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02x15 - The New World

Posted: 11/16/21 09:09
by bunniefuu

Almost finished, CB.

And... there!

Just have to get
a brand new stabilizer.

Good question.
What is going on?

Come on, CB.

Neeku, what's going on?
Are we under att*ck?


I do enjoy your
sense of humor, Kaz.

That was merely turbulence
from our atmospheric entry.

Of course... see for yourself.

Citizens of the Colossus,
after scouring the Outer Rim,

we have finally found a place
for the Colossus to call home.

Welcome to the planet of Aeos.

Captain Doza,
what... what's going on?

What is this place?

Scans indicate this
is not a high value planet,

therefore it won't be on
the First Order's scanners.

We've finally found
a safe haven for the Colossus.

Settling on a planet
is what the people want, Kaz.

We can't ignore that.

But, docking on some
unknown world is a big risk.

So is continuing on
as we have been.

How long until our supply
levels become critical again?

It's time to stop running

and start thinking
about our future.

It's a simple recon mission.

Pair off, conduct a sector
search, then report back.

If the planet's
safe and secure,

we'll dock here on Aeos.

Bucket will issue field kits
in case you run into anything

unexpected... meds,
emergency food and water,

the usual.
Any questions?

Sounds easy enough.
I can't wait to get back

to b*ating Kazuda
on the race course.

You'd have
to catch me to b*at me.

The way I understand it,
things are about to go

back to the way they were,
which means...

I'll be b*ating you both!
Am I right or am I right, R4?

You know I'm right!

Hustle up, Sunshine.
We got a job to do.

All right,
you heard Yeager.

Let's split up
and look around.

I don't know, Griff.
Are we making a mistake?

Look, just trust
the captain, kid.

He's seen a thing or two.

And all of us have
done our part, haven't we?

I mean will anybody even
notice if we stop fighting?

I mean I‐I want
to fight, but...

But now you've seen
real w*r up close, kid,

and you're different
because of it.

‐ Looks like there used
to be a village down there.

Could be a fresh water source.
Let's check it out.

So, why did you stop
fighting and leave the Empire?

Doza... he was my
commanding officer,

one of the best
I'd ever known, too.

Got to the point
where he'd had enough.

He said I could either stay
and fight for a corrupt Empire,

or leave with him
and start new.

Oh, that's why
you're so loyal to him.

He gave you a choice.

The truth is,
in the end the Empire

wasn't worth fighting for.

Doza saw that and he knew
when to walk away.

But how would that solve
anything... walking away?

Well, for one,
it keeps you alive.

And ultimately,
the Empire fell,

so in my book,
things worked out pretty well.

There's something up ahead.

What happened?

Somebody tried
to wipe out whoever was here...

and not that long ago, either.

Local trouble?
Warring tribes?

Could be anything...
what's that?

First Order troopers?

Doza said they weren't supposed
to know about this place!

Griff, we gotta to get back
to the Colossus and...


Uh... Griff's droid?


Be nice if he
told me where he went.



Griff, are you in here?

You're the one with the light.

You go first.

Fine, we'll go together.


How did Griff
get down here so quickly?

CB, promise me
we stick together, okay?

Who knows what's down here...

Looks like these caverns
got damaged as well...

Wait... a control
center of some kind.

It's an old
Rebellion outpost!

That's why
the First Order was here.

They want to make sure nobody

can use this base
against them...

CB, we have to get
back to the Colossus.

Oh, um, hi.

Wrong cavern.
Our mistake.

We... we're just gonna
see ourselves out.

Oh, no.

Any word from the Aces?

All have reported
their sectors clear,

except for Griff and Kazuda.

Kaz, come in.

Griff, do you copy?

I've been going over
the sector recon scans.

There's a freshwater aquifer,
signs of food...

we could thrive on this planet
for years, Jarek.

Well, I know you wanna
believe that... we all do.

But we still need to be sure
this place is everything

it seems to be,
and I'll feel a lot better

when everyone has checked in...

Well, I'm guessing

hospitality's not their thing.

Told you those high‐pitched

screams were his, R5.

Griff, you're okay!

Oh, am I glad to see you.

That's it?
No, "Thanks for risking

your life to rescue me, Kaz"?

Depends... did you tell
the Colossus where we were

before getting captured?

Uh... not exactly.

Okay, okay,
that one's on me.

CB, contact the Colossus.

We tried that, genius.
The cave is too deep.

The signal won't go through.
We're on our own.

Okay, uh, it's not ideal,

but... we can figure
a way out of this.

What are some of the ways
you've escaped in the past?

Well, I've never been
captured by fish before,

so I'm open to whatever.


What is it, 4D?

Scans indicate
several life forms

approaching the Colossus.

Can you make out
what they are?

Negative, Captain,
but they appear to be

originating from the ocean.

Let's just hope
they're friendly.

We passed Griff and Kaz's
sector on our way back,

but never had a visual on them.
What's going on, Yeager?

We've lost
all contact with them.

I got 20 credits
that says Griff ditched Kaz

on some deserted island.
Who wants in?

Well, I'm not waiting
around to find out.

I'm going to look for them.

Perhaps they might know

what's happened
to Kaz and Griff.

Um... who are they?

I'm guessing the locals.

Okay, everyone stay
calm and do not engage.

This is no way
to treat guests, Yeager.

Allow me.
Uh... Neeku?

Hello, new friends,
welcome aboard the Colossus.

I am Neeku.
What are your names?

