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14x12 - Designing Women

Posted: 12/01/21 09:57
by bunniefuu
Last on Dallas:

- I'm going to speed up the seduction.
- How?

Well, let's just say J.R. and
I are going to take a little trip.

The woman in Paris, as
we know, is not Sheila Foley.

Her real name is Hillary Taylor.

I think once you see it through my eyes,
you'll like things south of the border.

I'm not gonna talk
about Hillary and that's it.

Now, get out of my way.

I'm just frightened for us.

Please don't go.

KEATS“. We got accounts
in two great banks.

Thank you for telling
me how you did it.

I get carried away
by my emotions.

It's really my only weakness.

Why is John Foley
so important to her?

She was his mistress for years.

When he k*lled himself,
she went berserk.

So now I know why she
did what she did in Paris.

I k*lled Johnny Dancer.

She's got a daughter somewhere.

Jory is her name.
Short for Marjorie.

And I wanna make
a full confession.


Well, it seems we're neighbors.

I had the hotel arrange it so
that we could consult more easily.

Well, you're sure right about this
town, Caracas is a beautiful city.

And how about the music?

- Isn't it wonderful?
- Yeah.

Have you ever danced the samba?

No, I think I'll stick
to the Texas two-step.

Oh, then you'd be
missing something special.

It's... It's the world's
most sensual dance.

You sway, you roll, you cling.

I met Roberto in Rio. We...

We danced the samba
until 7 in the morning.

You talk about him a
lot, you must miss him.

I used to.

But lately, I've been
feeling something different.

You know I'm attracted to you.

Well, if so, it's a
shipboard romance.

We've been working
together pretty closely.

Is that your way of telling
me you don't feel the same?

And if I did?

I think...

I think I'd let myself be
yours, lock, stock and barrel.

Would you kiss me, J.R.?

I think I can manage that.

Ah. Gracias.

Well, it's just a gift of
welcome from the hotel.

It's perfect timing, huh?

Could have been worse.

I'm really sorry.

I don't know what comes
over me when I'm around you.

There I was, ready to give you my
body, my soul and everything I own.

Maybe it was just the music.

Yes, maybe it's the music.

You're damn right,
we have a problem.

All the evidence was there.
I thought McKay was guilty.

Maybe he still is.

I don't care how
important Barnes is...

maybe he's just a wacko with
a thing for making confessions.

Well, sir, that's what I thought,
until he mentioned the phone call.

He told me he called 911 from the
hotel lobby after Dancer was shot.

And, sure enough, we
have a record of that call.

There's no way he could
have known about it.

What else?

Barnes said when he
ran, Dancer was still alive.

Forensics says it could have taken
10 or 15 minutes before he died.


Just terrific.

So, what do we do now?

Apologize to the taxpayers for
sending an innocent man to death row?

What did you do with Barnes?

I told him to lay low
until I contacted him.

Well, for once you
did something right.

Now you're gonna
make it two in a row.

We need a plan.

Something to get us out of this
with our jobs and dignity intact.

Got any ideas?

Come in, the door's open.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I hope you don't mind...

but I thought we'd discuss the
sale of the refinery over breakfast.

Fine with me.

I'd like to go over the prospective
buyers before we actually meet with them.

Oh, good idea.

Oh, excuse me.


Oh, yes. Yes, he is.

Hold on.

It's for you.

Hello. J.R. Ewing here.

- J.R., it's Vanessa.
- Well, hello, darling. How's it going?

Well, I'm a little bit confused.

Why did LeeAnn
answer your telephone?

Well, I'm in her suite right now.
We're just discussing some business.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

I asked the hotel operator
to ring Mr. Ewing's room.

Why did he connect me here?

Well, I really don't know.

I have a room adjacent to LeeAnn's,
and I guess the operator got confused.

I told the operator to transfer
all your calls to my room.

I knew you'd be
spending the morning here.

LeeAnn says she got all
my calls transferred here so...

Yes. Yes, I heard her.

