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10x25 - w*r and Peace

Posted: 12/01/21 09:21
by bunniefuu
Jenna and I have been very good for each other.

Yeah, you must be. She moves into your house while she's carrying my baby.

You are here to cheat me.

You don't deserve a penny of it, you slime.

You kiss me, I see you kissing Jenna.

- Every time we make love... - Don't...

I can't make the pictures go away.

Don't ask me to give up the one thing that means the most to me, revenge.

You're obsessed with revenge.

Cliff Barnes is doomed and justice will be served.

Get Ray on the phone for me.

It is the court's decision in favor of the plaintiff, April Stevens.

Pam, you've got to talk to me.

Any messages while I was at lunch?

Here you go. And I packed that canon you asked me to.


Cliff, you look like you need an aspirin.

Mind the phones, mind your own business.


Look, I know you think I'm the lowest of low.

You're worse than that.

- Please, just hear me out. - I've heard everything you have to say.

Okay, look. The secret loan from Wendell...

pledging a third of Mama's company, the whole mess...

I did that so I wouldn't hurt you.

Oh, so you lied to me and hurt me worse than the truth ever could have.

But I'm sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I'm sure you are, but it's a little late for apologies.

You never would have told me the truth...

if I hadn't had lunch with Jordan Lee and talked to Jeremy Wendell.

But I couldn't face you with the truth.

So I found out the truth anyway. And I had to bail you out.

I had to buy back Mama's company from Jeremy Wendell.

You're my brother.

Family. I wanted to trust you.

Look, that only makes me feel worse.

You're saying that because I'm pulling out.

That is not true. I'm saying it because you're my sister and I love you.

Maybe you do in your own way...

but that doesn't make me feel any better.

Well, what can I do?

I'll do anything to make it up to you.

- Maybe there is something you can do. - Well, okay, okay. Name it.

Sell me your percent of Ewing Oil.

I can't do that.

I'll put it in a trust fund for Christopher.

Look, we've been through this before. Ask me anything else.

I'll give you shares of Barnes-Wentworth, but not the percent.

Then don't tell me that you want to make up.

But I do, but just don't ask me...

to give up the one thing that means the most to me, revenge.

You're obsessed with revenge.

You're a Barnes. You should understand that as well as anyone.

I was raised to hate the Ewings just as much as you were.

But from the day I tell in love with Bobby, things were different for me.

Why can't you understand...

that I don't want to live my life in the middle of a b*ttlefield?

Especially if I'm the one that keeps pushing you in front of the crossfire.


All right. Whatever you decide to do, I'll understand.

You can walk out of this office if you want to.

But, please, don't walk out of my life.


You're embarrassing me.

- The whole time. - No. No, he wasn't.

Wasn't he watching the concert for a little bit?

- No. - Not even.

CHARLIE: Marnie, I love your belt. - Thanks, it was a birthday present.

CHARLIE: From Danny? - Russell.

GIRL: Russell? What a babe. MARNIE: Yes.


Excuse me, girls?

Personally, I think John with the dark hair and the blue eyes...

- Also two years older. - I'm trying to do accounting.

Is more my type.

- Charlie, I have the greatest idea. - What is it?

We'll invite some of our faves over for a barbecue next weekend.

Excuse me, I'm trying to get some accounting done here.

- Saddle up some horses. - A moonlight ride.

- Oh, yes. - Okay. God.


Are they bothering you?

Not exactly my idea of domestic tranquility.

They're not always this loud, are they?

It's a normal noise level for teenagers, yeah.

I guess I'll just have to try and get used to it.

You better get a lot of practice in...

because if you think teenagers are noisy, you ain't seen nothing yet.

-Oh, the baby. JENNA: Exactly.

Hi, Mom.

Ray, were we making too much noise?

- Well, uh... - Come on.

Milk shake, come on.

Like I said, you better get your practice in.

GIRL: Oh, my gosh.

SUE ELLEN: Have you seen our latest sales figures?


Going down faster than a freight elevator.

You want a drink?

Just some water, please.

Did you notice?

Sales began to drop...

just after Mandy Winger left.

That girl was gold for business.


Don't you think our new Valentine Girl is special in her own way?

You want it straight?

She'd be better ” selling power tools than lingerie.

Mandy did have a certain something.

A certain something?

Mrs. Ewing, excuse my French.

But Mandy Winger was sex on wheels.


I'm for getting Mandy out of the movies and back into lingerie.

She probably wouldn't be interested. I mean, not after Hollywood.

