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13x08 - Black Tide

Posted: 11/30/21 17:56
by bunniefuu
Last on Dallas:

Bobby, a Westar tanker
has just had some sort of accident.

- It's leaking oil all over the gulf.
- That's a damn shame.

I want you to find out what happened.
I want you to find out now.

I'd spend a lot more time at the office
if it were a more pleasant place to be.

It's not a health spa, Cliff. What do you
want, a pina colada and a palm tree?

Will you really pay a small fortune
to get rid of Cliff?

That's the most serious offer
I've made to anybody in my life.

Surprise. Hey.

Please don't do this.

I think I can make
my own decisions, Mother.

SARAH: Ewing and Mallory
are not our real names.

We took them in honor of the men
who saved our lives.

Are you sure?

James, no.

I'd like to propose a toast to J.R. Ewing,
my daddy.

Is this true, Vanessa? Is he my son?

James had no right to say that.

Is it true?

Am I his father?

There's no backing out, Mother.
It's all out in the open.

Yes, J.R. You're his father.

Oh, this is great.

Years of sticking it to Ray,
calling him half-breed.

Now you've got your own illegitimate son.

You've got my congrats too. Mm-hm.

It's a miracle that none of your other little
bastards haven't shown up before now.

That's enough, Cliff, back off.

After all these years, you must have
knocked up half the women in Dallas.

That's enough. Shut up.

Come on, Bobby.
You know he deserves this.

- This is family business. Now get out.
CLIFF: Oh, yes. Keep it in the family.

- The Ewing's secrets and dirt and lies.
BOBBY: All right, that's it. Come on.

Take it out on the Barnes.
That's Ewing tradition.

You're being a jerk, Cliff.

CLIFF: Well, now,
you're no Little Miss Nun, April.

As I recall, you were in his stable too.

Oh, my God.

Vanessa, how could you keep this secret
for all these years?

That's a conversation I won't have
in a restaurant.

Come on, Mother.
Where's your sense of humor?

You know how much this is upsetting me.
How dare you be so glib?

I'm sorry, you're right.

But be honest.
You wanted him to find out someday.

That's not true, James.

They why'd you name me James Richard,
J. R?

- James Richard?
JAMES: That's right.

You wanted it, Mother.

You wanted him to know
because you're still in love with him.

And you hoped, someday,
you'd be together with him again.

You think you're being very wise,
don't you?

Vanessa, it's not the end of the world.
I'm glad I found out.

Hot damn, I should have guessed
from the very start.

You planned this whole thing all along,
didn't you?

Who are you talking to?

I'm talking to Vanessa.

James is right.
You are still in love with J.R.

And this is your way
of stealing him away from me.

I don't believe all I'm hearing
about you trying to keep this a secret.

You knew how J.R.
Would love another son.

And this is how you're gonna
get him away from me.

- And you're just going for it.
- Cally, it's not a plan, I swear it.

- Darling, I think you're way off base.
- Am I?

I'd give that marriage
about another six minutes.

Why are you so optimistic?

CLIFF: Whoa. Look at that.
MICHELLE: What's going on?

I don't know, but I'm glad I kept my tickets,
because it looks like there's more show.

You're crazy if you think
you can get away with this.

What are you talking about?

If this was deliberate, I'll destroy
your company. I'll see that you both hang.

You're not making any sense.

The Coast Guard
gave me full confirmation.

Would you...? Get that out of my face.
What are you talking about?

My supertanker,
completely filled with heavy crude...

...was rammed dead-on
by a Ewing Oil tanker.

- What?
McKAY: Oil is leaking out all over the gulf...

...and you are having dinner?

You're out of your mind. Ewing Oil
doesn't own a tanker. Never has.

Don't give me that crap.

You never heard of the Faraway Hill
out of Maracaibo, Venezuela?

I said we don't have a tanker.

- Oh. Bobby, thank God you're here.
- We came in as soon as we heard the news.

Unfortunately, I had to hear about it
from McKay. It's true, isn't it?

We've been on the phone to the Coast Guard
and listening in on the emergency channel.

The mayor called, the governor called,
and every newspaper in the country.

Call Security
and have them clean out the lobby.

It's already a mob scene down there.

Bobby, I didn't even know
we owned a tanker.

It was a surprise for me too.
What's the very latest report?

Well, the crew rescue is complete,
but both ships are in serious trouble.

