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13x22 - The Smiling Cobra

Posted: 11/30/21 18:18
by bunniefuu
Last on Dallas:

Welcome to Austria.

And the best time in my life.

I swore till death do us part,
not once but twice.

I don't wanna hear the only answer
to my marriage problem is a divorce.

For better and for worse, here I am.

Welcome home.

You're supposed to be destroying her.

I can only take her to the edge.

You're the one
who's gonna push her off.

Your suspicions about Mr. Ward
don't pan out.

The man in that room is Arlen Ward.

- We own this property.
- You're the one I wanna see.

Demolition order for the warehouse,
must come down in 30 days.

What's this all about?

Power. The kind of power
that Stephanie Rogers has helped me grab.

You get out that copy.

I'll tell you, it appears our Miss Rogers
kept a very, very personal diary.

Arlen didn't have an alibi
for the time that man was k*lled.



Oh, lordy lord, this is wonderful.

The secret diary
of Miss Stephanie Rogers.

The little witch is gonna get spanked
with her own broomstick.


She didn't.


Oh, damn.


Go ahead. Make my wife's day.

It will help explain to her
why I'm late for dinner tonight.

Schmidt, you're an hour early
for our appointment.

You don't know Zelda. She's a tyrant
when it comes to her schedule.

I don't give a damn about your problems.
Just give me news.

I'm real sorry about the vase.
I bumped my hip on the desk.

Just give me the news
or did you screw that up?

I may be clumsy around furniture,
but pushing paper is my specialty.

Everything went like you wanted it,
Mr. Ewing. Everything.

Did you sh**t them down?

Their whole operation.
It'll cost them a fortune.

Well, I knew I had a reason
to have faith in you.

Here you go.

That's 500 more than we agreed on.

Take Mrs. Schmidt to dinner on me.

Oh, she would never go for that.
Tonight's meatloaf.

Ah. Well, just remember,
marriage is like a salad.

A real man has to learn
to keep his tomatoes on top.

I got some reading to do.
I'll see you around.


Well, let's see what you're up to now,


JAMES: Hey, Cally.
You know, it's getting pretty late.

I don't wanna go home. Not yet.

Well, isn't there some way
you can put this behind you?

I guess I made a bad mistake
going on that Lizzie Burns talk show.

Now I feel just plain hopeless.

Oh, it wasn't that bad.

You heard those ladies
talk about their marriage.

They were pathetic.

- So was I.
- Hey, you're different from them.

That's just the point. I'm not.

I'm just the same.

I married J.R. With my eyes closed.

He loves you.

Oh, I think he's been trying hard
to make things work.

But at heart, he sees me as some kind
of cute little geisha girl.

Someone to make him happy in bed
and pour his drinks...

...and look the other way while he does
whatever he feels like doing.

Dance with me, James, please.

Well, I suppose there's one difference
between me and those ladies.

I've got a husband who's at least
trying to make things work.

Right. And that's good.

And I've also got you.

I mean, I don't think I could make it through
another day at Southfork without your help.

Cally, there's something
I think I should let you know.

- L...
- You're not moving out?

Cally, J.R. Is in my face all the time.

You can't go. I need you there.

I need your support.

I'm sorry. I really am.

But you can't leave me alone. Not now.

Won't you please try and stick it out
a little while longer, for me?

I guess I can hang in there
for the time being, for you.

Thanks, James.

That means a lot to me.

I don't see how you can be so calm
about this.

Not only are you out of pocket
for all your development costs...

...but the value of that property
has been substantially diminished, my dear.

- It's all right, Bobby, really.
- I don't get it.

You cut a deal with McKay.

His main job is to protect you. The minute
your back is turned, he sells you out.

It doesn't make sense.

Unzip me, please.

I'm gonna stop by McKay's office
myself tomorrow...

...and see how he responds
to a little subtle pressure.

Excuse me while I slip into something
a little more you-know-what.

I'm also worried about you.

But why?

Well, losing a fortune
is not a reason to smile...'s something to fight against.

I'm just not too concerned.

And why not?

Are you forgetting that I have
a very powerful fiancé?


