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02x04 - The Family Way

Posted: 11/15/21 07:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Catch"...

Ben: The only reason
I took this FBI deal

was so that you and I could be together

by the end of it.

Someone is trying to k*ll me.

He's called "The Hammer."

I get hired and paid anonymously.

This is the woman who wants you dead.

Poor B-Team. Can't you do
anything without my help?

What is my name?

What happened? Where were you?

I was with Tommy.

Tommy: You're engaged to a con man?

Alice: Mm-hmm.

I guess it makes sense, given Ethan.

Ethan was a mistake.

Danny: The overseas account

was opened in Tommy's name

by his former employers.

I have access to $ million.

So, how can we help you, Mr...?


I'm looking for someone

who stole from me and my associates.

Alice: Let's get you your money, then.

- Were you running dr*gs for them?
- God, no!

Anything you say may be used
against you in a court of law.

Don't do this! Please, I'm begging you!

Rhys: So, our mysterious
diamond smuggler...

Do we know who she is yet?

Justine: Our big bad is a diplomat.

My mom's not the diamond broker.

I am.

And you're going to tell
me what you did with Kenji,

or Yumi here is going to k*ll you.

I can get you $ million in cash.

I'm gonna need some collateral.


It would be a shame if
he d*ed from the toxin

before you got him to the hospital.

Rhys stole Tommy's money.

If you don't give it to
me, Rhys is gonna die.

But if I don't give it to
them, Tommy's gonna die.

Allie, Allie...

♪ ♪


I'll flip you for it. Heads or tails?

I thought you said
Rhys' life was as stake.

How else are we gonna decide this?

We're not gonna sh**t each other.

Are we?

Look, technically,

this money belongs to
the Southland Cartel.

Are you really gonna
defend the property rights

of drug dealers right now?

Yes, because if I don't
give it back to them,

they're gonna k*ll my baby brother.

What's the clock on that?

Because Rhys has been
stabbed and poisoned

by a -year-old diamond smuggler,

and I don't know how
much time he's got left.

The FBI can't take down a -year-old?

He's a diplomat's ki...
It's a whole thing.

Because I have an entire
army of drug dealers

who have promised to k*ll
me and everyone I know

if I don't give this back to them.

Wait, they threatened you?

Of course.

Well, why didn't you say that?

Because I didn't want you to worry.

Oh, Allie.

No, it's fine. I'll be fine.

Just go. Go right now.

What are you gonna do?

I'll figure it out.

I don't want Rhys to die.

I don't either,

but I also don't have
$ million lying around.


I know someone who does.

You know someone who has
$ million lying around?

So do you.

[Knocking on door, door opens]

Alice. Was I expecting you?

No, and I brought someone with me.

I thought we'd moved past the need

for supervised visits.

- May we come in?
- That depends.

Is it Danny?

It's not Danny.

♪ ♪

- You lied to me.
- I didn't lie.

If it makes you feel any
better, she lied to me, too.

There was no overt lying involved.

I was very careful.

You said Ben was still in jail.

You said you weren't going after Margot.

I wasn't.

You were going after me?

How are you two working together?

How are you working for the FBI?

Oh, are you upset she didn't tell you

or that I'm not still in jail?

Either. Both.

May I remind you that we're on a clock?

Your brother's life is in danger.

Yes, I know. So is mine.

No, this is something else.

Wait, what is she talking about?

You didn't tell him?

Of course I didn't tell him...

- Client confidentiality.
- Tell me what?

- There isn't time!
- Why not?

Because if you don't give
Ben $ million in cash,

Rhys is going to die.

[Breathing heavily]

You're making a huge mistake.

I'm not the one who drove
Kenji out of the country.

Oh, we did you a favor.

Look, if you really want to succeed,

you need partners with experience...

Partners who don't spook easily.


That's the fugu.

If your partner doesn't
show with the $ million...

$ million's nothing.

Look, get me an EpiPen.

We'll... We'll make
at least times that.

Oh, bloody hell.

Yeah, looks like your time is up.


Well, it's your loss.

[Gasps, winces]

If I die, you miss out
on the deal of a lifetime.



Aw, baby.

What did you do that for?

I think we should hear him out, babes.

