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06x05 - Shore Leave

Posted: 12/02/21 09:37
by bunniefuu
Hep, hup! Hep, hup! Hep, hup!

* Their heads are up,
their chests are out *

* The arms are swinging
in cadence count *

* Sound off *
* Sound off *

* Sound off *
* Sound off *

* Cadence count *
* One, two, three, four *

* One, two... three, four! *

* Eenie, meenie, miney, mo *

* Let's go back
and count some mo' *

* Sound off *
* Sound off! *

* Sound off *
* Sound off! *

* Cadence count *
* One, two, three, four *

* One, two...
three, four! *

Swabbie's got a head
like a ' Ford.

Come on, Tully.

Last round-- you gotta knock
this anchor clanker out!

You got to wear him down,
Tully-- you're a Marine.

Go get him in
this round, Tully.

* I had a good home but I left *
* You're right! *

* I had a good home but I left *
* You're right! *

* Jody was there when I left *
* You're right! *

* Jody was there when I left *
* You're right! *

* Sound off *
* One, two! *

* Sound off *
* Three, four! *

* Cadence count *
* One, two, three, four *

* One, two... three four *

* I left my gal
a way out west *

* I thought
this army life was best *

* Now she's
someone else's wife *

* And I'll be marching
the rest of my life *

* Sound off *
* One, two *

* Sound off *
* Three, four *

* A-one, two *
* Three, four *

* A-two! *
* Two, two, three, four *

* One, two... three, four! *

Listen up, Marines!

Shore leave commences at .

As Marines, you will
conduct yourself with honor,

valor, and fidelity.

Outstanding job,
PFC Tully.

Private First Class Snow,
what in Sam Hill is this?!

Sir, it won't stay
bloused, sir!

It won't stay bloused
because you do not belong

in my beloved Corps!

I suggest you unscrew
yourself ASAP!

Well, any day, sweetheart!

Sir, yes, sir!

PFC Tully, tell me why I should not cancel
liberty for all hands

because of PFC Snowball's
personal appearance?!

Sir, PFC Snow will
square himself away!

Marines take care
of their own!

That is our code, Sergeant!

Outstanding answer, PFC Tully!

* Sound off *
* Sound off! *

* Cadence count *
* One, two, three, four... *

Stand by!

* One, two... three, four! *

* Eenie, meenie, miney, mo *

* Let's go back
and count some mo' *

* Sound off... *

Platoon, dismissed!

Aye, aye, Sergeant!

Do it!

* One, two... three, four! *

* One, two *
* Three, four! *

* One, two... three, four *

* One, two, three, four *

* One, two, three, four *

* One, two... three, four! *

I love the smell
of toxic waste in the morning.

You want to watch
your step.

The place is full of stuff that'll eat your
Florsheims for breakfast.

What do we have?

A land test on a real estate deal
turned up toxic levels of you-name-it.

EPA clean-up crew found
the remains inside.

It was an adult male
sh*t in the head.

M.E. tech ballparks it
at . caliber.

- How long has it been here?
- Agency says the land

hasn't been used as
a legal dump site in over years.

We need to find out
who had access--

to dump here.

That ought to be fun.

EPA's lawyers
have been trying to sort that out for years.

What's that?
Dog tags?

"Tully, James, C. USMC."

Looks like we just found
a lost Marine.

Accused of desertion,
September , .

Stationed aboard
the USS Pronto,

on his way to do
ttle in Korea.

The forgotten w*r.

during liberty.

He was supposed to be
back on the Pronto

morning of September ,
at hours.

He never showed.

I think we know why.

The kid was only years old.

Got into some kind of trouble.

On liberty, that's no surprise.

Drinking, shenanigans.

The last hoorah.

Trying to get in as much
living as possible.

Pretty high casualty
rate in Korea.

Maybe he gets
cold feet?

Ah, not likely.

Marines aren't drafted.
They enlist or volunteer.

