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01x11 - Containment

Posted: 11/26/21 18:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

Okay, what am I
supposed to do with this thing again?

Emma agrees not to get into
a car driven by someone

who's been drinking,
and we agree not to punish her

if she calls us, drunk,
to ask for a ride.


JASON: Ray, you all right?

RAY: If you're having trouble

- staying on top of things...
- I'm not having trouble, Ray.

I've been handling the
finances in this family

for ten years.

NAIMA: It's not good.

Really not good.

You ever hear from Danny?

You guys were pretty tight back then.

No, yeah, we were for a while.

Till he went and tried to kiss me.

Ooh. Sly dog.


Bravo, Lima, Quebec,
Mike Mike, Papa, Sierra.

Holding for Teacher.

Still holding for Teacher.


Congrats again. You'll love the house.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

Now, they looked happy.

Well, I got them a $ ,
credit on their new house,

so I would hope they're happy.

There you go, right?

Always be closing, right?

- Yeah, something like that.
- Okay.

Uh-huh, so...


You called me over here, left a message,

said you needed to talk to me.

Emma got invited to the
Narrows this weekend.

Lily's parents have a house there.

Okay. Seems nice.

Or not.

I don't trust Lily.

- She's wild.
- Well, what...

What kind of trouble
could they get into?

They don't even drive.

I'm worried they're planning
to meet up with some boys.


Boys. Okay.

Anyone in particular?

Julian. He's a freshman.

That doesn't sound too...

At Hudson State.

Hudson State College?

Jason, you're not gonna say anything?

What do you want me to say?

Emma can take care of herself.

Daddy's little girl?

Come on. What do you want to do?

You want to ground her
because she's got a boyfriend?

I told her she can't go.

Before I came over to
talk this through...

I didn't call you here
to talk it through.

I just need you to back me up.

- Back you up how?
- Call her.

Tell her, tell her we talked it over,

and you agree with me, she shouldn't go.

Maybe I don't agree with you.

You leave me alone with the
kids days out of the year.

Least you could do is, once in a while,

not make me be the bad guy?

- You're not the bad guy here.
- Sorry, did I say "bad guy"?

I meant "grown-up".

I'll call her.

- Jason...
- No, it's okay.

I'll give her call,

and I will tell her that we talked.

And that we're on the same page.



DAVIS: You excited to see Danny?

Yeah. Just, you know.

He finally got back to me out
of the blue, and he's in town.

Just wonder what he looks like.

Well, I mean, look,
it's been, what, six years?

I'm sure we all look a little different.

No, it's just, you know.

What he looks like after the
frag hit him in the face.

I mean, look, from what I remember,

visiting him in the hospital,
most of that damage

was below the waist.

I was right next to
Danny when the bomber

clacked his vest off.

Most of the blast... went straight out,

and blew his lower body
into Danny's leg, and...

I heard that's why his
wounds got all septic.

Who's hungry?


There he is.


It's good to see you, man.

- I like this.
- Yeah.

I can grow one now.


SONNY: Looking good.

Yeoman Third Class Davis.

Good to see you again.

That's actually Petty Officer

First Class Davis.

SONNY: Easy now. I promised her

you wouldn't try and make out with her.

Oh, you know me.

I would never. (LAUGHTER)

Sit down.


Good to hear from you.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

What have you been up to?

- Private security.
- Seems like it's, uh...

paying well.

If you're good.


Now, how the hell you making out?

Seriously, you want a job?

Come on. He's got, what,
two years left on this enlistment?

(LAUGHS) Look it, I am morally opposed

to working for anybody

that would allow me to
wear a jacket like that.


Well, I hope you're not morally opposed

- to them paying for lunch.
- Well, as long as

you're buying me another whiskey, then.

Looks good, man.

Yeah, suits you.

Makes your eyes pop.


You should see the other guy.

I did.

Well, what was left of him, anyway.