Look, I'm sorry I interrupted your
work. Why don't you call me this evening?

Yeah, I'll do that, and
I'll be home real soon.

Yes, I'm sure you will.

Goodbye, J. R.

Goodbye, Vanessa.

I suppose I shouldn't have
had your calls transferred here.

I didn't realize Vanessa was
keeping such close tabs on you.

Well, she's not actually.

It's just that after all
that happened last night...

I really didn't have
time to call her.

Well, it's a good thing nothing
happened between us then, isn't it?

Though isn't it sad...

to have all these feelings for
someone and never do anything about it?

Well, we got a lead now.

Well, maybe I should quit the business.
You seem to be better at this than I am.

I just got lucky, that's all.

Sheila Foley's real name is Hillary
Taylor and she has a daughter.

Although the kid seems
to have disappeared.

- You found Sheila?
- No, I didn't get that lucky.

I still need you to stay on that for
me. I want you to find the daughter too.

Her name is Marjorie. Her
nickname is Jory, if that's any help.

I'll start with the public school
system in Midland. Go on from there.

But do you wanna
go back with me?

No, I wanna spend
some time with my son.

Ready, Dad?

I understand, sir.

I'll let you know as
soon as I have anything.

Appreciate it.

You ready to go, son?

- Oh, Dad.
- Ha, ha.

Oh, thank you very much.


I was surprised
to get your call.

I didn't think you
were talking to me.

I'm making an exception
today. Sit down.

How come?

I wanted to talk to you...

Thank you.

I wanted to talk to you
about Michelle Stevens.

There's nothing to talk about.

Well, I think there is.

She came crying to me
about how you broke her heart.

Yeah, right.

Didn't you love her?

And since when is my
personal life your business?

Since you made my
personal life your business.

She claims that J.R.
broke the two of you up.

Look, nobody forced Michelle
to take that job in the Bahamas.

She split because she wanted
to get married and I didn't.

- And why didn't you want to get married?
- Why do you think?

I mean, look at the role
model I had in my daddy.

Marriage may work for some
people, but I never met any of them.

So why spoil a perfectly good
relationship by getting married?

Look, I know it's not what you
wanna hear, but that's the way I feel.

So don't let Michelle feed you any
more of those cock-and-bull stories.

Like the one about
Diana Farrington?

She told you that?

It isn't true then?

Well, it depends on
what she told you.

I mean, J.R. was sleeping
with Diana Farrington.

Then he saved his hide by using
me as the middleman to lie to Cally.

Well, perhaps he was becoming
unhappy in his marriage.

His marriage was fine.

J.R. slept with Diana for business.
He'll do anything for business.

Because his marriage
vows don't mean a damn.

Well, it will be different
this time, James. You'll see.

Now, if that were true, would you be
asking me all these questions about him?

Look, I'm sorry, Mother...

but J.R. can't help cheating any
more than a shark can help k*lling.

You were wonderful. I could
never have done it without you.

Well, I've been
doing it all my life.

Oh, don't be so modest.

You just added several million
dollars to the company's coffers.

I would have accepted
the buyer's first offer.

Price of oil's going up.

He wanted your refinery
more than you wanted to sell.

I still can't thank you enough.

Just doing my job.

Well, you're doing
it extremely well.

And I think it's about
time I gave you a bonus.

When we get back to Dallas,
I'm gonna throw us a party...

and at that party, I'm going
to make an announcement.

I'm going to introduce my
full partner in De La Vega Oil...


Gentlemen, this is not good.

No, it isn't, Your Honor.

Why didn't Mr. McKay's counsel
bring this up during the trial?

He didn't know about it, sir.

But something about the
tape kept bothering me.

So I played it and played it.

I finally took it to
the lab for tests.

They told me the tape
had been doctored.

So Mr. McKay really didn't
thr*aten Mr. Dancer's life...

as recorded by tape?

We'll never know for sure.

All we know is that key
evidence has been tainted.