Docks have always been
a dangerous place.

He gets separated from
his fellow Marines,

and runs into some
local riffraff?

The guys in his platoon
might know something.

Yeah, if we can
track them down.

Well, brother Steve Tully's
on his way to Philly to claim the remains--

a decorated Marine
in Vietnam himself.

The father served
in World w*r II.

Whole family
of m*llitary men.

Must have been
a real disgrace--

Tully accused
of being a deserter.

The family
never believed it.

Sent the Naval Board
of Corrections

countless letters refuting
the unauthorized absence charge.

To no avail.

Trying to reverse a charge
like that with the m*llitary bureaucracy

is like getting a battleship
to reverse course--

slow and unlikely to happen.

It's our job to see this Marine
gets his honor back.

Hey, what the...?

That's for aiding
and abetting

in a decapitation of
my best tie last week.

What makes you think
I had anything to do

- with that... incident?
- Oh, don't worry.

Your little partner
in crime, La Bamba.

he's gonna get his, too.

What up, fellas?

You tell me, Scotty.


My father went
to his grave wondering if Jimmy was a coward.

He fought the
desertion ruling.

He must have known different
in his heart.

Said it wasn't
in Jimmy's DNA to desert.

But he still wanted the flag
to prove it.

My brother never backed down
from a fight in his life.

Wondering if you
can tell us anything

about Jimmy... might help us
with our investigation.

Oh, yeah-- brought this postcard he sent us.

It's the last time
we heard from him.

"Our sergeant granted us
a liberty pass.

"Me and a couple guys
from the platoon are gonna hit the town."

You know who his friends were?

No, I was
just a kid when he left for boot camp.

Gave me his baseball glove.

Told me to keep it oiled
for him.

Promised to teach me
his curve ball when he got back.

Card's postmarked
the day he disappeared.

I slept with it under
my pillow for years,

just thinking it
would bring him back.

What about his pocket watch?

Didn't they find it
with his, you know...

Pocket watch? No.

Oh, it definitely would
have been on him.

He treasured that watch.

Robbery gone bad?

My father told him
it was his duty to bring the watch back safe

and pass it on
to his own son someday.

Never even made it
out of Philly.

Sergeant Chaney,
they said we could find you here.

I volunteer twice a week and school some
of these men

in checkers, just
to let them know

that their sacrifice
still means something.

Wondering what you remember about Private
First Class Jimmy Tully.

One of nine guys that went
to Korea came back

in a body bag, and
you're asking me

about a coward that went AWOL?

You were his
platoon sergeant, right?

That type of behavior fit?

Well, the kid
was a hell of a boxer.

He b*at the tar out of
the Navy's best puncher

the day of
shore leave,

but there's a hell
of a difference

between taking a punch
and staring down enemy fire.

His body turned up yesterday.

We think he got k*lled
on shore leave.

Anyone in his platoon
have a problem with him?

Whoa. If Tully was k*lled,

it wasn't by another Marine.

Any idea which
of his friends

he might have
hit Philly with?

Yeah, there was a guy
named Max, um...

Max Heid... Heidhorn...
Heidhorn, yeah.

He was a real clown.

We'll look into it.

Hey, detectives...

If a guy doesn't come back
to the ship,

I have no other choice but to declare
him a deserter.

Max Heidhorn?

Detectives Rush, Miller.

for coming in.

A fan of the ponies?

I like to lay a few bets

here and there,
keep things interesting.

You got a system?


It's called
"Win some, lose some."

But you didn't
ask me down here

to pick up tips
on the sport of kings.

Understand you
and Jimmy Tully were friends.

Sure were.

We survived boot camp together.

Were you with him
on shore leave?

Me and about other Marines
and sailors.

When's the last time
you saw him?

That'd be hard to forget.

Hey, Tully, get in line.

All right, come on,
I'm buying.

