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10x18 - Cat and Mouse

Posted: 12/01/21 08:59
by bunniefuu
- What's everybody staring at? - Your wife didn't come home.

- I sold my sister out for million bucks. - Our meeting's over.

What happened in Washington?

Senator Andrew Dowling, that's what happened.

[CRYING] Yes, I miss him. I miss him very much.

- Stay home today. - Does this have to do with J.R.?

Yes. It's a real serious situation.

J.R. [READING]: “Thought you might like to know...

where your wife spent the night.“

Oh, my God.

We're very worried about you, Donna.

Are you feeling okay?

DONNA [OVER PHONE]: I feel a lot better than I did a few days ago.

Nothing like having appendicitis and being pregnant at the same time.

CLAYTON: Well, you take good care of yourself.

- I will. - Hay still with you?

Uh-huh. I'll let you talk to him.

Clayton, how are things?

Is Donna really okay?

RAY: I wouldn't be leaving Washington tomorrow ill thought she wasn't.

It's : . Shouldn't Sue Ellen be home by now?

I wouldn't worry about her.

Sue Ellen can take care of herself.

You said JR. wasn't coming home.

- Maybe he and Sue Ellen are together. - Oh. Not a chance.

Well, all right, Ray. Yeah. We'll see you soon.


- How is Donna? - Fine.

- And the baby? - Just fine.

The sound of things, they're both doing a whole lot better than Ray.

You want me to keep dinner waiting?

No, I think we'll go ahead. It doesn't look as if Sue Ellen's coming.

Sue Ellen phones when she's gonna be late.

I wouldn't worry about it, darling.

Who knows? Maybe she is out with J.R. tonight.

I'm sure she's all right.

I've been looking forward to this.

- J.R., we have to talk. - We don't.

Don't you care that Jack could be millions of miles away by now?

Sure I do. Don't worry. We'll find him.

But we have to find him soon so we can prove malicious intent.


That he sold Jamie his percent for $ .

Darling, don't you ever think of anything besides Ewing Oil?

We never did discuss how much you're gonna pay me for my percent.

We will, we will.

If we could find Jamie, we could have her lead us to Jack...

There's a time to talk and a time to stop talking, darling.

And this is the latter.

“Malicious intent.“ It has such a nice ring to it, don't you think?



You didn't have to stay all day.

Well, I wanted to.

I wanted to make sure you and the baby were all right.

Yeah, I know how concerned you are about the baby.

DAVE: Okay, the word is out.

Visiting hours were over an hour ago.

We're gonna get locked up if we don't get out.

- They can do that to a senator? - Mm-hm. But I'll be back tomorrow.

Well, I guess I better get going too.

All the way back to Dallas?

- If you need anything... - Yeah.

I'll call.

Thanks for the beautiful flowers.


- Take care of yourself. - Yeah.

So how have things been going with you, Ray?

Fair. Been worried about Donna.

Hmm. And so have I.

Of course, we're not the only ones.

Senator Dowling seemed mighty interested.

Well, Andrew is a force to be reckoned with, politically.

Seems like more than his politics she was interested in.

Are you asking me what their relationship is?

Well, Donna just couldn't wait, could she?

Ray, they're just friends.

Wonder how the big-time senator would feel about a ready-made family.

The one I was gonna have.

Let's get out of here.

Honey, what are you doing up?

Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.

It's okay. I don't sleep too soundly when you're not here anyway.

Bobby, Sue Ellen's room is empty.

And so is J.R.'s.


Well, as strange as it may seem, maybe they are out together.

I don't believe that, do you?

You think she might've taken that first drink?

That's why I've been phoning bars and hospitals for the last two hours.

Oh, boy.

I hate to think of her starting to drink all over again.

Why would she? She seems so happy lately.

She has been happy.

I can't think of any other reason for her not coming home.

Pam, you and her are pretty close.

Do you think she might be seeing somebody?

I don't think so. She would've told me.

Maybe we are making too much of this.

Bobby, what if Sue Ellen's too drunk to come home?

