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10x11 - Proof Positive

Posted: 12/01/21 08:20
by bunniefuu
It's not your problem, JR.

It's gonna look that Clayton is at a hotel because the head of Southfork is back.

Why in a million years would you want me to have this baby?

Because I want you to let me and Bobby adopt it.

You can't study for a polygraph test, Mr. Smithfield.

So for the record, you're saying there's no way he can lie to us?

ELLIE: It's time for me to son things out once and for all...

with Mr. Wes Parmalee.

When he fails it, it's over, Harv. I mean, over.

Are you Jock Ewing?

Yes, I am.

They better have better security at the ball next year...

or I'm not going.

BOBBY: Should have gone up on that stage and yanked him off.

J.R.: Why didn't you? You saw him before I did.

BOBBY: Waiting for Mama to say something.

J.R.: Mama, what is she expected to say?

I'm expecting to wake up. This whole thing is unreal.

BOBBY: It's real enough. It's turning this house upside down.

You can be sure it's gonna do the same thing to Ewing Oil.

J.R.: Then I'll be shot and dumped in a ditch.

Imagine him standing up on that stage in front of our friends.

- Agreeing to take the lie-detector test. - Well, what was he supposed to do?

- I tell you, this is the end of Parmalee. - I hope so.

That move was a page right out of Jack's book, all right.

Well, I see you're backing the family in style.

Aren't you forgetting your new last name?

What I mean is if you're gonna pretend to be Jock, you do what he did.

What are you saying anyhow?

You know what's gnawing at me?

That man passed every test you put in front of him.

Offered cooperation.

Now, you tell me what that means.

It means that some of the ladies have forgotten...

which side their bread is buttered on.

That's it for me.

DONNA: Me too.

I will say goodbye to all of you.

I'm going to Washington in the morning.

- Bye, Donna. - Bye, Donna.

We're not gonna accomplish much more tonight.

- Where are you going? - I'm gonna call Harv Smithfield.

- Tell him to set up that polygraph test. - It's after : in the morning.

For what we're paying, he ought to be sleeping on our porch.

I want him in our office first thing in the morning.

Oh, Clayton, no.


Oh, Clayton, I...

I know you're angry.

You wouldn't talk in the car, but I... I thought maybe in the morning...

Please don't do this.

Don't go.

There's nothing else I can do.

You think that...

I should have stood up tonight...

and answered when he said that he was Jock.

Yes, I think you should have.

Clayton, it was...

It was as if it was all happening to somebody else.

Everything was in slow motion all around me.

And then it was over and it was too late...

and I just...

Ellie, pan of you believes...

that Wes Parmalee is your dead husband come back to you.

And as long as that is so, I cannot live in this house.

Clayton, please.

Please don't leave me. Please don't do this.

Understand, I am not abandoning you.

I'm leaving to be fair.

To give you some room to figure this thing out.

Oh, Clayton... I love you so much.

I love you so much.

And I love you too.

I always will.

Then stay.

Ellie... you can only have one husband.

What if? What if? Heh-heh.


My head's spinning and you wanna talk business.

To get ahead, a woman's gotta think ahead.

That's what I always say.

I'll give you something to think about. New this is a big “what it.“

What if Wes Parmalee really is Jock Ewing?

And it looks like he is, you know? That's a whole new ball game.

Is that right?

Well, of course it is.

If Jock never died, then the boys were not free to dispose of the company.

And not free to give your ex-husband percent.

And if he didn't get percent, then you ain't getting .

Didn't that get through?

- Never occurred to me. - Oh, heh, heh.

It never occurred to you?

That is the first thing that crossed your mind.

I'm tired. I do not wanna get into this.

The Ewings.

JR. and Bobby. They're pretty tough. wouldn’t you say?

- Yes, please. - They can be.

I don't think people like that are gonna let Wes Parmalee...

just waltz in, take over their wealth.

Well, it could get bloody, that's for sure.

I think my percent is as good as gold.

Although I may be an old woman before this is all settled.

That's why, Cliff. I wanna make you a deal.


I don't wanna get into this.

I came into this town with nothing.

A million dollars would be very nice walk-away money.

And it would mean so little to you.

Oh, sure.

You're gonna sell me your shares, worth $ million plus...

a million dollars? Heh, heh, heh.

Now I know I'm in trouble.

You know, I gave your ex-husband $ , .

And that was a gift, no less...

tor saying that he'd do business with me when the time came.

No, I am not throwing good money after bad.

That's where Jack got his money all of a sudden.