Get an anchor and globe
or, uh, maybe one of them hula girls.

I ain't got
time, Max.

* And I'll find me a mule *

* A mule with
great big ears... *

- Those Navy
squids don't do so well on land.
- I'll say.

* If you turn me down *

* Down, down, down *

Valentine red.

Color of your lips.

* And I'll build me a hut *


* A hut with frozen tears *

Gotta dash.

* The tears I cry for you... *

Hey, Tully.

What the hell you gawking at?

See that?

Yeah, I sure did.

* Tired of my embrace... *

Another barnacle looking
to latch onto some sailor.

Man, the girls I told you about at this place

do a whole lot more
than just look, baby.

You coming?

What, are you kidding?

Just met the girl of my dreams.

Hey, anybody want to see
the Liberty Bell with me?

Yeah... dumbbell
meets Liberty Bell.

Take it easy on the kid, Max.

You know, good thing
you got old Tully here

always sticking up
for you, Snowball.

Maybe he can, um, chaperone
your little sightseeing tour.

I'm going across
the street.

Hey, no, no,

that's a Navy bar.

- Karnow's got to be sore about you b*ating him.
- Yeah, well,

I b*at him fair and square.

Where I'm going,

at least you won't have to fight sailors off
just to get a dance.

You know where
to find me, Punchy.

Roger that, Devil Dog.

Tattoo was the last thing
I remember about shore leave.

Almost didn't make it back
to the ship due to the whiskey...

and a redheaded girl.

This Karnow,
he and Tully have a history?

"Mean Gene" Karnow--

Tully gave that bastard
a really good pasting at a smoker right before

we got our liberty passes.

Fight over what?

Boxing match over
bragging rights.

Tully always took that
Semper Fi, "always faithful"

business seriously.

Me, on the other hand,

Karnow the type
to hold a grudge?

Well, first off,
he was a Swabbie.

No love lost
between Marines and sailors.

Gene Karnow?

Take it easy
there, Dragnet.

You guys looking for lessons?

We're here about
Jimmy Tully.

What's he want, a rematch?

- He's dead.
- k*lled on shore leave

- the night he knocked you out.
- How'd that happen?

- We were just about to ask you
the same question.
- You think

I k*lled him because he got over
a few lucky punches?

So no hard feelings
between you and Tully?

Hell, that match with Tully
and me on board ship,

that was my last fight.

Boiler blew up on
the way to Korea,

and drove a six-inch piece
of steel into my shoulder.

Jab wasn't much good
after that.

- You see Tully that night?
- Yeah.


Guy had brass ones,
walking into a Navy bar.

* Here is a boogie
that you should know *

* You do it every time
you're feeling low *

* There's nothing like it
anywhere *

* All you gotta do is
holler "yeah" *

* You don't say no... *

You got lucky, jarhead.

Look, I don't want
any trouble.

What do you want then?

A dance.

Good luck and good night.

She's sh*t down
every sailor in here,

including yours truly.

I'll take my chances.

* Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah-yeah all the time *

* I say, "Hug,"
he says, "Yeah" *

* I say, "Squeeze,"
he says, "Yeah..." *
- You lost this.

"Brown, Sanford and Mullins,

Attorneys at Law."

So which one are you?

I'm just a stenographer
right now.

Tomorrow's my first
day on the job.

But someday I'm gonna have
my own card just like that.

I'd offer to buy
you a drink,

but it looks like you're
doing just fine in that department.

You wanna buy me a drink,
you gotta get in line.

The sailor at the
end of the bar says

you're the toughest
thing in here.

Think he might've been right.

I thought Marines
were supposed to be brave.

A good Marine must
improvise, adapt and overcome.

* Yeah-yeah all the time *

Is that why
you're in a Navy bar?

The one thing I swore I'd do before I shipped off
was dance with a pretty girl.

Is that where I come in?


All right, but I don't dance
with strangers.

Jimmy Tully,
Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.

