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02x08 - Pankration

Posted: 11/26/21 09:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Criminal
Minds: Beyond Borders"...

- Ryan, are you headed off?
- Like father, like son.

Cole! You know this agente?

Did four years at Lompoc
'cause of this Fed.

Don't recall. All you
dirtbags look the same to me.

Stupid move, Cole.

Why didn't I get a
deconfliction notification

from FBI Headquarters
that you were here, Ryan?

'Cause it was on a
need-to-know basis, Dad,

and you didn't need to know.

Well, if I did, we wouldn't
have blown your cover.

If things go sideways in
an undercover investigation,

there's a contingency
plan to save cover.

Why are you taking the toughest,

most dangerous road
there is in the Bureau?

I'm asking you to see
me as a fellow agent,

not as your son. I need
to get back undercover now.

His name is Cole Dabb, and
we got him on possession,

intent to distribute,

as*ault and battery of a federal agent.

- He's your problem now.
- [Buzzer]

Jack: Over million Americans

leave the safety of
our borders every year.

If danger strikes,

the FBI's International Response Team

is called into action.

[Traditional Greek music playing]

[Seabirds calling]

[Indistinct conversations]

That was the best meal I've had yet.

Athens is amazing.

Finally, I got you out of New York.

It's good to have you here, cousin.

You know, my dad would
have gotten a kick

about what you did with the restaurant.

Wish he was here.

To family, ah?


- Yamas.
- [Glasses clink]

[Indistinct conversations, applause]

Ah! Looks like that
little boy got a toy boat

for his Name Day.

Bravo. You're really
picking up on our customs.

You're gonna be a native soon.

I might be from Queens,
but I'm still Greek, man.

- Ah.
- There's Uncle Elias.

I've been trying to talk to him all day.

Be right back, okay?

Got a minute?

So I had a look at the books,

and I think I found a way
to streamline our expenses.

- [Speaking Greek]

Uncle, could you speak in English?

Sorry, I just... I don't understand.

You understand that?

- Huh? Get out.
- What the hell?!

[Speaks Greek]

Sorry. Just... just
let him cool off, huh?

- [Applause]

[Indistinct conversations,
Greek music resumes playing]

- Papa has a lot on his mind.
- Maybe I came on too strong.

No, just forget it, okay?
He'll come around.


I love you. Go home. Get some rest, huh?

- You sure?
- I got this covered.

[Faucet squeaks]

[Door creaks]

[Unzips pants]

[Switch clicks]

Not funny, Leo.

[Thud] [Grunts]

That was delicious.

Thank you.

- Question.
- [Dishes clatter]

Go for it.

Have you talked to Ryan lately?

No. Why?

He missed my birthday.
He's never done that before.

I'm sure he has a very
good reason, but...

is there something I should know?



It was just so much easier

when it was just you in the field.

Now I have to worry about both of you.

I don't want you
worrying about anything.


[Cellphone chimes]

[Cellphone clicks]

Duty calls.


Be safe.

Good morning, team. Here's what we got.

U.S. Ambassador in Athens
asked the IRT to investigate

the m*rder of
-year-old Paul Stavros

of Astoria, Queens, New York.

His body was found in an alley
in the Longratis district.

miles from where he was last seen

at his family's restaurant.

Longratis is one of the
roughest areas in Athens.

High crime rate, pickpockets,
armed robberies are common.

Well, it doesn't look like robbery.

Paul was found still wearing his watch.


But the face is cracked.

Maybe that's why it wasn't stolen.

But it'd be easy to repair and sell

for at least Euros.

Well, that would go
a long way in Athens,

considering Greece has the
highest poverty rate in the E.U.

Well, according to the
preliminary autopsy,

Paul was beaten to death,
and by the looks of it,

it's with some sort of blunt w*apon.

Uh, local authorities
put the time of death

at hours prior to his
body being found in Longratis.

So he was abducted two days ago,

but he was never reported
as a missing person.

