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01x20 - Enemy of My Enemy

Posted: 11/26/21 18:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...


This is Sergeant Percy Jacobs.

The Army's Criminal
Investigative Division

believe he was hit by a
fragmentation grenade.

It was my frag.
If my shoulder wasn't messed up,

that boy would still be alive.

JASON: That's Steve Porter's drill.

He got something on it during an op.

The real story is rare-earth metals.

Remember Steve Porter's drill bit?

Well, I had it tested again.
So, either you lied to me

- or your lab guys lied to me.
- (SCOFFS) I didn't lie to you.

JASON: Your boss, Cutter,

people do a lot of funny
things when it comes to money.

Maybe, uh, m*rder a bunch of operators?

This is Amanda Ellis.

ABAD: This is Abad Halani.

My brother, Nouri Halani,

he is the one who blew
up your commandos.

ABAD: This is Abad Halani.

First, I congratulate you on the
capture of Hamid Gul Baladur.

I never thought he could be taken alive.

Second, my brother, Nouri Halani,

he is the one who blew up
your commandos some weeks ago.

MANDY: Why are you telling me this?

ABAD: I want to deliver him to you.

And we're sure that's Abad Halani?

DAVIS: The voice recognition

was a probable match.

The guy did a pretty good
job scrambling the signal,

but we managed to track
it to Northwest Pakistan.

Halani Central.

MANDY: You're offering to
betray your own brother?

ABAD: He betrayed me and all our people.

My brother has gone mad.

He wants to rule the world.

He will k*ll anyone
he thinks is an enemy.

He thinks I am an enemy.


Because I do not want to rule the world.

SONNY: Hey, look,
it still don't make no sense.

Big, bad Nouri Halani kills Echo Team

because they burnt down
some little poppy field?

Come on.

The bottom line is Nouri
Halani k*lled our Echo guys.

ERIC: Fact of the matter is

Abad says he can get us Nouri Halani.

He's asked for an in-person
meeting tomorrow afternoon

in Karachi, iron out the particulars.

Plan's for us to get eyes
on him at that meeting,

surveil him until we
got Nouri rolled up,

and then roll up Abad right after.

First things first,
I got to get the Pakistanis

to sign off on me being there, so...

And if they don't?

You're gonna, uh,
just call the whole thing off?

Actually, I was thinking in that case,

I just have to sneak in with you guys.


DAVIS: Hey, suckers. Join you?

SONNY: Be my guest.


You down with the mission?

Ah, it's just a big waste of time,
if you ask me.

We should just drop a big b*mb
on them and call it a day.

That is a very nice
international incident

you are proposing.

I like the sound of that right there.

It's got a little ring to
it, doesn't it? (LAUGHS)

I've been having trouble
getting in touch with Danny.

Well, how long has it been
since you talked to him?


You want me to reach out to him or...?

- No. No, no, no.
- No?

- No. Thank you.
- Look, I tell you what.

- I owe a call to my buddy Tyler.
- Mm-hmm.

I will have him
stop by and check up on him.

Hey, it'd be nice to know he's alive.

Well... sure.

All right, all set. Consider it done.

- Thank you.
- There you go.

STELLA: Hi, babe.
Sorry that I missed you.

Again. Uh...
know we really need to talk.

I just really need to get
to class on time today.

I just really miss you.

I really can't wait for us to
be in the same time zone again.

Um, you said that you were getting back

the week after next.

Do you remember that
MLA conference at Duke?

It starts the exact same week.

So I don't know that I will be
able to meet you when you land.

Sorry. I...
you know, it would be helpful

to know exactly when you land
outside of a five-day window.

Wish we could talk about this in person.

I really have to go.

Uh, be careful.

I love you. I'll talk to you soon.




Hey. Good news.

Guy I met in Islamabad

is working at the Pakistani
Consulate in J-Bad.


Pretty sure he's gonna be able

to get me permission to go into Karachi.

Wow. Hey, that is good news.

Yeah. I'm gonna meet him
at his office in an hour.

Hour? You want some company?

