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02x03 - Live Fire

Posted: 11/16/21 08:22
by bunniefuu


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

I thought this was the Aces' Lounge,

home of the best pilots in the galaxy.

So why all the long faces?

Were you sleeping at our last fight?

The First Order nearly
blew us all out of the sky.

What? Okay, so maybe
we were barely defeated.

But come on. Guys.

Freya's right, Hype.

Fighting the First Order
is not like fighting pirates.

Which is why we're adjusting.

Besides, it's not like
they're gonna chase us forever.

Oh, yes, they will.

I was with the Empire.
I know how their kind thinks.

The First Order won't stop
until they've got

every one of us in detention cells.

I see you are all concerned about

the same things that I am.

You've all done a valiant job

protecting this platform
all these years.

But it is clear we're outmatched

by a new kind of enemy.

Thankfully, there are ways that we can

prepare ourselves for this conflict.

Captain, what are you saying?

That we run drills?

Ha! We're Ace pilots.

It doesn't get better than us.

Yes, when it comes to racing,
I agree with you.

But when it comes
to ship-to-ship combat,

you have much to learn.

That's why we are lucky to have
a military trained pilot

and a Commander with
many years of experience.

Allow me to introduce you
to your new squadron leader,

Jarek Yeager.

And your newest member
of the Ace Squadron.

Hey, guys.

Kaz? Wha...

Are you kidding me?

♪ ♪

I'll leave you all
to get reacquainted.

Much appreciated, Captain Doza.


It's great to finally be on
the same team, right, Hype?

Put it there?

All right, I'll just...

pull it back.

We'll get there.

Oh, no, we won't.

I mean, you may have gotten me
out of a couple of tight spots,

but that doesn't make you an Ace.

And as for you, "squad leader"...

I don't remember signing up
for the Resistance.

I'm not asking you to.

I'm asking you to protect our home,

like you've always done.

Do you want a repeat of last time?

Hype, if Yeager
can make us better pilots,

we should give him a chance.

And since I've had
years of combat training

with the New Republic Navy,

I'm happy to offer some pointers.

I was, actually, top of my class.

Yeah, well, Hype Fazon will always

be at the top of this class.


And you'll be at
the bottom, Kaztastrophe.


Tam. Gaava. Come on!

New pilots are already
at the bottom of the heap.

We're running late!

Just stop complaining
and move, Rucklin.

You were the one who
couldn't find your helmet.


♪ ♪

I see some of us lack
the professionalism

to wear their complete uniform.

You haven't earned
the privilege of being seen.

I'm sorry, Lieutenant Galek.

You are here to hone
your skills as pilots.

My job is to train you.

Your job is to follow my commands.

Is that clear?

ALL: Sir, yes, sir!

All pilots prepare your ships.

You will start
your first exercise shortly.

[CLEARS THROAT] Lieutenant Galek?

DT- is it?

Yes, sir.

Did you not hear my command, cadet?

All pilots to your ships.


Yes, sir.

♪ ♪




That's my seat.

Oh. Apologies, Bo.

I will just eat my meal over here,

with the droids.

Yay, I'm back in flight school.

I hope this isn't boring.

We couldn't brief somewhere nicer?

Like our hangar.

Quiet! I know you
don't want to be here,

and, believe me, it's not
my first choice either.

But this isn't about what we want;

it's about surviving.

So I thought it'd be best
to get a sense

of each other's combat skills.

There's an ice moon nearby.

It's small, uninhabited;

the perfect place for a skirmish.

We will disable all
w*apon systems on the ships

and use stun only during the training.

We'll have two teams:
Kaz and myself...

versus everyone else.


You can't be serious, Yeager.

'Cause there's no way you can
beat all of us.


Well, then I won't have
to wish you luck.

♪ ♪

So... where is this great
fighter pilot anyway?

They just told us to be ready.

You never know when
the enemy is going to attack.

Ha! Hype Fazon is always ready.

Yeah, just make sure
you help cover me.

When you're in a battle, we
gotta watch each other's back.

Hey, you watch my back.

♪ ♪

I didn't know Imperial pilots

were so concerned
about one another, Griff.

Yeah. We weren't. That's why we lost.

Well, you better get ready
to lose again because...


I thought I told you all
to be prepared.

