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14x05 - Tunnel of Love

Posted: 12/01/21 09:48
by bunniefuu
Last on Dallas:

This will all be over tomorrow.

What's your son doing
working on a construction site?

- Fire him.
- Try and get a hold of J.R.

Tell him what's gonna happen at the
OPEC meeting and tell him I need some help.

You must be able to
remember plenty about J.R.

We've got records of everything.

Hello, Liz.

Hello, Johnny.

Did you really think you could
hurt me by getting me fired?

I haven't even started yet.
I'm gonna keep after you...

till you come crawling back to
me on your hands and knees.

Not yet, Bobby.

Soon, Bobby. Soon.



J.R. Yeah? JACKIE:
J.R., Mr. Carlisle's here.

Bring him in.

Thank you, Jackie. Close
the door, will you, honey?

Well, Duke, how you doing?

You don't look well at all.

Oh, I know. It's about that terrible
thing that happened to Melinda.

You know, I always thought
she was such a nice girl too.

It's you, isn't it J.R.?

You setup Melinda and
you had my license jerked.

Well, now, how much
power do you think I have?


What'll it take to get
Melinda off the hook?

What makes you
think I could do that?

What' II it take?

Well, maybe if you moved
your whole operation elsewhere...

like Louisiana or Arkansas,
certainly out of Texas...

then just maybe those
charges could be dropped.

It'll cost me a fortune.

But our children are
worth it, aren't they?

All this because
of a poker game?

No. All this because you thought you
had the right to teach my son a lesson.

Call off your dogs,
J.R., I'm moving.

Carlisle, pass the
message on for me.

Nobody but a Ewing
touches a Ewing.

You got a lot of dirt in
that file of yours, Sly.

Just not the right kind.

What more do you need?

Well, names, places, details.

Well, I've got some more files at
home. I'll bring them by tomorrow.

There's gotta be a
hundred guys J.R.'s ruined.

Let's round a few of them up.

- You're not gonna find any takers, James.
- Why not?

We're not the only ones
dying to get back at the guy.

People are scared of J.R.

They know he doesn't mind
crushing someone over and over again.

You're not getting
cold feet, are you?

- No way.
- Good, because right now...

all I wanna do is pay him
back so I can get on with my life.

Meaning you wanna stay here?

What's wrong
with here? I like it.

It's honest work.

Where's home these days, James?

Well, I put in some overtime
for a room in the back.

You sleep in a room in the back?

That's right.

One lamp, one mattress...

and no J.R.

APR“; Promise me we'll
never be like they were.

Let's not ever put off
anything that we wanna do.

Some things have to wait
for the right time and place.

APR“; I'm serious. 1 don't want us to
ever lose any time we could spend together.

I promise you...

"whatever you want,
whenever you want.

APR“; Right now 1 wanna dance.

I don't want excuses,
I want her found.

I want Lady Montfort's
location by the end of the week.

I don't care if you have to check every
mental hospital in the United States...

I want her found. You
got it? Yeah, all right.

What is it, honey?

Did you hear the news about
what happened in France?


Some American tried to assassinate
one of the major leaders of OPEC.

No fooling?

It was at this big oil
reception in Paris.

- And you say the assassin blew it?
- I think so.

They haven't released all the details,
just that some bystanders were k*lled.

Huh. That's really
something, isn't it?

I wonder what would have happened
if they'd actually bumped him off.

There would have been
an Arab oil embargo.

And the price of Texas crude
might just have gone through the roof.

- You think that was the reason behind it?
- I don't know.

But I guarantee it wasn't a Texan's finger
on that trigger. He wouldn't have missed.

Any way you look at it, they
ought to hang a medal on that fella.

Why don't you call Bobby?

- Maybe he knows something about it.
- Yes, sir.

Oh, really?

- You want me to wear a blindfold?
- That's right.

Let me guess, I'm being
lead off to a firing squad...

for being such lousy
company at dinner.

You were lousy company tonight.
You were quiet, you were distant...

and unbearably
attractive. But I forgive you.