And if you don't like what he says...

[Kn*fe clicks]

...we can always k*ll him.

You heard the lady.

Start talking.

[Door closes]

So, where did Alice run off to?

Believe it or not, she's trying
to save her brother's life.

That can't be a coincidence.

Oh, it's not. It's Rhys.

Makes you wonder if he's
worth $ million plus interest.

You're charging interest

on your own brother's life?

He'd do the same to me.


Ah, another woman already.

You didn't have to count it twice.

You're right. Three times is better.

Can't really talk right now.

I think our friend, the
Consul General of Japan,

is an alcoholic.

What makes you say that?

'Cause she just confessed

to every imaginable indiscretion

except diamond-smuggling.

And then she kissed me.

Wow, Rhys is gonna be
sorry he missed that.

Oh, and then she threw up on me.

She ate a lot of sushi.

Kohana's not our smuggler.

Jesse is.

What? Since when?

Since the minute you left the party.

Well, where is he now?

Where are you?

Don't worry about it.

I've got this.

No, I've got this.

Jesse doesn't have diplomatic immunity.

If we can get proof, I can arrest him.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

[Cellphone beeps]

$ million.

Plus interest.

[Elevator dings]

[Lock clicks]

[Door opens]

- Hey.
- Hey.

What's wrong?

We had to charge Tommy.

What? For what?

For the m*rder of the Kincaids.


You were holding him to protect him!

When the DA found out,

there was too much evidence to...

Eviden... What evidence?

His fingerprints were
all over the house.

Because he worked for the Kincaids.

And the $ million they put in his name

gave him motive.

My brother did not k*ll the Kincaids.

He knows that.

Theo Tasker k*lled the Kincaids.

And we will prove that.

We'll get Tommy out.

And in the meantime,

your brother will be
safe in custody overnight.

Yeah, because nothing bad
ever happens to people in jail.

You have my word.

[Insects chirping]

[Door opens]



[Door closes]

Just in time for dessert.

I thought you were dying.

I was.

But I got better, thanks
to our new partners.

Our... partners?

Yeah. You know Jesse.

And this is Yumi.

I was the one holding
the g*n on you earlier.

Yes, of course.

While you were away,

I explained the
particulars of our pitch.

You know, ramping up
the restaurant as cover,

using our suppliers to move the product.


$ million, or thereabouts.

That should cover our buy-in.

Oh, so we're officially...?

In the diamond business.

Here's to new friendships,

good fortune, and giant fish.

[Door opens]

♪ ♪

[Cellphone beeps]

Yes, I'd like to report a break-in.

Put down the phone, Allie.


Hang up the phone.

I'm sorry, there's been a mistake.

Everything's fine.

[Cellphone beeps]

You're supposed to be in jail.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

Yeah, I know. Yeah.

Y-You put me there.

So you'd be safe.

Where is the money?

Tommy, listen to me.

I said, where is the money?

♪ ♪

Where is the money?

Where'd you get a g*n?


where is the money?

Why? You gonna run away again?

Because that almost got you k*lled.

Yeah, well, better dead
than a life in prison

for something that I didn't do!

That argument might play better

if you weren't waving a g*n in my face.

The g*n's not for you. It's for Tasker.

Which is why I asked Nick
to keep you safe in holding.

He charged me with a double homicide.

I know.

What I don't know is how you got out.


Well, I didn't know who else to call.

You did this on purpose.

He's the only person I know

who had enough money
to post for my bail.

You wouldn't even know
Ethan if it wasn't for me!

He's not the same guy anymore.

If he does you a favor, it
means I owe him now!

Do you understand that?

Won't be like that this time.

You don't know him!

You don't... know him like I know him.


Valerie: We're working with Ethan now?

No, Tommy called him on his own.

I'm pretending I don't
even know about it.

That's between the two of them.

You think he's texting him right now?


Ethan already gave him bail money.

He's not about to get mixed
up with the Southland Cartel.

I don't know.

Ethan is very well-connected.

But he's very high-profile now.

He owns most of the
commercial real estate in town.

He's friends with the
mayor, with the DA.

He's not about to get
his hands dirty with this.

Look, we're gonna figure it out.

We've got the cops, we've got Nick.