No. Just between spooks.

So what do you know about Xeon?

Xeon Tactical? The contractors?

I mean in an official capacity.

Oh, you want to know what
we know about them.


Uh, well, like Blackwater and DynCorp,

they have their share of bad press.

It's heartily deserved.

What about Cutter?

Alan Cutter founded Xeon
about five years ago

after he retired from
British Special Forces.

Bit of an operator,
if you pardon the pun,

but maybe it's just the accent?

He's definitely not the kind
of guy you want to cross.

Why are you asking me about this,

Why don't you ask your new friend, Amy?

She works for him.


Where are you going with this?

What if I told you that
Xeon may have been involved

in Echo Team's deaths?

Involved how?

Steve Porter may have gotten himself

into something that got him k*lled.

You know,
Xeon mining these rare-earth metals

that he, uh, found while he was,
uh, you know,

in the tunnels underneath
the fields they b*rned.

Yeah, he took that information to Amy,

and Amy took it to Cutter,

and I think that he, uh, lied to her.

Or I don't know, I think maybe
sh-she may have lied to me.

I don't know yet, but...

Okay, well, what does this
have to do with Echo Team?

Well, you're gonna go meet with Abad,

so I figured that maybe you
could talk to him about it.

Talk to him about what, Jason?
You don't have anything.

Not yet.

When you find something real... Mm-hmm.

I will be more than happy
to run it down for you.

In the meantime, watch out for Cutter.





Enemy of My Enemy

sync and corrected by ninh

Ah, Mr. Hayes.


It's a pleasure to see you again.

I'm glad you could stop by.

What I have to say is
not gonna take too long.

Well, take as long as you like

'cause I was just cozying
in to my afternoon dram.

Can I interest you in some?

No, I'm not interested.
So, buddy of mine,

uh, and his team performed a-a
routine burn of a poppy field

about klicks east of here.

Are you familiar with that procedure?

Yeah, absolutely. We do it all the time.

It's one of Xeon's main
tasks in theater, actually.

My buddy, Steve Porter,
had that soil tested.

- Used this drill bit.
- Mm-hmm.

Sent it to your lab.

Ah. I think I know where
you're going with this.

Right. So there's lanthanum on there.

- You know that, right?
- Right. Jason...

Right. So why would you
or one of your people

tell my buddy, Steve Porter,
that there wasn't?

Why would you say something like that?

First of all, I'm sorry about Steve

and all your comrades who perished

in this bloody, fractious country.

But what you've just learned from that

is how immensely giving it could be.

Place is a virtual gold mine,

for those who got the eyes to
see it and the means to take it.

So you knew there was
lanthanum in that soil?

I'd be a poor CEO of a modern,
diversified contracting company

if I didn't.


Rare-earth metals.

Why'd you lie to Steve?


We didn't.

What Steve found we all found.

Xeon, KNR, China National.

It's no secret.

Traces of lanthanides,
yes, but traces only.

There's no great vein
of precious minerals

running under that poppy field, Jason,

or any poppy field in
Nangarhar Province.

Please. Take a read.

That's the history of Xeon's
failed exploration in this area.

I told Steve the same thing.

You talked to Steve?

Yeah, sure. He came to see me.
He sat right where you are.

You're saying that Steve knew

there was lanthanum in that soil?

Yeah, of course.

did Amy Nelson tell you otherwise?

Are you sure you don't want that drink?


Come back anytime.


- Hi.
- Hey. How you doing?

Listen, you keep track of all the stuff

we get from home, right?

Yeah. That's my job. Of course.

and all the stuff that goes home, too,

just in case, you know,
something happens,

like, whatever, you know?

Well, this just took a very morbid turn.

Um, yeah, I keep track

of everything that's in the hooches.


Everything. It's my bedtime reading.

Right. Even Echo Team?

I don't have that information.

Can you get it?

What do you need, Jason?

Look, there may have been something

that was in Steve Porter's gear,

something that went back home to Cindy.

Uh, yeah, I'll check in with
my Echo Team counterpart.