What if she's passed out somewhere?

Don't worry. If that's the case, there's nothing we can do till morning.

What if she's not back then?

Then I will call Sheriff Washburn and he will find her.



BOBBY: I don't know, Fenton. She just didn't come home last night.

That's right.

Now, I want you to get on it as soon as you can.

Yeah, I appreciate it. Listen, if you find her, will you give us a call?

- All right. Thank you. - Sheriff Washburn?

Yeah. He said he'd do everything he can.

It'll be heartbreaking if Sue Ellen's drinking again.

Ahem. Well, good morning.

What's everybody's staring at? I'm here to change a shirt, not steal the silver.

Your wife didn't come home last night.

J.R.: Started drinking again, did she?

- She might have. - I called Fenton.

You call the hospitals and bars?

I did last night but without any luck.

Well, with the family all in this together, a little cooperation, we'll find her.

Listen, Bobby, I've been meaning to talk to you about something.

Sue Ellen disappearing and everything...

J.R.: Now, this is complicated...

and maybe I should've mentioned it to you sooner.

- I don't know, Bob. BOBBY: What is it?

- Morning. ELLIE: Sue Ellen.

Are you all right?

Sue Ellen, I've been so worried about you.

Where'd you spend last night, in a brewery?

I hate to disappoint you, but I haven't been drinking.

Well, where were you last night?

I can't remember.

J.R.: Can't remember?

All I know is that I woke up in my car this morning.

In a parking lot.

And I haven't the slightest idea how I got there.

- Passed out, that's how you got there. - I haven't had a drink in months.

Sue Ellen, what's the last thing you remember before this morning?


Yesterday afternoon I...

I went into a restaurant...

and I was drinking coffee.

Sue Ellen, what's wrong?

It's just this terrible headache.

Case you've forgotten, it's called hangover.

Where were you last night, my love?

Isn't this yesterday's suit?


Isn't this cheap perfume?

Did you spend the night in your car too? In the back seat?

Go upstairs, sleep this off.

You all think that I've been drinking again, don't you?

We don't want to, Sue Ellen.

Let me help you upstairs.

This is all very sad.

I was so sure that Sue Ellen had finally got it all together.

Sony to see her drinking again. I really am.

What is it you started to tell me before?


You know, I was talking about tightening up security here...

because of the t*rror1st and everything, I...

I had the feeling that Sue Ellen had fallen into the wrong hands...

but the only place she had fallen was off the wagon.


Isn't Ray ever gonna come home?

Honey, the man has things to do.

Maybe he's in Fort Worth.

Maybe he's out of town.

He wouldn't leave without telling us.

Would he?

Honey, you do have other friends.

But Darius has a race house, and I wanna go riding.

That's not the only reason.

Sure it is.

Don't you think you're becoming too attached to him?


Like I was to Bobby?

I just don't wanna see you hurt again.

Mom, aren't you wondering where Ray is?

It's none of my business.

Is something wrong?

How come we haven't seen him?

He's a busy man. He has a life of his own.

You didn't answer my question.


I think, for the time being, we ought to give Ray space.

Well, how long do you think he's gonna need this space?

Charlie, you'll be late for school.

You know, I really do miss riding Darius.

Goodbye, Charlie.

- Hello. - Good morning, J.R.

Hey, is Bobby in yet?

No, he's at Canadyne on the ebb-water deal.

Oh, yeah, he's signing that contract.

A messenger delivered this for you.

- It's marked “confidential.“ - Oh, yeah?

No return address.

Oh, my God.

J.R. [READING]: “Thought you might like to know...

where your wife spent the night.“



Sue Ellen.

How you trash your life is your business, honey.

But when it arrives at my office, it's mine.

- What are you talking about? - Hope you're enjoying your nap...

because you didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

You put this family through hell, playing around like you did. Here.

You know who he is?


Son of, I mean...

Oh, come on, Sue Ellen. Cut the act.

It is not an act.

I met him a few times.


- That's not you between the sheets? - I'm not having an affair.

What are those pictures?

