get your grades up.

Mom, why? That's so unfair.

No, it's not.
Besides, you know how I feel

about Cindy and her weird parents.

They're not weird. They're cool.

The answer is no. Come on. Inside.

Hello there, ladies.

It's dad!

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪


A disco ball!

This is so cool!

Ah-ah-ah-ah. Come on.
Off my couch. Off my couch.

Cecil, what is all this?

It's a disco party.

- Wh-why?
- Why not?

I thought this family could use
a little fun right now.

Check it out, girls.

Oh, my God. Is that a karaoke machine?

- Is this bike for me?
- Yep.

And you've got two other presents there.

You can open them now.

And I've got one other big surprise.

It's in the other room.

Cecil, we can't afford all this.

Hold that thought, Mrs. Walsh.

Next dance is for you.

Oh, it's the unicorn hoodie
I've been telling you about!

No way. Is this what I think it is?

Yes! I got a mini tablet!

Those are some awesome presents.

Okay, Karlie, Amanda, sit on the couch.

Close your eyes.
Here comes the big surprise.

♪ The heat was on ♪


- Yeah.
- Yep.

Are your eyes closed really tight?

- Yup.

♪ That is when my spark got hot ♪

♪ I heard somebody say ♪

- [g*nshots]

♪ Disco inferno ♪

Why are you doing this?

♪ Burn that mother down ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Disco inferno ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Burn that mother down ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪


♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

Have you seen my phone?

I can't find it anywhere,

and I don't want to be late for court.

Between the headboard
or maybe the nightstand?

- Looked there already.
- Well, babe, I don't know.

I'm late for work too, and I can't find

spelling worksheet anywhere.

Never mind. Found it.

Mommy, I had an accident.

Anais, you're soaking wet.


Go run and get a new shirt. Quick.

Of all the days for Renee
to call in sick.

It's the third time
she's bailed this month.

- What nanny does that?
- I am so over it.

We need to have a serious talk with her.

Hello, hello. Help is here.

- Mom, thank you for coming.
- You're a life saver.

Not a problem.

How are you, Charlotte?

Good. Running a little late.

Hang on a sec. Come here.

Let me see.

Like I said, boy. You're hanging low.

- Mama B.
- Oh, look at my angel.

Why are you wet?

I spilled milk.

You let her go to school like that?

No, she's supposed to be changing.

Anais, clean shirt. Hurry up.

I really need to go.
Thanks again, Susan.

Wait, no, no. Mom, that can wait.

Anais is late.

No, it cannot. I never start my day

with a dirty kitchen,
and neither should you.

Ah-ah-ah-ah. I got this. Go.

All right.

- Love you.
- Love you too.

No way. I got a mini tablet!

Those are some pretty awesome presents.

Okay, Karlie, Amanda, sit on the couch.

Close your eyes.

Here comes the big surprise. Ready?

- Yeah.
- Yep.

Are your eye closed really tight?

- Yeah.
- Yep.

- [g*nshots]

- Why are you doing this?
- [g*nsh*t]

Okay, : a.m. this morning,
Fairfield, Connecticut.

Next door neighbor goes
to the house of Ellen Walsh

to go for their daily walk,

knocks on the door,
and there's no answer.

She peeks through the window,
and she finds the bodies

of Ellen and her two daughters,
Amanda and Karlie.

All three were k*lled by Cecil Walsh.

He's the husband of Ellen.

They were married three years ago.

The daughters are from
a previous relationship.

Our fugitive is a family
annihilator with one DUI

and no history of v*olence.

The room was set up like a disco.

Lights. Mirror balls.
The whole nine yards.

And he's in costume.

Torn wrapping paper on the floor.

The girls opening gifts.

Maybe this was his weird way

of giving them one last happy moment.

Or a way to distract them
before he att*cks.

This is classic psychopathic behavior.

He's calm and detached
as he executes his family,

showing no hesitation or remorse.

- What activated him?
- Money could be the motive.

Meaning the lack of it.
He was deep in debt.

Unpaid credit card bills,
house in foreclosure,

and both cars
on the verge of being repoed.

