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03x07 - Straight Through The Heart

Posted: 11/14/21 08:53
by bunniefuu
- Previously on
"Shades of Blue"...

- The b*llet is lodged
right up against the bone.

You need me to remind you
what happens if it moves?

- Did you share
with her your belief

that Agent Stahl
is back in the city?

- You now have
independent corroboration.

- I couldn't tell
you this before

because Harlee was there,

but Harlee was as
obsessed with Agent Stahl

as she said he was with her.

- Your only witness
retracted her story.


- And now, a debt
needs to be paid.

- Intelligence is in bed
with the Riohacha Cartel,

who's also protecting
Enrique Ortiz.

- You too, detectives.
Move along.

- We have her statement.

- Was Bennett ordered
to k*ll James Nava?

- Improvised.

- Cops investigating cops
is dangerous business.

Going against that blue
wall is a lonely path.

- Theo Bennett,
you're under arrest

for the m*rder
of James Nava.

- Prepare to be unpopular.

- It's a purchase agreement
for a property in Red Hook,

a bonded warehouse.

- I'll find out.

- Ramsey's bringing
in another shipment.

- Let's go make a scene.

- What is it?

- Requesting immediate backup!


- Cover's here!

Wait, wait, wait,
they're turning back!

- The blue wall--once you
cross it, you're alone!

- Turn around, or I swear to
God, I'll sh**t you right here!


- 42-12, roll a code three,
10-13 to 67 West Street.

to officers in distress.

- You'd think sirens would
scare these guys away.

- Not if they're
cops themselves!

- Backup's on the way.

- Negative.
They all turned around.

Six black and whites aborted.

I am here by myself.

Call it again!
- Copy.

All units, roll a code three
at 67 West Street.

- Patrol car! One came back!
- Just one?

- 34,000 cops in the city,
only two still like us?

- It's a start!

- sh*ts are subsiding.

- So we take the door?

- Tess, no!
Tess, pull back!

- The sole responder?
It's Tess?

- Yeah, kamikaze style!
- She's alone?

- And crazier than we thought!

- Sometimes crazy is good!


- Ah!
- Woz!

- Ow!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy there!

Easy there, sheriff!

- Did anybody get hurt?

- No.
- You're our only backup.

- Someone had to come
save your asses!

- Did you see anyone?

- I didn't wait for
an introduction.

They sprayed cover
fire and took off.

- Look at this.

Not one bruise.



- Cocaine?

- Beats Granny Smith.

- So our intel was solid.

Ramsey is using
this warehouse

to move shipments
for the Cartel.

- One sample that they
didn't get to move out.

- If we can link these
dr*gs to Intelligence,

we have our charge
to hold Bennett.

- Ugh. Here we go.

The cavalry.
These brave sons of b*tches.

- Blue wall had
a change of heart.

- Little late
to answer the bell now.

- 27 years I've worn a badge.

27 years I banked
on one certainty:

That if I made a distress call,

a brotherhood would
be there at my aid.

- When we expose
the Intelligence unit,

we'll get them back.

- 27 years!

- Woz, once people
know the truth--

- How many times did
I tell you this would happen

if you arrested a cop?

A member of the
Intelligence unit.

- Look, we still have a few
more hours to charge Bennett

and turn this whole
PR w*r around.

- This isn't about PR.
This isn't about you!

We were all left to die!

We're all alone, Harlee!

We tried it your way,
and now we're not

part of the tribe anymore.

- Save your a*mo.
You missed the action!

- We heard the code three!

Where are the
responding officers?

- Minutes away.

- Nobody showed, huh?

- You did.
- Is that a thank you?

- Did you hear
me say thank you?

- Guess I don't have to say
you're welcome, then.

What were you doing in an
offline bonded warehouse?

- Nothing much.

Just intercepting a meeting
between an international Cartel

and their fixer in Brooklyn.

- No arrests, huh?
- We might have,

if backup had shown up.

- Can't say I
didn't warn you.

- Santos.

- Detective Wilson
from the 8-5.

Do you know a Gina Romero?

- A little, why?

- We found your card
in her place.

