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07x05 - WASP

Posted: 12/10/21 07:15
by bunniefuu

("The U.S. Air Force" plays)

Farmer's putting on a real show.

Must have used up his
gas dusting his crops.

Rations run out?Coming
to the base for handouts?

Oh,man,not another one.

Bad enough we got to
deal with 'em at home.

Now they're taking over the base,too?

w*r's got this whole
country turned upside-down.

Miss Lynn,I presume.

Reporting for duty,ma'am.

Miss Lynn thinks she's an HP,ladies.

That right?

- Think you're a hot pilot?
- Not an HP,ma'am.A Miss HP.

Army won't tolerate
tardiness or grandstanding.

Neither will I.

You girls have the honor and privilege to be of
the first women trained by the Army Air Force.

You may be good pilots,Miss HP,but
here,you'll learn to fly the Army way.

Captain James.

Ladies,you either check
out with me,or you wash out.

Fail your check flights,can't pass ground
school,have an attitude-- I will wash you out.


Hey,can you teach me to fly like that?

Say,if you're giving out
free lessons,sign me up,too.

Just 'cause cowgirl can dust a few crops doesn't
mean she can handle a supercharged V- Army plane.

Oh,hell,if it's got wings
and an engine,I can fly it.

Must be hard making ends
meet since PMI canned you.

Detective,to what do I owe the pleasure?

You here for a loan?

Wonder if the good people at Emerson Mutual
know who they're considering giving money to.

You're kidding me,right?

Attempted homicide of a police officer.

Now,that's got to hurt your FICO score.

Cute trick,putting the boot on my car.

You just don't know when to quit,do you?

Hard time making those
payments from jail.

You sure you want to do this?

You'd be surprised what I can do,Moe.

Alarm clock broke?

Had to go to the bank.What have we got?

Environmental group's trying to turn
the reservoir into a bird sanctuary.

Consultant found this P-
Mustang with skeletal remains.

Oh,that's some bird.

Mustang was a WWII combat plane.

My father flew one in the w*r.

- Who's the pilot?
- Vivian... Lynn.

Female pilot in WWII?

Vivian was a member of the WASP--
Women Airforce Service Pilots.

- Veterans Affairs says one of 'em went missing in .
- Guess we found her.

I thought women pilots weren't
accepted in the m*llitary till the ' s.

WASP weren't m*llitary.

They flew as civilians
on non-combat missions.

CSU found this waterproof rucksack
stashed in the wing's b*llet compartment.

What kind of mission you
need a skirt and heels for?

And no one saw the plane go down?

STILLMAN: Area was mostly farmland back in ' ,but
the NTSB said her oil and coolant lines were switched.

Looking at a case of sabotage.

Someone wanted this flier grounded.

Vivian Lynn, years old,grew up
on a farm in Belle Plaine,Iowa.


Flew a crop duster for her family.

Applied for the WASP program in ' .

Young Betties in a cockpit.

Think I would have
heard of 'em before now.

Vivian was stationed in Wilmington,Delaware,at
New Castle Army Air Base.

She took off June , ,at
hours to deliver the P- to...

Camp Davis in North Carolina?

Declared missing in service
when she never showed.

Army searched for her plane till July.

The orders were to fly south,but her plane
was in Philly,so why was she traveling north?

Back then,most planes didn't have
radar.Some of them didn't even have radios.

You couldn't track a plane
once it was in the air.

So,Vivian was bucking her
orders?Flying somewhere else?

Doer had access to her plane.

Knew how to switch coolant and
oil lines.Could be a mechanic.

Can't imagine the men were
too happy sharing their base.

I'll check the records
for anyone fits the bill.

Ask the base for flight
schedules,accident reports.

Bunkmate was Betty Joe Henders.

Lives in Germantown.

If anyone had a beef
with Vivian,she'd know.

- Can't wait to meet one of these Betties.
- Slow down; just slow down,Pops.

I mean,what do you mean,money's
missing from your account?

Well,what do you want me to do?Ask Ma.

Yeah,I'm at work.I'll-I'll
call you back.

