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07x21 - True Confessions

Posted: 11/23/21 09:32
by bunniefuu
Hello, Katherine, you
look gorgeous today.

- Hello, Miss Wentworth.
- Good morning.

I was hoping to catch
Bobby. Am I in luck?

Yes, but I think
he's on his way out.

Oh, well, I'll just stick
my head in and say hello.

Bobby, Katherine Wentworth
is on her way to see you.

Hello, Bobby.

Well, how's Dallas'
top jet setter?

Disappointed. Your secretary
told me you're on your way out.

In fact, I'm late for a meeting. I
hope it wasn't something urgent.

No, not really.

I just got back from the West Coast
and I haven't seen much of you lately.

So I thought I'd check
your impossible schedule.

See if you had time for
a former sister-in-law.

Katherine, I'd love to
spend some time with you...

but unfortunately,
today is not a good day.

Oh, not even for lunch?

No, like I said, I'm late to this meeting.
And then I'm having lunch with Jenna.

- You can come along if you like.
- Oh, no. I don't think so.

- Why not? You'd be welcome.
- No, thanks anyway.

Well, maybe we can have
lunch some other time.

All right.

I'll be with the geologist all morning,
and then at the Oil Baron's Club for lunch.

All right.

- Are you sure you don't wanna join us?
- I'm sure.

All right.

Would you mind if I stayed and made a
call? I remembered something I have to do.

- Use Kendal's phone, she's not busy.
- Okay, thanks.

You run on along. We'll get
together tomorrow or the next day.

All right. Bye-bye.

Renaldo Marchetta, please.

Sue Ellen?

Hello, Miss Ellie.

Well, you were off
pretty early this morning.

Um... Yes, I know.

Aren't you still a little weak?
You just came out of the hospital?

Uh... I know...

but I had a few things
that I had to take care of.

I see.

By the way, Pam called and
she's gonna stop by and see you.

Hi, Sue Ellen. How
are you feeling?

Much better, thanks.

- I just talked to Peter and...
- He called here?

No, no, I called him.

See, I've got this great
idea I wanna tell him about.

Lucy, I think we ought to let
Sue Ellen go upstairs and rest.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, you do look kind of tired.

I am, Lucy.

You know, that
Peter is a strange guy.

Why? What did he do?

I don't know.

When I called him, he let the
phone ring, I guess around 10 times.

When he finally answered the
phone, he barely said a word.

Maybe he just
wanted to be alone.

Well, I'm not gonna
let him be alone.

Because I've got this great idea
and I'm gonna get him involved in it.

I'll see you later.

Sue Ellen, let me
walk you upstairs.

J-R-Ewing is here to see you-

All right, ask him to come in.

Let me guess.

You're in the neighborhood
and wanted to try one more time...

to get me in that offshore deal.

Heh. No.

No, I just wanna make sure you're
still the same Marilee I used to know.

The old Marilee would never
have gotten herself involved...

with anybody as
unreliable as Cliff Barnes.

How do you know about that?

Honey, I make it my business
to know things like that.

Oh, come on, Marilee. You're too
smart to take him on as a partner.

It's too big a deal,
you'll fumble it...

and you just might find
yourself losing Stonehurst.

I've seen the geologicals,
they look amazingly good.

Yeah, I've seen them too.

Nevertheless, offshore drilling is
playing oil man's roulette, honey.

Now, you know as well as I do.

You can pour millions of dollars down those
holes before you see one barrel of crude.

I'm aware of the risks.

Then why are you
making it worse for

yourself by taking on
a half-wit as partner.

Did you ever ask yourself why he
couldn't get anybody to join him?

Even his sister and her
boyfriend got more sense than that.

I wanna know something.

How did you learn
about Cliff and me?

Our partnership was
supposed to be a secret.

Marilee, nobody cares
who you take to bed.

But don't mix all
that up with business.

You heard about that too.

Well, second...
Third-hand maybe.

Son 01...

You gotta understand
a man like Barnes.

He's had so little success in
life that when he lands anything...

he's gonna let the
whole world know about it.

You seem awfully interested in
breaking me away from this deal.

