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01x12 - The Gungan General

Posted: 11/17/21 10:11
by bunniefuu
Dooku held for ransom!

After escaping capture by Jedi Knights
Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi,

the villainous Count Dooku
fell into the clutches of pirates,

led by the brigand Hondo Ohnaka.

Eager to get custody of Dooku,

the Republic agreed to pay Hondo
a hefty sum in exchange for the Sith Lord,

but Anakin and Obi-Wan had not counted
on the treacherous cunning

of Ohnaka and his band.

Master? What happened?

Well, I guess that pirate brew
is stronger than we thought.

-I only took a sip.
-We were drugged, obviously.

-Why would they risk losing the ransom?
-The deal appears to have changed.

They must be trying to triple their payday.

-A shrewd observation, Master Kenobi.
-Oh, great, it's you.

I did warn you these pirates were devious.

You will notice
our shackles are bound together.

I have tried to separate us, to no avail.

It's bad enough
we have to be in the same cell,

but could you at least spare me
the sound of your constant chatter?

And while I hold my tongue,

the two of you will devise
a brilliant strategy

for getting off this godforsaken planet?



I told you kidnapping the Sith Lord
was a stroke of brilliance.

I can almost smell that spice now.

It'll be worth twice as much to us
on the black market.

But I think we could've gotten a bigger
ransom from the Separatists.

You fool. Sometimes I wonder
why I bother to keep you around.

If we tried to ransom Count Dooku
off to the Separatists,

they would simply send
their droid armies here to wipe us out.

As my sweet mother always said,

"Son, if one hostage is good,
two are better.

"And three? Well,
that's just good business."

How much do you think they'll fetch?

Don't you worry about how much.
You'll get your cut.

Just see to it
that the Republic's ransom gets here.

Once we get the ransom for the Sith,
then we'll get the ransom for the Jedi.

Thank you, Mom!

The spice is on its way.

Hondo has asked me to go out
and meet the Republic Senators

and bring them here with the ransom.

But I want you to intercept that ship
and force it down.

Be careful. I want that spice intact.

It's too risky. What about Hondo?

That nitwit couldn't k*ll a nuna.
He depends on me for that.

I'll tell him the ship was destroyed
with everyone on it, including the spice.

By the time he finds out the truth,
we'll be long gone.

And we'll be landing...

Hidey ho, Chancellor,
mesa have a question.

In a moment, Representative Binks.

Good work, Senator Kharrus.

I'm relieved you're about to arrive
at the pirate stronghold safely.

Captain Hondo,
the leader of those brigands,

will accept the ransom
and turn Count Dooku over to the Jedi,

and then they will bring him back
with you.

Once we've landed,
our signal will be strong enough

to set up proper communications.

Thank you, Senator.

Senator Kharrus,
Representative Binks, take your seats.

We are coming in for a landing.

The last time I went
on one of these ransom missions,

I spent three weeks in a dungeon.

Representative Binks, stop fooling around.
We're landing.

-Secure yourself.
-Mesa trying.

Itsa stucken.

We're under attack.

We've been betrayed.

-m*ssile closing.
-Bank left!

What the...

-Jar Jar, what are you doing?
-Ooh! Sorry, mesa fix it.

-Mack, what's going on back there?
-Sir, you must get out of the cockpit.

-We're hit.
-Sir, you must leave.

Get back into your seat.

We're going down!

Don't you think our priorities should be
escape first, eat second?

Do control your prot?g?'s insolence
so I can concentrate.


Control your insolence.
The Count is concentrating.

-Well done, if I do say so myself.
-Most impressive.

Mesa no see Senator Kharrus.

The pilots are dead.

Sir, over here. I found the Senator.

Oh, no. He can't be dead.

We've got to figure out a way
to contact Coruscant.

They crashed into Doshar Field.

Good, good. And you have the spice?

Not exactly, no. I think there are survivors.

We have to call it off.
Maybe we should tell Hondo.

No one tells Hondo anything!

If anyone survived that crash,
we'll take care of them.

Trust me, we're getting that spice.

We do know where we're going, don't we?

Hush, Anakin.

Do we know where we're going?

Quiet. I was brought this way
when I was captured. It was open then.

Hey, I found the door key.

This is the way to the hangar.

Yes, but are you sure it's safe?
-The key works.

-Is it safe?
-Of course it is.


Hold it right there, Jedi.

What were we thinking,
following a Sith Lord?

What to do,
what to do, what to do?

I don't want to k*ll you, per se.

In fact, you seem like decent fellows.

Even you, Count. This is just business.

And once I get my money,
we can go back to being friends.

It's very simple.

Now, try not to complicate things
by breaking out again.

We have to get out of here

before the Republic arrives
with the ransom.

For once, I agree with you.

-Any luck repairing the homing beacon?
-No, sir.

Yousa find rest, Senator.

Thosen with good in their heart
always passen too soon.

Sir, with the death of Senator Kharrus,
are you now in command of the mission?

-Technically, no.
-Then who is?

Representative Binks
is the highest-ranking person here.

-We be missing you, Senator.
-Sir, this place is dangerous.

Look, those geysers are spitting out acid.

Thesa beasties
don't like the geysers neither.

What is it, Sergeant?

How are we going to deliver the ransom
to the Jedi and get Count Dooku back?

-You do not want to stand guard.
-I do not want to stand guard.

You want to deactivate the cell bars
and go out drinking.

I want to deactivate the cell bars
and go out drinking.

