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06x09 - How the Finch Stole Christmas

Posted: 12/16/21 08:59
by bunniefuu

Hi, Mom.

No, I'm making the nakypliak
right now.


I know it's after .

But the day just got away from me.



No, I don't- Oh, damn it!

Mommy didn't mean that. No.

No, everything's fine.

Kate's just a little cranky.


No, I'm feeling better.

Yeah, the incision's healed.

Okay, sweetie. Okay.

Oh, my God!

When did the pain start?

- Few minutes ago.
- Get an EKG.

Mr. Rollins, where does it hurt?


Let go of my hand.

Never mind, Kit.

Unless you have a problem-

- I do.
- What?

- I'm bored.
- Well, at least you're still alive.

Oh, you mean unlike that poor woman
they say I r*ped and m*rder*d?

- We both know the truth.
- I'm innocent until proven guilty.

And the DA can't prove jack.
Thanks to you.

If I could do things again,
believe me, I would.

You would've let me die?

- Where'd you get it?
- Patient gave it to me.

- Pretty.
- Yeah.

Lucy, got a good case here.

Valerie Page, ,
dilated cardiomyopathy...

...recent progression of symptoms.

Difficulty breathing.
Cardiologist changed her medication.

- Throwing PVCs.
- And lift, gently.

- I'm on the transplant list.
- How shall we proceed?

- Call Services.
- Run of five.

- Lucy, what should we do?
- Get the vitals.

BP's / . Heart rate's .

BP's stable, not hypotensive.
Treat with lidocaine?

- Right.
- She's in V-tach!

- The paddles!
- No! Check the vitals again.

BP's / . Heart rate's .

- Lucy?
- I don't know.

of lidocaine.
mg drip.

With normal mentation, lidocaine
is still your first treatment.

It's not a good idea to shock
an awake patient.

Back to normal signs.

- You feeling better?
- Yeah.

I wasn't planning on this.

We'll maybe get you home in time
to open presents.


Lily, draw the labs.
Chuny, order an echo.

Call me back with the results.

You do not know enough
to make those promises.

Her meds were off.

She'll be lucky if she makes it
through the night.

I didn't realize.

You've accumulated a lot of knowledge.

Apply it. Go back,
get a thorough history.

Find out what you can do for her.

Hey, what's wrong?

Thanks for covering transplant.

Sure. It means I can spend
Christmas with Reece.

- At least some will be enjoying it.
- What about you?

Mark's in San Diego
helping his father move.

But with Romano gone,
it seems like a holiday, doesn't it?

You're right. It does.

Detective Cruson's on the phone.

I've got a consult.
Call me with that appy.

Hello, this is Corday.

Yes. Yes, I just saw Mr. Rollins.

I see.

- I discharged the otitis.
- One down, to go.

Whoa! These lights
are a fire hazard!

- Always this busy on Christmas?
- Like the mall after Thanksgiving.

- I need a break.
- We all do, Amira-

- It's Ramadan, I gotta pray.
- Okay. Yosh, cover for her.

What's in your bag?

Secret gifts, if you've been good.
Have I gotten yours yet?

I'll give it to you before I leave.

Anything to help make working
Christmas Eve a little less painful.

- Did I mention I wanted a Gameboy?
- Yes!

Dr. Weaver, it's not too late
to get in on this.

Actually, there's nothing that I need.

- Excuse me.
- Yes, gentlemen, how can I help you?

Now you need some scrubs.

Cardiomyopathy diagnosed
three years ago...

...after the flu on her st birthday.

Some present.

There's an LV ejection
fraction of percent.

Doesn't that meet the criteria
to upgrade her for transplant?

I'll call UNOS and tell them
to move her to level one.

- They're ready for you in the O.R.
- I'll be right there.

Go over everything with her.
See if Cardiology has a bed.

Level one?
That means I'm a shoo-in, right?

There's no guarantee for availability.

A girl can dream.

You know, I almost went to med school.

What changed your mind?

- Hospitals smell.
- I hear you.

I opted for a master's
in fine arts instead.

- I'm supposed to graduate in June.
- Really? Me too.

I'm gonna die, aren't I?

If you don't get a new heart...


We went over to Marty's
for some eggnog.