A figment of my imagination?

After all your dirty little affairs, I would love to tell you about mine.

Only this isn't one of them.

All right, all right.

What do you remember about yesterday?


I went shopping...

and then I went into a restaurant.

I did see him yesterday.

- Where? - While I was having coffee.

What happened?

Nothing. He came by...

and he said hello, and then he left.

And then?

And I drank my coffee...

and then I started to feel strange...


And after that I don't remember anything.

Until you woke up this morning?


Do you think he put something in my coffee?

Maybe he drugged me.

That would explain the headache and the blackout.

He says he knows you.

Does he?


But I'm gonna find out who he is.

And for God's sake, Sue Ellen, try to be more careful.



Okay, Pam. Here is another $ million.

Well, thank you.

I told you I'd pay you in a week, and there it is.

Why the frown? If I were you, I'd be very proud of myself.

Proud? Well, that's not exactly the word I'd use.

But I'm glad one of us is worth billions.

I'm glad you're glad, because you still owe me half a million dollars.

Oh-ho. That's just like you, quibble over pennies.

Five hundred thousand dollars is not quibbling.

I could've paid you back the whole thing...

it I could've held onto that deal just a little longer.

But, no, you wanted your precious millions, so I sold.

Oh, that's my brother, a man of honor.

Yeah, that's what I am.

If you wanted to be big about it, you wouldn't make me pay you the , .

Won't buy you happiness.


Okay, I'll forget it, for now.

Pam, you're a peach.

- But you will pay me back. - When I get it, you get it.

- Let's talk business. - That's what I'm here for.

- Did you look at the prospectuses? - I sure did.

Anything catch your eye?

- Park Bell Oil looks promising. - I like that one. Mm-hm.

Yeah, listen. You know, there are other companies out there...

that we should be looking at.

Well, I'm open to suggestions.


- Let me ask you one other thing. - What's that?

- What are the Ewings interested in? - Oh, Cliff.

- I am only looking out for your interest. - Oh, really?

Listen, why should I want a company that the mighty Ewings want?

You won't put up the money for it anyway.

Ewing Oil is none of your business.

Yeah, but look. Why not avoid bidding against them?

Just think of the time and effort that would save.

MacArthur Mining.

- Is that an answer? - MacArthur Mining is the only company...

J.R. and Bobby are interested in buying. Happy new?

We just won't bid against them.



PAUL: Yeah? WOMAN: Mr. Krebbs is here to see you.

Send him in.

- Hello, Ray. - Paul

- Just get back? - Yeah.

How you doing?

No complaints. How's Donna?

She's fine.

Now's the time to get on with the divorce.

Change your mind about getting custody of the child?

No, and I don't want any lectures.


Then just consider this a reminder from a friend.

The odds are against you.

So keep out of trouble...

and away from the ladies.

Donna, she can just run around, do anything she damn well pleases?

What happened back there in Washington?

Senator Andrew Dowling, that's what happened.

I've heard of him.

You're gonna hear a lot more before this divorce is over with.

Is there a romance?

There's something.

I could tell from the minute he walked in that hospital room.

You jealous?

You know the type.

Right family, the right schools, the right books.

He is everything that Donna ever wanted.

I could never be the man that Donna wanted...

no matter what I did...

how I felt about her.

I could never measure up.


Then what I have to tell you isn't gonna make you feel better.

Even if Donna is involved with this senator...

she's a natural choice for custody of the child.

Which means I'm gonna have to wear a halo on my head...

before this is over with?

Unless you change your mind.

I don't quit something that I start.

BOBBY: Glad I got you. Is J.R. in?

- Oh, yes, but he's on the phone. - That's all right.

J.R.: All right, I'll check with the man at the field.

Now, these tanks have to be filled. I'll get back to you, Bill. All right.

Well, how'd the meeting go with Canadyne?

J.R., I want you to tell me what the hell is going on.

What are you talking about?

You don't believe Sue Ellen blacked out last night?

Oh, Bob, let's face it. I'm married to a lush.

