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06x28 - Goober's Replacement

Posted: 12/10/21 06:20
by bunniefuu

dadburnit, dadburnit, dadburnit.

[Exclaiming] just rotten luck. That's all it is.

What, goob?

Why did it have to be this week?

I don't know.

Could've been last week, could be next week,

but no, it's got to be this week.

You got to admit, it's a tough break.


Well, what I've been telling you about.

You haven't told me anything.


Well, this is the week I was supposed to go trout fishin'.

Oh, yeah.

[Clearing throat] your vacation.

Yeah, and wally figured he could get a replacement for me at the fillin' station,

but now he can't get nobody.

You mean you're gonna have to call off the trip?

Well, it sure looks like it.


You don't know anybody, do you, andy?

Well, gee, I don't know.

How... How about lou jordan?

He's the one I'm supposed to go on the trip with.


Oh, how about horace flood? Too busy.

Studyin' electronics at night

and workin' at the dump during the day.

Oh, yeah. That's right.

Gee, goober, I cant think of anybody.

I'm sorry.

That's ok.

If you should think of somebody,

I'll be over at flora's this evenin'.

Oh, you're gonna go over... Well... Good.

She's gonna cook a farewell dinner for me,

thinkin' I'm leavin' and everything.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I guess now it'll just have to be a regular dinner.

Well, it's better than nothin'.


Well, I'll see you. Yeah.

[Both making clicking sounds]


[knock on door]

hi, goober. Hey, flora.

Sweets for a sweet.

Oh, thank you, goober.

Thank you, too.

I've been roasting a turkey.

I want it to be something special with you going away.

Well, it don't look like I'm goin'. What?

Well, they can't find anybody to take my place.

Oh, that's a shame. Oh.

Well, I guess you must be pretty hard to replace.


wally was even willin' to forget the mechanical end,

but now we can't find anybody just to pump gas.

Oh, and you were so looking forward to it.


Well, I guess you have to get used to disappointments in life.

Goober? Huh?

I know who could take your place. Who?

Me. You.

You? Well, why not?

I'm not doing anything right now.

But, flora, you're a girl!

Well, I've heard of girls working in filling stations.

Oh, I could do it, goober, I know I could.

No. I couldn't let you do that.

You're too delicate for work like that.

Oh, but, goober, I wouldn't mind at all.

I'd enjoy it. I'd be doing something for you.

Well... Please?

I'll ask wally.

A girl?

Wally, she can at least pump gas,

and she knows how to handle customers.

She worked at the diner.

Goober, selling gasoline and hamburgers ain't the same.

I... I'd handle the place myself for a week,

but I still got my laundry business to look after.

I know, but a employee ought to have a vacation every now and then,

to fish and rest.

I don't want to burn myself out.

I remember my daddy tellin' me,

"a person's only got one body."

And he was right, too.

[Sighing] ok, goober, ok.

Bring her in, and you can leave tomorrow.

Hey, thanks, wally. I'll go tell her.

Hey, andy. See you got the rod.

Hey, ope. Hi.

There you are.

Thanks. Well, lou's outside waitin'.


[Snaps fingers]

andy, could I ask you a favor? What?

Well, it's about flora workin' over there.

I wonder if you could drop by the filling station every so often,

in case there's any problems.


I don't want her to have any trouble.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about it, goob.

I expect business'll fall off while you're gone.

Yeah. I got a big personal following, you know.

Yeah. Well, I got to...

Ok. Have a good time.


[Makes clicking sound]

mmm, yeah.

That goober writes a nice letter.

Yes, he does, doesn't he?

Doesn't seem like he's been gone for days.

No. Time flies, doesn't it?

It does.

Mmm. Hmm.

Read it again.

[Clearing throat] it says: "dear andy and everybody,

"I only got more days left.

"Say, this is the nicest vacation I've ever had,

and martin's cottages is a very nice place."

I'll bet. Yeah.

"In the evenings after supper, there is always plenty to do.

You can go in back of the cottages and climb hansen's hill."

Hansen's hill! Mmm-hmm.

"Or you can walk the other way,

"and go down to the lake and sit in a boat.

"Or if you don't feel like doing either one of these things,

"you can walk along the lake and see the twisted oak tree.

It's quite a sight."

I'd like to go up there sometime.

Yeah. Yeah.

Then he finishes by sayin', "say hello to everybody

"from your buddy and theirs, goober.

