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04x03 - Choose to Live

Posted: 12/03/21 11:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Star Trek: Discovery...

We got you, Gray. We'll find
a way to help you be seen,

truly seen.

I can't believe I get
to start my life again.

BURNHAM: Book? You there?

BOOK: I keep seeing him.

Leto. I don't know if he knew,

if I ever let him know
how much I loved him.

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna figure this thing out
for you, whatever it takes.

TILLY: Starfleet Academy
feels like , years ago.

Nothing feels simple anymore.

It's okay to feel that way.

I don't know if something's off
or, uh, I'm off.

I was kind of hoping that we
could talk about it sometime.

VANCE: What exactly is this anomaly?

STAMETS: We're not certain.

We know it's there, we know it's moving,

but we can't get a handle

on what it is.

I offer the services
of the Ni'Var Science Institute.

A crisis such as this
requires all to contribute.

This anomaly threatens us all equally.

We must all work together.

♪ ♪

This is Commander Fickett
of the USS

We have your dilithium shipment ready.

WOMAN: We are grateful
to receive it, Commander.

It has been a long time.

FICKETT: Always happy to help.

- Looking good.
- Everything is ready, Commander.

- We have their coordinates.
- Good work.

Thank you, Lieutenants.

Computer, lower the
shields for transfer.

Locking on your coordinates now.

- COMPUTER: Security breach.



Stand down.


I need to take your dilithium.

You can wait your turn
like everybody else.

I'm afraid that's not possible.
Please step aside.

It's not gonna happen.



Please, my friend, choose to live.


I'm sorry.

VANCE: Fourth and most recent

in a string of identical
dilithium thefts.

k*lling a Starfleet officer, though...

that's new.

The k*ller is a Ni'Var citizen

and a Qowat Milat nun known as J'Vini.

Her cohorts are mercenaries

confirmed to be operating
under her orders.

Thanks to the tracker we planted
in the dilithium she stole,

we now have her coordinates.

You said these thefts began

shortly after the gravitational
anomaly was discovered.

Might there be a connection?

As of now, we have
no indication of motive.

J'Vini's crimes, however, are clear.

She must be detained without delay.

BURNHAM: This would
be an appropriate time

for the Qowat Milat to join us.

Thank you, President T'Rina.

RILLAK: Admiral, Ni'Var is a
trusted ally of the Federation.

Despite the fact that these crimes

were committed on Starfleet vessels,

we will not respond
without Ni'Var's guidance.

Thank you.

Indeed, we are more than allies.

It is my hope that
we will soon be united

under the flag of the Federation.

The dangers posed by the anomaly
make our cooperation

all the more important.

It is my understanding that,

at the moment, no inhabited
systems are threatened

by its trajectory, yet it could
change course at any time.

That is the case, Madam President.

Commander Stamets
has been leading the efforts

to better understand its movements.

He's eager to start collaborating

with the Ni'Var Science Institute.

And they are ready to receive him.

Here, too, we offer our services.

This is an internal Qowat Milat matter,

and as such, we ask

that Starfleet turn
her coordinates over to us.

We believe J'Vini most likely is acting

as a galankhkan
on behalf of a lost cause.

VANCE: "Most likely"?

You have doubts?


I have faith.

Why would she steal the dilithium?

The Federation is giving it away.

I don't know. This is the first news

we've heard of J'Vini in several years.

But I trust she has a reason.

The order must be allowed
to discover that context.


She k*lled a Starfleet officer.

You cannot excuse that with context.

We do not excuse J'Vini's actions.

However, we must be
the ones to pursue her.

I fear no one but her sisters

will be able to bring her in alive.

The unique ways of the Qowat Milat

must be respected.

RILLAK: Admiral Vance,

would Starfleet be amenable
to making this a joint mission?

A venture of mutual goodwill
would reflect the spirit

of the pending union between
Ni'Var and the Federation.

Under the circumstances,

we would, of course, be amenable.

As would the Qowat Milat.

Well, might I suggest Captain Burnham

be permitted to represent Starfleet?