And he'll get me that variance I need
by hook or by crook.

Well, it may...

Well, it may not be that easy.

You're not getting performance anxiety,
are you?


I see all of this as a blessing in disguise.

I only went into business with Michelle...

...because our relationship
was such a mess.

And now, I'm kind of happy
to drop the whole project.

I don't wanna be married
to a five-year development deal.

I wanna be married to you.

You really don't care
who scuttled your deal, do you?

Of course, I do.

But I'm a little more curious than furious.

Okay, fine. You be the cool one.

I wanna know who did it,
and I wanna know why.

That's my man.

For richer or poorer.

MAN [ON TV]: Last night's gala occasion
was the annual governor's ball.

Here is the governor
and his wife on the dais.

And beside him, the guest of honor,
Mr. Cliff Barnes.

Makes you wanna puke.

On Mr. Barnes' left, his political advisor
and constant companion...

...the woman they call the king-maker,
Stephanie Rogers.

Rumors have been flying around
the smoke-filled rooms that Cliff Barnes...

...has a chance of becoming
the governor's handpicked replacement.

Give me the clicker, honey.

We asked Miss Rogers her opinion
in an earlier interview.

Oh, boy. Last thing I wanna do
is hear Miss Rogers' opinion on anything.

Everywhere I look, Barnes.

The day is ruined
I haven't even put my slippers on yet.

I'm sorry you're in such a bad mood, J.R.

Well, that's all right, honey.

Say, how'd that trashy TV show go? Hope
they didn't try and make a fool out of you.

It was a mistake doing it.

- But I did learn something.
- Hm?

I learned how important hope is
in a relationship.

If you put enough hope and love
into something, maybe it can change.

So I'm not giving up on our marriage,

Besides, I'm getting some extra support.

From our marriage counselor?

Yes. And also from the family.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

And I wanna thank you for being patient.

I know how hard it is to keep from
making love until we work this thing out.

Well, Cally, it ain't easy.

But I'm willing to do anything I can to make
our marriage work out the way it should.

McKAY: You're barking up
the wrong skyscraper, Bobby.

I'm a minor owner
in the Stevens sisters' venture.

What would I gain having their variance
rescinded or their property condemned?

Did you or did you not blackmail your way
into their business?

I did not.

that's not the way I heard the story.

Hey, they assumed I was the bad guy.

That's why they bought me off.

It was a gift horse, and I had no intention
of looking it in the mouth.

- And you expect me to believe that?
- Believe what you want.

But you know,
sometimes it pays to have a bad reputation.

All right. You are a minor partner.

Why didn't you protect them
on the zoning front?

- That was your end of the deal, wasn't it?
- It was.

And I guess I could
get to the bottom of this.

But somehow I suspect
you're more motivated... recoup the lovely April's losses
than I am.

And now, and you can believe this or not,
I'm on my way to a lawyer's office...

...where I expect to find, among others,
your mother.

Look, if it would help...

...I can give you a list of the more
approachable city planning advisors.

I had that list memorized
before you ever hit town, McKay.


I should have known.


Five, six, seven, eight. One, two...

- Come on, Michelle, keep it up.
- I'm trying.

Seven, eight.
You're off the beat, your arms are dropping.

Five, six, seven, eight.

This is no good.

I'm sorry,
I just can't concentrate today, Johnny.

It's okay. Next time, all right?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Bye, Michelle.


Oh, excuse me.


Enjoy your workout?

I can't stop thinking about the project.

You said Bobby was gonna come up
with some ideas to get us out of this mess.

He's working on it.

In the meantime, I have some good news,
and I have some bad news.

Please, the good news first.

Bobby and I have set our wedding date...

...and I was wondering
if you would be my maid of honor.

Sure, that would be great. I'd love to.

So, what's the bad news?

Even if he can get the variance
for the warehouse...

...and even if he can reverse
the demolition order...

...l'm backing out.

- You're what?
- It's too big of a project, Shelley.

I won't have time to do it properly.

You can't do this to me.

Look, I'll back you in a smaller venture.

Anything you like.

A restaurant, a boutique.

This was my chance to make it big.

