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Five More Minutes (2021)

Posted: 12/06/21 08:33
by bunniefuu
This program is rated G

and is suitable for
general audiences.

Okay, Clara.
Hide and seek!







I hope it's not
somewhere obvious,

like behind a tree...





Ready or not, here I come!

I thought we said the kitchen

was supposed to be off limits.

It's going to be hard

to find anyone in here...


unless I smell cookies.

I gotcha!

Let's go again!

Aw, what, and waste
all these warm cookies?

Mm... yum yum yum.

I'm sad for other kids.

You are? Why?

They don't have a grandpa
with a Christmas all-year store.

Well, you know what I say.

"Why only celebrate one day..."

When you can
celebrate every day!

Did you start with ornaments,

or decorations...

or the fudge?

I started with candy canes.

My favorite. Mm-hmm.

So when I have
a question or a problem,

I think on it while I eat one.

Because they're so sweet?

Because they last a long time,

so I can think my question
all the way through,

and when I get down
to the curly end,

I have my answer.

Grandpa, look!

Maybe it's Santa!

Oh, it's a few weeks
early for Santa.

That's a sh**ting star.

You should make a wish.

How do you know
what to wish for?


A wish is when

you say out loud
what's in your heart.

So, Clara...

what's in your heart?

I wish to spend
every Christmas forever

with Grandpa.

Time to go, Clara.

Five more minutes, please, Mom?

It's late, honey.

Just five more minutes.

That would be good.


Good morning!

Good morning! Hi, guys!
Come on in!


Hey, Mom, I'm about
to walk into class.

Just wanting your flight info.

Already emailed it.

and to remind you if you land
during business hours...

grab a ride share.

Can't wait to see you.


Any chance we could
cancel Christmas this year?

You don't mean that.

Uh, don't I?

How are we going to do Christmas

without Grandpa, Clara?

I don't know, Mom,

but I'll be home tomorrow
to help,

and I promise we are going
to have a great Christmas, okay?

I love you, baby.

I love you, too.

Who's ready to make
Christmas ornaments

to take home for the holidays?


Need a hand?

I just to get to...

Oh, hey, Blake! What's up?

Uh, I would like
to take you out to dinner.

Fridays are
usually catch-up night.

"Gotta get my paperwork in."

I know, but you're gonna
be gone for two weeks,

and I'll miss you,

so I made us a reservation
at Rovanoff's.

I will see you tonight.

I look forward to it.

Decaf, no sugar
for the gentleman.

and a peppermint mocha

with whipped cream, sprinkles,
and a candy cane.

- Mm.
- You're like a teenager.

I know, right?


you're going to be
in North Carolina

for the whole break?


It'll be nice to spend
some time with my mother.

Why? You thinking
about something?


I've heard so much about
this Candy Cane Confectionery...


and I'd love to finally
be able to meet your mom,

and maybe ask her in person...

Oh, I'll get it.

You know, um...

I actually, I got a...
I got a letter.

Did you get a letter
from the, uh...

from the district?

Uh, should I have?

- No?
- Don't think so.

I... I'm just gonna see what...


Clara? What is it?

They're not renewing
my contract.


They're cutting
the arts programs

across the district,

and because I don't have

they're saying that
I'm out of a job by June?

That's impossible.

You were voted one of
the Teachers of the Year.

This year.

I guess that doesn't matter.

I've been at Westend since
I was a student teacher.

All those years.

There's my girl!

Merry Christmas, Mom!


- Ooh, nice slippers!
- Right?

I picked up a pair for you.

I was hoping you would say that.

Mom, I love that wreath.

I know.

I should've bought
a couple for the shop.

Now, listen, about the house,
don't judge.

I wanted to make it
pretty for you,

but the shop has been so busy...

It's... it's fine.

I had to bring paperwork home.

Six months in, I hadn't realized

how much Grandpa and I
did together.

Well, it's a two-person job,

and I'm gonna be
your other person

for the next two weeks,

so let me just unpack my bags,
and I'll go with you.

Nope, today, you are going
to put your feet up.

I came to help.

You can help

by taking my eggnog pie
out of the oven

when the timer goes off.

Mom, really?

Enjoy your first day off school.

I'll put you to work tomorrow,
trust me.

If you want to go out,
Grandpa's car's in the front.

I haven't gotten around
to selling it yet.

His keys are downstairs
in his room.


Hey. You okay?

Yeah, it's just, you know,

first Christmas since...


I keep baking pies.

I'll take the pie out. Go.

I promise I'm not
going to burn your pie.

I promise.

I love you.

I love you more, honey.

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa la la la la
la la la la ♪

♪ Tis the season to be jolly ♪


♪ Fa la la la la
la la la la ♪

♪ Fill the meadcup
drain the barrel ♪


♪ Fa la la ♪

♪ Troll the ancient
Christmas carol ♪

♪ Fa la la la la
la la la la ♪

Morning, ma'am,
can I help you...?

Yeah, I was...



- Hi.
- Hi.

You're in town!


for Christmas,
and, um, you know,

helping my mom with...

Of course.

How is your mom?

How are you?



What a great guy.

Thank you.

Um, so, are you, are you
working here now?

Volunteering for Military Might.

We help vets and their families
get back on track, post injury.

I've been doing it
for almost a year now. Yeah.

Oh, a year?

So... you're back?