The way I see it...

being queen of lingerie beats Hollywood any day.

Well, let's try looking for another girl.

A new face.

Mrs. Ewing, what is your problem?

Mandy was magic, with a capital M.

And I'm the one that made her a star, aren't I?

And then you got rid of her. I will never be able to figure that one out.


- Miss Ellie. - Hello, Jenna.

May I come in?


May I offer you something?

- Coffee or tea? - Uh...

No, nothing. Thank you.

How are you feeling?

Very pregnant.

Well, at least now you have someone looking after you.

Ray has been very kind, Miss Ellie.

Well, more than kind, I'd say...

with you moving into his home.

I wanted to tell you about that.

What you told me was...

you wanted nothing more to do with the Ewings.

Is this what you meant when you said...

you wanted to get as far away from Southfork as possible?

I know you're upset. You have every right to be.

Well, no, I guess I'm just a little hurt.

I think I deserved to hear about this from you...

instead of getting the news from Bobby.

- Ray didn't want that fight to happen. - But it did.

And now everybody is hurt.

Miss Ellie, you're about the last person I'd wanna hurt...

but I have.

And I am sorry.

I accept your apology, Jenna...

but an explanation would have been better.

Miss Ellie, Ray and I are not little kids setting up house.

This isn't a romance, it's a friendship.

A friendship that no one seems or wants to understand.

I'm trying to understand.

Thank you.

Because as sure as I'm about to have a baby...

I'm staying on at Ray's.

And the world will have to get used to it.

At least...

I hope they will.

Thank you.

We missed you not being around the house, Ray.

Well, I guess by now you know why I haven't been around.

Having Jenna living under the same does change things.


I suppose now you're gonna ask me why she's living there.

No time like the present.

Well, there's not much to it.

That old house of hers is falling down. I can't see a pregnant woman...

having to deal with the faulty electrical circuits and rusted plumbing.

You could've hired her an electrician and a plumber.

Yeah, I could have.

Look, Ray.

We have talked about cutting horses, oil prices, Dallas Cowboys.

Now when are you gonna let me know what's going on?

Well, right now I'd just like to kind of keep this private.

We know each other too well to go private on me now.

That's true enough, but...

I think it's all a pan of you wanting a family.

Any family at any price.

This has nothing to do with me wanting a family.

Can't you understand? It's Jenna.

All by herself.


all the ladies on the face of this earth...

does it have to be Jenna?

It wasn't on purpose.

I don't have to remind you of the problems this can cause.

You mean like that little fight that I had with Bobby the other day?

No, you don't have to remind me.

I feel bad enough.

A bruise heals, but, uh...

Open wound may not.

I have to make things right with Bobby.

J.R.: We're gonna burn that little weasel Barnes in court, I guarantee you, Harv.

He's gonna get exactly what's coming to him, which is nothing.

And I'm going to get everything that's coming to me.

Aren't I, Jack?

Want me to strike up the band so you can dance on Jamie's grave?

I'm sorry about your sister, I really am.

Yeah, bet you are. I bet you all are.

Please, can we save the theatrics?

If we're gonna win back the percent...

we have to have percent cooperation at that hearing.

That's why we're here, Harv. To cooperate.

Yes, that means no quarreling between interested parties.


Now, our job is convincing the judge...

that Jack's sale to his sister was fraudulent.

And what is my job going to be?

To cry some big tears?

You bring along a handkerchief just in case.

You are the key around which all this revolves, April.

The injured party suing for redress.

What you're saying is, April is gonna sue Jamie's estate.

That's right.

And since Barnes is the heir to that estate, we'll be suing him.

In essence, yes.

Our first thing is to get Jack to sign a deposition...

attesting to the fact that his $ sale to Jamie...

was for the purpose of defrauding April.

Out of my rightful half of whatever's yours, dear heart.


Once we've established Jack's malicious intent...

April will sue Jamie's estate to get back what should've been hers.

First we have to have the judge declare that sale null and void.

Right. In legal terms, the judge sets aside the sale as if it never happened.

And once he does that?

If he does, Jack gets his percent back from Cliff Barnes.

Ewing Oil's percent.

Yes, half of which will be turned over to April.

And April will immediately sell it to us, isn't that right, April?

BOBBY: And then Jack will sell his back to Ewing Oil...

- at a fair market value. Right, J.R.? - Oh, sure, of course.

Which will make Jack and me very rich.

Didn't I always say you'd amount to something?

Don't flatter yourself.


For now, do both parties give their verbal consent to these transactions?

