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03x01 - That Hope Is You, Part 1

Posted: 11/16/21 10:22
by bunniefuu
Last season
on Star Trek: Discovery...

As long
as there's any possibility

of Control gaining access
to Discovery's Sphere data,

everything will die... always.

You are proposing

we remove Discovery

from the galactic equation

Discovery has to go
to the future

to take the data out
of this time,

assuming I don't get lost
in the wormhole.

It's a one-way trip.
My mother should have returned

to her anchor point
on Terralysium.

So, hopefully, I will land
there, too. Apparently, this is

what I'm meant to do.
I love you. All of you.

We are here because
we're staying with you.

-We're not asking permission.

-We-- You...
-I'm sure what
you are about to say

will be beautiful,

but it is done, Michael,
and we are running out of time.

I only wish I could be certain
of your safety.

I'll send the last signal.

I'll send it through
the wormhole when we get

to the other side.

I will watch the stars for it.

Burnham to Discovery.

Let's go.

We are on our way.

Little busy here, Cosmo.

So what?

It doesn't belong to you.
It belongs to itself.

Open your damn mind.

- Nope.
- Warning.

Space-time anomaly detected.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Increase power
to reverse thrusters and switch

to manual altitude control!

Unable to comply.

Initiate heat shield!

Emergency heat shield

Fatal impact imminent.

Propulsion systems

-Full system reboot!



Come on! Come on!

-Come on!
-Reboot complete.

Increase power
to reverse thrusters,

and activate impact shield!

Life support failure.

Life support failure.

Life support failure.

Life support failure.

Life support

deactivation sequence.


to Discovery.

Burnham to Discovery.

Discovery, do you copy?

Discovery, do you copy?

Discovery, do you copy?

Identify space-time location.

You have reached year 3188.


Life readings.

Is there life here?


Multiple life signs detected.




Wormhole closing.

No, no. No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Set temporal coordinates
for location 5499, section 16,

course heading 214 mark five.

Initiate final signal
upon closure of spatial rift.

Then initiate
self-destruct sequence.

Activate propulsion...

-Sequence initiated.

Hydration pack.
Emergency ration pack.


Delta shield.

Commander Michael Burnham,

Commander Michael Burnham,

science officer, USS Discovery.

Serial number SC0064-0974SHN.

Science officer, USS Discovery.

Serial number SC0064-0974SHN.

Stand up.


-Stop it!
-It doesn't belong to you!

You think you can just take it

'cause you knocked me
out of the sky?

I'm not trying to take anything.
That was an accident.

No one comes all the way
out here by accident.

I am telling you, stop!

-Now, nobody has to get hurt.
-You might.

I am not fighting you.

You're fighting me.

-My name...
-I don't want to know.


I listen better without you
holding that antique to my head.

Want to put that down?


Okay. On three?

-I'm counting.

Fine, you count. Damn.

One. Two.


-My name is...
-I do not want
your acquaintance.

The nearest natural wormhole is
a hundred light-years from here.

That means
you came out of a wormhole

you created with tech
from I don't know where.

You think ripping holes in space
is a good idea?

Wasn't bad enough for you
the Gorn destroyed

two light-years' worth
of subspace?

Wait, the Gorn did what?

How many people do you think are
on channels right now saying,

"I saw a crazy woman
in a funny suit.

Anyone want to buy
some last known coordinates?"

-Where'd you get that w*apon?

I don't want to know.

Your rocket girl outfit
scanned for tritanium alloy.

Hasn't been anything like that
in years.

Do not call me "rocket girl."

You're not from
around these parts.

Go back to your own parts.

I can't.

Is this Terralysium?

It's Hima. Who are you?

Never mind!
I don't want to know.

Where-where is Hima?

-What star system?
-I'm on a clock.

-What sector?

What quadrant?

My name is Michael...

It was not my intention
to crash into your ship.

I am sorry.

For all of it.

What's your name?

-I lost my crew.
-Oh, yeah?

They may be dead.

I don't know where I am.

I have nowhere to go back to.

The only thing I can do
right now... is trust something.

Or someone.

And I am sorry
you don't want it to be...

...but it's you.

So, please.

Please help me.


Hey! Don't touch anything.

Transmitter, receiver,
subspace amplifier.