I commend you for realizing justice
is more important than a conviction...

however, I have no choice
but to declare a mistrial.

Do you have enough evidence
without the tape to retry Mr. McKay?

I'm afraid not, Your Honor.

Mrs. McKay left the
country right after the trial.

Without the tape or his
wife's testimony against him...

we just don't have a case.

So you're dropping the
charges against him?

He's guilty as hell, but there's
nothing we can do about it.

I'll have Mr. McKay
freed immediately.

American Airlines flight 504
from Caracas, Venezuela...

is now arriving at Gate 7.

Hello, Kendall.

- Welcome back, J.R. Nice trip?
- Wonderful. Just wonderful.

- Hi, I have lots of messages for you.
- Well, they can wait.

Get me Fred Morton at the
Cattlemen's Club, would you?

- It's on the computer.
- I know the number.


- Yeah? JACKIE:
Mr. Morton's on the line, sir.

All right.

Hello, Fred. This is J.R. here.

Listen, I want you to
do me a favor, buddy.

I want you to convert some of
my stocks and hands into cash.

Well, a lot.

Yeah, I know it will cost me...

but I'm buying back into my company
and I need some cash real quick.

I'll be in tomorrow and
sign whatever I have to.

I'll see you then.

Oh, I tell you, you could've
knock me over with a feather.

I thought that woman was
gonna keep me dangling forever.

Hey, darling.

Get us the best bottle of
champagne you got in the house.

Does that mean
more trips to Caracas?

Well, De La Vega Oil
is based in Venezuela...

so I suppose I'll be going down
there much more often, that's for sure.

I thought you didn't
like Venezuela.

Honey, to get my company back...

I'd fly to the North Pole
every weekend if I had to.

And LeeAnn, will she
be making these trips?

I don't know. Does it matter?

Vanessa, I thought
you'd be happy for me.

I don't know what I feel, J.R.

When I called and LeeAnn
answered the telephone...

We were discussing business.


Perhaps you were...

but I need to know for sure,
and I want you to be honest...

did anything happen between
you and LeeAnn in Caracas?

Yes, it did.

She made me a full
partner in the company.

In exchange for what?

Vanessa, there is nothing going
on between LeeAnn and me.

I love you.

You're the only
woman I've ever loved.

And I won't let anything
jeopardize our relationship.

I hope that's true.

Thanks for coming...

especially on such short notice.

Why did you want to see me?

Please, why don't we sit down?

May I pour you some tea?

No, thank you.

Well, then, I'll just serve
myself, if you don't mind.

So have you and J.R.
set a wedding date?

Not yet. Why?

I just wondered.

Is he getting cold feet?

LeeAnn, forgive my rudeness,
but I'd like you to come to the point.

All right.

You're the wrong woman for
J.R., and he's beginning to realize it.

That is absolutely absurd.

Vanessa, please, hear me out.

Why should I?

Because I don't wanna
lie to you anymore.

About what?

J.R. and I are lovers.

And we have been
since before Caracas.

You're lying.

Well, that morning when you
called, J.R. and I were in bed.

I don't believe you.

Well, it isn't that
J.R. doesn't love you,

it's just that we have
something stronger...

a love for the oil business.

A passion, a bond that keeps getting
stronger every time we're together.

That is the most outrageous
pack of lies I've ever heard.

Well, then, see for yourself.

This opens the door to my suite.

Tonight, during the party...

even with you there...

J.R. will be up here
with me making love.

J.R. would never do that.

Oh, I'm sure he'll have some
convincing excuse to getaway.

But you know J.R...

he always wants to have
his cake and eat it too.

Take it.

See for yourself.

Hey, Alex, are you sure you
gave me the right address?

I don't see anybody with a
broken down bike around here.

Oh, wait. I see him.

All right, I'll check in
when the job's done.

I think it's terrific you
make house calls.

So do I look like one
of your biker chicks?

What are you doing here?

My bike broke down,
I need you to fix it.