I found the WASP
C.O.-- Iris Keening.

Still in Wilmington,Delaware.

Headed up the search
party for Vivian herself.

Well,go have a talk,see if she can shed some light on
why Vivian was flying over the City of Brotherly Love.

Army said winds caused the crash,but that girl could have
flown through a tornado and been in the mess hall at chowtime.

You headed up the search party?

girls d*ed in crashes during the two
years the program was up and running.

- Brave women.
- Pioneers.

Knew if they failed,no women
after them would stand a chance.

Who would have had
access to Vivian's plane?

Known how to switch the lines?

the pilots.

Any ideas why she was flying off course?

Rumor was she had a boyfriend.

City slicker in Manhattan.

Remember a name?

Vivian wasn't like the other gals.

Showed up late to her first
day,hotdoggin' in her own crop duster.

Attitude didn't get her washed out?

Can't wash out your best pilot.

I needed her on the schedule.

Anyone you think of
had a problem with her?

Vivian had a habit of
rubbing people the wrong way.

Hate to say it,but "Miss HP" only
cared about one person-- herself.

(lively intro to "p*stol
Packin' Mama" plays)

♪Lay that p*stol down,babe,lay
that p*stol down ♪

♪p*stol packin' mama♪
♪Lay that p*stol down ♪

♪Oh,drinkin' beer in a cabaret ♪

♪Was I havin' fun ♪

♪Until one night she caught me right ♪

♪Now I'm on the run ♪

♪Oh,lay that p*stol down,babe ♪

♪Lay that p*stol down ♪

♪p*stol packin' mama...♪


Come on,give her some oxygen.

There you go. There
you go. Just breathe.

♪We got no pals ♪

♪They don't like the way we play ♪

♪We're a rough rootin'
tootin' sh**t' trio ♪

♪But you oughta see my sister Cleo ♪

♪She's a terror,make no error...♪

Lynn,you've set a new record.

All for one♪ Huh,Viv♪ Reckon you
could have at least given her a hand.

Somebody's got to fly
the plane for you nurses.

She wasn't interested in making friends.

Each week,the WASP flight
scores were posted on a chart.

And Vivian wanted to be on top.

Wouldn't settle for anything less.

Gonna need a list of those
WASP.Their instructor,too.

It's all in my book.

Listed alphabetically in the appendix.

"Happy landings always.

" What we WASP say instead of good-bye.

Betty Joe Henders?

Y'all call me Grammy.

Everybody else does.

You were a pursuit pilot,right?

Lifetime ago.Never fit in
those itty-bitty cockpits now.

You understand.

Detectives Jeffries,Vera.

You were Vivian Lynn's
bunkmate at New Castle Airbase?

Haven't heard that name in ages.


Thought bad weather caused the crash.

How'd you two get along?

Peas in a pod.

Both from small towns,poor families.

You fly a crop duster,too?

I took the Army's civil
course for my pilot's license.

Had to beg my cousin Donald for the
last sawbuck just to afford the classes.

When was the last time you saw Vivian?

Day or two before she disappeared.

She ever talk about going
to New York,meet a boyfriend?

Gals were all khaki wacky,but not Viv.

'Course we didn't call the
base The Snake Pit for nothing.

("Sing,Sing,Sing" playing)

Kick the tires and light
the fires.I'm on a roll.

- You want to go again?
- Game's making me thirsty.

Think I'll get some juice.

Suit yourself,Louise.

What do you say,Edna?

Can't you let her win just once?

Don't see any of them
flyboys throwing a game.


Army's made it clear,we
ain't one of 'em.

Doing the same job,not
getting paid near as much.

It won't change either,till we show
them we're as tough as they are.

Tougher even.

You need a lesson there,doll?

You can call me Wolf.

I could teach you a thing or two--
you see,it's,it's all in the wrist.

Gosh,are you a real-life pilot?

Shouldn't even be telling you
this.Loose lips sink ships and all.

I fly the B- .

See,they call it the Widow Maker
'cause the last three pilots...