It isn't fair.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

But I've got a wedding to plan...

...and a honeymoon to go on
and a whole new life to lead.

Besides, now you can have
your own one-woman business.

You'd like that better, anyway.

You never change, do you?

This is just like when we were kids.

Older sister makes all the rules...

...and younger sister
gets all the hand-me-downs.

I know you're hurt,
and I know you're disappointed...

...but I won't abandon you. I promise.

Thanks for nothing.


Is it true you found Arlen's body?

I'm afraid so. Floating in his fish t*nk.

It was just horrible.

I can't believe the police
can't solve these murders.

Rabbit, Curley, Arlen, all dead.

When's it gonna end?

They were the only ones
mentioned in Atticus' will.

There's nobody left to bump off.

Then why are we here?

Mr. Spangler was most mysterious.

McKAY: Well, he intimated to me
there was an additional document.

A codicil to the will of Atticus Ward,
to be exact.

Now, I wanna forewarn you...

...that the police are privy
to the contents of this document.

This is an impossible situation.

And I'm afraid it can only get worse.

That sounds very ominous, Mr. Spangler.

SPANGLER: You'll understand it in a minute,
Mrs. Farlow.

This is in Atticus' handwriting.

"In the unlikely event...

...that all three of my chosen legatees
are unavailable or unfit to inherit...

...including my devoted twin brother,

May he swim in peace.

- Oh, shut up, Lefty. Heh, heh.
- Heh, heh, heh.

The new line of succession
to my fortune...

...goes alphabetically as follows:

Clayton Farlow, Carter McKay...

...Ken Morton, Lefty Simmons...

...Percy Taylor, Norris Underwood...

...Murray Zuckerman.

- Unbelievable.
- Oh, no.

Clayton's next?

Same guy that found Rabbit's body?

Same guy that found Arlen's body.

Man, that's suspicious.

Look, I've been with Clayton
every minute this past week.

And the first one of you
that accuses him accuses me.

And since we're providing alibis,
I'd be interested in yours, Mac.

Ellie and I saw you enter Arlen's house.

As far as we know,
you're the last that saw him alive.

And you seem very anxious
for all the details about Rabbit's bail.

Well, it's true.
I am interested in Atticus' estate...

...because it contains the largest block
of Westar stock...

...that I don't already have in my hands.

- Ain't that right, Mr. Spangler?
- That's correct, Mr. McKay.

You see, what you don't know
is that miserable old Atticus...

...was attacking Westar
with a vicious takeover bid.

By the time he disappeared,
he had bought 25 percent of Westar stock.

As a matter of fact,
it makes up the major part of his estate.

Well, I'll be.

I wanted Atticus' stock.

So I planned to approach Curley
and Rabbit and buy it from them.

And would they have sold it to you?

Probably not. Neither of them liked you.

So what?

So it gave you a great motive for m*rder,
if you ask me.

Perhaps so,
but I did cut a deal with Arlen.

That's why you saw me
going into his house...

...and that's where he got all the money.

Here's the option I got from Arlen
for his shares.

Ones he inherited.

See, I had no motive for k*lling Arlen.
I already had everything I wanted.

And where does that leave us?

It leaves you next in line, Clayton.

In 48 hours, you'll get
all of Atticus Ward's estate.

Maybe I can cut the same deal with you
that I cut with Arlen?

If he makes it.

That's not funny.

Begging your pardon, Miss Ellie.

I'm serious. I want those shares.

Well, you just might have to wait.

Don't be foolish, Clayton.

Yeah, Clayton,
you've got troubles enough...

...especially for the next two days.
- Hm.

Things are really difficult at the ranch.

It seems like every day, there's
something new I've gotta put up with.

I've been thinking more and more
about leaving.

Thank God there's one person who's been
helping me stay and fight for my marriage...

...and that's James.


James has been the one
who's been giving me strength.

He's the one who's really keeping me
from walking out that door.

I don't believe it.

You mean to tell me...

...that I'm still stuck with the ball and chain
in my bed because of James?

Cally's hanging on to your marriage
by a thread, J. R...

...and he's it.

What if I cut that thread?