She has my confidence.

And, dare I say,
the confidence of her mother.

Whatever J'Vini's circumstances,
I think we can all agree

that these actions cannot
be allowed to continue.

Bring her in.


I'll prepare to leave immediately.

As will I.


If we may speak frankly?

Of course.

This joint mission is
a political necessity.

Ni'Var and the Qowat Milat
must feel respected,

but make no mistake...
you are in charge.

I thought we landed
on "mutual goodwill" back there.

Goodwill and leadership are
two different things.

This anomaly,

it is the biggest thr*at
we have faced since the Burn.

This is our moment to serve

and to show why restoring
the Federation is so critical.

We cannot do that without Ni'Var.

But we also can't do it
if those who att*ck us

don't see our strength.

J'Vini must be brought in.


If you feel your relationship
with your mother will make this

- too difficult...
- No.

No. J'Vini took the life
of a Starfleet officer.

I will bring her to justice.

I promise you that.

Good. I'm counting on you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



No, you're almost finished.

I was gonna ask you a question
if you have a second.

For you, always.

Oh, thanks. I really appreciate it.

So, um...


That was...

disturbingly not delicious.

Is something amiss with the replicator?

No, no. I, um...

sorry... ordered mac and cheese
on purpose.

And there's something amiss with me,

and Dr. Culber's trying
to help me with it.

Well, while your dislike of cheese

certainly renders you a rarity
among humans,

I was not aware it was
considered an actual...


Oh, no, no, it's not. Uh, um, I'm sorry.

I am trying new things,

because my comfort zone
has become uncomfortable.

Or... too comfortable.


Anyway, Dr. Culber thought it might help

if I shake things up a little,
so last night,

I slept with my pillow
at the other end of my bed,

and then I took the long way
to the bridge this morning,

and I was hoping I could, uh,
try out a little gardening

by watering some of your plants.

What is it you hope
to gain from novelty?

To be honest, I'm not sure yet.

I do keep thinking about
those cadets at the academy

and just... how certain they are

that they are exactly
where they're supposed to be.

You know?

And I used to have that.

Clarity of purpose can
be difficult to achieve.

Sorry. I know you-you
have some places to go.

It's not important.

I confess to having dined quickly.

I am speaking with Kaminar soon.

Oh. Well, give Su'Kal my best.

Oh. He would appreciate that.

However, today's call is
with the local council

to discuss our role

in retrofitting Kaminar's spaceport.

My homeworld recently voted
to return to the stars.

I will look for something
meaningfully unusual

for you to do.

Till then, you are welcome
to mist my plants.

Oh, but do take care
to not touch the swampkelp

while it is in bloom.

Why? What happens if I do?

It is better if you do not know.


Thought I'd find you here.

Stamets give you another job?

Yeah. It's more like
a tachyon treasure hunt.

- Not exactly in my wheelhouse,

but it keeps me close to the action.

Such as it is.

Speaking of action, mind
if I requisition your ship?

Starfleet and Qowat Milat only.

Yeah. I see how it is.

Love a man up and
leave him without a ship.

I will return it washed and waxed.

And I thank you.

How is he?

He's got a new theory.

Primordial wormhole.

Primordial wormhole, huh?

Four out of five factors point to yes.

Um, one:

Gravitational distortions are consistent

- with wormhole behavior.
- Mm-hmm.

Two: So is the shape
of the gravitational well.

Three: Its ability to change direction.

Four: It contains a massive
amount of accreted dark matter.

Which reminds me,

I've given it a nickname: the DMA.

Dark Matter Anomaly.

Too much of a mouthful
to say every time.


Everything points
to a primordial wormhole

except one missing factor.

Let me guess: tachyons.

Always present
at the birth of a wormhole.

Without evidence of tachyons...

We're back to square one.

The evidence is in here.

I just have to find it.

Until I know what the DMA is,

I can't predict its behavior.

And we can't prevent another...

The Ni'Var Science Institute
will be a great help.

I'm, uh, sending the raw data now.

Okay. Keep me posted.

I want to go to
the Science Institute with you.