Were you investigating
a vice crime?

- She's a witness
in a fugitive case.

- Not anymore.



- It's not a museum
for morbid curiosity.

- Detective Santos.

You called me.

- You didn't have to come.

FBI confirmed an
active investigation.

- Who found her?
- Neighbor.

- You like any
other names for it?

- In her line of work?
I'd say the phone book.

- m*rder w*apon on site?

- Mm-mm.

- Weren't you on
Matt Wozniak's unit?

- Last I checked.

I'm gonna need access
to all forensics.

- Oh, that part
of the six-four.

- Excuse us, Detective,

but we can't have you
polluting the scene.

- This could be my suspect,
all right?

He's a--he's a client
turned stalker.

- If we need you,
we'll call you.

- He threatened her, all right?

He is dangerous,
and he won't stop!

- Well, at least he stabs
his victims in the front.


- Yeah.


Straight through the heart.


I just decided

it was finally time you paid

for all the things
you've done, Harlee.

It's a long list of
desperate acts.

You must be in a bad way
to make that offer.

Remember your
scenario training, Harlee.

You forget how
well I know you.

I need you to do something
for me, Harlee.

I said we'd be.

I accept your surrender.

Soon, I'm gonna heal you.


- Hi, Mom.
- Hi, where are you?

- At Michaela's,
cramming for History.

- I'll be right there.

- Is everything okay?

- You know the man
who took me?

He att*cked someone.
- Someone we know?

- It's not for sure it was him,
but there's a chance it is,

and I'm being extra cautious.

Maybe you should ask
Michaela's parents

if you can
spend the night.

- What are you gonna do?

- Uncle Woz needs me.

We have a very bad man
locked up at the precinct,

and time's ticking.

- I'm gonna take a wild guess
and say it didn't go well.

- I'm the only cop out there
willing to do their job,

and I'm the one being
called in on the carpet?

No freaking way.

I'm gonna find out if our new
little captain

is still in the building,
and tell him I am sick

of quietly taking this b*ating.

- Tess, that is not
a good idea.

- What, so I should
thank Sergeant Asshat

for keeping me riding
with that rat?

- Stone wrote you up?

- Yeah, and I'm
supposed to play nice.

- Well, maybe don't point a g*n
at him for the next few days.

- Oh, wait, you think
this is on me?

- No, but you're a model
of restraint, Tess.

- I have given this department
over a decade of my life.

I have followed Woz
and Harlee into w*r.

Sacrificed my marriage.

All the nights I've missed with
my kids, and what do I get?

- You're a loyal soldier,
Tess--everybody knows that.

- No, I got a demotion, and
now the thr*at of a suspension!

Like it wasn't hard
enough to stay afloat--

- No, no, I can't
let you go in there!

Not in this state!
- What state?

- The--the captain's
ego, your mouth,

it's a pink slip
waiting to happen.

- Get out of my way, Tufo.
I mean it.

- No, I do too.

- Let go of me,
Tufo, let go of me!

- That's the thing!
I can't!

We do not let go of each other.

If you go in there,
I go too.

- Woz is looking for you.
He's in with Verco.

- Any luck on something
to charge Bennett?

- Well, remember when he and
Cole made that domestic as*ault

call at the Embassy Hotel
go away?

- Cartel guy, Enrique Ortiz.

- The room was being held in
his battered girlfriend's name.

- Vanessa Ruiz.
According to DHS,

she never left the country.

- We find her, she testifies
that Bennett shows up,

and the son of a Cartel
kingpin got a free pass.

- Not exactly a smoking g*n.

- It suggests the Cartel
has him on payroll.

- It's a simple question,

- Should I be more insulted
at the accusation,

or that you think that
I'd be stupid enough

to call the cops
to my own stash house?

- Maybe you knew they
wouldn't show up.

- Wait, how did it
become our stash?

- The incorporation titles are
all listed

under Lieutenant
Wozniak's name.

- To Ramsey's bonded warehouse?

- To everything related
to a shell corporation

named Magnolia since
its inception in 2007.

- Since sundown.