What are you really doing here?

- I needed to talk to you.
- I'm in the book.

James, wait. This is really
important to both of us.

Oh, as important as you telling
my mother that J.R. broke us up?

I did it for you.

What are you talking about?

I know you hate the
idea of her marrying J.R...

so I put in a word
on your behalf.

- Why?
- I am this close to busting J.R. for good.

But before I go too far, I need to
know if we're on the same track.

- You interested?
- Maybe.

What are you gonna do?

- When the time's right, I'll fill you in.
- Hey, suit yourself.

Can you give me a
lift back to my place?

Take the bike.

Unless it's really broken.

I guess it works.

I paid a guy on a truck
to bring it out here.

I've never ridden a
motorcycle in my life.

- You could drive a truck, can't you?
- Sure.

Take it home.

I'll follow you on the bike.

Thank you.

Welcome, darling.

Oh, I am sorry to keep
monopolizing your fiancé...

but he is such a
wonderful dancer.

Yes, I know...

but his strong
suit is the waltz.

Please, ladies, there's not
enough of me to go around.

I certainly hope that's true.

Hi there.


Have a good time. MAN: Yeah.

Oh, Michelle.

Are you sure it's okay
for me to be here?

What if J.R. sees me?

Let him.

We started this together, you
certainly should be in on the k*ll.

I take it everything's
going well?

Oh, everything
is going perfectly.

It's all so easy.

Except I wanna throw up
every time J.R. kisses me.

I'm sorry.

Aren't you feeling well?

If I asked you to take me
home right now, would you?

Couldn't we just spend
this evening by ourselves?

This is one of the
greatest nights in my life.

I just wanna enjoy
every minute of it.

Why can't you be a partner in
her company without all of this?

Darling, it's just for tonight.

Believe me, starting tomorrow...

everything will be back
to normal between us.

I see.

I need some air.
I'll be right back.


Darling, just a second.

You couldn't do it.

You thought could get rid of me
for good. You and that bloody tape.

Well, now it's my turn.

It's gonna be hard
for you to get even...

once they kick
you out of Westar.

It doesn't matter
what happens to me.

First, I'm gonna nail
Dancer's m*rder*r...

and then I'm coming after you.

I think it's time I rescued J.R.


No. No, thanks.


Hey, bartender. I'll
have bourbon branch.

- J.R.
- Yes, darling?

J.R., the buyers are backing
out of the refinery deal.

My attorneys are waiting for us in
my suite. We have to go. Come on.

Well, not right now. It will
wait till tomorrow morning.

Well, this can't wait.

I mean, this could
cost us millions.

All right, I'll find Vanessa
and tell her what's going on.

You do that.

I think I Will.

Oh, Vanessa, darling.

I'm sorry to do this to you...

but there's a problem
with one of our refineries.

I'm having a meeting with LeeAnn
and her lawyers in her room.

It shouldn't take long.


- Hello.
- Hi.

Where's everybody else?

I lied.

I wanted some
time alone with you.

Now, in the middle of the party?


Why do you think I'm selling
half my company to you?

Because you like
the way I do business.

It's more than just business.

I have feelings for you,
J.R., strong feelings.

I can't just ignore them.

As you keep pointing out, I
am engaged to get married.

I can't feel like this and work
with you day in and day out...

and not be able to
do something about it.

If you want my company, J.R.,
you make love with me now...

tomorrow, and forever.

Because that's the only way we're
both going to get what we want.

Champagne. Champagne,
that's what we need.

Champagne. It's
much more romantic.

We can have it
later to celebrate.

Hm? Heh, heh, heh.

Excuse me.

Vanessa, wait. Are you okay?

For once in his life, my dear
son was absolutely right...

why spoil a good relationship
by getting married?

Could I use the phone please?

Excuse me.

- Ignore it.
- I can't.

I can't, it may be important.


I just wanted to call
and congratulate you.

She ran out of here
like a bat out of hell.

Oh. Oh, my God,
that's wonderful.