DANNY: You know, I still got
pieces of shrapnel inside me.

Every once in a while,
one of them finds a way to the surface,

and I have to scratch
it out through my skin.

SONNY: That right there

is making me crave some corned beef.

Who's hungry?


That was actually my joke,
just so you know.



- All right, I'll be right back.
- Okay.

Yep. You feel that right there?

There's the pop. Right in there.

You got to wear the brace.

JASON: Yeah, yeah, the brace. I get it.

Raymond. Give me a second.

I'll be right with you.

Ah, that's okay. I'll wait

till you're done with the old guy.

The old man here just
bench-pressed today.

- That's right.
- Brother,

how many times I got to
tell you that benching

went out in the ' s? (LAUGHS)

It's all full body stuff now.

- Deadlifts, power cleans.
- Okay.

Would you please school this meathead,

- Hey.This is between y'all.
- It's between us?

All right.
Now let's get a look at that shoulder.

Your shoulder thing acting up again?

- No.
- No?

I just tweaked it a little bit,

taking down that big guy in Yemen.

- Is that right?
- Yeah, Lucas will work his magic.

- It'll be good.
- What kind of magic

are you working there, Lucas?
'Cause I got to make sure

that my number two is
operating on full strength.

RAY: Look, I'm fine, I just... (GRUNTS)

That doesn't sound fine to me.

It'll be fine.

All right? I probably just
pulled something... this is...


(GRUNTS) All right, okay, okay.


(SIGHS) Could be bursitis,

but I'm thinking some
kind of labrum tear,

maybe a torn tendon.

Like I said, you need to get an MRI,

have it checked out by an actual doctor.

I'm sorry, "like you said"?

you also said that PT might be enough.

Enough to stop you screaming every time

you roll over on it in
the middle of the night.

Keeping you operational
is a different matter.

Okay, look, what are we talking about?

N-No... take it easy.

We're not there yet.

For now, I'm just recommending

he go for the scan.
Depending what that shows,

we can start talking surgery.

It's a bad time.

we got a deployment in three weeks.

Just... just give us a second.

I cannot miss deployment, Jason.

No, no. You're no good to
anyone if you're injured.

I am fine.


You're not fine.

You're injured.

- We got a spin-up.
- All right.

Uh-uh. You're staying here.

- You're gonna sit this one out.
- Jason.

You're gonna sit the one out.

Get the MRI,

see the doctor, see what he says.
And then,

we'll talk about deployment.

Good afternoon, people.

Agent Dyer's about to read you
in on an op she's been running.

Before she does...

BLACKBURN: All right, listen up.

For the duration of this op,

we are being temporarily
granted a read-on,

which gives us access

to Restricted Data, as defined

by the Atomic Energy Act of .

Well, that's not good.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I need a verbal acknowledgement

from each of you that you
understand this read-on

in no way implies any future access

- to compartmentalized information.
- Ha.

Are we sitting in an exit row?

Make you proud to be an American.


You remember, last year,

someone stole three barrels

of radioactive material
from the research lab

at the University of Riga in Latvia?


a few months ago,
some Ukrainian mob guys

started shopping what they called
"ready-made dirty bombs".

So they strap the expl*sives

to the stolen radioactive material?

We believe so.

Our asset never actually got

to see what they were selling.

You have a source inside
the Ukrainian mob?

- We did.
- You did.

He was trying to contact us
shortly before he was k*lled.

CLAY: We don't exactly know
what they're selling, right?

But do we know where they're selling it?

MANDY: Port Varna.

It's in Bulgaria, on the Black Sea.

Far as where they're going after that...

a dirty b*mb's not a b*ttlefield w*apon.

Only way the buyer
gets value for his buck

is if the blast goes off in the city.

SONNY: I don't suppose we have

any idea where it is right now?

According to last
contact with our asset,

the plan was to transport the
shipment overland to Port Varna.

This is their convoy.