Oh, uh...

no, no, no, you really wouldn't.

It's gonna be so boring.

Field equations. Manifolds.

Torsion tensors. Math, math, math.

I need to be doing something.

(SIGHS): Helping. Come on.

I, um...

I can't bring these scientists
up to speed

without a clinical forensic discussion

of your loss.

I can handle it.

Thank you.



I'll finally be a part
of the world again.

No more looking in from the outside,

feeling invisible.

The world has no idea
what it's been missing.

The crew's gonna love you.

I mean, not as much as I do, obviously.


Thank Dr. Culber for me again?

Wait a few minutes
and thank him yourself.

In person.

MAN: Dr. Culber,

Guardian Xi is arriving.

Guardian Xi, welcome.

I believe I've prepared
everything you need

for the incorporation.

An atypical arrangement...

as befits zhian'tara unlike any other.

Adira Tal, greetings.

ADIRA: Thank you so much

for doing this.

It is my joy to assist.

Do we have Gray Tal?

(LAUGHS): Oh, uh, he's right here.


Um, tell him that, um...

I'm honored by his presence, and...

I couldn't be more
grateful for his help.

(LAUGHS): He's-he's really
grateful you're here.

Guardians are kind of like his heroes.

He was on his way to becoming one of you

before things went sideways.

It is my hope that our work today

will allow you to resume your training.

However, your unique situation

is attended by unpredictable dangers.

I cannot guarantee
that your consciousness

can find a new home in a synthetic body

without a host's mind to guide you in.

We must accept the possibility

that you could be lost.

Tell him that...

I'm lost without this.

I... I've been living
in an in-between place

for too long already.

I have to try.

He understands the risks.

He's good to go.

Do we have the consent of Tal?

We do.

Then let us begin.

SARU: It sounds difficult.

Uh-huh. My mother is bringing
a Qowat Milat sister with her.

I should add a tactical officer
to balance the numbers.

Can't have the mission
appear to favor either party.

This mission would be straightforward

if it weren't for the politics.

Don't get me started on Rillak.

Mm, I will not.

But I would like to offer a...

a recommendation
for your tactical addition.

Lieutenant Tilly.

She has a long and
impressive list of skills,

but combat falls kind of at the bottom.

That may be so, but Dr. Burnham
and her Qowat Milat companion

are certain to be highly combat trained,

as are you.

Given the delicate nature of politics,

you might consider making use

of Tilly's intuitive diplomatic skills.

She does have a way
of putting people at ease.

I believe she may do the mission good.

And it, her.


TILLY: But it can be a little hard
to get out of your comfort zone

when you can barely get out

of the lab, you know?

So getting the opportunity
to do this, this...

this could be really good for me.

Um, I'm so sorry. Not that, um...

not that it's good that
your sister is getting arrested.

Obvi... Obviously, that's not...

that's not good.

That's-that's bad.
That's not good at all.

You worry that I'm dismayed
by your enthusiasm.

I'm not.

Absolute candor.

I dig that.

GABRIELLE: You told me that when
Spock was accused of m*rder,

you didn't believe it.

And your trust in your
brother was justified.

That's different. I knew him.

And I know her.

Who is she to you?

I need to know who I'm dealing with.


When I first came to this future,

I was broken.

A Qowat Milat sister
nursed me back, unwavering,

for more than a year.

Yes, you've told me.

That sister was J'Vini.

I was once her lost cause.

She gave everything to heal me.

I owe her everything.

COMPUTER: Approaching destination.

You need to leave your phasers on board.

They are not the Qowat Milat way.

We are not Qowat Milat.

And they'll be set to stun.

If you go in there with phasers,
I'll never get through to her.

You want to put us in front of
a member of your order unarmed?

That's not gonna happen.

Did I say unarmed?

We'll be at a huge disadvantage.

It was agreed that
the ways of the Qowat Milat

would be respected.


This is so outside my comfort zone.

It's heavier than I expected.

- Shwee! Oh.

Sorry. So sorry.

I moisturized my hands
this morning. Apologies.