We don't need Ethan.

♪ ♪

[Elevator dings]

I can park him in the security wing

if he makes you uncomfortable.

He's fine. I'm fine.

You know, I'm gonna
move him to reception

so you don't have to look at him.

I don't need your help with this.

Sophie, I'm sorry.


All anyone here wanted
to do was help you,

and all you've done is
lie and put us all at risk.

I know. That's why I
bought you those earrings...

You know, to apologize.

I don't need you to apologize.

I need you to step up,
stop lying, and fix this.

I mean, I'm not saying I'm
an American hero or anything.

That's good, 'cause you're
neither an American nor a hero.

Which makes my sacrifice for
this country all the greater.

But do I ask for sympathy or gratitude?

- Yes, you do.
- Constantly.

How about some coffee instead?

Oh, well, thank you.

At least somebody cares about me.

I do.

I've invested a lot in you two.

Thank you.

Which will finally pay off

when we take down Jesse's operation.

Jesse and Yumi's operation.
They're in this thing together.

Which one do you think is in charge...

Jesse or Yumi?

You don't think men and women

are capable of being
equals in a relationship?

I'd like to think so.

But there's always one person

who's a little bit more
in love than the other.

The other is the one with the power.

And would your husband agree with that?

[Chuckles] I mean, you
do have a husband, right?

I mean, although there's no
ring and we've yet to meet him.

Why is that?

If you ever meet him, you can ask him.

Oh, that's not really fair.

You know everything about us.

We know nothing about you.

That's because we're not
equals in this relationship.

You work for me.


So, tomorrow you will
re-open Kenji's restaurant.

You will sign for the giant bluefin.

And when Jesse and Yumi
come for the diamonds,

the FBI will be there to show them

who really has the
power in this relationship.

[Keyboard clacks]

Danny: This is the
footage from the bank,

and this is the woman

who paid to put the hit
out on Margot Bishop.

What do we know about her?

We know she's a pro...

She never once looks up at the camera.

She did, however, leave
her bag open long enough

for us to see hand sanitizer,
a -caliber handgun,

and a hotel-room key.

So she's just visiting L.A.

But it's the back of the key card,

so you can't tell where she's staying.

Doesn't matter.

That bag is the only clue we need.

What do you mean?

That is a white Himalayan-crocodile
René Mancini bag.

It's worth at least grand.

It was stolen from a shop
on Rodeo Drive two days ago.

And it wasn't our mystery
woman's only score.


Uh, sorry?

The other thefts.

There were other thefts?

Yes, there were...
Three stores in two days.

The dress was taken from Versace,

the necklace from Chanel,
and the hat from Gu-ucci.

The Hammer: Why would a woman
who paid me a million dollars

go shoplifting?

Uh, same reason she would
pay on the dark web...

No cash trail.

Valerie: But she did leave a clue trail,

which is why we're
gonna canvass the area,

show her photo to people,

find out if anyone's ever seen her.

Well, much as I would love to join you,

I am having a bit of a software issue

back at the hotel.

So, perhaps you could
lend me Danny or someone...

- I can go.
- Danny's fine.

I'll send him back as
soon as I'm done with him.

In the meantime, you could
take The Hammer with you.

I'm happy to help.

Great. Well, that's settled.

Come along, Daniel.


Rhys: So, I was thinking.

Can you help or something?

- Yeah.
- [Box rattles]

Just lift up on your end.

About the diamonds...

There's bound to be loads of them,

isn't there, in a fish this big?

So, who would know, really,

if a few of them got
lost in translation?

You don't think that Jesse and Yumi know

exactly how many diamonds are in there?

Can you give me the Kn*fe, please?

Yeah, I'm sure they
do. But Justine doesn't.

I thought you liked Justine.

I adore Justine.

She knows we're criminals.

She probably expects
us to steal from her.

She'd be disappointed if we didn't.

[Kn*fe jiggles]

Well, then, she's gonna be disappointed,

because somebody b*at us to it.

What are you talking about?

The diamonds are gone.