You never did give me a reason for that g*n.

- Yeah, I told you. t*rrorists. - Bull.

All right, I've been meaning to tell you about this...

but Sue Ellen wasn't drunk last night.

She was kidnapped.

- Kidnapped? - Take a look at these pictures.

It was delivered by messenger this morning.

Getting so a man can't protect his own wife.

Wait a minute. I've seen this guy.

- Where? - Right here.

In my office. He said he was a janitor. He kidnapped Sue Ellen?

After he drugged her, yeah.

Well, that explains why she couldn't remember anything.

But then he released her. No demand for ransom. Why?

Because he's not after Sue Ellen. He's after me.

You know this character?

Well, I've been putting off telling you about it.

Yes, I know him. I thought I was the only one he was after.

Well, obviously you were wrong.

He's sick, Bob. Real sick.

Why didn't you tell me about this before?

Because I thought I could handle it. - Yeah.

- What are you doing? - What you should've done:

- Call the police. - I wouldn't do that.

And why not?

Because if the feds find out about this...

Ewing Oil will lose its franchise.

They'll shut us down, Bobby.

And you and I will go to prison.

What have you done?

J.R.: Like I told you, Bob...

I only did it to get the price of oil back up.

Donna's oil lobby was gonna take forever.

Somebody had to do something. It was gonna be a simple expl*si*n.

Blow up a couple oil fields in the Middle East...

and let Iran Libya or whoever wants to take credit for it.

Just a simple expl*si*n.

Enough to start World w*r III.

There wasn't gonna be any w*r.

Calhoun is the best at what he does, even though he is crazy as a loan.

Next you'll tell me how you love your country.

That you did this for the Americans, for the farmers and the meatpackers.

Bob, we cannot let the foreigners run this country.

Did you ever consider what might happen if you were caught?

Yes. I was ready to take the consequences.

With the exception of losing Ewing Oil and going to jail, of course.

Well, what about the consequences of endangering your entire family?

- I told you, I was the one he wanted. - He grabbed Sue Ellen.

That was his way of playing games. He loves games.

w*r games.

The more reason for beefing up security around Southfork and around Ewing Oil.

Well, at least now I know why you've been packing that g*n.

What does that mean for the family? Do we have to pack g*ns from now on?

I've done everything I can to keep them out of it.

- Even tried to pay him ”. - Well, what happened?

You always told me every man has his price.

Well, my middleman was pretty useless.

And who was that?

Garrett Gordon.

Gordon was k*lled on account of you?

Well, I found him dead in the very chair you're sitting in, Bob...

before I had him moved to that alley.


Anybody need a chauffeur?

Ha-ha-ha. Andrew...

Taking care of our little elephant?

This is very nice of you, but I already have a cab waiting.

Well, we'll just have to get rid of it.

What you need is personalized service. Me.

This sound like an offer I can't refuse?

It's a long ride home in a wheelchair.

Nurse, you can leave.

My union takes over from here.

Your union takes over at the front door.


Tell me, how did you know there wouldn't be somebody...

waiting for me?

Well, I called Dave Culver...

and I warned him that I would not vote for his bill it he showed...

Vic. I promise I'll be back to see you.

And then I called and asked if Mr. Krebbs had left town.

Do things always go your way?

No. Take the other day.

My timing wasn't exactly perfect.

I certainly didn't expect to bump into your husband.

- Just a moment, please. - About to be ex.

Donna, I might be butting in here where angels fear to tread...

but are you the one who's seeking this divorce?

Why do you ask?

Because of the way your about-to-be-ex looked at you.

Ray isn't interested in getting back together.

He isn't interested in me.

He's interested in the baby.

It wasn't your expanding midsection that he was looking at.

Ray and I don't work anymore.

When things don't work, it's just time to let go and get on with it.

Are you letting go?


Little by little.

NURSE: Ready to go.


TERESA: Will there be anything else?

ELLIE: No, thanks, Teresa. - Yes, ma'am.

I have to go to Braddock to pick up some things.