Thanks for letting me know.

You got it.

You won't believe this.

My sister-in-law, Carmen,
is flying into Dallas.

I'm going to pick
her up at the airport.

I'll see you tomorrow, darling.

What about the announcement?

Well, you make it.

- See you later.
- Wait a minute. You're gonna let me watch?

- You want to?
- Of course, I do.

I want you to go out there
and win one for the Gipper.

- Who?
- Just go play ball.

Come on. Come on.


Set. Hut.

McKAY: Tell me the truth.

Who are you covering for?
Who really k*lled Dancer?

- You should know better than anyone.
- That's garbage.

You and I both know
that tape wasn't doctored.

That means you know
who the real k*ller is.

Look, you're a free man.
Why rake all of this up?

My life is ruined for a
crime I didn't commit.

And I wanna know who
put me through this hell.

No one did.

Now, just count your
blessings and get out of here.

You're not just covering
Dancer's m*rder*r, you're...

You're protecting
yourself as well.

All right.

I'll find Dancer's
k*ller without you...

and when I do...

you're going down too.

Come on, you promised
you'd teach me how to play.

Well, the first thing
you have to learn...

is how to catch a ball.

That's not fair, you
didn't warn me first.

Well, you see...

that's because you
and I need a huddle.

I thought you said
"huddle," not "cuddle."

- Well, which would you prefer?
- Making a pass.

You mean, going out for a pass.

I mean both.

Hey, Dad, did you see
that? Did you see my catch?

Yeah, you stud, you. You're incredible!
- Yeah.

Hello, J.R.

Where did you get to last night?

I got tired of waiting.

I was only upstairs for
about 10 minutes or so.

When I came back
down, you were gone.

And why didn't you let the
hotel put your calls through?

I'm sorry, but I...

I wanted to be alone. I
had some thinking to do.

J.R., I'm...

I'm going back to Vienna,
and I've come to say goodbye.


I don't like what
I've been feeling.

I was angry and
very, very hurt...

because I thought you were
having an affair with LeeAnn.

Vanessa, you've got
nothing to worry about.

Perhaps not...

but I don't like
being suspicious.

And I was ashamed of turning into
a spy, following your every move...

becoming obsessed over
whether you loved me enough.

Well, how can I
prove to you that I do?

There's nothing you can do.

There will always be a LeeAnn in
your life or a Ewing Oil to fight for.

I'm a very possessive woman...

and I don't want to share
you with anyone or anything.

Vanessa, I love you.

You're the only
woman I've ever loved.

And I love you.

Perhaps we were only meant to
be together for brief moments...

and to share this
bittersweet sort of love.

I'm afraid if we married, our...

Our candle would
never last the night.

Au revoir, my darling.

We'll meet again.


When Ewing Oil and winning
aren't so important to you.

Everything looks great.

I told you. It's legal, it's
notarized, and it's all mine.

It's sure gonna
blow J.R.'s mind.

Then why do I detect
a "but" in your voice?

Because I know you, you
don't give anything away.

There's gotta be a catch to it.

Well, maybe a small one.

There's really nothing to it...

all you have to do is marry me.

Congratulations, Mac.

How does it feel
to beat the system?

I'm gonna wring your neck.

Not a good idea.

You haven't got the nerve.

I've had a long time to practice,
waiting to testify against you.

What do you want?

A little payback.

That's a lot of money.

I put in a lot of
work for that money.

I deserve every penny of it.

Forget it.


Then I'll just k*ll you.

You haven't got the
brains to get away with it.


Is that a chance
you're willing to take?

My Westar stock is worthless. I
can't give you that kind of money.

You're breaking my heart.

Now sign it.

There, you've won.

Thanks, Mac...

though I can't say
it's been a pleasure.

When I think of the
humiliation you put me through...

Maybe this piece of
paper isn't enough.

Maybe I should just get it all.

Rose, no.

Or maybe you
should just sit here...

thinking about what
your life might have been.