That's it, baby. No more business. Not tonight.

Now, who are you calling this late?

Why, a cab, of course.

Since you don't wanna talk business, there's no other reason for me to stay.


KENDALL: I'm sorry, but they're both tied up in meetings.

SLY: J.R. Ewing's office. KENDALL: I remember you called earlier.

Yes, I'll tell him. No, I can't give you a time.

PHYLLIS: Yes, Mr. Davis, I remember it's important...

J.R. Ewing's office, hold, please. Thank you for holding.

- Can I get that number now? . KENDALL: Ewing Oil.

PHYLLIS: I got it. KENDALL: Hold, please.

I'll be sure to tell him.

PHYLLIS: Bye-bye. - J.R. Ewing's office.

BOBBY: Kendall? Phone down to the switchboard.

Have them hold all the calls.

- Bless you. PHYLLIS: Oh, Mr. Smithfield, hold on.

KENDALL: Hold all calls, will you? - Bobby, Harv Smithfield is here.

He's in the lobby.

Well, Russ, the rumor is true. I'm not gonna deny it.

The bank did put a lid on our line of credit.

But that's not gonna interfere in any of our business.

J. FL, Harv's waiting for us downstairs.

Listen, we're gonna get this ironed out real quick...

and then it'll be business as usual.

Yeah, all right. I gotta rush off now. I'll talk to you later. Uh-huh.


A lot of people I'm gonna remember when this is over.

Some friends and some people who wish they'd been my friend.



Oh, I tell you, this lie-detector thing scares me.

- Why? - That's my question. Why?

- Why is this man anxious to take tests? - I don't think he's anxious at all.

No, he dug himself a hole, we pushed him in.

I wish the whole subject never come up.

- If he fails the tests... - He's going to.

He can then claim that the tests are fallible.

When he fails it, it's over, Harvey. I mean, over.

HARV: And if he passes?

How can he?


you've looked into this man's eyes.

I want you to both tell me, is there"?

Is there any chance he could be your daddy?

- No way. What's the matter with you? - I don't wanna hear that from you.

You just set up the test and it'll be over with once and for all.

Well, I could prevail upon some friendly contacts with the police.

Their equipment would take on the complexion of the law.

there are private agencies...

like those that screen employees in industry.

I don't wanna hear about a-dollar-an-hour employee-screening service.

I want you to find the best polygraph man and fly him in, understand?

At this point, any other approach is ridiculous.

Oh, good. Come on.

SUE ELLEN: Come on. - Sue Ellen, where are we going?

Never mind. Never mind. Just come on.

Well... - Do you like that? - No.

Well, how about this one?

- Oh, Sue Ellen. - Here's another one.

I think you'd really like this.

Now, can you imagine me in that? Could you see Bobby's face?

Well, I don't know. Some wild and crazy night.

I've heard about you newlyweds.

Sue Ellen, what's going on?

Well, I bought a little business.

Yep, I am Valentine.

And I'm very successful.

Oh, my God.

But, Pam, you're just staring.

This is supposed to be my secret.

If I can't get a smile out of you now, I give up.

- Well, congratulations. - Thanks. Thank you.

Okay, you got a smile. Will you give me a discount?

- Of course. - Okay.

TAILOR: Yes, sir, your sizes sure have changed.

There, I think.

Yes, right on the break.

I remember you used to like a bit of cuff showing, hm?

WES: That feels just fine.

How about some shirts?

You're gonna embarrass me.

I told you, I'm a bit short of cash right now.

I know, sir.

I'd be more than happy to run a tab for you...

until your affairs are straightened out.

That's real kind of you, Sam.

I appreciate it.

It's the least I can do for an old customer.

Welcome back, Mr. Ewing.

Hey, there, everybody.

Well, why so late? I thought you left right behind me.

Oh, I got a last-minute phone call from Harv Smithfield.

- He found our polygraph expert. - Good.

Wrote the book on the subject. Flying in from New York.

Gonna have a meeting with him tomorrow.

Well, the sooner, the better.

Where's Clayton? Isn't he gonna have dinner with us?

Clayton is staying in town for a while.

At a hotel.

At a hotel?

What's he doing in a hotel, for crying out loud?

Oh, no. Don't tell me.

It's not your problem, J.R., all right?

It's not all right. How could you let him do that, Mama?

Please, J.R.. It's embarrassing enough.

How is it gonna look? It's gonna get around.

J.R., we talked this through, she understands. Leave her alone.

It's gonna look to people like he's at a hotel...

because the rightful head of Southfork is back. What hotel he's staying at?

