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02x06 - Cinderella and the Dragon

Posted: 11/26/21 09:37
by bunniefuu
Jack: Over million Americans

leave the safety of
our borders every year.

If danger strikes,

The FBI's International Response Team

is called into action.


Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen,

we're beginning our initial
descent into Singapore.

If you would, please bring
your seatbacks and tray tables

to their upright and locked position.

Thank you.

Mm, it says here that Singapore
is a completely planned society.

It was built from almost
nothing after World w*r II

and a focus on commerce and nationalism

has made it the most prosperous
country in southeast Asia.

I married a reader.

Hi, excuse me.

You're just gonna have to
turn that off for landing.

Sorry, he doesn't fly. [Chuckles]

Is this your first time in Singapore?

It's our first time outside Akron.

Any advice? Where should we eat?

Well, I always like Kampong Glam,

but since this is your first time,

you have to check out Maxwell Road.

They have the best chicken rice.

Thanks, we'll check it out.

That's like the third person
who's recommended chicken rice.

How good could it be?

This from the guy that considers
chili with noodles a delicacy.

Thank God for a three-day turnaround.

What do you say, ladies?
Want to hit up the clubs?

You're the only man that I know

that can follow up a -hour
trans-pac with a night out.

I'm gonna spend the next
hours the way God intended...

Poolside with a martini.

Are you girls holding out on me?

[Scoffs] And here I
thought we were young.

[Jet sound]


Here we are in Singapore.

The highlight of which thus
far has been the people movers.

Lisa, you got anything
for the folks back home?

Hi, folks.

Honey... get the bags.



[Breathing heavily]


Jane Wicks, a flight attendant
with Oceanic Airlines,

had just arrived in
country on flight .

Singapore police suspect

her co-worker Kathy Hall of the m*rder.

Security cameras caught Kathy
fleeing the scene of the crime.

Monty: Check this out.

That's blood.

She then exited the airport

through an emergency door
and disappeared into the city.

Well, clear evidence of a crime
and positive ID of a suspect.

Why does Singapore PD need our help?

The country experiences
fewer than murders a year.

An American victim and an
American suspect at large...

State Department has asked

that we make sure
everything goes by the book.

Yeah, well, to keep crime low,

Singapore's justice system

is intentionally swift and severe.

There's no such thing as trial by jury.

Judges have been known
to pass harsh sentences

for foreigners who commit crimes.

Like chewing bubble gum,

which is illegal, by the way.

Isn't Singapore where that kid was caned

for being drunk in public?


In ,

an American college
student was convicted

of public intoxication and vandalism.

He maintains to this
day that he was coerced

by Singapore police
into a false confession.

Well, it's gonna be much
worse for Kathy Hall.

When caught, she's most likely
gonna face an expedited trial

and then execution by hanging.

Well, running certainly implies guilt,

and that's all that Singapore
courts are gonna need.

So, was this a crime of opportunity,

or did Kathy k*ll Jane in cold blood?

That's on us to find out.

Clearly, there are differences

between the Singaporean
system and our own.

So, for the sake of justice,

let's make sure that due process is had

for both the victim and the accused,

or soon, we could very
easily have two dead Americans

on our hands.


[Theme music]

[Oriental Music]

Jack: A Singaporean proverb tells us,

Where there is a sea,
there are pirates.

Flight landed at : .

At : , Jane Wicks and Kathy Hall

carded into a secure
area of baggage claim.

And the body came out on a conveyor?

Six minutes later.

We ruled out ground crew
and other passengers.

Kathy Hall is the only one

who could have committed this crime.

I know you presume a suspect
innocent until proven otherwise,

but in Singapore, Kathy
Hall enjoy no such rights.

Our top priority is to locate

and apprehend Ms. Hall
as quickly as possible.

Your presence here can only
complicate this investigation.

Station Inspector Cheong...

Senior Station Inspector.

Of course.

The IRT has no interest in
slowing down your investigation.

But we owe it to the deceased

to understand why and how
this m*rder took place.