Bob, I gotta talk to you.

We cannot leave that ship or that oil.

BOBBY: Why didn't you tell me
you bought a tanker?

J. R: No big thing.
I needed it to finish the Shaughnessy deal.

Well, now it looks like
it's gonna finish us.

You're overreacting.
I'm gonna take care of this whole thing.

I'd love to dump this in your lap.

Every time you take care of something,
it comes back, so just stay out of my way.

- Well, how are you gonna handle it?
- Just watch me.

And you should keep your fingers crossed
that this oil slick doesn't hit the coast.

Well, the first thing,
we gotta save that tanker.

Lose that ship,
and it's a big financial setback.

Right now I'm more concerned
about our liabilities, our reputation...

...and that oil spill.

Very well,
but what about our profits?

To hell with the profits.
Right now, we've got bigger problems.

And there's one way to solve them.
Stonewall. Accept no responsibility.

Contain the damage
and blame McKay for absolutely everything.

Bobby, it's the governor.

I'll take it.

J. R: Get Al Halliday on the phone for me.
SLY: Yes, sir.

J.R., he's on the line.

Halliday, J.R. Ewing here.
You know why I'm calling.

Yeah, I heard the news.
You must be sweating b*ll*ts.

You're taking the fall on this.

You're the one who sold me
that piece of tin.

Now, now, read your contract, J.R.
I sold it to you as is.

You're taking the fall,
or you're a dead man.

Well, now, you wouldn't be threatening
my life, would you, J. R?

You could go to jail for that.

Ha, ha. No, I never use physical v*olence.

When I set out to destroy somebody,
I tear their lives apart piece by piece.

When I'm finished with you...'re gonna beg me
to put you out of your misery.

What exactly do you want me to do?

My lawyer is gonna draw up a document
for us to sign.

Your two-bit company
is taking full legal responsibility...

...for whatever happened.

Don't worry, I'll cover your losses.

You want me to cut my own throat?

J. R:
And one more thing...

...I want you to contact the Faraway Hill
on a private, non-emergency channel.

I want that deadbeat crew of yours
to save that ship at any cost...

...even if it means dumping more oil
into the gulf.

Why did you follow me home?
You won't make me change what I think.

Cally, I need your help.

Help you to do what?

Haven't you caused
enough trouble already?

But why are you so upset?
I'm the one who's about to lose a son.

Because you're the mother of J.R.'s child,
and I'm not.

That puts my marriage in danger.

I mean, he's already looking at you
in a new way. I can see it in his eyes.

I don't believe this.

You're young, you're beautiful,
you're already married to J.R.

You've got everything going for you,
yet you're attacking me.

You do love him, don't you?

Yes. I do love him.

But our relationship was over
20 years ago...

...and the last thing I want
is for my son to move into his house.

Then take him back to Europe.

I don't have that power.

But you can make it happen, Cally.

You're my last chance.

You're the only one who can talk J.R.
Into turning James away.

This is a trick too.

You're hoping that we'll fight over this
and that he'll push me away.

Now you get out of my house!

If J.R. Chooses a boy
he's only known for a few days...

...over his own wife...

...then you don't have much
of a marriage.

You're not listening. I've got millions
of dollars sunk in this company.

I am not gonna let my bucks
pay for J.R.'s screwup.

Mouthing off is not gonna save money.
Fast action is.

- Media. Look, I'll take care of the media.
- I'm on top of that already, Cliff.

Legal. That's my specialty.

You think I'd trust your legal ability?

I'm seeing Harv Smithfield
later on tonight.

I've got some good ideas
about cleanup.

I have taken care of that too.

J.R., without admitting guilt...

...Ewing Oil's gonna commit
to a $50-million cleanup effort.

J. R: Are you out of your mind?
Let McKay pay for it.

Or the Texas emergency fund. Not us.

I don't care. I'm tired of oilmen
being thought of as greedy and uncaring.

Now, it's time we show them
what we're capable of.

You're showing me
you're capable of gross stupidity.

You think any other big company
would do this? Hell, no.

That's it, I'm leaving.

If you're not gonna include me on anything,
then I'm out of here.

Is there anything I could do?
I'm a quick learner.

Listen, the only thing you'll learn
around here is that your name is dog dirt...

...if it isn't Ewing.

J. R:
Come on in, son.

Well, there's one bright spot.

