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01x05 - Blood Calls Blood

Posted: 12/03/21 19:44
by bunniefuu
[ILA] We forswear v*olence.

Have you ever been in battle?

Picked up a w*apon? A sword?

Bow and arrow? An ax?



[VALDA] They say the White
Tower dispatched eight sisters

to deal with Logain's army.

I will not forget your
faces should we meet again.

[THOM] Mat's got all the signs, lad.

The Dark One corrupted the One Power

so men couldn't use
it without going mad.

I see you.


You are exactly what I thought
you were, Wisdom al'Meara.

[STEPIN] No bond is closer than
an Aes Sedai and her Warder.

♪ ♪


[NYNAEVE] I've heard about the bond.

That you feel what she feels.



- No!


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May the last embrace of
the mother welcome you home.


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[LAN] A long time since we've been home.

[MOIRAINE] Do you still
think of it as home?

Don't you?

This saddle is home.

This cloak. These boots.

This brooding man at my side.


ready for what's waiting

in the White City?

[LAN] You think she talks to me?

She eats every night
at the Warders' fire.

She's worried, about Stepin.

Warders are not supposed
to outlive their Aes Sedai.

Stepin's a strong man.

He'll deliver her ring to the Tower.

You think the other
four are already there?

If they are, we'll find them.

And if they aren't...

well, we'll find them.



Watch it, you piece of sh...


Mate, you all right?

Will you stop looking at me
like you're my bloody wet nurse.

Just tired.

A month without a warm bed will do that.

That mountain.


[RAND] I don't know.

I think I've seen it before.

♪ ♪

Tar Valon.


♪ ♪


Blood and ashes.


Can I have one?

Thank you.

What is it?

Mmm. Don't know.

It tastes good, though.

Not hungry. You have it.

Should be down there.

Thom told me about this place.

The innkeeper was an old friend of his.

I'll give you one for
this, one for the other one.

Thought we were going
to the White Tower.

Yeah, we will.

But first, we need to rest and clean up.

Think they'll let us in
looking like this? [CHUCKLES]



I can't believe a night
here is more expensive

than a month at the Winespring Inn.


[MAT] Better than the road.




Tell me again.


[MAT] The little girl...

- on the farm...
- It wasn't you, Mat.

It wasn't you.

Thom and I both saw it.

Thom's not here.

Thom's dead.

Then please believe me.

It was the Fade.

You know you didn't k*ll that family.

You would never hurt that little girl.

♪ ♪

This is the Warders' quarters.

This is the safest place in the Tower

to stay away from the
sisters we traveled with.

When the Amyrlin Seat arrives...

I don't care about the Amyrlin Seat

or your Tower politics.

I told you, I care about my people.

And you said they'd be
here, so where are they?

I have eyes and ears watching every gate

and every wall in the city.

If they've arrived, I'll know.

But will you tell me?

Maybe I'll have a look
around town myself.

[MOIRAINE] Do not underestimate
the women in this Tower.

Each of them has her
own goal, her own agenda,

her own pride and ambition.

As powerful as you are,
these women have spent decades

honing their strengths,
masking their weaknesses.

And when news spreads
of your presence here...

which it will...

you'll be expected to
become a Novice immediately.

And if you're not careful,
those Tower politics

will eat you alive.

If I'm as powerful as you say I am...

maybe it's you, Aes Sedai,
who shouldn't underestimate me.

It's all right to be afraid.

You reached out and
you touched the Source.

You saw how small you
are in comparison to it.

And how great you are

in comparison to those
you've always loved.

And now you're wondering:

how do you fit into the world?

Can you ever go back
to being who you were?

I know because I felt
it, too, the first time.

And the answer is no.

You'll never be the same.

But it's time that you saw
that for the gift it is.

Now, stay here.

Do not speak to anyone.

And I will try and
protect you as best I can.

And when I've found your friends...

I will bring you to them.





It's a little hypocritical, you know.

What is?

Preaching nonviolence

and then letting your pets slaughter

- anything you come across.

v*olence is in us all.

The Way of the Leaf
isn't about denying that.

It's about accepting it.


But one more turnip curry,
and I'll be joining the dogs.

What are you two talking about?

- You. Obviously.

Only good things.

Did you see?

The White Tower.

We made it.

You think they're there already?

I do.

Seems you won't have to
suffer through turnip curry

- much longer.

- [MAN] Whoa!
- What's going on?

- Why are we stopping?

[ILA] The false Dragon.

Don't know anything about him,

but we've been in the
grass for months now.

[VALDA] Those two. Bring them to me.

[ILA] You can't just take our people.

They're not your people.

They've eaten our food
and shared our fire.

Do you want your new friends to suffer?

[ILA] If they don't wish to go with you,

you can't have them.

[VALDA] I can't?