Why? Just because
you hate him so much?


It's just that I figure
someday in the future...

we're gonna do each
other some good.

But if you go into
partnership with him,

you're not gonna
belong in the oil business.

Well, I've had my say,
the rest is up to you.

I appreciate your advice.

Oh, you can do better than that.

You can act on it.


- Donna, it's Ellie.
- Oh, hi, Miss Effie-

I was thinking of making
chili for dinner tonight.

I wonder if you and
Ray were free to come.

Well, we would love to, but
we're just on our way to the airport.

I didn't know you
were going away.

It was kind of a spur of
the moment-type thing.

We're going to Maryland.

There's some people
that we need to talk to.

- I see. Well, have a safe trip.
- You take care.

- Bye.
- Bye-bye.

- Honey, we better get going.
- I'm ready.

- You've got the tickets.
- They're right there, big boy.

Offshore deal. Have
you talked to Mark yet?


Yeah, I discussed
it with him, Cliff.

- He is still not interested.
- Uh-huh.

What about you?

I don't know.

Look, Pam, I know I'm putting you
under a lot of pressure right now.

The point of it is, the time's getting
close for me. I gotta have an answer.

It's so risky, especially just the
two of us going into it by ourselves.

It's not just us. I told you, I have a
person who's willing to be a partner.

You didn't tell me who.

I can't, but there are reasons I
can't reveal who I'm working with.

But I'm telling you, it's as solid
a deal as you ever wanna find.


- Maybe that makes a difference.
- You see.

I mean, not everybody thinks
it's quite as risky as you do.

I want you to come in with me.

Come on, sis. Let's
do this together.


- Katherine? Hello.
- Hi.

Damn it.

- Well, am I interrupting something?
- Yeah.

- No, we were just finished.
- I don't have an answer.

- Cliff, I need a couple of days.
- Yeah, but...

Cliff, it you want me to do this with
you, I need some time to think about it.


Lucy, I told you I didn't
wanna see anybody.

Well, I told you that I had a great
idea and I wanna tell you about it.

- Why are you all wet?
- I was running.

You were running in here? That's
like swimming laps in a fish bowl.

Lucy, I'm really not
in the mood for jokes.

Well, good, neither am I.

Because I have a business
proposition that just might interest you.

- What are you talking about?
- My agent, Blair Sullivan, called me.

Remember I told you I was
gonna start modeling again.

Well, anyway, he called and
he wants me to do a sh**t.

And they need a young, handsome,
athletic-type guy to pose with me.

And I suggested you.

No. No, I'm no model.

Well, you could be. It
doesn't take any brains.

No, find somebody else.

Why, what are you gonna do?

Spend the rest of your life
jogging on this postage stamp?

Oh, come on, Peter.
Do it with me. It'll be fun.


I'm just not interested.

What's the matter
with you today?

- Why are you so depressed?
- Who said I was depressed?

Ha. You never really
are full of laughs, are you?

Come one, Peter, you know where
the sh**t is gonna be? At Southfork.


So, John Ross will be around.

Oh, you know how
much he adores you.

You'd really look
like a hero to him.

Besides, the job pays, and I
know you could use the extra cash.

Oh, come on, at
least consider it.

Okay, I'll consider it.

It's a good thing I didn't
ask you to do anything hard.

What are you thinking?

If six months ago, someone had told me
I'd be sitting in this lovely restaurant...

with a man that I've always loved, I
would have said he was hallucinating.

Well, today feels
wonderful to me too.

I'm afraid to pinch myself. I might
wake up and find out that I'm dreaming.

That's what Charlie
said last night.

Bobby, do you have any idea how
much she loves the horse you bought her?

I'm glad.

How much she loves you.

Almost as much
as her mother does.

Let's hope it stays
that way forever.

Excuse me. I hate to interrupt but
there is a gentleman here to see you.

He said it's important.

What gentleman?

It's all right, Dora
Mae, I know him.

Who is it, Jenna?

Hello, Jenna.

It's been a long time.

Bobby, (his is Renaldo
Marchetta. This is Bobby Ewing.