[Ice crackles]


["You're Mine" by Phantogram plays]

♪ You don't talk to no one,
don't you look at nothin' ♪

♪ Eat your ego, honey,
swallow your pride ♪

♪ You don't talk to no one,
don't you look at nothin' ♪

♪ You ain't goin' anywhere ♪

♪ 'Cause you're mine ♪

♪ 'Cause you're mi-i-ine ♪

♪ 'Cause you're mine ♪

♪ 'Cause you're mi-i-ine ♪

♪ You don't talk to no one,
don't you look at nothin' ♪

[Water running]


Where do you think you're going?

I'm going to catch the woman
who's trying to k*ll you.

I have other people for that.


You're not going anywhere.

If I don't show up, they're
gonna get suspicious.


But this stays with me.

[Knocking at door]


Where the hell are my diamonds?

Where the hell are your manners?

They're not even here, are they?

You stashed them in the Rectory.

Get out!

I will when you give
me my diamonds back.

Your diamonds?

They looked like they
were about to become

the U.S. government's diamonds.

Now they're mine.

So you can consider your
$ million debt repaid

with interest.

The FBI will think I stole them.


Maybe they'll put you back in jail,

where you belong!

Okay, well, maybe we'll
make you our next target.

Oh, do it.

Do it, and see if I don't
bring you down with me,

or have you forgotten

we built this whole thing together?

I didn't do any of this on my own.

Just give me the diamonds.

We had a life together, Ben.

We were going to have a future together.

And then you chose her.

So, yes, I stole your diamonds,

but that is nothing compared
to what you've stolen from me.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to disappear.

I want every moment
I wasted on you back.

No, you don't.

Stay away from me.

Stay away from the Rectory.

[Door opens]

♪ ♪

You okay?

You need to leave.


Get out.


Well, Tasker, he started
out just like me...

Errand boy for the cartel,

delivering messages to
the dealers, you know,

making sure no one was stealing.

And how'd you get hooked up

with the cartel in the first place?

The truth is, uh,

I was one of their best customers.

- Hmm.
- Nothing heavy.

You know, just pot.

[Gasps] Oh, come on.

You're gonna tell me that
you don't smoke anymore?


So, Tasker started out as you...


Then he went from cooking
books for the bosses

to another top-tier lieutenant,

moving cash through the
cartel's shell corporations,

like the Optican Group.

Do you know the names of
the other corporations?

Yeah, sure, some of them.

But, I mean, there are tons.

[Cellphone vibrating]

Write them down, along with the names

of everyone you can
remember from his crew.

- [Cellphone beeps]
- Alice Vaughan.

Tasker: We have a problem, Ms. Vaughan.

My sources tell me your
brother was arrested

and bailed out last night.

You're still getting
your money, Mr. Tasker.

Oh, I know that.

What I don't know is what
Tommy may have told the cops.

So I'm changing the terms of our deal.

That's not how this works.

: P.M., the Mitchell
Parking Structure downtown.

You'll bring my $ million
and you'll bring Tommy.

Absolutely not.

I just want to talk to him.

You want to talk to him?

I have him right here.

: P.M., Ms. Vaughan...

The money and your brother.

Or I'll come to you.

[Cellphone beeps]

What'd he want now?


♪ ♪

I should have told you about Margot.

Ben: It's okay.

I don't always tell
you everything, either.

You don't?

See? It doesn't feel very good, does it?

You would have told me
not to work with her.

And I would have been right.

Do you know the old saying,

"Keep your friends close
and your enemies closer"?

Do you know the old
saying, "You play with fire,

you get b*rned and
then sh*t in the head"?

[Chuckles] You see?

This is why I didn't tell you.

How's it going with Tommy?

Actually, I think I found a way out.

Do you want to tell me about it?


That's why I'm calling.

Man: Allie.

I got to go.

[Cellphone beeps]




You look great.

Thank you.

Thank you for seeing
me on such short notice.

No, of course.

I wouldn't have come, but Tom...

I know. Tommy's in trouble.

You didn't have to pay his bail.

I... I didn't do that for you.

I did that for him.

It was above and beyond.

He's family.


Um, the... the police charged him

with a double homicide.

Yeah, he told me.

The evidence is purely circumstantial.

It won't stand up in
court. He's innocent.

So was I.

This was a mistake.

Wait, Allie.

Allie, wait, wait.

How can I help?