But don't worry, I'll be good to go.

BURNHAM: Good, because...

we're here.

TILLY: I'm not reading
any life signs on the surface.

Check under the surface.

She has to be someplace around here.

TILLY: One inhospitable,
uninhabited chunk of rock

makes as good a hideout
as any other, so...

why this one?

Mom, did J'Vini have ties
to a person or place nearby?

If she did, she chose not
to share it with her sisters.

You were right... there's
a cavity directly beneath us.

- Atmosphere?
- It's breathable.

And I'm getting a faint reading
from the dilithium tracker

down there as well.

COMPUTER: Warning. Intruder alert.






J'VINI: I didn't want
more blood to be spilled.

That can stop right now.

Choose to live by leaving immediately.

Come after me, your lives are forfeit.

We're totally gonna ignore
that warning, aren't we?


Let's move.


ADIRA: This isn't supposed
to be happening.

I can't see him anymore.

I can't feel him with me.

The unjoining was a success.

However, I do not yet sense his presence

in the synthetic body.

Hey. Gray?

GUARDIAN XI: We must have patience.

The process can take time.

Please, keep me apprised.

Thank you.

Um, this-this can't... this can't be it.

We're supposed to just sit here
and-and do nothing?

Well, it's like Guardian Xi said.

It could take some time.

It's him, but it's not...

it's not him, and I don't really
know what to do with that.

Let's go for a walk.

Dr. Pollard will be here.

Gray's monitors will alert us
to even the slightest change.

Come on.


TILLY: Lost cause or lost civilization?

This feels like a mausoleum.

The degree of desiccation
suggests these pods

are several centuries old.

Possibly older.

Why would J'Vini bring
dilithium to a crypt?

I have no idea.

As your lieutenant suggested,

maybe she's simply utilizing
this moon as a safe house.

Hey, check it out.

Grave robbers?



why would a grave robber
bother doing this?

J'Vini's cloak.

I've never seen a species like it.

The database says unknown.

I'm gonna go out on a limb
and say that we found

her lost cause.


If J'Vini had pledged her sword to it,

her oath would have ended
with its demise.

How are you so sure that
there's an oath here at all?

I mean, you believe that she's
operating from a place of honor?

Her mercenaries just k*lled
one of her own sisters.

She'd only draw against us
if she believed

we pose a thr*at to her cause.

No, Mom, she's not above the law.

The reasons matter.

I thought you'd understand that.

Is that why you agreed
to a joint mission?

Because you believe I'd give her
the benefit of the doubt?

TILLY: Hey, I just had a thought.

(CLEARS THROAT) My mom and I
didn't really get along very well.

She didn't really like children,

um, touching her or, like,
needing things from her

or actually generally being around her.

Um, but if she was here
right now, I would just...

I would give her the biggest hug.

- Oh!

- Seismic activity?
- No.

matter-and-antimatter reactions.

The dilithium's been activated.

This isn't a moon. It's a ship.

And J'Vini just powered it up.

Where's the dilithium?

TILLY: Tracker says it's...

... right above our heads.

There should be a way up there.

GABRIELLE: Fan out. Search the chamber.

Or we could just take the turbolift.



STAMETS: Given the nonlinear behavior

and topological structure of the DMA,

it appears that any planet
within A.U.

of the ergosphere, as Kwejian was,

will sustain gravitational shearing,

resulting in catastrophic instabilities.

A primordial wormhole
accounts for this shear,

but so far...

Your theory and its challenges
are clear to us.


Given time, I would
work this out myself, but...

time is of the essence, so here we are.

Um, uh, c-could we discuss
the schedule for the day?

Science first, nap later?

Uh, I need all brains on deck here.

Our scientists often work
in a deep meditative state

to sharpen their focus
and concentration.

Oh, well, I'll, um...

wait over there, then,
in my own sharp state.

Mr. Booker.

May I offer you a warm redspice?

Many find it to be soothing
when experiencing

emotional distress.

That obvious?

Your grief is to be expected.

But your body language
also expresses guilt.

