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03x07 - The Ones You Can't See

Posted: 11/26/21 10:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...
We can't be together, Sonny.

She ended it with me.

Do we think someone
got in her ear?

Naima and the kids are
at the folks' for the weekend.

You want to grab a beer?
Nah, I'm good.

I'm buying, Sonny, come on.

I said no once, don't see

why I need to say it again.

You pull something?

It's a groin.
The minute I stop

thinking about it,
it'll fix itself.

You know, you got
that fancy physiologist

hanging around base;
might be worth a visit.

I need to use that phone.
We don't have the time.

Jason, we'll go up,
we'll make the phone call.

You guys get everybody ready,
we'll meet on the first deck.

Five minutes. Let's go.
Thank you.

Second floor. That's where
Clay and Ray were headed.

Talk to me, Clay.
We've got abdominal laceration,

neck laceration,
compound rib fracture.

Athena's down.

I failed her.
She stopped a w*r
from happening.

That's a good thing.

She would want us
to celebrate her victory,

not mourn her.

Whoa, look at this.

Longhorn decides to show up.
Welcome to the party, pal.

I smelled you
a mile downrange.

Swimming in that bourbon?

I did more sinking
than swimming,

but I'm here to run off
my sins from last night.

What the hell is
your excuse?

Just thinking this trip
to Paris, I'm not gonna have

a lot of time to work out,
so gotta keep things primed.

Primed? For what?

Bravo's being spun up just
to advise the Secret Service.

Doesn't really get my engine
running, even if it is Paris.

Your nuts still
bothering you?

It's my groin.
Gonna be all right.

Tell you what, how about we do,
uh, every lap, 20 burpees?

Even with those big balls
whacked, I'm not sure

I can keep up with you,
Captain America.
Go. Go. Go, baby, go.

Go, go.
Go, Jace.

Let's go.


Jace, you all right?

You all right?

Thank you.

She was
my first boss in D.C.

How did you know her?

We met overseas.

That's a response any politician
would be proud of.

You don't seem like
a Capitol Hill type.

You're too scraggly
to be CIA or FBI.

Military, then. Special Ops.

My beard always gives me away.

Oh, it's not the beard.

It's the shoes.

I'm Rebecca Bowen.

Clay. Spenser.

You have some good
stories to tell today?

Can I try my opening out on you?

I'm not sure if the tone is
appropriate for the occasion.

Yeah, go for it.

To this day,
Nicole Marsden is still

the best boss I've ever had.

And that includes the three
years I worked for myself.

That's great.

The whole point
of these things is

to get a little break
from the sadness.

When you say you
met her overseas,

you mean in Yemen.

You were there
when she died.

I get it, I know that you can't
talk about what happened.

It's just... no one seems
to know what happened.

Ambassador Marsden put everyone
else's needs above her own.

She died fighting
for what she believed in.

That's not surprising.

That was Nicole.

So, uh, so what about you?
Your job.

I'm the communications director

for a global security

Do you prefer
the private sector?

Well, I fly first-class,
so yes.

Do you think you're having
the kind of impact you want?

You tell me.

You're the one out there
waging w*r.

I'm out there eliminating
threats to freedom.

A soldier with an
idealistic streak.

I'll bet Nicole loved you.

We, uh, we didn't spend
much time together,

but she definitely made
an impression.

I'd consider her a hero.

I think her family would
appreciate hearing from you.

Come on, I'll introduce you.


Well, what's got you
day drinking, Ray?

Angel lose his wings?

You up for a game?

Nah, I'm all thrown out.

I was just leaving.

Hey, you know,
I'm beginning to think

you got a problem with me.

Why is that?

If you're talking about your
extracurriculars with Davis,

I was just looking out
for you, brother.

Trying to prevent you both
from blowing up your careers.

Or maybe you're just
looking out for yourself

'cause you don't want
this new promotion of yours

getting dinged.

It had nothing to do
with that and you know it.

Well, whatever it had
to do with,

there's no reason to ever
go behind my back

and work it from the other side.