That's odd.

And suspicious, especially since

he was last seen with his relatives.

Paul had recently arrived to Athens.

His declaration form says
that he was in town for work.

It's a business deal gone bad?

Witnesses saw his uncle, Elias Stavros,

throw a wine bottle at him.

That was enough for local
police to make an arrest.

That would explain why his family

didn't report him as being MIA.

I'll look into Elias' background,

see if the family business
was the source of their issues.

Paul's record was clean.

Same isn't true for his relatives.

Looks like the Stavros family
has a lengthy criminal past

of felonies, assaults,
battery, thefts, DUIs.

The list goes on an on.

Paul's hot-headed uncle
have a checkered past, too?

Looks like it.

Well, if he has a
propensity for v*olence,

it's possible that he resolved
the conflict with his nephew

the old-fashioned way.

Maybe Elias Stavros decided to
prune the last American branch

off his family tree.

[Theme music]

Simmons: "It is not
right to return an injury

"or to do evil to any man,

however much we have suffered
from him... Socrates."

[Jet engine roaring]

Monty, what have you been able
to dig up on Mr. Elias Stavros?

Well, there was a lot of bad blood

between Paul's father
and uncle for years.

What caused the hostility?

Multiple lawsuits over the ownership

of the Stavros' restaurant.

Paul inherited his late father's

disputed financial
stake in the business.

And with Paul out of the picture,

Elias has sole ownership.

Well, times are dire in Athens.
Many businesses have shuttered.

Profits aren't what they used to be.

Not having a share in
the restaurant's earnings

would definitely benefit Elias.

- Thanks, Monty.
- [Hangs up cellphone]

Mae, you stay here and start
the supplemental autopsy.

The body will be delivered soon.

Simmons, retrace Paul's last steps.

Clara and I will head
to the crime scene.

[Motor revving]


Thank you for coming, Agent Garrett.

Sergeant Balaban, this is Agent Seger.

Hello. The FBI's help
is greatly appreciated.

We found Paul Stavros' body here.

You know, dumping a body
like this in public...

It's a brazen act.
Whoever this k*ller is,

they're not worried about
being caught by authorities

or the body being discovered.

We think Elias Stavros
disposed of the body here

to try to throw us off.

Leaving his nephew in
such a dangerous area

makes it look like some
street thug k*lled him.

Yeah, but there were witnesses

that saw Elias and Paul fighting.

He must have known

he'd be considered a
suspect in his m*rder.

Doesn't make sense if
the motive was personal.

Has Elias Stavros made
an admission of guilt?

No. And he's been less than cooperative

with my investigators.

Suspicious behavior for someone
who claims to be innocent.

- Where is he now?
- Police headquarters.

- We need to talk to him.
- Of course.

- How'd you hurt your hands?
- I b*rned them on a pot.

I work in a restaurant. Stuff happens.

I have nothing to do
with my nephew's death.

Why would I harm him?

Well, you probably weren't thrilled

when he stuck his nose in your business.

Maybe you got rid of
him to maintain control

of the restaurant.

Why didn't you alert the
police when Paul went missing?

You can sit there all day if
you want to keep stonewalling,

but you're not gonna get rid of us

until we get some answers.

I didn't go to the police
because I assumed he'd gone home

and was avoiding me so we
didn't have another argument.

Besides, Paul's a grown man.

I didn't think it necessary
to question his whereabouts.

I swear to God, I didn't hurt my nephew.

But you do have a police
record for being violent.

That was years ago. I was
only protecting my sister.

That guy was assaulting her.

Were you protecting Paul when
you threw a bottle at him?

It's probably similar to the bottle

that you b*at him to death with.

No, no, no.

I threw it because I was
upset about something else

and took it out on the boy.

What were you so angry about?

I didn't speak to my brother for years

because of a stupid
disagreement over our restaurant.

Now he's gone.

I'm mad at myself, not my nephew.

Paul is...