Yes, the famous Bobby Ewing.

Jenna used to talk about you,
when she and I were married.

Is that a fact?


May I join you?

Sit down.

Thank you, I won't
keep you long.

Why are you in Dallas, Renaldo?

I was looking for you.


I need to talk to you
about something.

You and I have
nothing to talk about.

In fact we do...

but this is not the time and
it is certainly not the place.

Why don't you invite me to your
home tonight? It would be easier there.

No, Charlie will be there and I
really don't want her to see you.

If you have to discuss something
I can step to the bar for a minute.

No, Bobby, please stay.

Actually, this has
something to do with you too.

And I would like very much
for you to be there when we talk.

Maybe tomorrow when
Charlie's in school, hmm?

It's important.

All right.


I will come to your
home, say, about 9:00.

I know where it is.

What do you think he
wants, after all this time?

I don't know.

Would you take me
back to the boutique?

- Well, sure, but...
- I wanna go right now.

Fine, come on.

Oh, there's Grandma.

Hello, Christopher.

There you go.

Hi, sweetheart.


- Hello, Miss Ellie.
- Hello, Pam.

- How are you?
- I'm just fine. How are you?

- Well, I'm fine.
- How's my big boy, huh?

Hungry, I bet.

Hasn't he had his lunch?

No, I thought his grandma might
want to make him something.

Well, I already have something.
Let's go into the kitchen.

- Come on, sweetheart.
- Are you hungry? Huh?

- Come on.
- Yeah.

Hello, Edgar.

You were late so I
decided to start without you.

I wouldn't eat with you anyway. I'm
only here because you demanded it.

Well, I appreciate
your sentiments.

- Would you like a drink first or to order?
- Neither. I'm not staying.

- The gentleman's pressed for time.
- Oh, that's perfectly all right.

Well, what is it?

Well, I think I got a fishbone
caught in my throat. Ahem.

Let me see, what'd I
wanna talk about... Oh, yeah.

I got to thinking, it's getting very close
to auction time for those offshore leases.

And it occurred to me, I ought to find
out who I'm gonna be bidding against.

So, who filed intention to bid?

Edgar... who filed
intention to bid?

Intentions to bid were filed...

by Westar...

Four State...

your company...

and Barnes/Wentworth.

There, that wasn't
so hard, was it?

My second question is:

Who has actually placed
bids? Which one of those?

Everyone bid but... Westar...

- and Ewing.
- All right.

Next, I want a phone call from you
when Westar and Barnes make their bid.

We'll have a meeting...

and you tell me what the highest
bid is and I'll hand you mine.

I don't see how you
can live with yourself.

Oh, it's not hard, you'll see.

Once you give up integrity,
the rest is a piece of cake.


- Hi.
- This is the Randolph place, isn't it?

Sure is.

Hi, I'm Donna Krebbs.

- Yes, I remember you.
- You do?

Sure do.

Seen you come for dinner and them
parties the Randolphs used to have.

Gosh, that was a long time ago.

You, uh...

You used to come up here with an
older man, your father I guess he was?

No, that was my first husband.

He passed away and I'm
married to Mr. Krebbs now.

- I'm Percival.
- I'm Ray.

- Nice to meet you, sir.
- Likewise.

The reason that we came here
is, well, Edgar is a friend of ours.

He's having some problems
and we really wanna help.

Oh, he, uh... Huh.

He had a problem
along time age too.

Got him sent up to sanitarium.

Yes, sir, we heard about that.

Do you know why?

We came by the sanitarium
on the way here. Saw the doctor.

He remembered Edgar but he
didn't wanna talk about the case.

Well, I don't know
too much about it.

Oh, I heard stuff about
what Edgar did and all...

but I don't know nothing for
sure, so I wouldn't wanna say.

Well, I think that's
very honorable but...

Percival, you
see, the thing is...

We really are
trying to help Edgar.

If we could find out the truth about
what happened, it would be very useful.

Well, probably the only one who'd
remember would be Mrs. Mulgravy...

but I'm not sure
she'd talk to you.


Oh, she'd know, all right.

I mean, she was the
one involved, wasn't she?

