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02x05 - Landing at Point Rain

Posted: 11/17/21 15:31
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Counterattack!

With the clone army stretched

in a desperate attempt
to engage General Grievous' starfleet,

Separatist planets
that were once thought secure

are now rising up against the Republic.

On Geonosis,
Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser,

safe in his newly ray-shielded factories,
creates thousands of terrible new weapons

which march off the assembly line
against the outnumbered clone army.

The Jedi, resolute in their effort
to restore order to the Republic,

mount a massive invasion
to retake Geonosis

and shut down Poggle's factories of terror
once and for all.

I cannot believe we're back here again.

It is unfortunate.

The resistance from the native Geonosians
was stronger than we anticipated.

The same can be said
for their loyalty to Count Dooku.

A fact that is often overlooked.

You're late.

Sorry, Master, Ahsoka and I were
busy routing the Seppies near Dorin.

My squadron alone had 55 kills.

Yeah, but mine had 76.


Well, I'm glad you two are
enjoying yourselves.

Hey, it's just a little
friendly competition, Master,

nothing to worry about.

What I worry about is the way
this w*r seems to be drawing out

with no end in sight.

Which is why it is crucial our invasion
of Geonosis meets with success.

Agreed. Ahsoka,
contact the Outer Rim Command.

We're ready for our briefing.

They're already waiting for us.

Our ships are in position

and we are ready to begin our campaign
against the Geonosians.

And what about Poggle?
Any report on his location?

It seems he's holed up
at the primary droid foundry here.

The factory is protected
by a shield generator.

Anakin, Ki-Adi and I
shall attempt a three-pronged attack

through their defense lines
to a staging area just short of the shield.

Once we've landed,
we shall knock out the shield generator.

That is our primary target.

Isn't it risky committing three generals
to one area of the attack?

If something went wrong,
we could be dealt a serious blow.

To ensure that rise again
Geonosis does not,

capture Poggle we must.

Of course. As always, I shall leave
the strategy to you, Master Jedi.

Our thanks, Chancellor.

May the Force be with you.

Good. Cody, these are the coordinates
for the rendezvous.

Yes, sir, when we hit the ground,
we'll create a perimeter there.

Getting past their defenses here
will be the trick.

General Mundi will come across
the defensive lines from the north.

We will make our as*ault
through the middle.

General Skywalker will make his attack
on the defensive lines from the south,

and we'll meet at the rendezvous point
at 0700 exactly.

If we meet with strong resistance

and are forced down
away from the landing zone,

hold out until we join our forces
before attacking the shield generator.

Their frontlines are heavily fortified.

Look at that giant wall
with all the g*n emplacements.

That won't be easy to get past.

Don't worry.
We're not going anywhere near that.

Come, now. What happened
to all the enthusiasm I saw earlier?

Don't worry about us.

You just make sure you get yourself
to that landing zone in one piece.

Yes, I shall be waiting for you,
when you finally arrive.

Gentlemen, if you are quite finished,
we have a battle to begin.

Quite right.

Cody, prep the gunships.
I'll meet you in the hangar.

Yes, sir.

No, sir, I wasn't involved
in the first as*ault on Geonosis.

Well, you didn't miss much.
Last time, I was chained to a pole

and att*cked
by several humongous monsters.

- That sounds entertaining.
- It was,

for the Geonosians.

- We all ready, Rex?
- Yes, sir.

General Kenobi is already underway.

Well, he's got a head start.
We'll have to catch up.

Good luck, General.

There is no such thing as luck.

CLONE: Good thing those bugs can't aim.

The flak is too heavy.

CLONE: We're down! Repeat, down!
Location five...


I just lost contact with Skywalker's team.

ANAKIN: Come on!
Get up, we have to keep moving!

Here they come!

Watch it! Watch it!

They're falling back! Come on!

Get the tanks on the ground! Now!

JET: Cody, get the tanks down.
Come in, Cody!

Cody, come in! Get the tanks down!

Copy that. Pilot, begin landing sequence.

Copy that, Commander.
Have fun down there.

CODY: Move it! Move it!

CLONE 1: Here they come!
CLONE 2: Bugs incoming!

CLONE 3: Man down! Man down!

General Kenobi, don't land!
The zone is hot!

But there's nowhere else to go!

We're hit! We're going down!



Brace yourselves!

- CLONE 1: Bogie, point three five.
- I'm on it, leader.

CLONE 2: Nice work.

What are our losses, Captain?

We got hit pretty hard.

I think only Kenobi's forces made it
through the flak to the landing zone.

And what about Skywalker?

Captain Rex reported
they're still in the middle of a firefight.

Skywalker's tanks are gone

and they're trying to contact
General Kenobi's forces for support.

In the meantime, they'll press on
to the rendezvous point.

Very well. Load the injured onto the tanks.

We'll make for that ridge.

With any luck,
we can meet up with Skywalker

on his way to Kenobi's position.


Okay, Cody,
I'll speak with General Skywalker.

Rex, what's the word?
Can Obi-Wan send support or not?

I don't think so, sir.

Cody says General Kenobi never reached
the landing site.

They think his gunship got shot down.

Great. The one time
I actually ask Obi-Wan for help,

he's nowhere to be found!

Well, what if something happened
to General Kenobi?

- He could be injured or...
- No time for that kind of talk.

Rex, we need to mobilize, now!

Get the men together.
We're going to rush the g*ns.

Yes, sir.