... was a constant
reminder of my damn stupidity.

So if you didn't k*ll him, who did?

You're not telling us everything.

You have nothing on me. Let me go.

Sure... as soon as you cooperate.

Until then, get comfortable.

[Indistinct conversations]

Did you see the fight
between your uncle and Paul?

According to the schedule,
the altercation occurred

in the area where you were working.

Seems weird you didn't
notice any commotion.

Then it must have happened
while I was on break. Excuse me.

Listen, I've talked to
almost the entire staff.

No one seems to have seen anything.

Are you protecting your uncle?

No. Sorry, I can't help you.

I really need to get back to work.

[Cellphone rings]

[Ring, click]

Hey, Mae, did you find anything?

Why, yes, I did. [Sighs]

Subdermal photography revealed
that Paul wasn't att*cked

with a bottle or with any other w*apon.

Then how'd he die?

The k*ller used his bare-knuckled fist

to b*at him to death.

[Exhales deeply]
b*ating someone to a pulp

takes a lot of effort.

Yeah, I've never seen a
body beaten this badly.

Shattered eye sockets,
broken jaw, crushed larynx.

It's fractured ribs, ruptured spleen,

lacerations on both of his hands.

k*ller must be a big
guy, physically fit enough

to deliver such blows
over and over again.

Yeah, this is a punishing pounding.

He left multiple impressions
of his fists on the body.

That's a lot of anger. Seems personal.

And get this. Clara said Elias'
hands were all scraped up.

Elias Stavros is looking
good for this more and more.


Well, the good thing is,
I found skin and blood

under Paul's fingernails, so
I'm gonna send that to Monty,

have him run it through
CODIS and Interpol,

and hopefully we will get a
hit to confirm Elias' guilt.

Oh, and since you are
tracking Paul's last steps,

I might have a lead for you.

That's good, 'cause no
one here's willing to talk.

There were traces of
urine and cleaning products

in Paul's hair and
embedded in his scalp,

as if...

He was dragged across
the bathroom floor.

[Door creaks, thuds]

Well, that's probably how
the k*ller entered and exited

without being seen.

I'm Agent Simmons, FBI.

Leo Stavros.

I'm investigating the
death of your cousin.

- I'd like to ask you a few...
- Look,

my father would never hurt Paul, okay?

They just had a small
disagreement, that's it.

I smoothed everything
over between them, okay?

Everything was fine.

Well, if your father is innocent,

then why is everyone in your family

stonewalling this investigation?

- We're not.
- Yes, you are. What are you hiding?

If your father's not
stopping you from talking,

then someone else is.

Who are you afraid of?

Listen, I get it.

You're consumed by guilt and anger.

You're conflicted.
You're the peacekeeper.

That's why you intervene,
to keep things calm

between your dad and your cousin.

I can help you, but I need a name.

[Exhales deeply]


Shqiponja? I need a full name.

But I'm not afraid of him anymore.

If you don't take care of him, I will.

"Shqiponja" is Albanian for "eagle,"

which leads me to
believe that our suspect

is of Albanian descent.

Sergeant, have you heard of him?

Yes, his real name is Nazmi Dushku.

He's a local crime boss
and a very dangerous man.

Well, according to Leo Stavros,
he's been extorting the family,

and they were late paying this month.

So we're thinking Paul's m*rder

was this guy's late fee.

Yeah, and the family hasn't
alerted the police yet

because they're worried about doing so

would make things work with Dushku.

And they're right. If he's involved,

things just went from bad to worse.

Dushku is also shop
steward for Patallis Chios,

the most powerful
longshoreman union in Greece.

Which means he basically runs the port.

He controls the import
and export of everything,

from textiles to food.

Shop stewards are looked upon as gods,

omnipotent, knowing all that goes on

in and around the city,
so his job ultimately

makes him one of the most
powerful men in Athens.

So then wielding that kind of
power would feel untouchable.