Another gift from Intelligence.

- Not according to the County
Clerk's office, it's not.

- Do you actually believe
that Ramsey's not capable

of switching
ownership documents?

- I'm running out of reasons
to stick my neck out for you.

- No one's asking for a favor!

Just do your job!
- Lieutenant,

doing my job would mean putting
cuffs on you right now.

- Then put me in cuffs!

Put 'em on!

- If the warehouse isn't yours,
how did you know to look there?

- Bennett.

- Okay, you're telling
me that a member

of the Intelligence Unit
caved under your questioning?

- You know that something
is not right here.

That's why you let
us hold Bennett.

Just run out the clock,
and your bargain may pay off.

- It's your bargain,
and, in less than 16 hours,

Cinderella gets out
of here a free man.


- He hung us!

- Ramsey's panicked.

We're getting close--
that's why he's trying

to lay off culpability.

- It was inevitable.

You begged me
to take on Ramsey,

and now we're getting
our asses handed to us

just like I said we would.

And then you disappear on me!

- The 8-5 called me
to the site of a--

- The 8-5?

What, were you switching

They didn't show up either--
nobody showed up!

- I will find out how the
warehouse deed got switched.

Loman, right now,
is working on a lead

to charge Bennett
with racketeering.

Then we can use him
to get Ramsey.

- Skip the stutter step

and just b*at it out
of the son of a bitch.

- Bennett's never gonna talk!


Can we just stick with Cole?

- Cole--Cole, who led
us to the ambush.

- I know better now.


Surprised to see me alive?

- Better come inside if you
want to keep it that way.

- So you can sh**t
me at closer range?

- If we'd been
sh**ting to k*ll,

no one would've
walked out.

- You were there?

- I tried to warn you.
- So what was that?

An ambush? A setup?

- Ramsey got nervous,
he cancelled his meeting

with the Cartel,
he sent us to move product

he was storing for them
at the warehouse,

only you were already
raiding the place.

- And the b*ll*ts flying
at our head, what was that?

Just a precaution?

- We only meant to pin you down

so we could get
what we came for.

- Always so helpful.

Only it's never really
clear who you're helping.

- I still have to
answer to Ramsey,

but I made sure
everyone walked out alive!


- Go ahead, take a bite.

- Said the snake
to the righteous.

You're the righteous one, huh?

You've already sinned,
what do you care?

- The burden of proof.
How inconvenient.

- Did you know Pabst never
won a blue ribbon for his beer?

- It's not my label.

- History is whatever
story sticks.

- The information
wasn't wrong.

There were Cartel
dr*gs at the warehouse.

- That mysteriously switched
owners within hours.

- Ramsey leads an
intelligence force,

you don't think he could
leverage a computer hacker

to switch a name?

- Was it his idea
to use me, or yours?

- We tracked down your lead
to your boss' warehouse.

Magnolia Inc.

- Never heard of it,
and never gave you a lead.

- Tell that to Ramsey
when he joins you

in general population.

He lost a lot of cash when
we intercepted his shipment.

- Didn't know apples
were that valuable.

- So you're saying
that he does ship them?

- I'm exercising
my right to silence.

- Really?

From Colombia, I believe.

Riohacha Cartel.



- I'm on your side.

- Then prove it!

Tell me where Vanessa is.

- Who's Vanessa?
- A loose end.

Enrique's battered girlfriend.

If she's still in New York,
she can establish

a racketeering link between
Bennett and the Cartel.

- And me.

- So now it's
your turn to trust.

- Ramsey always has
a contingency plan.


What do you think
it is for snitches?

- I'd be more concerned
about his plan for you.

- Ooh, who's he gonna
get to go after me?

- I'll volunteer.

- Like you volunteered
to k*ll Parker

in that diner
after he went to IA?

How'd you convince yourself
that betrayal was loyalty?

- Parker also thought that
he could outsmart Ramsey.

Didn't count on him having
eyes and ears everywhere.

- Ah, so he has people in IA.


Thanks for the information.


- Cole thinks Ramsey changed
the warehouse data

electronically--he deals
with hackers all the time.