If she put it online,
I can get it for you.

Full list of everything
that went home to Steve.


Thanks, Davis.

You're welcome.


Perry. Looking for you.

Well, here I am.

Am I interrupting?


Dust. Gets in everywhere, don't it?

That it does.

You talk to the CID investigator yet?

In a couple hours.

It shouldn't be too bad.

When a civilian gets k*lled,
the DoD needs to be able to say

that it ruled out negligence.

It's gonna be what it's gonna be.

I'm supposed to send over
that ISR footage later today.

- Just got to put it on the hard drive.
- Yeah.

You know, it still amazes me

what you can see on those MTS cameras.

Especially in the daylight.


You can see everything.

So I can see...
when you threw that frag.

I can see how you threw it.

I can see how it hurt you.

Shoulder... that shoulder.

That shoulder that you
hurt that night in Yemen.

And you deployed anyway.

Well, I just want you to know...

that that footage will
never see the light of day.

They can have everything else,
but they can't have that.

You'd do that for me?

In a heartbeat.

Okay, let me tell you how
this is gonna go down.

You touch one frame of that tape,
and it's you

who's gonna be sitting in front of CID,
you understand?


Lisa, I love you, like family.

You know that.

But what I did... that boy?

That's on me.

And whatever comes, I'm fine with it.

That's how you want to play it?

That's how it's gonna play.


All right, then.

Send the tape.

Miss Ellis, I am sorry we have to meet

under such conditions.

My name is Abad Halani.

I know who you are.


Where is my driver?

My men are watching him.

I assure you he is completely unharmed.

I want to see him.

That is not possible right now.

But... but I give you my word.

Forgive me for taking such precautions.

My brother has spies everywhere.

I only want to talk.

Please, take some tea

and a biscuit...

and accept my apologies.

I am grateful for your presence.

You went to all this trouble, so talk.


I need your help.

Right. Problems with your brother.

You'd like us to k*ll him for you.


In exchange,
I want to know about Echo Team.

For years, I've counseled

my brother not to target Americans.

Even when you began
to arrest our people,

I told him we should wait you out.

Then, some weeks ago,
your commandos b*rned a poppy field

belonging to one of my brother's people.

My brother got tired of waiting.

Echo Team burns the field,
Nouri burns Echo Team.

Sounds like Nouri's losing his grip.

My brother...

refuses to change with the times.


let me tell you how to k*ll him.

I'll show you where to find him.


SONNY: I want to know how he dared.

RAY: We got stupid.

CLAY: Or lucky. She's alive.

JASON: No, no, we got played, brothers.

Some coffee. You all right?

Yes. It's my fault.

I knew that my contact at the consulate

was with Pakistani intelligence.

I should have known
the Halanis owned him.

That's the whole reason
for the Karachi idea.

I mean,
Abad knew you'd have to contact ISI.

No, he's no dummy.

Well, we caught a break, actually.

My little adventure
saved us a day or two.

Pretty important days, as it turns out.

So the Halanis normally hole up here,
in the Swat Valley,

north of Peshawar, in Pakistan.

They're basically untouchable.

But once a year,
they make the difficult pilgrimage

through the mountains to
the village of Ayub Kheyl,

where their father was born,
pay their respects at his grave.

Our clever friend Abad
convinced his brother

to make the visit now.

When exactly is "now"?

Nouri's already on the move.

Abad will meet him in Peshawar.

They'll be in A.K.
village tomorrow morning.

Hot diggity.

Two for the price of one.

No, Abad will

plead illness and abandon
the pilgrimage in Pakistan.

He's not stupid.
He knows we'd roll him up, too.

All right,
so Nouri crosses into Afghanistan alone.

Yeah, but with how many guys?

Um, a dozen guys, at the most.

Just his personal bodyguard.

Am I the only one that thinks
this is too good to be true?

(CHUCKLES): Nope. No, I'm with you.

This is, it's way too convenient.

I mean,
how are we gonna trust Abad Halani?

I got to agree with Blondie over here.