He wouldn't be worried about
getting caught dumping a body

out for the world to see.

There are rumors about Dushku

being a prized fighter in Greece.

He claims to have won
every fight by knockouts.

Some were fatal.

Maybe he's sending a warning
to Stavros and the others

that he's not to be trifled with.

Let's go talk to Mr. Dushku.

[Indistinct conversations,
ship horn blowing]

Nazmi Dushku?


I'm Sergeant Balaban.

This is Agent Garrett and
Agent Seger of the FBI.

We'd like to speak to you about
the m*rder of Paul Stavros.

I'm in the middle of something.

- Perhaps we can speak later.
- No, we'll speak now.

I have reason to believe
you've been extorting money

from the Stavros family.

When they failed to meet
the payment deadline,

you k*lled this young man as payback.

Yeah, you b*at him to death,

just like all of your former
opponents in the boxing ring.

It's just business.

But business can be tricky.

They don't pay on time,
they finagle prices.

They break promises.

Man of your stature and power
in Athens? You can't have that.

Seems unlikely that a man like you

would tolerate such disrespect
from the Stavros family.

Greeks use their nationalism
as prejudice against my people.

They want to repress
Albanians, keep us down.

But you're not gonna
allow that, are you?


Every time I get knocked
down, I get back up.

No one is going to stand in my way,

not even the police.

Let me see your hands.

You've wasted enough of my time.

Doesn't look like he's
been in a fight recently.

Not a mark on him.

No. But he certainly
enjoyed grandstanding for us.

I think at this point in his career,

Dushku feels he's above such dirty work.

Yeah, it's possible he'd have

someone he trusts do it for him.

This isn't over for Dushku.
There'll be more bloodshed.



Now I've known you long enough to know

when something's bothering you.

So what's going on?

Haven't had an update on
Ryan since we left Mexico.

And Karen's asking questions.

She deserves to know something.

I have no doubt that
she can handle the truth.

Yeah, I know that.

But how can I tell my wife
I was just doing my job

when I put our son in a Mexican prison

in order to maintain his cover?

And I'm supposed to keep that to myself?

[Cellphone rings]

[Cellphone beeps]

Sergeant Balaban.

- [Hangs up cellphone]
- We have another body.

[Horn honks]

Balaban: The victim has been
identified as Besnik Heta.

He works as a foreman for
the Patallis Chios Union.

And he's Dushku's right-hand man.

Besnik looks similar to Paul Stavros.

Jack: k*ller dumped him
in another public location.

- Any witnesses?
- Balaban: No.

And nothing captured
on the security cameras.

Where was he last seen?

Leaving a taverna near Syntagma.

Patron said he sat at the bar alone

and then left after a couple hours.

Why would Dushku k*ll his own guy?

Well, with the FBI asking questions,

maybe he's trying to tie up loose ends.

I don't think so. Dushku and Heta

were best friends since childhood.

Came to Greece together.

Heta even did some time for Dushku.

Refused to flip for a lesser charge.

But Dushku is very powerful.
He's a dangerous guy.

k*lling his right-hand man...
That might be a message.

Or maybe we're looking at
something else... payback.

Stavros family versus Dushku?

You know, when I spoke to Leo Stavros,

earlier he threatened taking
things into his own hands

- to avenge his cousin's m*rder.
- So maybe he followed through.

You two head back to the restaurant,

see if Leo has an alibi.

I will send an officer
to pick up Dushku,

bring him back to the station
for further questioning.

Mae, we'll have the body
transported back to the jet

so you can get started on the autopsy.

Besnik Heta's COD was the
same as Paul Stavros...

blunt force trauma. They
were both beaten to death.

Besnik's hands were swollen and m*nled.

He also had this curious
tic-TAC-toe burn mark

on his left palm.

Did he get it prior to
the abduction or after?

It's hard to say, but there was
a lot of post-mortem bruising

all over the body, which suggests that

the k*ller took a death blow

and then continued
to inflict punishment.