"P.s. Tell wally to keep up his spirits.

I'll be back on the job monday morning."

How's business at wally's, anyway?

Gee, I don't know.

Want to close up and let's go over there and see?


I'll be dogged.

Well, they must be givin' something away.

I never saw business like this.


Wonder what's bringin' it in?

There's your answer, right there.

Anything else you'd like, sir?


I'd like to be years younger.

Here you are, sweetie. Keep the change.

Well, thank you. And come back and see us real soon.

Sure will.

I'm going to use up this gas just as fast as I can.

Bye, honey.

Looks like flora's doin' pretty good.


I don't imagine wally is missin' goober too much.

Well, now, don't ever forget, floyd, goober's a very valuable man.

Yes, but he's not quite the same in slacks.

Yes, sir?

Could I have a quart of oil,

like you give the other fella?

Why, certainly.

No rush, honey.

[Car engine starting]

oh, hi, andy. Hi, wally.

How do you like this, eh?

Boy, this is the busiest day I've ever had.

Yeah, things are really poppin', huh?

Oh, she's a whiz.

Throws a whole new light on the fillin' station business.

It does? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Entirely different type of merchandising.

Appeal at the point of sale.

Sure got that, all right.

You, uh, heard from goober?

Yeah, I got a letter from him this morning. Mmm.

Uh, he'll be staying away for a while, huh?

Said he was coming back in days.

Well, uh, if he calls or anything, why, tell him there's no hurry.

See you, andy.

Well, gee, i... I don't know what to tell you, miss lewis.

Well, kids are goin' to make a certain amount of racket.

Well, why don't you try this?

Why don't you try shiftin' your nap to around : ,

and then maybe they'll all be home?

Right. I... I'll see what I can do.



Well, hey, goober.

I brought you somethin'.

A fish. How'd you guess?

Well, I knew it wasn't aftershave lotion.

Used your rod, of course.

Didn't catch nothin' the first day.

Then I switched my bait from worms to grasshoppers.

Caught fish with the same grasshopper.

No kiddin'. Yeah.

Well, what are you... What are you doin' back so soon, goober?

I thought you wasn't coming back till monday.

Well, I figured I had to get back early, for wally's sake.

I'm on my way over there now.

Business must've fell off somethin' terrible.

Well, it's been right warm, you know,

and folks been doin' a lot of driving.

Well, how's flora? She makin' out all right?

Uh, well...

Now, whatever the problems are,

I'll get 'em straightened out in a hurry.

I'll see you, andy. Well, goober, I want...

Talk to you later.

Goober. What are you doin' here?

I thought you weren't coming back till monday.

Well, I just thought I'd come back early. I...

Oh, yeah.

Things seem to be goin' all right.

Well, we're... We're managing ok. Um...

Um, say, uh, goob, I know how much you like fishing,

and a fellow only gets one vacation a year,

and, well, like you said, you've only got one body, so, uh,

why don't you just take an... An extra week for yourself, huh?

We'll... We'll get along somehow.

Yeah. It might be a thought.

(Flora) goober!

Hey, flora. Goober!

Wally, would you mind finishing up that customer for me?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Goober, why didn't you tell me

you were coming back so soon?

Oh, goober, it's been the most exciting week.

The biggest week wally ever had.

It is, huh? Uh-huh, and I've never enjoyed myself so much.

[Horn honking]

what do you say, flora? I used it all up!

Ok, I'll be right with you.

Goober, why don't you go inside and change?

And then you can take over.

(Flora) goober!

Why haven't you changed?

Uh, flora, I've been thinkin'.

Uh, maybe you just better stay here.

Stay here? You mean for good?

Yeah, and, uh, you work for wally.

Goober, I don't understand.

Well, you see, flora, while I was on vacation, I got to thinkin'.

I can't just spend my whole life pumpin' gas.

What do you plan to do, goober?

Well, I'm goin' on to bigger things

where there's a better opportunity.

[Horn honking]

gosh, you sure do make up your mind awful fast.

Well, uh... (Man) flora! Flora!

Goober, are you sure you're doing the right thing?

I mean, you've been working here for wally

an awful long time, and...

No, a man's got to think about his future.

You know, uh... Uh, move on.

But, gee, goober...

I got to be running, flora. I got a lot of appointments.

Uh, business interviews, things like that.

I... I'll talk to you later.

[Horn honking]

uh, what say, floyd?