Like Griff said,
we gotta cover each other.

♪ ♪

Kaz, go high and swing out.


I got him.


♪ ♪


Oh! Freya's locking onto me.

Draw her out; I'll take her down.

♪ ♪




Ugh! They're taking us out fast.

I say we form up, too.


Whatever, just don't crowd me.

♪ ♪


I've got him in my sights.

Wait, what?

Hype. That was my shot.


There are no rules in w*r, Torra.


Look out, Kaz. You've got a tail.

You wanna help with that, partner?

Just lead the way.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What the?

Eyes open, Hype. Always.


Okay, so now it's my fault
we were tagged out?

Yes! You broke up the formation.

He was being a good racer,

which makes him a bad combat pilot.

Racers only think about themselves.

But good combat pilots survive
by working as a team.

Are you crazy?

I thought you wanted to make me
a better pilot.

If you just want to chain me
to these sea slugs...

forget it, I'm out!





Oh, yeah, you totally showed
those moof brains.


Aunt Z, give me
the spiciest drink you got.

On the house, pal.


Uh, Z... this is water.

Yeah, and if we don't resupply soon,

I'm gonna start charging for it, too.

You got off easy this time.

Hey, Hype. Sticking to water?

That's good. Hydration's important.

Look, I just want to say
you did what any cadet would.

Uh, not that I'm calling you a cadet,

or a rookie.

Um, I mean, I am, but, uh...

Okay, look. We don't know
each other very well, Hype,

but I believe we both wanna protect

the Colossus, and...

You know what I believe?

I believe it's your fault
that Tam left.

And now that I'm getting
to know you better,

I don't blame her.

[STAMMERING] Well, I don't
know why you're bringing

Tam into this, but...

Okay, okay.
You see this antenna twitching?

This means I'm upset. So leave.

All right. Uh, take it easy!

I'm going. I'm going.


Ugh... Hey, Torra.

I don't need a lecture
from you either, Torra.

Even if I'm on your side
no matter what?

Look, Hype, you want to stay? Great.

You want to leave? Fine.

That's not gonna change
what I think of you.

Really? You really mean that?

I mean, I thought you were mad at me

just like everyone else.

I'm not mad at you.

In fact, you wanna know something?

I'm scared.

The pirates were one thing,
but those First Order pilots...

they're coming after
you, me, and everyone

on this platform.

Yeah, I know.

It's just like the Empire
when I was a kid.

I understand.

But think about it, Hype.

You already had a chance to run,

and you came back.

And the fact is, we're all stronger

when we're together, and I'm stronger

with you on my wing.

You really want a wingmate

who doesn't want to be a wingmate?

As long as it's you.

But either way,
it kind of works out for me.

If you leave, I'll definitely
be the best pilot

on the platform.

Now you're just being nice.

First time for everything.


Pilots, this will be
a live-fire exercise.

There are no stun blasts in battle.

Whoever destroys the most drones

will become squad leader.


All right, Tam, you've got this.

♪ ♪

First point to DT- !

If anyone else would like
to impress me,

I suggest you try harder.

You're not the only one
who's gonna get a shot.


♪ ♪


Lieutenant Galek,
it seems our new recruits

are showing great promise.

Yes, sir.

DT- in particular is doing well.

Hmm. The volunteer...

The one whose comlink
led us to the Colossus?

I'm pleased she's proving
herself to be useful

in more ways than one.



♪ ♪

Sorry, Rucklin.

I'm going for the clean sweep.

You can try.

♪ ♪

Agh! I've lost control!


My controls are dead.

Hang on.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[GROANS] Gotcha.


♪ ♪

[SIGHS] You lost your sweep, Tam.

Yeah, but I didn't lose you.

It's almost a fair trade.

Fascinating, Galek.

It would seem your star pupil
is quite the hero.

Pilots, return to the hangar.

The exercise is complete.

All right, we're gonna try this again.

I want three pairs,
one wingmate and one lead.

This time focus on working
together as a team.

Because the last pair standing wins.


So who has the honor
of teaming up with me?

It's true; Hype Fazon has returned!

Hold your applause.


Ugh. Look who's back.

Yeah, where else was he gonna go?

Have you come to apologize?

Apologi... [LAUGHS]

No, but I have come to help you out.