She'll fall. She's ready.

Well, I guarantee you,
by tomorrow night... little country girl will have her
bag's packed and out my back door.

Yeah, I guarantee that.

- I'll tell you, if I survive the next 48 hours...
ELLIE: Clayton.

...I am going to donate
the Atticus Ward fortune to charity.

Are you really in danger, Grandpa?

No, as long as I stay at Southfork...

...surrounded by half the deputy sheriffs.

And that's exactly
where you will be staying.

Well, at least your grandma
is not fed up with me yet.

Must be a testimony to our marriage.

Speaking of marriages, I don't know
if this is the best time to bring it up...

...but I have some news
I think you'll find pleasurable.

Well, spit it out, Bob.

April and I have decided to get married,
and we've set the date for next month.


- Hey.
- Isn't that great?

It will be neat to have a mom again.

Will you have the wedding at Southfork?

We're still thinking about it.

Would it be a problem?

Heck, no. It will be fine.

This is terrific. There will be another blonde
at the breakfast table, we'll take over.

Cally's gonna love having some
extra company around the house.

I'm very happy for you, April.

Thank you, Cally.

I wish you would elope.
You know the Southfork wedding jinx.

Oh, Lucy, not again.

I'm sorry, Grandma.

I just think a small chapel in Vegas
would be a whole lot safer.

Well, at least now, everybody knows.

Except James.
Where is that boy anyhow?

You gonna stay out here all night?

Lmagine that, dropping our project...

...and then asking me
to be her maid of honor.

I could throw up.

You don't need your sister.
You could find another backer.

April and I were in synch, James.

She was willing to let me do it my way.

Yeah, meaning no one else
would be as easy to manipulate.

You don't sound very sympathetic.

Yeah, I believe in solutions,
not sympathy.

Why don't you let me back you
in a venture?

It's a great offer, but you don't have
the kind of money I need.

Your problem is
you wanna start at the top.

I'm offering you a chance to build
something through hard work.

You and me, together.

You'll just pull out on me like April did.

Hey, I'm one guy
that's always gonna be on your side.

I'm glad you're not upset.

I'm fine about it, April, really.

You just look so sad.

I guess, seeing you tonight
reminds me of Salzburg and Vienna...

...and my wonderful honeymoon.

It seems so long ago.

Yeah, it does.

Cally, can we be friends again?

I know we had our problems.

I made it into something bigger than it was.
I'm sorry.

I like you so much.

I couldn't bear to sit across
the Southfork table every night...

...without straightening this out.

I really appreciate everything
you're saying, April.

But the truth is, it may not matter soon.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

J.R. And I
aren't getting along too well.

I mean, it's pretty serious.

Oh, Cally, I'm sorry.

Isn't there anything you can do?

We're seeing a marriage counselor,
and we're trying to work things out...

...but the truth is,
I don't think I can make it without James.


He's very special to me.

Are you saying
that you're attracted to him?

Oh, no.

I mean, James is good-looking, all right.
But it's not that.

I mean, he's just being kind
and loving and helpful.

That can be tricky.
You and James, I mean.

I don't think so.

The tricky part is J.R. And figuring out
what's going on inside his mind.

April, I'm just so scared
he doesn't love me anymore.

Bobby, I'd like to make a private little toast
just between you and me.

All right.

Short and, hopefully, sweet?

I'll do my best.

To a marriage that lasts
from here to eternity.

Good luck, Bob.

J.R., I hope you don't mind,
but this time...

...l've decided not to ask you
to be best man at the wedding.

Huh. That suits me.

I'd like to keep as far away from an altar
as I can, if you know what I mean.

Things still not going well
between you and Cally, huh?

Well, I'm sorry to say, that's the truth.

What about the professional help?

Well, I don't know
if that's doing any good.

Bobby, I try to be as kind
to Cally as I can.

I hope the whole family sees that.

I don't think anybody
would say different.

But I think it's too late.

Deep down inside,
I feel like she doesn't love me anymore.

What a night.

Wedding talk inside,
armed deputies outside.

I'm so happy for Bobby.

I hope April
will be a good wife for him.