Oh! Oh, hi, andy. Yeah.

[Clears throat]

I knew it would happen.


That flora takin' over goober's job.

Oh, yeah, well, just one of those things.

Did he get another job yet?

Not that I know of.

Been lookin'.

Oh, I know he's been lookin'.

He was in the barber shop yesterday.

Wanted to know if I needed another barber.

[Laughing] a...

[Floyd laughing]

[clears throat] hey, floyd? Yeah?

You know, another barber might not be a bad idea.

Wait a minute.

A man doesn't become a barber overnight.

It's work, training. Work, work, work.

I'm sure it is. I'm sorry.

You just can't walk in off the street and be a barber.

No... I'm... I'm sorry.

That's ok.

Ah! And beside that,

you have to have a license.

Yes, of course you do.

I'll see you, floyd.

Yeah, all right, andy. See you.

[Clearing throat]

well, hi, goob. Hey, andy.

I was just makin' a list of people I want to interview for tomorrow.

Oh, you got any nibbles?

I went to places today.

Yeah? Anything happen?

No. But I could see a lot of 'em was interested in me,

but they didn't want to let on.

Probably afraid I'd hit 'em for a real big salary.

Yeah, probably.

Hey, have you been over at weaver's department store?

They got a big clearance sale goin' on.


Why don't you go see old man weaver?

He might have just the job for you.

Merchandisin', huh? Weaver's department store.

That's retail. I've been in retail.

It's just like sellin' gas, only you have to wrap it.

That's right.

I think I'll go over there right now.

Come to think of it, mr. Weaver probably don't even know I'm available.

That's right. I'll see you.


Good luck.

[Clearing throat]

sarah, would you get me weaver's department store?

Yeah, I know they got a clearance sale goin' on.


Uh, mr. Weaver? Andy taylor.

Uh, listen, I notice you got a clearance sale goin' on.

I wonder if you might need some help.

Oh, cashier, huh? Good.

Well, listen, I just... I just sent goober over there to see you.

You don't have to shout, mr. Weaver.

Well, how do you know he can't till you give him a chance?

Well, let's just put it this way.

You know those cars that have been double-parked

out in front of your store all day?

I gave them a chance.

That's the time. Right, right.

Ok, I'll see you. All right.

I'm returning this and I want to buy these, too.

Here's my sales slip.

Thank you, mrs. Larch. Let's see, that's $ . .


and, uh, cents tax.


it's an electric blanket.

The light goes on, but it won't heat up.

Uh-huh, and... And these.

Let's see, that's $ . .


and $ . .


wait a minute.

You rang up items.

I told you I wanted to buy those two and I'm returning the blanket.

Oh, uh, just these two.



now you rang up items.

Yeah, uh, mrs. Larch, i... I'm real handy.

Uh, why don't I just fix it for you?

Well, I had it on all last night.

It was not only freezing,

but the light on the thing kept me awake.

Well, we'll get it fixed for you.

Goober, can I have a word with you?

(Andy) hey, goob! Hey, andy.

I thought you was workin'.

Andy, you know that mr. Weaver's a real nice person?

What do you mean? He advised me to quit.

He said a man with my mechanical ability

don't belong behind a cash register.

He said I ought to find a job where I could realize my potential.

I thought that was real nice of him.

Well, yeah.

You know, I was just thinkin', though.

I don't know what I could find around here.

We just got the one fillin' station.

I don't know what else it could be.

Yeah, that... That is kind of a tough one, isn't it, goob?

Yeah. But early gilley's got a place on the other side of mt. Pilot.

I might go there and work for him a while. Well.

And then there's a lot of fine, big garages up in raleigh.

I might go up there. Well, yeah.

It's somethin' I got to decide.

You know, whether to leave town or not.

Somethin' I want to discuss with flora.

About our future and everything.

Oh, yeah. Well, how... How is flora?

I ain't seen her in a few days.

She's been so busy at the filling station. Hmm.

But I'll get the whole thing settled tonight. I got a date with her.


Well, I'll see you. Ok.

Oh, hi, goober. Hey, flora.

Sweets for a sweet.

Oh, thank you, goober.


tired, huh?

Oh, I don't think I was off my feet for one minute today.

Yeah, that work can take a lot out of you.

Sit down. Thanks.

Did you find a job yet?

Well, I've been lookin' around but nothing appeals to me.

But don't worry, I got my eye on or things.