Yeah, I left active duty
as a It. Colonel.

Yeah, I'm still
in the Reserves now,

but I'm partnering with my dad
in the construction firm.

That's... that's amazing.


Uh, you came here for wreaths.

I did. Um...

I got some great ones
over here, so...

- Okay.
- Let's get you set up.

I can't believe you still
get to drive the cool car!



listen, I don't know how long
you're in town for, but, um,

would you, uh,

would you want to grab
a coffee or something?

I thought maybe
we could catch up, or...

I... I just came to see my mom.

She hasn't sorted any
paperwork on the store, or...

It's just...

it's been so long. You know?

Well, be with your mom,

and that's...

Merry Christmas, Clara.

- Thank you.
- It was, um...

it was great to see you.

Hey, Lo?

Good to see you too.

Somebody needed a few wreaths?

You are my favorite child.

I'm your only child.

You're still my favorite.

Mom, let me help.

No, I just wanted to make sure
nobody slips on the way in.

Leave the wreaths here, honey.
I'll put them up.



I can't believe
the twins are already.

Give them a hug for me?

Kelly! Bella!

Mama! It's Aunt Clara!



Look at you!

I mean, you said it's happening,
but it's happening!

I know, I know.
Four more weeks.

I can't believe it.

How's Carl?


He's home for Christmas,

and we get him at Fort Bragg
for two years.


When are you coming over?

Hot chocolate at my house
how soon?

Very, very soon.


I ran the register,
straightened up,

brought back the empties,

and I will drop the deposit
in the night slot

on the way home.

The store looks great.

The front part.

The wreaths
were a nice addition.

Thanks for that.

You'll never guess
who I bought it from.



High school Logan?


How was that?

Fine. Weird.

He made it to It. Colonel.

Well, good for him.

So he's... he's on leave?

Actually, he's back,

in the Reserves,
working with his dad.

Huh. Yeah.

And how's Blake?


Hey, come on, Mom.
Take a break.

Let me do that.

Come on.

Blake seems like
a steady, good guy.


Not like...

Crazy Logan?

You have to admit,

all those adventures
you and Logan went on?

We were teenagers,

and I thought you liked
that spirit in him.

You liked that spirit in him,

so what could I say?

I was a single mom,

dying every time
he said "hop in the car,

let me take you somewhere."


Something going on?

How did you know
that Dad was The One?

Well, the second we met,
I just knew,

but why are we...?

And then when he proposed?

I said yes before
he finished the sentence.

You were so young, though.

Even if someone had told me
he wouldn't make it home,

I would have said yes
a million times over.

When you know, you know.

And what is going on?


Come on. Let's go
do the paperwork.

Bring the fudge.

The man had some kind of system.

I... should have...

made him formalize it.

Asked questions, or something.

It was so sudden, Mom.

But I knew this day would come.

I depended on him for so much.

He was my rock
when your father died.

Me too.


He will always be with us.

Like Dad.

Maybe it's time
to bring in some help.

Just let me
put up a sign tomorrow.

- Okay.
- Okay.

You go home,
let me clear some paths.

No, that's what I'm here for.

I've missed this place,

and I'd like to soak it all in.

It's gonna be okay.



so many times I've wished
I could hear your voice,

but never more than
this holiday, right now.

A wish is when you say out loud

what what's in your heart.

Grandpa, if you're listening...

I wish I had
five more minutes with you.

We're not quite open!

Hello? Hello?

Hey, I'm so sorry,
but we're not open yet.

Oh, sorry.

I saw the sign in the window.

You still hiring?

I... I just put that there.

I came by last summer
to see if you needed anyone,

but I guess summer
isn't the busy season.

I talked to an old man,
super nice.

That's probably my grandpa.

He told me to come back
on my winter break.

Uh, is... is he here?

He's, um...

no longer with us.

I'm sorry.

Uh, what'd you say
your name was?


Do you have a resume, Jay?

Uh, not on me,

but I told your grandpa
I'm a hard worker,

and he said that he would trade
genius for hard work any day.

That sounds just like him.

He, uh, told me to check back?

Grandpa Jerry's opinion
is good for me.


Welcome aboard.

You won't regret it, Clara.

Um, so, how can I help?

Well, my mom is on her way in

to take care
of some of the deliveries.

I can take those off her plate.

Yeah, this... this way?

Wait, um...

I must warn you, it's chaos.

Then I came
just at the right time.

Hi! Come in!

Thank you!


Merry Christmas!

Oh! You already did all that?

Yeah, I like to be efficient.

Oh! Um... before I forget,

I found this on the floor
near one of the boxes.

Looks like a journal?

Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.

I just thought
you might like to have it.

And I'll be back soon.

Thank you.

I didn't see it last night.

This is... Grandpa's journal?

"I'll never forget the first
time I laid eyes on Martha."


"I was on my own
that Saturday..."

I can't remember the last time

I drank the entire
cup of coffee.

Ohh... hmm...

I saved you
the last piece of pie.

Ha! Gone now.

Thanks for opening.


Hey, do we know
a woman named Martha?

Oh, please tell me she's not
a customer I forgot.

No, nothing like that.

Then, no.

And I'm gonna get straight
to the deliveries.

Actually, I handled that.

I hired someone part-time,

a student that
Grandpa met last summer.


Grandpa never mentioned
a student.

Well, he seems
super on the ball.