I didn't talk to anybody
but you, Sonny.

My bad, then.

Why would you even
think that?

Did... did something happen?

It is a non-issue.
Let's just say that.

I don't like seeing you
like this.

You good?

Talk about it or don't,
I'm here.

And I got your tab.

Well, you can stay, but... can't pay, man.

I don't think you realize
how much I've had to drink,

and, well, you've got
a family to support,

and, well, Naima
would kick my ass.

This can't be good.

It's not bad.

Yeah, says nobody who limps

into physical therapy.

Look, I was just hoping
that maybe you could just

help me work the problem
before I spun up, that's all.

Are you sure you're
fit to operate?

Been worse.

And as the ultimate team guy,

your plan is to power through.

You know, I've been shot,
I've been fragged.

I survived two helo crashes.
All right?

Been blown up, what,
maybe a thousand times,

from what I remember.

So a little groin pull
is not gonna keep me

out of the sandbox, got it?

On a level of one to ten,
what's your pain level

when you walk,
one being barely noticeable,

ten being hurts like hell?

Try running on it?

That's not a good idea.

What was your pain
level when you ran?

I don't know, four or five.

I can't help you if you're
not being honest with me.

Okay, let's go up, then.
Seven, eight.

So nine or ten.

Get on the table.

On the table.

Your annoying level's
about a ten.

Get this over with.

Let me see what's going on here.

All right.

Let me know when
you feel any pain

or tension.

Yeah, you got something
going on in there, all right.

Might be the labrum,
could be arthritic.

You need an MRI to find out
how bad this is.

How about you just give me
a cortisone shot

and I'm off your table.

This could be serious.
You need an MRI.

Okay, what I need is
to get my team to Paris.

Ah! What the hell was that?

that was you recognizing

that you are in
no shape to operate.

Hey, look, Jason,
I can't tell you what to do,

but my professional opinion
is you need to sit this one out

so we can figure out
what's going on with you.

Man, I just hate seeing you
standing down like this.

You know, I'm faster
and stronger

than I've ever been
in my life,

and I get injured landing
really f-funny on my leg.

It's real ninja,
huh, Ray?

Yeah, well, better to
take care of it now, trust me.

All right. Well, you ready to
take over things while I'm down?

Learned from the best,
so I better be.

Though I do kind of wish
my first real op as Bravo 1

was more than advising
the Secret Service.

Yeah, don't get too used to
that call sign, all right?

Don't worry, brother.
I know it's a rental.

Senior Chief Perry.

CMC tells me you're filling in
as Bravo 1 while Hayes is down.

That's a great opportunity to
step into a leadership position.

Warrant Officer Review Board
will be

interested to see
how everything goes.

Yes, sir.
Wouldn't want anyone else
filling in for me.


I've got some thoughts
on how you should

utilize your downtime,
Master Chief.

See me tomorrow.
Will do.

Guy really does like applying
the pressure, doesn't he?

You're gonna be fine,
and you're gonna crush it.

Wasn't worried about me.

You talking about me?

Jason Hayes sitting on
his ass away from Bravo?

It's called downtime 'cause it's
when we're the most vulnerable.

So I'm gonna need you to
take care of yourself. Yeah?

Yeah. Yeah.

Are you kidding me, Brock?

Ah, come on, Brock!
That's four in a row.

You're cheating.
Of course
he's cheating, man.

Look at him,
he cheats at life

he uses a damn dog
to pick up chicks.

Picked up grub
from Pelon.

Got a lean steak.

Got a stewed beef and pork.

Half pound of
carne asada.

Spicy chorizo, and
a fish and shrimp.

And, uh, there's some
grilled chicken in here.

If anyone doesn't
like theirs.

Oh, looking mighty tasty there,
new kid on the clock.

Sit down,
we'll, we'll deal you in.

Nah, next hand. I'll
be back in a minute.

Hey. Old Ray's
overthinking this one.

It's cut-and-
fly to Paris,

play Secret Service
for a few days,

fly home.
That's it.

Yeah. He's just feeling
the weight of Bravo 1, man.