And it looks like he was recently let go

from his engineering job at a firm
in Hartford, Connecticut.

His last paycheck was a month ago.

He was the sole breadwinner.

Ellen has no employment history.

Okay, so maybe his ego,
and male pride got the better of him.

Didn't want his family
to think less of him

for not being able
to provide financially.

So he k*lled them before
they could learn the truth.

Why don't you head to Cecil's last job.

See why he was fired.
Barnes, dig into the victims.

The rest of us are gonna
head to the crime scene.


♪ ♪



We'll check the room with the bodies.

You check the rest of the house.



Cecil really went all out.

He planned this meticulously.

How old were the girls?

and .

♪ ♪

Take a look at these pictures.

Cecil isn't in any of 'em.

- Weird.
- Mm-hmm.

It's almost like it's not even
a part of this family.

When did his financial problems start?

About a year ago.

They were married in .

Based on the age of the girls,

I'm assuming these photos were
taken in the last few years.

Are you saying Cecil
was alienating himself?

From his family and before
his financial troubles.

Hey, guys, I have something to show you.


♪ ♪

Cecil's man-cave?

I don't think so.

It looks like they were having
marital issues,

and there's no sign of them
sharing the master bedroom.

All his clothes and his
belongings are in this room.

I mean, there was... There was this.

I found this box locked under the bed.

Pine cones?

They were preserved
with some sort of a laminate.

And they're all numbered.

Total of .

How bizarre.
Why is he hoarding pine cones?

Could have some kind of
sentimental value.

That's why he's keeping them
in a case under his bed.

I remember making bird feeders
with these in elementary school.

Could be some kind of childhood trauma.

Could be.

Could be some kind of weird fetish.

Let's go talk to the neighbor.

Cecil had been with the firm
about years.

I can't believe he would do
something so awful.

Those poor girls.

Had you noticed a change
in his behavior recently?

About a month ago,

he started acting distant,
kind of strange.

Strange how?

Like his mind was elsewhere.

Suddenly it was a struggle
for him to finish projects,

and when he finally did,

they were riddled with mistakes.

It was out of character.

And did he mention
what was bothering him?

Problems at home? His family?

No, he just apologized
and corrected the mistakes.

The revisions were always pitch perfect

just like his work had been before.

And did he have a history
of volatility on the job?

Not at all.

He was a friendly, mild-mannered guy.

A real team player
and a very hard worker.

Essentially, he was the perfect employee

and an asset to the firm.

So why did you fire him?

I didn't.

I actually offered him a promotion

with a very substantial raise
about a month ago,

but he turned it all down,
and he resigned.

Cecil was heavily in debt.

It doesn't make sense that
he'd walk away from the answers

to all his financial troubles.

Well, the only explanation
he gave me was,

"Money can't fix the pain. Nothing can."

I feel terrible.

Ellen and I power-walked
around the neighborhood

every morning, : a.m. on the dot.

When I didn't see her outside,

I got a sinking feeling in my stomach.

It's just so shocking.

Did you notice anything off
between Cecil and his family?

Nothing between him
and the little girls,

but Cecil and Ellen's marriage
was on its last leg.

How so?

I don't think he ever really loved her.

I mean, he just seemed
to be going through the motions

of being a husband.

And what about Ellen?

She was ga-ga about him,

but she told me he'd become
increasingly distant.

Started giving her the cold shoulder.

I mean, they were barely speaking.

And did they ever mention
anything about divorce?

Poor Ellen was still trying
to make the marriage work.

And then last week,
Cecil started leaving the house

at odd hours, and Ellen got suspicious.

She started following him in her car.

- And that's her car there?
- Yeah.

Only saved entries are home
and Cecil's office.

She doesn't know her way to either one?

Well, I do the same thing.

Store the entries of the places

I go to the most so I can check traffic.

Let's look at
the most recent destinations.

There's half a dozen entries there.

They're in chronological order,

so this one at the top
is the most recent.

That's also the only address
not in Connecticut.

Hold on. Hold on.
What is that? Wilson Way.