-You know what'd be really nice?

If you could whip up
a new dilithium recrystallizer.

Mine cracked like a lychee
when you ran into my ship.

I got to get my cargo
to a certain planet

by a certain time, so unless
you have benamite lying around,

and no one does,
I can't fly quantum slipstream.

Tachyon solar sails
are slow as sh*t,

and don't even get me started
on trilithium.

All of which means,
thanks to you,

I need more dilithium.

The only place I can trade
for it is at the Mercantile.

And there is not one damn thing
good about me sticking

my head up at the Mercantile.

Right, baby?

Y-You have a very large cat.


She has a thyroid condition.

Does she have a name?



She's heavy and all mine.

The Mercantile.

Is there
a subspace comms array there?

A way that I can contact
my ship?

They got nothing unless
you got something to trade.

You have something?

'Cause I need dilithium,

and I'm space broke.

Apparently, I have antiques.

Can you get the dilithium
you need for this?

It's a tricorder.

Cover that uniform.
Try to look normal.

You ever gonna tell me
your name?


The name's Book.

Your cargo is

And you don't want
anyone else to find it.

I'm guessing your cargo
used to be someone else's cargo.

-It was never his.
-You stole it.

I repatriated it.

- You're a thief.
- Courier.

Someone needs something
to get somewhere, I bring it.

And I can say two things
about you.

That moral compass of yours
led you straight

into a midspace collision that
could have k*lled both of us.

What's the other thing?

You believe in ghosts.

What does that mean?

That badge on your shirt.

Sometimes you see a guy
with one of those badges

getting himself all worked up
about the Federation.

The old days.

True believers.

Can't handle that it's gone.

The Federation is gone?

That's impossible.

What happened?

Beats me.

What happened?

Collapsed, I guess.

It was a long time ago.

After the Burn.

What's the Burn?

"What's the Burn?"

How can you not know this stuff?

Seriously, where are you from?

I don't want to know.


The Burn was the day
the galaxy took a hard left.


One day,
most of it just went boom.

Dilithium is the heart
of every warp-capable ship.

What does that mean?

Did it destabilize?


I don't know.
A lot of people d*ed.

The Federation couldn't say
for sure what happened or why,

or that it wouldn't
happen again.

Think they tried to hang on,
but after a while,

they just weren't
around anymore.

That's not possible.


A hundred, 120 years ago.
Before I was born.


No, the Federation isn't just
about ships and warp drive.

It's about a vision

and all those
who believe in that vision.

That's nice.

Do yourself a favor
and take off that badge

before we get to Requiem.


Stand here.

The Andorians and the Orions
are working together?

They don't get a lot
of walk-ins here.

Follow my lead.
Try not to get us sh*t.

Next. Step up.

She stays out there.

She's got something.

I don't know what that is,
and if I did, I wouldn't care.

She's not a courier,
she stays out there.

Pretend you're not Andorian
for one second

and don't be a surly bastard.

You know those
antique collectors who love

to live in the past?

This stuff's like the holy grail
to them.

I know Andorians don't do fun,

but there's a real market
for this stuff.

Your bosses are watching.

You want to be the one
who tells them

you turned away
a prime supplier?


No identification, no...

Let them in!

I wouldn't if it were up to me.

It's not.

This is gonna go bad if
you have to have the last word.

Where's the communications hub?

Relax. I told you
I'll take you there

so you can call your damn ship.

Order 7543...

How does this work?

Holo seller fixes a price
for an item.

Holo buyer negotiates,
they make a deal.

Regulator signs off,
confirms payment to the Orions.

Orions pay couriers like me

just enough dilithium to pick up
the item and make delivery.

Then it's back here
for another go-round.

Every now and then, we get
to make a deal for ourselves.

Like your tricorder.

A portable transporter?

Subspace array's through here.

Keep your head down.

We set now?

A deal's a deal.

I hope you get
what you need for it.

Good luck.

This is their vault,
not their comms.

You're in a stasis beam.

You don't know what
you're doing. My... my crew.

Everybody's got a story.
A broken tricorder won't cut it.

I need all the dilithium
I can get to finish my run.

When I get out of this,
I am coming for you.

You and everybody else.

I'm sorry.

Do not move.

You are under arrest.