But all night,
I couldn't stop thinking about that will.

Well, I'll tell you one thing.

Atticus must be crazy.

Either that
or he knew exactly what he was doing.

Well, now, what does that mean?

That he set this whole thing up
from beyond the grave?

Oh, I don't know.

None of it makes sense anymore.

Well, I've only got 39 hours to go,
if I make it.

Will you stop joking about that?

Ellie, it's the only way
to treat this kind of tension.

Now, come on.
Let's watch some television.

We'll turn on one of these tongue-flapping
talk shows that will put us both to sleep.

Would you like me
to make you a cup of cocoa?

Hell, no, madam. I'm not drinking
anything for 38 hours and 59 minutes.

[ON TV] The sight of the disaster
was toured by the governor...

...along with the mayor of Austin
and, of course, Cliff Barnes.

The guest of honor at last night's ball.

I hope J.R.'s asleep.
This would give him nightmares.

Now, in a surprise update
of an old story...

...missing millionaire Atticus Ward
was found today...

...on a deserted island in the Caribbean.

Ellie, Ellie. Come here, quick, quick.

A Navy patrol boat apparently spotted
Mr. Ward's makeshift signal fire...

...and upon investigation,
discovered the wealthy Texas man... in relative comfort
amid the wreckage of his yacht.

The mysterious mogul is due back
in Dallas tomorrow morning.

Mr. Ward was quoted upon
being rescued as saying:

"It'll be great to see my friends
back home."

Good grief. He's alive.

Wait a second. I'm talking to you.

I went downtown
and checked out that paperwork myself.

There's no justification
for that demolition order.

No complaints were filed.
Not even an inspection was made.

Just your signature
on every key document.

Hey, you get what you pay for.

You wanted the variance denied,
I denied it.

You wanted the demolition ordered,
you got it.

Look, I gotta tell you.
My wife was pretty upset the other night.

Especially about the g*n
your brother pointed at my head.

My brother?

Look, if you want me
to undo all my dirty work... will cost extra.

But I wish you Ewing boys
would make up your minds.

Are you saying J.R. Put you up to this?

Don't you boys ever talk to one another?

Reminds me of Zelda's family,
talk about loose cannons.

Listen to me, Schmidt.

I want you to give April Stevens
her variance.

I want that condemned sign
ripped off her building...

...and I want you to keep your mouth shut
until I do talk to my brother.

Have you got that?

What? You're kidding.

Thanks for calling, sis.

Yeah, now, we know.

Um, yeah, have you changed your mind?

All right. We'll talk about it later.


What was that about?

Thanks to the grapevine,
we now know who sank our project.

It wasn't McKay?

Guess again.

It wasn't somebody trying to stop me,
it was somebody trying to stop you.

No way.

I'll k*ll him.

I guess that's why they call
your daddy the smiling cobra.

J. R:
I can explain.

I had a good reason to do what I did.
Believe me.

Should I laugh now, J. R?

Or should I wait
until the entire performance is over?

It's all temporary. I'll cover her losses.

I'll cut her a check right now,
she won't lose a nickel.

I know she won't,
because I've already undone your damage.

Oh, Bobby. That's a terrible mistake.

Convince me.

The whole thing is about James.

He belongs in the oil industries.

He's got my blood in his veins
and my daddy's.

Hell, he's a Ewing.
He belongs here at Ewing Oil.

Except that money-hungry little bitch
Michelle has got her claws in him.

You telling me
you tried to ruin April's project...

...just so you could split up
James and Michelle?

- Well, sure.
- Next time your mail's late...'ll b*mb the post office.
Why didn't you talk to him...

...instead of trying to start World w*r III?

Oh, he wouldn't listen.
He's under her spell.

Let the boy make his own mistakes.

It's too risky, Bobby.

Damn it. You should be thanking me.

Thanking you?

Michelle could've ruined James
with that cockeyed project.

And not only that,
she could have really fleeced April.

She was getting a free ride
from her sister...

...or couldn't you see that?

Well, I was beginning to, yes.

Michelle jumped on April's gravy train...

...and was driving it
straight into the mud.