Yeah, in Brooklyn.

It's St. Bertrand's Catholic Church.

There are plenty of Catholic
churches around here.

Why is Cecil going
all the way to Brooklyn?

I don't know, but it's all we got.

Want us to check it out?

Sounds good. I'll finish up here.


♪ ♪

Tell me, what is weighing
on your heart, my son?

What sins would you like to confess?

Father, why should I even bother?

It won't make any difference.

Well, the Bible tells us
if we confess our sins,

he is faithful and just
to forgive our sins

and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Some souls are too rotten
to be cleansed.

God is merciful.

He doesn't sit in judgment
of those who seek his grace.

It isn't his judgment
we should be worried about.

At least not here on Earth.

Well, whatever is
troubling you, we can fix it.

All it takes is faith and forgiveness.

Not for me.


♪ ♪

We've got one victim, Father Adam Jones.

Church secretary found him
about an hour ago.

At first she thought
it was a heart attack

until she saw ligature marks
around his neck.

Looks like it could have been
some sort of a belt or a strap.

We sure this is Cecil?

No one saw him, but we did find

his fingerprints
in the confessional booth,

which matched his DUI file.

Using a belt instead of his hands,

that would create more pain.

For some reason, Cecil wanted
the priest to suffer.

Pretty brazen doing it
in broad daylight.

Not really.

Cecil's been here before,

so he probably knew this place
would be empty during the day.

So what does a disco theme have to do
with a religious m*rder?

That's a good question.
The disco theme is an odd one.

And how does his family
play into all of this?

Cecil doesn't fit the profile.

A family annihilator is a narcissist.

They k*ll their family
because they think

they can't survive without 'em.

Cecil is a narcissist,
but for whatever reason

he's chosen not to k*ll himself yet.

There's something else
he needs to do first.


Cecil's boss said he was in pain,

which is why he didn't take
the promotion at work.

So maybe k*lling a priest is
his way of lashing out at God.

The secretary says

that Father Jones
only worked here for two years.

He spent his entire career in DC.

I looked him up, and he was assigned

to three different churches,
but he mostly just worked

at various charities.

- Any connections to Cecil?
- No.

But speaking of Cecil, I did find this.

Nine parking tickets to his car,

all issued on expired meters
outside a wine shop in Queens,

all issued within the last month.

Maybe he's trying to drink
his problems away?

Or maybe Father Jones

wasn't the only person
Cecil's been stalking.

All right, you three
check out the neighborhood

for witnesses and security cams.

Kris and I will check out the wine shop.

See if it means anything.


That guy? Yeah, he was, uh, here a lot.

Always badgering one of my employees.

- Which one?
- Nora Bryant.

Any idea what sparked the harassment?

No clue... She said they were friends,

but she didn't want to talk about it,

so I didn't push.

His name is Cecil Walsh.

When's the last time you saw him?

Last time Nora worked.

- When was that?
- Last week.

She quit after the guy showed up again.

This guy really k*lled four people?

- So far, yeah.
- The world's messed up.

I just thought he was an old flame,

or maybe Nora owed him money
or something.

We're gonna need the address
where Nora's working now.

And a photo of Nora, if you have one.

Of course.

♪ ♪

Any luck with the neighborhood canvas?

Negative. No cameras.

And nobody saw Cecil arriving

at the church or leaving, either.

We've got a lead.

I think a Nora Bryant
is Cecil's next target.

We've been trying to reach her,

but there's no answer
on her cell or her landline.

What's the connection
between Nora and Cecil?

They were friends.
They had a falling out.

- What was that about?
- I'm not sure.

But whatever it was was bad enough

that Nora's been trying to avoid him.

We're heading to Nora's house in Queens.

You guys head to her new job.

It's a mini-storage in Brooklyn.

I just sent you the address
and Nora's photo.


Three bubble wrap. We got that.

of these vacuum bags.
We should double check those.

That's enough, right?

It's just your winter wardrobe.


Cecil, what are you doing here?

How did you even find me?

I... I just wanna talk.

