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01x05 - Choose Your Pain

Posted: 11/16/21 09:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on Star Trek: Discovery:

I would like to extend
an official invitation

to join the Discovery
and be a member of our crew.

I've been court-martialed and convicted.

You are dangerous,
and you are someone to fear,

Michael Burnham.

Discovery is now the only Starfleet ship

with a displacement-activated
spore hub drive.

We will be able to materialize anywhere
in the known universe.

This spore drive travels
on a network of mycelium.

We just can't control where we go.
But maybe the Tardigrade can.

- We're ready to jump, sir.
- Go.

L'Rell, I have come to know you

as one who is astute.

Now we must strategize
on a grander scale.

In order to convince

the twenty-four houses
to follow T'Kuvma's teachings.

This was sent for you.

Do you accept the last will
and testament

of Captain Philippa Georgiou?

I am leaving you
my most beloved possession.

Handed down through my family
for centuries.

Dr. Culber,
I've been studying the creature

since it came on board.

It's incredibly regenerative,
but with each jump Discovery makes,

it cries out.

And the last 48 hours, it seems sluggish.


We don't know if it experiences stress
or pain like we do.

You think I'm anthropomorphizing.

You discovered how
to use the Tardigrade for navigation.

A victory that maybe
isn't a victory anymore,

given the creature's
deteriorating condition.

Let me run some tests.

Thank you.

In less than three weeks,
the Discovery has prevented

the destruction of the dilithium mines
at Corvan 2,

broken the Klingon supply line at Benzar,
and routed an attack

through the Ophiucus system.

The reason
you've been brought here today

is it has become increasingly imperative

that we duplicate Discovery's
spore-drive technology,

and get it into
as many Starfleet vessels as possible.

To that end, I ordered Lieutenant Stamets
to release the schematics

of our propulsion system immediately
after our first successful jump.

Our classified facility
in Jefferson, Iowa received them

and is building units
according to those specs.

We need more Tardigrades
to ensure safe, accurate navigation.

Every ship, every starbase, every colony
is on the hunt for these creatures.

In the meantime, we want Discovery
to dial back on its missions.

- No, hold on a second...
- There is concern

at the highest levels of leadership
about taxing our prime asset.

Discovery should be out there.
Winning battles.

We believe the enemy may
have identified Discovery

as our secret w*apon.

You are hereby ordered
to rein in your use of the spore drive

unless authorized by Starfleet.

With respect to the w*r effort,

the fleet will pick up the slack
caused by your absence.

That's a lot of slack.

We'll manage.

Hi, roomie.

Oh, my God, you look awful.

Thank you, Tilly.

That's it.
We're gonna have lunch now. I mean it.

You're gonna tell me
what's going on with you.

There's nothing to tell.

Uh, okay. Um, that's okay. I get it.
It was bound to happen sometime.

There's so many interesting people
on this ship,

I'm sure you've made tons of friends.

Tilly, it's not you.

It's me.

Since that is very rarely the case
in my case,

I would love to hear how it's not me.

- I'm out of sorts. And preoccupied.
- About?

The Tardigrade.

Each time we use the spore drive,
it gets weaker.

You're stressed.

I barely have a job here.
I've never been less busy.

But then that gives you the time
and space

to actually process
what you're going through emotionally.

I don't like it.


I love feeling feelings.

Ah! Turn it down.

Sorry. Didn't know you were still in here.

- Just saddling up for the ride, admiral.
- Why don't you get your eyes fixed?

You know, Katrina, I don't trust doctors.

- Should I take that personally?
- Punishment for blindsiding me

in that pathetic excuse
for a strategy session.

Cut the crap, Gabriel.

By the way,
there's something I didn't bring up,

lest you think I was piling on.

- The matter of Michael Burnham.
- No, no, no. Starfleet regulation 139...

eight-two allows you to conscript
virtually anyone in time of w*r.

And so I have.

This organization's
only convicted mutineer

is viewed by many, justifiably or not,

as the cause of our conflict
with the Klingons.

To see her avoiding justice does nothing
for general morale.