Just what do you think you're doing?

I'm gonna get him on the phone. Talk him into coming back.

- J.R., mind your own business. - It is my business. It's our business.

In this house, I'll tell what you're business is.

And what's between me and my husband is between me and my husband.

And I'll work that out without guidance from my children.

- Go on. - Are you sure you don't want it?

Be my guest.

Mmm. They make the best pizza here.

I just thought it'd be nice to get out.

Just the two of us.

We haven't had a whole lot of time to talk these days.

That's okay.

Charlie, I...

I know all of this hit you out of nowhere.

One day, you're in Southfork...

then you're in Braddock.

Then your mother's gonna have a baby.

You must have a lot of questions on your mind.

I'm doing all right.

You have any questions about the baby?

You didn't even wonder at least if I'm gonna have it?

Well, I am, honey.

I can't abort this baby.

I knew you couldn't.

Well, how does that make you feel?

I mean, it's gonna change your life too.

Are you angry?



That wasn't a very convincing no.

I was angry.

I do miss Southfork.

And the Ewings.

And Bobby.

I do too.

But life goes on.

We have our own family now.

Just you and me.

And whoever's coming.

And we're gonna love him or her.

But I want you to know something, no matter how much we do...

I'll never love anyone as much as I do you.

- Mom? - What?

Don't worry about me.

I'll be okay.

I think we both will.

- Hi. RAY: Miss Ellie.

Your new place.

It's just beautiful.

That's right, I guess you haven't been here before.

Well, Donna told me about it.

And she didn't lie.

It's just lovely.

Thank you.


I need a favor.

Anything you need.

I guess you heard about what happened at the Oil Baron's Ball.

Yes, ma'am.

It must have been awful for everyone.

It was awful.

The boys were up in arms.

And Clayton?

Clayton moved out of Southfork.

He's living in town.

At the Tower Hotel.

I'm really sorry, Miss Ellie.

I've got to resolve this...

before there's any more damage.

I wanna meet with Wes Parmalee.

I know he keeps in touch with you...

and I want you to tell him I'd like to see him.

Oh, Miss Ellie, with all due respect...

I think you're making a big mistake here.

My family is tom apart...

I'm fighting with my sons, and my husband's moved out.

Do I have to fight with you too?

No, ma' am.

I'll take care of it for you.

It's time for me to son things out once and for all...

with Mr. Wes Parmalee.

I finally found out how the idle rich seem to have so little to do...

but to sun themselves and stay in shape.


I don't know where you learned to talk in riddles, but I wish you'd go back there.

Anybody listening...

would say that there's nothing but animosity between us.

- But once upon a time... - What do you want?

Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.


Ah, so you found out about my deal with Cliff.

You sly puss.

Did Cliff tell you that the hall a million bucks that he gave me was a gift?

A gift, April.

Net income.

That means that you're not entitled to any of it.

True enough. That part of the news was depressing.

So I'm not looking for my half of your money.

I wanna sell you my percent of Ewing Oil.

Your percent of Ewing Oil?

For $ , ?

So I'm a pushover, what can I say?


Oh, sure.

Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.


Almost be worth it to be rid of you.

You know how much I like to travel, Jack.

- If I had the money... - No.

It's looking more and more like our share of Ewing Oil...

may come to nothing.

Which is a hell of a lot more than you deserve.

Well, Jack...

there maybe others that think I deserve more.

You leave me no choice.

What is that supposed to mean?

MANDY [ON-SCREEN]: You're gone all the time.

What do you have to show for it?

Look at the way you dress.

Hey, I'm undercover.

The job. The job.

You drive around in that sports car all night...

playing terrible music so loud you drive everybody crazy.

You won't understand.

R's nut there on the street.

It's all around. It's everywhere.

You know what it is? It's waiting. it's worrying.

Never knowing when one day the word's gonna come that you...

- That you're... gotta go.

Look, my brother offered you a job.

It's regular hours, good pay.

There's lots of opportunity in house-painting.

I am a cop.

That's all I am.

That's what it is.

That's what it's all about.

Yes. You're a cop.

That's what you are.

That's why I love you.


BRUCE: Dynamite.

What did I tell you?

We'll take a lunch next week, huh?

Thanks very much for coming. Appreciate it. Have a nice day.

You're on your way.

It's a funny feeling to see yourself on film like that.

Honey, get used to it. Show her.

All it needs is your signature.


Well, it's all so sudden.

Sweetheart, that's show business.

You can't have any questions about it.