No, no. There's nothing to talk about.

Please just go.

- Is there a problem?
- Mind your business.

I've seen your face. You're on the news.

- He's lying.
- No, I saw him.

They say he k*lled his whole family.

- What?
- I'm telling you that's him.

Put the phone down.

- No.
- I said put it down!

- [g*nsh*t]

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Please, please, please.

Calm down. Calm down.

Please don't hurt me, Cecil.
Please just let me go.

I'm not going to hurt you.
I just want to talk.

Just not here, okay?

No, I don't want to go anywhere.


♪ ♪

That's Cecil's Lexus. Heads up.

- I don't wanna go with you.
- No, no.

We're leaving right now.

It's the girl from the photo.

- g*n!
- [g*nshots]

Go, go! Run, Nora.

He's heading out the back.
I'll go 'round.


Man down!

♪ ♪

- What happened?
- He had a g*n.

He yanked me out of my car,
and he hit me.

- He's not inside.
- Did he have a woman with him?

Yes... He forced her into my car,

and he took my car. He took my car.

Okay, ma'am, I need you to calm down.

We're going to find your car.

FBI. Anybody home?



- I don't see anybody.

Ortiz, we're at Nora Bryant's house.

Pretty sure she's not here.

Cecil has her.
He showed up at her new job.

He shot the manager,
then he carjacked a lady to get away.

PD's on the hunt.

So he kidnapped Nora.

We're going through
security footage now.

I'm sending it to your tablet.

Cecil sh**t the manager
without hesitating,

but the way he handles
Nora is different.

He's gentle, comforting.

His hand even shakes
when he holds the g*n at her.

The manager said that Cecil told Nora

that he just wanted to talk.

But he still grabbed her
at gunpoint, shaking or not.

So what's going on here?

I'm not sure, but if he has her,

then they can have that talk.

If Nora's smart, she'll play along.

I gotta go.

Excuse me, sir. FBI.

- You live here?
- Yes.

Do you know Nora Bryant?

Yeah, she's my fiancée.

Why, what's going on?

From the moment I met Cecil,

I knew something was off about him.

And why is that?

He just... He gave off bad vibes.

He seemed like a phony.

I told Nora to stop
hanging out with him,

but she didn't listen.

Why do you think she didn't
take your advice?

Nora sympathizes with people.

Her parents died when she was young,

and she doesn't have any siblings,

so she tends to overcompensate
with kindness and acceptance.

It's one of the reasons
I love her so much.

She tries to only see
the best in people.

And how did she and Cecil meet?

He came into her store
about a month ago.

Said he was a wine lover.
I guess they hit it off.

The very next day, he texted
her wanting to grab coffee.

Then they... they started
going out for drinks,

dinners here and there,

meeting up for museum visits.

So they were friends at one point?


Yeah, I even went wine tasting
with them once.

She thought he was just lonely

and looking for people to hang out with.

She was actually protective
of him in this weird way.

And what caused the friendship to sour?

Our engagement.

I popped the question
a couple weeks ago.

Nora told Cecil, and he flipped out.

He tried to convince her that
I wasn't good enough for her.

And he pushed hard for our
engagement to be called off.

I'm sure that didn't sit well.

- Cecil doesn't even know me.
- He barely knows Nora.

I was livid.

I called him and I told him to stop

meddling in our lives
and to stay the hell away.

And that's when the stalking
and the harassment started?


♪ ♪

What if that's what set Cecil off?

What if this is my fault?

This is not your fault, Daniel.

You have to find Nora. Please.

I can't lose her.

- Help! Somebody help me!
- Nora! Nora!


Calm down. Enough. It's enough. Really.

- Help!
- It's gonna be okay.

I just wanna go home. Please.

Please, I won't say anything to anybody.

Please just let me go home.

You are home. This is ours now.


It's gonna be okay.

I promise.


- No. No.
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, my God.


I have so much planned for us,

- but you need to eat first.
- I'm not hungry.

Just try. I'll be back soon.

Wait, where... Where are you going?

[SOBBING] Cecil, let me out of here!