That's a strange word to be
coming out of a Tinker's mouth.

And how exactly do you
plan on stopping me?


The Way of the Leaf against
the Way of the Light.



Hurry. This way.

You can cover the Light

with the palm of a child's hand,

but a Leaf, even if
you crush it, bury it,

burn it, it becomes
a part of the earth...

and the air.


We can't just leave them!

Whitecloaks may be bastards,
but they won't k*ll Tuatha'an.

Come on, hurry.

Come on, this way.

There's a village nearby
who've always been good to us.

[EGWENE] Aah! Aram! Aram!



The Karaethon Cycle.

[LOIAL] Oh. I didn't
even hear you come in.

- [GASPS] Stay back!
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, dear.

You humans are very excitable.

My first day in Tar Valon,

I could not believe the uproar.

Children cried, women screamed,

and a mob chased me all
the way across the city,

waving knives.

I'm afraid I was almost
beginning to get a little upset.

I tell you, it was not for
this I left the Stedding.


You're an ogre?


Loial, son of Arent, son of Halan.

And who are you?


Rand al'Thor.

Your name sings in
my ears, Rand al'Thor.

[CHUCKLES] It is quite
exciting to meet an Aielman.

I've read much of your people.

I'm not an Aielman.

Really? Red hair is one
of the few physical traits

that can help you work
out where a human is from.

I'm from the Two Rivers.

An Aielman from the Two Rivers?

I'm not an Aielman.

An Aielman from the Two Rivers

who insists that he is not an Aielman.

That is very odd.

I like oddities.

You know this book?


Why would The Travels of
Jain Farstrider
make you sad?

It's a first-class adventure.

No, I...

A girl I know used to
read this book every day.

- Thought she was Jain herself reincarnated.

Well, that would be quite unlikely.

With all the humans all...

It's just something
she thought, you know.

I see. I forget how
frivolous you humans can be

with your thoughts.

Where is she now, this girl?

Or is she a woman?

You age so quickly.

I'm not sure.

I came to Tar Valon

because she was heading
to the White Tower,

- but...

What's going on?

[LOIAL] The Aes Sedai
are returning from battle

with the false Dragon,
parading him through the streets

to show the people
the dangers of madness

and hunger for power.

How far a man can...

- Sorry, I... I've got to go.
- To the procession?

I'll come with you.

Just give me a moment
to gather my things.

I'll see you out there.

Always in such a rush, these humans.

Never taking time to properly prepare

for what they're walking into.






Thanks for saving me a seat.

They're bringing in the false Dragon.

They say he was a man who could channel,

that it drove him mad.



k*ll the Dragon!

False Dragon!





Let's make a deal.

All right?

All right.

If it turns out it's one of us...

that you or me can...


... we won't let each
other become like that.

- Mat...
- I'm serious.

I don't give a shit about
this prophecy nonsense.

Aes Sedai, Dragons, whatever.

- I won't be like that.
- You won't.

You don't know that.

Promise me.

I promise.

You'd do the same for me?

You bet.

How was the procession?

He'll be picking tomato
out of his hair for weeks.

It was all worth it
to see Liandrin's face

when she accidentally
got hit with a radish.

Haven't worn white since
my father's funeral.

I hated him, you know.

After he died, I...

used to go out, piss drunk
before I even got to the bar,

fight the smallest,
weakest guy in there...

and beat him.

Then I started picking on
people who could fight back,

half hoping they would just...

... put a stop to me.

That's when I met Kerene.

Stupid young boy with a death wish,

facing off against an Aes Sedai.

She just laughed at me...

and then bought me a drink.

Somehow, we became friends.

Or rather, she gave me the
honor of becoming her friend.

And when she needed a Warder,
she was already so powerful

that she could have had
anybody she wanted, but...

she asked for me.

I couldn't believe it.

I knew I wasn't worthy.

I told her to reconsider,
but she... wouldn't.

She just rolled her eyes
at me, and that was that.

We bonded...

... and I had to become worthy of her.

[MAKSIM] My dad tried
to k*ll me when I was .

So... stop your whining.

White Tower gave me the
first real family I ever had.

You're right.

It's good that you lads
always have each other.

Probably ten more Warders,
if Alanna had her way.


Including you, old friend.

If you bond another Aes Sedai...

First, you lose Moiraine, and
then tell me how easy it is

to jump from one woman to the next.

It's time.

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[MAN] Come on, now.
Put your back into it.






[VALDA] Open your eyes, child.

That's better. All covered up.



Bring him in.


- Perrin!

If you care for her, boy, don't fight.


Sir, please...

Call me Child Valda.

The authority is in the Light, not me.


Child Valda,

we are not who you think.

W-We're nothing. We're no...

We are all someone
important under the Light.

But you're right.

