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08x06 - Shadow of a Doubt

Posted: 11/24/21 08:28
by bunniefuu
Well, if all that's true, Rosa.
why'd they sell Mr. Graison's car?

Now, who told you that?
The car's in the garage.

No wonder Daddy
didn't wanna have anything to do with you.

It's a shame you're not more like him.

- Is it from Dave?
- No.

From Mark Graison.

It's time. We should be getting married.


Yes. Yes.

Mr. Carson, you're frightening me.

You're making it sound
as though Mark weren't dead.

You saw that?

- Yes.
- That was Mark's car.

Pam, there could be a thousand cars
just like that one.

Not with his license plate.

All right,
but there must be some explanation.

Why would somebody
be driving Mark's car?

I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Pam, maybe it was sold and they haven't
got the new license plates yet.

There are a lot of maybes,
but that was Mark's car.

Pam, calm down.

I am calm. I just want to know
why that car was parked here.

- Well, that was a quick lunch.
- Is J.R. still here?

In his office.
Ah, Bobby left when Harv Smithfield did.

- Thanks.
- Mm-hm.

- J.R.?
- Oh, hi.

Shut the door, would you?

Well, how's the wealthy
and talented Cliff Barnes?

- Cocky, but nervous.
- What's he got to be nervous about?

Well, it seems Jeremy Wendell
from Westar...

...wants to make him some kind
of a big offer.


Now, what's that old shark want
with Barnes?

Mr. Barnes said something
about a merger.

A merger?

Oh, hell, Westar is 10 times the size
of Barnes-Wentwonh.

Huh. No, no, not a merger.

But with all that oil that Barnes has got
down in the Gulf, it might be a takeover.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Did Barnes give him an answer yet?

No, sir, but somehow, I got the feeling
he's under pressure to reply.

Sit down, sit down.

What'd he wanna talk to you about?
We don't have anything to do with Westar.

I think he's afraid that somehow
you're behind Westar's otter.


You know the wonderful thing
about being me, Sly?

With my reputation,
I don't have to do a damn thing.

Everybody thinks I'm behind
hall the deals in Dallas anyway.

I'm sure you've earned that reputation.


I didn't mean that the way it sounded.

Yeah, well, that's all right.

So Barnes thinks
that I manipulated old Wendell, does he?

- Didn't you?
- No.

But I sure want him to think so.

What I don't want is for him
to get mixed up with Westar...

...because Wendell doesn't care
for me any more than Barnes does.

Well, somehow, I think Mr. Barnes secretly
wants to find out you're behind it.

That way he could keep Barnes-Wentwonh,
and blame you for not taking the offer.

- You're getting to know him as well as I do.
- I think so.

He'll be calling me again soon
to see what I found out.

- And you know what to tell him, don't you?
- Oh, yes, sir.

I think it's terrible the way you and
Westar had this plot to bring him down.

Ha, ha. That's it, you got it.

Oh, damn, will that dastardly J.R.
stop at nothing to get his revenge?

Ha, ha. I love it.



Mrs. Ewing.

Oh, I'm so happy to see you.

How are you, Rosa?

Well, it's not the same
without Mr. Graison.

I know.

I'm kind of surprised to see you here.

I thought the house
would have been sold by now.

I thought so too.

But Mr. Brooks Oliver,
Mr. Graison's attorney...

...says that everything
is to stay as it was.

The whole staff's still here.

Isn't that rather unusual?

I don't ask questions.
Jobs are hard to come by.

Well, if all that's true, Rosa.
why'd they sell Mr. Graison's car?

Now, who told you that?
The car's in the garage.

Are you sure?

Come on.

Well, somebody's been driving it.
The hood's still hot.

Oh, must be the dealer.

They pick it up to service it.

But you didn't see anyone pick it up?

I was busy in the house.

Rosa, do you know where the dealer is?

Somewhere on Oak Lawn, I think.

Thank you.

If anything changes,
if anybody picks up the car again...

...if they sell the house, will you call me?

- Will you let me know?
-01 course.

Thank you, Rosa.

I know how much Mr. Graison loved you.