I've got a lot on my mind.

Well, I don't want you to care about
that, not right now. Just follow me.

Hit it.

You are absolutely
crazy. Do you know that?

You got so much
New York in you...

I decided I had to bring a bit of New
York here just to get your attention.

Well, you've got it. Now what?

Okay. You remember we had a hot dog
from this very cart outside of my office?

Well, it was that exact moment that
I realized that I was in love with you.

Oh, Cliff.

Now, I know you've been
running hot and cold on me...

but I've got very
good instincts.

You know what my
instinct is telling me now?

- I'm afraid to ask.
- That you need a hot dog.

- But we just had dinner.
- I know, but you can handle it, really.

Here, open that, and
don't put mustard on it.

Marry me, Liz. We'll
live happily ever after.

I know we can do it.

I don't know what to say.

Well, it's a three-letter word. It
begins with Y and ends with "yes."

Oh, gully, don't tell
me it's gonna be no.

It's really something
I have to think about.

Not the answer I wanna hear.

I know. I'm sorry.

Yeah, J.R. Ewing here.

Hello, Mr. Ewing. This is

Christine Faster with
the Associated Press.

Well, I'm kind of
busy right now.

I'd just like to get your quote.

- Quote about what?
- About what happened in Paris.

Oh, you mean that
assassination thing.

And your sister-in law's death.


It's rumored that
April Stevens Ewing...

had something to do with
the assassination attempt.

Was she involved in any kind of right-wing
political activity that you know of?

April's dead?

Well, you must have heard.

What about my brother
Bobby? Is he all right?

- He's fine.
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Poor April.

Hey, James, I pay you to
work on motorcycles, not blonds.

- Yeah, give me another minute, will you?
- Make it fast.

Boy, Bobby must
be going through hell.

I can't even imagine
how bad it is for him.

- For J.R. too.
- J.R.?

He doesn't care about anything.
He's got a heart the size of a peanut.

You don't get it, do you?

I know J.R. is hurting.
Family is real important to him.

Oh, yeah, I know
how important family is.

Look, did you bring
your other files?

- No, I left everything at home.
- Why?

I wanna forget about
our deal, James.

I don't wanna help you
stick it to J.R. right now.

- What, because of Bobby?
- Yeah, that's part of it.

Look, maybe I'm a little soft...

but I think this might be the perfect
time for you to make up with J.R.

Forget it.

What is the point of
hanging on to all that anger?

Come on, Sly. You
want me to start a list?

When you compare it to April, it really
doesn't add up to very much, does it?

Mr. Ewing.

The concierge at your hotel said
I'd find you walking this direction.

I have a few more questions.

We're very sorry
about what happened.

This is where I lost her.

The first time.

I never should have
let her shop alone.

None of this might
have happened.

As of this moment, Mrs.
Foley is still uncaptured.

We think she may have
slipped out of the country.

Did you hear Mr. Jordan
Lee was m*rder*d?

I heard.

It appears they intended to k*ll
you and your bride, Mr. Ewing.

Along with your bank minister.

I am aware of all of this now.

You stated that Mrs. Foley's plan
was some sort of personal revenge...

based on her husband's su1c1de?

That's what I thought at first.

And now I know there
must be more to it than that.

That's what I want
to talk to you about.

Anything you can tell us
about her, anything at all...

will help us track her down.

I don't even know why April
and I even came to Paris.

We were so happy in
London those first few days.

Don't blame yourself.

Fine. I'd be very
happy to blame you.

Why didn't you listen to me?

If you had listened to me, my wife
wouldn't be lying in a morgue right now.

- I understand your pain.
- You don't have a clue.

Why is it that every
radical group in the world...

has their headquarters in your
backyard. What kind of a country is this?

I remind you that Mrs.
Foley and her gunman...

where countrymen of yours.

All that means is
you'll never find them.

But I Will.

And you can go
to hell. All of you.

You've still got that walk.

The one that drives me crazy.

And you still have a
flair for the dramatic.