We believe the two women
got into an argument,

and escalated until Kathy
Hall k*lled Jane Wicks

in a fit of rage.

While that is plausible,

we's still like to talk to
as many flight-crew members

and witnesses as possible.

I will make the arrangements.

Any indication of where
she went when she left?

No. That is concerning.

Now, in the interest
of national security,

Singapore has security cameras

at virtually every
intersection of the city.

For someone to disappear in
thin air like this woman...

... would take knowledge and planning.

She seems to know where every camera is

and how to avoid them.

So, this may have been more

than just an argument
that got out of hand.

This may have been planned.

With all due respect, we
know who the k*ller is.

Now, how does further
review of the events

help us get any closer to finding her?

Inspector Cheong,
Singapore PD has officers

all over the city looking
for Ms. Hall, do they not?

Of course.

And if you catch her,
the investigation is over,

but if you don't, we'd like to
build a profile of the k*ller,

and that may help tell
us where she's headed.

In order to catch a fish,
you got to think like a fish.

Who are you again?

I'm Matt Simmons.

I do physical evidence and tracking.

I'd like to take a look
at your m*rder scene.

Come with me.

Monty: Okay, victimology.

According to a
Homeland-Security profile,

Jane Wicks grew up outside

of a middle-class neighborhood
in Kansas City, Missouri.

She went to Bard College
in upstate New York

before moving to Washington
D.C. in her early s.

Her parents, Clyde and Deborah,

were devastated to hear
about their daughter's death,

but they did say that there's no way

that Kathy Hall could be the k*ller.

Apparently, the two women were close.

What do we know about the suspect?

Uh... Kathy Hall... orphan.

She was born in Baltimore, Maryland,

and raised primarily in
the foster-care system

and group homes.

She dropped out of high school,

got her GED while working
as a convenience store clerk.

Her only family is her brother,

who I'm having a hard
time trying to locate.

He had a methamphetamine bust in ' ,

but outside of that, his record's clean.

Despite a rocking upbringing,
Kathy pulled herself up.

She got a job as a flight attendant.

Yeah. According to social media,
she's been living the life.

Jane and Kathy met in
flight-attendant training in .

The two have been working together

on the BWI-Singapore route
since a year ago, last January.

So, two women, wildly
different backgrounds.

They meet, become
friends, travel the world.

I can relate.


So, where did it go wrong?

Mae, you head to the morgue,
assist with the autopsy.

Clara and I will start to
interview some of the witnesses.

How well did you know Jane and Kathy?

I joined the flight
crew about a year ago.

We were friends.

Would you describe their
relationship as close?

Those two were thick as thieves.

[Scoffs] At least I thought they were.

Some of the other passengers
reported hearing them argue.

Do you know what that was about?

They were talking about some guy.

Dead girl didn't like whoever
the other one was dating.

Did he call you back?

How? We're at , feet in the air.

I'm telling you, he's a liar.

You can't trust him.

You know how it is.

Work enough long-haul flights,

you're bound to have your differences.

Tell me about the boyfriend.

Did you meet him?

Prince Charming? Man, he was hot.

Rode into first class and
swept her off her feet.

Was that a source of tension
between Jane and Kathy?

Because of Scott?

Maybe a little jealousy,

but nothing worth k*lling over.

It was a total cold w*r.

I mean, they weren't
being obvious about it,

but you've seen one girl
fight, you know the signs.

- Really?
- Honey, I love you.

Sometimes you're just oblivious.

It was definitely about the boyfriend.

Fight... about me?

There's no way.

Agent Montgomery, I promise
you, Kathy didn't k*ll Jane.

Okay, take it back to the beginning.

How did you and Kathy meet?

Well, I'm an art broker,

so I do a lot of international travel,

and last year, I was on Kathy's
route to Singapore a lot.

And [chuckles] Well, you know how it is.

Cute girl, hard worker...

She built herself up from nothing.

I was impressed.

And how well did you know Jane?

We were friends... Well, friendly.

Was there ever any...?

Between me and Jane?