Illogical, as the cause of
your loss was a force of nature,

and as such, not your fault.

I wasn't aware Vulcans were
so emotionally attuned.

A common misconception.

Vulcans experience emotions,
some quite strongly.

We simply choose to suppress them

in favor of a more logical approach.

(CHUCKLES): Care to give me
a few pointers on that approach?

The discipline of the arie'mnu
requires a lifetime to master.

For the uninitiated, respite
would be fleeting at best.

A drowning man only needs one breath.

I believe you require
a different set of tools

than I can offer, Mr. Booker.

As a Kwejian,

emotion is as essential
to you as air and blood,

rendering the suppression
of guilt inadequate.

What you require is freedom from guilt.

There must have been
a sign it was coming.

I missed it.

If I hadn't, I could
have saved my family.

That is not illogical.

TILLY: It is a truly bizarre
reaction system.

Uh, the controls must be housed
somewhere else on the moon.

Dilithium should be...



Hello, little tracker.

Can you power the ship down from here?

I think so, but J'Vini
will definitely know

it's been sabotaged.

Just see what you can do.

BURNHAM: This shows a supernova.

A moon leaving its world.

That's the ship we're on.

Their own planet became unlivable.

And that's no mausoleum out there.

BURNHAM (GASPS): Cryostasis?

The species in the cocoons are alive.

Now we've found her cause.

She's protecting them
from grave robbers.

Got it.

- Great work.

What now?


I need you to, uh, stay here.

As bait.

ADIRA: It was a mistake.

Should have never let Gray do it.

He'd be here. He'd be safe.

The choice wasn't yours.

Yeah, but what if he's really gone?

And please don't tell me he'll
always be here in my heart

or my memories or whatever.

It's not the same.

- No, it's not.

But I'll tell you you're not alone.

We're all here for you, Adira.

You may find that connecting
with someone

can be a guiding light
when things get dark.

SARU: I presume Gray remains in limbo?

It could last indefinitely.

I think the uncertainty might be
the hardest part for them.

It is a challenging time for us all.

Of late, I am often reminded
of a Kelpien adage:

It is difficult to ride two valebeasts

with only one set of buttocks.


Try riding three of them.

You are doing a tremendous job, Doctor.

Uh, with both jobs.

Serving as medical officer and
ship's counselor cannot be easy.

Well, that's why I'm here... to help.

Or at least try.

Sometimes the most important
thing we can do

is reach for one another.


It's weird not feeling you,

not even knowing where you are.

I keep thinking you're just...

all alone.

Lost, maybe.


Dr. Culber said this thing about...

connecting with people, uh,

being like a light in the dark.


I figured maybe if you
can't find your way, that...

I could be the one to guide you.

So I'm here,

reaching, and...

I'll be here until you come back.


so please come back.

♪ ♪

Sit here and be bait.

(LAUGHS): I'm way outside
my comfort zone now.

J'VINI: Move away from the engine.

- Now.
- I choose...

I choose to live.
%, I choose to live.



You should have left, Gabrielle.

I'm here to help you.

I just need to understand...

- TILLY: Captain?
- GABRIELLE: No, Michael.

I've got this.

Please. You don't have to do this.

BURNHAM: J'Vini, let her go.

You, get my warp drive back online.

I know coming with us would mean
that you abandoned your cause.

What if you don't have to abandon it?

I know you don't want to k*ll her.

And I think we can offer you a solution.

You would say whatever you have
to, to get me to drop my guard.


No. No lies, I promise you.

We have a few minutes

while Lieutenant Tilly
repairs the systems.

Oh, yeah. At least.
I mean, I'm-I'm hurrying,

but I-I really did a number
on this thing, so...

BURNHAM: The species
sleeping in the cocoons,

they're your lost cause, aren't they?

You can trust her, J'Vini.
She's my daughter.

They're Abronians,
the last of their kind.

Their biomatter has high
concentrations of latinum.

It's what the grave robbers wanted.

And the Abronian who wears
your cloak was special to you?


I didn't know him.

That doesn't matter.