- Wanna come along? - I'd like to...

but there's a breeder Ray and I have a meeting with.

- All right. I'll see you later. - Bye.


- Thank you, Teresa. - You're welcome.


It's Clayton Fallow. Let me speak to Harkness, please.

Harkness, anything new to report?

That's not satisfactory.

Look, I hired you to track down that damn Parmalee, and I want results.



- Here you are. - Thank you, Dora Mae.

Enjoy your lunch.


- Nice to see you again, Mr. Wendell. - Hi.

Mr. Barnes. Both having your usual?

- My usual. - Yeah, me too.

- Are you ready for the menus? - Not yet, Cassie.


I very generously gave you a great deal of money.

So far all I've gotten from you is the dubious pleasure of your company.

- Give me a break. - I'm a very fair man, Cliff.

You can't pay back that money immediately...

I will accept information as a substitute.

What do you wanna know?

Is Pam a pipeline into Ewing Oil or not?

Yes, she is.


Ewing Oil...

is interested in MacArthur Mining.


that's the sort of thing that makes me believe in you.

That's a real investment in our relationship.

Anything else?

- I think I'd like my menu new, Cassie. - Me too.

I think not. Our meeting is over.

I sell my sister out for million bucks, you don't want me to sit with you?

Don't take it personally.

Cassie, telephone please.

- Here you are. - Thank you.


- Hello? WENDELL [OVER PHONE]: April.

Jeremy Wendell. - Well, hello.

Like you to do a little something for me.

- You've (he boss. - When are you gonna see JR. again?

Hmm. Very soon, I'm sure. Why?

See if you can get him to say anything about a deal with MacArthur Mining.

You know what I saw at Neiman Marcus today?

The most precious fur coat.

MacArthur Mining, April.

I won't forget, Jeremy.

Don't you either.


So predictable.

One, two, three.

- I caught it. - You didn't catch it.

Landed in the water first.

CHRISTOPHER: It did not. JOHN ROSS: Yes, it did.


- I caught it. - No, you didn't.


CHRISTOPHER: I really caught it.

JOHN ROSS: No, you didn't.

- Evening. J.R.: Hey, Bob.

CHRISTOPHER: Hi, Daddy. Swim with us? - Hi, boys.

No, not right now. Don't wanna get my suit wet. You run along.

- Looks like you're standing guard. - Yeah, I am.

Calhoun could be any place out there.

Have any luck with these interviews with security?

No, I'm still working on it. I need men who can match wits with him.

I may have found a little something that'll speed up the process.

What you got?

I had a hunch there might be a clue in those pictures that Calhoun sent.

He might've made a mistake of some kind.

So I took a look up herein the comer. Look.

- Yeah? - That's Calhoun's big mistake.

I took these pictures to the lab and I had them blown up.


BOBBY: Huntley House Hotel.

- We got him, Bob. - I think so.

All right, boys, come on. Out of the pool.

Oh, please, can we stay just five more minutes?

Come on. Five more minutes.

BOBBY: The pool is gonna be here tomorrow. You can play then.

- Here, here. Dry ”. - Go. Here.

- Run upstairs. - Here you go.


I'm all for keeping the boys out of school for a couple of days.

Yeah. Calhoun's just crazy enough to try to nab one of them.

We better find out it he's still at the hotel.

He won't be registered under the name B.D. Calhoun.

- Any ideas? - Yeah. Sue Ellen.

What about her?

She just might remember something that'll put us onto him.


J.R.: Sue Ellen, it's me.


Come in.

Feeling better?

A little.


I've gotta ask you a question.

J.R., I told you, I'm not having an affair.

No, I didn't come here to accuse you.

I've got to know that man's name.

J.R., I told you before, I can't remember anything that happened last night.

Not last night. The other times you met him.

Now, think hard.

Did he give you his name?



Peter Duncan.


Can you imagine how I feel...

not knowing whether he r*ped me or not?

He didn't r*pe you. r*pe is not his style.

Then you do know him.

Yes, I do.


Then who is he?