And does each of you agree to sell back your percent to Ewing Oil?

I'll agree.

So do I.

And there's another thing we'll agree on.

Cliff Barnes is doomed, and justice will be served. Heh-heh.

You don't give a damn about justice, J.R.

None of you do. You're no more than thieves, all of you.

The only real victim won't be in that courtroom.

She's dead.

HARRIGAN: This is an amazing story, Miss Scotfield.

Well, that's why I came to you, Mr. Harrigan.

That's a newspaperman's dream come true.

The mighty Ewings involved in a plot to blow up Arab oil fields.

And the CIA's cover-up of their own involvement.

Shameful... and yet fascinating.

I was hoping you'd be interested.

You see, I've got to do something.

Well, there's a big “but“ to be dealt with here first.

NANCY: What's that?

I can't print it on just your word.

That means you need proof that what I'm telling you is true.

That's right.

How is your brother, Alfred?

I haven't seen him in a long time.

Still working at the same place?


For the same people?

Yeah, he's a file clerk.

So your sources of information are still current?

Are you asking me what I think you're asking?

I give you my solemn word, Nancy.

I never reveal my sources.

Are you positive that you could keep certain parties out of it?

Yup. And hit a lot of front pages doing it.

A Ewing Oil plot.

A CIA cover-up.

You can't get any more front-page than that.


Mr. Harrigan, I will have to check with my source about using the proof.

As soon as you get me the information, the sooner we can get started.

Thank you.

Ewings convicted.

That would be great headlines, wouldn't it?


J.R.: R's me, JR.

- J.R. - April.

- What an unexpected pleasure. - Ha, ha.

I brought you something.

Well, I can see it isn't flowers.

Well, knowing how ambitious you are, I had this little document drawn up.

- I don't have a pen. - Here you are.

J.R., don't you trust me?

Would you trust me?

This piece of paper says that after you're awarded your percent in court...

I sell it to Ewing Oil.

I don't seem to have much choice here, do I?

Oh, sure you do, honey.

If you don't sign it, you're never gonna get to court...

and you can forget about your percent.

J.R., haven't I always played it straight with you?

Sign right here.

MAN [ON FILM]: Bring the down payment?

Got it right here. one million.

Now, there's two things I wanna make sure of.

Third time you've shown this film, I still can't believe what I'm seeing.

It looks grainy because our people had to be pretty far back when they sh*t it.

Whichever way it goes, I want the trail to stop with you.

The last thing I wanna do is get you in trouble, you know.

Now wait a minute, Nancy.

You've gotta realize I can't let you show this film to anyone.

Not even Mr. Harrigan at the newspaper?

One million dollars assures our deal.

I wanna give you one last chance to back out.

You hear that?

If I can just show him this, they can kiss Ewing Oil goodbye.

And you can kiss me goodbye too because I'll be in a federal pen.

Alfred, they have to have proof.

Mr. Harrigan promised that he'd keep it confidential.

He said he wouldn't tell anyone who gave him the story.

The law can't make him.

Don't you think I want to get the Ewings?

I know what your life's been like, raising those kids all alone by yourself.

Getting old before your time.

I want to get the Ewings...

but I don't wanna end up in jail for doing it.

How are we gonna live with ourselves if we just sit on our hands?

If we don't take a sh*t at it, who will?

Those Ewings have enough money to start World w*r III.

Me and my neighbors don't even have enough to feed our kids.

Alfred, this is our chance.

Well, not a whole lot of people work in the file room.

Then I could borrow the film for a couple of days and nobody'd notice?

No. It's too dangerous.

Someone might find it missing from the file.

Well, can't it be copied?

Oh, sure, at a film lab.

But how would I explain having a film from the CIA?

Well, what about all that other evidence you said was locked away?

Well, I guess I could manage to copy some of it.

Enough to tell the whole story?

Most of it.


are you absolutely sure that Mr. Harrigan can be trusted...

to protect my identity?

Alfred, you're my brother.

You and my kids is all I got left in this world.

I'm not about to lose any of you.


Okay, I'll do it.

You'll do it?

Oh, Alfred.

Oh. Okay.


I'll bet you none of them Ewing ladies ever have to stand at an ironing board.


Come in.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Homework from the office?


What do you think of our new Valentine Girl?

Sue Ellen, I've got a lot of respect for your newfound business sense.

- But, um... - But you're not impressed by her.

Was she the best you could find?

Mandy was the perfect Valentine Girl, wasn't she?

Well, she served your purpose.

Valentine wants me to ask her to come back.

An interesting notion.