Whatever this disaster costs us,
it's gonna cost McKay 10 times more.

Remember that we're under siege...

...from the public, from the press,
from our stockholders.

Until all the facts are in...

...we have to prove to them
that Ewing Oil is entirely at fault.

We have to create the impression
that Westar is the innocent victim.

Now, let's go.

Our battleground isn't just out there
on the gulf...'s on the public-relations front.

Now get in to the trenches.
Come on, now, move it.

Move faster than that.
The oil is spreading faster than that.


- Who the hell are you?
- Excuse me for barging in, Mr. McKay...

...but I'm the man that sold Ewing Oil
the Faraway Hill.

Al "The Pal" Halliday at your service.
And just in the nick of time.

What do you want?

Well, it occurs to me right now
might be an excellent time to retire.

There's an island just west of Tahiti
with my name on it.

You wanna get to the point?

If Westar will just take
a few inexpensive tankers off my hands...

...AI "Your Pal" Halliday will give you,
as a special bonus...

...some real interesting facts
on Ewing Oil's sad little ship.

J. R:
Ah, 6 a.m. Is not my idea of bedtime.

Why don't we get three to four hours
of sleep and meet?

Why don't you just shut up
and get some rest?

J. R:
Oh, hello, Cally. You're up early.

I haven't been to bed.
I've been up all night.

Ah, there's no point
in both of us worrying.

I'm not talking about business.
I'm talking about James.

Yeah, he's quite a boy, isn't he?

He spent half the night watching us
dig out of this mess.

You're really so pleased, aren't you,
having a new son?

Well, why not?
Seems to be a chip off the old block.

Ever thought how John Ross will feel?

Oh, he's gonna love
having an older brother.

After thinking he's your only son
and heir for all these years?

How would you feel
if it happened to you?

And why don't you just say goodbye
to James and trade Christmas cards?

He's never been a part of your life,
and you've never been a part of his.

Maybe I aim to change that.

You don't mind
that this is gonna hurt our marriage.

J. R: I'm tired.
I really don't need this right now.

Now that Vanessa is the mother
of your child...

...are you gonna let her walk away
or try to keep her here too?

I love you, darling.
I told you that a thousand times.

What if I have a baby?
Will you even care?

James is my son.
There's nothing I can do about that.

And I do care about Vanessa.

But you are my wife,
as I've told you over and over again.

Now, I am tired, darling.
My business world is falling apart.

And instead of the love
and support I need...

...I come home to a load of crap.


Where have you been?

Didn't you realize how worried I'd be?

I've been walking around town,
just trying to...

...figure out what I'm gonna do.

- You didn't quit?
- No, not exactly.

Why not?

I mean, this is the perfect time.

They're in deep trouble.
Why are you holding back?

No, I'm not holding back.

I'm delighted
that J.R. Is getting what he deserves.

It's just Bobby.
I mean, he's on the ropes.

You don't owe Bobby anything.

He took me in as partner.

I don't know. He took my money.
He took a lot of money...

...and then proceeded to sh**t down
every deal I brought to him, but...

Come on. What does a guy like you
need a partner for?

For major deals.

You got a great partner,
two plus two equals five.


But you know, what the hell.
I mean...

...a lot of people in this city
do business with Cliff Barnes.

I mean,
anybody would do business with me.

So I will quit today.

I need to figure out a way
to do it in style.

I like your attitude.

Among other things.

Don't you think it's time for a little
early-morning candlelight and roses?

Never know what could happen.

Ha, ha. I've been waiting for you to say that
for a long time.

My body is weary and my mind is full.

You take my bed...

...and I'll take a rain check, okay?

You're the boss.

Alex, I'm not gonna tell you again.

I can't paint.

I'm not in the mood.

No, I won't come to the loch today.

Alex, please.
I know you're only trying to help...

...but I just need some time
by myself, okay?

I'll start painting again as soon as I can,
I promise.


Cally, come here.

Let me turn this off.

Honey, I know how miserable you are
about James and Vanessa.

Don't take it out on the guy
who's been a friend to you.

Did I sound that bad?

Well, maybe I better call him back
and apologize, then.

That's all right.

I think Alex has a pretty good idea
what living with J.R. Does to people.

He won't blame you for being upset.

I hope not.

You really like him, don't you?

Of course I like him.

You know what I mean.
There's chemistry there.