- Yeah.
- No.

Was there ever any reason
for Jane to be jealous?

How should I know? I...

Look, they were best friends.

Okay, did they have disagreements? Sure.

But Kathy's not a violent person.

Okay, what can you tell
me about Kathy's family?

She doesn't have one. She's an orphan.

- Well, she has a brother.
- Right.

I'm having a hard time locating him.

Do you have a contact number?

I'm sorry. We never met.

You've been dating for a year,
but you never met her brother?

Her profile suggests
they're pretty close.

They are. It just never works out.

One of us is always traveling.


Agent Montgomery...

you have to find out who did this.

If the Singapore police
think Kathy's a k*ller...

I promise, we will get to the truth.

And you're sure the
m*rder happened here?

Arriving crews sometimes come here

to retrieve their checked bags

before they go out
to the general public.

There are no security
cameras in this room itself,

but the one outside shows Jane Wicks

and Kathy Hall enter at : .

Two minutes later, one woman is dead

and the other is fleeing the building.

Signs of a struggle?

As I said, we believe it was an
argument that got out of hand.


These scuff marks don't
indicate as big a struggle

as I would expect from
two women of similar size.

Are you questioning my conclusion?

Is this your version

of not interfering
with my investigation?

I'm just trying to put
a picture together here.

Arguments that turn lethal,
they usually do so gradually.

This looks more like a blitz att*ck

designed to catch Jane off guard.

That would support the idea
that this is premeditated,

not the result of an argument.

Kathy Hall committed
m*rder, Agent Simmons.

Singapore law does not differentiate

based on motivation.

Whatever her reason,

she's gonna face the death penalty.

If she did it,

we will abide by the laws of the land.

But if she didn't,

it's my job to make sure
she gets a fighting chance.

As you can see, most of the damage

to the body is superficial,

caused, we believe, by the machinery

and collision with the other baggage.

Ugh, brutal.

The actual cause of death
is thought to be asphyxia.

There's bruising around
the neck, broken hyoid.

It's definitely strangulation.


Looks like she may have
been choked from behind

using this scarf from the uniform.

And the defensive wounds
on her arms and her hands.

She definitely struggled
against her attacker.

There's flesh under her fingernails.

Well, Jane's bio did say

that she grew up with three brothers

and played high-school soccer,

so she may have been little more

than our attacker was expecting.

I already sent a sample to the lab.

Once the results come
back with Kathy Hall's DNA,

we'll have enough evidence to convict.


Can you hand me the A.L.S.?


This is open and shut.

Well, it never hurts to be thorough.

Hello, lightshow.

The adhesive residue
on Jane's upper thigh

is the kind of thing we
see in smuggling cases.

The couriers will take the contraband

to places screeners won't look

and then move it
undetected through customs.

So, you're thinking this
whole thing's about dr*gs.

Based on the adhesive,

I'd say that we're looking
at quarter kilo, max.

Simmons: Well, it'd have
to be pretty high value

to be moving such a small amount.

I'd say probably cocaine or heroin.

In a place where dr*gs are illegal,

even a small amount's
gonna get you a fortune.

Monty, any indication on
whether Kathy was in on it?

Monty: I think it may have
been a four-person operation.

I did some digging into
Jane's cloud-storage accounts,

and it turns out, Scott has met Will,

which means he was lying to me.

And possibly involved.

With Scott's international connections

and Will's previous history,

you think they got enterprising?

I think if Kathy decided
to double-cross the other,

it could explain why
Scott was so interested

in whether or not we had located her.

Singapore has gone through
great lengths to eliminate dr*gs.

That these people could bring
such a blight to this island...

Jack: If this is a broken drug ring,

this isn't a crime of passion.

It's one of greed.

The brother may be in on it, too.

I still can't find him.

It's like hours ago,
he just fell off the map...

No ATM, no cellphone,
no social media use.

It's the kind of thing you expect

from someone going off the grid.

Jack, do you want me to take
the boyfriend into custody?

Jack: Let's not tip our hand just yet.

Don't let him go far.

