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03x20 - Pie Hard

Posted: 12/03/21 07:39
by bunniefuu

Wow, Lexi, what is that amazing smell?

A homemade Sweet Potato Praline pie.

This right here will make you forget your name.


Uh-uh. You gotta wait 'til it cools.

Patience, honey.

-Wow, what is that-- -Sweet Potato Praline pie.

-Yum! Can we-- -It's cooling. Patience, honey.

But look at Winston's
face. Even he wants a slice.

Oh, that's not Winston's pie-sniffing face,

that's his missing-his-job face.

Who hires a mini horse?

Actually, who fires a mini horse?


Me and Winston used to visit
the senior centers back home.

He misses spreading the joy to folks.

He's like the horse version of Santa Claus.

Hey, my sorority does tons of community service.

I'd be happy to ask about
opportunities for Winston.

Thanks, Grandma Judy!

Look, it's his couldn't-be-happier face.

I'll have to take your word for it.

(timer dings)

Both: Pie time!

Goodness gracious, did y'all eat today?

Oh my!

Mmm. You said it.

Lexi, this is so good, you could sell it.

Hey, you should sell it.

Have you ever thought about having a pie stand?

I'd be happy to help.

Love that.

Plus, I could use the extra money

to get Koko some new clothes.

Girlfriend needs a glow up.

-Hey, fam. -Oh, hey.

Dad, Can Lexi and I

set up a pie stand at the smoothie shop?

Well, I'll have to taste it first.


Oh, wow.


Don't you think your customers

deserve a great slice of pie?

Absolutely. But not this slice.

This slice is mine.

Oh, who am I kidding?

We all know I'm gonna eat the whole pie.

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

(theme music playing)

♪ Like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change,
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter,
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best from your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change

♪ The more they stay the same

♪ Do, do, do-do, do, do

♪ Do, do

♪ The more they stay the same

Okay, Lexi, I think we're all set.

Oh, just one more thing.

Say, "Princess of Pies."


You mean the "Queen of Pies."

-(camera shutter) -(Sydney chuckles)

Oh, I am definitely sending this to your mom.

Aunt Essence is gonna love it!

Sure will.

Alrighty, time to get it poppin'.

We got pies to sell.

Uh, wait. It's my shop,

so shouldn't I get the first slice?

It seems only fair.

You had half a pie yesterday!

Yeah and the half in my tummy is lonely.

Won't you let him have a friend?

Sorry, Dad, but you're just gonna have to wait

until we've served paying customers.

Like that one over there.

Hello, ma'am,

would you like to buy a delicious slice

of Sweet Potato Praline pie?

Aw, aren't you sweet!

Why yes, I am.

But you know what's even sweeter?

These pies.

Thanks, but I'm not really a pie person.

Not a pie person?

Wow, I heard y'all existed,

I just never thought I'd meet one.


people are gonna buy Lexi's pie, right?

Of course they are. She's just gettin' started.

I mean, this was my idea.

I'd feel terrible if

she didn't get any customers.

Don't worry. When I first opened this place,

I didn't think I'd get a single customer.

And then, three months later,

boom, I had two.

Yeah. I'm not helping.

Hey, Syd.

Oh, hey.

Olive, I need a big favor.

A favor? For you?

You know I'd do anything for you.

I'd walk on hot coals for you. I would--

Actually, I just need you to eat some pie.

Oh, thank goodness.

I have very sensitive feet.

Yeah. I just need you to eat some of Lexi's pie,

and rave about how delicious it is,

so other customers buy some.

On it.

-Hey, Olive. -Hey, Lexi.

(gasps) Are you selling pie?

I'd love a slice.

You got it.

Mmm. It's so good.

(softly) You have to eat it first.

Oh, right.

Lexi, this is great!

No, amazing! No, incredible!

I mean, this is the best thing I've ever tasted.

(softly) Olive, don't overdo it.