I'm very sorry.

Thank you, Rosa.


See? There it is.


RAY: Well.

RAY: Well, honey, when I decided
to call it Krebbs Number One...

...I didn't mean the one and only. Ha, ha.

I said it was small.

BOBBY: Well, I think Ewing Oil
is gonna be safe for another year.

I think I made a wise investment.

I'm gonna put some more money
in this field, drill a few wells.

Just wait and see.


JENNA: Right.
Everybody has to start somewhere.

Oh, sure. Actually, funny thing is,
it does have possibilities.

I remember when Bill Duke owned it
and ran it.

He was trying to do it on a shoestring,
that was his problem.

About time we started this ceremony.

- Hey, come on, let's go.
- You bet.

Ha, ha. Well, what does this produce?

About a barrel and a half a month?

DONNA: No, it's gonna pump
40 barrels a day. Wait and see.

Ha. Okay, let's break out the champagne.

Maybe a bottle of beer
would be more fitting this occasion.


That is not funny.

I could end up being the largest independent
in the whole state of Texas.


- There's room for another one?
- There's always room for another one.

- Are you gonna Christen this thing or not?
- You bet.

Watch out. Watch your eyes.

- You ready?
RAY: Give it a good one.

I Christen thee Krebbs Number One.


BOBBY: You know, this could be exciting.
JENNA: What's that?

Starting over like this.
Getting a small field.

Maybe do wildcatting like Daddy did,
build it all up.

You mean you'd like that?

Well, I spent most of my time in the office.
I haven't been out here in the field much.

- I think I'm missing something.
- Are you serious, Bob?

I might. I just might consider
taking on a partner.

Oh, wait a minute.
If we're talking serious here.

- I wanna put my two cents worth in.
- You're entitled, go ahead.

If that's what you want,
I'd be with you all the way.

- It might be nice to start over together.
- Ah.

Honey, you're my kind of woman.

- Mine too.
- That's right.

- Hey.
- But I was only half-serious.

There is Ewing Oil to think of
and I can't just walk away from it.

- Tommy?
- Yes, sir.

Tommy, this is Mrs. Ewing.
This is Tommy Han.

- How do you do?
- Hello.

You picked up Mr. Graison's car
and serviced it?

Yes, sir.

- Why, is something wrong?
PAMELA: Well, I'm not sure.

Uh, when did you get the car back?

Just about 1:00.
I could check it out to be sure.

No, that's all right.

- Is something wrong with the car?

By any chance, when you were taking
the car back to Mr. Graison's...

...did you stop at the Campbell Center?

- Campbell Center?
- The gold towers on the central expressway.

My offices are there.

No, I took the car straight
from the shop over to Mr. Graison's house.

Are you sure?

Yes, ma'am, why would I go over there?

Well, thank you.
I'm sorry I bothered you.

Sure thing.

Can we do anything else to help?

I suppose not.

Why are you still servicing Mark's car?

Well, we always have.

And Mr. Oliver contacted me
and told me to continue doing it.

Brooks Oliver?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, thank you.
And I am sorry if I bothered you.

Oh, no problem.

If you're ever in the market for another car,
we make the sweetest deals in town.

Thanks, I'll remember that.


Hey, is Betty through yet?

Hi. Yeah, she's inside.

Can we drop you somewhere?
Beats taking that bus.

No, thanks.
Um, I'm gonna meet some friends.

You sure you don't want us
to drop you home?

Ha, ha. Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks anyway.

Okay. You take care now.


Hey, remember me?

Yeah, I think so.

- Shirley?
- No.

No, no, no, Harriet?

Oh, don't be funny.

Don't get any ideas about that midget.

Hey, look.
I was just being friendly, okay?


Come on, let's go to my place.

I'll get dressed, we'll go out somewhere.

All right, sure.




Mrs. Ewing.

How are you?

Just fine, Mrs. Ewing.
It sure is good to see you.

- It's good to see you're still here.
- Still got all these ponies to take care of.

Well, I recognized some of them.
They were Mark's.

Still are.

They are?

Yes, ma'am. I've got strict orders
to take good care of these ponies.