- bought the farm.- "The Widow
Maker"-- that sounds dangerous.

Say,you're not married,are you?

You know,I'm looking for somebody to fill
the position.Maybe you'd like to apply.

- Getting ahead of yourself,flyboy.
- You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Hey,get your meat hooks off of me!

You're gonna regret that,little miss.

Wolf was lathered up,all right.

Wasn't taking no for an answer.

He know Vivian was a WASP?

Lordy no,we were in our civvies due to the
fundamental dislike of a woman in uniform.

This Wolf got a real name?

Just knew him as Wolf.

Us girls kept a "Naughty
and Nice" list by the phone.

Vivian put him on the Naughty side
and no one went near that animal again.

One pilot with the call sign Wolf.

- Herbert James.
- Herbert?

No wonder he preferred Wolf.

Any relation to Frank
James,the WASPs' instructor?

Brothers.Whole family of flyboys.

Guy had a real problem with women.

There's,uh,five charges of misconduct.

Way of saying "sexual
harassment" back in the day.

Vivian goes missing two weeks after Wolf
harassed her at the all-ranks club on base.

He was completing his
final flight test that day.

Would've had access to the hangar.

Maybe Wolf decided he wasn't gonna
be the only one to crash and burn.

You want to explain this complaint?

It was filed with Internal Affairs
last night,by Moe Kitchener.

We aren't doing our jobs if we
don't get some complaints,right?

Situation's interfering
with your job,Lil.

It wouldn't be if the judge did his job.

I understand what you're going through.

But Doherty's looking
for excuses like this.

The whole division is under scrutiny.

- I hear you,boss.
- Good.

You're a hard man to find,Herbert.

Kicked out of five retirement
homes for spreading a VD.

Four retirement homes.

And it was those broads
gave that VD to me.

I... d-don't wanna hear it.

Spend much time at the bar when you
were stationed at New Castle,Wolf?

New Castle,sure.There
was some nice scenery.

Vivian Lynn part of that scenery?

Vivian Lynn-- the gal that
disappeared in the Mustang,right?

Mustang took a nose dive
in the Roxborough Reservoir.

Wasn't an accident after all.

Now,wait a second.You saying
I had something to do with it?

Heard she gave you quite the
spanking two weeks before she crashed.

Pulls a Little Red Riding Hood on
you,you gotta show her who's boss.

Oh,you got it all wrong,fellas.

Even a wolf knows you don't
bite the hand that feeds you.

("Does Everyone Know
About This?" playing)

Come on,Frank.

Let me skip this one lesson.You know,if
you can't do a favor for your own brother...

I do favors for you,how you
gonna learn responsibility?

The Widow Maker's a flying coffin.

You want to send another
telegram home to Ma?

Charlie ain't even cold yet.

Ma ain't losing another
son,Wolf.You're not gonna crash.

Won't even get a chance to
drop a b*mb on them Krauts.

Last three guys landed
in a smoking hole!

Three guys but no women.

Viv,you just earned the first
perfect score on the B- .

She's a pilot?

She'll be teaching you to fly The Widow
Maker.Vivian,meet your next student-- my brother Wolf.

Wolf,huh?Now,how'd you
get a name like that?

You got any tips for him?

He's fixing to wet his flight suit.

Oh,it's all in the wrist,flyboy.

IRIS: Nice score,Miss HP!

Puts you at the top of the
chart.Uh,ya'll know what that means.

We have got one hot pilot!

Better cool her off!

No... no!

Come on!...two,three!

I gotta admit,she was
a pretty good teacher.

Never lost her cool.

Can't say the that for the rest of them.

- What do you mean?
- Girls didn't belong on that base.

Weren't meant to be pilots.

Sounds like you were
still trying to get even.

With Frank around?Are you kidding?

Two Type-A pilots,match
made in Army heaven.

Saying your brother
had a thing for Vivian?

Well,I didn't know it at the
time but yeah,he was stuck on her.

- How long?
- Few weeks.

He was an officer,I was a
cadet.I had to stand down.