He's helping me with my art career, Lucy,
that's it.

Uh-huh. And you don't feel
any special feelings for him at all?


At least, I don't think so.

Well, if you're smart, you'll keep Alex
in your back pocket anyway.

It'll be a good insurance policy
for the day you finally see J.R.'s true colors.

I'm scared, Lucy.

I'm afraid I'm gonna lose J.R.

Yes. I'd like the number
for Mr. Carter McKay.

J. R: And that sums up Ewing Oil's position
on the oil spill.

- That's a cut. Thank you, gentlemen.
- Don't thank us. It was our pleasure.

Any time the network needs an update,
call on us.

Sure, Mr. Ewing.
Fellas, let's pack it up.

Uh, we'll take a long lunch,
then head over to Westar.

BOBBY: Wait. You're gonna do
an interview with McKay?

No. Westar has called
a full press conference.

Everybody gets the same feed.
No exclusives.

It's one big noisy pig roast.

Well, at least the world knows
our side now.

We're handling this spill
the best way we can.

Wish I knew what McKay
was gonna tell them.

We're lucky we don't have
any stockholders to kiss up to.

We have some
very nervous customers, J.R.

If they dump us on account of this disaster,
we could be looking for work.

Maybe we'll be the new Huntley-Brinkley.

By looking at you lately,
I think we'll just have salad tonight.

Lighten up, Ewing.
They're gonna be just as tough on Westar.

You just watch McKay squirm.

I don't trust Carter McKay.

He's capable of anything.

Here at Westar, Carter McKay
is about to step to the podium.

So far, McKay's given no indication
as to the issues he'll address...

...or to the directions
his comments will take.

Faced with the most serious oil spill
ever to thr*aten the coastline...

...of the contiguous 48 states,
it will certainly be interesting to see... much of the blame Westar
and Carter McKay will assume.

Fasten your seat belt.
Here comes the hot air.

McKAY: We all acknowledge
the seriousness of this oil spill.

I'm very proud of the Westar employees
who have been working round the clock... help save the crews
of the two stricken vessels...

...containing the damage...

...and helping to prevent the leakage
of an additional million barrels of oil...

...which truly
would have made this disaster...

...a hundred times worse.

Yeah, you got to admire McKay's style.

He's taking an enormous amount of credit
for oil he didn't spill.

Now, despite the initial evidence
that the tanker collision...

...was due
to the Ewing Oil tanker's faulty radar...

...Westar was fully prepared
to accept its responsibility...

...for this terrible situation.

But some new facts have come to light.

I have here the transfer documents
between Ewing Oil and Halliday Shipping...

...which I'm going to distribute
at the end of the press conference.

I'm sure you're going to share
my horror to learn...

...that the Ewing Oil tanker
had an unseaworthy rating of 1.2.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are talking about
a ship that could barely stay afloat.

But that's not all.

The Faraway Hill...

...despite its accident record at sea...

...also had a captain who had been cited
on numerous occasions...

...for alcohol abuse.

All of this
was obviously the knowledge...

...of the greedy profitmongers
at Ewing Oil...

...who now must bear
the full responsibility...

...for the black tide which is headed
toward our beautiful Texas coast.

Needless to say, Westar will continue
to do its part to help contain the spill.

But I think we all agree
that something must be done.

And to that end,
I want to introduce a man...

...who intends to be
the standard bearer... this fight against evil
and corruption in the oil industry.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a man
who once was part of Ewing Oil...

...until he could not stand the hypocrisy.

Mr. Cliff Barnes.

CLIFF: My attorneys are, uh,
at this very moment...

...delivering a dissolution of partnership
to Ewing Oil.

I am, uh...

I'm deeply ashamed for ever having
any association with Ewing Oil.

And, uh... prove my sincerity
to the cause of cleaning up...

...not just the oil spill,
but the oil industry...

...I plan to pledge both my energy
and my personal fortune... the creation
of a blue-ribbon committee... investigate
the Faraway Hill disaster...

...and, aided by the EPA 's
criminal division... cooperation
with the Justice Department and the FBI...

...those culpable will pay.

That's my pledge to all of you.

WOMAN: You do not have permission
to be here. You have to leave.

MAN 1: Yes. Mr. Ewing.
MAN 2: Mr. Ewing.

Is it true you knew about the bad rating?

Were you aware of its captain's drinking?

- Phyllis.
- Please, Mr. Ewing.