You're not who I thought you were.

An Aes Sedai would have
tried to channel already,

so I would have taken
your hands already.

You know, one of those
witches once told me

that you don't actually
need your hands to channel.

That the use of the hands,
of any motions or words,

is just a crutch.

I can't channel.

There. We've proved it, then.

Because Aes Sedai certainly cannot lie,

as much as they're
able to twist the truth.

So let's say you're not an Aes Sedai,

and that this boy... Perrin?

is not your Warder.

The Light must have brought
you before me for a reason.


The Light never does
anything without a purpose.

I assure you, sir...

Child Valda.

Child Valda.

I'm just a girl from a mountain village

who should have never left.

Please, just let us go. Please.

But you can touch the One Power.

I know you can.

- So stop me from k*lling you.



I'm sorry?

I can't channel.

You said yourself you're
sworn to the Light.

And a man of the Light
cannot k*ll a girl

who's done nothing wrong.

[CHUCKLES] And what makes you think

that I'm a man who
stays true to his oaths?

That I won't just bleed
you out right here and now?

If you're going to do it, then do it.

But know this... I'll
come back in my next life

and split you from head to
tail like the pig you are!


You would have made a strong Aes Sedai.

A wonderful ring to
add to my collection.



Don't. No! No!


Why are you doing this?!

Because we humans

are meant to be of this Earth,

to struggle and fight
for everything we have.

The Creator never meant for us

- to have access to so much power.

You witches make a mockery
of our very existence,

walking like gods amongst men.

- The idea that the One Power

comes from anywhere other
than the Dark is absurd.

So I have been called to stamp it out.

- Woman by woman

by woman.

Channel for me, girl,

and I'll k*ll you and let the boy go.

Don't channel,

and I'll k*ll the boy and let you go.

I'll leave you two to discuss.

Decide which one of you it will be.



Heard you'd been locked up here, too.

- I wondered...

if I could get a bit
more of that tea you had.

For sleeping.

It's not really goats' tongues, is it?

Goatstongue is a plant.

- [STEPIN] Oh.
- Mm.

Are you still having trouble sleeping?

I, uh...


I lie there...

and, uh, just as I'm about to drift off,

the pain goes away.

- Good.
- No.

That's the only thing
I have left of her.

The pain.

I'm not ready to let go of it yet.

Don't worry.

I promise you the pain
will never go away.

Thank you.


♪ ♪

[LIANDRIN] Escaped, did you?


They're almost as old
as the Tower itself.

Representing the tens
of thousands of men

who bonded themselves to my sisters.

Standing guard outside the Hall...

in death as they did in life.


Reds don't have Warders.

No. Never.

Because you hate men.


Is that a question or a statement?

Some of my Red sisters, perhaps.

Women hold the One Power,

but men still control
much of this world.

And they are rarely kind to little girls

who show a spark of being
greater than they are.


Well, now you've
escaped Moiraine's cage,

you should enjoy your freedom. Hmm?

That way leads to the library,

then on to the gardens.


The persimmons are in season.





[LOIAL] Rand al'Thor.

Did you know that Ogier have access

to the White Tower grounds?

Um, no.

But why...

I went there and found
the woman you spoke of.

By the Light.

The braid is a distinct rite of passage

- in the Two Rivers.
- We thought you were dead.

[LOIAL] It was really very simple.

Where's Egwene? And Perrin?

On their way, I think.



What happened to him?


Who else could I be?

You're alive.

[NYNAEVE] So are you.


Show me your tongue.

Don't touch me!



I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Sleep, Mat.

You need to rest.


I think he can channel.

Have you seen it?

No, but he's losing himself.

I know Moiraine said we should
come to her at the White Tower.

I don't know if we can trust her.

We saw what the Aes Sedai
did to the false Dragon.

You've done well.

To bring him here.

To take care of him.

We don't need the Aes Sedai.

We're Two Rivers folk.

I'll heal what I can,

and when Egwene and Perrin
arrive, we'll sort out the rest.


I haven't seen her in a month now.

She's alive.

You know, when Egwene
was little, barely ten,

her parents brought her to
us, the Old Wisdom and I.

She had an infection
already set into her muscles.

They were cramping so badly

that her legs were bent
backwards on themselves.

That's why they call it breakbone fever.

Usually before the person dies,

they snap their own
legs and arms in half.

The Old Wisdom, she, um...

she didn't know what to do.

So she started making a
tea to ease her passing.

But I couldn't.

So I took Egwene's hands,

and she held on so tight.

She looked at me and she
said, "I'm not ready."

She was so small.

She just lay there the whole night

while her own body tried
to break itself in half.

And she didn't cry. [CHUCKLES, SNIFFLES]

Not once.

And she refused the Wisdom's tea.

In the morning, the fever had broken.