Hasn't anyone ever warned you
about raw egg?

- At least we got to our deliveries.
- Charity?

No. Just a bunch
of Wall Street sharks.

We take gifts to shelters
to keep us human.

We could use a Mrs. Claus.

- I could use a hot bath.
- Dr. Weaver as Mrs. Claus?

Hold it, Carter.

Compazine rectal suppositories
for all the Santas. And rehydrate.

Bah humbug.

- You look like hell.
- I'm midway through a double shift.

You drew the short end?

No, I figured I'd let people
spend some time with their families.


Chad, wha-? Chad.

- Get off of me!
- Chad, it's Dr. Finch.

What happened?

He took a header down the stairs.

Watch his neck! Watch his neck.

- His foot got caught.
- Did he lose consciousness?

Maybe. He's pretty messed up.

On what? On what?

- I gotta go.
- Wait!

- Hang in there, dude.
- No, Tony!

Chad, do you have any neck pain?

- Does your neck hurt?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.

Get a C-spine just in case.

Pupils equal, reactive to light.
No midline tenderness.

BP's / . Pulse .

Talus shifted and rotated.
I need to reduce the deformity.

I need a right-ankle films
and a non-contrast CT.

- Get a B.A.L. and tox screen.
- Got it.

Call the mom.
Phone number's in the old chart.

You're hurting me. Stop it.

It's okay. You'll be okay.

- Ouch!
- That's a delicate injury, indeed.

We were in line to see Santa,
and Tommy had to go.

I always tell him to look down
before you zip up.

I wanna see Santa!

We're gonna have to cut it off.


I meant the zipper.

I'll get the tray.

I wanna go back to the mall!

Tommy, I have to clean the area.
This may sting a little.

Hold onto him. Tight.

Pickup and Metz.

- Go away!
- I can't watch.

Okay, Tommy. This is gonna pinch.


All done. All done.

Is he gonna be okay down there?

He's gonna be as good as new.

Okay, Tommy, it's all over. So brave.

- Dr. Benton?
- I'm doing an appy.

I've been doing research
on Valerie Page's condition.

Watch the sterile field.

I found articles on
a Left Ventricular Assist Device.

What about it?

A device could keep the blood
pumping until a transplant.

- Not an option.
- Why not?

No device.
County isn't using that yet.

A clinical trial starts as of January.

Her heart won't hold out that long.

We transfer her to Rush.
The program's running.

- Try and arrange it. Let me know.
- Thanks.

- Hey, doc. Taking me on a trip?
- You could say that.

- Why's he here?
- You'll be transferred to jail.

This is a joke, right?
You getting back at me?

They found evidence
linking you to another m*rder.

- Wait a minute. Look, stop!
- Put him in restraints!

- Bitch! You cannot do this to me!
- Oh, yes, I can!

- Screw you! Ow!
- Okay, spare me the theatrics.

Oh, my leg. My leg, it's cramped.

And I'm the queen of England. Goodbye.

Damn it, it hurts!

Dr. Corday, wait.
His right leg is dusky.

It's like somebody's jabbing
me with needles.

- How long have you had this?
- Just started.

Can't feel a pedal pulse.
No popliteal pulse either.

- Want an angiogram?
- I suppose so.

- Would you hurry up? It's k*lling me.
- Shut up!

Excuse me.

- Fill out a form, take a seat.
- I work here.

It's about time you brought
those bundles of joy for a visit.

- Hi, Haleh.
- It's Auntie Haleh. Yes, it is.

I'm not visiting.

Look at them. They're adorable.

Look, you're almost back to your-

Hold it, guys.
Kate's not feeling well.

Is there an Attending free?

Let's find out. We'll take
good care of her. Don't worry.

I'm not worried.

But she may not make it through
the night. Yeah, me too.

Rush turned you down?

They can't take her until tomorrow.
No cardiac beds.

Christmas. Bummer.

Is it possible to get
surgical equipment transferred?

- We do it between ERs.
- What do you do?

Get a transfer form
and a doctor's signature.

- The mall's closed now.
- It's not fair!

One more pin should do it.

- Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
- Santa!

Oh! Careful down there, little Tommy.

Santa's so sorry that
he missed you at the mall.

He hears that you've been
a good boy.