-Not bad.
-Oh, yes. Most impressive, Master Kenobi.

Whatsa that?

You think this is trouble, sir?

They could be the ones
we're supposed to deliver the ransom to.

Or theysa the ones
that be sh**ting us down.

You're right, Binks.
Incoming! Form a circle!

There's not enough cover
out here.

They are cutting us off from the shuttle.

We have got to regroup.

-Follow me. Let's hide.
-Come on, men!

Where'd they go?

I don't know. Maybe they fell in the crater.

Find the spice.

Should we look for the clones in the crater?

Get back here!
Once that geyser goes off, they're broiled.

We're not going
to last long in here.

Don't worry. As long as those beasties
are up there, we're safe.

When they run, we run.

See? Mesa knew it was safe
since the beasties are nearby.



Come on, let's go.

Commander, you're right.
The ransom's gone.

Hmm. I suggest we stay here and wait
for the Republic to send the rescue party.

-Wesa can't wait.
-We don't have much choice.

Ani and Obi are waiting for us
to deliver the spicen.

Those pirates are on speeders.
How are we gonna catch them?

Mesa be having a idea.

Hurry it up, Dooku!

You should be more patient, Master.

After all, the Count is an elderly gentleman

and doesn't move like he used to.

I suppose you're right.

I would k*ll you both right now
if I did not have to drag your bodies.

-Look! There they are!

Let him go, sir. We've got the spice back.

Now we just have to get beyond that wall.

Let's go.

- This is not going well.
-Don't let them get away!

Hey! What are you guys doing?

You're too heavy. I can't do it.

Drop Dooku!

I guess this means
we won't be friends.

Right. Now that we have the spice,
we need to find the compound.

Anything to the south?

Nothing, sir. Who knows where
that pirate stronghold is from here.

Well, look at that. Power lines!
They must lead somewhere.

There'sa power, there'sa be people, too.


Well, Turk,
did the Republic arrive with my spice?

The Republic deceived us!

They didn't send a ransom.
They sent an army.

They ambushed us in Doshar Field.
I suggest we counterattack with tanks.

-Where are your men?
-I was the only survivor.

I think they will attack us
to try and free the Jedi.

I warned them.

I didn't want to t*rture anyone. But now...

Even in a galaxy at w*r,
you hope to find some honor.

Let me take our tanks. I'll make them pay.

Go! Stop them
before they reach the compound.

-I will deal with the Jedi.
-Yes, Captain.

We have to find a way out of here
before Senator Kharrus and Jar Jar arrive,

or we'll look like fools.

-I think it's time to lose the dead weight.

Hey, you two, come with us.

There be some bombad clankens
coming thissa way.

-What? "Bombad clankens"?
-Mmm-hmm. Right there.

-There! No!

-Over there!

Oh! You're right. Bombad clankers.

Representative Binks,
we're going to need your services

for this part of the mission.

-Whosa? Mesa?
-Yes, sir.

You are the Senate Representative.

We need you to go out there
and negotiate with the pirates.

Mesa no liken this idea.

But I think itsa
what Senator Kharrus woulda dosa.

-He's probably gonna get himself k*lled.
-Don't worry. He's smarter than he looks.

I take it the Republic didn't arrive
with the ransom.

Your Republic obviously doesn't want
the Sith Lord.

They didn't show?

Oh, oh, they did. They did show

with a huge army

that they thought would be enough
to get the better of me! Hondo!

-That can't be right.
-Are you calling me a liar?

Isn't that kind of what you do for a living?

You reject my hospitality,
refuse to wait in your cell

-and now you're going to insult me?
-I'm just saying...

-What? He is a pirate.

Yes, but this may not be the best time
for you to speak.

-But you...
-At all, Anakin!

What are you supposed to be?

Mesa Representative Binks.
Mesa coming to deliver the spicen.

-Where's the army Turk reported?
-Don't know.

Let's fry this one and look around.

No. If he's a Representative,
he might be worth something as well.

You! Representative Bink!

We'll take you to your Jedi friends
so you can, uh, negotiate.

Okey day!

Sir, they're taking
Representative Binks hostage.

Get ready.

Whoops! Whoopsie!

Sorry. Sorry.

What happened to the power?
I was having fun!

Hold it right there!

k*ll him, k*ll him!
He's no Representative, he's a plague!

Whosa plaguea? Mesa?

I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Nice work, sir.

We're leaving without the spice?

It won't be long
until Hondo figures out what's happened.

What... What are you doing?

What chance do you really have, Jedi?

Now, let me go, and I might let you live.

Approach us, and he dies.

Looks like your forces were destroyed, Jedi.

-Ani! Obi!
-Jar Jar?

-Mesa have arrived with the spicen.
-Excellent, Jar Jar.

Assuming the pirates
still have Count Dooku to trade.

Well, that answers that question.

Commander, start the engines, please.

So what now, Jedi?
You're going to arrest me?

-No. Anakin, release him.

Captain, you have nothing we want.

And since we're not prisoners anymore,
you have no bargaining power.

What? Yousa was in bombad trouble?
Mesa rescued you.

-No, Jar Jar, we weren't in any trouble.
-Let's leave on even terms.

Hold. Hold.

Jedi, after everything,
you're just going to walk away?

We have no quarrel with you
and we seek no revenge.

Indeed. Very honorable, Master Jedi.

Oh, Captain, you will find that Count Dooku
does not share our sense of honor.

And he knows where you live.