Not her.

Sounds about right.

Egwene is many things,
but above all else,

she's unbreakable.


- Egwene, stop.


If it has to be one
of us, it should be me.



This is what I deserve.


- I k*lled her.
- No.

No, Laila's death was not your fault.

Yes, it was!

We were fighting them off together.

The Trollocs.

Then I k*lled one.

But then I heard another from behind me,

and I swung with all my strength.

But it was her.

My own hands.

My own ax.

[CRYING] I k*lled her.

I k*lled my wife.

This is what I deserve.


Have we reached a decision?



Very well.

No decision is still a decision.

Eventually, the boy will bleed out.

It was an accident, Perrin.

Not your fault.


[EGWENE] And it may
take you your whole life

- to realize that, but you will.


I promise.


You will.


No. Egwene, no!



Just drift.


There you are.





You'll find me harder
to k*ll than that, girl.

Especially with a flame so small.


In truth, I was expecting more.


Light protect me.


[VALDA] What are you?!



- [PERRIN] Let's go.



[MAN] Keep moving!


You two, stop.



Come on. Come on.



- He won't hurt us.
- How do you know?

Come on. Go.

You heading to bed, sister?

I'm surprised you remember
where your chamber is.

How long has it been? Two years?


And to return with such a prize.

Where is Nynaeve?

Safely hidden away, I assume.

No doubt she's resting
after her long journey.

You look a little worse for wear, too.

You know, the trouble with...

always coming and going, Moiraine,

is that when Nynaeve becomes a Novice...

and despite her distressing mistrust

of Aes Sedai, she
will become a Novice...

you won't be here to guide her.

A girl with her raw talent

and lack of control will need mentoring.

And you think she will choose Red?

The Wisdom of the Two Rivers,

after her first channeling
healed the dying?

Mm. Our Yellow sisters will be desperate

to get their hands on her, it's true.


But there's a certain...

force of will she cannot hide.

A sense that the world would be better

if everyone obeyed the rules.

Her rules.

One thing she doesn't share, though,

- is your contempt for men.

So I suggest you look
for converts elsewhere.

[LAN] Not many people
still make offerings

to ward off the Forsaken.

These belonged to my mother.

The only thing left in
her house when she died.

And who are you trying to keep away?

[STEPIN] Ishamael...

Father of Lies.

I need to see clearly now.

I need to see the truth.

Do you believe any of it?

Think they can still touch our world?

[LAN] The Forsaken sold
their souls to the Dark One

for eternal life.

Even if the last Dragon
sealed them away...

- Eternity's a very long time.
- Hmm.

[WHISPERS] A very long time.


Enough of this.

- I'll stay with you till morning.

[MOIRAINE] Do you think
Stepin will accept your offer?

I don't know.

When a Warder loses his Aes Sedai,

the pain is so deep.

It's almost like he's
swallowed her death.

I read once there's a
way to release the bond.


There, now, sister.

Don't do that.

Lan has nothing to worry about.

You'll be here with us a long time yet.

What have you been doing
out there all these years?

Now, unless you've made it a habit

to use this as your dining room,

I'm assuming you have
a reason for coming.

I got word that the Amyrlin's
returning from Caemlyn.

She's summoned us to the Hall...

to answer for Logain.

She's out for blood,
looking for someone to blame.

Siuan Sanche is many things...

[SIGHS] but she's never turned
on a sister without cause.

Moiraine, this place isn't
what it was when you left.

You're one of the only sisters
strong enough to challenge her.

But I have no designs on the Seat.

I never have.

No one has any idea
what you have designs on.

Liandrin's strength is growing.

More and more sisters
are listening to her,

and not just the Reds.

All I'm saying is,

for someone who's rarely in the Tower,

you have two very powerful enemies here.

Be careful, my friend.

Thank you for the warning.

One day, you'll have to trust
someone with your secrets,

or they'll scour you from the inside out

and leave you bare as this room.

Good night, Moiraine.




maybe when I'm bonded with Alanna and...

feel her bond to...

Ihvon and Maksim, but...


I don't know, I've, uh...

never been with a man.

- Two men.

Certainly not two men.

But hey, there's a first
time for everything.

Well, you're... you're
assuming they want you.

[LAUGHS] What's not to want?


Tell me about the Wisdom.

Nothing to tell.

Because you've never been a talker.

But I have eyes.

She touched the One
Power for the first time

to save your life.

And barely spoken to me since.

She's stubborn. Knows her own mind.

Knows she's falling for you.

That's a bad idea for her.

[STEPIN] Love's usually a bad idea.

Still, we allow it to happen, or...

this life would be intolerable.

Well, I can tolerate a lot.

I know.









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Al'Lan Mandragoran.

Lay your hand on him.

Relieve us of our grief.










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