So, even if you managed
to get into our vault,

what makes you think
you could get out of here alive?

That wasn't rhetorical.
Answer the question.

-Where is your ship?
-Who are you working with?

I don't have a ship.

-Of course she's working
with somebody.
-Yes, you have a ship,

-or you wouldn't be here.
-Where is the merchandise?

-The vintage tech.
-He asked. Where's
the merchandise?

I got robbed in the stasis beam.

Nobody's that stupid.

I am gonna hurt that man.


This is taking too long.

I'm hungry.
Let's get a sandwich.


- Finally.
- Here we go.

Well, that's not right.

Did you adjust the dosage again?

I've told you
so many times not to do that!

This stuff has a real,
integral consciousness.

Yeah, it makes people truthful.
They talk.

Yes, yes, I feel that.
I feel you. I get that.

I have a friend with red hair.
You cannot give her any.

Where did you get
the vintage gear?

Vintage is a matter
of perspective, isn't it?

Because, to me, you are aqua,
but to me, you are forest green.

-How are you connected
to the Federation?
-Where's your ship?

I'm dying to talk about it.
I'm dying to talk about it,

because today does not happen
to people.


I might be angry about it.
I'm supportive.

I mean, I'm so supportive!

I am reflexively supportive.
And what is that about?

I'm overcompensating.

I got to talk to someone.
You need to sit.

Can you sit? It's a super cool
story. It's just,

in a completely devastating way.

Hadley, look, I need
more dilithium, or I'm done.

I need you to access your
highest self in this moment.

-I'm accessing my highest self.

Can we both just imagine

what this world would feel like
if we accessed...?

If you stop talking?

Yes, that would feel nice.

Which is why
I'm walking away now.

No deal.

Well, Had-- wait.

You're welcome.

Cosmo, nice to see you again.

We left everything that I have
ever known or loved behind me.

For the sake of creation!

Right? If you think about it--
let's be honest--

I saved all the things.

And then I sh*t out
of a wormhole and I hit a guy.

What guy?

Uh, him, him. You know?

I-- He, he stole
somebody's cargo

and he can't fly for sh*t...

Wait. One of our guys?

-A courier?

You guys have a real problem
if your couriers

are stealing stuff
and then colliding

with thousand-year-old women
in space.

-What cargo was he hauling?
-I don't know.

But it was temperature-sensitive
and really valuable,

so it's probably ice cream.

Is he still in the building?

What's his name?


You keep her name
out of your mouth, Cosmo.

She's a queen.


-Got to go.
-Is that him?



Hello to you, too.

You're not allowed a w*apon
in here.

Get our cargo back first.

Oh, man.

Do you think I'm compensating
for something?

They sprayed you with the stuff,
didn't they?

They sure did.

-Adrenaline will knock it out
of you in a bit.


Give me the dilithium.
All right? You can come with me.

I am done being
reflexively supportive.

Come on!

Where is the comms array?

Hang on!

We have to move.
They'll be tracking the... aah!

I need to call my ship!

First things first.

We have to go.

Go. Go, go, go!

Get us out of here!

It needs 30 seconds to recharge.

I may have broken your nose
earlier. I apologize.

-Are you saying that
in case we die?

Book, come on.

It's still charging!

Okay. You're
about to be really mad!


They can't track us underwater
or into solid material.

Ah. You're welcome.

You pushed me off a cliff.

Told you you were gonna be mad.

If you're thinking about
punching me again, we're alive.

I could have guessed coordinates
inside a rock.

They'll find us soon enough.

I haven't been sh*t in a while.

What was that?

Don't want your arm
to get infected.

Were you... praying?

Something like.

Got a bite to it.

Should probably
still wrap it, though.

You carry a handkerchief?

Man's got to blow his nose.

I'm opening up whatever
subspace channels still exist.

But make it fast.

Cosmo won't buy me dying
that easy.

They'll be scanning for us.

That does a bit of everything.
Call your ship.

You had this the whole time,
and you're just showing me now?

Your people are waiting for you.

Burnham to Discovery. Come in.


please come in.

Discovery, please come in.

Maybe they made it
to that planet, Terralysium.

If any crew on any ship could
make it through, it's mine.

-True believer.

Time traveler.


I figured.

Don't know how you came by
whatever you used to get here.