Ahsoka, you're with me.

We need to give Rex cover
when we attack.

Got it, just give the word.

Hey, I'm worried about him, too,

but you have to keep your mind
in the here and now,

otherwise we'll never be able
to help Obi-Wan.

- REX: All here, sir.
- Ready? Now!

REX: Go, go, go, go! Take them out!
Take them all out!

Not good. The bugs are splitting up.

- Boil, reporting as ordered sir.
- Waxer, reporting as ordered sir.

We've got a downed gunship
five clicks east.

We believe it's General Kenobi's.

I need you to get out there
and check for survivors.

- Sir, yes, sir!
- Sir, yes, sir!


- Why do we always get the fun missions?
- Oh, this isn't the fun part.

Getting back to the square is the fun part.

Waxer, Boil, am I glad to see you! Trapper
and I are the only ones still alive.

BOIL: Good to see you, sir!

Commander Cody has established
the square just beyond this position.

The bugs are on the move
and trying to surround us as we speak, sir.

They've got the General.

AT-TE 636, lay down cover fire
at point three five.

Take it down! Take it down!

- Are you injured, General?
- No, no, nothing too serious.

- What's the situation here?
- (GRUNTING) We've got no air cover.

Two generals on the ground
beyond our position.

And a mess of bugs surrounding us.

The enemy was more than prepared
for our attack, sir.

They knew our every move.

Well, I'm sure General Skywalker
and General Mundi

Will make it to our position.

We just have to make sure we're still here
when they arrive.

Negative, Captain. We will be unable
to provide any air support at this time.

I understand that, sir,

but we have three attack forces
on the ground

and only one at the landing zone.

This is a planetary-wide invasion, Captain.
If I divert resources to your position,

it will mean sacrificing
other areas of the campaign.

All we can do at this time
is help you find General Skywalker.

All right, sir. I'll report to the General.
Commander Jet, out.

Give me every fighter you can scrape up.

Have you located
General Skywalker's position?

We think he's somewhere
along the eastern barrier.

That's not a barrier, it's a fortress.

CLONE: Gentlemen, tackle...


Well, this is another fine mess
you've gotten us into.

What? Hey, it's not my fault!

You were supposed to study
the holomaps!

I did!

Remember when I reminded you
about the giant wall,

and you said, "Don't worry, Snips,
we won't be anywhere near that"?

Just get ready to climb!

General, I left a squad
to protect the tanks.

Are you sure this is
the shortest way to the landing zone?

No, I'm not sure, Commander.
All I can do is trust my instincts.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
I have a wing vibration up ahead.



Don't stop! We must push on! Forward!

- So, what's the plan, General?
- Just keep us covered, Rex.

There's too much laser fire
for all of us to make the climb.

Ahsoka and I will handle this.
Just be ready when that wall comes down.


How many droids
have you shut down so far?

- Twenty-five.
- Ah, you're falling behind. Let's go!

Focus on the droids on top of the wall!

Man down!


Look for a hatch. We need to put
the expl*sives inside the wall.

Found one!

Hey, did you get them?

- Catch!


- Come on, Rex.
- Up and away!

DROID: Help!


- Next time, just tell me to jump.
- Now, where's the fun in that?

- Come on, we can't keep Obi-Wan waiting.
- REX: You heard him, lads. Let's go!

We're almost through.
Bring in the flamethrowers!


AHSOKA: Look! What's that?


ANAKIN: Master Mundi, do you read me?

We're here, Skywalker.

We took a slight detour that put us
out of communications for a bit.

This has been a day for detours, Master.

Indeed, but now the road is clear.

I can see the landing zone.
It does not look good.

Can you get me Admiral Yularen?

Admiral, we're at the breaking point.

You've got to get some fighters
down here.

You are in luck, General Skywalker.
I have one squadron available.


CLONE: Retreat! Go! Go! Go!


CLONE: Fire through! Make every shot
count! Give it all you got!

The reinforcements have arrived!


CLONE 1: Go, go, go! Move it! Move it!
Hurry up, lads! Let's go!

CLONE 2: Hurry! Hurry! Here they are.

CLONE 1: Move it! Move it!

Master Kenobi!

- Well, what happened to you?
- I might ask you the same question.

Our combined forces should be enough
to destroy the shield generator.

Anakin, you'll need to take a small squad
through the shield,

as close as you can get
to their g*n emplacements.

From there, you'll be able
to temporarily jam their scanners

so they are unable
to target the incoming tanks.

Once the tanks knock out the shield,

Master Mundi can bring the rest of
the troops in with the gunships.

Consider it done, Master.

All units are in position, sir.

Tell Skywalker to start the attack.

Begin the attack.

Let's jam their scanners.
Droid poppers, ready.


- Looks like it's working.
- It won't last long. Bring up the tanks!

So, Master, what was your total?

- Not now, Ahsoka.
- Come on!

Are you afraid you lost this time?

Fine. Fifty-five, that's my count. And you?

Sixty. Looks like I won.

Yeah, but I called in the air strike. Tie!

You're impossible!

I'll never understand

how you can simplify these battles
into some kind of game.

Well, take care of yourselves.
I expect to see both of you back here

by the time I've destroyed
the main factory.

We shall do our best.

- Sixty-five, Skywalker.
- I'm sorry?

My total. Sixty-five.

So what do I win?

My everlasting respect, Master Mundi.


That is a gift Anakin rarely bestows,
I assure you.