No strings attached, I promise.

Do you still have friends at the SEC?

[Bell dings]

Sophie: I can do this alone

if you have to go assassinate people

for a living.

I don't do that anymore, remember?

I'm a bodyguard now.

Hey, why is that?

You were hired to k*ll Margot,

and now you're working for her.

Are you just in it for the money?

Why do you do what you do?

Excuse me.

Have you seen this woman?



I think you dropped this.

Yeah, I have seen her.

She's staying here.

I don't do it for the
money, but it comes in handy.

I'm texting Val.

♪ ♪

[Door warbles]



She's been studying Margot
Bishop for a long time...

Tracking her movements.

Along with other known associates.

[Door closes]

[Elevator dings]

♪ ♪


[Indistinct conversations]

♪ ♪

[Engine revving]

The good news is we
tracked her to her hotel.

Yeah, we have her prints

on a mountain of recon she
did on you and the Firm.

Sophie and Hammer are collecting it now.

But you still have no idea who she is.


Not yet.

Please tell me that was the bad news.

The bad news is she and I
had a little... encounter.

So, she knows that
we're looking for her.

She knows that she's been compromised.

Great. And now, so have you.

And what were you doing

when my would-be
k*ller made her escape?

Mounting your hard drive.

We're gonna re-assemble our
mystery woman's wall of crazy

back at the office,

see if we can figure out her next move.

We'll call you.

Where do you think you're going?

Didn't you just kick me
out of here an hour ago?

[Door closes]

Don't be such a baby.

Don't be such a bitch.

♪ ♪

[g*n clicks]

You're taking your g*n?

You know how I hate to show up
to these things empty-handed.

[Cartridge clicks]

You're always so polite.

[g*n cocks]

Besides, Tasker will have one.

He'll have more than one.

And he'll have at least
two g*ons with him,

and then one in the car.

I'll be fine.

I don't deserve you, Allie.

No, you really don't.

I'm serious.

If the situation was reversed...

I hope that I would do the same for you.


Good thing the situation's not reversed.

Stay put.

This will all be over soon.

The diamonds are gone?

We opened up the fish.

They weren't there.

Someone stole them in transit.

Someone like...?

Oh, come on, give us some credit.

I mean, we might skim a few off the top,

but we'd be idiots to
take them all, wouldn't we?

Will you tell her? She
thinks we took them.

Who else knew about the shipment?

Just Jesse, Yumi, and us.

So maybe one of them stole the diamonds.

To cut the other one out. I
love the way your mind works.

So cynical.

They're in love.

They're criminals in love.

One of them's bound to turn
on the other eventually.

She thinks so little
of us, of our people.

She also happens to be right,
in my romantic experience.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

It's only a matter of time
before they k*ll each other.

We don't have time.

We need to speed things up.

All right.

Well, let's do that

by turning them against each other.

I like it. How are we gonna do that?

I think maybe we let our
handler handle this one.


Did you not see the way

Jesse was looking at
you the other night?

Oh, shut up.

- Was he?
- He was not.

He was.

Which will work to our advantage

when you accidentally bump
into him on the street.

Jesse? Hi!


Simone, from the Dining Hall.

[Chuckles] Oh, right.

Hey, how's your mom doing?

Once you have him alone,

you can tell him what happened

when you drove his mom
home from the party.

When you say she was sick, you mean...?

I think she might have a problem.

I only say that

because my mom started drinking a lot

when my dad d*ed.

I'm s... I shouldn't have said anything.

No, you're right.

I've just been so
wrapped up in my own...

No, hey, don't do that to yourself.

Talk to your mom.

Tell her how you're feeling.

[Cellphone shutter clicking]

Once we get the pictures...

we send in Rhys.

How did you get these?

I followed him.

Look, if I'm going into
business with somebody,

I need to know I can trust him.

And yet, here he is, in
the arms of another woman,

betraying your trust...
For God knows how long.

I'm so sorry.

[Cellphone shutter clicking]

I'll get it all on film, and then...

I'll complete the circle.

You mean Rhys?

And I'm sorry, but if
they're sleeping together,

odds are they are working together.

Rhys: Let's look at the facts.

He's already cheated and lied to you.