Let's focus on the k*ller at hand.

The nature and timing of Jane's m*rder

means we're dealing
with a highly-structured

objective-driven k*ller.

If Kathy is smuggling,
then her goal is probably

to make a delivery
somewhere in the city.

And she would be very dangerous.

[Motorcycle engine revs]

[Indistinct talking]


Kathy didn't k*ll her.
Something's not adding up.

Simmons: She was in a hurry.

What do you make of this?

Quick alterations.

Looks like Kathy was
doing whatever she could

to change her appearance.

She planned for Jane's m*rder,

but not for a change of clothes?


How's the witness?

Well, not much help. She
dropped her bag and ran.

Yeah, looks more like a costume change

than an attempted m*rder.

Which is good, but still doesn't explain

why Kathy would k*ll her
best friend in cold blood

and then leave a witness
here that can identify her.

Why even come here anyway?

For a woman who's trying
to avoid detection,

it seems like an awfully public area.

It has to be on the way to her delivery.

Monty: Kathy started
here at the airport,

then made her way to
your present location...

A distance of about miles.

Given direction and time of travel,

that would indicate she's on foot.

If we overlay the criminal
activity of the last months

along with local drug busts,

we may get an idea
of where she's headed.


You know it?

Yeah, it's the dark side of paradise.

Officially, it's known
as the red-light district,

but more accurately,

it's an overcrowded slum
with a thriving underworld.

In a country as affluent
and educated as Singapore,

employers have a hard time
finding unskilled workers

to do manual labor,

so they get migrant
workers from other countries

to come do the menial jobs.

But then that leaves
the Ministry of Manpower

with nowhere to put them,

so a lot of times, as a result,

they end up in government
dormitories in Geylang.

The Ministry of Manpower? Seriously?

That sounds Orwellian.

Yeah, well, it is the very
embodiment of income inequality.

There's a lot of poverty,
human trafficking...

Just a lot of crime.

Kathy had dr*gs to deliver.
That might be the place.

[Cellphone ringing]

What have you got, Mae?

So, Monty sent me over some of

Kathy and Will's old
foster-home records.

I'm looking at these,

and I'm having trouble finding anything

that would lead me to believe

that they would become drug runners.

Well, people smuggle
dr*gs for a lot of reasons.

Yes, but it almost always stems

from addiction or financial instability,

and their bank statements are telling us

that neither of these is the case.


I mean, Kathy dropped out of
high school her senior year

to become Will's legal guardian.

She got her associate's degree

while working to help support them.

I mean, Jack, she had every opportunity

to get involved in the
drug trade growing up,

but it seems like she spent
her entire life avoiding it.

What about the brother's meth bust?

So, I talked to the arresting officer,

and apparently, Will was volunteering

at a rehab clinic at the time.

So it sounds like he took
the fall for a patient

so the guy didn't get his third strike.

I mean, Jack, people like this

don't run dr*gs unless
they're being coerced.

Well, if you're right, maybe the reason.

Monty can't find Will isn't because

he has a three-day head start,
maybe he's been abducted.

He'd be pretty good leverage.

I mean, he was important to both women.

Jack, I think that we have
to consider the possibility

that Kathy and Jane are
not willing participants

in this smuggling operation.

Call Monty.

See if he still has the boyfriend.

He's gonna have to tell some lies.


[Phone ringing]

Did you find her?

We're getting closer.

She att*cked a woman
in an alley downtown.

att*cked? There's no way.

Yeah, local police are saying

it's a miracle the woman is even alive.

You know of anything
that may have triggered

this kind of v*olence

or any unusual stress
she's experiencing?




Our profilers believe
that whatever caused Kathy

to k*ll Jane has activated
some kind of blood lust.

They think she may try to k*ll again.

[Chuckles] Y-You think
Kathy's on a murderous rampage?

It's not the clinical term, but yeah.

Where was the att*ck?

We've tracked her to the Geylang slums.

My team is worried that she's
looking for another victim.

Do you know anyone Kathy
would try to target in Geylang?