Ain't easy.

Big shoes to fill,
even if it's just temporary.

Yeah. I just don't know
how soon Jason's gonna be back.

That dude has got a hell
of a lot of mileage on him.

He'll be fine.
Hope so.

Now when he took that spill,
I-I saw something

I ain't never seen before
in fear.

I get it. When I was
laid up after Manila,

I almost lost my damn mind,

not knowing what
came next for me.

That's the damage
you can see

with your own two eyes,
you know?

A b*llet, a b*mb.
You can make sense of that.

But it's the ones
you can't see, yeah.

Them ones are the scariest.

Please stay still, Mr. Hayes.
We're about to begin.

I guess what I really want
is for you not to die.

How am I supposed
to make a decision like this

if I don't even know
what happened?


It's gonna be all right.


Since my wife died...

I'm the love of your life.

But I don't think
I should be your wife anymore.

Yeah, a couple days off my leg,
I'm telling you,

feel a lot better, Doc.

Well, the images tell a
different story, Master Chief.

This isn't just groin.
You've suffered a labral tear

in the hip.

And the labrum
is the gasket

that keeps your femur
in the ball-and-socket joint.

When it's torn,
it doesn't heal itself.

Well, how fast before
I get back to my team?

Well, we'll have to get
in there and check it out.

Arthroscopic surgery, we're
gonna determine the, uh,

extent of the tear and
repair it, if possible.

If possible?

There's a chance
the damage can't be corrected,

which would significantly
limit the stress

your hip can handle
going forward.

Arthroscopic means
minimally invasive.

It's very little downtime
and quick recovery, right?


But there's also the chance
that we may discover

the long-term wear and tear
your job requires

reattaching the labrum,

or reconstructing
it completely.


Mr. Hayes...

...the human body wasn't built

to sustain your level
of activity forever.

Human body wasn't meant to
sustain what I have sustained,

but I have sustained.


I must tell you that,
given your age...

there's a possibility that
you may never recover enough

for the Navy to clear you

to resume your duties
as Bravo team leader.

Are you serious?


You know, there are other
things to do in the Navy

do for your country
besides operate.

Not for me.

So I read through
your brief on

the multilateral energy
security conference

that the national
security adviser's

gonna be in town for
later this week.

I didn't see any mention
of a credible threat.

Some information
we only share face-to-face.

Chatter shows that a cell
of the Nusra Front

is planning an attack
during the summit.

"Attack" is pretty general.

What kind?

But the conference will end
with the signing of a landmark

energy security agreement.

The whole world
will be watching.
Okay, so what are we looking at?

We've identified two likely
opportunities for an attack.

When the dignitaries
arrive at 0900,

and at the outdoor
signing ceremony at noon.

Why not prevent those
opportunities altogether?

Bring the VIPs in through
the service entrance

instead of the front door
and move

the signing ceremony inside?

The schedule
was announced weeks ago,

and we don't want
t*rror1st organizations

to think that threats
get results.

So what's the plan?

The head of our counter-sn*per
unit will fill you in.

Agent Sprole.

We've arranged overt rooftop
sn*per teams

on each of these buildings
as a show of force.

My covert teams are setting up
hides in the marked areas.

If you set up
here and here,

you can cover
the southern approach.

So you guys are only covering
out to, what, 800 meters?

Well, we're covering the
effective range of Dragunovs,

which is what intel says
Nusra Front uses.

They do.

They can sh**t the
gonads off a bullfrog

from 1,000 meters out.

I saw it in Syria.

I'm not gonna lie.

I suggest my guys

set up hides here and here.
That way

we can extend our angle and
cover the additional distance.

That leaves a few gaps
in coverage from the south side.
It does. So

can we move
the signing ceremony to here?

It's still outside, but it
eliminates a line-of-sight shot

for anybody that's trying
to set up inside that gap.
We can do that.

This give you
everything you need?

Yes, ma'am.

New guy.
Make it to sn*per school

in between your deployments?

Ah, that's okay.

All you need is an ACOG
and a good attitude. Let's go.