Besides,bros before hos,huh?

New Castle archive department can't locate
the flight logs or the monthly records.

Got mechanics records but most
of them are pushing daisies.

Looked into the
WASP k*lled in wrecks.

Edna Reed.

Accident report say anything
about her lines being switched?

b*rned pistons.Looking like
routine mechanical failure.

I,uh,heard about the IAB.

Moe's complaint.

Oh,uh,hmm,got him on the ropes.


You headed somewhere?

Uh,taking lost time.

Everything okay?

Sure,yeah,it's nothing.

wh-what color does
this look like to you?

Call it rucksack gray.

Mind if I borrow that?


Scotty,what are you doing here?

I was just driving past,saw you walking
out of the doctor's.Everything okay?

Uh,yeah,I just had to,uh,take
Mrs.Melztner,to,uh,Dr.Kantor's office.

You were in Suite A,right?

Says Dr. Ruben on the directory.

Just driving by,huh?

Are you sick,Ma?

You following me like
some kind of criminal?

Just... tell me what's going on.

I've got a bad knee; that's it.

Then why you paying in cash?

What is this,the third degree?

Are you a cop or are you my son?

Mi hijo... Will you trust me?

I'm fine. It's just my knee.

Remember... how I could make everything
better with a Rice Krispy treat?

- Bye,sweetie.
- Bye,Ma.

You close with Vivian Lynn,Frank?

She was my best student,ma'am.

She something more than that?

Well,I guess you could
say we were an item.

I kept it quiet 'cause
I was her instructor.

What's this about?

Vivian's plane was sabotaged.

Your girl was flying off
course,Frank.Do you know why?

She was an ace navigator.

Male pilots used to follow
her back to the base.

She was the only one who
could always find her way.

Chance she was flying
to meet a new steady?


A lot of things can go
wrong in a relationship...

spirited girl like that.

Look here,I loved Vivian.

I admired her for what she
was doing for her country.

They weren't all as patriotic.

("You Go to My Head" playing)

Thought I'd find you here.

Never seen anything like it.

One of a kind.

Who do you think they'll let fly it?

Know anyone with perfect scores?

I fly this,I might just break
the sound barrier someday.

Flipped your wig?

No one can survive flying
miles an hour,Viv.

Your heart'll seize up.

I know you miss your baby brother.

This isn't about Charlie,Viv.

But you can't protect everyone.

The day my dad shipped
out,he wasn't scared at all.

But I was.

Must've been a first for you.

He used to say we'd travel
with the wind and the stars.

This just might get me there.

I'll take that trip,if you're piloting.

Viv!Betty Joe?!Get your
scrawny ass out here!

You been ripping my ration books?!

Next time I won't just
tear 'em up,I'll report you.

You best not be threatening me!

Stealing ration books,you might as well
be taking b*ll*ts from our boys' g*ns.

There a problem,ladies?

I wash out... sure as hell gonna be.

I always thought Betty Joe
was a harmless Southern belle.

She was profiteering.

The w*r caused shortages--

Had to have a government
ration book to buy them.

If anyone had gotten wind of what she was
doing,she'd have been tried for treason.

Betty Joe didn't wash out,did she?

No,ma'am.But three days
later,Vivian took off.

Never came back.

Thanks for coming in,Betty Joe.

I know you wanted to get
your mums in the ground today.

Said yesterday you had to scrape
together money just to join the WASP.

Cousin Donald chipped in.

Remember what Donald did during the w*r?

-F.He couldn't fight.

Worked a government job.

That's right.

Worked at a government incineration
station,burning ration books.

Course they all didn't find their way
to the incinerator,did they,Betty Joe?

Y'all are whistlin' Dixie.

He'd sell them.Only one problem:

Had to get 'em on the black market
before their serial numbers expired.

That's where it was helpful
having access to a plane.

Not proud of what I did.

Husband gunned down six
months earlier over Berlin.

I did it for my babies.

Those babies the reason you had to
keep Vivian quiet about the whole thing?

I didn't hurt Vivian.