This Mulgravy, does she
live here? Is she a neighbor?

Oh no, no, no. She was a housekeeper
at the time all the trouble happened.

But she moved away
over to Hyattsville, I believe.

- Where is that from here? Is it far?
- No, no, no. That's not far.

Up route one, in the direction
of Baltimore. It's a little town.

I guess you could ask anybody
and they'd know where she lived.

Well, thank you, and it
was nice to see you again.

- Good seeing you.
- Thank you.

- Appreciate your help. Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

It hasn't been an easy year
for us any of us, Miss Ellie.

You certainly had your troubles.

So have you. Losing your
mother and the divorce.

You know, there were so many
times I just wanted to call you and talk.

Well, why didn't you?

I don't know.

I guess I felt a little awkward
because I'm seeing Mark Graison.


I guess I'm sort of
responsible for that, aren't I?

- You met him with me.
- Yes.

- Hello, Pam.
- Bobby, hi.

I didn't know you were
gonna stop by today.

Well, she came to see
Sue Ellen and I kept her.

It's been a long time
since we've had a real talk.

Well, did you bring Christopher?

You don't think I'd let her come without
him, do you? He's upstairs in the nursery.

He's been running a temperature.
Thought I'd let him sleep for a while.

- Maybe I'd better get him.
- Well, can you stay a little while?

Well, I guess I can.
Mark's out of town.

Well, then, why don't
you have dinner with us?

I really should get
Christopher home before then.

Well, at least stay for a
drink, just a small one.

All right.

I'll have a small sherry.

Mama, anything for you?

No. I still have my coffee.

Well, how about this?

Hello, Pam.

Weren't you here a month ago?

You're not gonna make it
a habit out of this, are you?

J.R., knock it off.

Well, Bob, it's just a joke.

- Well, it's not very funny.
- J.R., are you gonna join us for a drink?

No, no. Let those two reminisce.
I'm not too much on nostalgia.

Well, I can see he's
as gracious as ever.

Some things never change.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Looks like you didn't
sleep much last night.

You're really worried about
seeing Naldo, aren't you?

I thought I was
rid of him for good.

What I don't understand is
why he wants to talk to me.

Unless he's changed
drastically, he wants something.

I just don't know what it is.

I'll get it.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.


It's a lovely apartment.
So light, so feminine.

You always had such
marvelous taste, Jenna.

Let's get on with it. Why
are you here, Naldo?

Well, you see. A very
strange thing happened.

I was in Italy recently,
visiting my parents...

and suddenly, I realized
that these two elderly people...

had never even seen
their granddaughter.

- What granddaughter?
- Charlotte, my daughter.

- She is not your daughter.
- 01 course she is, Jenna.

At any rate...

to bring her to Italy, I
needed a passport. To

get a passport, a
birth certificate, so I...

You've got Charlie's
birth certificate?

Yes, in Home where she was born.

And imagine my surprise
when I looked at it.

Do you see what it says?

It says, the mother
is Jenna Wade...

but the father is a Bobby Ewing.

Jenna, then I really
am Charlie's father.

- Bobby...
- No, that's not possible.

What do you mean it's not possible?
It's my name on the birth certificate.

Look at the birth date.


November, exactly.

Almost one year after
Jenna and I sailed for Italy.

Almost one year, after the
two of you last saw each other.

You should be
honest with him, Jenna.

Admit it to him who
the father of the girl is.


one of these is a lie.

Which is it? The
name or the date?

Get out of here.

Get out of here. Both of
you, get out of my house.

Good morning.


Good morning.

- We're looking for a Sara Mulgravy.
- That's my mother.

I'm Barbara Mulgravy.
Can I help you?

We'd like to talk to your
mother, if it's all right.

Well, sure, she's
around back. Come on.


There's some people
here to see you.

I've got my hands full, Barbara.

Send them back here.

She's hanging the wash.

There she is.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Don't think we don't have
a clothes dryer, we do.

I just think clothes smell better
when they're hanging outside.

Ha-ha. So do we.

Well, what can I do for you?

Well, first, I'm Donna Krebbs
and this is my husband, Ray.