When I accepted the command,
I was given the fullest latitude

to fight this w*r how I saw fit.

But why give everyone another reason
to judge you?

Are you uncomfortable with the power
I've been given, admiral?

I'm your friend.


It's my ship.

My way.

Incoming warp signature detected.

Klingon class D7
battle cruiser identified.

Tractor beam engaged.

Captain Lorca.

The pilot was k*lled
in the subsequent firefight.

Captain Lorca was captured
by the Klingons.

Do we know where he was taken,

No. By the time we responded
to the shuttle's distress beacon,

the enemy's warp trail had dissipated.

Since you're acting captain,
I'm sending you what little Intel we have.

This was a targeted abduction.

It's possible the Klingons have learned
of the existence

of Discovery's propulsion system,
and taken Lorca to learn more.

We need him back, Mr. Saru,
before they pry those secrets out of him.

- We will find him, admiral.
- Good luck.

Lieutenant Detmer, set course

for the shuttle's last known coordinates,
maximum warp.

Lieutenant Owosekun, establish
search parameters sector by sector.

Calculate potential escape vectors
correlating to all known Klingon bases,

colonies, and planets,
within five light-years.

What are you doing on the Bridge?

I came to speak to Captain Lorca.

I'm afraid that won't be possible.
Commander Airiam,

alert Lieutenant Stamets
that we may be making multiple jumps

in rapid succession
throughout Klingon space

to see if we can track the ship
that made the abduction.

- Yes, sir.
- Multiple jumps?

Do you have an issue with that plan?

I just don't know how feasible it'll be.

I'm concerned
that we are negatively impacting

- the Tardigrade with each jump we make.
- I was told it's virtually indestructible.

- I disagree with that assessment.
- You have proof that we're harming it?

- Not as of yet.
- I am not finding this information

to be helpful in any way.

We are about to embark
on a rescue mission

to save the life our captain.

Are you suggesting we forgo that?

No, of course not.

I'm just worried.
I don't know how much more

the Tardigrade can sustain.

You hurt someone,
they become less helpful.

Focus on the task at hand.
There will be no more discussion

of the Tardigrade
until the captain's back safe.

- Yes, sir.
- You may go.


list Starfleet's most decorated captains,
living and deceased.


Based on their service records,
is it possible

to identify the qualities most essential
to their success?

most often cited include bravery,

self-sacrifice, intelligence,
tactical brilliance, compassion.

Computer, initiate new protocol.

Please, record all data related
to my performance

as acting captain of Discovery,

and cross-reference
with success parameters.

Note where deviations occur.

State the purpose
of the new protocol.

There is an element aboard this ship
that causes me to second-guess myself.

That cannot continue.

I must remain clearheaded
in pursuit of today's mission.

Alternative solution:
Eliminate destructive element.

Not an option.

Who are you?

The name is Mudd.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd.

Harry for short. And I reiterate...

Where are we?

On a resort off Antares Minor.

Try the spa.

- The hot-stone massage is delightful.
- Where are we?

Typical Starfleet. No fun at all.

We are on a Klingon prison vessel.

Particularly nasty one.

What's a civilian like you
doing on a Klingon prison vessel?

The only crime
I'm guilty of is loving too much.

It's true, captain.

I fell for a woman far beyond my reach.

Sweet Stella.

Her family didn't approve of me,

so, I had no choice except to try
and buy her father's respect.

Scary, scary man.

So, I borrowed a large sum
from some non-traditional lenders,

and gifted her with a moon.

It worked like a charm.

Until I fell behind in my payments. Hm.

The creditors came after me.

Chased me into enemy territory,
right into the Klingons' arms,

who deposited me here,

where I await my fate.

Oh, I wouldn't bother with him, captain.

I believe the technical term
for his condition is...

"out to lunch."

Here comes the floor show.

Choose your pain.

They may look stupid,
our Klingon hosts. They're anything but.

They regularly give us the choice
to choose our pain.

We can accept the beating ourselves,
or pass it on to our cellmates.

It's our captors' way
of keeping us from bonding.