- Yeah, no one
could've guessed that.

Text me this hacker's
name and address.

Woz, it's 5:00 a.m.

And you can't
exactly ask Ramsey.

But he is getting
us a location

on the Cartel

- Your Cole's got a PhD
in half answers.

- He admitted to being
at the warehouse.

- So he sent us
into an ambush,

and then sh*t at us.

That's a reliable source.

- We'll see if he
delivers on Vanessa.

The Cartel link.

- I'm not sitting on my hands

waiting for information
to fall into my lap.

I'll flush out this
hacker myself.



- Looking for a good listener?


- I know the victim.

I was hoping to get some
information on her m*rder.

- I haven't seen anything
like it in a while.

She had ligature marks
on her wrists,

but no evidence of

Single s*ab wound,
directly into her heart,

severing the ascending aorta.

- Cold-blooded.



- Probably dead before her
brain even registered the pain.


- Hey!

Black, black with milk?

- Thanks, I'm already
three cups in.

- I tried calling you.

- Yeah, I watched it ring
all through my staff meeting.

- There's a call back
feature that reduces

the risk of embarrassing
visits from your father.

- Dad, I'm swamped.
What do you need?

- Do you remember
the computer hackers

that we used for that
thing with Julia?

- "That thing?"
You sound like a mobster, Dad.

- This is important to me.

Can you get in touch with them?

I need them to lead me to
a particular hacker.

- Well, it's not exactly
like we trade Christmas cards.

- But you can reach them?

- See this reporter over here?

The one that looks
like a professor.

He's breaking a piece on
cops and drug trafficking.

And he just asked me in front
of a room full of people

whether you and I were related.

- Oh, yeah, and what'd
you tell him?

That it's complicated.

- Do you believe everything
you read in the paper?

- No, it's not just
in the papers, Dad.

It is everywhere.
There are links between you

and a South American
drug kingpin

Secret protection,
hidden real estate.

- Do you know how
to verify a story?

- And when you got
close to being busted

by the NYPD's
Intelligence Unit,

you arrested one of
their men to deflect attention.

- And you believe it?

- Does it matter?

- To me, yeah.

It matters.

- I wish I could say my
father would never do that.


- Monarch Hotel,
seven blocks up to the right.

- How did you find her?

- Do I have to
share every secret?

- When you sh**t at me, yeah.

- Don't worry--if anyone
knows how you found this woman,

the b*ll*ts will
be aimed at me.

- As soon as Vanessa IDs
Bennett, I'll drive her back

and file her statement
under an alias.

It'll be like she was out
for an afternoon shopping.

- No one in my crew besides
Bennett and Ramsey

even knows who she is, let
alone where to find her--


- Hey, you parked in my spot!

- Is there a sign,
or did you urinate?

I'll give you a pass

in exchange for a favor.

- That's not really a pass.

- File a 61 saying
that you're following a lead

to the computer hacker
who altered the deed

to yesterday's drug warehouse.

- Why don't you just
give me the lead?

- I don't have it yet,
hence the favor.

- You're all out of favors
with me, Lieutenant.

But feel free to call me

if you come up with
any actual evidence.

- Ramsey has a rat
in your department.

- Last I checked, Internal
Affairs embeds informants

in other departments,
not the other way around.

- You've had your suspicions.
You know it,

you're too good of
a cop not to.

- A compliment?


You really are desperate, huh?

- Bennett confirmed it!
"Eyes and ears,"

his exact words.

- Intelligence officers
are trained

to spread misinformation.

- So am I.

Just file the report.

The mole tells Ramsey,
Ramsey covers his tracks,

he leads me to the hacker.

- How do you know that
there is a hacker?

- The deed was changed
in less than two hours!

- I love nothing more than
being owed favors

by corrupt cops, but Class C
felony charges

for submitting
a false report--not so much.

- It's a snapshot of your
understanding at the time.

- If you ever teach a corrupt
cop seminar, you sign me up.

- You have a leak, Tom,
and, in your gut, you know it!

- I do not know it, and I'm not
breaking the law for you.