Something don't smell right.

JASON: It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter, okay?

Nouri's our ace of spades.

I'm-a do anything I can to get him.

So you can pop a drone,

- get a clear line of sight?
- Yeah.

Surrounded by hills,
but A.K. itself is in a valley.

Good. Can you get that approved?

ERIC: Yeah, General Cook's back in D.C.

I'll give him a call in a couple hours.

He can digest the news
with his Wheaties.

And that leaves the Agency and Belding.

I got this.


Senior Chief Perry?

Come on.

Sorry. You would not
believe the paperwork.

My own personal w*r.

I don't envy you.


All right. (CLEARS THROAT)

So, I've reviewed your
statement about the events

at Forogh Curative Hospital
in Jalalabad last Thursday,

and the statements of
Lieutenant Commander Blackburn,

Master Chief Hayes and
Sailor Clay Spenser.

I've also reviewed the
statements of the family

of the deceased, Jandol Al-Akbar,

or a rough translation of the same.

Now, I'm still waiting on
the surveillance footage

to be provided by Logistics
Specialist Lisa Davis...

I want to add to my statement.

You what?

I want to enlarge my statement.

What you have there is
just the mission details.



I, um, I hurt my arm.

My shoulder.

That's why the grenade went wide.

I couldn't hold on to it.

I see. W-Well, I'll make a note of that.

I don't think you understand,
Sergeant Jacobs.

That's why the boy d*ed.

Because of my injury.

You see...

I injured my shoulder four months ago,
while on mission.

And I was scheduled to see a doctor

to determine if I was
fit for deployment.

I didn't see that doctor.

I deployed anyway.

I also led my team leader to believe

that my shoulder was healed.

And now there's a little
boy lying in the ground

who shouldn't be there.

Have you seen a doctor since
you've been in country?

No, I haven't.

You really should.

I myself have a bad rotator cuff.

Should have seen a doctor.

Now I'm looking at surgery.

That's too bad.

Mm, whatever. Could be worse, right?

So is there anything else you
want to add, to the report?

No, that's everything.

Okay. I really don't need
to wait on the video.

My review and recommendation is
that this issue is now closed.

The family of the deceased will receive

a condolence compensation in the
amount of , U.S. dollars.

No further action is
expected in this case.

Thanks for coming in.

- That's it?
- Yep.

With all due respect, a boy is dead.


Fortunes of w*r, Senior Chief.

But I expect you know
that better than me.

You really should let a
doctor look at that shoulder.


Hey, what you looking for?

Oh. (CHUCKLES) Sorry, I didn't,
I didn't know you were in here.

Some batteries, I...

NODs are just about due.

I got you.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Hey, how's Stella?


- Oh, God, that good?
- Uh...

No, it's just, uh,
she's been kind of avoiding me.

I don't know, she...

Last few conversations just
haven't really gone so well.

She thinks I'm being jealous,
and I'm not.

I'm just...

really not able to talk
to her about my life,

and so I'm sort of overdoing it on hers.

Hey, look, being out here is hard.

I haven't talked to Danny in a week.

And I'm starting to lose
my mind a little bit.


Or maybe it's the distance, or...

I don't know, maybe this life and love,
they don't...

they don't go together.


Maybe not.

I mean, maybe... you just need someone

who shares the same life, you know?

I mean, I mean "one" does.

You know, I'm gonna, uh, I'm...

I'm gonna let, I'm gonna let you

- get back to your stuff.
- Yeah, okay.

Now, this is... (BOTH LAUGH)


Don't believe you and I have
anything left to talk about.

Whether you like it or not,

your "fake story" has already allowed us

to take down some really bad people.

Funny you should say that.

Story I heard recently,
about your guys taking down

the sn*per who k*lled Salim Hakan...

You know,
the one you told me was still alive...

Anyway, I hear that in the
course of running him down,

one of your guys mis-tossed a grenade,

ended up k*lling some local kid.

stop me if any of this sounds familiar.

I don't know anything about it.


There, you see?

That's lying.

You know how I can tell?