Honestly, Agent Montgomery, I don't.

[Cellphone ringing]

- Go.
- Well, you were right Jack.

Scott's definitely behind this.

Not seconds after I left the room,

he put an encrypted call to Singapore.

Thanks to the Foreign
Intelligence and Surveillance Act,

I didn't even need a
warrant to trace it.

The call went in to a
man named Han Bo Sheng.

I'm sending you the location now.

[Oriental music]



I'm looking for Han.



[Ominous music plays]

Oh, my God.

[Voice breaking] Oh my God!



Two murders in one day

and you wonder why
our laws are so harsh.

That's to prevent a situation like this.

Kathy was definitely here.

Matches the pair that she stole
from the woman at the plaza.

[Speaking native language]

Let me guess... Han Boshane.

Agent Garrett, do you mind

telling me how you knew
for us to come here?

We found the man in the States
who's forcing Kathy to do this.

Well, if Jane and Kathy
were both being coerced,

then why did Jane end up dead?

Mae: Maybe she got cold feet.

I mean, I can't even
imagine having to choose

between my best friend's
life and my brother's.

But even so, why k*ll Han?

Maybe she didn't.

These are the test results
from Jane's autopsy.

The blood from her blouse

and the scrapings under her fingernails

contained two different
sets of male DNA.

So, either Jane and
Kathy were both men...

Or there were other people in
the luggage room that night.

That's why there wasn't
more of a struggle.

This wasn't a blitz att*ck by Kathy.

Both she and Jane were ambushed.

The attackers could have laid in wait

knowing that both women were coming.

When they entered,

the men would have cornered
them almost immediately.

- The one grabs Jane...
- [Gasps]

Who fights back.

[Both grunt]

Post- , all flight crews were
trained to fight off hijackers

using the tools of hands,

so, while Jane wrestles with one...


... Kathy uses her luggage
to fend off the other.

[Kathy grunts]

Mae: And she gets away,

but she can't go to the
police because the dr*gs,

so she disappears into the night.

Cheong: Interesting
theory, but one problem...

The camera outside the luggage room

clearly showed the room was empty

eight minutes before the att*ck.

There's only one way
in and out of that room.

Mm. That's not true.

Jane's body didn't go out the door.

She went out on the conveyor.

Simmons: The attackers could have
come in and gone out the same way.



Jack: So Kathy didn't k*ll Jane.

Scott forced them both
into smuggling dr*gs,

and they got robbed.

Simmons: Probably by one of his rivals

that wasn't happy with the competition.

Well, it may not matter.
According to Singapore law,

drug trafficking is still
considered a capital crime.

You don't have to be guilty of
m*rder to face a death penalty.

So we assume Kathy came
here to make her delivery.

It's the only hope she would have had

to get her brother back.

But the unsub got here first,

so, when Kathy got here,

instead of finding Han, she got grabbed.

Yeah, but why? There's
already two dead bodies.

Why keep Kathy alive?

Because she grew up
watching the drug trade.

She knows how it works.

I mean, after the airport,

Kathy knew that she was no
good as a courier anymore.

And if Han was the only
contact she had on the island,

he's the only one who
can help her escape.

But once she makes that
delivery, she's useless to them.

And he'd cut her loose.

So she hid the dr*gs
to get what she wanted.

And by the time she got
here, Han was already dead.

And now her only hope
is that whoever took her

wants the dr*gs enough
to keep her alive.

Tell us where it is.

- [Gasps]
- Hey.


So you're kind of like
Tom Sawyer, aren't you?

Excuse me?

Friendly kid that got a bunch
of friends to paint his fence.

You should really read it.

See, at first, I thought
you, Jane, Will, and Kathy

were all in this together

like one big, happy,
drug-smuggling family.

dr*gs? No, no, Agent
Montgomery, I deal art.

But then, after last time we spoke

and you put in that call to Han,

I realized you are more
of the puppet master.

He's dead, by the way. Han.

I have no idea what
you're talking about,

but I think I might want
to speak to my lawyer.