Security will be here to get rid of them.

- Mr. Ewing, one question.
- I have no comment.

J. R:
Yeah. Yes, l...

I have to get back to you.

Any more secrets?
Something else you haven't told me?

You heard the worst, I swear.

How could you buy a tanker like that?
Why didn't you have it checked?

- I had my back to the wall.
- The entire world thinks we're at fault.

They want our heads on a silver platter.

Bob, we're gonna fight our way
out of this.

If McKay can dig up dirt on us,
we can sure as hell dig up dirt on him.

MAN 3:
Come on. One question, please.

You got a lot of nerve coming in here,
you double-crossing snake.

Just came to say goodbye.

Jackie will have my office packed up
by tonight.

Why did you do it, Cliff?

Because I got tired
of being Ewing canon fodder.

That's it? That's the reason?

You know we've had problems
with this partnership since we started.

If you got problems, you talk about them.

You don't grandstand on television
and drag us through the mud.

I did what I had to do.

You did what you did to save your hide.
You're dead meat here. I'll see to that.

I'll tell you, the only thing dead around here
is Ewing Oil.

I think I can smell it now.

- Get out.
CLIFF: With pleasure.

And stay away from the ranch,
and stay away from Christopher.

Our friendship is over.

I knew you'd be unhappy, Bobby.

You? I'm gonna get you.

At least I won't have to look
at that ugly picture anymore.

You know, it's not too late.

You can still leave with me.

- When are you going?
- Tomorrow.

You're still angry with me?

I'm not angry.

I'm just worried.

Look at your timing.

Five minutes after you tell J.R.
He's your father...

...his whole business world collapses.

Do you really want to get involved
in all this?

I like the excitement.

Turns me on.

I guess I haven't been a very good mother,
have I?

Every time I pointed east,
you went west.

Every line I drew, you crossed over.

You were a great mother.

You taught me to think for myself.
Follow my instincts.

And now my instincts tell me
that you should stay here with me.


Me stay here?


It's our chance to become the family
we always should have been.

I have a life, James.

In Europe.

You have a social life.

You have parties.

Yachts and racing season.
Formal balls and formal gowns.

What you don't have there
is a man that you really love.

He's here in Dallas.

J.R. Is married.

So what?

She's young and she's very pretty.

He'll get tired of playing sugar daddy.

He wants a woman he can respect.
He wants mature love.

Can't you sense it?

I can.

I can't get between them.

If you want something bad enough,
you fight for it.

You can win. I know it.

I won't do it.

We belong together.

You and me and J.R.

It's too late
for a happy childhood, James.

The die was cast a long time ago.

We both have
the same missing piece, Mother...

...and his name is J.R. Ewing.

You can go back to Europe if you want to.
I'm gonna stay and fight for what's ours.

You have a lot to learn.

And I love you very much.

Come on. Let's go for a swim.

Cliff's moved out,
but I'm sure you know that already.

I'm not looking for Cliff.

It's J.R. I want.

Michelle, what are you doing here?

- You know.
- Know what?

You promised me the big payoff
for getting rid of Cliff, remember?

- You've gotta be kidding.
- I did it, didn't I?

What you did was drive him
into the enemy camp, darling.

I didn't think you were that stupid.

I want my money.


We had a deal.

And you screwed it up.

You're not so bright yourself, J.R.

If Cliff forms this investigation committee,
he's gonna stick it to you and stick it hard.

- He'll never get it off the ground.
- He will.

He's motivated, he's angry.
You're his reason for living.

He wants to sink you deeper
than that tanker.

And you're gonna help him?

Think of Cliff as a m*ssile
pointed at your head...

...only it's my finger on the button.

You made a bad mistake, J.R.


Great to be in Dallas. I grew up
in Rhode Island, which is not a state.

It's a Triscuit. It's this big.

It's so small, whenever I got pulled over by
a cop, I would go, "Connecticut." Ha, ha.

Catch me now. I'm a fugitive.


Okay, here we go.
Stallone in the movie Alien. Here we go.

Yeah, that was re...

What the hell was that?




Thank you so much.


I guess this wasn't such a good idea.

I was just trying to take your mind
off your troubles for a little bit.

- I appreciate the thought.
- Is everything really that bad?

Well, the dollar loss is pretty staggering.

Cleanup is expensive and impossible.