You seem conspicuously free
from bruises.

I've learned how to choose wisely.

Don't judge.

You're gonna wanna stick with me.
I'm a survivor.

Just like you.

You should know
that Lieutenant Stamets rarely,

if ever, listens to me.

- I can handle him.
- Please.

- Show me how.
- Lieutenant Stamets.

Your spore drive is genius.

Beyond genius.
What you've achieved for the w*r effort,

for the whole of science itself,
it's a contri...

I know I'm brilliant.
What are you trying to get out of me?

Why are you with her?

Burnham is worried
about the physical effects

that Discovery's jumps are having
on the Tardigrade.

I've done my own evaluations,
and I must concur.

Scans of its frontal lobe
show significant cumulative deterioration

- every time we go to black alert.
- We need to find a work-around.

Making Ripper the critical component
for the s-drive is unsustainable

for the creature and your invention.

We could lose them both. And with them,
any chance of saving Captain Lorca.

Aren't there actual people on this ship
requiring your attention, doctor?

Actually, the CMO does need my help
with an Andorian tonsillectomy.

To be clear,
the Tardigrade was your contribution.

I never intended to utilize
a living creature as a navigation tool.

- I didn't, either.
- You say "portabella," I say "portobello."

You are the cause of this situation,

- What are you doing with your mouth?
- Swallowing the urge

- to set the record straight.
- It won't get us anywhere.

Do you wanna be right,
or do you wanna fix this?

I didn't realize
there were more of us in here.

I've been pulled out of rotation.

Sometimes they let us heal up,
so we last longer.

Shit, you're a captain?

Here. Eat.

You go ahead.

I have to insist.
We never know when they'll feed us.

Keep up your strength.
I lost one captain. I won't lose another.

What's your name, soldier?

- Lieutenant Ash Tyler.
- And the captain you lost?

Steven Maranville, of the U.S.S. Yeager.
The finest, sir.

- You were at the Battle of the Binaries?
- They gave it a name, huh?

- That's where I was captured.
- You've been here seven months?

- That's funny to you?
- Sorry, sir. It's just, um...

If that's true,
I'm tougher than I thought.

Or a liar.

Nobody survives Klingon t*rture
for seven months.

Why are you here?
They got a reason to keep you alive?

The captain of this ship...

she's taken a liking to me.

You must've picked up a few details.

What's the crew complement
of this vessel?

Can't be certain. Thirty, maybe 40.

You got a sense
of the layout of the decks?


I gotta get my hands
on an active comm relay

- to signal my ship for extraction.
- We're deep in enemy territory.

No way a Federation ship can
make it out this far undetected.

Oh, my ship can.

It's like a ghost.

Mudd, if I see that pet of yours again...

Come on, come on, come on.

Apologizes, lieutenant.
Stuart has boundary issues.

And besides...

we're both a little hungry.

You'd take food out of the mouths
of the only two men

- standing between you and death?
- Damn right, I would.

Because this is all Starfleet has left me.

I used to have a life, captain.
A good one.

A respectable business.
That all got blown up,

because of your god damn w*r.

Starfleet didn't start this w*r.

Of course you did.

The moment you decided to boldly go
where no one had gone before.

What happens
when you bump into someone

- who didn't want you in their yard?
- You're siding with the enemy?

I'm not siding with anyone.

But I sure as hell understand
why the Klingons pushed back.

Starfleet arrogance.

Have you ever bothered
to look out of your spaceships

down at the little guys below?

If you had, you'd realize that
there's a lot more of us down there

than there are you up here.

And we're sick and tired
of getting caught in your crossfire.

So, we need the spore drive
to save Captain Lorca,

but the spore drive
is k*lling the Tardigrade.

All right, let's start with our mushroom,
prototaxites stellaviatori,

a species made up of exotic material
found not only in normal space,

but in a discreet subspace domain
known as the mycelial network.

Its fungal roots, a.k.a. mycelium,
spread across the universe,

fanning out into infinity
to create a matrix

that serves as
our intergalactic freeway system.