Nora Lee,
Philadelphia born and bred.

Miss Nora Lee
from Philadelphia born and bred,

would you care to dance?

Why don't you drop anchor
someplace else?

- You got a problem, pal?
- Besides you guys

taking over our bars
and bird-dogging our women?

Not tonight.

You better have a lot
of b*ll*ts in that g*n.

Never thought I'd be
defending a jarhead's right

to dance with the prettiest
girl in the bar.

This tough guy,
he got a name?

Nah, didn't bother asking.

Introduced him
to the sidewalk pretty good.

Well, maybe
he waited around outside for Tully.

I couldn't tell you,
because the second

prettiest girl in the bar
was so impressed

with my bravery,
she asked me to dance.

Been together years.

You remember anything else
about this guy?

Yeah, had a dock workers'
union patch on his jacket.

That's a funny
thing to remember.

I was a snipe, you know,
an engine room rat.

I had to deal with sandcrabs
like that all the time.

Thanks for your time.

You know,
if you ever want some lessons,

come on down

and we'll lace 'em up, okay?

My partner needs more
than that.

You're what,

from the cover of GQ?

I wouldn't be so sure about that, big fella.

I could teach him something that'd wipe
that smirk right off your face.

Oh... no offense, Detective.

Come on, come on,
give me some.

Come on.

Gunwale, your
old haunts?

Navy bar-- tied
a few on here.

Some things never change.

I'll bet she still remembers
what I drink.


long time no see.

Irish whiskey and a beer back?

On duty.

This is Detective Rush.


We're wondering
if you remember Jimmy Tully.

Marine back in ' .

I'm good, sugar,
but I'm not that good.

Witness said he had words over
a girl with a local tough guy.

In the Gunwale?
Imagine that.

That tough guy wore
a dock workers' union patch

on his jacket.

Flashed a g*n.

Could be Ray Lisi.

Hall of fame jackass.

'd him from the Gunwale,
oh, a decade ago.

He ever do time?

He did a good stretch
at Frackville,

for b*ating a union scab.

The guy's sucking his meals down
through a straw now.

Where's Lisi
park it these days?

Over at Ruby's with the rest
of his old dock buddies.

Probably already
got his drunk on.

And he likes cops even less than Marines.

We'll keep that in mind.

- Thanks, Sue.
- Okay.


he tries to throw a bottle
at you, like he did me...

We'll return the favor.

some headway
on the oil drum Tully was found in.

What do you got?

List of about entities
that could've dumped there.

Of the most interest,
the Navy and the shipyard.

- Oil drum could have come off a ship.
- Yep.

Check naval base records.

When I served,
the m*llitary kept a paper trail a mile long

for every belt buckle,
b*llet and mess kit.

Oh, joy.

Oh, so where's this
old dock worker?

I hear he took a swing at the cop
that picked him up.

Ray Lisi?

Scotty's got him
in the box now.

I'm gonna make you
pick up after yourself, Ray.

You mind telling me
what this is all about, junior?

sure, pops.

Either you tell me
about the last time you saw Jimmy Tully,

or I lock you up
for taking a swing at that cop.

Jimmy who?

We got an eyewitness
says you flashed a g*n at him.

- Oh, that's interesting.
- It gets better, see,

'cause this Marine got sh*t.

Well, isn't that
what they sign up for?

Pulled your sheet.

You b*at a guy
with a .

not long after Tully

It's the same caliber
k*lled Tully.

Guy was a scab.
He kept falling on my g*n.

Lucky I didn't
pull the trigger.

Well, you couldn't b*at Tully,
so you sh*t him.

Keep trawling.

I'm done with you, Ray.

Either you talk or a few friends
of that cop you swung at

are gonna come in here
and tuck you in for the night.

Lucky bastard was doing
just fine when I left him.

* I met a chick
who was real great *

* Do-dah, do-dah *

* And I fixed her up for... *

Greatest city in the world.