He's a little quirky,
but polite,

and he's already
out there making deliveries.

Well, in that case,

I'll use the time
to start the pantry.

In that case,

why don't you
take the morning off,

and let me be in charge
for a bit?

I can't take the morning off.

Seriously, Mom.

When's the last time

you took some time for yourself?

Well, I... I would like

to check out the...

the new Christmas market.

Come on. You can do it.


"Weeks later,

Martha took me
to her favorite place in town."

I'll tell you when. Now!

Year 'round Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Jerry...

times infinity.

Race you!

Excuse me?


Do you have
any doctor ornaments?

I have a six-year-old daughter

who is determined
to be a surgeon.

I love that.

Is eating barbecue
a Christmas tradition?

It's a North Carolina tradition.

Well, okay, but who can explain

dill pickles, pumpkin pie,

and the band Kiss as ornaments?

You've never seen the Kiss
"White Christmas" video?

I've never met anyone

who knew there was
a White Christmas video by Kiss.

Well, hello, nice to meet you.


Uh, Bonnie.

- Oh.
- Whoops.

a southern tradition.

So I'm learning.

Not from around here, huh?

I travel a lot for work.

Please tell me

it's to taste food
from every part of the world.

I sell software.

Too bad.

So you're here for work?

My mom.

Uh, she had a stroke.

I was taking care of her

until she passed
three months ago.

Aw, I'm so sorry.

I lost my father-in-law in June.

You were close?

Very. Sounds like you were too.

She was the craziest woman
I ever met,

and I mean that as a compliment.

I wouldn't
have been anywhere else.

She was the world's best mom.

But you've been here
three months?

Getting things in order.

I've also enjoyed
getting to know

the town my mother
fell in love with.

It's been hard to leave.


I promised the folks

at the Community
Association booth

that I'd stop by.

My mom was a supporter.

Wait, was your mom Diana?


I volunteered there a lot

until things got rough
this year.

We... we did
a tree-planting project.

- Right.
- And she was crazy.

In... in the best way.

Their charity auction's
coming up,

and there's a meeting tomorrow,

if you wanted
to get back involved.

We could use some more people
in the decorating committee.

I think I remember

writing that down
on my calendar...

uh, six months ago.

Wonder where that calendar is.

Well, if you find it,
I hope to see you.

Maybe this one,
to match your boots?

- Oh. Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, tell Frankie
we said congrats.

Thank you!

Um, doing
a little Christmas shopping?

Mm-hmm, I need
a few pounds of peppermint bark,

two dozen gingerbread men,

all the snowman cake pops
you've got,

and, of course,
candy cane cookies.

They're all for you,
aren't they?

Well, unless you're interested
in sharing some.

Well, you are in luck.

New candy cane cookies
are ready.

You want a warm one?

Does anyone say no to that?

- Mm-mm.
- Mm. Mm-hmm.

It needs new batteries, I think.

Those the cookies?

How many do you want?

All of them.

They're actually
for Military Might.

We're putting together
Christmas baskets

for the families,

and I thought
I'd bring the treats.

That's really nice.

Well, it can be tough
around the holidays.

Uh, your gingerbread house

has a bit
of structural damage there.


I am a contractor.

I'm good.

You don't want
that roof caving in

on innocent gingerbread
people, do you?

I'm fully bonded and insured.

Oh, come on,
you remember that look,

the one that said that you were
his one and only granddaughter,

and I was...

taking me out
on my first date?

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

He did give us
the Fairlane, though.

No, he gave you the Fairlane.

He gave me the look.

That's it.

I admit, I was scared,

and with that
military background...


The way I enlisted...

I... I know
it's been a long time,

but I always wanted
the chance to...

Deliveries complete!

Sorry. Hi.

Uh, anything else for today?

All set.

Maybe we can go through

the inventory
in the pantry tomorrow.

Sounds like a plan.

Thank you.

Oh, um, I don't know if you saw,

but there's a big
Christmas tree lighting

happening at the Market tonight.

It seems pretty neat.

I can't remember the last time
I went to that tree lighting.

Well, don't let
your big chance go by!

See you later.

Do I know that guy?

New holiday hire.

Maybe you've seen him
around town?

You know, that tree lighting
is usually... pretty neat.

Would you want to go there
with me tonight?

It's just a tree lighting.

I haven't seen it in years.

Look, I know
you never liked Logan...

No, I loved him.

What I didn't like
was the way he left,

and neither did you.

He didn't leave, Mom.

He joined the Army.

And didn't tell you
until after he enlisted.

You were devastated.

He chose that life,

and good for him,

but you have
a different life now,

with a great guy in Chicago.

Everything's fine.

Don't worry.

How go the second graders?

Oh, they're incredible.

They just haven't gotten
to the place

where they filter
or second-guess,

so their creativity
is just off the charts,

and their willingness
to try and fail

is just...

it's so inspiring.

You haven't changed a bit.

I always knew

you were going to be
this kind of art teacher,

inspiring the next gen
of Picassos and O'Keeffes.

Did I say something wrong?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

It's just, um...

I'm being laid off.

That's terrible.


But... but you're so talented.

You'll find another position
right away.

There's private schools,
and community centers,

and colleges...

even... even the Army
has an art program.

It does?

Yeah, since World w*r I.


Maybe I looked it up
when I got there.

Maybe I thought that...