- Hello.
- How do you do?

We understand that you
used to work for the Randolphs.

What if I did?

Well, we'd like to talk
about it. If that's okay.

Who sent you here?

Nobody. We came on our own.

I don't know what
you want from me.

We'd just like to ask you some
questions about the Randolph son, Edgar.

I hoped he'd be dead by now.

- Mrs. Mulgravy, Edgar is in trouble.
- Trouble?

Oh, I'll tell you
who's in trouble.

The whole world's in trouble with animals
like that running around on the streets.

Oh. He should have
died for what he did.

You know, if my husband were alive
then, he would have taken care of it.

But no, he didn't even
go to jail, that one.

Randolphs took care of that with all
their money, their important friends.

They covered up the whole
thing like it never happened.

- By putting him in a sanitarium.
- That's right.

Nice, cozy sanitarium with good food
and a pretty garden to stroll around in...

so he wouldn't have to
remember what he did to people.

What is it that he did?

But I remember. Oh, I remember.

I'll never forget that
day as long as I live.

Oh, Lord.

Why didn't I have a g*n in my
hand when I went into that room.

Then the plan worked.

Just like you said it would.

Well, now, that's fantastic.

Are you all right? The
money is all there, isn't it?

Yes. Yes, it's all here.

You seem strange
all of a sudden.

It must be from
seeing Jenna again.

I had forgotten
how beautiful she is.

I have known many women...

more than I can remember...

but she is the only
one I ever loved.

I realized when I saw her that I
could fall in love with her again.

Then, why don't you
do something about it?

Like what?

Fight for her. Win her back.
The way I'm trying to win Bobby.


I lost Jenna... years ago.

Well, now, maybe not.

Listen, I'm very
grateful for all your help.

If you'd like to try again for Jenna, I'd
be happy to subsidize you for a while...

you can take her to some nice
places and maybe even back to Home.

You think you can buy
anybody, don't you?

Well, Jenna is one
person you can't.

Look, I was only
trying to be nice.


If there had been a
chance that she still cared...

I destroyed it
by what I just did.

Not much of a fighter, are you?

I have no illusions
about myself...

unlike you.


You really don't know
what kind of a viper you are.

I do what I have to
do to get what I want.

Well, you will never get Bobby Ewing
any more than I will get Jenna Wade.

We are cut out of the same
dirty cloth, Miss Wentworth.

Well, since you're
being so noble...

I can't imagine you'd
wanna keep this money.

After all, look what
you had to do to earn it.

I didn't say I was noble.

I just know what I am...

which is more than
you can say for yourself.

Hey, Charlie.

- Bobby, hi. What are you doing here?
- Hi.

I thought I'd come out and
pick you up from school myself.

- Convince you to come to the ranch.
- We'll take Darius out for a ride?

- If you think you can talk him into it.
- Oh, great, Bobby. Sure.

Come on. Hop in.

Maybe I'd better call mom
first. So she won't worry.

Oh, it's all right, honey, I left a message
for her. She'll know right where you are.

You know, Charlie...

Christopher is my only
child. I don't have a little girl.

But if I did, I'd want
her to be just like you.

You're everything I'd
ever want in a daughter.

Well, then it's simple. Because
you're everything I want in a daddy.

All you have to do is many Mommy,
then we can both have what we want.

I'm gonna have to teach you
how to saddle that horse of yours.

Thanks for coming over.

Well, you sounded like
you needed to talk again.

Hah. What I don't
need is Cliff Barnes.

- That's what I wanted to tell you.
- Mm-hm.

I'm taking your advice. I'm
pulling out of that offshore deal.

That is the best move you
could ever make, Marilee.

How dare he jeopardize
my position with the cartel.


Of course, that's why I wanted
to keep my involvement silent.

I agreed with Andy and
Jordan to stay out of that deal.

Then I joined Cliff by myself.


Yeah, a partner with a loose
mouth is a dangerous thing.

If Jordan and Andy ever found
out about that, they'd hit the roof.

I'd like to destroy
that little worm.

But I am sure as hell
gonna pull out of that deal.