- You're not Santa.
- Sure he is, sweetheart.

The Santa at the mall
was fat with glasses.

- This is Santa's brother.
- Go away!

- Tommy, stop it!
- Santa's got a toy for you, Tommy.

I want the real Santa!
The one at the mall!

Okay, Tommy. Santa's gotta go now.

But he wants to wish you
a very merry Christmas!

- What do we got?
- Yo, Santa.

Taylor Sparks, .
GSW to left shoulder, drive-by.

Vitals stable, BP's / ,
pulse .

- Get that out of my face!
- Abdomen's benign.

- How many sh*ts?
- Punk-ass emptied a clip.

Roll him, see if there are
other entry sites.

Trauma panel. Chest and left shoulder.

Back looks clear.

- Whoa! Ho, ho, ho.
- Malik?

- Not the present I had in mind.
- That's mine.

If the vessels are intact,
we'll leave the b*llet in.

Give me my piece!

Whatever happened
to "peace on earth"?

You tell us, Santa.

Hey, you're being a very good girl.

- Temperature's . .
- It was . earlier.

When was that?

Two hours ago. It takes that long
to get us out of the house.

- She'd be warm from being bundled up.
- Am I being crazy?

No, it's good you brought her in.

A fever in a four-week-old
can be cause for concern.

I know all the things
that can go wrong.

If you'd like,
we can do a septic work-up.

- Is that necessary?
- Probably not.

But you need to make that decision.

- As a nurse I would say no.
- And as a mother?

I wanna make sure everything's okay.

How about we get a urine and CBC...

...but hold off on an LP
till we get the labs?

I want you to draw her blood.
You're the best in the ER.

- I'll be nice and gentle.
- Okay.

How're you feeling?

- My mom here?
- Not yet. Chad, is your father around?

Sure, saw him yesterday.

Christmas photo of him
and his new family vacationing.

I'd like to call him.

He doesn't care. Me and Mom
are better off without him.

When can I go home?

We're waiting on test results.

- Come on. It's Christmas.
- Cleo?

Oh, Dr. Finch. How is he?

Chad has a dislocated right ankle.
We're waiting to rule out head trauma.

Oh, my God!
I don't know how this happened.

- I thought he was upstairs.
- You were home?

I had people over. Holiday party.

Did you hear Chad fall?

There was music playing.
People talking.

Your son has a
blood alcohol level of . .

- Were you aware he was drinking?
- No.

All right, I let him have one beer.

- It's Christmas Eve.
- He's had more than one.

Maybe he took some from the bar.

You think this is my fault.

No, I'm not blaming-

I should've known.
What kind of a mother am I?

Why don't you go in to see him?


- What have we got?
- , MVA, on his way to mass.

- I hit Mary.
- Mary?

As in Virgin Mother.
He drove into a nativity.

I passed out.

Complaining of abdominal pain.

BP is / , pulse .
Alert at the scene.

Okay, here we go. Nice and
easy, on my count. One, two, three.

Trauma panel, C-spine,
chest films, spin a crit.

Can you tell me where the pain is?

Around my belt. I only wear this
suit once a year. It doesn't fit.

Pulse ox is .

- Ultrasound.
- Find something?

Yeah, pulsatile mass
on the left side below the ribs.

Could be an aneurysm.

There's a good chance you'll
need surgery to repair your aorta.

- Anyone we should contact?
- There's no one.

Call the O.R.
Tell them to prep a room.

There's a blockage in your artery.

A clot is preventing blood flow.

This is potentially life-threatening
and needs surgery.

I'm not letting you fix me up... they can put me on trial
for bogus charges.

Then you'll be set free.
Without surgery, you'll die.

Yeah? Well, I'll take my chances.

Besides, you know, I like it here.

Good dr*gs, food's not half bad.

I get off just looking at you.

You know, every night
after the lights go out...

...I lie back...

...and think about you.

Your answer's no to surgery?

- That's right.
- You'll need to sign a refusal paper.

Bring it on.

- Merry Christmas.
- What's that?

I had an L-VAD transferred here
for Valerie Page.

- That's a $ , device.
- I signed your name as the physician.

- What?
- You were in surgery.

- You should've interrupted me.
- No time.

- I can't do it.
- What do you mean?