Press is trying to lynch me, and the federal,
state, and local authorities...

...are fighting to see who can put the noose
around my neck.

Is J.R. Any help?

I'd like to hang him for what he did.

But it's Cliff that bothers me the most.

I never thought he'd go this far.

BOBBY: He withdrew all his funds
from Ewing Oil today.


We were cash poor to begin with.
Now we are deep in the lurch.

I can't believe Cliff would do this.

If you're gonna put the knife in,
might as well twist it.

MAN: I'm like,
"Wow, there's a chunk of info for me."

- April, what are you doing?
- I'm writing you a check...

...with a lot of zeros.
Give it a few days to clear...

...because I'm gonna have to
transfer the funds.


Bobby, I love you,
and I will do anything that I can to help.

I don't need this yet.

But even if I did, I can't take it from you.

Well, that's up to you.

But everything that I have is yours.

Including my heart.

I think I'm entitled to more
than just a thank you over the phone.

I figure you owe me
for shoving Cliff your way.

What did you have in mind?

Money, and plenty of it.

You should learn to cut your deals
in advance.

Why should I give you anything now?

Because you're a smart man,
and I'm a valuable asset.

I like you, Michelle.
You're sharp and you're hungry.

I won't insult you by offering money.

What's 50 or 100 grand anyway?
It's chicken feed.

Not to me.

I'm gonna give you something
that money can't buy.

You can call on me
for one favor. Any time.


And what if I ask for that favor in cash?

It would prove
you're a nickel-and-dime player...

...and you don't belong in the game.

Okay, I'll take it.

But believe me,
I'll call on you for something big.

I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

Never mind about us.
We've just heard about this tanker business.

- How bad is it?
- It's pretty bad, Clayton.

Well, your mom wants to fly right home.
She's packing up now.

Uh, Clayton, would you do me a favor?

Would you keep Mom away
for a few more days...

...until the worst is over
and I can stabilize the situation?

- All right. If that's the way you want it.
- Thanks.

Say, listen. You left for Pride, Texas,
you ended up in Kalispell, Montana.

Does this adventure of yours
have a happy ending?

Well, let's just say
we got a surprise for you all.

Especially J.R.

Well, he's got a surprise for you too.

I'll see you in a few days. Good luck.

Thanks, Clayton. Bye.


- Cally, is J.R. In his room?
- Uh, yeah, but...

Come here.
I wanna show you something.

- Hey, Bob, what's up?
- I'll show you what's up.

See what you've done?

This is only the beginning, J.R.

- I'll call the sheriff.
- And what are you gonna tell him?

That bleeding-heart idiots...

...dumped crude oil
and dead birds in our pool. What else?

You know what he's gonna say?
He's gonna say there's people out there...

...who blame Ewing Oil
for the mess in the gulf.

And he can probably narrow this down
to about five million suspects.

Well, McKay's tanker dumped oil
into the gulf too.

Why didn't somebody
tar and feather his ranch?

You don't get it.
You just don't get it, J.R.

J.R., we're losing control
of this situation.

When the average guy is angry enough
to do something like this...

...we gotta try and find a way
to make amends.

Well, maybe I have the answer.

Maybe I don't deserve to be at Ewing Oil.

I'm getting out, Bob.

I'm leaving the company.

It's all yours.


That's a better joke than I heard
at that comedy club last night.

I'm offering to resign.
What's so funny about that?


That you're trying to be a martyr, J.R.,
and you're such a bad actor.

- It's not a laughing matter.
- You really think I'm gonna let you quit?

Let me be the fall guy
so you can dodge the heat? Uh-uh.

Well, if that's what you think, go ahead.

We are in this together
until death do us part.

I wish you'd find
a less morbid turn of phrase.

If you'll excuse me,
I gotta get back to town.

Not until you've arranged
to have this mess cleaned up.

I don't care what you think.
I had a right to do what I did.

Bobby trusted you.

He went to bat for you countless times,
and you pulled out at the worst time.

- Did he send you?
- Don't be stupid.

- Because this is none of your business.
- You betrayed the man I love.

Oh. Sounds like a country-western song.
You wanna hum me a few bars?

Why are you being so nasty?

CLIFF: Because we were friends
until you started taking sides.

Blame me for the end of our friendship,
Bobby for the end of your partnership.

Don't take any of it on yourself.

Hey, why don't you
just cool your jets, sis?