I was upset 'cause I thought all she
wanted was to-to wash out her competition.

Then I saw a whole nother side of her.

EDNA: I failed my last check ride.

If I don't pass this one,I'm
going to be washed out!

No one's washing out.Just do as
I say.Everything will be fine.

Is it true you learned to fly your
crop duster when you were just six?

Flying's gotta be second nature.

Gotta know the controls
without even lookin' at 'em.

I don't know,Viv.

It's better if I just wash out now.

I thought you said you
had a brother overseas.


Call him Cricket.

Well,think of Cricket when you fly.

The next plane you deliver
might just save his life.

The more air support our boys
get,the more of 'em that'll come home.

Do you got any family in the w*r,Viv?

Army said my Dad was too old.

Wanted him to fly trainers.

He insisted on crewing a B- .

Got himself k*lled.

pumps.Landing gear.

Yes!Hey,you're ready,Edna.

- Gosh,you really think so,Viv?
- What,are you kidding?You're a regular Miss HP.

Took Vivian's advice myself.

Thought of my husband.

Reckoned I couldn't honor
him and do what I was doin'.

So you stopped smuggling ration
booklets right then and there?

Never got the chance to tell her.

She was gone by the time I got back.

Saying you weren't on base
when Vivian disappeared?

Off deliverin' a plane to,uh,Sweetwater.

Still got my log book to prove it.

We're going to need to see that.

Got the monthly flight records
and schedules,too.Saved everything.

Shame she never got the
one thing she wanted.

What was that?

To be the first woman to fly that jet.

- Remember who was?
- Sure.Vivian's main competition.

Louise Patterson.

Louise Patterson?


Flew the Bell P- ,right?

First woman ever.

You two looking for an interview?

You could say that.

Detectives Valens,Rush.

Remember your old
WASP buddy,Vivian Lynn?

Of course I remember
Vivian.Real live wire.

How'd you feel when Vivian
dusted you on the score chart?

Check your facts.

I was on top of the chart.

Oh,by default.The better
pilot was m*rder*d.


Oh,dear God,how?

I read your cover story in
The Atlantic,September ' .

First woman to break the sound barrier.

Said you'd do anything
to set that record.

That include getting
rid of your competition?

Look,you're right.

Vivian and I had a rocky start.

But we bonded in a way I
could never have imagined.


It's Edna! No! Vivian... No!

Wait! No! No! No! No!

There is nothing you could have done.

No,Edna was ready.I taught her myself.

Checked her plane myself.

Someone did this to her!

♪Of we go ♪ ♪Into the wild blue yonder ♪

♪Climbing high into the sun ♪

♪Here they come zooming
to meet our thunder ♪

♪At 'em,boys ♪

♪Give 'er the g*n ♪

♪Down we dive ♪

♪Spouting our flame from under ♪

♪Off with one heck of a roar ♪

♪We live in fame ♪

♪Or we go down in flame ♪

♪Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps. ♪

Not a day goes by I don't
think about one of those women.

Vivian thought the men
wanted the WASP gone

WASP were doing the
same jobs as male pilots.

Freeing up men for combat duty.

Only by this time,the
w*r was winding down.

Army had enough
pilots.It needed infantry.

Some of the guys were afraid
they were gonna lose their jobs?

And be drafted as foot soldiers.

What ya got,Scotty?

Uh,Army said,uh,Edna's crash was a mechanical
failure due to clogged fuel lines and b*rned pistons.

But this maintenance report says her
lines were flushed two days prior.

Airport mechanic I spoke to said they
should've still been squeaky clean.

What if Vivian was on to the sabotage?

Doer decides to silence her for good.

Mechanic say what could
cause the pistons to burn?

The only thing he could think
of was sugar in the gas t*nk.

But sugar was hard to
come by during the w*r.

Not if you were in the Army.You
still got the New Castle PX ledgers?


Uh... Uh,here.

Sugar was bought the
day before Edna crashed.

Ten pounds.

That's enough to gum up
the works of any engine.

Signed for by one...

Frank James.

Cool your engines,Saccardo.