Classic overkill. He
didn't know when to stop.

His rage superseded all impulse control.

Yeah, it's like he's consumed

with his anger towards the victim.

Oh, you know what else is weird?

- Come look at this.
- [File thuds]

These measurements of the
suspect's fists in both kills

are exactly the same.

It would be unlikely that
Dushku and the Stavroses

have the same k*ller
working for them, right?

Right. And I don't think
this is about revenge, anyway,

not between these two families.

You know, something
else has been bugging me.

The murders themselves
are direct and brutal.

And the fist impressions would suggest

the k*ller was large, formidable,

someone who could easily
overpower their victims.

And yet both were abducted

while in extremely
vulnerable situations.

Bingo. I mean, Paul was grabbed

pretty much with his pants down.

And Besnik's blood alcohol, . ...

That would have made
him too drunk to resist.

So the methodology of the abductions

and the pathology of the murders

contradict each other,
which would suggest that

we may be looking for two K*llers.

Kind of a k*lling tag team.

Let's call one UnSub "The Finder."

He's the one who hunts and st*lks.

The other we'll call "The Fighter."

He's the one who beats
the victims to death.

Okay, so now we just to figure out

what their shared motive is.

What's also troubling is
their choice of victims.

First, they k*lled Paul, then Besnik,

making it appear that one
m*rder is revenge for the other.

These UnSubs may have just

inadvertently started a clan w*r.

I do not even know a Besnik Heta.

He works for Nazmi Dushku,

whom you said you would take care of

when you thought he k*lled Paul.

Yeah, now one of Dushku's
men turns up dead.

I have nothing to do with any m*rder.

Okay? That was said out of anger...

and grief.

Where were you this morning?

At the Plaka Central Fish Market.

I was picking up calamari
and fresh sea bass.

Anybody corroborate your alibi?

Yes, our chef, Mikralis. We
were together all morning.

Let me see your hands.


I haven't laid a finger on anyone, okay?

I wouldn't harm a fly.

First you come here,
and you accuse my father

of k*lling my cousin,
and now you suggest

I m*rder one of Shqiponja's
cronies as a payback.

[Speaks Greek]

You're wasting time pointing
the finger at our family

when the real k*ller...
He's still out there.

- [Grunts]
- [Glass shattering]

Hey! Hey!

FBI! Stop!


- [Shouts in Greek]
- [Tires peal]

- They're in the car!
- [Tires screech]

Get out of the car!

Get out of the car and put
your hands on your head now!

Hands on your head now! Get out!

- [Speaking Greek]
- _




Hey, hey! Hey, enough!
Sit down! Shut up!

Two men are dead. Someone's
targeting your people.

They're setting you up to start

this never-ending cycle of retaliation.

Now any idea who would want you
to k*ll each other's families?

- I have no clue.
- Could be anyone.

Well, putting Dushku and Elias
in the same room didn't work.

Those two are loggerheads.

Yeah, well, sadly, ethnic tensions

between Greeks and Albanians
are at an all-time high.

Many Greeks blame the country's
current failing conditions

on the non-Greeks.

Yeah, so they're not
gonna agree on anything.

Or be helpful finding the real K*llers.

Monty, where are we with
pulling DNA from our victims?

Well, I didn't find any DNA matches

in CODIS or Interpol, but
like you always say, Jack,

think outside the box, so
I thought outside the system

and was able to gain access to RemBond,

a contractor DNA database
established by the E.U.

- You get a hit?
- I did.

Collin Marks, a British businessman

and also British Royal Marine
did three tours in Afghanistan.

Exited the m*llitary nine months ago

and is now based in Liverpool.

Ex-m*llitary. Could be our "Fighter."

Simmons: What' he doing in Greece?

Apparently, Collin was
scheduled to start work in Athens

in two days, but because it was

his first time in
Greece, he came in early

to get a lay of the land. So
when did he arrive in Athens?