And how long is that drive?

MANDY: Rate they were going,

- day and a half.
- SONNY: So we fly into Bulgaria,

get ahead of them.

- Yeah.
- Set up a meeting spot,

take down the buyer and the
seller at the same time.

BLACKBURN: Negative.

Command wants us

to hit them in transit
prior to the meet.

Our job is to interdict the trucks,

then secure the site

while our nuclear expert,

Dr. Dyer, confirms the cargo.

Then, we keep the area secure

till the extraction team can
load the cargo onto the helos.

So, we're a containment team.

Yes. We can't let this material near

a populated area.

Thing about a dirty b*mb,

it's not the initial blast
that's so devastating.

Set one off in Times Square,
you might only k*ll

a few hundred people with
the blast.


MANDY: The point is,
the real destruction

comes from the dispersion
of radioactivity.

Render that whole part of
the city uninhabitable.

For how long?

Depends on the quantity

and radioactive half-life
of the material used.

So let's say they used

everything they took from the lab.

It's difficult to be precise.


, years.


What, you got nothing better to do

at : in the morning
than come visit us?

I just had to make sure
you had your toothbrush.

- (CHUCKLES) Look at that, huh. Thanks.
- Oh, yeah.

You know this is the first spin-up

I haven't been on with you guys.

Yeah, and don't I know it.

Sonny's been practicing
his Bravo s all night.


(STAMMERING): Bravo , Bravo .

I heard that.


You need me to give the
strap the old Ray pep talk?

Davis has got it.

Well, uh, yeah,

well, watch your backs out there,

and for God sakes,
don't let Sonny near the doctor.

I heard that, too.

Hold on a second. What doctor?

The strap, Leigh Dyer.

She's a doctor?


- Yes, with a PhD.
- PhD Leigh.

In nuclear physics. (LAUGHTER)

Mandy told me. Man, you know what?

You guys got to stop spacing
out during the briefings.

That's why we have you.



Hey, so, uh...

Now that I'm Ray for the day,

does this mean that I got
to start going to church?

you're not Ray for the day.

No one's asking you
to be Ray for the day.

I want you to be you.
Do want you to know, though,

that I'll be using you more than usual

as a sounding board out there,
you understand?

- Roger that.
- I want you

to think before you get
all aggro at a situation.

- All right.
- Yeah?

So don't lose my temper

until it's time to lose my temper.

Just don't lose your temper.

Come on, grasshopper, think.

Hi, it's Emma.
Why aren't you texting me?

(LINE BEEPS) Hi, Emma. It's Dad.

I know that, uh, it's early there,

but, look, your Mom and I,
we had a conversation,

and we just don't feel
like it's best for you

to go to the Narrows with
Lily this weekend, all right?

It's not that we don't trust you,

it's just that we just
don't trust the world.

All right, listen, I'll, uh...

I'll call you when I
get close to a phone.

I don't know when that's gonna be,
but, um...

give your mom and your brother
a kiss for me, all right?

Love you. (PHONE BEEPS)

SONNY: Bravo , convoy is meters out.

JASON: Copy, Bravo . We're in position.







Well, that was easy.

Ray should sit out more often.

Hey, boss,
you better come take a look back here.

Find the doc's isotopes?

No sign of the isotopes,
but take a look at this.

Oh, ho.

Okay, look at that, huh.

Haven't seen one of
these in a long time.

It's kind of different,
but it looks like

a one-five-five a*tillery shell.

It's a one-five-two. Soviet era.

- Huh.
- Why'd they strap it down?

Come on. They strapped it down

because they don't want
this thing bouncing around.

- What, it's years old?
- They got it

packed in with a bunch
of other expl*sives.

Well, you know what, they are Ukrainian.

- They are a bit crazy.
- That is true.

And those guys do not look
like they care about much.

Both the other trucks
had the exact same setup.

- Same setup?
- Yeah.