Well, that is
a very interesting name.

judging by your glowing spears,

you are perhaps
not in the best of moods.

I will just
safely move away now.

Stand back,
security coming through.

Uh, B1, I would be very
cautious around these locals.

We've got this under
control, Commander Neeku.

Neeku, tell B1 to stand down.

Intruders are not allowed!
State your business here.

B1, do not get too close
to them... they might...

Not fair...

Oh, no.

This planet
is everything we dreamed of.

Beautiful, peaceful...

Whoa, what was that thing?

Something looking for
its next meal, I'm thinking.

Whatever it was,
there's more up ahead!

Droids, stand down.
I repeat... stand down!

Yeager, is everything okay?

We spotted some
not‐so‐friendly fish

circling the station.

Hold your position
and do not engage.

The locals think
we're a thr*at.

Everybody fall back!

Hurry, Neeku!
Hurrying, hurrying.

Okay, so what do we do now?

They clearly
don't want us here!

Ya think?



hey, Griff!

Griff, guess what I found
before we got captured?

An old Rebellion outpost.


I figure the First Order
must be targeting

old Rebel bases
all over the galaxy,

so if they took this one out,
they probably moved on, right?

Yeah, don't count on it.

We can't be sure
they didn't leave a probe

or a beacon behind.

If we stay here,

we'll always have to be looking
over our shoulder.


Wait... what's happening?
Where are you taking us?

All right, all right.

Ahh... all right.
No need to be pushy.

Okay, we just need
to figure out how to explain

we are the good guys...

- that we just wanna help.
- Yeah, well, seeing

what happened up there,
I doubt they're gonna listen.

Oh... wow.

I think she's
the one in charge.

Ooh, you're quick.

Don't worry...
I'll handle this.

My... name... is...


My friend here is Griff.

We... mean...

you... no harm.

Why do you speak
so strangely?

Is there something
wrong with you?

Sorry... she said it, not me.

Ooh, I'm so sorry...

I didn't realize
you could understand us.

You, Kazuda and Griff,
are intruders to our home.

We lost many
of our people in your att*ck,

including our healer.

For this,
you will face punishment!

Wait, what?
att*ck you?

No, no, that wasn't us.
It was the First Order!

And if you lost your healer,
please let us help.

We have medics and supplies...

Quiet, child.

Your ship hovers over our
planet like a vast pyramid...

just as before.

Just as before?
Look, I can explain.

That was a Star Destroyer,
not us...

Oh, great.

We found this, your majesty.

And this one bears
the markings of those

who destroyed our village.

No, no, no, no!
I know how this must look,

but we did not do
this to your people.

We just came here
to look for a new home...


You will be punished
for your deeds.

Feed them to the krakavora.

Did she say, "feed"?

- That's what I heard.
- No, no, no...

this... this is a mistake!
We didn't do anything!

I don't wanna be dinner...

Okay, Griff,
uh... we need a plan.

Any plan... doesn't
have to be a good plan...

just one where
we're not a meal.


Uh, R5 votes
you get eaten first.

I'm with that.

Oh, no...

We can help them.
They don't want our help.

We have to try...

and it will prove
we're not the bad guys.

Excuse me, Leader... uh, ma'am?
I see your people are hurt.

They... they need
medical attention.

- If you let us go, we can...
- Not another word, child.

That went well.

It's time for plan B.


Hang in there.

These meds will
help you recover.

Look, we only want to help.


I will not let you wreak
more havoc upon my people.

I wouldn't do that,
your majesty.

Excuse me?

If you wanna pick a fight,

then it's gonna
have to be with me.

He is healed.

You are a healer?

No, but we have plenty
of medicine back on our ship.

If you let us go,

I promise we will
help your people.

Take them to the krakavora!

No... no krakavora!

Please, no krakavora!
No krakavora!

They're not going to stop!
What do we do?

Yeager, I'm sending security
droids your way as back up.

Doza, wait.

The plan was to not engage.

This is their planet.
We're the ones trespassing.

Oh, we're all gonna die!

Uh, shall I try
diplomacy again?

Just stay behind me, Neeku.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Griff, Kaz!

What happened out there?

Everything's okay.
There was...

there was just

a big misunderstanding.

Her majesty has agreed
to let us help her people.

Well, that is very good news.

Welcome to the Colossus,
your majesty.

Whatever you need,
just let us know.

That is very kind.
Thank you.

You know, these guys
are starting to grow on me.

Here's the medicine

for your people, as promised.

And, uh, no hard feelings

about almost feeding me
to the krakavora.

I apologize
for trespassing on your planet.

Our ship will leave at once.

Captain Doza was only
trying to keep us safe.

The First Order,
the ones who att*cked

your village,
they took our home from us...

and that's why we came here.

We allowed
a small group of your kind

to find shelter
here in the past,

and they were most
helpful and honorable.

I see that you
and your tribe are similar.

For this, I shall allow
your people to stay on Aeos.

Thank you, your majesty.
We are very grateful.

Come, Captain.
Let us discuss this further.

Something's on your mind.
Let's hear it.

I wanted to believe
that we could hide here,

and I could feel how
much Doza wanted that for us.

Having the chance
to race again, live our lives,

start over...
but seeing what I saw today...

that bombed‐out village,
those wounded people...

I know we'll never
be able to walk away.

We have to fight until we win.

The w*r is coming
for us, Yeager.

Even in this peaceful place

that seems so far away
from everything...

it's gonna find us.

You may be right...
I don't know.

But I do know this.

Whatever comes,
we'll face it together.