I've sure missed you the last couple of days.

I was real lonesome without you.

Were you? Yeah.

Hey, flora, you know that big, fancy garage

that you pass on the way into raleigh?

Uh-huh. That's what I've been talkin' to wally about.

We ought to make the place into a big service station,

put up display stands.

Well, I bet we could sell twice as many accessories.

Like mirrors and windshield wipers...

Yeah, that'd be a great thing all right.

Of course, the stands would cost money, but I think they'd pay off.

Yeah, I think they'd pay off all right.

You know, I've been thinkin' about you and me a lot.

I was talkin' to andy today, and, well,

I guess folks would say we're kinda goin' together.


Go together.

That's it.

You know, wally's got things piled here and piled there.

Well, we ought to put things that belong together where they can be seen.

We ought to put a display of batteries in front of the station

and a battery tester right next to the pumps.

You know, I'll bet the markup on batteries

is %.

Maybe even %.


I don't know what it is.

Ever since flora started workin' at the fillin' station,

that's all she's interested in.

Batteries and gas pumps and sideview mirrors.

Seems like she ain't interested in nothin' but business.


You know, talkin' to her anymore

is like talkin' to another fella.

Like talkin' to another fella?


Reckon what causes that.

I don't know.

[Horns honking]


you know what I might do? Mmm?

I might go to raleigh or mt. Pilot

and get myself a job in a garage.

And don't you worry, andy.

No matter how big I make it in the city,

I'll come back to mayberry now and then to see my old friends.

[Making clicking sound]


Hello, flora. How you been?

Just fine, charlie. What are you gonna have?

Uh, give me a tuna down,

hold the mayo, and a cup of coffee.


{\I }♪ [music playing on jukebox]{\i }

hi, flora. Hi, andy.

Hello, sheriff. Charlie.

Can I have a little cup of coffee? Right.

How are things at the fillin' station?

Just great. Today's the biggest day we've had so far.

Yeah? Mmm-hmm.

Boy, you're really doin' a job for wally.


You know, we're a gallons ahead of the same day last week?

No kiddin'.

You know, you sound like an accountant.

You must have a natural head for business.

Well, you have to study your records and keep sales charts.

It's the only way to run a successful business.

Yeah, I guess so.

You know, most girls don't have anything in their mind

but gettin' married.

I suppose so. Yeah.

You keep it up, you're liable to wind up with your own gas station.

Well, maybe.

Yeah. I used to know a girl up in raleigh.

She... She started out just as a... A salesgirl.

But she kept workin' at it. Never went out or anything.

You know where she is today?

Got her own store.

That so? Yeah.

Lives by herself up there.

Doesn't have to worry about cookin' for a husband or anything.

Just comes home, feeds her cats,

and then her time's her own.

Is that right? Yeah.

Of course, at night, she goes over her books and sales figures,

like you're doin'.

Sure worked out good for her.

Well, why didn't she ever get married?

I don't know.

Maybe she didn't want to or didn't have time for it.

[Andy sighing]


I think it'll probably

work out in the long run best for goober, too.



He'll probably miss mayberry and the old fillin' station for a while,

but he'll get over it.

What are you talking about?

Didn't you know goober's leaving town?

He's what?

He's leavin' mayberry.

Gonna work up in raleigh.

Well, he didn't tell me that.

He didn't?

Oh, he probably didn't want to bother you.

He knows how busy you are.


Yeah, I think it'll probably work out best

for both of you, in the long run.

That way, both of you can devote full time

to your individual careers, you know?

Here you are, flora.

And no mayo.

Hmm. Looks good.

[Birds chirping]

what say, wally?

Mornin', andy.

Now, you see?

I knew it was too good to be true.

I have no luck with women.

She quit, right out of the blue.

You know the one thing you can depend on with women?

You can't depend on 'em.

Well, we're not supposed to understand 'em, wally, just appreciate 'em.

Why don't you give me a t*nk of gas,

kind of start the day off right.

Hey, andy! Hey, goob.

Need some gas? Yeah.

I'll get it, wally.

Hi, andy.

Oh, well, flora, that's mighty fancy.

Like it? Yeah, it's nice.

Huh, goob?


See you after work tonight, goober? Yeah.

I thought we'd have dinner at my house.

I'm going to make one of your favorites.

Pounded steak. Great.

Oh, and there's a new movie at the drive-in.

See you about : ? Yeah.

I'll be waiting.