Yeah, just boxes of AKs and expl*sives,

one single shell
strapped down the middle.


- Shut him up.
- Hey.


LEIGH: It's okay. Let them talk.




What's going on?

He's saying it's nuclear.

Oh, good thing we brought
our dirty b*mb expert.

No, no, you're not...

He's saying this isn't a dirty b*mb.

They didn't need to weaponize anything.

This... is a nuclear warhead.

Best guess is a ZBV shell

designed to be fired
by a standard howitzer.

Detonating nukes of that size
would give you a yield of

one kiloton each.

Tell me you know that
off the top of your head.

DAVIS: I Googled it.

Shells that old are very unstable.

They tell you where they found them?

Abandoned Soviet warehouse up north.

- Plenty of those.
- Yeah.


Yeah, okay, uh, listen,

I'll call you back.

Got to assume the shells
are real unstable.

Yeah, well, you got to figure,

you know,
they've been sitting on the shelves

for a few decades now, right?

Chopper's en route to
pick up the prisoners.

Can we separate the
warheads from the shells?

I think that would be a mistake.

Much as we'd have to jostle those things

cutting them out of there,
loading them onto a chopper...

Plus, the choppers aren't
set up to deal with this.

CLAY: There is another option.

The roads out here don't look terrible.

Why don't we just drive out?

Clay, we're a containment team.

Our job was to find 'em,
secure 'em, not get rid of 'em.

- You got a place in mind?
- Yeah.

Marculesti Air Force Base.

Keep 'em in the truck.

'Cause we know they made it

this far in the trucks.

Devil you know.

ERIC: If the doc says we
leave them strapped in,

then we leave them strapped in.

All detainees are
loaded onto the chopper

and headed back to us.

Bravo's getting in the trucks now.

Copy, Bravo . Better get moving.

Half hour to sun up.

If someone comes looking
for their weapons,

be nice to have a head start.

Roger. Moving now.

TOC out.

If the physical therapist
said you have to see a doctor,

then you have to see a doctor.

It's not that simple, baby.

The second I see a Navy doctor,

the decision's out of our hands.

Doc says I don't get deployable status,

that's it, we're done.

It's dangerous enough to deploy

without going into it already injured.

And I get that.

But what's the alternative? Huh?

You can't make this about the money.

We're not gonna be out in the street

because you missed one deployment.

If you can't pay the mortgage,

you generally end out on the street,

That's all I'm saying.

We can pay the mortgage, Raymond.

we went over those numbers together.

The budget's built around
my Hazardous Duty Pay.

- Without it...
- Look,

I know it's scary to give
up the little control

we have over our lives
to some Navy doctor

that doesn't know anything about us

except your name,
rank and serial number.

But this family depends
on you being healthy.

Until you become an instructor
or whatever you want

and do your and get
out with a pension.

If I'm able to deploy,
honey, I'm gonna deploy.

But you need a doctor to tell you that.

You say you don't want
to put us at risk,

but if you don't see someone,

that's exactly what you're doing.

All right.

I'll call him.

I'll call him.

Thank you.

You know you're a lovely man, Mr. Perry.

- I know. Mm.
- Mm?


It's looking good for
a while ahead of you.

The only real issue I see

is this bridge
klicks in front of you.

The satellite imagery makes it
look like it's in rough shape.

Yeah, well,
we'll have to cross that bridge

when we get to it, huh.

Sit them over here.

And these prisoners claim

that they never called for backup?

They're gonna claim that either way.

CLAY: So how long has it been

since you've been downrange without Ray?

A while. Been a long time.

Have you thought about
what you're gonna do

if he can't go when we deploy
'cause he's still injured?

What is this, Questions?

No, it's just I'm...
planning on having my own team one day.

I want to make sure I'm ready.

And then you watch and you learn.

As far as Ray goes, if he's not ready,

we'll just have to cross that bridge,

JASON: TOC, this is Bravo .