If she's willing to do that,

what makes you think she'll stop there?

But the sad truth is, you
just can't trust him.

You cannot trust her.

♪ ♪

[Engine revs]

[Door opens]

No money, no Tommy.

You really do have a
problem, Ms. Vaughan.

[Engine revs]

Friends of yours?

I'm gonna need you to come with us.

I wish I could, but I have
to get back to the office,

and you're about to get a
very important phone call.

Get in the car.

You don't believe me?

[Cellphone rings]

[Car doors close]

[Cellphone beeps]


No, that's a mistake.

As of when?


I'll call you back.

[Cellphone beeps]

I'm guessing the Securities
and Exchange Commission

called your business manager to tell him

the Optican Group and every other
phony corporation in your name

has had its assets
frozen pending review.

What the hell did you do?

My friends at the SEC

are now in control of all of your money.

Oh, I'm sorry... All of
your bosses' money.

Which I'm thinking might get you k*lled.

So, if you want to stay alive,

I suggest you do exactly as I say.

♪ ♪

What do you want?

Confession... To the
m*rder of the Kincaids.

You tell the police the truth,
that you pulled the trigger,

and I'll have the SEC back off.

I'm not telling the police anything.

Then you'll have to
explain to your bosses

how you lost all their money.

How's that conversation gonna go?

You might be better off in jail.

They have people inside.


Roll on them.

I'm sure you have enough information

to dismantle the entire organization.

- [g*n cocks]
- Release the money... now.

Or you'll do what?

You'll sh**t me, the way
you sh*t the Kincaids?

No, I sh*t them in the chest.

You, I'll sh**t in the head.

You guys get that?

[Siren wails]

Man: LAPD!

Drop the g*n!

- On the ground... now!
- [g*ns cocking]

On the ground... now!

Down... now!

[Police radio chatter]

Yeah, we got that.

Which means Tommy's in the clear.

And if Tasker makes a deal,

Tommy won't have the cartel
to worry about anymore.

And you will be the
next Chief of Police.

I don't know about that.

One question.

Were you bluffing,

or do you really have
friends at the SEC?

♪ ♪

Ethan: Wow.

Nothing for six years,
and then twice in one day.

I just wanted to give you this...

Tommy's bail money.

Oh, come on, Allie.

I don't like to owe people favors.

You never did.

If my brother calls
you and needs help...

He's my friend.

You're enabling him, I'm enabling him.

It has to stop.

Yes, ma'am.


I just need to know.

Are you happy?

I am.


That's all I ever wanted.

♪ ♪

From now on, I'm running the operation.

You'll take orders from me.

Uh, does Jesse know that?

I'll deal with Jesse after
we collect the diamonds.

That's the spirit. First things first.


[Gasps] I'm gonna k*ll him.

Well, well. Look who's here.

- Damn it.
- [Crowbar clangs]

I should have known.

I should have known.

Where are the diamonds?

I'm assuming they're in your pants,

- just like Yumi.
- What?!

Oh, come off it.

We both know you stole the diamonds.

Now, you see what he's doing?

First he sleeps with your girlfriend...

- He did not.
- Repeatedly.

And then he steals the diamonds,

blames us so he can keep her cut.

You think I'm rogering
this girl senseless

for the diamonds?

He is not.

Isn't that why you rogered me?

- What?
- What?

Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it.

- I did what I had to do.
- Yeah.

I work for Jesse now.
This is his operation.

His operation?

This whole smuggling thing was my idea.

This was my idea,

and you repay me by
sleeping with that old man?

"Old man"?

Give me that. I'm gonna k*ll him.

Justine: FBI!

Drop the g*n.


I said, drop it.

[Crowbar clangs]

You're under arrest for
smuggling, grand larceny,

and attempted m*rder.

You, too, sweetheart.

Wait, you're a cop?

FBI... she said it when she walked in.

This is the problem
with kids these days.

They don't listen.

Cutting it a little
close, don't you think?

Oh, we would have come in sooner,

but you were two were on a roll.

The boys wanted to listen in.

- Brightens their day.
- Hmm.

I'm glad you're not dead.

Aww, see? She does care.

♪ ♪

Look at you, detective-ing.

- Not very well at the moment.
- Oh, what?