I'm not overdoing it.

In fact, I'm under-doing it.

Wait, why am I explaining
myself when I could be eating pie?!

I want some pie.

And me next!

Well, I'll be.

Look who's seen the light.

Isn't this pie so good?

So good.

Max, try not to talk with your mouth full.

(mouth full) Mmm. Man oh man.

Well, my plate's empty, so I get the last slice.

Oh. Hold on, hold on.

(mouth full) Aunt Maya made
this pie, so as her favorite nephew.

Right, but she's my mom, so I clearly deserve it.

I'll take that.


Family rules, sis.

You start Mom's Sweet
Potato Praline pie without me,

I finish it without you.

Hello, sweet children.

Well, it looks like you all enjoyed my pie.

Sorry we didn't leave you a slice, Aunt Maya.

But I can't be held responsible for my actions

with a pie this good.

Can you make another pie, Mom?


Pretty praline potato please?

I wish I could, but I have a ton of work.

Unless one of you wants to go over

pages of court documents?

Yeah. (chuckles)

(whispers) Neither do I.

Poor Mom. She's been working so hard.

I wish there was something
nice we could do for her.

Ooh, I've got an idea!

Let's bake her a Sweet Potato
Praline pie, and surprise her with it.

Mom will love it!

Great idea, sis!

I'll get Great Grams' recipe.

Aw, man. I miss Great Grams.

She always said,

"Leo, you touch that pie before it cools,

and it'll be the last thing you ever touch!"

Good times.

I can't believe we sold out the pies so quick!

I can! They're amazing! I'm so proud of you.

Well, cuz, I couldn't have done it without you.

Now let's get Koko a major 'fit upgrade.


which of these color schemes do you think

brings out the "Portland chic" in Koko?

Don't ask me.

She's the one with the vision.

Hey, guys!

I am gonna blow your pie-makin' minds.

Crust me on this.


"Crust me." Good one, Uncle Max.

The man's been waiting his whole life

for an audience like you.

So, my favorite customer,
Sylvia, loved your pie so much,

she wants four pies for tomorrow night.

You think you can do it?

Can a mama squirrel eat cheese grits?


That's a yes.

Great! I'll let Sylvia know.

Lexi, good news!

What's up, Grandma Judy?

My sorority sister volunteers at a senior center,

and she told them all about you and Winston.

They're so excited.

They want you to bring him over tomorrow.

Great! I can't wait to tell Winston.

Oh, wait. What about the big pie order?

sh**t, you're right.

Well, I can't bake them
now. It's almost my bedtime.

Okay. Well, I'll tell the senior
center you can't make it this time.

No, no. I don't wanna let them down.

Wait, Syd,

would you mind bakin' the pies?

I'm sure you know the family recipe.

There's a family recipe?

Yeah. It's Great Grams' pie.

Didn't your mom teach you to bake it?

Oh, um,

actually no.

I guess my mom never had a chance.

But if you give me the
recipe, I can bake them for you.


You sure?

Definitely! It's family tradition.

It's in my blood.

Aw, you're the best!

Okay, I gotta get Winston ready for his big day!

You think Uncle Max will mind
if I wash Winston in his bathtub?

Both: Nah.

I hope Uncle Max has some good shampoo.

Winston's scalp is drier
than store-bought biscuits.

Aw, she's so excited.

Yeah. She's the cutest.

But are you okay, Syd?

Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

You know, all that stuff about the family recipe,

and your mom never getting to teach you.

No. I'm fine.

I got this.



Vanilla extract?


Best daughter in the world, who is just as sweet

as she is cute?


What's all this?

We're baking our mom a pie,

but we wanted to surprise her,

so Max said we could make it here.

Aw, kids doing something nice
for their hard-working mom?

I wonder what that's like.

Hey, I do plenty of stuff for you!


Well, at least you make me laugh.

Okay! Let's get started!

Essence, why don't you preheat the oven

to to bake the crust?