We're approaching that
nasty looking turn.

DAVIS: Copy that. I got you.

But be aware the bridge
is just on the other side.

Makes the turn look
like a piece of cake.

Thanks for that.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.



If the bridge gives...

We all go boom.

Go forward... slowly.


JASON (OVER COMM): All right,
we're going one at a time.

Once the first vehicle is clear,

the second vehicle proceeds.

JASON: Easy.

Stop. Stop.

Left hand down.


JASON: Slow.

Slow pace. That's it.


Nice and easy.

JASON: Keep going,
keep going, keep going.

Left hand down. Left hand down.




Straight, straight, forward.

That's it, straight, straight, straight.

Straight, straight.
Watch it, watch the side.

JASON: Nice leisurely drive on a Sunday

crossing a bridge, kid.

DAVIS: You're up, Bravo .





I'd feel better if you talked.

I'm scared of heights.

Not what I was looking for.

I don't like bridges.




JASON: Bravo , this is Bravo .
You guys okay back there?

Well, I just heard a big boom,

and we're not dead,

so I'll take that as a good thing

and a bad thing.

Checking now.

JASON: We need to move these nukes.

What's the ETA on the Black Hawks?

Black Hawk is a no-go.

The Moldovans have closed the airspace.

They're trying to get us to tell
'em what you're doing in there.


Okay, so what we're gonna do,

we're gonna get all three
shells into the lead truck,

and we'll get 'em to the C- .

And we're about five klicks
away from the airfield.

MANDY: But the doc said transferring

could set off the nukes.

I don't have an option.

It's what we're gonna do... Consolidate.

All three shells,
put 'em in the lead truck.

So what we'll do is
a two-man sling carry

on each shell... got it?

All right, so use the tarps inside.

Hey, be delicate.

"Delicate" is my middle name.

MANDY: EOD doesn't have a
better plan than Jason's.

Well, then, what do they have?

Fatality estimates

for when one of the devices explodes.

We better hope that these gamma rays

turn you into the Hulk
and not shrink your balls.

You weren't thinking about having kids

and settling down anyway, right?

No. Hell no.


You sure she said it was okay
to move these things like this?

Fact is, she said not to move 'em.

On three.

One, two, three.

We're good.

Okay, so, it looks like these guys

really didn't have time
to make a backup call.

but there's no way to tell they've got

a scheduled check-in.

You're gangsters in gangster country,

and you know more than anyone

how dangerous these roads can be.

You're really gonna be satisfied
with a six-man security team?

And five, after you m*rder our asset.

They're gonna have
reinforcements standing by.

I'm gonna start talking to these guys.

I thought we were holding
off our interrogations

- till the guys got back.
- No.

I just want to make sure
we don't wind up in trouble

moving this slow,

in case they have some friends
we should be worried about.

All right.

Which one you want to take first?

Who didn't have a partner

when they picked up the drivers?

Number three.

- Over there.
- Yes, sir.

Probably means he's the
one that smoked out guy.

Let's start with him.





For an interrogation,
I don't speak at all.

It's not an interrogation,
it's a conversation.

I'm giving you an
opportunity to help yourself.


I don't understand.


Yes. You are. Ubiytsa. k*ller.

But, you know...

You can still help yourself.


Tell us how you were
communicating with the buyers.

On the radio.

Okay, what frequency?

Two... three... two... dot...

seven... six... five.

Was there a code word?


Look for anything with
the word "books"

on frequency . .

Hey, are we in?

We're gonna go slow. Understand?

Very slow.

All right. Probably have us
all jump in the back here,

keep 'em from swinging into each other.


MANDY: Bravo , this is TOC.

- Go for One.
- The buyers weren't happy

when the convoy failed to check in.

They've got a private
army headed your way.

Last radio transmission
pinged their frequency

klicks to your west.

How many, how fast?

Gonna be three vehicles.
Looks like about a dozen men.