15 deployments,

hundreds of ops, more days
of training than I can imagine.

Lot of miles
on that body, Hayes.

Labral tear
it's no walk in the park.

I'll get it squared away.

Still got the will to fight.

Which is what makes you
one of the best.

But it would be wise
to take this time

to consider your future.

Uh, my future
is get the hip fixed

and get back to my team.

Command has
an ops chief opening.

We could use a seasoned operator
in that position.

Find time to observe
the command center this week.

Try it on for size.

Nah, not all players
become good coaches, sir.

I agree.
But the one battle

even the great Jason Hayes
can't win

is against time.

So, be it tomorrow,

two months from now,

two years from now... some point, you got
to hang up your wet suit.

Normally we'd be locked down.

No one in or out,
keep the ambient light constant.

Don't want anyone getting eyes
on us while we're setting up.

Does that mean
we can take a whiz

in the john
instead of in jars?

Yes, it does.

Consider yourself
lucky, kid.

Want to guess where
number two normally goes?

You know,
this isn't my first rodeo.

Your first with me.

sh**t for it?
Let's do it.


All right.
Sorry, bud.

Going up?

You have a professional opinion
on that one, too?

I'm sorry about the other
day, if I pushed too hard.

Yeah, well, I needed
a little dose of reality.

Can be a little
stubborn at times.

Didn't pick up on that.

Well, you know what? You're
right it was a labral tear.

I'm sorry.

But the good news
you have a diagnosis,

so now I can start
building you a post-surgery

rehab program and get you back
into action as fast as possible.

Any chance I can come
back without a surgery?

Not without months
of intensive rehab,

and still no guarantee that
you wouldn't need surgery. Why?

Doc says I come
off the table,

I might not be able
to operate again.

And being mothballed tomorrow

doesn't really make you want
to go under the knife.

Still got a lot of
good years ahead of me.

If you were 28, I'd say
physical therapy is an option,

but you're not 28.

Not 65, either.

I hear you.

And I'm here to support
whatever decision

you deem best.
That's it?

Nothing else?

You're not gonna tell me
to stand down?

It's not my job.

That's not your job.
What's your job?

My job is to keep you operating
beyond your expiration date.

You guys go ahead.
I'll see you tomorrow.

I've dealt with a lot
of w*r fighters like you, Jason.

I know how you feel.

How do I feel?

The thought of being
stood down scares you more

than never going home.

I get it.

I think of going home,
nothing to do,

it scares the hell
out of me, too.

You start spinning
out, call me.

I'll get you
through this.

Okay, so, it must be 8:45 a.m.,

because, like every day
this week, what appears to be

a hippie grandma is watering
what appears to be a flower box.

Mm-hmm. Correct.

In what appears to be

an apartment complex,

in what appears
to be Paris, on...

what appears to be
planet Earth.

Can you believe
they still want us to use

"what appears to be"
in these logs?

Everyone's got to
cover their ass.

I'm fine with it up until they
want us to do the covering.

I'd say half of what we do

is fixing politicians'
overseas messes.

Yeah, that's what made
Ambassador Marsden different.

She was above all that stuff,
man, she...

She did what she thought
was right.

Frickin' baller.

Yeah, just remember

that she was the exception
and not the rule.

Wrong people die, a lot.

Oh, wait. Here we go.

All right, so,
what appears

to be the happy couple

are having what
appears to be

their morning coffee.

Right on schedule.

Grandma's a Bohemian,
by the way.

Hippies are strictly American.


John Lennon was
strictly American.

Bald dude's been sitting at his
desk for the last three hours.

Maybe he's working on a novel.

No way that guy's a writer.

He's got an Oasis poster
over his desk.

That the kind of thing
I'd learn in sn*per school?

Since I haven't been,
maybe you two should, uh,

give me the Cliffs-notes

There aren't any
Cliffs-notes on this one.

Only way to learn
precision r*fle

is to do it and
to keep doing it.

I went through the
schoolhouse 18 years ago,

been working as a
lead sn*per for 12.

And I'm still learning.