Good idea, if you want to ruin the pie.

It's supposed to be .

Let me settle this.

The recipe says,

"Bake crust 'til good and toasty."

So, just press the oven's
"good and toasty" button.


this is one of those weird
ovens that just has numbers.

Essence, it's .

Alisha, it's .

You know what? Let's each make a pie,

and the best one wins.

-Which will be mine. -You're on.

Guys, you're sisters. You shouldn't be competing.

There'll be twice the pie,

and you and Max can be the judges.

On the other hand, don't let me stop you.


Thanks for helping me with these pies, Olive.

Are you kidding?

A project with safety procedures,

step-by-step instructions,
and precise measurements?

This is my love language.

Okay. Well, I think we have everything we need.

For the first step, Great Grams says,

"Bake crust til good and toasty."

Okay. How do we make the crust?

Uh, it says,

"Make crust."

I'm sensing Great Grams
was not big on the details.

Don't worry. I've watched a million
seasons of "Best British Baker."

I can totally produce a

(British accent): scrummy
bake without a soggy bottom.

(normal voice): Okay. For the filling,

it says, "Add a gentle pinch of brown sugar."

Is the next step, "Drive
your great-grandaughter's

best friend insane?"

'Cause it's working.

So, maybe the instructions are a little unclear,

but this is a family recipe!

I've got generations of pinches inside me.

Okay, then let's get our pie on!

Okay. The crust is ready for the pie tin!

Does this look right to you?

If you're tryin' to make a dough emoji,

mission accomplished.





upper body...


Uh, here. Let me try it.

Well, obviously, I loosened it up for you.

This looks awesome, Syd.

Yeah! I told you we could do it.

(phone buzzes)

Have you seen my phone?

(phone buzzes)

No. But it's gotta be here somewhere.

(phone buzzes)

(phone buzzes)

(phone buzzes)

(phone buzzes)

(phone buzzes)

Found it!

Man, I'm excited to taste some pies.

Same! And I get to judge a winner

despite havin' zero baking experience of my own?

My only question is, why
isn't every day like this?

You know, Max,

seeing the girls do a nice thing for their mom

reminded me of this coupon book you made,

filled with nice things
you promised to do for me.

Well, that doesn't sound like me.

We'll be starting with this coupon,

cleaning all the bathrooms.

Any chance I put an expiration date on those?

Oh, you sure didn't!

I'll get the rubber gloves.

Here come the pies! Ready to taste?

And to be fair, we won't tell you whose is whose.

Okay. I'll go first.


(disgusted) This is so--

so good.

(disgusted) Oh.

This one is, too.

Good! Mm.

Really good.


You're not just being nice?

You actually like them?

Both: Mmm.

Great. Now taste the other pie.

Both: No!

They're that bad, huh?

Both: Yes.

Well, clearly we can't give
either of these pies to Mom.

I know. This stinks.


you can't just judge pies on taste and

looks and smell.

What about weight?

That's a sturdy pie.

She's beautiful.

I know.

I just love her so much.

She's our baby.

Yes, you are.

Aren't you our little pie baby?

Man, I am excited to taste some pie.

Oh, okay.

Here you go.

-Thank you. -Enjoy.

All right.


(disgusted) This is so--

so good.



The best.

Why don't I believe you?


This is terrible.

Who measures pie ingredients by

pinches and

dollops and thumb-fulls?

Everyone in this family seems to
understand these crazy instructions.

-Except me. -Syd, this is just your first try.

I'm sure the next one'll be better.

There's not gonna be a next one.

I was dumb to think I could do this on my own.

I'm missing the most important ingredient.

My mom.

You think there's any way

Mom will believe we actually made this pie?

No, but I love her too much
to give her the ones we made.

Maya: Girls?

I'm home!

Quick! Hand me the pie, so I can give it to her!

No, I wanna give it to her!

Oh! Hey, Mom.