Any place would be
lucky to have you.

You sound like my grandpa.

He had a knack

for saying the right thing
at the right time.

The day he died,

we were supposed to connect,

have one of our epic chats,

but when I called his phone,

my mom answered.

He'd just... collapsed.

And I keep wondering if...

I would have called
just five minutes earlier,

if I would have been able
to hear his voice one last time.

I wish I knew
what he would say now.

He would've asked you
his favorite question:


what's in your heart?"

I know.

He did it for me too.

Even after you and I split,
he was still in my life.

Clara, I never meant
to hurt you...

but I did,

and I'm sorry.

I wanted to say that
for such a long time...

and I knew when I saw you again,

I wouldn't
let that chance go by.


Welcome, everyone!

It's time we illuminate
this year's magnificent tree!

Count it off with me!






Merry Christmas!





So I just discovered

Grandpa used to keep a diary.

There's a history
that I never even knew about.

He fell in love
with a girl named Martha

when he was younger.

But... your grandma's
name was Nell.

- I know.
- Wow.

So, was that
when he was in the Army?

No, I haven't even gotten
to the Army part yet.

Well, Jerry always said
things happened for a reason,

so maybe this journal
turned up now because...


I have no idea.

Well, you know,
I... I have it in the truck.

You drive, I'll read?

Maybe we can find some clues?

Well, that sounds nice.

After you.

"so I finally
worked up the nerve

to invite Martha
to the Holiday Formal.

We'd been seeing each other
nearly every day for a month,

but this would be
our first dance,

and I was so nervous...

but she always
put me at ease,

and always, always
found the joy.

We talked and laughed all night.

It felt like
we'd been together forever,

we'd be together forever.

I knew I wanted to spend
the rest of my life with her."

Oh. We're here.

I was so into the story.

Aw... it's so good.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no.

I need to know
what happens next.

No, I'm serious! Come on!

I mean, do they go
on another date?

Does he confess
his love for her?

I need to know what happens.

"How could I spoil everything

by telling her when I turned ,

I'd be enlisting
in the Army?"

En you rt

where your grandpa enlisted
and couldn't tell her?

Logan brought up his enlisting

before we even
got to the journal.


He apologized.

Well, that's big.

What have you told Blake?

About Logan?

Mm... no. About the journal.

Why? Is there something you
need to tell him about Logan?


No. Um...


I hope Bella's class loves them.

You did such an amazing job
on the office,

that I thought I would
let you loose on this.

Of course.

Clearly, my grandpa had a...

"It's a mess,

but I can put my hands
on everything" system.

Problem is...

Oh, without him,

no one can put
their hands on anything.

I'm sort of a whiz
at this kind of stuff,

so it shouldn't take too long.

And if you were looking to
get rid of some extra inventory,

you could set up a booth

at the Christmas Bazaar
this weekend.

I forgot about
the Christmas Bazaar.

Thank you.

You are a godsend.

Thank you.

Thank you.

To the official
decorating committee.

I love the Association,

and I'm so glad
I could make the meeting,

but their hot cocoa... whoa.

Is a Christmas abomination.

Wait till you try this.



Oh, it's good.

You wouldn't have time

for dinner sometime soon,
would you?

Oh... um...

I'm so busy at the store...

I... I run the Christmas store
on Maple,

so the season...

Perhaps after Christmas, then?

Or perhaps
you're seeing someone?

No, no, I'm not...

no, I haven't
done that for a while.

I mean, can you tell?


Think about it.

In the meantime, tell me more
about the shop.

Well, it's complete chaos,

but it's also
the greatest place on earth.

been so important to me.


Hey, finally! How's it going?

Sorry... it's just been
really busy.

Yeah, I bet the store
is crammed.


Um, so are you just packing?

Yeah, I got my routes,

map, timing,

even got my Christmas
sports movies chosen...

That's... where you say

"There are
no Christmas sports movies,"

and I explain that
Ivan Drago fought Rocky

on Christmas Day.

You know what the Army's
good for? Multi-tasking.

Let me help you out
there, G.I. Jane.

Hey, Blake, I'm so sorry.

Do you mind if I, um,
call you later?

We're, uh, I'm selling some
stuff at a Christmas bazaar,

and I kind of need both hands
to get organized.

Uh, can I call you later?

Uh, of course. Yeah.

Yeah, I'll catch you then.

Okay. Okay.

Who's Blake?

He is, um...

my boyfriend, in, uh, Chicago.


Is it serious?

Is that Clara?


Look at you!


Logan's been talking
about you nonstop.

Not non-stop. Mom.

It wasn't. I mean...


He said you look wonderful,
and you do,

and your poor dear grandfather,

I was so sorry
to hear about him.

I bet your mom
is up to her ears.

She is.

Well, tell Bonnie I said hi.

We'll be gone seeing my baby's
baby over Christmas,

Denise had another,

but let's reconnect
after. Promise?

It's so good to see you.

Listen. Can I take you
some place tonight?


It's not what you think.

I want to take you some place...


- I'm seeing someone.
- It's not that.

It's one old friend
to another, saying,

"Hop in the car,
let me take you somewhere."


All right.

Perks of being a contractor
working on our old school.

You weren't expecting this,
were you?

Time flies.

The clocks don't stop.

Come on.

They kept the ceiling art
you fought for.

We fought for.

First time I ever took a stand.