That's a lot of time.

Time's the best teacher.

All right, new guy.
How about some OJT?

Do you know what
a cold bore shot is?

First shot out the r*fle,
before the bore heats up.

What other factors do we have
to take into account?

Wind, temperature,

dew point,


Coriolis effect doesn't
factor in at this distance,

but you're missing a big one.



Gravity impacts
the b*llet the most.

Number one rule
in a firefight is?

To prioritize and execute.
That's right.

Precision r*fle

is no different.

You determine the factors
affecting the shot,

and you
prioritize them.

Gravity and wind, always first.

Then you add in all
the other factors,

crunch the numbers,

then you can get your
firing solution and execute.

Lot of math.

Why do you think Sonny
carries a machine g*n?

Hey, yo. Ray told me
to relieve one of you guys.

Sweet. I need some fresh air.

Well, you ain't
gonna find any here.

This city smells like dog crap,
B.O. and cheese.

Well, it could be
just the cheese.

What's happening?

The happy couple

are all dressed up, so Clay

has money on a proposal
coming tonight.

Well, old happy guy here
just put a jewelry box

into his pocket,
so, boom, you lose.

Not so fast.

He's got to close.

She's got a ring on her finger
later tonight,

you get your hundo.

Well, I'll put
another hundred

that only one of them
comes home tonight.

Because once he lays it all
on the line,

she is gonna pull that rip cord.

A big breakup feels like
the end of the world, Sonny,

but eventually, you just,
you don't feel it anymore.

Tell you what, man, I ain't ever
gonna fall in that trap again.

All right, so what's
your big plan?

You just never gonna date
anybody again? Is that it?

I'm gonna
date everyone

for one night
and one night only.

You say that
until somebody comes along

who's worth a second date.
Oh. Hold on
a second here.

If you tell me that
you're thinking about getting

back together with Stella,
I'm telling you right now,

I will no longer
be your friend.


Stella's not the only woman
in the world, Sonny.

All right? Honestly,
I think it's time

I get to know another one.

Okay. Ha, ha, ha.

Good luck with that.

I mean, I mean that. Seriously.

And when it blows up
in your face,

I'll be right there
to buy you a beer.

You see, for me,
I-I... I tried it, man.

I tried kicking boots with one
person and... it just feels off.

Yeah. I just think
I need to get back to my...

natural state
of being a lone wolf.

I see you're working
your way to a point,

so I'll wait right here.
My point is,

you need to get on
the Sonny Quinn plan.

Okay? No strings,

no attachments.

All the pleasure,
none of the pain.

You know, someday you're gonna
have to tell me

who did this to you.


Charlie 1, I've got eyes
on your two HVTs.

Two klicks west of your POS.

Roger. Charlie 1 copy.

Break. Charlie 3 Oscar Mike.
Master Chief,

ISR shows activity
at three of the five locations.

HVTs are all departing.

If Charlie waits
for the local partner force,

eight HVTs could be
in the wind.

Make the call.
I'll deal with the blowback.

I know the DEA
task force director.

Glad you took me up on my offer.

Sounded more like an order, sir.

Didn't you and Command Master
Chief Blake serve together?

That's right.
Fallujah, 2004.

Yeah, that's a long time ago.

You ever ask him if he misses
kicking down doors?

Don't have to.

Wasn't a fire
he never loved running into.

Then ask him if moving
into command felt more

like hanging it up or just
a different kind of fire.

Hey, stranger.

I'm surprised to see you here.
Yeah, well, Lindell

wanted me to see what life
was like as an ops chief.

Ah. Well, I'm guessing you'd
rather HAHO in your skivvies

than imagine a world firing off
radio calls instead of b*ll*ts.

How are the boys?
Haven't talked to them much.

You know, they're stuck in the
hides, smelling each other.

This room's feeling awfully
small right about now.

Hey, it's not what you want, but
you'd make a great ops chief.

Ensign Davis, Charlie's
preparing to as*ault.

Jason. Good to see you, man.

Yeah. Good to see you, too.
Sorry to hear about the hip.