But seeing as we've
had this breakthrough,

I'm gonna forget you asked.
Good luck, Matt, good luck.


- It's not the most subtle
frame job I've seen.

- He's taunting me.

- The rogue FBI agent
who abducted you?

I do my research.

- Quite thoroughly,
that case file is sealed.

- The subject matters to me.
Hey, hey, hey.

Do you think that he would
really risk k*lling a woman

just to mess with your head?

- He hired her to play out
his obsessive sexual fantasies.

He pretended she was me.
Called her by my name.

- And now, he's m*rder*d her.

- He still has two
conflicting impulses.

To possess me and to k*ll me.

That day in the woods, I took
the choice away from him.

In his twisted reality,

he thinks he's the one
who can save me.

- You want me to get
rid of it for you?

- You just help Detective
Loman bring Vanessa in.

I'll dispose of the Kn*fe.


- That's it, gentlemen.

- Okay, I'm off to
interrogate narco guys

who use dope as cologne.

- This one genius, he files
five separate arrest reports

using the pseudonyms Bird,

McHale, Maxwell,

- Tom, hold back a second,
will you?

Shut the door.

You've been holding a member
of the Intelligence Unit

for almost 48 hours.
- Theo Bennett.

Two anti-crime detectives who
work the 6-4 arrested him.

- Oh, I'm familiar.
The same detectives

you investigated last year.

- They made a persuasive case.

- Before or after they
were implicated in a scheme

involving a Cartel warehouse?

- I'm looking into that.

- Well, in the meantime,
I'm cutting our losses

and releasing Bennett
right now.

You bet on the
wrong horse, Tom.

- Yes, ma'am.


Deputy Commissioner,

I have a lead on a computer
hacker that may have interfered

with the deed of ownership
of that bonded warehouse.


- Enrique's locked up.
He can no longer hurt you.

- He doesn't need
to do it himself.

- Look, all we need you
to do is point out

one of the police
officers who showed up

at the other hotel
the other day.

- Where's your partner?
The lady?

- * Ooh-ooh

* I've danced with the devil

* Done my deals

* Looked into the eyes of

* My burning fears

* Way down by the river

* Smoking good

* Oh, please forgive me

* For what I've done

* Chains

* Wrapped up in this game

* Chains

* Twisted by my fate

* Getting low, getting high

* Can't escape...



* I'm wrapped up
in these chains *

* No doubt

- All right,
what's the play here?

- I set the bait.

You two pull in a spot,
and wait for Ramsey or his guys

to lead us to this hacker.

- So another
Hail Mary black op?

- Certain things you have
to do yourself.

- What's this one
gonna cost me, Woz?

- I'm working on
the detective shields.

I just need to get out
from under all this.

- Patience doesn't
pay the bills.

My salary's been decimated,
you got no extracurriculars,

I've been using my credit
cards to stay afloat,

but this ship is sinking.

- How much are you under?

- I think we're
past that point.

- No, come on, let me help you.

- No, I can't always
go crying to Daddy.

- Just give me a number.

Set aside an advance,
work out a loan.


- $157,412.

- Whoa.

- Where's Harlee?

- She's supposed
to meet us here.

Is the lineup ready?

- Yeah, we're assembling

just waiting on
Verco to observe.

I filed it under
an unrelated case.

- Good idea.
Listen, there's gonna be

a one-way glass, all right?

All you gotta do is
point out the police officer

that intervened on Enrique's
behalf at the hotel.

- What the hell you guys doing
walking through here?

He's a witness!



- Ten to one the blood on that
Kn*fe matches Gina Romero.

- Am I gonna find
any prints on it?

- Well, I don't think
Stahl is that stupid

but he is a lunatic--
anything's possible.

- And what do you believe
he's trying to accomplish?

- He's trying to
destroy my life.

Undermine my credibility.

- When was the last time
you saw Ms. Romero?

- Right before she called to
change her story, I think.

- When I told you
that she recanted,

did you try to contact her?

- Agent Myers, is this an
official interrogation?


- No physical evidence
linking Stahl to the victim.

No witnesses
that put him on site.