Enter the Tardigrade,
whose unique genetic makeup

allows it to navigate through the network,

because of its symbiotic relationship
with the mycelium's spores.

Like its microscopic cousins on Earth,
the Tardigrade is able to incorporate

foreign DNA into its own genome
via horizontal gene transfer.

When Ripper borrows DNA
from the mycelium,

- he's granted an all-access travel pass.
- Once Lieutenant Stamets conveys

the coordinates of a selected destination
directly into Ripper...

he knows exactly where to go.

The Tardigrade's DNA is sequenced
into the computer.

Can't we build a virtual Ripper?

Trick the mycelium into thinking
it's communicating with the real thing,

then navigate the ship that way?

I did that
with my earlier research.

Trying to use software
to engage with the network.

You were only able
to achieve small jumps.

See, now I know why.
The spores and the drive

were functioning
at a fraction of their capacity

until we presented the mycelium
with an animate copilot.

That's the key. The Tardigrade's alive.

We just need to integrate the same
sequence into a compatible species.

One that understands its role
in this process and engages willingly.

You guys, this is so f*cking cool.

I'm so sorry.

No, cadet.

It is f*cking cool.

Let's do it.

Have you ever been tortured,

Your English. It's excellent.

I'm descended from spies.

Languages are useful,
particularly when it comes

to understanding those who seek
to destroy the Klingon Empire.

Little old me?

You've been busy
these past three weeks, Captain Lorca.

It was you who first surprised us
in the Corvan system.

Appearing out of nowhere.

And then disappearing without a trace.


Like a ghost.

No other Starfleet vessel can do that.

What is your vessel's secret?

- I have no idea what you're talking about.
- Mm.

- You suffer from extreme photosensitivity.
- Well, we all got something, honey.

I hear you're seeking solace
in the arms of a human male.

We don't even have the right number
of organs for you. Why so hard-up?

Now who's being sensitive?

How strange space must look to you now,

seen through those damaged eyes.

A cosmos full of agonizing light.

Another creature might have slunk back
into the darkness.

But not you.

You seek glory.

Perhaps you realize,
glory must be earned

through sacrifice...

and pain.

Lieutenant Rhys, when will analysis

of our long-range sensor data
be complete?

It is our only hope of closing in
on Captain Lorca's location.

We've narrowed it down to three courses,

all of which pass near
or through the Mempa System.

Very good.
Alert Mr. Stamets when you're ready

to proceed with our rescue mission.

Lieutenant Stamets
has taken the spore drive offline, sir.

I don't understand.
You'd think any number of species

would be compatible recipients
of the Tardigrade DNA sequence.

I had the computer run all known
life forms in the Federation database.

Should I try
to access the classified database

- at the Daystrom Ins...?
- No. You should not.

Why did you shut down the spore drive?

On the Bridge,
we're trying to pinpoint coordinates

that lead to Captain Lorca.

We're working
on something extremely important.

- A substitute for the Tardigrade.
- Why?

Burnham informed me
that our jumps are depleting it.

She brought these concerns to me,
as well.

And I told her
to stand down until Captain Lorca

was safely back on board Discovery.

this was not the response she wanted.

So far, we found one viable workaround.

This hypo spray contains Tardigrade DNA
and replication catalysts

that will initiate rapid horizontal
gene transfer in a host.

The interface process requires
an evolved organism.

A species with a highly functioning
nervous system.

And one that, like the Tardigrade,

shares genetic information
with mushrooms.

The animal kingdom diverted
from its fungal counterparts

600 million years ago,
but h*m* sapiens still share over half

of our DNA with them.

You want to use a human?

- Eugenics experiments are forbidden.
- I know.

- And that's why we need more time.
- I gave you an order.

Do you understand?

Captain Saru,
I understand that you are upset.

You're in command.

It's a time of crisis.

And your culture trains you

to be on the heightened lookout
for enemies.

But I assure you,

I'm not one of them.

How dare you treat me like one
of your xenoanthropology subjects?

You're not an enemy, Burnham.
You are a proven predator.

I know this not only
because my instincts tell me that you are,

but because your actions show me
that you are.