Say, tell me, did you two
put anything down on paper?

- Nothing yet.
- Good.

Now, I think we could teach him a
lesson he should have learned years ago.

Hold him off until
after the auction.

And then, don't
sign anything at all.

Are you saying. Pull
out after the auction?

That's right.

After the winner
has been declared.

All right. Come on out.

Oh, Bobby, thank you so much.
It was such a great afternoon.

Well, I had a good time too.

- Come on, let's go.
- No.

- Aren't you coming in?
- No. No.

Why not?

Well, I can't right now.

- But can I tell you something?
- Sure.

I just want you to know...

that I love you.

I love you very much.

I love you too, Bobby.

All right. Go on. Go on inside.


Bobby didn't wanna come in
tonight. Why? Is anything wrong?

Dinner's ready.

Come on, it's gonna get cold.

I'll get it.

- Hello.
- Hello, J.R., this is Katherine.

Well, hello, Katherine.
How you doing?

Is Bobby there? I'd like
to speak to him, please.

Well, you're in luck, honey.
He's just fixing to leave, hang on.

Katherine Wentworth for you.

- Hello, Katherine.
- Hella, Bobby, how are you?

I'm fine, why? What's up?

Well, we talked the other day about
getting together, maybe for lunch?

Katherine, I have a
lot of work to do today.

I don't even think I'm
gonna be having lunch.

Oh, is something wrong?
You sound depressed.

No, I'm just a little down
about something, I guess.

I'll call you in a couple
of days, all right?

Sure. Listen, if you need a
sympathetic shoulder, mine's available.

- Thanks. Bye.
- Bye, Bobby.

I didn't know you were seeing
Katherine Wentworth these days.

I am not seeing her,
J.R. She is a friend.


Nothing wrong between
you and Jenna, I hope.

Nothing that I
care to talk about.

Well, I don't mean he nosey,
Katherine is a pretty lady.

I wish I'd gotten to know
her a little better myself.

I'll see you at the office.

- Hi.
- Hi.

We feel very uncomfortable
imposing on you like this...

especially after we upset
your mother so much.

It's all right. As I told you on
the phone, she's out this morning.

Can I offer you some
coffee or some tea?

- No thanks, not for me.
- No. No, thanks.

Why don't we talk out here?

Thank you.

I guess you know what
it is we wanna talk about.

Yes, Edgar Randolph.

If I had known that, I could have
warned you not to speak to my mother.

The whole thing still triggers
a lot of reactions for her.

We sure found
that out in a hurry.

That's why we
wanted to talk to you.

Well, I suppose, I've come to understand
it a little better than she does.

My work's in
research psychology.

Miss Mulgravy...

Actually, it's doctor, but
you can call me Barbara.


Look, I've known Edgar
Randolph for years...

as a fine upstanding man.

Two weeks ago, he tried to k*ll himself
because somebody was blackmailing him.

They found out about his past.

We've been trying to
help him and up until now...

we've been stuck.

Why don't we sit down? Hmm?

Uh... Look, as
awful as it may be...

can you tell us what it is
Edgar did to your mother?

My mother?

He didn't do anything to her.

It was me that Edgar
took into that room.

That was over 20 years ago.

That's right, I wasn't
even 10 years old yet.

Edgar tried to molest me and my
mother walked in and caught him.

You're saying Edgar
Randolph is a child molester.

I'd rather put it that he had
some adolescent problems that...

It doesn't matter what
you call it, it's still the same.

"That were eventually resolved.

Look, forgive me. I'm not sure
I know quite how to say this...

but from everything
that I've read...

I mean, my impression
is that a child...

who goes through something
like this could be scarred for life.


Well, it doesn't seem
to have affected you.

He didn't r*pe me.

There was no v*olence.

But still, it had to be a
horrifying experience.

Well, the honor came later.

It was true that for a long time, I
was a pretty shattered little girl.

But with the help of some very
caring people, I managed to get over it.

Did you seek psychiatric help?

I couldn't have made
it through without it.

Now you're all right?


I suppose I sometimes
wonder why it is I'm in my 30s...

and still living with my mother.