Maybe I'll make it
my home someday, too.

It's already : .

I'm sorry,
I'm keeping youwith your big
first day tomorrow.

My friend dragged me along with her,

and I wasn't expecting
to meet someone like you.

I know, me neither.

We got those clumsy sailors
to thank for that.

You probably would've found some
other pretty girl to dance with.

But I found you.

What's the matter?

Aren't you afraid
of going over there?

Marines aren't supposed
to show fear.

Save the slogans
for your buddies.

I'm serious, Jimmy.

Look, any guy who tells you
he isn't afraid is a liar.

But my father served,
and so did his father.

It's what the men
in my family do.

* I went down to the track *
- Hey...

* And I lost the shirt
off my back *

What if I lose you
as soon as I found you?

I still owe you that
dance, remember?

Dance marathon?

Now you're talking.

Marine and fastest typist
in the steno pool?

We'll be the couple to b*at.


What is it with this guy?

He works down at
the docks with my father.

I can handle him.

If he lays one finger on you,

I'm gonna clean his clock.

What're you doing, Ray?

This guy's not gonna
be here for you like I am.

I appreciate you
looking out for me,

but you need to go home.


Do it for me.

* I'm on my way *

* Brother, hear me say *

* If you find a gal
who wants your dough *

* Pack up your bag
and go, man, go... *

Oh, I never been much
for that lovey-dovey crud,

but... I think
she was real smitten.

You don't strike me
as the observant type, Ray.

I did not sh**t that jarhead.

He embarrassed you
in front of your girl.

She wasn't my girl.

The most she ever did
was let me buy her a drink.

I hope she backs that up.

- Your husband?
- I lost him ten years ago.

Ben was a good man.
He was there for me.

Don't make men
like they used to.

Was Tully around when you started dating Ben?

I know what you're thinking,

but I wasn't
that kind of girl.

I met Ben a year later.

A friend set us up.

That's my son Peter.


I thought you wanted
to ask me about Jimmy Tully.

A guy named Ray Lisi said
you were with Jimmy the night he disappeared.

We met at the Gunwale.

Then hit a dance marathon.

"Marine and fastest typist
in the steno pool."

That's what he said.

- What about after that?
- After that?

I would've given him my heart.

But fate wouldn't have it.



Just seeing if your boyfriend
Ray comes out to stop me.

Stop you from what?

Smuggling you
on the ship.

Come on, I'll buy
you a soda.

- You're welcome. Enjoy.

I sure i am gonna
miss you.

You'll forget what I look like
minute the ship leaves port.

Not if you give me a
photo of yourself.

Do I look like
the kind of girl

who carries photos
of herself around?

Come on, let's fix that.

Come on.


You're supposed to
look at the camera.

What if
I don't want to?

We're going to have
to keep doing this until you get it right.

Or we could do this...

Private First
Class Tully?


Need to come with us.

Jimmy? What's happening?

I don't know.

I'll find you.

- That was the last time I saw him.
- What did shore patrol want with Tully?

I don't know.

He never came back.

Anything else you remember,
give us a call.

Thank you for letting me know
what happened to him.

I only knew Jimmy
for a few hours,

but I never forgot him.

Hey, John,

naval clerk dug up the ship's
disciplinary log book.

Logbook have an entry of
sending out shore patrol?

Sent to question Tully's
entire platoon.

Log entry said they were looking for a Private First
Class Lenny Snow--

suspected of taking a Navy
officer's pearl-handled . revolver.

Could be our
m*rder w*apon.

g*n was never recovered.

Snow spent the crossing
to the Korean Peninsula

below decks in the
ship's brig.

Well, let's put him
in our box,??

Had a look at your service record.

Navy Cross,
Bronze Star.

That's some tour
of duty.

I prefer
not to talk about it.

Why not?

Did you serve, Detective?



- River Rat unit.
- Then you know a lot of good men never made it back.