Going as fast as I can.

I was traveling through the star system.

Suddenly, I felt...


community, family...

and suffering.

It was as if someone
was calling out to me,

begging me for help.

The telepathic distress signal
was from Taglonen?

There was no one else in range.

- These people were under att*ck.

I needed to protect the rest of them.

I accepted his cause as my own.

This was not the path I expected,

but this is where I'm needed.

I promised that
as long as I was breathing,

no further harm would come to them.

The carvings on the wall suggest
the Abronians traveled here

while in cryosleep,

and this planet that we're orbiting

was meant to be their new home.

And when they wake,
I will make sure they claim it.

- The dilithium was necessary.
- Why?

If they were supposed
to be here, why move them?

You know about the gravitational
anomaly near this sector?

Yes, we do.

Without the dilithium,
I wouldn't have been able

to move the Abronians to safety
if it had come this way.

If you had asked, we would
have given you the dilithium.

I did ask.

Starfleet doesn't dispense
dilithium to individuals.

They would have wanted the name
and location of the species

J'Vini was representing.

BURNHAM: And you couldn't
risk the Abronians' safety

by asking on their behalf
and revealing their existence.

k*lling your officer was never my plan.

But his death was not in vain.

I believe that the Abronians
were meant to wake

a long time ago.

And there's no logical reason
why they would have remained

in cryostasis after their arrival,

so I have to conclude that
there was some kind of failure

in the cryo system.


if we fix the problem
and help them wake...

won't your oath be fulfilled?

You have until she finishes.

Uh, hi.

Are you done?

We are.

Within the scope
of the data you provided,

we are unable to identify any factors

to indicate the presence of tachyons.

In the absence of such evidence,

your hypothesis remains unproven.


No. This...

has to be what it is.

Lives are at stake.

Your emotional response
to factual analysis

is quite illogical for a scientist.

Perhaps proof may be
obtained another way.

We do have a witness.

Tachyons are superluminal.

Upon hitting Kwejian's atmosphere,

they would have created
Cherenkov radiation:

a glowing blue cast to the sky.

Paul asked me the same
thing a million times.

I don't remember a glow.

Stored memories often hold more details

than an individual can access.

A mind meld could uncover them.

STAMETS: No, no.

You can't ask him to...

He'd have to relive all of it.

What if she's right, though?

You shouldn't be re-traumatized
because of my failure.

I'll figure out the DMA another way.

Thank you.

But if this is how I can help...

... I want to do it.

- What do I do?
- Just remember.

My mind to your mind.


- to your thoughts.
- Searched the entire force.

- Just do it! Now!

Come on back.


T'RINA: I have what I need.

BOOK: No, wait.

There's something else I need to see.


Look at them.

It's like they're still here.

T'RINA: You understand
you cannot alter the memory.

You can only relive it.

BOOK: There's this moment
of Leto I keep seeing.

The last moment I saw him.


KYHEEM: I'm happy you're here.

♪ ♪

BOOK: That's it.

I had turned to my brother,
but Leto looked back at me.

That's what I missed.

He saw me...

and he knew I loved him.




♪ ♪



Thank you.

Thank you.

My condolences are...


STAMETS: Are you all right?

You look...

Did you...

find anything?

There was no qualitative evidence

of superluminous radiation.

Tachyons were not present.

I'm sorry you had to go
through that for nothing.

It wasn't for nothing.

I found the problem.



They'll wake in a few minutes.

That's why you kept them safe.

This path is at an end, J'Vini.

The next path awaits.

I'm sorry.


TILLY: I fixed the engine.

That way, if the anomaly comes this way,

the Abronians can escape.

Let me.

I understand.



You may want to see this.

♪ ♪

It's the path they're meant to be on.

You gave them that.

We gave them that.

TILLY: J'Vini said

she was unsure of her path
until she met Taglonen.

And then you said that there
was another path ahead.

The Qowat Milat are very big
on the "path" thing, right?

Well, paths end and change
throughout everyone's life.

When we say "choose to live",

it's an abbreviated form
of a longer saying:

"The path you are on has come to an end.