Come on. Let me go. [SOBS]

These are from Nora's home computer.

She and Cecil having dinner
at the museum.

Even singing karaoke together.

They look happy.

Yeah, they were until Nora told Cecil

she was engaged to Daniel.

Well, why would he be upset?

They weren't dating.
They were just friends.

In Nora's mind, maybe.

I think Cecil was in love with her.

Could be why he started
distancing himself from his family.

And the source
of their marital problems.

When Cecil finds out Nora's engaged,

he goes into a jealous rage,
so he kills his family,

Kidnaps Nora to have her all to himself.

Not the best dating strategy.

- The problem is the priest.
- I don't see where he fits in.

Also the timeline.

Cecil found out about the engagement,
what, two weeks ago?

So why'd he wait to make his move?

Well, maybe there was another trigger.

Maybe, but if Cecil's plan
is to remove all obstacles

to him and Nora,

that puts Daniel in danger, right?

We have agents at their house?

Yeah, and PD.

All right.

Any other targets we can think of?

None that I can think of.

What about tip line, BOLOs?

All quiet.



♪ ♪

Hi, Eli.

Who the hell are you?

Meg sent me.


What... what are you... [GRUNTS]

♪ ♪

You should have loved her.


Why didn't you love her?

You should have loved her.

You Should have loved her!

Hey, hey! What the hell's going on?

I'm calling the cops.

Yeah, you better run!

Fingerprints found
at your home match to this man.

Cecil Walsh.

Is he the person who att*cked you?

- Yeah, that's the bastard.
- You know him?

Never seen him before last night.

You were very fortunate.

He's k*lled four people
in the last two days.

I wasn't scared of that punk.

He also kidnapped a young woman

by the name of Nora Bryant.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. He took Nora?

You know her?

Technically, she's my niece.

My sister and her husband adopted her

when she was a baby.

Nine years later, they... they
both died in a car accident,

so I was stuck with her.

- What do you mean stuck?
- I never wanted kids.

What was I going to do?
Let the kid go into the system?

So I took her in.

Not that she ever appreciated it.

- You two weren't close?
- We butted heads a lot.

Never really got along.

When she graduated high school,
she left.

I haven't seen her since.

Why didn't you get along?

Mr. Bryant, what happened
between the two of you?


♪ ♪

Were you abusing her?

- Hell, no. It wasn't that.
- No? What was it?

Well, I drank too much.

I never once touched her.

I know I wasn't exactly the best father.

I just, uh, I didn't know how.

I didn't want to to begin with...

You know what, screw this!

Shouldn't you guys be out there
focused on tracking down

the maniac that put me
in this damn hospital?

All right, why don't you
help us out with that?

Did Cecil mention anything
about your niece,

where he's holding her,
or anything like that?

No, he just rambled on
about me not loving her,

which, you know, didn't make
any sense at the time.


I guess he was talking about Nora.

Anything else?

Yeah, he said somebody named
Meg sent him to my house.

And who's Meg?

Some crackpot named
Megan Taylor's been emailing me

for six weeks now claiming
to be Nora's birth mother.

And me and Nora's relationship
being what it is,

I just deleted 'em and didn't
give 'em another thought.

And you still have those emails?

Yeah, they should be
in my... my trash folder.

I'm about to send you some emails.

I need you and Barnes to track
the IP address

from the sender, Megan Taylor.

She might be able to help us
find Nora and Cecil.

Well, the emails were sent
from an IP address

at this location to an Eli Bryant.

Yeah, the residents are allowed

to use the desktops in the common room.

So the woman that sent them
does live here, Megan Taylor?

She did for six months, but not anymore.

Meg struggled with addiction
most of her life

but managed to get clean.

Then she relapsed last week.
Missed curfew.

Came back high on meth.
I was forced to kick her out.

Any idea where she landed?

Yeah, the county morgue.

One of my other residents told
me she OD'd a few days ago.

You ever seen Meg with this guy?

His name's Cecil Walsh.

Yeah, they were friends.
He's visited her a few times.

The last one right before
I had to kick Meg out.