You better get to the airfield
before they get to you.

You're gonna have to move really fast.

That's one thing we can't
do right now is move fast.

DAVIS: You got a fire road
ahead about half a klick up

on the right. Looks like a rough ride,

but it's gonna bring you right to us.

The problem is the bad guys

are gonna catch you before you get here.

Yeah, well,
a firefight with these bombs on board

could be a real problem.

Split the team.

How are you gonna do that?
You've got one truck.

One's gonna take out the
strap and the ordnance.

Four of us will stay here,
set an ambush.

You're gonna ambush a force
three times your size?

We're assaulters.
It's what we do, we as*ault.

- Let's start prepping for an ambush.
- Oh, cool.

Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where you going?

I'm gonna find a place
with a flat field of fire,

- set her up, let her eat.
- No, no.

I need you to drive out the strap.

- What?
- I need you to drive out the strap.

SONNY: Yeah, I heard what you said,

but we're about to get in a firefight,
so why don't you send the kid?

I'm gonna teach the kid
how to do an ambush.

Actually, the kid already
knows how to do an ambush.

I'm gonna teach you how
to do one the right way.

Remember, watch and learn.

Okay, Jason,

we're about to get in a good
old-fashioned Mad Minute,

and you're telling me right now that

you want Spenser beside you and not me?

You know what?
Right now, I need my most senior guy

to step up, and that's you.

Ray comes back, you can go back

to being a knuckle-dragger,
but right now,

something happens to us,
I need you to get that truck

as far away as possible.

- Leadership sucks.
- Yeah, now you're starting

to sound like Ray... I love it.

All right.

I'm about to start this engine.

You ready to hold them steady?



TOC says buyer's muscle
is five minutes out.

Let's go.


Got it.

Can you stop making that face?

Well, that's my "there's
nothing to be afraid of" face.

Well, you're really not afraid?

Couldn't make that face if I was.


We seriously have more

pressing issues at the moment.

Like you babysitting
those nukes back there.

Yes. And to take my mind off of those,

I'd like to talk about something else.

To take your mind off being scared,

you want me to talk about how I am?

Is that it?

Look, I-I think we keep the chatter

to more operationally relevant things.

Is there anything else I should know?

I mean,
I think we covered the part about

where you're supposed to keep
them things from swinging around

too much back there. Right?


What's a "Mad Minute"?


When you were making the case

to have the pretty boy drive me out,

you said to let you stick
around for the Mad Minute.

It's a firefight.

So, you'd rather get sh*t
at than be stuck with me?

Yeah, I would.

Something really pure
about being sh*t at.

You try to k*ll them,
and they're trying to k*ll you.

And by the way, that Clay kid?

He ain't that pretty.


Come on...


That is not good.

Can we make it?

We don't have much of a choice.

Bravo , you in position?

Bravo , set.

JASON: Ambush will initiate

on his soil when the vehicles
are in the k*ll zone.

Always doing Ray's dirty work.


LEIGH: Anything you want me to do?

Hold on.

Got to hit it fast, or we may get stuck.


We're alive.

For now.

Depends what happens at that bridge.


Get 'em, boys.




WOMAN: Doctor's office.

Uh, hi, yes,
I'm calling for Dr. McMaster.

Who's calling?

- Senior Chief Raymond Perry.
- Please hold.



Dr. McMaster is not available.

Would you like him to call you back?

No. No, uh...

You know what?

He doesn't have to do that.
I'll call him back.

- You sure?
- Yeah. Thanks.


Thought you said you were walking back.

Yeah. I found a ride.

they're not really using it anymore.

Where are the nukes?

Agency's EODs have already got them.

They're, uh, rendering them safe.

A-ha! Hey,
you and the strap have a pleasant drive?

- Indeed we did.
- Yeah?

Stimulating conversation, I bet.

Ah, I believe so.

I reckon she'd say the same thing.