'Cause it's so easy for you.

You got a story, then run with it.

I will, thanks.

What do you want, Paul?

My integrity back.

This story gonna give it to you?

Can't hurt.

So, A.K. village is here.

We're gonna helo in,
tuck back behind this ridge,

two klicks to the northeast, walk in.

All right.
That-that ridge is, what, meters?

Yeah, . It's not our problem, though.

We're gonna follow this dry
riverbed straight into town.

Piece of cake.

Famous last words.

Oh, if you've got a better plan,

I would love to hear it.

Drone in, death from above.

And lose the chance to interrogate him?

All right, everybody,
let's gather round.

Just got word

in from the higher-ups.

Good news is,

we are a go for Nouri Halani.


Yeah, bad news is, no ground op.

- Told you.
- Sorry, guys.

ERIC: At , a Predator drone fitted
with a Hellfire air-to-ground m*ssile

will be launched from
Jalalabad airfield.

We'll have the live feed piped
through up here, and everyone

is welcome to watch.

So we do all the damn work...

Running down the guys
who k*lled our brothers,

and some drone jockey in Nevada

gets to be the one to pull the trigger.

- It's better than nothing.
- SONNY: Well, the good news is,

we do get to watch a very
exciting episode of "k*ll TV."

(LAUGHS) I'll get some popcorn.



Eight minutes till the
drone's over the target.

Appreciate the update.

You have your meeting?

Oh, yeah.

Should I ask how it went?


Case closed.

Well, that's a good thing, right?


Closure, right?

There's just one more
person I got to talk to.


Like I said... closure.

You coming?



(SNIFFLES) Yeah...

You know,
I was pretty worried about you, before.

You didn't even know I was missing.

Still would've been worried about you.

Thank you.

To be honest with you,

I was a little worried about me, too.


But I guess all's well that ends well.

Well, it's not gonna end well

for Nouri Halani in about T-minus five.

At least we're getting
justice for Echo Team.

I just think there's something
else that's going on here, too.

I went and I saw Cutter.


How'd that go? He stonewall you?

Yeah, with velvet gloves.

Steve went to him,
to talk about these rare-earth metals.

Xeon, they've been looking
for this stuff for years.

All they came up with was traces.

There was nothing there.

I mean, Cutter even showed
me the-the field reports.

But you think he's lying.

Mandy, they knew each other.

Okay? They talked to each other.

A few days later, Steve is dead.


ERIC: Drone's over target,

in case anyone's interested.

CLAY: Oh, yeah, he got the old
security detail out front there.

there's the big guy right there.

Time to go night, night for good.

JASON: Wait a second, what is that?

Are those... is that a bus?

What's a bus doing there?

MANDY: Could be school kids on the way

to Khost, stopping in for the night.

RAY: Wait a minute, you think there

are kids in the compound?

There's a big madrasa
school up in Gardez.

Still civilians.

DAVIS: We've got hours

hover time,
so the drone can stay over the target

until tomorrow afternoon.

Ah, we wait a few hours, then,

we take him when the civilians leave.

If they leave.

I say we wait.

Even if they do, three hours?
That village is wide awake.


Yes, sir.

Well, there's that, huh?

- CLAY: That's it?
- JASON: Yeah. That's it.

That's it, we're scrubbing?

Command is not gonna
risk the possibility

of collateral damage.

- Not even for Nouri Halani.
- That's right.

ERIC: Copy that, sir.

Well, that's it, fellas.

Hope you all enjoyed the show.

SONNY: Well, I think I speak

for the rest of us, in that

tonight's episode of k*ll TV

really sucked.

Hold up! Hold up.

Oh, here we go with another
Hayes three-pointer.

JASON: Look, the brass sh*t us down

when, uh,
there was an option of a drone.

Now that there is no drone,

I say we go in.

Still the issue of civilian casualties.

No, we'll go in by foot.

We avoid whoever, and-and the kids,
and we take Nouri alive.

I mean, we got to see what
he's all about, right?