By interfering at the get-go,
I probably saved April a fortune.

You should have been
a song and dance man.

But you get the point.

It's a twisted point, but yes, I see it.

In the future,
stay out of my life and April's life.

I hear you.

And Bobby...

...keep this hush-hush.

I already told April,
and by now, James knows.

But I wouldn't worry.
I'm sure he'll be very understanding.

Oh, my God.

Well, it was a miracle that I survived.

All I had to live on was fresh water,
a few coconuts and the occasional fish.

Seems like a healthy diet to me.

Certainly a lot healthier
than being named in your will.

Well, you know I was devastated
to hear about these deaths.

Especially my own twin brother.

Imagine, I never got a chance
to tell him how much I loved him.

You didn't love him, Atticus,
you hated his guts.

Come on, where's your manners, Lefty?


But you can all breathe a sigh of relief
now that I'm back.

How's that?

Because I'm tearing up
that accursed will.

I only made it as a bad joke.

And once this psychopathic k*ller
hears that I'm still alive...

...l'm sure these terrible crimes will stop.

Mr. Spangler.

I take it that means that Clayton
is no longer in danger of inheriting anything.

That's right, Mrs. Farlow.

And now, if you'll all excuse me...

...l'm gonna go
on a three-week vacation.

I'd like to invite the rest of you
to the Oil Barons tonight... celebrate my return
and pay our respects to the dead.

So please come, all of you.

Well, there's nothing like the miraculous
return from the Ironclad-Alibi Islands...

...only to find out
that your two worst enemies...

...and your despised twin brother is dead.

- I think he did it, Clayton.
- Me too, Ellie.

The only question is, how did he do it?

Well, I think we should go to his party
at the Oil Barons tonight...

...and stay close enough to him
to find out.


You really think I'm gonna sit idly by...

...and watch you let that gold-digging tramp
lead you around?

- Show a little respect for my judgment.
- You want respect? You earn it, son.

How can I? You keep getting in my way.

- I'm trying to help, James.
- You're trying to control.

Look, as far as I'm concerned,
you're still a little pup.

You don't get to run with the pack
until you're well and truly trained.

Who do you think you are?

I am your father
and you will never get away from that.

I don't care who you are.
I don't take that kind of crap from anybody.

Michelle Stevens is a public health hazard.
You ought to be grateful to me.

That's it.
You pulled your last dirty trick on me.

Where are you going?
Running back to your mama?

No. No, I'm not leaving yet.

Not after you put in
so much time and energy...

...into flattening my rocks.

No, I'm not leaving Dallas
till after the wedding.

- You mean Bobby's wedding?
- No, I mean my wedding to Michelle.

Imagine, breakfast every morning
with you sitting across the table...

...from that gold-digging little tramp.

I can't wait to see your face.

Well, it's nice and quiet in here, isn't it?

- Are you all right, J. R?
- No, I'm not all right.

Do you have any idea
how much trouble you've caused?

- What are you talking about?
- James.

What about him?

You're worse than I thought.

You lulled me into complacency
using that marriage counselor... you could buy time
to turn James against me.

That's not true.
You made that bed, not me.

You encouraged him to be independent.

Stand up against me.

To spurn the oil business
for one harebrained scheme after another.

And by doing that, you pushed him
straight into the arms...

...of that money-hungry little monster,
Michelle Stevens.

And now he's gonna marry her.

- James is gonna marry Michelle?
- He just told me.

Why couldn't you have left him alone?

Why couldn't you have let me
teach him some sense...

...instead of filling his head
full of crazy ideas.

But I didn't.

This family is a shambles.

It started
when you followed me from Haleyville...

...tricked me into marrying you.


You wanted me for your wife,
you just didn't know it.

I wanted a wife that was gonna bring
peace and harmony to this family.

Didn't expect a wife who'd push my son
into the arms of a she-devil.

I think Michelle
is the worst woman in Dallas.

Maybe I can talk to him,
change his mind.

Too late. Damage is done.

Oh, it was a sorry day
when you first set foot in this house.

- You don't believe that.
- I do.

You just cost me my first-born son.


Oh, good, you're there.

She's primed.

