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01x21 - Liberty on Ryloth

Posted: 11/17/21 10:22
by bunniefuu
Republic victory is at hand!

Clone troopers,
under the command of the Jedi,

have successfully invaded
the Separatist-occupied world of Ryloth.

Anakin Skywalker
battles the enemies in the skies,

while Obi-Wan Kenobi frees villages

from the grip of vile Separatist leader
Wat Tambor.

Now Jedi General Mace Windu
leads the attack on enemy lines

in the final offensive to liberate
the capital city of Lessu.

Take cover.

- We have stopped the enemy advance.
- Give me those.


Now order our cannon
to target their rear units.

We'll box them in
and blast them to pieces.

We're pinned down!

bring out the Lightning squad.

I want Lightning up here now!

Get the injured back.
I'm gonna clear the road.

- Sir, the enemy is advancing again.
- Let me see.

Find some cover.
Move it! Let's go!

He's all yours, General.

We'll lead the way, Commander.


Now that Jedi is leading the attack.

This doesn't look good.

Concentrate all your fire
on those walkers!

Did we hit 'em?

Should we run?

It would be better
if we just surrendered.

How many men did we lose?

32, I think,
including command crews of 3 walkers.

The good news is,
General Kenobi's broken their lines.

We have a clear path
straight to the capital now.

This battle was costly.

We're going to need help
to take the city.

The Republic is advancing faster
than I expected.

I calculate they will reach
the main gates by morning.

- I recommend we prepare our retreat.
- I will not retreat.

That Jedi does not have the troops
to take this city.

Bring our units inside the walls
and secure the bridge.

What's your progress, Skywalker?

My fighters have secured control
of the space around Ryloth.

We have the Separatist cruisers
on the run.

Very good, General Skywalker.

Master Kenobi has taken
the Jixuan desert,

so the southern hemisphere is ours.

Then it's almost over.

Not yet. The key position
is the capital of Lessu.

Our spies are certain

the Separatist leader Wat Tambor
has his command center there.

When taken the city we have,
capture Tambor we must.

It's not going to be easy, Master.

Tambor has chosen
his stronghold well.

This plasma bridge
is the only way in or out.

I'm afraid a siege
could drag on indefinitely.

My people have suffered so much

A plan you have, to take the bridge,
Master Windu?

With our forces stretched so thinly,

I'm gonna enlist the help of the freedom
fighters led by Cham Syndulla.

His fight against the droids has made him
a symbol of freedom for the people.

Cham Syndulla...

...was a radical before the w*r.

He is very unpredictable.

He can't be trusted.

I know
Syndulla seeks to gain power.

We were political rivals.

I'll leave the politics to you,

I'm gonna do whatever I can
to help these people.

Perhaps we could send you
Republic reinforcements instead.

There are no reinforcements available,

We can't win without Syndulla's help.

What makes you think
the rebels are this way, General?

What is it, sir?

The resistance fighters
ride creatures native to this region.

And these tracks are fresh.

Which means they can't be that far.

Isn't this the spot
where they were massacred?

Looks like
it was a hell of a fight.

Wonder who put up these gravestones.

Is that them?

Your tactical droid has informed me

of the pitiful job you have done
protecting our investment on Ryloth.

That droid exaggerates.

I have not lost yet.

You're no match for Master Windu.

Do not become greedy,
Emir Tambor.

Take what valuables you can
and destroy everything else.


We can put this defeat
to political use.

The charred ruins of Ryloth
will demonstrate to the galaxy

the cost of a Republic victory.

As you wish.

Keep on the lookout
for that lost patrol.

Did you hear that?

I don't see anything.

Look, it's RB-551.

No wonder he got blasted.

He's one of those older models
programmed by a central computer.

Not us.
We're independent thinkers.

- Roger, roger.
- Roger, roger.

Why didn't we take them out, sir?

I have a feeling
the rebels will do it for us.

- Look out! It's an ambush!
- Help!

It's the resistance!

I was wondering when you'd find me,
Master Jedi.

General Syndulla,

- I've come for your help.
- What makes you think you'll get it?

Emir Tambor, our bombers
are nearly ready for launch.

And now I will ready your ship
for evacuation.

I am not yet ready to leave.

In any case, we have a schedule to keep.
The ship will be ready.

- Some hideout you have here.
- It has advantages.

We saw the graves

of many of your people
in that b*ttlefield as well.

Together, we can prevent that
from happening again.

Do you know why we were massacred,
Master Jedi?

When the droids swept over Ryloth,

the Republic was unable to help us.

We were forced to surrender,
and we came here unarmed.

The Separatists brought tanks
to exterminate us.

Come here, boy.

Come on. Don't be afraid.

See, there's nothing
to be afraid of here.

He says his blurrg
may be ill-tempered,

but she's much faster
than your riding machines.

I don't know about that.

What is this, a scratch?

Gobi, get better.
I need you.

We have little food or drink,

but it is our tradition to share
what we do have with our guests.