I'll be there in ten.


Big date tonight?

I was just heading out to
mess with you some more.

You want to back up your car now?

Car dry up or they got you a new one?

I said back away.

You going to sh**t me,Detective?

How do you think that'll look
after I filed a complaint?

The more you push,less I have to lose.

Been reading up on my WASP history.

You got something off Vivian's skirt?

Sent it to Criminalistics on a hunch.

Found traces of...

alizrine cyanines.

Some kind of chemical?

Used in Santiago Blue dye.

Skirt was a part of
Vivian's dress uniform.

She wasn't flying north for a date.

She was on official business.

Lil,Frank's in the box.You ready?

Fear is a funny thing,isn't it,Frank?

I don't know what you mean,sir.

You were drafted in ' ,supposed
to ship off to Europe.

But you became a flight
instructor instead.

- Kept you on American soil.
- I served my country,sir.

WASP wanted to be recognized as equals.

Have the same benefits as Army men.

But if that happened,there'd be
even fewer jobs for men stateside.

You might've been dodging b*ll*ts
on a beach in Normandy instead.

I lost a baby brother over there.

You think maybe you could
scare them into quitting,Frank?

You a tough guy?

I get to do that,too.

I helped those girls.

Anything they needed,I
was there for 'em.

This your signature,Frank?

That much sugar'd do a
real number on an engine.

I didn't sign this.

You're saying someone
forged your signature?

Vivian tried to tell me...

but I wouldn't listen.

Viv?Is that you?

I had to see you.

Get caught past
taps,they'll wash you out.

I checked the mechanic's log.

Edna's fuel lines were
flushed two days ago.

- Whoa,slow down.
- Her plane shouldn't have stalled,Frank.

Viv,you're upset.

I saw Wolf milling around the
hangar last night by himself.

He said he was filling out his flight
log,but I know what he was doing.

I think he sabotaged Edna's plane.

Wolf would never do that.

You know how he feels about us girls.

It's not like he tries to hide it.

He's my brother,Viv.

- My brother.
- Edna was my friend...

and she's dead.

- You know what my family's been through.
- Your family got a star to hang in the window.

What does Edna's family get?The
Army won't even pay to send her home.

You want a damn star?

I want Wolf court-martialed.

I love you... but planes crash,Viv.

I thought we were going to travel
with the wind and the stars.

God help me for not believing Vivian.

My mother had already
lost a son in the w*r.

I couldn't let her lose another.

Wolf know Vivian was on his tail?

I confronted him about
what she'd told me.

He just denied it.

When was that?

It was the night before she disappeared.

All these years...

I looked out for him,put him first.

Think he'd do the same for you?

Just got to get you to sign a
bail petition for your brother.

Bail?!What'd Frank do?

Laced Edna Reed's t*nk
with ten pounds of sugar.

Turning him over to the
MPs for Edna's m*rder.

Frank wouldn't hurt a fly.

Got a New Castle PX ledger
with his signature on it.

It wasn't Frank.

It was me.

Drank through my paycheck that month.

I had to charge everything
to Frank's account.

I put that sugar in Edna's t*nk.

I mean,me and the guys had
done it to other gals before.

I figured she'd have hit the silk like the
others did,parachute out when the engine stalled.

Report said the latch on
the cockpit was broken.

I didn't know about that latch.

She tried to bail out,and she couldn't.

She was trapped.

I didn't mean to hurt that girl.

I still have nightmares
about it to this day.

Gonna need the names
of your coconspirators.

No,I'm taking the b*llet on this one.No
sense in tarnishing their memories.

Should've done it anyway the
night I went to see Vivian.

You saw Vivian before she disappeared?

I pleaded with her not to report me.

And she didn't listen,so you
took matters into your own hands?

No,I wouldn't touch a
hair on that girl's head.

Even if I wanted to,I couldn't.

- Why is that?
- She'd already filed a report.

I saw her signature and everything.I just went
back to the barracks,packed my duffel,and waited.

MPs never came.

So who'd she file that report with?