Okay, be careful.
We're almost there.

She's not gonna break.

I know, just be careful
with her, all right?

Christopher, we're home.


She's as pretty as her mama.

She definitely has
her daddy's eyes.

Hi, pal.

I wanna introduce
you to your new sister...

Janine Robin Ewing.

Boy, is she little.

- Can I hold her?
- Sure.

But you have to be real careful.

Support her head like this.


Dad. BOBBY: April.


Mr. Breslin's on the phone.

I'll take it in here,
son. Thank you.

Yeah, Breslin.
What have you got?

Well, we've traced Hillary
Taylor's daughter to Los Angeles.

Have you got an address?

Well, 1 don't know yet.

We've hit a hundred dead
ends but we're still looking.

Well, keep looking.

I want that in my hands
tomorrow morning.

- Good morning, J.R.
- Good morning.

Hey, Jackie.

I got the money.

Show me where to sign.

What are you talking about?

Well, it's time to
finalize our deal.

My half of the
company, remember?

Oh, I'm sorry, J.R.

But I was wrong, I
can't do this to Vanessa.

I can't ruin your marriage.

Well, there's nothing to ruin.

The wedding is off.

I'm all yours.

I'd like to tell you
a little story if I may.


It's about an innocent young
girl who went away to school...

and fell in love with
a handsome prince.

They had what she thought
was a beautiful romance.

But when she got pregnant,
the prince turned into a frog.

And he threw her out of
his life like five-day-old trash.

The moral of the story is...

that LeeAnn Nelson should never
have kissed a toad like J.R. Ewing.


Oh, my God.

I had an abortion, J.R.

It was illegal, of course,
and highly unsafe.

I was sick for a long time
and I had to drop out of school.

But you wouldn't care
about that, I suppose.

I mean, isn't that what the
village where deserved?

I never said that.

You said that and
a hell of a lot worse.

How did I know you
were telling the truth?

Do you have any idea how many
women have tried to pull that stunt?

I don't give a damn. It
was my life you threw away.

It was my self-esteem you
stamped out just like that:

And now it's time
I paid you back.

How? By taking Ewing
Oil away from me?

Not just Ewing Oil.

I had to take away everything
that was precious to you.

Your company, your
fiancée, and even your son.

Why is this so important to you?

Because you took away
the thing most precious to me.

Because of that botched abortion,
I was never able to have children.

Well, I'm sorry about that.

It's not good enough.

Oh, don't get me wrong.

I was able to live a fairly
happy and normal life...

until I heard your name again
and it all came rushing back.

You hated me that
much to do that to me?

Yes, I did.

But I never could
have done it alone.

I had the help of a very
dear friend all along.

Hello, J.R.

This is your help?

She'd never have bought
the company without me.

You just can't keep your
claws off of me, can you?

Ruining my son's life
wasn't enough for you.

Temper, temper, J.R.

You two belong together...

hatching your silly little
plots in your silly little heads.

You're not good enough
to wipe the spit off my boots.

You better watch
that mouth, J.R.

Where the hell do
you think you're going?

I'm going home.

I've had enough revenge
to last me a lifetime.

Oh, yeah?

Well, this isn't
over yet, honey.

It is for me.

Although if I were you,
I'd apologize to Michelle.

Oh? Why?

Because she's the new owner
of what used to be Ewing Oil.

Next on Dallas: -
You've just been fired.

Did you ever consider
taking a sensitivity class?

What is wrong with you, Bobby?

I now pronounce
you husband and wife.

What's the matter,
afraid of the dark?

I need our family. The
family we used to have.

My new wife.

I got a good idea who's
living in that house.

I'm Kit Marlowe, by the way.

Jory Taylor.

I hope she and James
have a baby real soon.

I'll be an uncle and
you'll be a grandfather.

Oh, God.

I've always looked
up to you, J.R.

I always wanted
you to be on top.

I have a feeling we'll
be seeing one another.

I'd like that.