You didn't like the way I
popped up in McKay's office.

Not much.

You've got a new look, Liz.

Your hair's different, clothes
are more conservative.

I'm wearing my skirts
longer now, Johnny.

- But you still can't hide that magic.
- Don't.

Oh, come on, you
know you love it.

Hey, is this a
great town or what?

Not only am I'm gonna get my girl back,
but I'm gonna get a little oil company too.

Stop it, Johnny.

It's real, Liz.

Ace Geophysical is just
what the doctor ordered.

My investment group needs
a fresh new industry. This is it.

You're moving
your operation here?

We've been looking into
this market for some time now.

And In and behold, who do I
know that inherits an oil company?

The love of my life.

- You'll never be able to pull it off.
- Why not?

- Our company is as clean as they come.
- Sure.

Since when did you start
making moral judgments?

- Or is that Cliffy's influence?
- Stay away from him.

He's much too good
to get involved with you.

Not to mention good in the sack.

- You'd love to know, wouldn't you?
- Really, I don't care.

You're gonna be back
in my bed soon enough.


How much do you
want for that company?

You still have a lot of attitude,
you know that, Johnny?

I'm staying at the Quorum.

Call me when you
come up with a figure.

I just can believe it's
true. She was so beautiful.

- I know.
- Oh, here he comes.

- I'm sorry, J. R.
- Yeah.

Have you tried to reach Bobby?

I've been calling every 10 minutes
and I've left messages at the embassy.

All right. Put me on
the flight to Paris tonight.

- Yes, sir.
- Try to get a hold of John Ross in London.

I wanna see if Bobby's
talked to Christopher.

Right away.

And I'll keep trying
Bobby's hotel.

Say, Elizabeth, you'd like
some time off or something?

No, I'll stay right here. I just
hope the boys will be okay.

Don't worry. We'll
take care of each other.

A few questions please. Do you
know where the assassins are hiding?

Do you know who
else was involved?

Is it true you and Miss
Foley share the same room?

Was she acting alone or is there really
a right-wing group behind the sh**ting?

You can't hide from this,
Mr. Ewing. The world wants to know.

Oh, Bobby, I can't tell you
how bad I feel about April.

I'm arriving in Paris tomorrow
morning. I'll be there right by your side.

I don't want you to come.

Well, of course I'm coming.

You heard me, J.R.,
I don't want you here.

All right. All right.

Have you called mama?

No, and I don't
want you to either.

Listen, I can tell you're not
thinking straight. I wanna help, Bob.

I don't need help.

Well, I could help with the
arrangements or something.

The funeral is later today.

Her mother gave me permission
to bury April here. Look, I gotta go.

- Well, we got more to talk about.
- You wanna talk about something, J.R.?

We can talk about where the hell you
where last week when I really needed you.

Bobby, that was not my fault.

No, of course not. It's
never your fault, is it?

But April is still dead.

Not now.

I said, not now.

What are you doing here?

I heard the news. Made me
feel bad enough to come here.

I thought maybe we could
make up or something.

Oh, you thought that, did you?

It seems stupid for us to keep going
at each other, especially after this.

The whole family is hurting.

Family? What do you know about
family? You're not even a half-breed.

Come on, let's bury the hatchet.

Why should I? This
whole mess is your fault.

What's my fault?

If you hadn't kept me in that sanitarium,
I'd have been able to help Bobby.

Hey, don't try and lay that on me.
You checked yourself into that place...

all for another one of your
stupid useless dirty deals.

April is dead,
Bobby's at my throat...

and all because I got a
vengeful so-called son.

I made a major
mistake coming here.

No, the next time I come to bury a
hatchet, I'm gonna bury it in your skull.

Just get the hell out of here.

Enough is enough. How many
more years of my life do you want?

We can't quit now, Liz,
we've almost got them all.

I don't care.

I'm sick of being a government
agent. I want my own life back.

When we recruited you,
your life was Johnny Dancer.

By the way, has Johnny asked
for your brother's company yet?