You were so adamant

that kids have
a place to express themselves.

I know you're worried about
separating from your school,

but you've been
inspiring students

since we were this age.

You'll find a place
to do it again.

This is where
you wanted to bring me?

Your unconventional outing?

I thought about
what Jerry would do.

How he'd remind you that
the art teacher that you are

isn't tied to
a place or a school...

it's inside you.

It's who you are.

Who you've always been.

- There we go...
- Wow.

You're good with lights.

It shows you grew up
in a Christmas store.

Oh, I... I didn't grow up
in the Confectionery.



My, uh, husband, Danny,

was k*lled serving overseas,

and Jerry just
took Clara and I in,

and he said, "We're family.

We'll get through this

and I've been
at the Confectionery ever since.

You're different than I thought.

You said you sell software.

I looked you up.

You sell software companies.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want
to be treated differently.

People here
have connected with me

because they knew my mother,

or because they like
the Vietnamese food I make,

not because they were looking
for some big sale

or an introduction to someone.

You make Vietnamese food?

I can not stop thinking
about those young artists

and what they created.

Yeah. You know,
it's hard to believe

they were the same age
your grandad was

in his journal.

I mean, what happened
with him and Martha

when he shipped out?

Do you know?

Mm-mm. No.
I haven't gotten that far.

Wanna find out?


Read me more.

"That day we said goodbye
at the station

was the first time I ever
saw tears in Martha's eyes."

It was the service
that kept them apart.


You remember Logan.


and... and this is Edward.

Pleasure to meet you.


You were going on a date.

- It wasn't a date!
- It wasn't a date.

- It's fine if it was a date!
- Tell me what it was, then.

It was two old friends
hanging out.

You put on lipstick.

We were doing decorations
for the Association,

I always wear lipstick,

and don't change the subject.

He seems nice.

Where'd you meet?

At the Christmas Market
you forced me to go to!

I'm happy for you.

I mean, when's the last time
you went out?

I don't know.

I was nervous the whole time,

and he wants to see me again,

and dating has never
really worked out,

so that's over,

and, uh... tell me about you.


You've seen Logan
practically every day

since you've been here.

Nothing's going on.


Or ♪ nothing ♪?

Nothing is going on with Blake.

I mean, Logan.

Nothing is going on with Logan.

I'm gonna go call Blake.

Hey, sorry I missed
your call earlier.

Oh, it's fine,
it's been non-stop.

So, tell me how it's going.

How was the big game?

Well, Mom threw an interception
that ended the game,

so we had to trade her
to the other side for next year.

So, listen, I'm glad you called.

I have some good news.

I found out that Westend

is looking
for a second-grade teacher

for English and History.

Oh. Oh, that's...

I think you should apply for it.

Me? An English
and History teacher?

Yeah, yeah, I emailed you
the application link.

But... I teach art.

Teaching is teaching.

You know?

It's just another job, right?

Sure. Um...

Besides, that way, we could...

keep working together.

Listen, Blake, I...

Oh, hey, they're
putting dinner down.

I... I should...

Oh, oh, yeah.

I can... I can call you later.


Love you. Bye.

Teach English?

And History.

Oh, but you're an art teacher.

Exactly. It's not just a job.

who you are
and always have been?

That's exactly what Logan said.

So you're seeing
more of each other.


Why did you send me an SOS?

Blake is going to propose.


Oh no.

Look, he's... he's a great guy.

He really is.

There are so many "buts"
in that sentence.

"He's a great guy"... but?

But... but I don't know!

Everything was fine,

and then the second
I saw that ring box...

I went ice cold.

I thought
it would feel different,

and then ever since it happened,

all I have are questions.

Look, it's the same night

that I lost my job,

and then it's her
first Christmas

without Grandpa,

so maybe...

And what would
Grandpa Jerry say?

He would say...

Clara, ask yourself
one question...

"What is in your heart?"

If only he were here.

"I heard the mail was in,

and there was
a big package for me.

I was sure it would be
letters from Martha,

but when I got there,

all my cards came back unopened.

I didn't understand.

We fell so hard.

Was I wrong...
about everything?"


What happened, Grandpa?

What happened
to your first big love?


I know.

I also made maple bacon
and cinnamon coffee.

What, no pies?

Check the oven.

I couldn't sleep
last night, um, so...

are we good?


So, um...


what happened here?

I tried to clean up.

Those are organized
piles of piles.

Don't make fun.

All I'm saying is
if you keep living in chaos,

then you're not going
to have room for anything else.

What do I need room for?

Saying yes
to a second date with Edward?

Or... whatever
comes next in life.

Uh, I gotta... open the store.

This time, you go out.

Go... go shopping.

Take the morning off.

I heard you. Okay?

I'll think about what you said.

Thank you.

Oh, Jay!

Wow, sorry, sorry!

I wasn't looking
where I was going.

Actually, I was just doing
some Christmas shopping

before I head in.

I was going to stop
at the hardware store

and grab some extra batteries
for the Candy Cane train,

and I... I lost track of time.

I can pick 'em up.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah!

No, I can come back later.

They're right there.

Plus, my mom's in the shop,

and she's... she's
really excited to meet you.

Okay, great.

Well, I will see you
later, then?


- Hey!
- Hey.

I thought I would
just grab some batteries,

see if I can get that
Candy Cane Express train going.

What are you picking up?