ERIC: I might actually be able

to make a case for
that with General Cook.

I mean, with no k*ll mission,
sure, we can,

but you guys are forgetting...

by the time you get there,
it'll be light.

Right. We're talking a daytime hit.

It's a daytime hit.

The Black Hawks are still
out with Charlie Team, yeah?

So, what are we gonna do,
take the bus in, like those kids did?

DEA's got Hueys, right?

Yeah, a couple, actually.

Let's call them up, let's use them.

I mean, I want Nouri, we all do,
but that's Taliban country.

I mean, there's not a fighting age male

within a hundred kilometers

who doesn't sympathize with the Halanis.

If you guys get caught on the ground...

Then, we better move fast, right?

Ray, you prepped the mission?

- Ready to go.
- Ready to go.

You sure you want to do this?

Well, ask me again over
breakfast in about six hours.

taking Nouri Halani isn't gonna be easy.

He's survived for
years as a fugitive.

First from the Soviets,
then, from Kabul, now us.

Abad told me he uses
surrogates whenever he travels.

Surrogates? You mean doubles?

just make sure you get the right one.

I'll get him,
and I'm serious about breakfast.

You know, we got to still
talk about Cutter and Steve.

Yeah, I mean, I'll be here.

You just better make it back.


TOC, this is Bravo ,
we're passing Firebird.

Copy, Bravo ,
no movement outside the target building.

JASON: Copy that.

There it is:
bad guy's home away from home.

Bravo , you've got movement outside

one of the smaller buildings.

Just up ahead on the left.


Copy that, TOC.
I've got three noncombatants.

Look like students,
up for morning prayer.

That's less than
yards from the target.

Less than ideal.

Look, less talk. Let's get to work.

Bravo ,

you have multiple unknowns

headed your direction.



Bravo ,
we've got movement coming towards you.

Working it.

seconds till entry.


(g*nf*re STOPS)

Cover me!

Burn it!

Don't sh**t!

Somebody cuff him.

I'm on it.



(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

Bravo , be aware,
you've got three squirters at the back.

One of them could be Nouri.

Bravo , Bravo , on me.



I've got two squirters heading north.

I got two more squirters.

Last man.


CLAY: Is it him?

It's not him.

TOC, this is Bravo . Negative
I.D. on the squirters.

Negative I.D. on Nouri Halani.
He's using doubles.

Roger that.

RAY: This is Bravo .

We've got squirters pinned down,
two of them,

possibly Nouri Halani.

JASON: This is Bravo .

We're approaching from the south.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

(g*nf*re STOPS)

RAY: We've got Halani doubles,
left and right!

I got right, you got left!


RAY: TOC, this is Bravo .

Negative I.D. on our end.

Yeah. Jackpot. TOC, this is Bravo .

I pass Camaro.


That's it.



Bravo ,

confirming positive
I.D. on Nouri Halani.

JASON: TOC, this is Bravo .

Passing Eldorado. Compound secure.

Roger, . Exfil helos are en route,

on the X in five.


What'd he say?

Hey! What'd you say?

- What'd he say?
- He said he hopes...

he hopes we turn into black dust.

May God make this

your day of judgment.

Echo Team. Echo Team!

You took out six of my guys.


Six of my brothers!

What is Echo Team?


You put a hit on them in Jalalabad

two months ago.



Your deaths...

- are always welcome.
- Oh, yeah?

Tell me about Cutter.

- The Englishman?
- Yeah, the Englishman.



How did you know I was here?

How do you know about Cutter?!

My brother Abad.

He must have told you where to find me.

He said he was sick.

Where the hell did these guys come from?

Must've put out an APB,

alerted the village.

Hell, the entire valley.

Bravo , be advised,
you've got several dozen hostiles

approaching at speed from the northeast.

A hundred, meters.

Copy, TOC. Exfil.

Helos coming in.

ISR spots guys moving on our six.

Smoke 'em!


JASON: Moving up quick! Let's go!




PILOT: m*ssile lock!

Countermeasures! Brace!

PILOT: Flare! Flare!