Six weeks ago. He was last
seen checking into his hotel

in the Thissio area.

He was supposed to go
sightseeing in Omonia Square.

Clara: Except for his
m*llitary experience,

there's not even a
hint of v*olence here,

no criminal record.

Mae: It certainly doesn't make sense

for a k*ller with as much
rage as we've seen displayed.

Three tours of duty can
be hell on the psyche,

and being a soldier of
w*r forever changes a man.

According to medical records,
Collin did suffer PTSD

immediately after leaving the m*llitary.

So something must have triggered Collin,

and he snapped, sending
him on a k*lling spree.

[Yells ferociously]

Something about this isn't adding up.

Monty, any luck on your search
on the other missing persons

in Athens who look
similar to the victims?

Still searching. Should
have results soon.

Collin Marks has never been to Greece,

so how was he able to conduct
any pre-att*ck surveillance?

I'd venture to say his
partner finds the victims.

Question is, why did he become
one-half of a k*lling team?

Okay, bear with me a second.

All of the victims

are around the similar
height, similar weight,

but so is Collin. So what if he isn't

a willing participant in all of this?

What if he isn't a second UnSub?

I know his DNA was found on the body,

which means he is the k*ller,

but isn't it weird that he
looks like a potential victim?

And it's possible these
aren't just random beatings.

The victims are being
forced to fight each other.

Yeah. There's this ancient
form of Greek fighting

to establish dominance.

It was called "Pankration."

It's... It's a bare-fisted combat

where some men have fought to the death.

Well, that means that we're dealing

with just one dominant UnSub.

So Collin's a victim here,
just like Paul and Besnik,

only he survived to become
the ultimate fighter.

His m*llitary training
would have given him an edge

over the others.

Exactly. It's most likely that the UnSub

threw some guy in the cage with Collin.

He saw how he reacted
to fighting for survival.

The UnSub knew he'd found his champion.

Okay, but if I was put
in a ring with someone,

I don't know if I'd fight them.
What got 'em to do it?

Well, you'd fight if you
thought your life depended on it.

Yeah, it could be as simple as
putting a g*n to their heads.

I mean, that would jump-start
their survival instincts.

Which means it's likely
there's a victim zero,

and the UnSub may have k*lled
to show Collin firsthand

there's fatal consequences
for refusing to fight.

Then what was the
UnSub doing with Collin

in the previous weeks
before the k*lling started?

Breaking him down mentally
and building him up physically.

Jack, I finally got a hit

on the other missing persons in Athens.

I found the man matching
the physical description

of the previous two victims.

Josef Gashi was in a car accident

right outside of Athens,

but when the cops got
there, he was gone.

The UnSub may have just struck again.

- Sending the address now.
- [Typing on keyboard]

Well, this is Josef Gashi's
car, and based on the damage,

this wasn't accidental.

So what do you think happened?

Driver's door is still locked.

Clearly, this window was
smashed with some kind of w*apon.

And directional blood
spatter on the passenger seat

suggests the same w*apon
was used to subdue Gashi.

Yeah, blood and glass trail end here.

And it appears our UnSub
pulled him out of the car.

Gashi must have been
loaded into another vehicle

and driven off.

It's another blitz att*ck.

But given the fact that
Josef was in the car

with the door locked,

he wasn't vulnerable at
the time of the att*ck.

Yeah, this was a confrontation,
not a passive grab

like the previous victim abductions.

Our UnSub changed his M.O.

He specifically targeted Josef Gashi.

Monty, look into Josef Gashi's past.

There might be something
in his background

- that helps ID the UnSub.
- Copy that.

[Exhales deeply]

- [Speaking Greek]
- _






- [Electricity crackling]
- Aah!

A year ago, Josef Gashi
got into an altercation

with a Greek man named Giannis Petrou.

Well, how did the fight start?

Josef Gashi, who's half
Greek and half Turkish,

didn't take too kindly
to Giannis spewing views

that Greece should build
an immigrant-proof fence

along its borders.