Temporary setback.
That's all.

Ah. Some things
never change, right?

Take a herd of freight trains
to stop Jason Hayes.

Lindell tells me you're thinking
about going the ops chief route?

Oh, he's way over
his skis on that one.

Okay? You know,
I'm not a pencil pusher.

Well, yeah. I thought the
same thing, but here I am.

Be honest, took some
time to get used to it.

Missed my team, you know?

Missed the action,
the brotherhood.

For a while,
I would've rather flown

in a spinning-out Chinook
than ride a desk.

But slowly I made my way.

Grew the best damn garden
in Virginia Beach.

Uh, I'm sorry. G-Gardener?

Yeah. Coached Little League,

got reacquainted
with my family.

Took finding fulfillment
outside the teams to let me know

that there's more to life
than being Foxtrot 1.

Stick around.

I'll show you a look
into your future.

The human body
wasn't built to sustain

your level of activity foreve.

But the one battle even
the great Jason Hayes can't win

is against time.

The thought of being stood down

scares you more
than never coming home again.

There's a possibility

that you may
never recover enough

for the Navy to clear you
to resume your duties

as Bravo Team leader.

Took finding fulfillment
outside the teams

to let me realize there was

more to life
than being Foxtrot 1.

You know,

there are other things to do
in the Navy besides operate.

Guess energy security
isn't that sexy after all.

I've seen bigger crowds
on free cone day at 31 Flavors.

Saying the job is too easy
is a weird complaint, man.

Less chatter, guys.

Let's keep it clear
for actual information, please.

Excuse me, sir.
You can't be here.

I got eyes on a suspect.

Seems to be, uh,
casing the place out.

He's got something in his hand.

It appears to be a wind reader.

All stations, this is Bravo 1.

Anyone else got eyes on him?

A-firm. I see him.

I confirm wind reader.

Sierra 1, this is Bravo 1.

We have what appears
to be a male spotter

near the arrival site.

Request permission
to detain him at this time.

Copy, Bravo 1.
Unit 5 is cleared hot

to detain the spotter.

Bravo 3, take him.

He's squirting.

Oh, come on. Stop him.

I hate running.

VIPs on site.

Keep your eyes peeled.

He was collecting
those readings for someone.

Bravo 1, this is 3.

Got this all wrapped up.

You ask him
where his friend's hiding?

I did, but he's
not much of a talker.

Vive la France.

Dignitaries are inside.
We'll collect the prisoner,

and my team will handle
the interrogation.

That's a good copy.

I hope you can crack him
before the signing ceremony.

All stations, this is Bravo 1.

Stay sharp,
we got a sh**t out there.

Vic, open the scope caps
on the decoy. Now. Move.


Hey. I'm glad
you were free.

Glad you called.

What's up?

Just wanted to have a drink
with a friend.

How're the kids?

Kids are good. Mikey's having
a blast at prep school,

you know, playing hockey.

Doesn't have to deal
with his dad.


Oh, she started some production
on some show.

Something I, uh...
Think there's dancing in it.


How about you?

How's the banking guy?

You still seeing him?
The securities analyst?


He, uh, he wanted to show me
all of the Fast & Furious-es.

I suddenly got
very busy.

All right, so you're not...

real busy in life right now?

Um, I'm not not busy. Why?

I was just thinking maybe
if you're not busy

next week, that we could go
on a road trip up to Rehoboth.

Fast and the Furious movies,
you know, optional.

Guess that's a no.

You're inviting me
on a road trip.


It's a little odd.

I just want to make sure
I know what we're talking about.

I was just thinking
it's something to do.

Why are you
free next week?

Not just next week, but, um,
the next two months.

You see, I have, um,
hip surgery this week.

You have to find a way
to fill all that time

before you put
your armor back on.

If I'm able to
put my armor back on.

See, that's the catch, Mandy.

You know, I'd rather face
a platoon of enemy on Winchester

than put my career
in the hands of some surgeon.

Well, I get wanting to end it
on your terms,

but, you know, sooner or later,

you're gonna have to face life
after Bravo.

