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01x06 - Magic Sword Tournament

Posted: 12/15/21 19:49
by bunniefuu
Good job on your exam!

And you ended up winning yet again!
What an amazing boy my little Anos is!

Her displays of affection
are as over-the-top as ever.

I think it's great that they're close.


Are you sure you don't mind me joining
you all when it's a party for Team Anos?

No problem.
You're one of my subordinates now.

Even though I lost?

You have potential.

The spell you used in that battle
was Lignon's signature move.


The Great Spirit of Water.

You're probably linked to her in some way.

If you can unleash your true worth,
it'll be quite intriguing to see.

Thank you very much!

Look at you, doing great in school,
making so many more friends!

You'll make a fine Demon Lord
someday, won't you?

Who, me?

That's your dream, isn't it?

Isn't that why you're studying so hard
at the Demon King Academy?


That reminds me! I thought
I should do some studying, too,

so I visited the castle of the Midhaze
Demon Lord, Sir Elio Ludowell!

Ludowell? That sounds familiar.

Ms. Emilia's father.


I'm going to cheer you on %
so your dream will come true, Anos!

Hey, I'm giving even more than %!

Misha, Sasha, let's all root for him, okay?

Well, good to know you're in my corner.

Yeah, if I do my best...


Where did Lay and Misa go?

They said they were going out
to get some air.

When Misha told me about it,
I was sure it was some kind of joke...

but he really is a newborn.

That's right!

I still can't believe
we have such an incredible child!

It's also incredible
that you think he's just incredible.

Well, things got a little dicey
before he was born.

What do you mean?

Anos almost died
inside his mother's womb.

I prayed with all my might
when that happened.

I promised to devote myself
to raising him

so long as he could be born,
no matter what kind of child he was.

And I guess my prayers were answered.

Sure, Anos may be
a little bit different than most kids.

But none of that matters to us.

Because our Anos is alive and well!

Thank you for what you did today.

What are you talking about?

It's all thanks to you that I was able to
join Sir Anos' team. This is a huge step!

To be honest, I should've avoided Anos
and att*cked the two Necrons.

Because if I'd defeated
at least one of them,

maybe the girls in the Fan Union
could've joined his team, too.


I'm sorry.

I put my own emotions
before our team's victory.

You know, I can't figure you out, Lay.

The way you talk to me, a hybrid,
not just during the test but even now...

You think so?

I mean, you don't seem to care at all
if someone's a Royal or a hybrid.

Well, all I want to focus on is my sword.

People like you just might be
the Unitarians' ideal.

Since that's what it really means
not to discriminate, right?

Hey, you really shouldn't
talk me up like that.

By the way, Misa,
you're a half-spirit half-demon, right?

Uh, yes.

Do you ever feel rundown or anything?

Well, yes, there are days I don't
feel well, but I'm fine. Why do you ask?

Because I heard that half-spirit
half-demons don't live long.

As far as I know,

there are no half-spirit half-demons who remain
alive and kicking even after using Spirit Magic.

You must be something special, Misa.

Do you really think so?
I'm not so sure about that myself.

Should we head back now?
It's getting chilly.

The Magic Sword Tournament
is right around the corner,

and some students
have been selected from this class.

Lay Glanzudlii!

And one more.

Anos Voldigoad.


- No way!
- That's our Sir Anos!

Both of you, make sure you equip yourselves with
a Magic Sword for the tournament. Dismissed.

So, we're going to get a rematch
sooner than we thought, huh?

What's wrong?

The last thing the Royalty wants is for a hybrid
like me to win the Magic Sword Tournament.

Why would they pick me?

You think there's some
kind of ulterior motive?

That's what you'd normally think.

Sorry to interrupt. Sir Anos...

What's up?

Sir Melheis Boran
of the Seven Elder Demon Emperors is here.

I was wondering
if you'd like to meet with him.


Good timing. Let's go.

Sir Melheis!

I've brought Sir Anos with me!

I have waited so long
for you to be resurrected.

My master, Demon King Anos Voldigoad.

Do you remember me, Melheis?

I am so ashamed.

Someone caught me off guard
and erased my memories, it seems.

Just as with Ivis, huh?

That said, my source
never forgot about you, my lord.

Of that much I'm certain,
now that I'm seeing you in the flesh.

So, how much do you know?

It happened two thousand years ago,

right after you built the wall
at the cost of your own life.

The next thing I knew,

I was in the Forest of Great Spirit
Aharthern, robbed of my memories.

Most likely, I'd gone there
to flee my unknown attackers.