That call to Han was everything
I needed to get a warrant

from a federal judge for
your business dealings.

And while you're squeaky clean,

a lot of the people on your staff

have extensive criminal records.

Which brings me back to
my point about Tom Sawyer.

You're the kind of guy
who gets other people

to do his dirty work.

I don't have to take this anymore.

I'm leaving.

I doubt that.

Not for a long time.

So tell me,

did you immediately know Jane and Kathy

would make good couriers,

or did it take a little
while to figure it out?

Because as flight attendants,

they wouldn't be subjected

to the same scrutiny
as other passengers.

So you groomed them.

Dated one, befriended the other.

It's a real long con, wasn't it?

But a charismatic guy like you

isn't really used to
women telling him no.

It's why it surprised you
when they turned you down.

You didn't ask them nice
the second time, did you?

- This is preposterous.
- Is it?



You told me that you had never met Will.

But you had.

And I have proof.

See, you knew that he was
important to both of them.

So you threatened to hurt him

to get them to smuggle dr*gs for you.

You can't prove any of this.

I couldn't, but then I realized

that your company leases a storage unit

in east Baltimore.

And as an art dealer,

I understand all the
museum-quality storage

that you have to rent,

but I couldn't for the life of me

understand why you would
want some rat-infested garage

deep in the heart of the city.

So I had a few agents check it out.

And that is when I realized...

you're not Tom Sawyer.

He never had to kidnap
anybody to get what he wanted.

You already got Han and Jane k*lled.

Whoever you pissed off has taken Kathy.

Does that not mean anything to you?

Who are they and where
have they taken her?


Scott Davis, I'm gonna
need you to turn around

and put your hands behind your back.

You're under arrest for the
kidnapping of William Hall.

[Cuffs lock]

[Car horn beeps]

Simmons: This place is a stronghold.

We've looked everywhere.

This is a drug operation,
then where are the dr*gs?

I don't know, maybe
this is just a way point

for Kathy to deliver the dr*gs

and they're shipped someplace else.

Yeah, but in a country

where possession is punishable by death,

you'd want to limit your exposure

to the fewest number
of locations possible.

There's not even trace
evidence of narcotics here.

If this were part of a larger operation,

you'd think we'd at least find
cutting agents or packaging.

Unless they were
smuggling something else.

Check this out.

These tanks, they're
not for processing dr*gs,

they're for breeding.

Jane and Kathy, they
weren't smuggling dr*gs,

they were smuggling fish.

The Asian arowana, or dragon fish,

is an endangered species,

prized across South-East Asia

for its rarity and brilliance in color.

It's also been on the
IUCN Red List since .

According to this, the arowana

is one of only eight fish species

on the most-restricted list for
international trade treaties.

Wait, so smugglers just stuff a
three-foot fish in their pants?

Uh, apparently, they smuggle fingerlings

that are just under / inches long

and then keep them
alive for up to hours

under the right conditions.

Yeah, they've sold for hundreds

of thousands of dollars
on the black market.

Then Scott and Han were
stepping on the toes

of some very wealthy people
who run the black market.

You know who's behind this?

- Al Gui.
- A ghost?

Taiwan has stories of a
wealthy dealer in the city

who trades in endangered species.

We have conducted
multiple investigations.

But thus far, Singapore PD

have been unable to even
prove that he exists.

Singapore PD doesn't have Monty.

The stories of Gui tells of evil,

a soulless man who delights in
pain and suffering of others.

If he has Ms. Hall, it might be bad.

Well, welcome aboard.

[Speaking native language]

[Door opens]

[Door locks]


[Speaking native language]

Monty, where are we on that location?

I gotta give it to your
guy at Singapore PD.

One phone call and he
got me the entire database

of cellphone ESNs registered

near the airport on
the night of the m*rder.

That's gotta be thousands.

I'm pulling the last
minutes of registry information

from the repeaters near Han's shop.

Finding an intersection and data.

[Keyboard clacking]

Jack, there appears to
only be one cellphone

that was active at the airport
the night of the m*rder

that was also active
near Han's shop tonight.