Not enough you brought down
an entire drug cartel today?

Tasker's gonna make a deal?

Thanks to you and Alice.

You know, I get it now.

Your partner is almost as
big a badass as you are.


I would have left me for her, too.

I did not leave you. I know.

But as far as I'm concerned,

the band is officially back together.

[Footsteps approach]

Hey, Nick.

Uh, the cartel money is evidence now,

so I'll just go get it.

[Lock clicks]

[Hollow sound]


[Indistinct announcement over P.A.]

♪ ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

You forgot to say goodbye.

♪ ♪

[Indistinct announcement over P.A.]

You are really very,
very good at your job.

How did you find me?

I put a tracker in the bag.

'Cause you knew that I would steal it.

I hoped you wouldn't, but...

So... what now?

Are you gonna take me
down with your spinjitsu?

Are you gonna break me
down psychologically?

Are you gonna call Mom?

No, I'm not gonna do anything.

My offer stands... Come work with me.

You can live with me for
as long as you need to.

You don't have to do this.


But if you do take that money,

we're done, you and me.

You say that now.

There's only so many times
I can let you break my heart.


But I-I know who I am.

I'm not good like you.

I was never good!

Tommy, you know me.

I'm proof you can change.


♪ Trying to make it up ♪

♪ As we go along ♪

♪ As we go along ♪

♪ We were kids trying to make it up ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ As we go along ♪

♪ As we go along ♪

[Tempo quickens]

♪ For what it's worth ♪

♪ I was only trying to wake you up ♪

♪ For what it's worth ♪

♪ I was only trying ♪

Don't call me!

Don't write!

Don't ever come back!

♪ I was only trying to ♪

[Tempo slows]

♪ ♪

I've got to say, the
Bureau is very impressed.

Jesse and Yumi are being extradited.

Poor Mrs. Takashi is going to rehab.

And somehow, we managed to bring down

an international smuggling ring

without creating an
international incident.

Well, that's pretty good, even for us.

Which calls for a toast.

The only thing is...

I'm drinking anyway.

We still don't know
who took the diamonds...

do we?

W-We told you.

I know.

It wasn't us.

And I'm choosing to believe you,

but I'm gonna find out
who did it eventually

and go after them with
everything I've got.

- Well, that was a terrible toast.
- Yeah, really.

Here's to better toasts in the future.

[Glasses clink]

♪ ♪

This is exactly the way it was
on our mystery woman's wall.

Clearly, a woman after my own heart.

You know how I love a wall of crazy.

It's obsessive, to say the least.

And so thorough.

I'm kind of impressed.

Valerie: She collected intel

on nearly everyone
affiliated with the Firm,

including those three
lieutenants who wound up dead.

What are these buildings?

Sophie: They're all owned by the Firm.

Including the church?

No, the building next to it.

Ben: They're not even here, are they?

You stashed them in the Rectory.

Get out!

I will when you give
me my diamonds back.

Sophie, can you check to
see if that has a rectory?


Yeah, the rectory was added in .

That church is a Kensington safehouse.

How do you know?

I... heard Margot talking.

The Rectory, if you must know,

houses the cash and munitions

we've accrued in Los Angeles thus far.

Is it secured?

Of course... Armed
guards around the clock.

- And there's a vault?
- In the catacombs.

My men checked in minutes ago.

It hasn't been tampered with.

So we still have time.

For what?

To set a trap.

♪ Johny, can you hear me? ♪

Danny: If our mystery woman's gonna act,

she's gonna do it soon.

She's done her homework
on you and the Firm,

so she's gonna know how
to get inside the church...

how to make her way down,

and go straight to the vault.

♪ ♪

She'll be prepared for security...


...and ready to cr*ck
into any alarm system...

hat stands in her way.

[Safe hinges creak]

♪ Hey ♪

♪ ♪

But when she gets in there,

she's gonna find the one
thing she's not ready for...

♪ Hey ♪

- [Door opens]

[g*n cocks]

Not this time, lady.

Who are you?

You don't recognize me?

No, I've never seen
you before in my life.


It has been a while.


♪ Hey ♪

♪ Johny, can you hear me? ♪

♪ J-J-J-Johny ♪