Doesn't seem right to be making a fuss
over a bunch of medals and ribbons.

I did what I had to do.

Others gave more.

You straightened yourself out
after shore leave, though.

I'll admit I wasn't the most squared-away
Marine in my unit.

But I didn't take
that officer's w*apon.

Why'd shore patrol
think you did?

Oh, I got blamed for everything.

Didn't help that Sergeant Chaney
had it in for me.

You see Tully that night
on shore leave?


Tried to help me out of the
pickle I was in with that g*n.

This is the last call for bus -- Pittsburgh...

Where the hell
have you been?

I been looking all
over town for you.

- I'm in trouble.
- Yeah, I know.

Shore patrol gave me
the third degree about you.

I didn't take that revolver.

You gotta believe me.

Then you better start
convincing me--

'cause I just left
the girl of my dreams.

I don't know what happened.

Sergeant Chaney
had Max and me

on police detail
in officer quarters.

You were with Max?

You can ask him.

I never even
saw the w*apon.

Scout's honor.

You see Max go inside?

He wanted to see how squared away
an officer kept his rack.

You know Max.

He was just
joking around.

You think Max took it?

If you didn't.

What's it matter?

Sarge is right--
I'll never be a good Marine.

You've got more guts
than half of these guys.

I don't care
what Sarge says.

How you figure that?

You lied about your age
to get into the Corps.

I know a lot of
guys who lied

so they wouldn't have to serve.

Why are you so nice
to me, Tully?

Remind me of
my kid brother, I guess.


Only place I could think of.

If you run now,

you'll never
stop running.

- I don't know, Tully.
- I'm gonna find Max,

I'm gonna make this right.

So you can either
get on that bus,

or you can go back to the ship,

you can look Sergeant
Chaney in the eyes,

and you can
tell him the truth.

The choice is yours.

Hardest thing
I ever did,

not getting on
that bus.

Shore patrol
was waiting,

threw me right
in the brig.

Look, when'd you hear
Tully went AWOL?

Halfway to Korea--
one of the guards told me.

It didn't make
a lot of sense, though.

You know if Tully found Max
that night?

I don't know.

But if Tully gave you
his word on something,

pretty much meant
it was gonna happen.

He wasn't just
an outstanding Marine,

he was like a brother to me.

Semper Fi.

Spic and Span time, Max--

you lied to us about
seeing Tully.

- I said I didn't remember.
- That amnesia

extend to taking that
officer's g*n?

You were going to let Snow
swing for that,

only Tully wasn't going
to let that happen.

He was going to
turn you in,

so you sh*t him before
he had the chance.

You got it all wrong.

You took that
officer's g*n,

and that's conduct
unbecoming the Corps.

So is sh**ting a guy who was
just trying to help a friend.

I'm guilty of a
lot of things--

being a bad Marine
is just one of 'em.

But you can't say the
same about Tully.

He was some
top-shelf stuff.

* You may have heard
of jalopies *

* You've heard the noise
they make *

* But let me introduce
my new Rocket *

* Yes it's great *

* Just won't wait *

* Everybody likes
my Rocket ... *

Hey, it's Punchy!

Give me the w*apon, Max.

Don't know what you're
talking about.

Cut the crap.
Snow told me.

Ah. You gonna
rat me out?

Of course not.

But I need it back.

It was a joke--

to mess with
Lieutenant JG Putnam,

make him think he lost
his precious revolver.

A joke?

You know, Snow's thinkin'
about going AWOL

because he can't face
Sergeant Chaney.

That sound funny
to you?

Best thing for our platoon would
be for that guy to wash out.

You're wrong about him.

That guy's a walking
mortar magnet.

Don't waste your last hours
of shore leave on Snow.

Just give me the w*apon, Max.

I can't. I pawned it.

How do you think
I met these friendly ladies?


How am I supposed
to get that kind of money?