I'm sorry. It all sounds so wonderful.

I mean, more than wonderful.

But there's somebody I have to talk to first.

Thank you.

I can't believe it.

Please, go talk to her.

Mandy, wait up.


She says she has to talk to somebody first.

Don't worry about it, Bruce.

I kind of thought she might.

These sensors check heartbeat, pulse. Rate of respiration.

It takes a lot of effort to lie, physiologically speaking.

And the body must react, no matter how convincing the liar.

Boy, we got a liar for you.

Please be quiet now and stay relaxed.

All right.

Is your name J.R. Ewing?


MANCUSO: Do you reside at Southfork Ranch?

J.R.: That's right. - Yes or no only, please.

- Do you reside at Southfork Ranch? - Yes.

MANCUSO: Is your wife's name Sue Ellen?


It sure is.

- Are you in the hardware business? - Yes.

Mm-mm-mm, Mr. Ewing.

Are you in the shipping business?


No again.

Are you in the oil business?



And those were just little white lies with no pressure.

What a surge of emotion would bring if we were to ask, for instance:

“Have you ever cheated on your income tax?“


- You wanna try it? - Oh, no. I'm fine. Thank you.

All right. Let's get that impostor hooked up to this thing.

And we'll let him bury himself.

Oh, thank you.


Ray. How are you?

Not so good.

Heard you and Miss Ellie split up.

It's not a happy thing. Would you like some breakfast?

Thanks. I just came out to talk.

Not about me and Ellie.

Fair enough.

Mind if ask you one thing, though?

- What's that? - What are you doing staying here?

Well, it's a good hotel.

Come on out to my place. I got a big house.

I'm just rattling around in that thing.

Besides, it's a lot closer to Southfork.

Ray, I appreciate the offer, but I just couldn't impose like that.

You're my friend and my partner. How could you be imposing?

Ray, this thing with Ellie and me, I just don't know how long it's gonna take.

If it's gonna be solved. Know what I'm talking about?

You don't think I'm gonna take no for an answer, do you?

Oh, I'm sorry, Ray. I really can't.

Clayton, I got three horses coming in on Thursday and I need your help.

Besides, like I said, it's a lot closer to Miss Ellie.

Misery loves company, hm?

Miss? Check, please.

Thanks a lot, Jackie.

You know, I'm really gonna miss you.

I'm so sorry to see you leaving.

Yeah. Well, I think that it's the best thing.

You do have Jack's address?

Don't worry about a thing.

The movers will find you.

I'll pack up all of your personal things.

- It'll all get to you. - Thanks.

Jackie, you wanna get me Eugene Hanson...

of the Environmental Protection Agency?

- What are you doing here? - I cleaned out my desk.

Then get me Armcoast in Legal.

JAMIE: You just walk away?

Hey, I'm a busy man, you know. You're not my only headache.

That's it?

That's what I was to you, a headache?

Never a wife? Never someone to share your problems with?

Oh, my. What, you wanna share my problems?

What do you think this is? Women's encounter group?

- This is the oil business. - I know the oil business.

You do. You know everything about the ” business.

You were in Alaska, right? You know anything about offshore drilling?

I never said I knew everything.

Do you know anything about metal contamination, about cadmium and lead?

Well, they're finding it in the water off .

Nobody knows where it's coming from. And the EPA's about to shut me down.

Mr. Hanson on Line .

Thank you.

JAMIE: Cliff?

Hello, Mr. Hanson, this is Cliff Barnes.

Listen, I'm a plainspoken man so I'll get right to the point.

You can't shut me down.

It's just gonna cost me millions of dollars.

And hey, look, face it. What are we talking about?

Three dead fish and a pelican.

Oh, no, no. Look... That's a joke. No, no. I...

No. Believe me, I know it's serious.

Cliff, was that contamination coming out of the hole?

Excuse me, Mr. Hanson. Just a moment.

Look, if you can't be an asset to my life, at least get out of my hair.


Ray. I was expecting room service with my lunch.

- Can I come in? - Well, hell, of course.


Well, well, well.

A ways from that little old motel room you were living in.

That motel suited Wes Parmalee.

This is more my style.

Yeah, that's what I've been hearing around town.

High on the hog.

And on the cuff.

Outside my family, most people seem to accept me for who I am.

It pains me that my own flesh and blood is the last to believe in me.

That's how she goes.

Of all of them, Ray...

you at least were open to me.

That was friendship...

with a man I thought I knew.

I choose to believe it was more than that.

But there's a time coming when people are gonna have to decide.