So, you'd climbed over the wall
separating Dilhade and Aharthern?


But it took me years to restore enough
Magic Power to go back over the wall to Dilhade.

And by the time I returned here, the name
of the Demon King of Tyranny had changed.

That would be Avos Dilhevia, right?

Do you have any idea what he's plotting?

Not an inkling, I'm afraid.

One more question.

The person who chose me to compete in the
Magic Sword Tournament is here in Delsgade.

Do you know why they would do that?

My guess is that the Royal Supremacists
are behind that one.

The Royalists, then?

Sir Anos,
you are the Unitarians' light of hope.

They must be intent on defeating you
in order to crush that hope.

No matter what methods
they must stoop to.

I see.

Sir Anos, with all due respect,
if I may speak freely...

Please consider dropping
out of the Magic Sword Tournament.

Should you refuse to take their bait,
Avos Dilhevia just might give himself away.

I'll think about it.

I am most grateful.

I'm home!

Welcome back.

- What's going on?
- I made it.

You made this, Misha?

She showed me how.

The other day, Misha mentioned that she
wanted to cook a delicious meal for you.

So, I invited her to drop by
when she had time.

Oh, I see now.

By the way, Anos...

I hear that you're taking part
in the Magic Sword Tournament!

Ms. Emilia came by today.

She came here just to tell you that?

Yes! And she said the whole academy
would throw its support behind you!

Isn't that nice to hear, Anos?

She must really want me
to take part in that tournament.

Hey, should we make you
a big banner or something?

I don't know if I'm competing or not.

Why not?

If you do well in the tournament, doesn't that
give you a better chance to become the Demon Lord?

Is that true?

You need a good track record
to become the Demon Lord.

Right, I get it.


I'll need a good Magic Sword, of course.

Oh, you don't have to worry about that!

Your dad heard about the tournament,
and even as we speak...

What is it?

Oh, nothing! It's nothing!

A-Anyway, let's eat,
or this lovely meal will go cold.

You're right.
Gratin should be eaten while it's hot...

Are you sure you won't regret this?

That mushroom's sure to be tasty!



It's superb.

Bring Sasha with you next time, okay?

But Sasha's busy.

What's she up to?

Getting ready for the
Magic Sword Tournament.

All right, then, when the tournament's over,
why don't we have an after-party with everyone?

Misha, how can I thank you for dinner?

I'm the one who should be thanking you.

That doesn't really make sense.
Isn't there something you desire?

Then, an outing.

An excursion, huh?

All right, how about tomorrow?

Let's do something you want to do. And
there's somewhere I'd like to go, as well.

I can't wait.

We're here.

Magic Model Shop...

"Homeland of the Dragon of Creation"?

This is your favorite place?


Welcome, Misha!

- Will you be making something today, too?
- Yes.

I've found a buyer for the one you made
the other day. As always, thank you!

So, is this a Magic Model?

Yes. The smaller and more precise
you can make it, the better.

Make yourselves at home in the workshop.


This is the Magic Model workshop.

They're all made with Iris?

Just watch.

I see.

So, this is what you like to do?

Yes. It's a souvenir for Sasha.

Wanna try it?

If I do this, it'll produce
a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, you know.

- I want to see it.
- Very well.

Misha, would you like some tea...

A-A castle this tiny...
No, you've reproduced this whole town!

How many decades would it take
to create such a thing?

Please let me take this off your hands!

I'll pay as much as you want! You
know what, you can have this whole shop!

I'll give you anything else you want...

Sorry, but I have another use
in mind for this.

Oh, come on! Please come again!
I'll be waiting for you, all right?

You really like it that much?

You even made all the parts
that aren't visible.

There's that great vision of yours again.


It's yours.

Now you can look at it any time you want.


What's wrong?

You're always helping me out, Anos.

You became my friend,

and you've given me lots of memories.

And so, I want to pay you back.

But since you can do everything,
you don't need me.

That's not necessarily true.

You have good eyes.

You're also adept at Creation Magic.

Strictly in terms of those two areas,
you might surpass me one day.


Even I'm not omnipotent.

The only thing I have that's superior to anyone
in this world is the power to destroy something.

But your Creation Magic
is basically the opposite of that.

If you want to help me, you should
get closer to the abyss of your magic.

Wait for me. I promise to get stronger.

I'll be looking forward to that.

Cat Café..."Silver Vine Restaurant"?

What about your errand, Anos?

No worries.

My business is with him.

Please forgive me for appearing
before you in this disgraceful form.