Batteries, to see

if I can get that Candy Cane
Express train going.

Don't work, atters

I could always
take a shot at fixing it.

Are you heading in now?

Actually, my mom's
covering for the morning.

I was gonna sneak out
and do a little extra shopping.


Uh, nothing.

They just gave me
a really nice tree

from the lot,

and it's... it's very bare
right now.

Actually, I don't know
if you've heard this,

but, um, art activities
are kinda my jam.

Um, and Christmas
art activities? Well...

Welcome to my humble abode.


You were expecting
bean bag chairs,

dirty clothes everywhere,
and a video game console, huh?

In my defense,

that is what your old basement
used to look like.

I've been making
military beds for years.

Oh, here.

Oh, how's Denise?

Your mom said she was, um,
having another baby?

Her... her second?



Wait, so does that mean

you're alone for Christmas?

Yeah, I mean,

it's a busy season
for Military Might,

and I want to help.

That's really thoughtful.

Um, should we just...
we should start.

Let's... that's
what these are for.

Now, don't you forget

to share some of that
with your parents. Hmm?

Oh, I got that, Mrs. Huff.

A perfect choice
for this year's collection.

Thank you.

Are those fresh
candy cane cookies I smell?

Yes! I forgot to take them out.

What in the world...?






I had some holiday
shopping to do, so...

How can I help?

I don't remember these
from your house growing up.

Are they new?

My mom made them.

Viv did?

- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.

She really is good.

She's a talent.

Both of my parents have been
really supportive

about me serving.

Hey, I need to talk to you
about something.

Way back in senior year...

Oh, we don't have to...

No, no, I... need to.

All right.

I didn't break it off with you

because of how you enlisted.

I did it because of
what my mom and I went through

losing my dad.

And I should have
said something, but I...

I didn't know how.

I'm really sorry.

You should have known.

I think I did know.

Deep down.

I didn't want you

to have to go through
the same kind of loss again,

and that's why I guess
I just kind of...

accepted it.

I hope it didn't keep you
from moving on, and...

Oh... oh, I've dated.

Nobody that's really stuck,

but maybe I just haven't found
the right person...

who can put up with me.

I keep thinking about
your grandad's journal.


I can't help but wondering

whether it was the Army
that kept him and Martha apart,

but if he had a second chance,

would he still sign up?


I was thinking maybe, uh, later,

I'd come by the shop
around closing?

See if I can get the
Candy Cane Express going?

in case it needs
more mechanics than batteries.

I think that would be good.

We cleared the whole
display case today, twice.

That's so good!

Now I have to start
unboxing stock for tomorrow.

It never stops.

Why didn't you ask Jay?

He said he was stopping by
this morning.

He left for deliveries
before I could.


Uh, Edward
stopped by the shop today.

He had some Christmas shopping
he wanted to do,

and I may have said yes

to go to the charity auction
with him tonight.


I panicked!

See what happens
when you encourage me?

You're adorable.

You know, um,
why don't you go home?

Get ready.

Put on some lipstick.

I'll take care of closing up.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

Because I could just...

- Hey.
- Hi.

How's the new niece?

Cutest thing you ever saw.

Show you a picture?




Give Denise and your parents
my love.

I will.

Merry Christmas, Logan.

Merry Christmas to you too.

"A few months out on mission,

to get back to base..."

Oh, what's that?

It's a Christmas card.

It must be one of the ones
he never sent.

Do you think

that he sent her Christmas cards

every time, like she asked?

I would, if it was me.

You would.

Here. You read.

"Even though my cards
came back unopened,

I can't stop hoping
one might get through,

that we'll have our great love.

I'll come find you the minute
I finish my service.

'Til then, Merry Christmas,
times infinity.

Love, Jerry."

I wonder if that was
the last one he wrote,

and then after this...

he just... gave up?

It feels so sad.


even if Jerry and Martha
never saw each other again,

maybe she opened up his heart.

If that's what he got

for falling in love
for the first time...

maybe it's not a sad story.

Maybe that's
what first love does...

It sets the tone
for the rest of your life.

It's getting late.


Hey, Blake...

give me a call.

There's something
really important

we need to talk about.

I thought you'd enjoy
winning that auction.

Three years of Barbecue
of the Month club?

I guess you're going to have

to find
someone to share it with.

We made a pretty good team
on decorations...


Though I have to admit,

I may have hidden the sheet
after we signed up.

Oh, wait.

It was because of you

that we did all that
by ourselves?

I wanted a way
to spend one-on-one time

getting to know you better.

I thought I was ready,

but I'm not yet.

I just have so much
to deal with.

I'm sorry.


Thanks for
a really great evening.


- I broke Santa.
- Jay?

I broke the Santa timer
in the store,

and I couldn't find
any extras in the back,

so I thought maybe you'd know
where replacements are?

I got it.

No problem. I'll see you later.

Okay, thank you.


And they really work, too.

Right behind me, there's a lady

who's selling
these amazing walnuts.

Go grab a bag and see.

Crush crush crush!

This is Logan.


Yes, sir.

Yes, I will.

Thank you, sir.

Hey, can you call me
when you have a sec?

There's something
I want to tell you about.


"My dearest Martha,

I couldn't resist writing
one last time.

If there's one thing
I've learned from these years,

the days run by,

the love won't stop,

the pages keep floating by,

and sometimes this whole life
leaves you wishing

we could share
five more minutes."