But you were seen at her

both before and
after the m*rder.

- You think I k*lled the only
other person

in New York City
who had seen Stahl?

And forgot the m*rder w*apon?

Went back to retrieve
it under the nose

of about a dozen NYPD officers,

only to then walk it
over to the FBI?

- Well, there's
one inconsistency.

- Only one?

- Stahl created an
extensive profile on you.

Thorough, detailed,
designed to draw

reliable behavioral forecasts.

- And what would those be?


- You would've gotten
rid of the Kn*fe.


- Fore!

- I'll have to switch to a club

with a more exclusive
door policy.

- For a second there, I mistook
you for an Intelligence agent.

First sign of danger,
you're supposed

to switch up your routine.

- Only with serious threats.

- You're gonna have
to recalibrate

your risk assessment
to survive in prison,

so you'll get
plenty of free sex.

- Even your threats
are getting soft, Matt.

- The sudden death
is overrated.

I prefer a life sentence,
this way I can watch

the life drain from your eyes
over the next 30 years.

- You don't get to where I am

without staying
two strokes ahead.

- Your man, Bennett,
he sure can sing.

- Is that supposed to trick me

into giving you
a fighting chance?

- You'll find out in court,
when the hacker testifies.

- The hacker? Didn't you hear?

The man suffered
a fatal car accident.

Tragedy, really.

Talent like that
is hard to come by.

Come back and visit any time.
I can teach you a couple moves.


- Your victim is a 22-year-old
MIT drop-out.

He was investigated back in
October for some online scam,

but no charges were filed.

- Let me guess.

- Officer Phelps is listed
on the case file.

I doubt we're gonna find
anything back at his apartment.

- Told you, there's a mole!

- A car accident proves that?

- It was timed perfectly!

- You promised me
that you had a plan.

- For a trap to work,
I have to know it's set.

- You never mentioned
a man's life was in danger.

- What did you think
Ramsey was gonna do?

Send him an e-mail?
- Congratulations, Lieutenant.

It only took
one dead stranger to confirm

Ramsey's reach
in Internal Affairs.

No wonder you're so
popular in the department.

- What the hell happened?

Where's Vanessa?

- She got spooked
when she saw Bennett.

Loman went looking for her.

- What were those
two even doing

in the same room

- Stairwell.
Nobody knew she was coming,

Bennett was being escorted
to Captain Pine's office

to have his confiscated
service w*apon returned.

- Returned?

- Standard protocol
when a police officer

is released from custody.

- We have a witness
linking Bennett

to the son of
a Cartel kingpin.

- And we had a deadline.

- Three hours from now!

- Look, I held him as long
as I could; I was overruled.

Bennett was discharged
before I got back here.

- We were waiting for you!
- Yeah, where were you?

My advice, stop making
enemies of the NYPD.

And stay out of the way
until Bennett's crew

comes to pick him up.

- Wait, Bennett's
still in the building?


- What's up?
- Where are you?

- Not right now.
I'm in Brooklyn.

- With your team on your way
to my precinct for a pickup?

- Must be the smoke alarm.

Dad's been having
some trouble with it.

- How far out are you?

- I'm sure he'll be right back.

- Find a way to peel off.

- Was there, uh...

Was there any smoke?

- Bennett saw Enrique's
girl at the precinct.

The moment he reveals that,
Ramsey knows he has a leak.

- Um...yeah, go ahead.

- We can drive Bennett to
1 Police Plaza,

paint him as a snitch.
Where are you picking him up?

- Try the back door.

- Woz, the motor pool.

Try to find an excuse not
to go back to headquarters.

That's, uh--it's--it was
worth a sh*t, I'll tell him.

- House on fire?

- No, it's a faulty alarm.

My dad's neighbor needed
permission to get inside.


- What--you just
missed the left!

- Oh, God.
Is this a one way?

I hate Brooklyn.

- Miss me already?

- We didn't have
time to debrief.

- Well, I'm sure there
will be a reunion.

- Has it occurred
to you nobody's come

to pick you up yet?

- We're heading to Manhattan,

we can give him a lift,
can't we, Woz?