Did those orders come
from Brooks Oliver?

Yes, ma'am, they did.

I thought so.

He told me to keep them fit
and to keep them ready.

You know, the way he talked,
it would almost seem like Mr. Graison... gonna to be riding
these ponies again.


Good evening, I've been waiting
for you to come home.

Well, I guess so.
It's like a morgue in here.

Well, it is a little quiet
with Miss Ellie and Clayton gone, and Pam.

And Lucy doing whatever she's doing lately.
She hardly comes out of her room at night.

Well, it'll never be like it was
in the old days...

...when everybody at the table
was a Ewing.

We got Fallows and Krebbs and...

We", even Lucy's a Cooper still,
I guess, isn't she?

Yeah, it's just you and me
and Bobby left, that's all.

- There is one more Ewing.
- Ah...

John Ross?

Well, I don't count him as a Ewing yet.

Well, I was thinking about Jamie.

You don't think I consider her a Ewing,
do you?

What I was about to say is that she and I
went shopping today...

...and we have a little surprise for you.

She's going back to Alaska?

- Stop that.
- Ha, ha, ha. I'm just teasing, honey.

Come on.

All right, what is the surprise?

Well, just a second.
I know how you love surprises.

Come on, Jamie.

Isn't she beautiful?

J.R.: Well, huh, it's amazing what
a few thousand dollars can do, isn't it?

Oh, J.R., what a terrible thing to say.

Really? Well, what's next?
Are we gonna cap her teeth?

- There's nothing wrong with my teeth.
- Well, I guess not.

You're sure taking a big enough bite
out of the Ewing apple.

You know, I didn't ask for any of this.

Well, I know how hard it must have been
for Sue Ellen to convince you to take it.

As a matter of fact, it was.

Well, congratulations, young lady.
on finding yourself a real nice home.

You know, you're really something.

No wonder my daddy
didn't wanna have anything to do with you.

Well, it's a shame
you're not more like him.

Oh, now, don't go away mad.

How can you be so cruel?

Not cruel, suspicious.


I thought you had changed.

But I still see a lot of the old J.R.

The one I hated.

Will you be eating alone?


Yeah, it seems like it, doesn't it?



- Are you all right?
- No.


I'm so sorry about what J.R. said to you.

Why does he hate me?

I haven't done anything to him.

It isn't hate, Jamie.


Well, I don't quite know how to explain
what he is.

- Other than he's suspicious of people.
- But I'm not just people.

I'm family.

Or is that
what he's having a hard time with?

I think so.

But he's been going through
a very bad time himself lately.

He's having a bad time?

What about me?

It's my daddy that d*ed.

It's me that came all this way from Alaska
to be with a family that doesn't want me.

Jamie, that is not true.

Most everyone around here
is thrilled that you're here.

And I know
that J.R.'s gonna come around in time.

But why does he have to come around?

What does he think
that I want from him?

I honestly don't know.

I think that the best thing for me to do
is just pack up my bags and get out of here.


Jamie, you are a Ewing.
and you have every right to be here.


Miss Ellie would never forgive us
if you left before she came back.


It is beautiful here.

The nicest place I've ever been.

Then stay, Jamie.

Okay, for a while.

But tell J.R. to let me alone,
and I promise I'll stay out of his way.

I'll tell him.

But you don't have
to stay out of his way.

I'll make sure of that.



RAY: You're pretty good out there, Bob.
- Come on now, I'm trying, I'm trying.

- You were terrific.
- Thank you.

I'm exhausted.

- Would you like to freshen up?
- Good thinking.

- How about another drink?
- Oh, yes, something tall and cold.

- Want the same?
- Yeah. I'll do the same.

- Back in a minute.
- Okay, bye.

RAY: Huh!

RAY: Hey, Betty.
- Yes, sir?

- Could you get us another round, please?
- Sure, sure.

- And hurry.
BETTY: Won't be a minute.


All right, out with it.

- What?
- I don't know.

But all night you've been staring at me
like you're dying to ask me something.

That easy to read, huh?

You just be glad we're not playing poker.