Call here in about five minutes
on the private phone.

Yeah, and don't hold back.
Pull out all the stops.

She's right on the edge of the cliff.

- What do you mean by that, Atticus?
- You heard me.

I'm going ahead
with my takeover bid for Westar.

Gentlemen, please.

You do and you're gonna regret it.

You know I think you're sorry
to see me alive, I think you all are.

- Why don't we talk about your shipwreck?

We were amazed to hear that you went
sailing right into a storm...

...without a crew or working radio.

That was a stupid thing to do, wasn't it?

Now, what is this, a quiz show? Debbie.

Champagne all around. Your best stuff.

- Yes, sir.
ELLIE: Debbie, just club soda for me, please.

- Make mine bourbon, Debbie.
DEBBIE: Will do.

Now, I don't want any more questions,
you hear?

This is a celebration.

I don't think Curley or Rabbit or Arlen
would appreciate hearing that.

I don't appreciate either.

Personally, I'd rather hear
some more about the Westar stock.

You're not getting it, McKay,
and that's that.

ELLIE: Clayton, I've had enough of this.
Please take me home.

Glen, I also need
seven glasses of champagne.

Oh, and make it our best.

- By making an enemy out of Westar.

Is that what you think?

I think we should have a toast first.

I think we owe that to our fallen friends.


- Hello.

Is J.R. There?

Who is this?

Am I talking to J.R.'s wife?

Yes, who are you?

Oh, I'm so sorry
to be calling on J.R. 's private line.

But he and I have little meeting tomorrow
to discuss some business.

And I wanted to remind the old fox that
the hotel restaurant doesn't open until 5.

Is he there?

No, but I'll take your name.

Don't bother.
I'll reach him tomorrow at the office.

That's it. That is absolutely it.

All right, let's drink a toast
to a few dead old boys.

I say let's get this over with
so I can go home.

I have had it with you, Atticus.
You haven't shown any remorse at all.

Ain't one of those men
really worth spit.

Let's toast them anyway.

Has it ever occurred to you
that you're the only one left alive...

...who had reason to be glad
about their deaths?

Miss Ellie, you've got a one-track mind.

To Curley, Rabbit and Arlen.

Oh, excuse me.

Uh, Clayton, I gotta finish this toast.

Like I said, to Curley,
Rabbit and brother Arlen.




It's finally happened, hasn't it?

I was gonna say goodbye, Luce.

But I just can't do it right now.
I'm too upset.

Do you hate me for leaving?

Cally, I am so sorry.

I knew it was just a matter of time.

That bastard.

It's not just him.

It's both of us, really.

I find that hard to believe.

Anyway, I think you are incredibly brave.

We'll stay friends, won't we?
I mean, we have to.

You bet we will.


I've had some good memories
in this house.

It's so hard for me
to imagine leaving it forever.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.


I know you'll be much happier this way.

John Ross.

Cally. Cally.

Cally, please don't go.

Don't you leave me too.

I'm sorry, John Ross. I have to go.


Your daddy and me
aren't getting along too well.

It's so complicated.
It'll take so long to explain.

Dad. Dad, make her stay.

Tell her how much we love her.

- John Ross, I'm...
- Make her stay, Dad, please.

Cally, I didn't mean anything I said,

Please don't go.

Do you mean it, J. R?

Yes, darling, I truly do.

I don't know how I could have accused you
of standing between me and James.

I guess I was upset
over that little tramp Michelle and...

I don't blame you at all.

Do you want me to stay?

With all my heart.

See, Cally, this is your home.

And everybody here really loves you
and really wants you to stay.

Dad loves you.

Next on Dallas:

You do something like that again I'm gonna
let everybody know I'm leaving and why.

You almost sound
as if you admire him.

I admire him as I do a poisonous snake.

- I'm not going anywhere.
- Uh-huh.

Don't expect to ever hear from me again.

I don't expect anything from you.

We're through. You're history.

The one person that can screw up
my whole life and you're with him again.

- I don't understand this.
- What is it, Clayton?

- Released? Where?
- Southfork Ranch, Braddock, Texas.

Oh, my God.