These are the desktops they use.

Did Meg mention anything to Cecil

about trying to contact a daughter

she might've put up for adoption?

I'm sure she did.

Meg constantly talked about
wanting to reunite

with her baby girl
to anyone who would listen.

Well, what did she say about the baby?

I don't know
if she was telling the truth

or the dr*gs talking, but she said that

some Catholic school in DC
called St. Mary's Academy

had stole her kid,
and she was gonna get her back.

How was she gonna do that?

Well, she had already located
the adoptive parents

with the help of a nonprofit.

That's probably how she found
this Eli Bryant guy too,

whoever he is.

Thank you, Melissa.

These are all Meg's things.

No one's come to claim them,

and I don't have any contact
info for the next of kin.

So feel free to take it.

I need to go check on a resident.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Not much in here. Clothes.

Meg and Cecil.

They must be , here.

Meg and Cecil forever.

They weren't just friends.
They were in love.

Cecil and Meg went to the same
school in Upstate New York.

Cecil graduated from there,
but Meg didn't.

Meg graduated from St. Mary's in DC.

We spoke to them.

Turns out it used to be
a school for unwed mothers.

They confirm Meg went there in

when she was six months pregnant.

Was Cecil the father?

Yes, but nobody contacted him
after Meg gave birth.

Instead they just put
baby Nora up for adoption.

So Cecil does love Nora,
but it's not romantic.

It's because she's his daughter.

There's more.

Our priest, Father Jones,

he was on the board
of St. Mary's in the ' s.

He was head of family placements.

He supervised Nora's adoption.

I'm confused.
Help me try to break this down.

Six weeks ago, Meg was clean and sober.

She decides she finally
wants to meet her daughter.

She has her name

and she locates Eli Bryant
through the nonprofit.

Right, but Eli won't talk to anyone.

She finds Cecil.

We don't know how yet.

And suddenly Cecil quits his job

and starts trying to befriend Nora.

All goes well until two weeks ago

when Cecil finds out
that Nora is engaged.

- Nora starts avoiding him.
- Cecil starts stalking her.

And meanwhile, Meg relapses
and dies of an overdose.

- And when was that?
- Three days ago,

right before Cecil m*rder*d his family.

That's the trigger...
Maybe Cecil's plan all along

was to get rid of the family
that he never loved

and replace them with one
that he always wanted.

But Meg's death ruined that
and sent him into a rage.

And he kills the priest
because he blames him

for giving his daughter away.

And att*cks Eli for being
given the chance

to raise and love Nora,
but drove her away instead.

When was Nora born?

September , .

First day of fall.

Those pine cones that Cecil kept,

- how many were there?
- Um, .

One for each year of Nora's life.

Cecil was honoring the birth

of a daughter that he never knew

but desperately wanted to connect with.

- Well, now he has.
- Right.

The question is,

where is this father-daughter
reunion taking place?


What was Ellen Walsh's maiden name?

Cecil's wife?

Yeah, I just realized

we never ran her
through the property records.

You know what,
I saw their marriage license

in the file here, hang on.

Cole. Ellen Marie Cole.

Here we go.

Okay, Ellen inherited
a house from her parents when they died.

She's the only name on the deed,

but Cecil paid the property taxes.

Where is that?

In Baldwin on Long Island.

It's probably where he's holding Nora.

Let's go.

That's your mother, Megan.

But everybody called her Meg.


- She's pretty.
- Yeah.

And the day I saw her,
I was head over heels in love,

and she felt the same about me.

I'd never met anyone
as smart and funny and kind.

She had the biggest heart,
just like someone else I know.

When she told me
she was pregnant with you...

[LAUGHS] I was scared.

But also excited, and so was your mom.

We were young, but we didn't care.

We were going to be a family.

♪ ♪

And then they sent her away.

Who did? Who sent her away?

Her parents.

Did they tell you when I was born?

No, no.

I knew your mom was due in September.

So I knew there was a baby
out there that was mine.

I didn't know if you were a boy or girl.

I didn't even know
where your mother was.