You know, uh, I don't know, boss,

some pretty rarified
air up here in IC land

and, yeah,
I'm gonna be pretty damn happy

when Ray gets back to work.

You did good, man.

You did really good. Ah.

Take a look at your knuckles.

They're clean.



All right. So you're telling
me you don't need any surgery.

- Nope.
- None?

- None.
- None.

looks like I just strained some tendons

is all.
Doc fixed me up with some heavy-duty

anti-inflammatories, told me not
to bench with a straight bar.

Tell the guy that benching
went out in the ' s?

Damn straight.

Okay. You're sure, huh?

Stop being worried. I'm good.

All right, Danny,
I think I speak for everybody

here at the table that
we would like to get

some stories from back in the day...

Davis and Sonny, and Team Four. Right?

Uh-uh, no. Not a word.

Well, it feels wrong to
talk about Sonny, with him

not being here to defend himself.

- Go right ahead, right ahead.
- That's exactly

when you should be talking about him.

But as far as, uh,
Yeoman Davis here is concerned,

- I got some...
- Okay.

It is Petty Officer Davis.

And if you don't want to
get your butt whooped...

JASON: Oh, whoa.

And if you don't...


- JASON: Hey, hey!
- DANNY: That's my boy.

- CLAY: That's our strap.
- What's happening? What's up, boys?

Ladies and gentlemen. What's happening?

- Y'all remember Miss Leigh.
- Hey.

What's happening?

DAVIS: Hey, you can actually sit here,

'cause, uh, Ray forgot my beer.

- I did? Okay.
- Yes. No sweat.

What's up?

Ray's back.



Thank you.


You know, I can buy my own drink.

- I know you can.
- Okay.

Well, I really don't get it.

- What's that?
- After all these years,

you're still trying to talk me into it?
I mean,

from my recollection,
you don't have a lot of trouble

getting female companionship.

I'm not the same guy I was on Team Four.

I look at pictures of myself back then,

it's like I'm looking at a stranger.

All right,
so you're not the same guy you were?

(LAUGHS): Okay.

All right, then, who are you?

I'm a lot like you.

you're gonna have to explain that one.


Sorry, did I miss something
while we were carrying

that nuclear warhead somewhere?

You don't drink with the wives.

But you're not a frogman.

They treat you like you're one of them,

they call you by your last name.

But you're not one of them.

And neither am I.

Look, "there's the operators,

- and then there's everybody else".
- Mm-hmm.

So here's to the "everybody elses".

Is this the part where
I'm supposed to melt

because you've seen inside my soul?


Melting comes later.

This is Sonny's first
time getting a strap.


RAY: What's up, brother?

Nothing, I got to go.
I'll talk to you in a little bit.


JASON: I'm sorry. I get it.

I-I understand, okay... look,

if you want to punch me in the face,
you can.

I just want you to know I
called her from the plane.

I told her that I backed you.


I know. She told me.

You have every right to be worried here,
I get it.

- I'm gonna k*ll her.
- No. Lis...

It's not your fault, Alana.

- Just sit down.
- I can't sit down.

I need to see her

so I can shake her until
she never does this again.

Please sit, sit, sit, sit.

- Sit, sit, sit.
- Fine.

- Sit down. Sit, sit, sit, sit.
- Fine.

It's gonna be okay,
it's gonna be fine, all right?

We'll be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

I should come home.

You "should"?

I want to come home.

Uh, is that an answer to my question?

You didn't ask a question.

I know it wasn't an answer.

Look, o-our family is in
extremis at the moment.

Do you really think we
ought to be talking about

big life decisions?


Yes, yes.

Yeah, right here.

- Hayes?
- POLICE OFFICER: She's coming out.

She just wanted to wash her face.


I'm so sorry.

I shouldn't have been drinking.

We know.


Thank you.


Come here. Come on.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Okay, come on. Let's go home.


Come on.