Once and for all.

Including you.

Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?

I understand you've gotten pretty close with Clayton.

Pretty soon you're gonna have to land on one side or the other.

If you push me to it...

I'll side with Clayton.

I just hope you don't push me to it.

It will take time.

Hell, I'll settle for the visit.

That says a lot to me.

Well, uh...

It wasn't exactly a visit.

I came with a message...

from Miss Ellie.

Miss Ellie?

She wants to meet with you.



JENNA: Sorry, but we're...


I didn't think we had anything to talk about last time.

I know we don't know.

Jenna, please let me talk to you.

About what?

The baby.


Bobby told me that you're thinking about having an abortion.


And you've come here to talk me into it.

No. No, just the opposite.

I don't think you'd ever forgive yourself if you did away with this baby.

Then what? What do you want?

I want you to have it.


You know, you really are an enigma.


Oh, Jenna, please. This is really difficult for me.

Why in a million years would you want me to have this baby?

Because I want you to let me and Bobby adopt it.


I know what this baby would mean to Bobby.

I don't believe what I'm hearing.

Jenna, you are carrying the baby that I could never give to Bobby.

I could love that baby.

It would have everything that it wanted.

- You're trying to buy my baby? - Oh, no. No, I...

No? Why don't you go on? Tell me how rich you are.

How you'll set me up for the rest of my life.

Jenna, that's not what I mean.

- It isn't? - No.

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Oh, you sound like you want my sympathy.

I'm trying to make the best of a horrible situation.

Sure. The best for you.

The best for everyone.

For me, for Bobby and for you.

You've been through hell the last couple of years.

And now you're trying to start a new life and get yourself together.

I can't believe that you're going to have an abortion.

But keeping the baby, Bobby's baby...

how would you manage?

The same way I've managed all my life.

Oh, Jenna, please try to understand what I'm saying.

I know it must sound awful, but I don't mean it that way.

I've rehearsed this a thousand times in my head...

but I just don't have the words.

Wrong. You have all the words.

You should have kept them to yourself. Now get out of here.

And don't you ever, ever come near me again.

Right in here if you will, please.

Why don't you take off your coat?

You'll be sitting in that chair...

and just roll up your left sleeve up above the elbow, please.

Now, I just want you to relax.

And don't be intimated by any of this wiring and what have you.

That's fine.

Well, they ought to be starting right about now.

And finished pretty damn quick.


Goodbye, Wes Parmalee.

MANCUSO: I'll begin with a few simple questions to establish a pattern on you...

and you'll answer with a yes or no only, please.

All right.

Is today Tuesday?


Are we in New York City?


- Are there five people in this room? - No.

I want you to lie to me by answering yes...

to the following questions.

Are there five people in this room?


Are you presently standing?


The truth now.

Are you standing?


Did you ever wildcat for oil in Odessa, Texas?


Did you go to South America in ?


Were you there with a Mr. Marvin P., also known as Punk Anderson?


Were you in a helicopter accident there in ?


Were you in a helicopter accident there in ?


Were you hospitalized there at the Saint Francis Hospital?


Are you the person John Ross Ewing, Sr...

also known as Jock?


Are you Jock Ewing?

Yes, I am.

I don't understand.

Why can't the examiner give you the results of the polygraph?

He wants more time to study the tapes.

He promised us an answer tomorrow morning.

Doesn't he have a preliminary opinion? It's pretty cut-and-dry, isn't it?

I thought so.

Experts. I think he just wants to give you your money's worth.


I have this strange feeling that while I'm sitting here worrying...

Wes Parmalee is out there somewhere with a smile in his face.

I just can't shake that feeling.

Well, this will end it, you said it would.

It's like J.R. and I, Mama and Clayton and everybody else...

being pushed and pulled around.

We're the ones ” balance, and he's the one who keeps landing on his feet.

Bobby, you've done everything you can.

Maybe. I don't know.

I was thinking of going to South America.

We had a man down there but he didn't seem to find very much.

Do you know what it would mean to this family if Wes Parmalee...?


I know you have a lot of problems on your mind, so do I.

But we're going to get past them.

- You think so? - Yes.

You know that.

I know it.

Well, if you say so.




Sly said it sounded urgent.

Yeah, well, if I made it sound any other way...

would she have even given you the message?

And I needed to talk to you.

Sure. Go on.

Well, the point is you're here.

You know, this is the first place you brought me when we met.

When you wanna impress a girl, you sure know how.

Well, we all use what we have, honey.