Oh, I was just wondering
about something you said today...

...about starting all over again.

Sounded like something
you really wanted.

Well, I guess it is.

I mean, it would be kind of interesting
to start from scratch...

...and see if I could build something
like Daddy did.


I can't do it.

I can't leave Ewing Oil.

Do you ever wonder
if it's really worth it all...

...butting heads against J.R. every day?

I was butting heads with J.R.
long before I came to Ewing Oil.

No, it's a trust that Daddy left me.
I can't walk away from that.

Yeah, I understand that.

Even Donna has a hard time understanding
why we live in that little old house...

...I built out there
when we could afford to live anywhere.

It's just, well, hard to explain how special
that section of land is that Jock gave me.

And the house that I built on it.

Hell, I didn't even know
he was my daddy when he gave it to me.

I know.

And I understand how you feel.

Ewing Oil, Southfork, the land.

It all helps
to keep Daddy's memory alive.

Here you go. Four long necks.

Thank you.

To Jock.

Angela, I'm not gonna be in the office
for a couple of hours.

If you need me,
I'll be with Brooks Oliver.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Okay? You be a good boy, yeah? Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye-bye.

Mrs. Ewing.


I'm Tommy Han.
I work for the car agency.

Oh, you work on Mark's car.

Yeah, and that's kind of what I wanted
to talk to you about.


Well, you see, I didn't exactly tell you
the truth yesterday.

I mean, well, I couldn't.
Not with Mr. White standing there.

What do you mean?

When we take the cars from the shop...

...we're supposed to take them directly
to where they belong.

- But you didn't?
- No, ma'am.

You see, my bank is in Campbell Center.

And I did stop there
on my way to Mr. Graison's.

So it was you I saw driving away?

Yes, ma'am.

I'm sorry, I hope I didn't cause you
a bunch of trouble.

No. And I appreciate your coming by
to tell me, thank you.

But there still are some questions
I need answered.


Mr. Carson, Mrs. Ewing is here.

Ask her to step in, please.

Mrs. Ewing, how nice to meet you
after all this time.

Brooks Oliver has spoken
so highly of you.

Thank you very much.

I know how very busy you are
and I appreciate you giving me your time.

Oh, of course. Please sit down.

Can I get you something?

No, I just hope you can explain some
of the strange things...

...that have been happening.

Well, of course. What's on your mind?

It has to do with Mark Graison.

Mark? I don't understand.

This is so awkward.

Maybe I should wait
until Brooks gets back.

Well, he's going to be traveling
for some time.

We did work on Mark's papers together
very closely.

And I knew Mark quite well.

In the last few days,
I have seen Mark's car being attended to.

I've been to his house and there's
a lull stall just like when he was still alive.

I went to Willowbend and his string
of pole ponies hasn't been sold.

They're still being cared for
as though he still owned them.

Frankly, Mr. Carson,
I don't understand what's going on.

Mark's death was terrible for you
coming as close as it did to your wedding.

And it was a tragic accident.

Well, what has that got to do
with the things I've been seeing?

None of what you've seen
is that unusual.

Mark's estate, including Graisco Industries,
is quite vast.

It's gonna take quite a while to settle,
perhaps as long as a year.

And during that time, none
of what Mark owned can be disposed of.

It all has to be maintained
in top condition.

I guess I should have realized that. Uh...

I've been so unnerved by everything
that's been happening.

That's quite understandable.

Now, if you have any questions,
anything you wannna know...

...please come to me.

Thank you.



BOBBY: Are you glad to see me?
- Hi, Daddy.

I'm really happy.

Oh, really happy, good.

I'm gonna take him to that Wild Water Park,
but I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry.

I know.

You got any plans yourself? Here you go.

Yes, as a matter of fact,
I should be changing clothes.

Watch your head. There you go.

Are you all right?

Yeah. Just a few unusual things
have been happening lately.

Anything you wanna talk about?

I don't think so. Thanks.

Okay, see you Monday.


Pam, hey, come on,
you're not even dressed yet.

Well, I was getting Christopher ready.

- How you doing, Bobby?
- Cliff.

