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02x18 - The Zillo Beast

Posted: 11/17/21 15:43
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Desperate times call
for desperate measures!

In one of the longest
and fiercest battles of the w*r,

Separatist forces are on the verge
of claiming the planet Malastare.

If the Republic loses this planet,

it will cost them vital fuel resources
necessary for maintaining their armies.

In a final effort
to turn the tide of this battle,

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
has authorized

the use of the Republic's newest w*apon,
the electro-proton b*mb.

Now at the imperial palace of Doge Urus,
the leader of the Dugs,

the Jedi count down the minutes

until the detonation
of their doomsday device.

That's a lot of clankers.

I won't allow my people
to become Separatist slaves.

I assure you, Doge Urus,
that will not happen.

Dr. Boll has stated

that only droids will be affected
by the b*mb's electron field.

Yes. The clones and your people
will be quite safe.

We have accounted
for every probable outcome.

It's the improbable
that concerns me, Doctor.

There must be other options.

I'm afraid not.
This b*mb is our only hope for victory now.

The droids are on the move.

Go! Go!

We just need to hold them back
until the b*mb drops.

Blast them!

REX: Hold the line!


We've got fighters inbound!

Tell the bombers to take off.


Approaching drop zone.

Everyone, stay tight.

you've only got one sh*t at this.

Bombs away.


Here it comes!

I'm losing my transmission.


Well, Doc, looks like it worked.

The ground is sinking.

Run for it!


The droid army was completely
neutralized by the b*mb.

But the blast created a sinkhole
which engulfed many of our troopers.

We have search parties
looking for them now.

And the Dugs?
Have they signed the treaty?

No, Chancellor,
the treaty must be passed by the council.

We need that treaty signed

so we can gain access
to the fuel reserves here on Malastare.

Without it, our armies shall be vulnerable.

I will do my best.

Sir, we have a report from the front.
They've lost contact with the rescue team.


One problem
always seems to replace another.

I hope your b*mb has not upset
the delicate balance of our planet.

You deal with the treaty and Doge Urus.
I'll help the rescue team in the crater.

Split up. If you see anything, contact me.

CLONE: General Windu, we found them!

- We've got what we...
- We're on a very tight timeline here.

How long do you think it'll take
to get the treaty ratified?

We are waiting for two more members
of the council to arrive.

They will sign the treaty.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Without your fuel,
our offensive will grind to a halt.

This is the beginning of a great alliance.

What happened down here, trooper?

General, there's something down here
with us, and it's not Seppies.

Calm yourself, soldier. We'll check it out.

Trapper, Ponds, Hawkeye, come with me.


Skywalker, something strange is going on.
I think you should come down here.

I'm on my way. Artoo, start up my fighter.

If you'll excuse me...

Sir, there's nothing around here
but rocks and debris.

I have a bad feeling about this.





- I'm here. What the...
- MACE: We need your help!


Artoo, I can't see. Turn on your beacon.

Never mind.

What the heck is that thing?

Now's our chance. Let's go!

I've never seen anything like it!



Artoo, get out of here.

What? Uh-oh.


We're going to need some heavy a*tillery.



Don't worry about me, I'm all right.

- Where's your starfighter?
- That thing ate it.

That thing, it is a Zillo Beast.

They once roamed Malastare,
devouring our ancestors.

When the Dugs first started
harvesting the fuel in the planet's core,

they were k*lled off.

They are supposed to be extinct.
Apparently, they're not.



His weakness...

What's going on out there?

It is an internal matter.
None of your concern.

- Your men are k*lling a unique life form.
- It is a dangerous, bloodthirsty monster!

- Did you forget that it tried to k*ll you?
- It was under att*ck.

It had lived peacefully below the surface
for all these years.

Until you unleashed it with your b*mb!

We dropped that b*mb
to save your planet, at your request!

To save our fuel for you to buy.

If you want us to sign your treaty,
then you must help us destroy the beast.

What purpose would it serve to k*ll it?
If it really is the last of its kind...

It is our duty!

Our ancestors warned us
that one would return someday

and destroy our entire civilization.

Will you help us or not?

I respect your traditions
and your ancestors,

but we cannot allow the destruction
of an innocent life form.

Then there will be no treaty.

Master Windu,
are you certain this argument is worth it?

I mean, after all, it's just one creature.
Remember what the Chancellor said.

It isn't the creature. It's the principle.

Allowing the Dugs to k*ll it
violates what we stand for as Jedi.

But if we choose to defend the creature,

we lose all hope
of securing a treaty with the Dugs.

We'll handle this our way,
no matter what these Jedi think.

How remarkable!
I have never seen anything quite like it.

I recommend that we transport it
off the planet as soon as possible.

We can find a place for it to live
undisturbed in the Outer Rim.

And what do the Dugs have to say
on this matter?

They want us to help them destroy it.

Then by all means help them.
This creature is of no importance to us.

We cannot be alienating the Dugs
at this crucial time.

It is not the Jedi way
to take an innocent life.

- Especially if it is the last of its kind.
- Chancellor Palpatine,

I think it would be in our best interest
to study this creature.

Its outer scales are virtually impenetrable.
None of our weapons could harm it.

Even my lightsaber couldn't cut it.

If we could somehow duplicate that
for our ships...

An impenetrable armor.

What if we let the Dugs think we k*lled it?

Then we could have the treaty
and the creature.

- Yes, Anakin, go on.
- When I was climbing on the creature,

I noticed small gaps
between the armor and its scales.

Maybe a stun cannon or a pulse
could penetrate through the skin

and short-circuit its nervous system.
Like putting it into a deep sleep.

He's right. It would appear to be dead.

We could transport it to a secure location
before it wakes up.

The Dugs would never know
the difference.

That may be the only way
we shall get this treaty signed

and rest Master Windu's conscience.

I'm glad you finally decided
to see things our way, Jedi.

But you're a fool if you think your weapons
will even scratch Zillo Beast.

These are no ordinary weapons.
Your Zillo Beast will be no match for them.

Maybe true. But our way is already proven.

Your Way?

Open the valve!




Our fuel is deadly to the beast.

It k*lled them in the past.
It will k*ll this one now.

You're only going to provoke it.
You'll drive it out of that hole,

- and then it'll be harder to deal with.
- We'll handle it, Jedi.



- Order them to stop!
- What? What do you mean, stop?

- I said, order them to stop!
- Or what?

We are innocent life forms, too,
are we not? (LAUGHING)

Charge up the rays!


Back up. Back up!

This isn't working!



Whose bright idea was this, anyway?

Keep the beam on him, he's getting tired.

(LAUGHING) Hey, it worked!

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.

You go first.

Now we just have to get him out of here.

Welcome to the Republic, Doge Urus.

I am sure this business arrangement
will be mutually beneficial.

The beast has been loaded
onto the transport.

Have you selected a planet for relocation?

There has been a slight change of plans.

The scientific community has reviewed
the data on this rather unique creature.

They believe it should be further studied
in a more controlled environment

before it is released into the wild.

- And where is this controlled environment?
- On Coruscant.

Master Windu, you and General Skywalker
shall safely bring the beast here.

Well, you made the right choice.

We got our fuel, you saved your creature,
and now he'll be safe.

Let's hope we can say the same
about Coruscant.