- I don't know--48 hours
in a holding cell.

He's kind of ripe.

- Last time I got
into a car with you,

didn't turn out
too well for anyone.

- Shut up.
- Aw, come on,

don't say that.

We got to know each
other, didn't we?


- We found Ramsey's warehouse.
We found Enrique's girl.

Word travels fast.

Best bet is for you
to switch teams.

- I'm a free man.
There's no reason for Ramsey

to believe
that I'd work with you.

- Well, you worked with us,
and now you're a free man.

- Do you know what happened
to captured Soviet spies

during the Cold w*r, once
they were returned to Moscow?

- b*llet between the eyes?
- What do you think, Harlee?

- Ramsey's nervous.
If he thinks he has a snitch,

we all know how that ends.




- Why don't we pull
the trigger ourselves?

Save Ramsey the trouble.

- Unless you give us a good
reason to keep you alive.


- I'll keep the car running.

Make sure you cut the zip ties
when you're done.


- Coin flip?

- Yeah--heads, one b*llet.
Tails, two.


- I'm not following
the play here.

- I'm not playing.

- What, you want to k*ll him?

- I want you to choose, Harlee.
Right now!


- We deliver Bennett
to Ramsey, and regroup.

That's not surrender.

- There's no nailing
this guy straight up!

You want justice for Nava?

It's gotta be done at the
dirty end of the field!

- But an execution?

- Making this right
and doing what's right

aren't the same thing.


- No, no, more death
isn't gonna fix anything!

Stahl k*lled Gina!

A s*ab through the heart
meant for me!


We continue down this road,
and I will never escape him!


- k*ll him or don't k*ll him.

I don't care.

I just want you home.


- * Hail Mary, full of grace

* Pray the Lord
my soul to take *

* Hail Mary, full of grace

* I don't fear God,
but I'm afraid *

* So I think I'm gonna pray

- Filthy!

- Look at these, though!

We used to always listen
to this one before bedtime.

- It will be a miracle if that
is not scratched useless!

- Hey.

- Oh, you're home early.

- Checking out
the latest moth population?

- Yeah, Jay bought a record
player for the house.

So, I figured since these
were just collecting dust...

Well, these should do for now,

want me to take
the rest back upstairs?

- Why, I thought you
were staying for dinner.

- Yeah, I don't want to leave
Jay to eat by himself.

- He's more than welcome,
you know that.

- It's okay.
I'll call you tomorrow, okay?

- Leave it, I'll take it.

- Matt, why don't you let
him take care of it--

- Nah, he obviously is in a
hurry and in no mood to help.

I'll take care of it.
- Mom's right.

With your back and everything--

- Now you got my back, huh?

- Slightly different than
breaking the law, Dad.

- That someone suffered
a fatal car accident

because you didn't
trust me enough to help.

- Are you sure that's on me?
- I'm positive.

- 'Cause in my experience,
people tend

to get hurt around you
an awful lot, Dad.

- What is he talking
about, Matt?

- Nothing--I shouldn't
have brought it up.

- Oh, no, nothing!

You're under investigation
for drug charges

and the entire
NYPD hates your guts.

Are you really this blind?
His job, his everything.

- Time for you to go.

- Don't you think she
has the right to know?


- Nate, that's enough.

- Wait, wait, wait.
You're seriously defending him?

After all the lies, this man,
everything he has done to you?


You guys sure
deserve each other.


- Thank you.

- I did not raise my son to
speak to his father like that.

- He always was strong willed.

- I wasn't taking your side.

- I know.

Always been a wall between us.

I used to think that I put it
up, but maybe he did.

Maybe he knows
he's safer that way.

Better off without me.

Maybe they all are.

- They? Who's they?

- You know.

- Yeah.

I do know.

- Ow!


- You know, I think
I know what you need.

Release some tension.

I think I sense a indecent
proposal on the horizon.

- Oh, no, not for me.

No, I mean, you're
definitely like--

You know what I'm saying.

- Aren't visiting hours
almost over?

- Yeah, well,
I'll walk you to the subway?