All time travel technology
was destroyed

after the temporal wars.


There was no other way.

For me...

...or my crew.

I have to find them.

I have to.

Good. We've still got
a few hours.

This wasn't just about Grudge
being lonely.


Are you gonna tell me
what's in the hold?


-Stop. Freeze.
-Don't move.


Drop your weapons.

What good is a courier
who lets his cargo get stolen?

Access code.

You don't want it.

I think I do.

Oh, we definitely do.

Really. You don't.

Give us the code now.

Okay, fine.



What kind of code is that?

'Cause that's the damn code,
all right?

Pick your own code
on your own ship.

Don't sh**t it.

It's served fresh.

It looks smaller on the holo.

It's not moving. Is it dead?

Close your eyes.

Uh, Book?

Stay still, please.

No! No!

Molly, no!

Thanks, girl.

Hey. Hey.

You all right?


I really...

really didn't know how this day
was gonna turn out.

Okay, good.

How long have you been
saving them, the trance worms?

Not long enough.

They used to be everywhere,
you know, before the...

Before the Federation fell.

There's no one around to enforce
the Endangered Species Act.

Except you.

May I ask...

You seem to have
this connection to things.

Plants, the trance worms.

What is it like,
feeling everything?


My family are K*llers, poachers.

Every so often, one like me
shows up in the gene pool.

I don't know, something
to do with balance, I guess.

Do you still see them?

I'm not welcome.

I'm sorry.

But I wouldn't trade
who I am for anything.

I wouldn't want to be different.

This is Cleveland Booker.

Mandelbrot Set code nautilus.

One more to come home.

Your code is accepted, Book.

Welcome to Sanctuary Four.


They have a breeding cycle.

We got her here just in time.

Some of them still make it.

This is what my planet
used to be like.

Till I had to leave it behind.

How much did you leave behind?

930 years.


To ensure the future.

A future.

Thank you.

I didn't do it alone.

I have no idea how to start
looking for my ship.

I think I know someone
who could help.

This is a courier waypoint,

but it used to be
a Federation relay station.

What happened?

Main reactor breach, probably.

Long time ago.

No one around to pick up
the pieces anymore.


Please proceed
to the attendant desk.

Thank you.


Welcome to Starfleet.

May I help you?

I'm Commander Michael Burnham,

science officer, USS Discovery.

Serial number SC0064-0974SHN.

I am Aditya Sahil,
Federation liaison.

It would be my honor to assist
you, Commander Burnham.

I need to locate the warp
signature of a starship

with the identifier NCC1031.

Yes, yes, of course.

I'm afraid, uh, it's not here.

I have two Federation ships
in flight at the moment.

These are
the only Federation ships

in a 600-light-year radius.

What about the other sectors?

I only have access
to these sectors.

You've been cut off
from the other sectors?


Long-range sensors
failed decades ago.

I have not been able to scan
beyond 30 sectors since then.

I would imagine...
it is the same for all others.

May I ask...

how is it you don't know...

what we all know?

I'm from the past, Mr. Sahil.

From before the Burn.

Before the collapse.

My ship was right behind me,
in the wormhole.

So either they landed somewhere

way far out of comms range...

...or they're not here yet.


by the laws
of temporal mechanics,

they could arrive tomorrow

-In a thousand years.

Commander Burnham,

now I'll tell you a secret.

I'm not a commissioned officer.

You see, my father was.
His father before him.

But unlike them,
I was never officially sworn in.

There has been no one to do it.

Yet I watch this office
every day,

as I have for 40 years,

one day others like me
would walk through that door,

that my hope was not in vain.

Today is that day.

And that hope...

is you, Commander Burnham.

True believers.

Of course.

I don't know how much
of the Federation still exists.

I simply do my part
to keep it alive.


...I ask you to do me
a great honor.

This has been in my family
for generations.

Only a commissioned officer
may raise it.

And I've waited so long
to see it on that wall.

Mr. Sahil,

you are as real
a Federation officer

as any I have ever met.

If you would do me the honor,

we need an acting
communications chief

who can keep searching
for my ship.

Will you accept the commission?

Hope is a powerful thing.

Sometimes it's the only thing.

Our numbers are few.

Our spirit is undiminished.

If there are others out there,
we'll find them.

We will.