- How did you know that?
- I'm psychic.

I'm serious. How did you know?

He's looking for new
ways to launder his money.

What could be
more inviting than his

girlfriend's tight little
oil-exploration unit?

My brother loved that company.
I'm not letting Johnny have it.

Oh, but we want
him too. It's perfect.

He can setup his dirty
laundry, you'll work with him.

When we've got an ironclad
case, we ship them all up the river.

Sorry, I want
him out of my life.

All right, he's out of
your life. Then what?

You become Cliff
Barnes' little house Frau.

Don't try to push my buttons.

Doesn't it upset you the way
Johnny can still get to you?

Why does he always
send you 13 roses?

Some women would
consider that bad luck.

Go back to Washington. Tell
them to get a new cover girl.

I'm out of it.

So be it.

There's one last thing.

Didn't you think it was strange that your
brother's brand-new car had faulty brakes?

That's unusual, isn't it? How
often does that sort of thing happen?


Don't try that.

It's all there.

Last year, Johnny Dancer
approached your brother Ace.

He tried to buy the company,
Ace told him to take a hike...

and Johnny had
your brother k*lled.

That way you would
inherit the company...

and Johnny would end up with it.

Don't look at the last two
photos, they're morgue sh*ts.

Everything else in that dossier
will prove I'm telling the truth.

How long have you known?

How long?

Don't hate the
wrong person, Liz.

I tried to keep this from you
until we put Johnny away...

but we can't do that
now without your help.

Just tell me he wasn't
k*lled because of me.

It all comes down to this:

You can nail the slime
who k*lled your brother...

or you can hide under
a log with Cliff Barnes.

It's your call, Liz.

Mr. Barnes, I'd
like to talk to you.

Not really a very good time.

I know. I just found
out about April myself.

- You were good friends, weren't you?
- Yeah.

Real good friends.

Well, look, I won't take
up much of your time.

Well, that's good because I'm not
really in the best shape right now.

Yeah. I have a deal for you.

It's a lousy time to try
to make a deal with me.

It's about J.R. I know you've been
trying to bring him down for years.

Well, I can make
it happen for you.

- Some other time.
- Did you hear what I said?

Yeah, I heard you.

Look, I'm giving you a chance
to finally nail him to the cross.

I've get incredible
information, fully documented.

We could take him down together.

Why should I?

- Isn't it obvious?
- No, it's not obvious.

Your his son, why should I trust
you more than I trust your daddy?

Hey, I hate him
worse than you do.

Well, maybe that's so.

But like I say, timing is everything.
Right now your timing stinks.

What are you talking about?

Hey, I'm giving this to you. I
don't want anything in return.

You know something? You're not a bit
more compassionate than your old man.

Did you ever think of what
Bobby's state of mind is right now?

And you want me to go gunning
for his brother at this time?

This has nothing
to do with Bobby.

That's where you're wrong. You
just don't understand, it's a family.

So why don't you take your
fully-documented information...

and go blow it out your exhaust?

You know, you're as big a
loser as everybody says you are.

One of these days
maybe you'll grow up.

And hopefully you'll find out that
revenge is not the most important thing.

Same again, Mr. Ewing?

Yeah. BARTENDER: Yes, sir.

McKAY: Can you
keep your voice down?

- I knew it was too quiet tonight.
- What other pleasure do I get...?

Mrs. McKay been
drinking too much again?

McKAY: I heard you, Rose.
- She's been hitting it real hard.

I'm talking about
sex, Mac. S-E-X.

I heard you, Rose, and
so has everybody else.

Well, you don't
listen to me in private.

So let's just make this public.

You've had too much to
drink and we're going home.

Well, of course I've
had too much to drink.

- What other pleasure do I get from life?
- Dora Mae.

Why don't you make
love to me anymore, Mac?

We might have trouble
getting Mrs. McKay to the car.

You don't touch me. And it's all because
you made me sleep with Cliff Barnes.

I'll take her myself.
Come on, Mrs. McKay.

Just remember, you were
the one who made me do it.