Saving this Tardigrade will neither
bring back nor change the fact

that this is exactly the kind of behavior
that k*lled Captain Georgiou.

Bridge to the captain. We believe
we have identified the battle cruiser

- that is holding Captain Lorca.
- Acknowledged.

Lieutenant Stamets,

bring the drive back online,
and prepare the Tardigrade to jump.

Confine yourself to quarters immediately.

Now let's be adults,
and use our words, please...

Stealing food was just a diversion.

He's been transmitting
everything we say to the enemy.

When I first got here,
I dropped a little conversational nugget

to see if either of you could be trusted,
and I just had my words

parroted back at me
by the Klingon captain.

You've fed Intel on every prisoner
that passed through here.

- Ah!
- No! Stuart.


You almost k*lled him.

You're finished.
And when it's time to choose our pain,

we're choosing you,

until there's nothing left.

Captain, are you really gonna let
this idealistic young man

humiliate himself by siding with you?


Have you no decency, Lorca?

Actually, that was a trick question.
I know you don't.

We both know you lost that
with your last command.

What's he talking about?

The tragic tale of the U.S.S. Buran.

It was ambushed
about a month into the w*r.

The Klingons boarded it
and blasted it into smithereens.

Only one crewman managed to escape.

Gabriel Lorca.

the honorable captain was too good

to go down with his ship.

Mudd's only half right.

We were ambushed, and I did escape.

But I didn't let my crew die.

I blew them up.

I knew what awaited them on Qo'noS.

Degradation. t*rture.

Slow, public death.

It's the Klingon way to spread terror.

Not my crew.

Not on my watch.

Well, they say confession is good
for the soul.

Too bad none of us have one anymore.

Airiam, set displacement parameters
to bring us within weapons range

- of our target Bird-of-Prey.
- Aye, sir.

- Lieutenant Stamets, are you ready?
- Yes, captain.

Black alert.


The creature has gone
into a state of extreme cryptobiosis

by reducing the water content levels
of its body to less than 1 percent.

Its vital signs have slowed
to the point we can barely detect them.

Rehydrate it and bring it back.
Mr. Rhys, have we been detected?

- Negative.
- Captain Saru, I'm not...

Location of Klingon prison ship.

Point-seven AUs from our position,

Bearing 13, Mark 59.

Match their course and speed,
maintain our distance.

Cut all systems and run silent.

We're not done here.

This isn't like waking someone
from a nap.

This is an extreme reaction
to adverse conditions.

The Tardigrade is in survival mode.

So are we, doctor.
Crack it open if you have to.

- In my opinion, that will k*ll it.
- As it is our only way

to get out of Klingon space,
it is a risk we must take.

Captain, neurological tests indicate
that this creature may be sentient.

If that ends up being true,

I will face the consequences
of my actions.

I do not enjoy being in this position,
but I have 134 souls to protect today.

Be ready to force the creature to comply.

I will not be party to m*rder.

Doctor, I was not talking to you.

Do you understand my orders,

and can I count on you to follow them,
Lieutenant Stamets?

Yes, sir.

Choose your pain.

Choose me, captain.

- I fully support that idea.
- You do this for me.

Choose me.

Choose your pain.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Where the hell did that come from?
- Getting out was always a two-man job.

- I just waited till I found the right man.
- You played me. Oh.

Bravura, Mr. Tyler. I doff my cap.
Now should we proceed to our Raider?

There is no we, Mudd. You sold us out.

You stay.

- You can't be serious.
- Oh, but I can.

You can't do this.
I can't take it in here anymore.

Please. I promised Stella
I would come home to her.

I promised.

No. No.


You can't walk away from me, Lorca.
I'm coming for you. You hear?

You haven't seen the last
of Harcourt Fenton Mudd.


- Get up, soldier. Get up.
- I'm slowing you down, sir. Go.

All right, take cover.

I'll find a way out and come back.

Did you really think you could leave me?

After all we've been through.

Tyler, I found the docking bay.

Get up. Let's go.