What is that?

Is that a pie?


We know how hard you've been working,

and we wanted to do something special for you,

so we made your Sweet Potato Praline pie.

Oh, my sweet babies.

That was so thoughtful.

But we had to buy you one,

because our pies were disgusting,

and we didn't want to poison you.

And that was even more thoughtful.

Ours were nowhere near as good as yours.

We're sorry, Mom.

No, I'm sorry.

I should've taught you how to
make the pie a long time ago.

It's a family recipe.

My mom taught me,

and now I'm going to teach you.


Like - like right now?

Don't you have work to do?

Oh, this is way more important.

Now grab your aprons, girls.
We've got some bakin' to do!

Hey, Syd.

About your pie--


I know you mean well, but

you don't have to keep pretending
that the pie was any good.

Actually, I wanted to tell you that

I tried your mom's first attempt at the Sweet
Potato Praline pie when she was your age.


How was it?


Like really, really bad.

But I bet she learned eventually, right?

'Cause she had Grandma Maya to teach her.

Might take us a while, but

why don't we try to figure it out together?

I appreciate the offer,


it wouldn't be the same.

Lexi had Aunt Essence to teach her.

My mom had Grandma Maya.

And Grandma Maya had
Great Grams before her, and...

I don't get to be a part of that.

It's just another thing I
have to do without a mom.

Like shaving my legs,

getting my ears pierced,

having my first period.

It's not fair.

No. It's not.


No but.

There isn't anything I can
say except, "You're right."

It isn't fair at all.

I wish your mom was here, and I wish I could

fix this for you, but I can't.

Honestly, just knowing
you understand means a lot.

Thanks, Dad.



you're back from the senior center. How'd it go?

Oh, Winston brought the seniors so much joy,

they voted him "Visitor of the Month."

He shook that place right up.

That's awesome!

Plus, I received marriage proposals

from two guys named Earl.

But neither of them had a ring,

and I'm not going to settle for pudding.

Syd, how'd it go with the pie order?

Um, actually, I

had to have my dad cancel the order.

I'm sorry, Lex.


what happened?

Well, I tried to make the pie,

but it was terrible.

I shouldn't have assumed that I could handle it.

I needed my mom to teach me,


your mom taught you.

What do you mean?

-My mom didn't teach me. -She didn't?

No. My Uncle Mike taught me at Thanksgiving

while my mom was makin' turkey.

But I thought the whole tradition was that

moms passed down the pie to their daughters.

No. The tradition is that

the family recipe is taught by family.

And I'm your family, so now I'm teaching you.

You are?!

Like right now?!

Yep. Get out your apron, girl.

We got some bakin' to do!


Pie's all done!

Okay. Let's see what we got.

It looks good,

but it's gotta pass my taste test.

So? How is it?

Mm. Mm. Mm. It's perfect.

My babies made a perfect pie.

-We did it! -Yep. We did it!


We did it, Lexi.

No, girl. Get your credit.

I was just passin' on what I was taught.

Well, you're a great teacher.

So, what do you think?

Well, it looks good. But how does it taste?

Now, be honest.

Ooh, tastes like brown sugar paradise!

(chuckles) Yes!


Syd, this pie is incredible.

You took the words right out of my mouth,

and as long as it's not the pie, I'm fine.

Oh, stop...

is something I would say if
this pie wasn't so amazing.

Go me!

-(all laughing) -Yep,

but we still need the approval
of the real pie authority.

So, Grandma, what do you think?

(singing) Ooh. It's even better than mine.


Mm. Yup. You made the whole family proud.

But what are you sitting around for?

Bake me another pie!

(all laughing)

♪ Do, do, do-do, do, do

♪ Do do

♪ Do, do, do-do, do, do

♪ Do do

♪ Do, do, do-do, do, do

♪ Do do

♪ Do, do, do-do, do, do

♪ Do do

Oh, yeah.