Choose to live".

If you find yourself at the wrong end

of a Qowat Milat sword,
it's pretty easy to see

that particular path is over for you.

You either move on
to a new path and live,

or you stay and die.

What if the death is more metaphorical?

In everyday life,

a path's end can be harder to recognize.

You must be willing
to look inside yourself

with absolute candor.

Another thing you're very big on.

Thank you for what you did today.

You wondered why I agreed
to a joint mission.

In truth, it was because I was afraid

I might not be able to bring her in.

And I knew you'd make me.

(EXHALES): Oh...

Well, you were right, Mom.

Reasons do matter.

She kept an entire species
from extinction.

It doesn't erase her crimes, but...

it does mean something.

The details of J'Vini's
arrest are in her file.

I would like to formally request
that mitigating circumstances

be taken into account
during her sentencing.

Thank you, Captain Burnham,
for your service.

Your request won't be necessary.

Admiral Vance?

President T'Rina.

Starfleet remands the prisoner
J'Vini to your custody

for extradition to Ni'Var.

Peace and long life.

Jolan tru, daughter.

May you find peace with this.

Tell me she'll be held accountable.

It's up to Ni'Var now.

You gave me a mission.

Which you ex*cuted admirably.

Your role in this matter
has now concluded, Captain.


Patrick Fickett.

First officer of the Credence.

He had a partner, Ha'Ryl.

He had two kids.

Krenn and Na'el.

I know.

Then you know they deserve justice.

I agree.

I also know bringing Ni'Var
into the Federation

will benefit millions.

Justice will be served, Captain.

In time.

You're really okay with this?

I'd have preferred a different outcome.

But it's hard to argue
with the president

trusting in Ni'Var
as we ask them to trust in us.

Do you like music, Captain?


Think of us as, um, an orchestra.

You're first chair violin,

with the showy, challenging solos.

I'm the drum section,

setting the pace, providing backbone.

She's the conductor.

When she signals us, we play.

It's not our job to know
if the cellist is drunk

or the woodwinds and brass are at w*r.

We each have our part,

and we must all trust that
she knows the symphony.

That was a lot of analogy.

Well, they pay me by the letter.


- Come.

- Hello.


I hear percussion.

What are we listening to?

It is the song of the Kaminar sea frog.

I fell asleep to their
chirps as a child,

and my recent stay rekindled
my love for their lullaby.

Very beautiful.

Is it strange to be back?

It is...

a work in progress.

But I do my best each day
to find balance.

You suggested to Michael
I go on today's mission, right?

I thought it might further your...

quest for new experiences.

I hope you found it helpful.

I did. Thank you.

Can I try that?


This is the swampkelp bloom?

It is.

- So what happens if I touch it?
- Uh!

(LAUGHS): I'm sorry.

- Just kidding.






(WHISPERS): Oh, my God.


Are you okay?

Are you... you?

I'm definitely me.


- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.


Guardian Xi is on his way.

- Take it slow. We don't know yet...
- Thank you, thank you,

- thank you, thank you.

I don't even know how to thank you.

I had some words planned, but...

they-they don't even
come close, and I...

It's okay. You don't
have to say anything.

GRAY: Guardian Xi.

We are so grateful you're back.

You get a hug as soon
as I see you in person.

What's it like?

How do you feel?

I'm whole...

and home...

thanks to you.

Wait, did you...

You heard me?

I felt you.

Reaching for me.

Guiding me.

I, um, I wasn't sure without
Tal linking us anymore.

We'll always be linked, Adira.



Kwejian forest.

This was too painful a week ago.

It was too painful this morning.

It's still hard.

But also...


What happened today?

I got a memory back.

And I realized,


if I'm lucky, the grief will fade.

And if I don't want all my
other memories to fade with it,

I'll have to open myself
back up to them.

Good and bad.

BURNHAM: Your Ikhu Zhen amulet.

It's been years since I've worn it.

It didn't feel right.

Now it does.

You seem peaceful.

In this moment...


Sometimes that's all we get.