Stay out of this, Shelly.

- That's not my style.
APRIL: No, I guess it isn't.

Look, do me a favor.
Send my stuff over here.

I'm moving in with Cliff.

Talk about taking sides.

Listen, we both bought cruise tickets.
Too bad you chose the wrong boat.

J. R:
I've heard all your reasons.

I still think I should've known about James
from the start.

I made my choice a long time ago.
I had to stand by it.


I told you, J.R.

Because a lot of people
would have been hurt.

I started to tell you in Vienna.

Until you heard I was married.

Until I began I feel
all those old feelings towards you.

Feelings I didn't want to feel again.

You ever think
you might have been wrong?

That there was a better way to handle it?

I don't like regrets.

I should have married you, not Sue Ellen.

I should have been allowed
to raise James as my son.

Please don't do this to me, J.R.
I'm just about to leave.

- Don't leave.

Why should I stay?

The damage is done.
You've got James under your spell.

James is here
because of something inside of him.

You're seducing him, J.R.

The boy is desperate for a father
and you're making all the right noises.

Then stay and see him through it.

Damn it,
you owe it to me to stick around... least till we work this through.

- No.
- Yes.


Don't do this to me again.

Get away from the car, J.R.

You stole the life
we could have had together.

You stole 20 years
I could have had with my son.

You have him now.

Don't you dare hurt him, J.R.

He's all I've got.

I gotta tell you,
I don't like what I'm hearing from you.

Well, we don't like what happened
in the gulf.

Now, my retailers are starting to talk
about boycotting refined Ewing crude.

Seems they're already getting flack
at the pumps.

Hey, is it really that bad,
or are the rest of you just getting edgy?

We're taking a lot of heat. And some of it
is already reflecting onto our refineries.

That's why we met as a group
before coming here tonight.

- To take a vote.
- Whether to stay in business with you.

Wait a minute.

You can't cut Ewing Oil loose.

We lose your business,
we're gonna go under.

We're aware of that.
We're gonna give you time...

But the public doesn't want
just Ewing Oil's head.

They want the heads of everyone
doing business with Ewing Oil.

And there's Cliff Barnes
and his so-called blue-ribbon commission.

If it gets off the ground.

If it gets off the ground,
more heads are gonna roll.

Look, my grandfather built my company.

My father ran it,
and now it's mine to protect.

Either you get out of this jam you're in,
or I'm jumping ship.

I think that goes for the rest of us.

Yeah, it'll be interesting living here.
I'm not sure it's a good idea.

J. R: Well, we got a lot of years
to catch up on.

JAMES: Oh, granted, you're my father,
but we're still strangers.

You're learning about me, aren't you?

JAMES: Yeah, I've learned
you're real tough under fire.

Ha, ha. You ain't seen nothing yet.

And I've also learned
modesty is not your strong suit.

Son, you're in Texas.
You'll get used to it. You want a drink?

No, I'll unpack first.

Oh, it's upstairs. Last door on the right.

And, James...'s good to have you here.

The last couple of days have been hell.

You're the one thing
that's kept my spirits up.

I'm glad you decided to stick around.

It felt like I had choose
between you and my mother.

- Boy, I didn't like that feeling.
- Just see it as the best of both worlds.

Oh, don't get me wrong,
I'm glad I found you.

It's just that it's gonna come down
to making a choice.

You know, either going back to Europe
or putting some roots down here.

Well, I want you here.
I'll be dead honest about that.

Yeah, it's just too bad you and my mother
couldn't make things work.

Oh, never mind. Ha, ha.
I'll just settle in and we'll have some fun.

Are you moving in?

Cally, don't look so down.
My mother's gone back to Vienna.

Of course, now you'll be seeing
a lot more of me.

Well, in that case, um,
welcome to Southfork.

Thanks. I hope to be around here
for a while.

Cally, there's one more thing.

Do I call you Mom?

Next on Dallas:

Maybe it's time
to think about marriage.

- You don't mind me being at Ewing Oil?
- As long as you remember who runs it.

- My lawyers have a little something for you.
- On what ground?

For the total cost of the cleanup.

APRIL: If people deserve each other,
it's you and Cliff.

- Sounds like an insult.
- That's the way it was intended.

I think you've finally succeeded
in burying Ewing Oil once and for all.

I'm already backing Cliff.

There must be some way
I could change your mind.