With the current crisis
here and in Europe,

emotions are at a boiling
point regarding the issue.

And let me guess. Giannis
took the first swing?

And he went down like a bag of bricks

when Josef Gashi responded by
almost b*ating him to death.

He spent the next few months in
a physical therapy rehab center

learning how to walk,
talk, and eat again.

Relearning the basics of life

would have shattered his sense of self.

And bedridden, unable to move

would have given Giannis plenty of time

to obsess over his circumstances.

And plot his revenge day in and day out.

No, Giannis is motivated

by his personal grievances
against outsiders.

That's the connection
between the victims.

The UnSub has abducted
an American, Paul Stavros,

an Albanian, Besnik Heta,

and a British citizen, Collin Marks.

All are foreign nationals.

All are symbolically
immigrants to Greece.

They're surrogates for the
person who almost k*lled him.

Yeah, he's an anger-retaliatory k*ller

who is exercising his own
feelings of helplessness

by watching these men
fight to the death.

The others were just for practice.

Now that he's turned Collin
into a k*lling machine,

he can exact his revenge on
the true target of his rage...

Josef Gashi.

- [Speaking Greek]
- _













I found several potential
locations for Giannis Petrou,

like a vacant house or
a relative's apartment,

but the most promising,
considering all the dumpsites

were within a quarter mile,

is the shipping container
yard at the port.

Giannis used to be a part-time
security guard there.

There are literally thousands
of containers in the yard.

And finding the right
one is not gonna be easy.

We need to talk to Dushku again.

His lawyer must have bailed
him out a few hours ago.

I wonder if he knows that
one of his shipment containers

is being used as a battle royale arena.

No, that's too risky. Dushku's
a power-hungry sociopath,

but he doesn't gain anything

by having two innocent
men fight to the death.

But he may be able to help narrow down

the exact location within the yard.

Mae, Clara, you head
to the other locations.

The UnSub may be holding
the victims there.

I will go with them.

Simmons and I will head
to the container yard.


[Gate thuds]

- [Speaking Greek]
- _

Do not lose.


Open the gate.

A man named Giannis Petrou is
using one of the containers here

to hold and to m*rder his victims.

Giannis has been doing
this right under your nose,

making you look like a
fool, unable to control

what happens in your yard.

I think you know if that gets out,

you'll lose all your power in Athens

and get kicked out of
your job as shop steward.

Giannis is most likely hiding

in an isolated section of this yard.

[Lock and chains rattling]


That's it!


- Yeah.
- [Punch lands]

[Grunting] k*ll the bastard!

[Alarm buzzing]

[Grunting, punches landing]

Jack: Giannis Petrou!
Lay down your w*apon!

I'm finally ridding my beloved home

of these filthy immigrants.

[Muffled thudding, grunting]

[Grunting continues]

Collin Marks! Josef Gashi! Stop!

[Electricity crackles]




Put the g*n down!

Foreigners are invading
from all corners.

They are ruining Greece.

I have to...

eliminate them.

Put down the g*n! I'm
not gonna ask you again!



Simmons: I'm here to help you!


Stop! Listen, stop!

You don't have to do this!


Stop! Stop! He's gone!

You're safe.

You're safe.

[Collin gasping]

I didn't wanna hurt them.


Yes... you did what you
had to do to survive.

It's not your fault.



Great work back there, Simmons.

So how's Collin doing?

Well, he's got a long road ahead of him.

I think with time, he's gonna be okay.

Yeah, being forced to k*ll people

with your bare hands or die...

That's a horrific thing
to have to live through.


I wanna help Collin

the way I've been blessed
to help other veterans,

make sure he gets the support
he needs to get through this.

Hi, honey.

- Hi.
- Hi.

The gardener got that gopher.
No more decimated rose bushes.

Are you hungry? I can warm up some food.



Let's talk about Ryan.

He's in Mexico undercover.

I was there...