Well, I'm glad to see you.

Oh I'm... I'm glad to see you too.

- Hey. Watch it.
- Oh, ah...

Uh, if you're done,
I'd like to get started.

All right, Kaz, you'll be
Hype's lead on this one.

- Me?
- Kaz?

Yeah, is that a problem
for either of you?

[SIGHS] I hope you know
what I'm doing.


♪ ♪

Remember, pilots,

we might be all that stands
between the Colossus

and its total destruction.

We have to learn to get this right.


All right, begin.


Just follow me and stay in sync.

Sir, yes sir, leader sir.

♪ ♪

You're a real natural.

I mean, not that I'm too bad
myself but...

Okay, Kaz, let's just only speak

when we absolutely have to, okay?

Like now?

No. Not like now.

Why would we talk now?

Because we're being ambushed!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Come on, Griff. We got 'em.

Ha, copy that.

Hey! What happened
to being friends, Torra?

There are no friends in w*r, Hype.

♪ ♪



[GASPS] What is that thing?

♪ ♪

Hype, it's on your six.

Wingmate? Ah! Where's my wingmate?

Where's my wingmate?


I can't shake it! I can't shake it!

I gotcha, Hype!
Switching to lasers now.


♪ ♪


What is that thing made of?

Our lasers aren't even making a dent.

Everyone spread out.

If we can avoid it long enough,

it'll probably let us go.

And what exactly
is that theory based on?

Nothing in particular,
but it's what I've got.

♪ ♪


Well, it seems to like
whatever you've got, Yeager.

It's gaining on you.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Yeager! Hang on.

Are you trying to be funny?

Kaz, you're supposed to be
the experienced combat pilot.

What do we do?

[STAMMERING] This isn't
the combat I was trained for.

♪ ♪

How can we get it to let Yeager go?

We can't! We don't have the firepower.


Wait a minute. I think I got it.

Let me guess, you want us to retreat?

Nope, but I'm gonna need my wingmate.

All right, what's the plan, Hype?

Our target's
not gonna be the creature;

it's gonna be the ice pillars.

Ooh, that's brilliant.

Can somebody explain?

We can't hurt the creature, Bo,

but we can topple
those ice pillars onto it.

♪ ♪

Well, we've got to do something.

I'm with you, Hype.

- Me too.
- All right.

- Let's do it.
- Yeager?

Just do it. Hurry!


♪ ♪

Target the ice pillar up ahead.

Everyone sh**t together on my mark.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪


We did it!

You know we did it!

Well, that wasn't exactly
what I had in mind

for teamwork, but it seems
to have gotten the job done.

Let's go home.


♪ ♪

Never thought I'd be so happy
to see you.

Don't mock the girl who
saved your life, Rucklin.

I have to admit, I probably
wouldn't have done the same.

And you shouldn't have.

That little stunt cost you
squadron leader, .

What? But I downed the most drones

and helped a fellow pilot.

No, you risked the entire mission

by breaking off the attack.

Your job was to destroy the enemy,

not to rescue lesser pilots

who shouldn't have survived
on their own merit.

You embarrassed me in front
of Commander Pyre.

I'd... I'd just like to say...

You say nothing.

Our Order is built
on survival of the fittest.

If one pilot can't do their duty

and they die serving the First Order,

so be it.

The Order becomes stronger
by culling the weak.

And it is your job to follow orders.

Do you understand, ?

Sir, yes sir.

♪ ♪


All right, stop. Stop.

It's not like I saved everyone.

Just Yeager. [LAUGHING]

I mean, that creature was no joke.

Its teeth were all nasty!

But you know what,
I have to give credit

where credit is due.

To my wingmates!

Torra and Kaz were right.

We make a mighty good team together,

even though I could've taken
that creature myself.

[CHUCKLES] I'm kidding.

I'm kidding, come on. I'm kidding!

And speaking of wingmates,

I want to officially welcome
our newest member

to the Aces, Kazuda Xiono.

Come on. Get up here, man.

Yeah, you! Don't be shy now!

Get your butt over here!


No longer a Kaztastrophe.

[LAUGHS] At least not right now.

Aww. This makes me so happy.

Oh, I'm so proud of you, Hype.

Note the antenna.