J.R., do you know that I am so afraid, I can't even leave the house?

I'm afraid that he might come after me again.

And what if he comes after the children?

Do you think he'd do that?

He's not gonna bother you again...

or the boys.

I'm gonna take care of him.

But why is this happening?

Tell me something, anything.

I can't.

I just can't.

But I don't want you to be scared. I want you to be careful.

We've been through some major battles, Sue Ellen.

And no matter what happened between us...

the last thing I wanna see...

is for you to be hurt.




MAN [OVER PHONE]: Huntley House Hotel.

Do you have a Peter Duncan registered there?

Just a minute.

Yes, sir. But he's not in now.

How do you know that?

I have a message on the board that he won't return till tomorrow night.

- Any message for him? - No, no.

Thank you. You've been a big help.


What are you doing?

Well, good morning, sleepyhead.

You're not making breakfast.

Of course I am.

Last night was so wonderful. And you're so wonderful.

I just wanted to do something nice for you.


I met you at the Oil Baron's Club, right?


- Heh-heh. - Now do you remember?

[CHUCKLING] Yeah, I remember.

You're the sweetest man.

But I don't know if I should.

Should what?

- Move in with you. - Do what?

It was last night when we were getting very, you know...


But then you kept talking about that Pam person.

I talked about Pam?

Is she your girlfriend?

Why do you ask?

You kept saying how sorry you were...

for all the bad things you'd done to her.

Yeah. Yeah, I treated her very badly.

Do you love her?

Yeah, I do.



That's why I can't move in with you.


Pam is lucky to have a man like you.


Yeah, lucky.



You got dressed awful early this morning.

Oh. Wanna get a head start. Since I'm more involved in the business...

- I have more to do. - Pam.

If I asked you to do something for me, would you do it, no questions asked?

What's the matter, Bobby?

I want you to stay home today.

The next couple of days, and keep Christopher with you.

How can you expect me not to ask questions?

Pam, please.

Does (his have anything to do with JR“?

Yes, it does.

And it's a real serious situation.

- Bobby. - Now, please, trust me.

But stay home, will you?

- All right. - Good.



Damn! I can't do anything right.

- What did you do? - I b*rned the eggs.

We don't have any more, I'm sorry.

It's no problem. I'll just have a big lunch at school.

That's just great.

A big lunch is gonna tire you out for the rest of the day.

What you need is a big breakfast.

Here, drink some of this. Least you'll have some vitamin C.

I don't want any orange juice.

Would you stop fighting me on everything?

I'm not fighting you. I just don't want any juice.

All right.

I'm not hungry. I'm going to school.

Charlie. Did you finish your homework?

You asked me that last night. Yes.

- I'd like to see it, please. - Mom, get off my case.

Charlie, I wanna see your homework now.

You never used to look at my homework.

You never use to bum eggs and shove orange juice at me.

You've got a problem.

Oh. I have a problem. I have a daughter who won't listen to anything I say.

Mother, I'm not your problem.

It's Ray who's making you act like this.

You miss him, only you won't say it.

So say it.


Oh. Yes.

[CRYING] Yes, I miss him.

I miss him very much.

- Peter Duncan return yet? - Yes, he has.

- Shall I ring his room? - No. Give me the room number.

Sony, sir, I can't do that. It's hotel policy.

CLERK: Sir, please.

BOBBY: Look, all we want is his room number.

Room numbers are private, sir.

Yeah, sure they are.


Room .

Thank you.



So, what happens if he can't be bought ”?

I gotta at least try. Fifteen million dollars is a hell lot of money...

even for Calhoun.

But if it doesn't work...

I'm gonna kneecap him. That'll slow him down.

- Here we are. - Here, Bob.

- J.R., I don't want this. - Don't be stupid.

Here we go.

All right, now what?

Since when does a hotel room come equipped with VCR?

Calhoun always likes to leave a calling card.

Evening. J.R.

Now that you're here, I realize you're a more worthy opponent...

than I thought you were. My compliments.

Now you're an enemy worth k*lling.