Well, it had the desired effect.

But it was more than the place.

It was you.

You were so sweet, the way you courted me.

You treated me like a queen.

Oh, that sounds like such a long time ago now.

I'm involved in the fight of my life right now.

J.R., I'm not digging for an apology.

But I need a decision from you.

I've been offered a movie contract.



So it's Hollywood, huh?

Yeah, well, my agent says the sky is the limit.

Heel a little bit like Cinderella.

There'd be traveling, the money's fantastic.

It's everything I've always dreamed of.

Yeah, I'm sure it is.

But I'll tum it all down.

I'll give all that up, everything.

_If__ - If what?

If you'll move ” Southfork right now...

and tell the whole world that I'm to be the next Mrs. Ewing.


It's what you always said you wanted.

Yes, I wanted all that.

And when I promised you those things, I meant every word, honey.

But we both know that will never happen.

Don't we?

I guess we always knew it.

Goodbye, J.R.


If it would've happened with anyone, it would have happened with you.

But it didn't.

He's even worse than I thought he was.

And I thought he was terrible.

JACK: Yeah, well, what else is new?

Jack, remember about six years ago...

when we both had jobs with that independent on Podo Bay?

How the government almost shut us down?

Oh, I remember a lot of macaroni dinners.

Do you remember what the problem was?

Yeah. Bit deterioration.

The metals in the bit were leaching into the site.

Yeah. Actually, it was something that was very simple...

but it took them forever to find out what was wrong.

Well, I think that Cliff has the same problem.

You're kidding.


At in the gulf.


Oh, gee, it couldn't happen to a nice! guy.

It could cost him millions, Jack.

And you know what else?

When I try to give him the answer, he just...

What? Give him the answer?

Well, Jack, I still don't wanna see him get hurt.

At this point in your marriage, you don't give him anything.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Oh, Jack, if you could have heard him.

He just snapped at me.


Well, your tum is coming.

Ray was, uh, gonna arrange a time.

I didn't wanna wait anymore.

I've been watching the house.

We're alone.

I wouldn't wanna chance any trouble.

Not when you finally asked for me.

Don't mistake why I...

Why I wanted to meet with you.

No mistake.

This is what I've been waiting for.

You know, after the accident...

and all that pain...

the one thing that got me through...

was knowing that you'd be at the end of that pain.

And I'd finally hold this hand again.

I wanted to talk to you...

because it's time to put an end to this thing.

I want that too.


My family... is falling apart.

It's all...


I don't know what the truth is.

But you do know, Ellie.

That's why you didn't deny me when you had the chance.

Please don't be afraid of me.

I just wanna hold you.

And be with you again.


I'm married.

I'm married to a good man.

Clayton is a good man.

That's the shame of this.

I have a regard for Clayton.

But then if you choose him, at least I'll know you're well taken care of.

You're make it sound as if...

As if there's a contest between you over me.

Why not say so?

Clayton knew it.

He had the decency to move out, to let you choose cleanly.

Everything in me wants you, Ellie.

And I mean to have you.

But it'll be your choice to say when.

Look at me.

Look at me, Ellie.

You don't need the results of any damn lie test.

You know already, don't you?


- Kendall. - Hello, Mr. Smithfield.

- Sly, where are they? - Oh, in J.R.'s office.

Thank you.

J.R.: Hello, Harv. You got the results of the test?

I've got them, boys.

But you're not gonna like them.

You're not telling us he passed that thing.

This is crazy.

It is the opinion of the examiner... Our examiner.

That the subject he tested is indeed Jock Ewing.

Then get another test.

Boys, this is the best man in the country.

Haw. what the hell is going on?

I don't...

- I'm awful sorry. - Well, you gotta say more than that.

Well, understand, the polygraph has no legal basis.

I mean, obviously, Parmalee does not now automatically become your daddy...

- because he passed the test. - Damn right.

But you're in serious trouble. I warned you about this.

For crying out loud, Harv. You knew Daddy.

My personal feelings have nothing to do with this.

I have to deal in facts.

And the facts say the man is Jock Ewing.

Thank you. Haw.

HARV: Oh, this...

This is private conversation, sir.

Well, I don't wanna disturb it.

I just came in for a last look around, saying goodbye to the place.

Oh, that'd be good news, your leaving town...

and putting an end to this farce.

And smart of you too...

because you're gonna be buried under a ton of litigation.

I'm not leaving town. Hell, no.

I got a call from Jeremy Wendell.

He's offering to buy Ewing Oil from me.

I might just take him up on it.