Where is it now?

I'm sending you the coordinates.

Please allow me to apologize.

You know, sometimes I forget
that these trained monkeys

who work for me take
things a little too far.

Please, let me go.

Of course.

I'm a businessman.

I'm not here to hurt you.

You k*lled Jane.

Jane was an unfortunate accident.

And for that, I am deeply sorry.

You know, those were
the instructions.

All I want is the fish.

No one else needs to get hurt.


This is gonna be on us.

We bring in the cavalry,
they'll see us coming.

All units, this is SSI Joe.

Keep a six-block distance and no sirens.

I repeat... no sirens.

I mean, that's a thousand units, easy.

This is gonna be a needle in a haystack.

Yeah, Monty, we're gonna need
to narrow the search a little.

A cell is currently pinging
off a femptocell on the roof.

So it's gotta be somewhere
on the top few floors.

Clara, Mae, we're
gonna need eyes on him.

Got it.

Please, tell me where
the dragon fish is,

and this could all be over.

I can't.

They have my brother. They'll k*ll him.

Who's they?

Scott and Han?

They never should've
brought you into this.


[Voice breaking] I had no choice.

Look, I'm not gonna tell you
that I'm a good man, Kathy,

but I am an honorable one.

You have my word.

Tell me where the fish is,

and I will do everything in my power

to help get your brother back.

Think about it.


And what choice do you really have?

[Sobbing] Okay.

I'll tell you.

Clara: Monty, what do you got?

There is a penthouse on

that just had permits pulled last week

for a , -gallon aquarium.

I never thought I would say this but,

thank God for overly burdensome
government regulation.

Okay, Jack, . I've
got visual confirmation

of three men and one hostage.

Jack: Copy. We're close.

Would you like to do the honors?


[Keyboard clacking]

I'm on standby, Jack.

See, now was that so hard?


k*ll her.


[Voice breaking] What...
No, but you... you promised.

Yes, and for that,
again I must apologize.

But there's a price for doing
business on my island.


No. [Gasping]

- Jack, you gotta go now.
- Monty, make the call.

[Cellphone rings]


- Hello?
- Knock, knock.


On the ground!

On the floor, now!

[Handcuffs click]

- You okay?
- Yeah.

[Handcuffs click]

Thank you. I don't even know how to...

No. Don't thank me yet.
This isn't over, okay?

You're gonna have to
go with these officers.

[Inhales deeply] We are gonna help you.

Do not speak to anyone
until you are contacted

by someone from the State Department.

[Radio chatter]

Cheong: Thank you.

I don't know if I could've
handled the situation myself.

Well, the IRT is always happy to help.

Thank you for allowing
us to find the truth.

Kathy wasn't the k*ller, and
we found the men who were.

Whatever the differences
our countries may have,

please know that we all desire justice.

Of that I'm sure.

Whatever laws she may have broken,

she only did so because someone

who was threatening to k*ll her brother.

But these are serious crimes...
Smuggling, avoiding arrest.

Illegal operation of a fire door.


There are mitigating circumstances.

You could recommend to your superiors

that she return home to
the United States with us.


I'll see what I can do.

[Radio chatter]

[Indistinct talking]

I can't believe she
had the presence of mind

to hide the fish.

Right here in plain sight.

Can you imagine paying a
million dollars for a fish?

So what do you guys say

we pick up some sushi for the ride home?

- Too soon?
- Ew.

- Too soon?
- That's gross.

[Indistinct talking]

If I only knew the
Singaporean government

would show a little mercy out
of respect for the IRT, huh?

- Please tell me you're okay.
- [Chuckles] I think so.

Thanks to these people.

When will you be home?



I can't believe the Singapore government

made her promise never
to return to the island.

I know, poor thing.

She loses her best
friend and her dream job,

all in the same day.

So much for happily ever after, huh?


She's a fighter.

Everything she's been
through in her past,

I have a feeling she's gonna be okay.

Okay, everyone, let's go home.