Redirect all auxiliary power to shields.
Blue panel on the right.

Five Raiders in pursuit. Closing fast.

Your eyes. That happened
when you destroyed the Buran, didn't it?

We choose our own pain.

Mine helps me remember.

Target positions of incoming
Raiders and prepare to establish...

Klingon Raiders, sir.
Five ships and counting,

- heading right towards us.
- Red alert.

We must've been spotted, sir.

Shall I lock on and prepare to fire?

The leader of the pack seems
to have charted an erratic flight pattern.

We are now within their weapons range.
Should I lock phasers, sir?

Predator packs often split
into smaller groups while in pursuit.

One group initiating the chase,

while another travels ahead
of the prey's escape path.

- Hail that Raider.
- Initiating communication will expose us.

The vessel is being chased.
It's our captain.

Federation Starship Discovery
to Klingon Raider.

- Identify yourself.
- Well, what do you know?

The cavalry showed up.
This is Captain Lorca.

Two to beam out. Now.

Bridge to transporter room.
You have a lock?

- Aye, sir.
- Lower your shields, Captain Lorca.

Captain to Bridge. You got us. Jump.

- Jump now.
- Lieutenant Stamets,

have you revived the Tardigrade?

We are able to jump.

The Klingon Raiders detected
our transporter signature.

- They're locking weapons.
- Black alert.


Easy, soldier. You're home.

- Thank you, captain.
- For what?

Dragging you back into the w*r on a ship
with a target on its back?

There's no place I'd rather be.

Bridge to Stamets.

Congratulations, lieutenant.
Excellent work.

Lieutenant Stamets, do you copy?

Sir, Stamets is in Engineering,
but it seems

his life signs are in distress.

Warning. Failure to initiate
spore-drive deactivation sequence.

Spore chamber active.

Density at 68 percent.
Drive system online.

- Open this door.
- Induction coil saturated.

Captain, he... He injected himself
with the Tardigrade DNA and compound.

Is he dead?

- Did we make it?
- Yes.


Captain Lorca has been rescued.

On the subject of the Tardigrade,
there has been a setback.

Cadet Tilly brought me up to speed.


permission to speak freely.

Are you really afraid of me?

I am not.

I am angry at you.

Angry because
of how much you stole from me.

I am deeply jealous...

that I never got the chance you had.

To be Captain Georgiou's first officer.

You stood by her side
and learned everything she had to teach.

The anticipated scenario,
you would move up and out.

Captain your own starship.

And I would take your place.

I never got that chance.

If I had,
I would've been more prepared for today.

You did well.

Very well.

She would've thought so, too.

Her telescope.

She left it to me.

It's yours now.

You should have the privilege
to see the universe the way she did.


Captain Lorca has yet
to be cleared for command.

I have much to attend to,

and I could use your help with one thing.

Of course.

Dr. Culber believes
the Tardigrade is sentient.

It remains in a state of cryptobiosis.

We have no claim on its soul.

Go save its life, Burnham.

That's an order.

May the sun and moon
watch your comings and goings

in the endless nights
and days that are before you.

Are you sure this will work?

No. But if this is its response
to an adverse environment,

what does it consider to be hospitable?

This creature has traveled
to the ends of the universe.

My hope is that
what makes it most happy is to be free.

Initiating performance review,
Acting Captain Saru.

Protocol canceled.

I know what I did.


Stop what?

Stop worrying.

Stop doctoring.

Well, one tends to worry

when they're doomed
to love a brilliant but reckless maniac

who's willing to risk his life for glory.

The captain was in danger.

Captains are in danger every day.

You were in danger.

I've spent my entire career

trying to grasp the essence of mycelium.

Now for the first time...

I do.

I saw the network.

An entire universe of possibilities
I never dreamed existed.

It's... unspeakably beautiful.

I also knew you'd leave me

if I let anything else endanger
that creature.

- Oh. So, you do listen to me.
- Not really.

- You sold that with a look.
- Don't do anything that stupid again.

You may not care about you...

but I do.

You sure you feel okay?

Yes, dear doctor.

I feel okay.