Then a... a couple of weeks ago
out of the blue,

she found me on Facebook.

And I found you.

I never knew anything
about my birth parents.

Why didn't you just tell me
when we first met?

I didn't want to scare you. I...

I wanted you to know me first.

For years, I have prayed
that I would find you,

and it finally happened.

And I have made sure that
no one will stand in our way.

Not my wife and step-kids.
Not your uncle.

No one's ever gonna stop us
from being a family ever again.

I promise.

I love you, Nora.

Can I give you a hug?

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

- Ow!

- No! Nora!
- [g*nsh*t]


Are you all right? Are you okay?


W... wait!

Nora, wait!

♪ ♪


I was walking in the woods,
and I... I heard a g*nsh*t.

Um, came from that house right there.

Uh, a woman ran out,
and a man was chasing her.

- Where'd they go?
- Through the backyard there.

All right.
Well, thank you for your help.

You guys take the path.
We'll cut through the yard.

♪ ♪

One of them must be shot. We got blood.



We need to work this out
so we can be a family!

That's all I ever wanted!

Nora, stop. Th... this is my fault.

Please, Nora!

We need to work this out!

Can we do that please, Nora?


We got footprints and blood.

♪ ♪

- No, wait.

- No!
- Wait. Talk to me.

- Cecil...
- Please wait.

No, I don't want this!

I don't want you in my life.

- Okay, okay, okay.

Maybe we weren't meant
to be a family here on Earth.

Maybe... maybe the only way
the three of us...

You, me, and Mom... could truly
be together is in heaven.

No, no. No, no.

I love you.

No, no.

- I... I love you so much!
- No!


sh*ts fired. Suspect is down.

We need an ambulance at Hazel Way,

Baldwin on Long Island.


♪ ♪

Nora, deep breaths in, okay?
In and out. In and out.

Can I see the wound?
Okay, an ambulance is coming.

It's going to be all right, okay?

- Okay.
- Just keep breathing.

- In and out. Okay.

Well done.

Ambulance is coming.
Just keep breathing.

Hey, honey.
Dinner will be ready in a few.

I am starving.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

Hi, baby. I love you.

- You okay?
- Not really.

I got another text from Renee.

She say why she quit?

Some nonsense about
wanting to go on tour

with her boyfriend.

Her timing really sucks.

Don't worry about it.
We'll find someone else.

Sheryll, I'm in the middle
of my first trial

with a huge client.

I don't have the time or the energy

to start looking
for someone new right now.

You don't need to find a new nanny.

You got me right here.

I'm more than happy to keep helping.

Not a good idea.

Baby girl, let's, uh, go to the market.

I think we need some more flour
for our cookies.

They're about to argue, right?


Come on.

Why are you so against my mom helping?

She cooks, she does the laundry.

She drives me crazy.

Everything I do is wrong.
I coddle Anais too much.

I don't use the right comb for her hair.

I don't buy the right hand soap.

And even dinner.
Do you know what she's making?

That smells like pot roast.


I told her that I can't eat
red meat right now

because it makes me nauseous.

And her response?

"Oh, that'll pass. Drink ginger ale."

She shouldn't have said that, but...

There's no but.

Sheryll, are you forgetting

that two years after our wedding,

your mother still referred
to me as your special friend?

Okay, I get it.

But she's competent and she loves Anais.

And she also happens to be free.

So we can save extra money and...

Well, this is only temporary.

Temporary until when?

Until the baby comes,
then you can take the reins.

Wait a minute.

Do you think I'm taking maternity leave

and staying home after I deliver?


That's what you promised when
we decided to conceive again.

Wait, what's going on here?

Why are you acting like
this wasn't the plan all along?

That was before I had a full-time job.

Yeah, and before you decided
on a whim to go back to work.

You said you wanted to be
a stay-at-home mom.

So what?

You're not taking your leave?

Why does it have to be me
to have to give up working?

What about you?

Can't you make a sacrifice for
our family and take time off?


Babe, that wasn't the plan.

Well, we need a new one then,
'cause this isn't working.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