When someone filed a report
with you,what'd you do with it?

Sent it up the chain of command.

So when Vivian filed a report about
Edna Reed's crash,you send that up?

Edna's crash was an
accident.There wasn't a report.

Weak sheep like Edna-- nothing
but a drain on your program.

You were probably happy to
have someone thin out the herd.

You ask me,they were probably all weak.

Women fly as well as
men.It's on the record.

Women took more money to train,had more
accidents.They can't hack it in the sky.


Get some air.


I apologize for my partner.

I know what it's like.

You show one cr*ck...

Wolves tear you to pieces.


I finished reading your book.

You fought hard for those girls.

Had to fly every month to Mitchell Field
to file a report with General Stockton.

Orders to keep him in the loop.

Made him see how important
the WASP were to the country.

You said Viv might have had
a boyfriend in Manhattan?

You still believe that?

Gal could have been flying a million
different places.How do I know?

Now... Which bases are
north of Wilmington?

Otis in Massachusetts;
Mitchell Field in Long Island.

So if she were flying to Mitchell
Field,what would her landmarks have been?

After all these years,hard to remember.

But you flew it every month.

Listen,I don't know
what you're getting at...

Would Philly have been a landmark?

One of the landmarks,yes.

You know why Vivian would have
packed her Santiago Dress Blues?

We found it in the b*llet compartment.

Maybe she was going to see
someone important,like the general.

I led the search party for Vivian.

She was my best pilot.

Yeah,but the day Vivian left,you
put out next month's flight schedule.

Your best pilot wasn't on it.

And there's only one explanation for that,Iris,is
you knew that Vivian wasn't coming back.

I fought for those
girls.You said it yourself.

But your program was under att*ck,and men
were looking for any excuse to shut it down.

Heard some zipperheads saying the only way to keep
us out of their jobs was to knock us out of the sky.

Edna's "accident" was a cr*ck...

If they knew men were targeting us WASP,it
would've made headlines; we would've lost it all.

But Vivian wouldn't
stop till everyone knew.

You buried that report
for the greater good.

Women fly combat today because of
the WASP,because of what we did.

Little girls look up to me.

I speak for the WASP. I speak for you.

I speak for Vivian.

She left me no choice.

MPs still haven't picked up Wolf.

There's no formal
investigation of Edna's crash.

Your point,Miss Lynn?

You canned my report.

Do you know what'll happen if they find out a
man sabotaged a WASP plane; how this will look?

It'll look like
what it is-- m*rder.

They're fighting a w*r,Vivian.

You know how they'll fix
this?They'll shut us down.

That's what you're worried
about-- the program?

What about Edna?

Edna is gone.

There is nothing we can do
to bring her back,Vivian.

Our job now is to take
care of all the WASP.

If the program is shut down,we
all have to stop flying.

You'll never fly that jet.

Edna deserves justice.

She would do the same
for me; for all of us.

No one needs to know that you illegally covered
up my report,if you send it up the chain today.

You're right.I don't
know what I was thinking.

Go to Mitchell Field.

Tell Stockton in person
what happened to Edna.

General Stockton,ma'am?

Don't ever let it be said I
don't look out for my girls.

Thank you,ma'am.


Going to need your Santiago Blues.


Happy landings... always.

♪I'll walk alone ♪

♪Because to tell you the truth ♪

♪I'll be lonely ♪

♪I don't mind ♪

♪Being lonely ♪

♪When my heart tells me ♪

♪You are lonely,too ♪

♪I'll walk alone ♪

♪They'll ask me why ♪

♪And I'll tell them I'd rather ♪

♪There are dreams ♪

♪I must gather ♪

♪Dreams we fashioned the night ♪

♪If you call,I'll hear you ♪

♪No matter how far ♪

♪Just close your eyes ♪

♪And I'll be there ♪

♪Please walk alone ♪

♪And send your love and your kisses ♪

♪To guide me ♪

♪Till you're walking beside me ♪

♪I'll walk alone... ♪

♪Till you're walking beside me ♪

♪I'll walk alone... ♪