What would you think about the triumphant return of Mandy Winger?

Well, Sue Ellen, that's your business.

The question is personal.

Mandy Winger is in the past.

Whether she is the Valentine Girl not.

How can I be sure about that?

Because of what we've been to each other the past few months.

Mandy said that you told her that it hadn't been anyone...

it would have been her.

But it wasn't.

Sue Ellen, I'm with you because I want to be.

It's always been you.


On a scale of one to for enthusiasm...

I give that about a below zero.

I'm sorry.

I know what the problem is.

Do you?

I never should have told you about that strategy session with Harv Smithfield.

Cliff is your brother. I'm sorry.

This doesn't have anything to do with Cliff Strategy meetings, Bobby.

Then what is it?

You hardly said a word at dinner. Something's wrong.

Well, what happened upset me before dinner.

I overheard Miss Ellie and Clayton talking about Ray and Jenna and the baby...

and how everybody is going to handle it.

I keep hearing about that baby.

Honey, I don't like the idea...

Jenna moving into Ray's place any more than you do.

I know you can't help what Ray and Jenna do...

but I keep seeing pictures in my head and it's driving me crazy.

Honey, don't do this.

You kiss me, and I see you kissing Jenna.

- Every time you make love to me... - Stop it.

I can't help it. And I can't make the pictures go away.

When we were divorced, you were with Mark Graison.

That's something I live with.

Oh, Bobby, Mark is gone and Jenna is here and she's carrying your child...

and that's something that isn't going to go away.

Pam, do you remember what I told you before the wedding?

How I felt I was gonna lose you...

and that was something I just couldn't stand.

Well, right now. Heel I am losing you...

just a little bit at a time.

Bobby, I love you.

And that's why I'm trying to live with this. But it is so hard.

I know.

I know.

I love you.

RAY: Bob.

Good morning, Ray.

I'm glad I caught you before you left for work.

Actually, I was on the way over to your place.

Well, I wonder if we're thinking the same thing.

Could be.

I'm sorry about what happened the other day.

Yeah. That's why I came over.

I had no right to say the things I did and I apologize.

I've got a quick tail. I didn't leave any scars, did I?

Oh, not a bit.

I am sorry that Jenna and Charlie had to have front seats to it, though.

Well, brothers do fight.

Especially close ones.


Well, it's been a while since I've been around Southfork.

How's everybody? How's Pam?

The truth?


She's concerned...

about things like the Ewing barbecue.

You'll be coming over with Jenna and the baby.

You mean everything would be okay if I left Jenna at home.

Is that right?

Come on, Ray. Under the circumstances...

I don't think you realize just what the circumstances are.

Jenna and I have been good for each other.

Yeah, you must be.

She moves into your house while she's carrying my baby.


Donna is carrying my baby.

I gave up the fight, why can't you do the same?

Because on that birth certificate, you're gonna be listed as the baby's father.

And on Jenna's, it's gonna say. “Father: Unknown.“

Maybe that's as it should be for everybody's sake.

You're saying that because she's living in your house.

I'm saying that because you've got a blind spot about this baby.

The same way I did about Donna and my baby.

Damn it. Ray, can't you see our situations are different?

I had one hell of a time giving up Donna and that child.

But it's worse for me, though. Because she is my wife.

I think it's high time you did the same for Jenna.


I didn't expect to see you here.

I didn't expect to be here.

- Do I have any mail? - Just the usual.

- Pam. - Oh, don't get excited.

I just happened to be passing by.

No. I'm just glad to see you.

You wanna come in my office, put your feet up for a while?


I'll give you the best seat of the house.

Well, I talked to Scotty Demarest this morning.

Oh, your lawyer, I'm not surprised.

Oh, well, then you know the Ewings are taking me to court.

Bobby just told me last night.

Boy, I cannot believe they got Jack Ewing on their side, you know?

I mean, he hates me, of course...

but then, he hates J.R. even more, you know?

And then Scotty tells me...

that they turned over every rock in the country trying to find that guy.

That percent is mine.

I know that you don't think I deserve anything that belonged to Jamie, but...

- Pam? - Oh, I'm sorry Cliff. I wasn't listening.

Not that I haven't heard it all before.

Boy, you are really ” somewhere today, aren't you, huh? You okay?

Wanna talk?


Are you still so upset with me?

It doesn't have anything to do with you.



Always wonderful to see you, Mrs. Ewing.

Thank you.

BRUCE: You too, Mr. Valentine.

Charmed as always.

Mr. Harvey, can I get you something? A coffee?