Hey, Bobby, you know Dave Stratton?

He's Pam's date.

Dave, this is Bobby Ewing, Pam's ex.

DAVE: I'm not exactly a date,
I'm a doubles partner.

It's nice to meet you.


- Mandy Winger.
- It's really nice to meet you.

MANDY: Heard a lot about you.
CLIFF: None of it good though. Ha, ha.

No, I'm just kidding.
I mean, for a Ewing, he's not a bad guy.

Cliff, I'd hate for my boy
to see me unscrew your head.

So why don't you just be quiet?

Bobby, come on, lighten up. I'm joking.

I'll see you Monday.

Come on, buddy, here we go.

You okay?

Cliff, I don't want you talking
to Bobby that way.

Oh, Pam, come on.
You know, you gotta lighten up too.

You're not married to that guy anymore.

Now change your clothes.

Dave and I are gonna get a beer.


Sorry if that made you uncomfortable,

You were very nice, Dave. Thank you.

So that was Bobby Ewing.

That's right.

Sure is good-looking.

He seems real nice too.

He's that and more.

I can definitely understand
if you're still hung up on him.

Must be awful tough
to walk out on someone like that.

It was.

Hey, busy morning, huh?



Haven't seen Eddie around lately.


So is he sick,
or did you just scare him off?


It's none of your business.

I was just wondering.

Well, stop wondering.
I told you before, he's private property.

Well, he might have something
to say about that.

- Next time he comes, I'm gonna ask him.
- Stay away from him.

Or what?


Hey, knock it 0”. Cut it out.


You cut it out or I'll fire the both of you.

What'd you ever hire
this little mm for anyway?

Stop it.


Okay, that's better.


I'm not gonna forget this.




You should have come down
that slide, Daddy.

You're not gonna get me
on one of those.

Well, your father prefers to stay
right here where he can see everything.

I thought we were gonna have
a nice quiet family day.

We are. I just don't want you
to get eyestrain from staring so hard.

Did you see me go down the slide?

- I wanna swim.
- You wanna swim?

Well, come on, sweetheart, come on.

Oh, he wants to go for a swim. Okay.

Come on, let's go swim over here.

Jamie, are you having fun?

Sure. Who would have guessed
something like this even existed?

Let's go on the pirate swings.

Yeah, come on. Will you take us, Jamie?

I don't know,
you guys are wearing me out.

Come on, please?


Okay, come on.

- You be careful, John Ross.
JOHN ROSS: I will, Daddy.

SUE ELLEN: Have fun.
- Okay.

Boy, he sure is having a good time,
isn't he?

He certainly has taken to Jamie.

And I notice that you've been watching her
rather carefully.

What's that mean?

That means that she's a very attractive
young lady...

...who also happens to be your cousin.

Sue Ellen, that's disgusting.
She's nothing but a child.

And we're not necessarily related.

I think it's very interesting that you
should bring up the subject of young lovers.

Look, J.R., things are going very well
between the two of us.

Let's not spoil it by bringing up the past.

Hmm, I apologize.

Oh, give me a cold drink, would you?

Darling, you are the only woman
in the world that I want, you know that.


You know, somehow.
this nice relaxed tennis party...

...just doesn't go with everything
I've seen and heard about Jeremy Wendell.

Well, I guess he is easy
to misunderstand.

You see, at work, he's tough,
single-minded, but he's fair.

I've been with Westar for 10 years now.

And I really admire him
as an executive and as a friend.


Here you go.

And have you been assigned the task
of getting me to see the virtues...

...of Barnes-Wentwonh merging
with Westar?

Well, frankly, my dear, yes.


Well, at least you're honest.


But, uh, he didn't assign me.

I volunteered.

DAVE: Jeremy, great party.

WENDELL: You two are becoming an item.
- Hi.

WENDELL: You better watch it.

- Enjoying yourselves?
- Boy, this is some place you have here.

- Well, thank you, it suits my needs.
- I bet, and Mrs. Wendell?

Uh, there is no Mrs. Wendell.

Right, I remember you told me
you were married to your work.


Would you excuse us, Mandy?