I'm not cut out
for civilian life,

and underneath it,
I'm just a soldier.

You survived the entire
w*r on terror.

This surgery won't be
your downfall.

I hope so.

Eight minutes

until the dignitaries are
scheduled to take the stage.

Window open. Building one.

17th floor,
window six.

What do we know
about the tenant?

No tenant listed.
Bravo 1 to Bravo 2.

Building one,
17, six.

Uh, my angle only gets me
two meters inside the room.

What do you see?

Not much more than you.

What do you want to do?

We need eyes in that room.

That window opened for a reason.

Could be a sn*per,

or it could be a landlord
just airing the place out,

getting ready to rent it.

Well, we need to know
which one is which.

Bravo 2 and 4, get to the
south corner of your rooftop.

You'll get the best angle there.

You sure you want to be down
a g*n and set of eyes?

It's not our guy, the southern
approach will be exposed.

Bravo 3, how long would it take
you to check it from the inside?

Six minutes if we haul ass
and the elevator's an express.

Both teams, do it. Move.

Moving, moving.
Copy that.

Five minutes out.

You get this wrong...
I know,
but I'm making the call.

If I'm wrong, it was nice
working with you, Vic.

VIPs are outside.

Security's escorting them
to the stage.

Ray. sh**t.

Building two,
12, three.

Got him.

Stand by.

Send it.

Good hit.

Anyone see any movement
in there?

We got a second sh**t
engaging the target.

Anyone got eyes on?

Bravo 1, this is 2,
we're approaching the roof now.

Bravo 1, we're one mike out.

Building one, floor 17,
window six.

1, this is 2.
I have a bead on the target.

Copy, 2.
You are clear to engage.

They're all
in their seats

taking out their pens...

What the...?

We're taking effective fire
in OP 1.

Somebody get rounds
on that guy.

We're working on it.
Come up four and a half minutes,

hold two right.

Hold. Up four
and a half,

two right.

Three right,
three right.

Three right.

Send it.


The landlord's gonna need
a clean-up crew

if he wants to rent this place.

Nice sh**ting, princess.

Sierra 1, this is Bravo 1.

Be advised, we have eliminated
two threats.

Building one, 17, six and
building two, 12, three.

Copy, Bravo 1.
We are deploying a CAT team

to secure the floors.
Debrief at 1600. See you then.

Nothing like
getting shot at

when you're in an
advisory role, right?

That was next level. Didn't know
that was even the right room.

If he hadn't been there...

But he was there.

You get it now?

Only one way to get 18 years
of experience?

Check. The 18 years.

Very good,

Now hurry up and
break this stuff down

so we can go get
some chow.

Charlie Team's joint op
with the DEA in Colombia

netted significant intel,
thanks in no small part

to Ensign Davis's quick
thinking. She's got a report.

Uh, thank you,
Command Master Chief.

While Charlie Team
brought in two HVTs

and the DEA grabbed two more,
four others evaded capture

and crossed the border
into Venezuela.

Our analysis shows that

the Cuban militia was working,
not only with FARC,

but also with Hezbollah.

My team is now preparing
a full threat assessment

of Hezbollah's reach
and activities in SOUTHCOM.

So I guess you don't pick
up for unknown numbers, huh?

Although, maybe-maybe
it's not unknown,

since you seem to have found
my address no problem.

Anyways, uh, yeah.

Thank you for these,
uh, these shoes.

Although, I-I really don't have
anywhere to wear them.

So, uh...

Miss Rebecca, why don't,
why don't you pick a place

and give me an excuse.

Someplace nice, obviously.

Good morning,
Master Chief Hayes.

We have you scheduled
with Dr. Bernstein

for an outpatient
arthroscopic reconstruction

of the right
hip labrum.


No showers for at least
48 hours after surgery.

You'll be on crutches
for about four weeks.

This release states that
you understand the risks

of the procedure and indemnify
Dr. Bernstein of liability

if you're unable to return
to operational status.

Once you sign that, we'll
get you prepped for surgery.

Master Chief?