BRUCE: No, thank you, Mrs. Ewing.

Just looking at your lovely face is more than enough for me.

About the movie.

Please sit down.

Thank you.

What about it?

When does the Winger chick finish up?

Well, actually, I have another picture lined up for Mandy, in Brazil.

She's gonna look just great in a bikini in Rio.

She'll look better in lingerie in Dallas.

I gather this is the new Valentine Girl.

Not the same, is she?

Mandy does seem to be the one right Valentine Girl.

My guess is that you would like her to come back into the fold...

and that you'd like me to talk her into it.

We just don't want you to stand in our way.

What's in it for me?

Mr. Harvey, have you forgotten who financed your little movie?


JENNA: It seems everyone but us is unhappy with our living arrangement.

We shouldn't have expected anything different.

Well, at least they're unanimous.

Miss Ellie, Clayton, Bobby.

You know what they say about too much pressure from the outside.


It makes people in the inside get closer.

- What do you think? - It's true.

While I was busy defending us to Miss Ellie, I surprised myself.

I wasn't thinking about Bobby.

I was worried about you.

Does that mean you're finally getting over Bobby?

Oh, Ray, the baby's kicking. You wanna feel?

Yeah, sure.

Right there. Wait, wait, wait. There.

- How about that? - He's kicking up a storm.

Well, what do you know?

Well, we have wined them and dined them.

I think it's time for your impassioned speech.

Okay, uh, lead me, sir. To the microphone.

Here we go.

- Donna. - What's the matter?


I don't think I'm gonna be able to give that speech.

- Is this it? - Does that mean...?

If by “it“ you mean “baby“? Yes.

- Ah, let's move it out. - Oh, here we go.

HARV: Your Honor, I would like to submit into evidence...

a certified copy of the divorce decree between Jack and April Ewing...

establishing the fact that she was awarded percent...

of his earnings and assets for a period of five years following the divorce.

Admitted into evidence as plaintiff's Exhibit .

Thank you, Your Honor.

Now, subsequent to the divorce, Mr. Ewing...

did you acquire percent ownership interest in Ewing Oil?

I did.

And then did you enter into an agreement with your sister...

Jamie Ewing Barnes...

to sell her your percent?

Yes, I did.

Would you tell us the terms of that agreement?

I sold my share to Jamie for a dollar.

And I split that dollar with April.

She then threw that cents back in my face.

Then the act was maliciously intended to deprive your ex-wife...

of her share of Ewing Oil.


Fifty cents was too good for her. You bet it was malicious.

And you so stated in the deposition.

- Is that true? - Yes.

Look, can't you see what's happening?

This is all just a frame-up to keep me out of Ewing Oil.

For God's sake, sit down.

Order in the court. Order.

I must remind you this is a court of law.

I have no further questions, Your Honor.

You wish to cross-examine this witness?

SCOTTY: Yes, I certainly do, Your Honor.

Mr. Ewing.

Am I correct in assuming that you and your ex-wife, April Stevens...

are not on the best of terms?

You are correct.

Then why the sudden att*ck of conscience?

Why didn't you come forward while your sister was still alive?

Why? Why would I?

I was glad to give Jamie some kind of happiness.

She needed some after that little twerp Barnes dumped her.

-I resent that. JUDGE: Mr. Barnes.

Mr. Ewing, please confine yourself to answering the questions.

So you gave your sister a little happiness...

- with percent of Ewing Oil. - Yes.

And you're asking us to believe that it was...

with the express purpose of defrauding your ex-wife?


And I don't suppose...

it's because Mr. Barnes now has that percent...

that's given you this change of heart towards your ex-wife?

Objection. JUDGE: Overruled.


No, I've had time to think.

And I realize now what a terrible thing I did to April.

This is a“ all a setup by JR. Ewing.

You are here to cheat me.

You don't deserve a penny of it, you little slime.

Who are you calling names?

-You. JUDGE: Mr. Barnes.

I was a good husband to your sister.

You were a poor excuse for a husband.

Any further outburst and I will instruct the bailiff...

to remove both of you from this courtroom.

Mr. Demarest, do you have any further questions for this witness?

Heh, heh. Not at this time, Your Honor.

Mr. Ewing, are you acquainted with both the plaintiff...

and her ex-husband, Jack Ewing? J.R.: Yes, I am.

What can you tell us about their relationship?

Well, it was pretty terrible.

Terrible enough so that Jack Ewing...

would cheat April Stevens out of her share of Ewing Oil?

Objection. Counsel is leading the witness.