"So I think we should meet."


Hey, did you get my message?

Grandpa Jerry wrote to Martha.

Recently. Like, this year.

Tell me everything.

Uh, can you...?

He still wanted to connect.

You think they met up?

The card wasn't sent.
It wasn't even addressed.

I don't think he knew
where she lived, but...

some part of him...

still wanted to know
if there was something there.

Should we give him that chance?

What, try and find her?

Deliver the card.

If you were Martha,

would you want to know
how your grandad really felt

after all this time?

Everyone deserves to know
if they were loved...

the way my grandpa loved Martha.

Let's go find Martha Thompkins.

This is our place.

Okay, my search gave me
nine Martha Thompkins

in a -mile radius
of Fayetteville.

Lucky number one.

Hi, are you Martha Thompkins?


My name is Clara Brigham,

and my grandfather
was Jerry Brigham.

I was wondering if you were
the Martha Thompkins

who knew him in the ' s.

I don't remember
any Jerry Brigham.

Well, thanks,
and merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

One down... eight to go.

Jerry Brigham?

No, I don't know anyone
by that name.

Is he lost?

No, he passed away
earlier this year.

We're looking
for someone he knew.

A different Martha Thompkins,
I guess.

There is another
Martha Thompkins.

We know, ma'am.

You're the ninth
we've tried in town.

I'm thinking of a woman
who lives a few towns over.

We never met, but I used
to get some of her mail.

We have the same middle name.

I kept her new address.
One second.

It's gotta be her, right?

She must be in town.

I mean, she wouldn't
have gone to all the trouble

of putting up
these Christmas decorations

if she was going to be
away for the holidays, right?

No, yeah, absolutely.

She's going to be around.

What are you going
to say to her?

If it's her?

I guess I would, um...

want to find out why
they didn't end up together.

You just never quite
get over it.

Oh, that first Christmas
after I deployed,

I wrote maybe versions
of a card to you.

Regret, and apologies, and...

my feelings.

I couldn't send it.

I couldn't have read it.

Not then.

I would have...

protected myself.

That's okay.

No... no,

I just realize that that's
what I have been doing...

making safe choices.

Gravitating towards safe people.

Not believing that
I could teach somewhere else,

or be the person
that I used to be,

all the things that you...

that you've opened my eyes to.

Come on.

Yeah, to the person that you
and my grandpa always saw.

Spend Christmas
with me and my mom.


Your family is out of town,
you shouldn't be alone,

and this week has been...

Yeah, I... Clara...

I've been called back
to active duty.




Right after the new year.

But everything you said...

No, no, no, no,
it's... it's okay.

Uh... um...

seriously. It...

Just, um...

can you take me home, please?


Thanks for the ride back.

Yeah. Wait. I...

Do you still want
to spend Christmas?

The time...

our timing,

it never...

Just please be safe.


Merry Christmas.

Mom? You here?

Yeah. In the living room,

with, um...


Um, uh...

what're... you doing here?

I have to... uh, deal
with something upstairs.

You said
you wanted to talk, so...

Just, um, please, sit down.

I saw the ring box.



I... really care about you.

I think that's what I heard
on the phone,

when you sounded so distant.

I can see a life with you.

Clara, if you're not
jumping for joy

for me to ask you,

it's not really
what I'm looking for either.

Look, I should have said
something at the restaurant,

and I... but honestly,
I didn't know how I felt,

and then I didn't want
to say anything

until I knew, and...

And now you...
and now you do?

Look, if everything
happens for a reason,

then maybe seeing the ring
was a sign.

I just...

I'm sorry. I am so sorry.

I never wanted to hurt you.

I... but just...

why don't you stay the night?

We have a guest room...

No, no, no, no, no.
It's okay. It's okay.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna head to the airport.

Um, say goodbye
to your mom for me.

It was really nice
to meet her, finally.

And, um...

merry Christmas, Clara.

Merry Christmas.

It's all right.



thanks, Mom.


I ruined everyone's Christmas.

You did the right thing.

The way you learn
and love with someone

is how you figure out
how to move forward.

I, um, found Grandpa's journal.

You left it
on the kitchen table.

I read it to the very end.

Was there any more about Martha?

Mm, much later,

when Grandpa
got back from Korea.

"It was almost two years.

I was heading home
for Christmas...

and I was going
to find my love.

I went to Martha's family home,
but it had been sold,

so I asked around
until I found her new address.

It was way outside town.

I walked miles
until I finally found it.

Martha moved on without me.

I may never know
if she got my letters,

or worse...

if she did,
and it didn't matter."

Martha got married.

And had a family...

but so did Grandpa,

with Grandma Nell,

and she was wonderful.

The very best.

I'm so glad Grandpa
had a second chance at love.

And so will you.

So will you.

I guess we
just have to keep on wishing.

I wish Grandpa knew

everything he gave us.

Why did we make so much food?

We always make this much food.

One, it's Christmas Eve.

And two...

leftover sandwiches.

Oh, I'll get it.

Kelly said she might stop by.

You better be bringing
something good, because...

I'm sorry to intrude.

Are you Clara?

I think you left this
in my mail. I'm...

You're Martha!

The Martha!

So you never
received the letters?

My parents returned them
without my knowing.

My mother didn't tell me
about his letters

until right before she passed.