And if my body's too dirty
for you now, it's your fault.

I need love, Mac. I can't
go on like this any longer.

Mrs. McKay.

Hi, Mrs. McKay.

Leave me alone, Dora
Mae. I can make it.

- Are you sure, Mrs. McKay?
- Oh, I'm fine.

Hey, Mac.

What's the matter?
Can't raise the flag?

Shut up, J.R.

You shouldn't be wasting
your time talking to me.

You'd better get yourself
home, take care of business, boy.

I'm sorry about April's death...

but it just might bring
Clayton back real soon.

And once he comes back,
Westar's gonna eat you for breakfast.

Yeah, who is it? - It's Liz.

Hi, Liz, what a surprise.

I know it's late, but
I'd like to come in.

- That's okay, I'll make some coffee...
- No, I can't stay.

I don't know how to say
this without hurting you.

Wait a minute. You told me that you would
take a couple of days to think about this.

I can't marry you, Cliff.

Why not?

Please, don't make
this hard on me.

Wait a minute, I wanna
make it hard on you.

No, no, luck. Okay, I'm sorry,
I'm pressuring you again, so...

I'll take back the proposal and we'll
date again and we'll just take our time.

No, we have to call
the whole thing off.

- That's the only way.
- What's wrong with you?

- Can't you see what we've got going?
- There's someone else, Cliff.

You told me there wasn't.

I thought it was over. It's not.

I don't believe you.

- Come on.
- I care about you, I really do.

This is the wrong time and place for
us. It just can't happen between us now.

I don't buy it. I don't buy it.

I'm not gonna let you get out of
here tonight by being vague again.

- Now, I know something's the matter.
- I have to go.

Wait a minute. Goodbye.

- Why can't you talk to me?
- Stop pressing me.

What's going on?

- Just stay away from me, Cliff.
- Maybe I can help.

Mr. Ewing.

- We are boarding first class now.
- Thank you.



American Airlines flight 405 for
Dallas is now boarding at Gate 5.

American Airlines flight 405 for
Dallas is now boarding at Gate 5.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my Lord. Bobby.

You poor man, it's so awful.

Cally, I'm sorry.

- I just saw your hair, and I...
- Oh, no, I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.

You must be going
through hell right now.

It's the most terrible
thing in the world.

I just wish there was
something I could do.

Why are you here? Why
aren't you at the ranch?

J.R. kicked me out of Southfork right
after Miss Ellie and John Ross left town.

- I'm divorcing him.
- Good.

You're smart, Cally.

Get away from my family,
and don't just walk, run.

Marrying a Ewing is a curse, and
the only way you can beat it is to run.

The best bourbon in Braddock.

He's never home before 5. Why
aren't you meeting in his office?

Oh, it's a top-secret deal. For all I
know, his office could be bugged.

You don't know Mac. He
has his security people...

What's it called?
- -sweep it clean every week.

- He is just so tidy, that man.
- Hmm.

We'll he's gonna
be home real soon.

How about a little more
hospitality, say, another drink?

Help yourself. Pour me
another while you're at it.

- Make it double?
- Now you're talking.

You know, I hate to say it...

but I overheard that little marital
tiff you had at the Oil Barons.

It's a real shame.

No, I'm glad everyone heard.

No, what I mean is, it's a shame
that a beautiful woman like you...

isn't getting what she deserves.

Ain't that the truth.

Yeah, I think
Mac's clearly a fool.

After all, he is sharing
a bed with a woman

who could peel the
paint right off the walls.

I like the way you put that.

Now, you take me...

I find it a real turn on to see a
satisfied smile on a lady's face.

I love Mac.

Of course you do.

He's making a big
mistake with me.

I'm still desirable. If he
can't see it, other men can.

Marriage is not easy, honey.

My wife just left me.


Oh, that's terrible.

Sol know what it's
like to feel needy.

But maybe I could help
you. And you could help me.

What do you mean?

We could join forces.

See, Mac's problem
is not Cliff Barnes...

is just that he's trying too
hard to take over the world.