- How much you got?
- Ten.

I was gonna use it to buy
something special for Nora.

Don't worry.


I'll chip in.

I'm not proud of what I did,

but I never saw Tully
with that p*stol.

So he doesn't show for
the boat ride to Korea

and you don't say a word?

I thought maybe he took off
with that girl

he was so hot
to get back to.

It's what I'd have done.

Back when I could run.

We've got a g*n,

but no one
who saw Tully with it.

So Tully leaves Max and what,
gets the g*n out of hock?

But he'd need money
for that.

I think I know
where he got it.

Tully did find Nora
later that night.

How do you figure?

Well, something wasn't
sitting right,

so I checked into Ben Conlin,
Nora's late husband.

- The Navy officer.
- Yeah.

Thought if I
could put him

and Tully in town at
the same time...

But he was stationed
in Japan.

Yeah, a dead end.

Till I found this.

Ben Conlin adopted

Nora Lee's three-
month-old baby boy.

A month after
they got married.

Birth certificate lists
the father as "unknown."

Math points to Tully,

and their romance didn't end
in that photo booth.





is Tully's son.

Got the records
to prove it.

I've never told anyone.

Not even Peter.

You lied about
seeing Tully again.

Makes it hard for me to believe
anything you say now.

What choice did I have?

So I'd Start thinking--
maybe Tully does go AWOL,

then he finds out
you're pregnant,

and wants to leave you.

No. You can check.

I wrote letters, filed paternity
requests with the VA.

I didn't know where
Jimmy was, either.

Then tell me what happened.

I waited all night
for him to come back,

staring out my window,
praying to God.

And then, there he was.


Oh, I never thought
I'd see you again.

What's bothering you,

It's just...

I'm here.

What happened
with shore patrol?


I just want to make the most
of our last hours together.

Just let me
look at you.

You gotta be straight
with me.

Something's eating
at you.

They're looking for
a friend of mine.

A friend who didn't do what
they're saying he did.

And, uh...

I tried to help him.

I couldn't.

Why couldn't you?

Because I don't have the money
to prove he's innocent.

And if you had
the money,

you could use it
to help your friend?

Look, if I help him...

and he dies over there...

You don't know
the future.

You can only follow your gut,

like you did following me
into that bar

and... pestering me
for a dance.

I can be pretty persistent
when I need to be.

What is this?

My mother wore it
on her wedding day.

It's got
to be worth more

than whatever's
behind that pawn ticket.

- Nora, I can't...
- I don't want to hear another word.

Look, it's not
worth a lot,

but it's been in my family
for a long time.

Will you keep
this for me?


I'll be waiting for you at
the docks, before we push off.

Wait, wait...

I waited by the docks to see
him one last time, but...

Tully didn't leave you...

he was taken from you.

He was a special man.

One look and I knew
what he was made of.

I want his family
to have this.

This will mean a lot
to his kid brother Steve.

Detective Rush...

Jimmy was the
love of my life.

Thank you for giving
that back to me.

So, Tully uses Nora's necklace
to get the g*n out of hock.

Tully was a
hard charger.

Goes back to the ship,

puts the w*apon back in
Putnam's locker or returns it

to his platoon sergeant.

Tough play, either way.

He digs, he scores.

You were right, boss.

m*llitary doesn't buy
a tin of beans or toss a grenade

unless there's a paper trail.

De-requisition order
to dispose

of six steel oil drums
of hazardous material

from theUSS Pronto.

September .

Date matches up.

Stuff like that doesn't
get on or off a ship

without the engine
room knowing about it.

"Mean Gene" Karnow
was a machinist mate.

Throw this wrench at him,
see how he answers.

This supposed to mean

The date's of interest,

especially seeing as how
Tully's body was found
in an oil drum.

Right, the Marine.

You remember
this order?

Yeah, I come back
from, uh, shore leave,

and there's, uh, a Marine
sergeant screaming at me

to get rid of the
waste oil drums ASAP.