By then, I had married
a wonderful man,

had three children,
seven beautiful grandchildren,

and a happy life.

Your grandfather got married
too, I know.

Oh, how did you know?

We spoke.

You and Jerry? When?

Last year.

He looked me up.

But his letter...

He didn't want another letter
to get lost or returned,

so he tracked me down,

and we spoke on the phone
several times.

We were going to meet
face to face in June.

I know. I saw it in the paper.

I made my peace with it,

though I can't help but wonder
what it would've been like

to see each other again,

even for five more minutes.

He loved you both so much.

He told me on the phone

how happy you made him.

What a life he had.

I have too.

And I credit Jerry.

But if he broke your heart...?

Once someone opens your heart,

you believe
you're worthy of love.

Without Jerry,

I would never have
the rest of my life.

And he would
never have found Nell.

Thank you for inviting me in.

I'll let you get back
to your holiday.

Ooh... I almost forgot.

In the envelope are a few
photos I have from then

of Jerry and me.


I thought you might enjoy them.

Oh, yes.

It was a pleasure to meet you.

- And you, Martha.
- You too.

Uh, the motion detector
went off at the shop.

There's nothing on the camera,

but I should go check it out.

No, I got it.

I'll be back before
the turkey is rested and carved.



What're you doing here?

I noticed some of these bulbs
were out the other day,

and I kept forgetting
to replace them.

I figured I'd take care of them.

Well, the motion sensors
went off at the store,

so I came to check it out.

Oh, oh no! I didn't mean
to set the sensors off.

I'm sorry.

Did I take you away
from something?

It's been a really big night.

Don't you have family
to celebrate with?

Oh, yes, I'm meeting them later.


you wanna come in
for a candy cane?

I would love to.

Thank you.

Candy canes were always
my grandpa's favorite.

Because they're so sweet?

Because they last a long time,

and you can think your questions
all the way through...

and by the time
you get to the curly end,

you had your answer.

And what's your question now?

Do you think everyone
gets a big first love?

- I did.
- Did it work out?


It taught me that I have
that kind of love to give,

and taking a big risk
with someone you love

is better than risking life
without them.

An old friend of my grandpa's
came to the house tonight.

She said the same thing.

She did?


What did she say?

She said that
he opened her heart,

which opened her up
to the rest of her life.

So much love flowed between them

in such a short amount of...

Are you okay?

I'm just a sucker
for a good love story.

I wish he could have
seen her just one last time.

I wish we all could have
those last moments back.

What would you
have done differently?

I'd tell him how much
his love meant to me,

and that I'm...

I'm the person that I am

because of his strength
and humor.

That I'm the teacher I am

because of what he taught me...

and that I'm gonna be okay.

I just wish
he could hear all that.

I wish he knew.

He does.

He knows it now.

I really enjoyed

working here
this last week, Clara.

Wait. Are you...
are you going somewhere?

It's Christmas Eve.

Everyone... should be
with someone they love.






♪ At , it was :
standing at her front door ♪

♪ And Katie's dad
said midnight ♪

♪ But we needed
just a little more ♪

♪ Yellow light
flipping on and off ♪

♪ Interrupting
that good night kissing ♪

♪ We wanted five more minutes ♪

♪ Time rolls by,
the clock don't stop ♪

♪ I wish I had a few more drops
of the good stuff ♪

♪ The good times ♪

♪ Oh, but they just
keep on flying ♪

♪ Right on by
like it ain't nothing ♪

♪ I wish I had me
a pause button ♪

♪ Moments like those,
Lord knows, I'd hit it ♪

♪ And give myself
five more minutes ♪


♪ At my grandpa said ♪

♪ "There's angels in the room" ♪

Thank you, Grandpa.

Thank you.

I won't waste any time.

♪ With so much left to say ♪

♪ I prayed
Lord, I ain't finished ♪

♪ Just give us
five more minutes ♪

- Hey.
- Come to Christmas Day.

Come to Christmas Eve dinner.

Come now.

We cannot waste any more time.

Did something happen?

Martha came to the house.

The Martha?


Okay, come inside.

No, no, she and Grandpa
were supposed to meet...

- What? No. Clara...
- Yeah.

He was here.

He was here with me,

and he did what he always did...

he led me to the answers

without me knowing

after I wished...

and said out loud
what was in my heart...

and he reminded me
that every moment matters,

and that every second
is a chance

to hold the people
that you love close

and tell them how you feel...

and that taking a risk
with someone you love

is better than
risking life without them...

so wherever you go,

I will go.

You're where I belong.

♪ Time rolls by,
the clock don't stop ♪

♪ I wish I had a few more drops
of the good stuff ♪

♪ The good times ♪

♪ Oh, but they just
keep on flying ♪

Let me take you somewhere.

♪ it ain't nothing ♪

♪ I wish I had me
a pause button ♪

♪ Moments like those,
Lord knows, I'd hit it ♪


Here you are.


I'm very happy
you invited Edward.

There's no reason to waste
any more time, right?


Well, I'm putting together
a new resume

to send out to schools...

around here.

Wait, what?

Well, Logan's gonna be
based out of Fort Bragg,

and you're
a few miles away, so...


Okay, everyone...

To Grandpa Jerry!

Grandpa Jerry!

Merry Christmas to all...

Merry Christmas!

times infinity.

♪ Five more minutes ♪