And if you help me, we
might slow him down.

And he might come
back to your bed.

I don't think I
can wait that long.

There's no reason
for you to wait, honey.

- Bartender.
- Yes, sir.

You call this Scotch? I thought they shot
you in Texas for serving this kind of crap.

- We do have a better label.
- I'll bet you do.

Your charm is slipping.

Well, I save it for
the people who count.

You look terrific.

Thank you.

Glad you came.

Well, when you
whistle, I sit up and beg.


What about you and Cliff y? I thought
the two of you had a thing going?

We did.

Until you came back.

I thought I was over you.

Nostalgic for the
bad old days, huh?

Well, they weren't all bad.

Remember the first
night I ever saw you?

The Rainbow Room.

Sixty-fifth floor.

Every man in the place
turned and watched you walk in.

But you were all I could see.

- Club soda with lime, please.
- Yes, ma'am.

Like you were a target
and I was an arrow.

I love it when you get poetic.

Does that also mean you're
gonna sell me your company?

You can have my
company, Johnny...

but I wanna be a
part of the action.

You know I don't work that way.

Well, make an exception.

And I'll make an exception.

And then we'll see what happens.

I see you like Chinese
food, that's good.

Because if I ever see you in the
same room with Liz Adams again...

I'm gonna turn your
brains into moo goo gai pan.

- Who are you?
- Just think of me as your guardian angel.

Now stay still for
a few moments.

Don't move, don't breathe
or I'll blow your brains out.

And remember, it's time
to kiss Liz Adams goodbye.

- Well, hello, Phyllis.
- Hello.

Did Detective Ratagan
leave something for me?

Yes, sir. And Bobby's
back. He's in his office.

He's here?

- All right, you have a nice evening.
- I'll try.

Come in.

Hello, Bob. I didn't expect
you back at the office...

J.R., these boys have the largest
detective agency in the Southwest.

Oh, is that right?

- I just bought it.
- What?

We'll be meeting tomorrow, but I want you
to compile Sheila Foley's dossier tonight.

Well, then I'd like to fly a
team of my best detectives...

to Odessa right
away. If I may, sir.

Also check out Jordan Lee's
connections, social and political.

We'll look under every
rock he ever stepped on.

With the entire agency on this case, I
guarantee the fastest result possible, sir.

That's good, because we're gonna
be living and breathing this together.

When you find Sheila Foley, don't
tell the police until I've seen her, okay?

- All right, then, get to work.

Bobby, I can't tell you
how bad I feel about April.

There's no need
to talk about that.

I know I wasn't here when
you needed me most...

but I was literally locked up.

I don't wanna talk
about that either.

I just wanna get out of here.

Oh, I know this
is eating you up...

but I think I got a way
to make it better, Bobby.

Throw yourself into your
work. Just keep busy.

I got a project that's
gonna be perfect for you.

I did something to Westar
that's gonna knock your socks off.

I don't care.

I recruited McKay's wife.
Isn't that sensational?

You and I can work together,
take that company over.

- Just you and I...
- Shut up.

Well, I... Well, Bobby,
I only did it for you.

J.R., look around
here, what do you see?

Daddy's company. Our
company. Our sons' company.

You don't know why
April's dead, do you?

It's because of money and oil. The
very thing that built this company.

She didn't die because
she was April Stevens.

She died because she was April
Ewing. Bobby Ewing's wife. Mrs. Ewing Oil.

- Well, you can't blame the all business.
- To hell with the all business.

You'd better take a real
good look around, J.R.

Because I'm changing all the rules and
nothing's gonna be the same from now on.

Next on Dallas:

I gave you the first one,
you don't get another.

Bobby's wife is dead,
mama needs to know.

He can call her himself.

He's your father, James.

- Are you sure you wanna do this to him?
- Yeah.

Johnny. Johnny, don't.

- Oh, my God.
- It's not gonna be okay, not for a while.

Not until the people who
k*lled April have been punished.

- Yeah.
- I have to go after them myself.