Sure, I'll go watch the young guys
play tennis.

Nice party.

Do you have an answer for me, Cliff?

Oh, you don't waste any time
with idle conversation, do you?

Well, I'm not used to waiting for people.

And if you think you'll improve my offer
by keeping me hanging, you're wrong.

Your offer's fine.
I'm just not sure I want to sell my company.

There are other independents, Cliff.
we can buy.

But none of them has Gold Canyon 340.

Yes, that's true.

But Westar will grow without you.
We'd like to have you be a pan of it.

- The choice is yours.
- I'll let you know just as soon as I can.

By the end of the day, I wanna know
whether we have a deal or not.


- Hello?
- Hi, it's me.

You find out anything?

SLY: Where are you?
I've been trying to reach you.

Why? Do you have something to tell me?

Yes. I overheard J.R. talking
to Mr. Wendell last night.

It was late.
I think he thought I'd gone home.

Could you make out
what they were saying?

JR. kepi asking
"fl you'd given Mr. Wanda“ an answer yet.

He said he couldn't wait
until they spring the nap on you.

So J.R.'s really behind it, huh?

- Oh, yes, I'm sure of it.
CLIFF [ON PHONE]: Thank you.

Now I know what to do.

This is the last time for me.

I'm not only dizzy,
I think I'm waterlogged.

BOBBY: All right, we'll make this one
a trip to remember.

Now, don't do anything funny.

- Oh, it won't be funny.
- Then what?

I think it's time we talked
about our plans.

- Our wedding plans?
- Those are the ones.





Well, what do you say?

JENNA: You mean it?
BOBBY: You bet.




It's time. We should be getting married.


Yes. Yes.


Well, to an extent, I know how you feel.

After my divorce,
I was an emotional wreck.

Well, it's not only that.

I guess you know what happened
to Mark Graison.

Yeah, I heard.

But you can't just lock yourself away.
I know, I tried.

Well, I'm not going out on dates.

I know what you mean.

It's like what Tarzan used to say
when he came home.

I know. It is like a jungle out there.

That's it.
No, I'm not ready for that either.

Maybe we two emotional wrecks
could go to a concert, or dinner some night?

Maybe. I don't know.

As friends. Just friends.

Well, congratulations.

- On what?
- You and Dave making the finals.

Well, get the cup ready,
because this lady is a winner.

Mandy, I haven't seen you play all day.

Well, I think the outfits are cute and all,
but I'm not much of an outdoor type.

Oh, really?

It gets me all hot and sticky.
I like it where it's cool and romantic.


- Come on, we're leaving.
- Uh, Cliff, what's wrong?

I was invited here
to give Jeremy an answer.

So I'm gonna give it to him,
then we're leaving.

I take it that means your answer is no?

That's right, you got it.
And I'll tell you why.

It's because I don't trust you.
I don't trust you for a minute.

Besides, I don't need you.

I don't need you, I don't need Westar,
I don't need anybody.

I'm sitting on one of the biggest strikes
in the Gulf.

Pam and I
are gonna make Barnes-Wentwonh... of the biggest independents.

So you can just take your offer
and put it where the sun don't shine.

Sis, Mandy.

I really enjoyed it.

- Still friends?
- We'll see.

That man is a tool
to behave that way with me.

He is a hothead.

Maybe we can go in
through the back door.

The sister?

I think she's vulnerable.

It's worth a try.

JENNA: Oh, what a day.
CHARLIE: I don't think I can make it.

Put that over there, baby.

Hey, why don't you lay him down
for a little while?

- I think he'll feel better.
- Okay, come on, partner.

You guys are really gonna get married
this time?

I really think so.

And we get to move to Southtork,
and I get to ride Darius all the time?

- Is that why you're so happy?
- No, of course not.

No, of course not. Ha, ha.

But it is kind of nice to think about.

Why don't you go think about it
up in your room, okay?

I wanna talk to Bobby.

- Well, what about dinner?
- In a little while, all right?

- Now just go on, here, take this with you.
- Okay, all right.

- Bobby...
- Huh?

- I love you.
- Oh, well, I love you too.