But, yes. I think I've
resolved my problems.

What about Randolph?

Well, his problem may be a
little different than it seems.

The reason I didn't wanna
label him a child molester...

is because in the medical
sense of the word, he isn't one.

Even though...

Even though, what we were doing
in that room because of our age...

could be considered legally
to be child molestation.

You see, that kind of
behavior is very difficult to cure.

I mean, some can modify
it with psychotherapy.

But there's a habit pattern.

The desires rarely leave them.

Well, I just don't
understand this.

If Randolph's not a child
molester, then what the hell is he?

Well, at the time, he was a
very confused adolescent.

You see, even though
he was in his late teens...

he never really had any
experience with anything.

That was probably due to
the fact that his parents...

were rather long on
discipline and short on love.

And that's an

Well, our kids have
lousy home lives...

and they don't take their
problems out on little girls.

It's a horrible stigma.

So horrible that apparently he preferred
su1c1de to having his secret known.


what happened took
place a long time ago.

Edgar is married.
He has a family.

He's lived an
exemplary life since then.

If you're really his friend...

I don't think you should let his
past destroy your relationship.

Let me tell you,
that was some meal.

I couldn't even finish it.

Don't let Cliff know, he'll
make me take it home in a bag.

Afton, I told you, cheap
jokes are out of style this year.


- Goodbye, Mr. Barnes, come back real soon.
- I'll do it. I promise you.

Isn't that Bobby?

Yeah, that's Bobby.

He doesn't look like
he's celebrating anything.

Hey, Bobby I wouldn't be
crying in my booze if I were you...

because they water down
the drinks enough around here.

Cliff, if you don't mind, I
just wanna be by myself.

No, I don't mind.
We're just leaving.

Hi, Bobby.

Well, what do we got
here, a little family reunion?

I think Bobby would
like to be alone.

Are you okay?


- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I really think we should leave.


I think something's
wrong with him.

Well, I can see that.

Maybe you should stay. He looks
like he could really use a friend.

Pam, I don't think
we should impose.

Maybe you're right.


Hello, Jenna.

I've been waiting for you.

I see that.

Miss Ellie offered to sit with
me but I wanted to wait alone.

I owe you an
explanation on Charlie.

Yes, I think you do.

You can start by telling me
who her real father is. Is it me?



Now, you can tell me why my
name is on the birth certificate.

Can we sit down?


Bobby, I married
Naldo on an impulse...

after running away from you.

I became pregnant
almost immediately.

It didn't take me long to realize that I
made the biggest mistake of my life.

I gave up the man
that I really loved...

for this...

For this person.

So I left him.

A few months later
Charlie was born.

I don't know why, but suddenly
lying there in the maternity ward...

I become very frightened
that somehow Naldo...

who couldn't care
less about children...

would one day come back
into my life and hurt me.

He was in Home.

He was an Italian
citizen, I wasn't.

And I didn't know how well the
Italian laws would protect me.

So you listed
me as the father...

even though you were
still legally married to him?

Yes. I listed you because I didn't
want him to be father of record.

And then one day come back
and have future claim on my baby.

Jenna, didn't it occur to you that
Charlie was gonna grow up someday.

She might see her
birth certificate...

and wonder why she's
listed as Charlotte Ewing?

I wasn't thinking
that far ahead.

I was scared. I was
doing what I had to do.


the way things were going
between the two of us recently...

I was hoping that she would
become Charlotte Ewing.

And if we had gotten married...

you'd have gone on
lying to me forever.

I never lied. I never
said she was yours.

You let me go around for
years thinking she could be.

So what? What would have been
gained by your knowing that she wasn't.

My God, Bobby, do you love
her any less than you did before?

Do you love Christopher any less
because he's not your natural son?

What bothers me, Jenna...

is that you just
kept leading me on.

I never meant to. It wasn't something
that I consciously planned to do.

I know how much the
truth... means to you.

How important it's
been to you all your life.

But I acted as I did
because I loved you.

And I was afraid I'd lose you
again it I'd told you the truth.


if you can accept that...

I'll be here for you...

but it's up to you.