Target every Twi'lek village
in range,

- the inhabited ones first.
- Of course.

Our scouts reported in
from the village up ahead.

The enemy's already pulled out, sir.

Friendlies are all that's left,
mostly women and children.

See if we can spare some rations.
They'll be hungry.

Sir, enemy ships
are entering our sector.

- Damage report!
- There's no tactical damage, sir.

It didn't hit us.
They bombed the village.

Make contact with General Windu.

I hope you don't mind this.

A little distraction goes far
to ease the burden of the w*r on my men.

You have provided well for your men,
all your people.

So why won't you help me
free them from this occupation?

I don't trust Senator Taa. His plans
for our world after the w*r...

The Republic will help you rebuild.

- We won't abandon you.
- Your troops will stay for security?

For a while, to keep the peace.

Another armed occupation
is not a free Ryloth.

How long before I am fighting you,
Master Jedi?

What is it, Commander?

The droids have begun
a firebombing campaign.

Several villages in our sector
have been destroyed, sir.

Make the arrangements.

I will speak to Senator Taa.

Is this all of it?

We are still awaiting two transports
from our southern base.

- Should we depart without them?
- No.

I will have every valuable on this rock
before I leave.

Emir Tambor,
why haven't you evacuated?

Our exit strategy
is taking more time to implement.

I want you out of the city
before the Republic arrives.

Once Master Windu
has invaded the capital,

you will b*mb it from afar.

- Am I understood?
- Yes, Count Dooku.

You will not do anything
until I give the order.

We have our orders, Emir.

Senator Taa,

so glad you could join us
from comfortable Coruscant.

Our people have survived
with only me.

I knew you would try to turn this
into a campaign to take power.

Need I remind you
that it is I...

who leads our people in the Senate?

And it is I who leads our people
here and now.

There will be nothing left to lead
if you two refuse to work together.

- General Windu, do you copy?
- I hear you, Skywalker.

My fighters are
taking out the bombers

as fast as they can, Master Windu,
but there are just too many.

I doubt we can stop them all.

I suggest you get the people
away from the cities.

You must destroy those bombers,

- Then meet me at the capital.
- I'll do what I can.

What can the Separatists
hope to gain

from burning our homes?


Wat Tambor spoils for others
what he cannot possess.

Then we must act quickly.

your people are hesitant to join us

because they're worried there'll be
another military occupation.

The people have my promise

that the clone army will leave

once Ryloth is free of those droids.


what assurance can you give Senator Taa
you will not try to assume power?

I only want to see my people free,
Master Jedi.

I give my word.

I believe in democracy.

Then we are together in this.

Men of Ryloth,

the time has come

to free ourselves!

They're deactivating the bridge.

Let's move!

Get off the bridge!

- Deactivate the bridge.
- Roger, roger.

What the...?

What about the city inhabitants?

Drive them outside,
but not too far.

The Jedi will reconsider an attack
when he sees them in his line of fire.

Keep moving.

Try and keep up, clone.

Tambor is still there.

How are we going to attack
with my people so close?

Your people will never be in danger

if our walkers can cross the bridge
into the city.

The key is
getting control of that bridge.

Perhaps there is your way.

My spies tell me
those transports carry treasure.

It's not enough for the Separatists
to enslave and m*rder us.

They must rob us, too.

You think we can use them
to get across the bridge?

It is risky.
They are usually scanned while crossing.

When I get control of the bridge,
you must start the attack.

They're in. Let's go.

I'll need you to create a diversion.

Get the rest
of Lightning squadron ready.

Yes, sir.

My men are ready.

It is time to leave.

The Republic walkers
are holding at 1,200 meters.

Sir, the last shipments of treasure
are approaching.

Just in time.

Activate the bridge
and get them across immediately.

Initiating plasma projectors.

All right, hold it there.

Let's go.
The boss wants this done.

This one's all clear.

Here they come.

I'm picking up an anomaly in there.

Stay alert.

Trooper, prepare to fire.

Open the cargo hatch.

- Oh, no!
- You're under arrest. You have the ri--

We're under attack!

Deactivate the bridge!

Oh, well.
Too bad for them.

Run for it!
They're turning the bridge off!

I'll hold them off.
Get that bridge back up.

Sir, yes, sir!


You're not authorized.

Save it.

Bridge is up, sir.

You take these droids.
I'll go find Wat Tambor.

Start my ship.

Wat Tambor is a fool.

My ship!

I'm afraid Emir Tambor refused
to retreat in time.

That is... unfortunate.

Order our bombers
to destroy the capital immediately.


General Windu,
perhaps we can come to a compromise.

Not when I hold all the cards.

It appears
a surrender is unnecessary.

We will all perish for the glory
of the Separatist alliance.

- That was close, Master.
- Isn't it always, Snips?

What are your terms for surrender?

They're unconditional.


I thank you, Master Jedi.

all of Ryloth thanks you.

You've earned your freedom, General,
all of you.