- Hey.
- What?

How come everybody loves you?

Uh, because I'm tall,
handsome and trustworthy.

Well, that's as good a reason as any.

Okay, then let's tie the knot.

Oh, I have a million things to do.

My dress, my hair, my nails,
plans, invitations...

How about tomorrow morning?


I'd like that too, but I think this time,
Mama's gonna wanna have...

...a big wedding at Southfork.

Well, she's on her own honeymoon.

She's gonna be too tired
to have a wedding when she gets back.

I think we better wait.



But don't wait too long.
I don't want you changing your mind again.

Oh, no.

Anybody changes their mind this time,
it's gonna have to be you.


Angela, would you check the dry cleaning
when it comes back?

I noticed they've been losing some things
the last couple of weeks.

- I'll check it for you.
- Don't let Christopher have bananas today.

- He's had an upset stomach.
- I'm gonna feed him before you get home?

- Yeah, I'll be home at about 6.
- Okay.

- Mrs. Ewing?
- Yes?

- I have some flowers here.
- Oh.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Would you put these in water?
- Don't you wanna know who they're from?

- I have a feeling they're from Dave Stratton.
- Sign here, please.

Thank you. Well, are they from Dave?

- No.
- Who are they from?

They're from Mark Graison.

Mandy. Mandy.

I thought you were going to work.

This place is a mess.

So? What do you want me to do,
clean it up?

Hey, I don't know what else
you do around here.

- Sure you do.
- No, hey.

I'm telling you, it just seems
like you got enough time... keep this place looking a little nicer.

Hey, you just turned down
that big deal from Westar.

Can't you afford a full-time maid?

A maid? You know,
a maid just gets in the way.

You are such a tightwad.

I don't know how somebody like you
could tum down that much money.

There is big difference between being cheap
and knowing the value 01a dollar.

And the reason I turned down that deal
was because of J.R. Ewing...

...the biggest snake in Dallas,
and I've got him worried.

About what? I don't know
what you're talking about.

You don't have to know
what I'm talking about.

It's just that somewhere down the line,
there's gonna be a showdown.

And for the first time,
the odds are with me.

I'm impressed.

Could you make coffee?

You're supposed to make the coffee,
you know.

You're supposed to make the coffee, you're
supposed to keep this place cleaned up.

Now, please, can you do that?

Get right to it, just as soon as you leave.



Information, have you got a number
for some kind of daily maid service?


I don't understand.
Is there some problem with the flowers?

The problem is with who sent them.

May I see the card?

“Darling Pam, Happy Anniversary,
Love, Mark.“


The man who sent those flowers
has been dead for two months.

Now, how is that possible?

I want to know who paid for them.

Well, I'm not sure I can disclose
that information.

We were engaged to be married.
I think I have a right to know.

I think I can tell you
that we have a standing order... send you flowers four times a year.

The bills are to be sent
to a Mr. Brooks Oliver.

Thank you.

Mm-hm. I understand.

Yes, yeah, send me the bill.

Well, according to the florist,
Mark placed the order personally...

...about a week before the crash.

What I don't understand
is the significance of “anniversary.“

We started seeing each other a year ago.

I see. That must have been very unnerving
for you.

I hope it put your mind to rest.

No, it doesn't. It doesn't at all.

You've had some very pat answers
for the things that have been happening.

But there have been too many of them.

I think there's something going on here
that I don't know about.

Mrs. Ewing...

Please, leave it alone.

There is something more, isn't there?
Mr. Carson, you have got to tell me.

I can't go on pretending
all the strange things that have happened...

...are just a string of coincidences.

I will find out with or without your help.


I don't actually know that much.

Well, I'm begging you
to tell me what you do know.

The day before he d*ed...

...Mark came to see Brooks Oliver
and me.

We changed his will.

Changed it how?

In the event of his death,
or the report of his death...

...everything he owns,
his house, Graisco...

...the horses, everything.

Was to be maintained exactly
as if he were here...

...for a period of two years.

Mr. Carson, you're frightening me.


Because you're making it sound
as though Mark weren't dead.

As though he were planning
to come back.