- You kidding me?
Joe's got the kids.

I just spent six bucks
on this drink.

I ain't going nowhere.

- All right, well,
get home safe.

- Be safe tomorrow.


- You know, Tess, um...

I thought I would hate being
back in that patrol car.

But two days without you,
now I know I do.

- Some of us are
just slow learners.

- Right.


- Alone at the bar--that how
they treat heroes in your unit?

- You say that like
it's a bad thing.

- It doesn't scream

- Well, shows
how much you know.

- I know it's not
just the demotion.

Or the divorce.

Or the loan default.

Or the four maxed-out
credit cards.

Nah, what I think it
comes down to is dignity.

You've been taking the hit
for so long for Wozniak.

For what?

- Look, if you came
to humiliate me,

why don't you
just get in line?


- Ramsey rewards loyalty.

Especially the fierce
kind you demonstrated.

He takes care of his own.


- Oh, yeah?

How much is a soul
going for these days?

- $157,412.


- I'm not that kind of girl.

- You might surprise yourself.

- Or your left temple
with my right hook.

- Measure of good faith.
You'll be back on patrol

with that good looking partner
of yours by tomorrow morning.

- Oh, yeah?
Maybe I should set

the two of you up.


That man has eyes for you.


- * Take me down

* Oh, it won't sink me far

* Take me down

- You're gonna k*ll me
if you keep doing that.

- I can't exactly drop
by the office.

- That's funny.
Whose fault is that?

- Technically,
it's Harlee Santos.

- You're right.

She's good.

I got a decent Argentinean
Malbec, if that works.

- Well, I remember when two
buck chuck

was enough for you.

You're becoming quite refined.

- It's the city.

I'm adaptable, I guess.

So are you.

- Survival of the fittest.

- Harlee made a
surprising adaptation today.


- Well, that's one
of her strengths.

- Makes you wonder
if she had anything

to do with the
prost*tute's m*rder.

- Which is exactly
why she did it.

Listen to me.

Harlee Santos is smart,
she's manipulative,

and she's ruthless.

You can never let your
guard down with her.


- Thank you for the warning.

- I'm sorry, Bennett was
never supposed to see Vanessa.

- Yeah, but when
you play with fire...

- Did Bennett tell
Ramsey about her?

- Ramsey called
me for a meeting.

- Here?

- No.

I turned my phone off
as soon as I got the text.

- But he can still track you!

- A dead battery
is easy to explain,

pulling my SIM card
out, not so much.

- Yeah.

You can't start acting guilty.

You know, it's possible that
we found her on our own.

- Under a fake name at
a hotel across town?

Ramsey will know
you got tipped.

And it could only
be Bennett or me!

- The longer you
stay off the grid,

the more suspicious
you look.

- I need to get my
go bag and any cash

you can get
your hands on.

- You leave now, and
you can never come back.

All right, there's gotta
be another way out of this.

- Last time Ramsey was feeling
jumpy and betrayed,

we had a diner full
of dead bodies!

- Can you get ahead of it?
Say that we followed you!

- I had no reason to set
foot in that new hotel!

- Wozniak's great in the box.
He got it out of Bennett.

- Our job is keeping secrets.

- Unless he revealed
information under duress.

- Or I kept my mouth shut...

Loyalty under fire.

- What?


- I mean it's no picnic,

but it's better
than the alternative.

- What--how are you
gonna pull that off?


- t*rture.

The kind that leaves a mark.
It explains my absence,

it gives me credibility,

maybe even buys
me some sympathy.

- Ramsey's still gonna
want to eliminate the leak.

- As long as I can exonerate
myself, he'll look elsewhere.

This would certainly
do the trick.


- No.

- It's searing flesh, Harlee.

I'm not gonna be able
to do it to myself.

- No, all right?

I can't do that--
I won't do it!

- Well, then I'm a dead man!


- Thank you.


Don't hold back.

You have to make it
look believable.


- Do we have a safe word?

- Kind of defeats the purpose,
don't you think?


- Glad you told me to make
it look believable.

- You don't stop
until you're finished.


- This might hurt a little.