Objection overruled. You may continue.

J.R.: Well, the man was obsessed.

He was determined that April wouldn't get what was coming to her.

And isn't it true...

that you offered to buy back that percent...

before Jack Ewing sold it to his sister?

Well, he was too busy thinking about revenge to think about selling anything.

Frankly, I think he was afraid.

That it he sold it to me, she'd find some way to get her hands on that money.

- No, he just didn't trust her a bit. - Objection.

Now that testimony is pure hearsay.

-And probably a lie. JUDGE: Order.

Judge, I resent Mr. Barnes' implications.

I'm here to make sure that justice is served...

and that little girl and my cousin get what is rightfully theirs.


Everything after the word “justice“ should be stricken off the record.

Miss Stevens, percent of Ewing Oil will make you a very wealthy young lady.

I intend to be a very old lady by the time I finish spending it.

Well, with this enthusiasm for riches, what took you so long...

to claim what's so-called rightfully yours?

Why didn't you step forward during the estate probate period...

before my client had been made its legal heir?

Well, how could I?

Jack disappeared, and without him...

I couldn't prove that sale was only for $ .

Yeah, but Barnes knew. He had the proof.

He raced the estate through probate so nobody would stop him.

After all I've been through, Your Honor...

I think I should be awarded the whole percent as well as punitive damages.

JUDGE: Order.

The court will be in recess for minutes.

When the court reconvenes, we will hear closing arguments...

and the court will render its decision.


I didn't know that I could feel like this.

Holding this new life in my arms...

for the first time.

It's a miracle.

Would you get Ray on the phone for me?

Are you sure?



He's gonna miss out...

on a lot of her growing up.

I don't want him to miss out on the day she was born.


-Hello. MAN [ON PHONE]: Is Hay Krebbs there?

No, he isn't. This is Jenna Wade. Can I help you?

Uh, just a moment, please.

Ray isn't there. It's Jenna.

You want me to leave a message?

No. Let me talk to her.

Hi, Jenna.

R's Donna.


How are you?

I'm great.

I just had a little baby girl.

I wanted to call and tell Ray the good news.

Oh, Donna, that's wonderful, uh.

I know he'll be thrilled.

A little girl.

I'm sure she's beautiful.

She is.

Well, I guess it won't belong before you'" be having your baby.

Uh, no, not much longer.

Well, it was good talking to you.

I'll tell Ray the good news, Donna.

I'd appreciate it.


I really wish you the best.

You too.



JUDGE: After considering the testimony and the evidence presented here today...

it is clear that Jack Ewing intended to defraud his ex-wife...

when he sold his percent of Ewing Oil to his sister for $

thereby depriving his ex-wife of her rightful percent of Ewing Oil.

It is the court's decision...

that Jack Ewing's sale to Jamie Ewing Barnes...

be set aside...

and therefore finds in favor of the plaintiff, April Stevens.


the court further finds that, although it was with malicious intent...

on Jack Ewing's pan to defraud his ex-wife...

it is the court's decision...

that the $ sale be set aside...

only as it is applied to April Stevens' percent...

but not to Jack Ewing's percent.

That was his to do with as he pleased.

Even sell it to his sister for cents.


Jack Ewing's share, percent of Ewing Oil...

will remain where it presently is, in the estate of Jamie Ewing Barnes...

with its heir, Cliff Barnes.


- Oh, by golly, do you believe that? - Wait a minute, you can't do that.

BAILIFF: All rise. Court is adjourned.


It happens when you come before a judge you don't know.

Can you believe that? Excuse me.

If you're here to gloat, I'm gonna tear you apart.

No, no, no. I'm a gracious winner.

I just came to offer you my condolences.

- Shut up, Cliff. - Okay.

Jack, I'm sorry.

More for you than for us.

Well, Jamie's gone.

It was for her that I agreed to this circus.

I just wanted to right the wrong that had been done.

Instead, my ex, Jamie's ex, make ” with all the money.

I think Jamie's life was a terrible price for victory, don't you?

MAN [ON TV]: Did you expect things to go badly?

MAN : How close are you to April?

Were you surprised the judge let Cliff Barnes keep his?

MAN : How much? MAN : Are you gonna fight it?

Gentlemen, please. It's just a battle, not the whole damn w*r.

MAN : Any comments you wanna make?

Yes, yes. There is.

We a“ live in America where justice is the name of the game.

Justice was nut served in this case.

Not by a long sh*t.

Oh, justice will be served, Mr. Ewing.

I can promise you that.