That voice... Is that Sir Ivis?

I'm having him look into Melheis.

Did you find out anything?

Let me start with the Unitarians.

They're led not by Melheis but rather someone
pulling the strings behind the scenes.


I haven't been able to uncover that yet.

It seems like none of the Unitarians
even know his identity.

That's odd, don't you think?

I've also discovered that there's one more
person here in Midhaze of unknown identity.


He's affiliated
with the Lognorth Magic Hospital.

That's a hospital built
by Demon Lord Elio of Midhaze,

but he's just a ceremonial figurehead.

There seems to be someone else
behind the scenes.

And no amount of digging can unmask him?

I don't have enough information
to link those two yet.

All right, keep looking into Melheis,
as well as the Magic Sword Tournament.

As you wish.

So, this is the Lognorth Magic Hospital,

The top hospital in Dilhade.

There's nothing particularly
suspicious about it.

What are you doing?

We were just passing by.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to visit my mother.

If there's nothing the doctors can do
for her, I can take care of it.

Even if she's in critical condition
and on the brink of death,

I'll have her scaling the highest peaks
in the world by tomorrow.

That would make her a little too healthy!

Sounds scary,
so I'll just thank you for the offer.

Is that right?

Okay, I'll be on my way now.


Just thought you should know,

I might not take part
in the Magic Sword Tournament.

If you don't, then we'll settle
the score another time, okay?

What do you think?

He seems a little different than usual.

I think I'll have Ivis
look into him, too, just in case.

So, this is where you're studying
to become the Demon Lord, Anos!


Look, you didn't have to come all this way
to cheer me on, you know.

My sword probably
won't be ready in time, either.

Oh my! No need to worry! After all...

Does it have something to do
with why Dad hasn't been home in a while?

No, no, no! Nothing to do with that!

All right, I'll see you later!

- Right.
- Anos, give it all you've got!

Meow, meow.

Any leads?

Apparently, Melheis has nothing to do
with today's Magic Sword Tournament.

But Gaios and Ydor
of the Seven Elder Demon Emperors

seem to be involved behind the scenes.

Oh, those two, huh?

Most likely, they intend to have you
fall into some kind of trap they've set up.

What about Lay?

I've checked
the Lognorth Magic Hospital records.

Lay's mother is a critically ill
patient there, close to death.

She suffers from Spirit disease.

"Spirit disease"? That didn't exist
two thousand years ago.

I've never heard of it, either.

It seems to be an extremely rare disease.

I see. Thanks for all your work.

Sir Anos...

Are you planning to withdraw
from the Magic Sword Tournament?

Not a bad way to find out
how Avos Dilhevia would react.

The first round of the Dilhade Magic Sword
Tournament will now commence!

Here he is! Krut Ludowell
of the Lognorth Magic Sword Association!

Here he is already! The defending champion
and most powerful swordsman in Dilhade!

The Lognorth Magic Sword Association is
that famous Royalist organization, right?

I hear he's Ms. Emilia's big brother!

Next, we have Anos Voldigoad
of the Demon King Academy Delsgade!

Hey, what's going on?

Isn't that the guy that those Unitarians
have been raving about lately

as the reincarnated Demon King of Tyranny?

I'm sorry. Because of us...

But as long as we don't know
just how low the Royalists would go...

Don't worry about it.

He's not the one I should be fighting.

It's Avos Dilhevia.

Oh, come on, he bailed!

A hybrid like him should just
resign himself to serving us Royals!

I mean, no matter what he does, he'll never
be the Demon Lord, so what's the point?

My Anos can become the Demon Lord!

My Anos is powerful, good-looking
and such an amazing boy!

Don't you laugh at my child's dream!



I've been looking for you! Here!

It's a Magic Sword that your old man
forged himself from adamantine steel!

You can compete, too, now, right?

Hey, you're hurt.

Well, the adamantine steel
was on top of a cliff.

Hey, it's nothing! Just a scratch!

If you win, it'll mean that even hybrids can
become the Demon Lord, right? Now get out there!

Well, well, I surprised even myself.

I can't believe I was erring on the side of
caution over a coward who refuses to show himself!

Sir Anos!

Rest assured.

I'll smash my way through any trap
they've set for me.

Right now, all I want is...

to see Mom...

and Dad...

look overjoyed.

Anos Voldigoad, are you present or not?

I'm right here!

I was starting to think you'd run off,
Hero of the Unitarians.


To atone for wasting your time,

I'll finish you off in one minute.

First round! Let Match # begin!