I tell him I don't take orders
from a jarhead.

Navy ship, Navy engine room.

You refused to
dump those drums?

Yeah, and in
about ten minutes,

my chief comes down
and chews me out,

so I go ahead
and get rid of 'em.

This Marine sergeant--

his name by any chance Chaney?

Yeah, that's him.

Thought he was all hard,

but then we get out
to rough seas,

he's out back puking
his guts out over the rail.


Took a look at your medical and service record books,
Sergeant Chaney.

Spent most of your second tour
in the field hospital.

battle fatigue?

You ask me down here to
question my service record?

You're way out of your depth, son.

Something must have been
eating at you real bad,

'cause you never saw any action
during your second tour.

You want to ask me something
about Tully, ask it,

but I will not sit here and have you question
my service to this country.

This interview is over.

You want, we can cuff
you to that chair.

I had an officer like you--
a ball-busting son of a bitch.

I hated that

but when it was said and done,

he just wanted
what was best for his men.

He had a code.

Best ones do.

Is that why you were trying
to wash out PFC Snow?

What the hell does this
have to do with Snow?

Answer the question!

Snow didn't belong
in the Marines!

And it was your job
to sort men like him.

Snow was going to fill up his boots
the very minute he saw those Chinamen

coming at
us in waves.

With all due respect, sir,

you were wrong about Snow,
dead wrong.

He was years old.

He wanted to be a Marine so bad
he lied about his age.

You buried him behind a desk
and he still made it to the front line.

Awarded the Bronze Star
and Navy Cross.

That's a lot of bull.
Snow did no such thing.

Account of Private First Class
Lenny Snow's heroic actions during battle.

While you were cooling
your heels in a field hospital,

this is what
a brave Marine was doing.

"During a sudden enemy ambush,

"Private First Class Snow

"left his foxhole,

"moved through withering fire,
and employing his r*fle,

"inflicted numerous casualties.

"His actions saved the lives of his fellow Marines."

I will not listen to this.

Snow was going
to get us all k*lled over there.

I should know.

I've seen it before.

Lenny Snow exemplified
the Marine Corps.


Then just when
you think you got Snow going AWOL,

shows up to plead his case,

says he knows
Lenny didn't take that g*n.

- Tully was wrong.
- Not about Snow he wasn't, and you know it.

You're still a Marine.

Act like one.

Son of a bitch
wouldn't back down.

He threatened
to pull rank on me.

On me!

This better be good, Tully.

Getting me
out of the rack

- at this time of night.
- Sir...

PFC Snow did not take Lieutenant
JG Putnam's revolver, sir.

Where did you
get this, Tully?

- I cannot say, sir.
- I didn't copy that.

You will give me that w*apon.
That is an order.

Sir, I wish only to clear
Private Snow's name.

PFC Snow is not worthy
of being a Marine.

- Snow is a coward and a thief,
- Sir...

and will not tarnish the
Marine Corps with his presence.

...with all due respect
to Sergeant Chaney,

PFC Snow is neither
a coward nor a thief.

You have no idea what
it takes to be a Marine.

PFC Snow believes you are
trying to wash him out, sir,

something that is against
Marine Corps tradition.

Do not lecture me
about tradition!

Now, you will stand down
and give me that w*apon.

I can't do that, sir.

You are disobeying orders,
PFC Tully!

You will give me that w*apon
and you will tell me where PFC Snow is,

or I will see to it that
your sorry butt is booted back

to whatever ungrateful hole
you crawled out of.

Sergeant, I am prepared
to go to Captain Ryan and tell him the truth.

The truth?

And what truth is that?

That you wish to pin the theft of an officer's w*apon
on an innocent man.

You will do no such thing.

'Cause I decide which Marines remain
in this platoon.

Me and only me.

Sir, I can't
let you do that.


Sergeant, please.