I mean I'm not qualified to do it.

- Dr. Romano is the only one.
- This could save her.

I'm not qualified. I'm sorry.

- What?
- Nothing.

He's in V-tach! Grab the paddles!

Charge to .

And clear!

Two hundred! Come on! Come on!

Not charged yet.

And clear!

Crank it to !

And clear!

- He's back. He's back.
- I saw her.

- What?
- Edith, my wife. I saw her.

- She's not here.
- I know. She's dead.

But I saw her.

I saw her.

- Heard about your Santa performance.
- My last.

Malik's Gameboy.
Didn't wanna hear his griping.

You're a good woman.

Mom, no need to ruin
your Christmas too.

I gotta go, okay? Bye.

Any word on Kate's labs?

Her urine is negative
and white count is basically normal.


The differential shows five bands.
But that's still normal.

Can't the lab repeat them?

- That means sticking Kate again.
- Can we do a manual diff?

I'll call the lab supervisor
to squeeze one in.


- How are you holding up?
- In all honesty, I'm exhausted.

I'm not surprised.

I can handle patients,
but not two infants.

- That's parenthood.
- Maybe he's out of town.

Dr. Romano, this is Lucy Knight.
Fourth-year medical student.

Yes, I realize that it's
almost midnight, but-

- It's about a patient.
- It's Christmas!

Yes, sir. I understand that. But-

- chief of staff at home!
- If I could- Hello?

I want my piece back.

Your g*n is now police property.

It was a present for my little bro.

- You were gonna give him a g*n?
- Cost me serious dollars.

- How much?
- Forty. Now give it back.

- I gave it to the police.
- What am I supposed to give him?

Here. It's a Gameboy.
Worth at least twice that much.

- Your brother'll love it.
- Yeah, whatever.

Merry Christmas!

I'm caught between a rock
and a hard place on this.

- How so?
- Mrs. Kottmeier cares about her son.

But he needs more.
She's an alcoholic herself-

That only factors in if it interferes
with her ability to care for Chad.

What if she buys his alcohol?

- Did he say that to you?
- No, she did, in so many words.

- Peter, did you consent Mr. Waller?
- Yeah. Why?

Better get in here.

Please, no surgery.

You have a life-threatening

I'm not afraid to die. I saw Edith.

- His dead wife.
- She waits for me.

I saw her at the end of a tunnel.

- And there was this white light?
- Yeah, it was so peaceful.

You experienced an hallucination
due to an endorphin release.

No, it was real.

If this isn't happening,
I have a pain consult.

If you don't have surgery, you
probably won't live through the night.

That means we can
spend Christmas together.

I'm sorry.

- I really tried.
- I know.

If there was anything I could do,
I would.

Don't worry.
I plan on b*ating this thing...

...with or without some stupid device.

Okay. Get some rest.
Keep your strength up.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Valerie.

Breast-feeding was so hard at first.
I felt like a cow with huge udders.

- You look like a natural.
- Being that I do it every three hours.

When do you sleep, girl?

- Oh, sorry.
- That's okay. The kitchen's closed.

- Auntie Haleh should get back to work.
- May I?

- Thanks for the chair.
- OB won't miss it.

The manual diff came back.
Kate's white count is normal.

That's great. You hear that, sweetie?
You'll be okay.

Probably just a virus.
Not too surprising, this time of year.

- I'm sorry I've been-
- A good parent?

- No. I was gonna say difficult.
- Yeah. Same thing.

- I can't believe it's : a. m.
- Yeah. It's Christmas.

That's right. It's Christmas.

I admitted him to ICU.

Donald, what are you
doing here this late?

I had a gastroenteritis turn
into an ischemic bowel on me.

Merry Christmas.

So shall we include Elizabeth
in on your dilemma?

A patient's refusing surgery
because he thinks...

...he saw his dead wife
waiting for him.

My patient's refusing surgery too.
But mine's the devil incarnate.

- Dean Rollins?
- Good riddance.

- Who made you judge and jury?
- You don't know how despicable he is.

I'm sure I don't. But being a doctor
isn't about your personal feelings.

- Let's get back to your patient.
- He won't listen.

But did you listen?
He's probably frightened.

Seeing his dead wife
makes him feel less so.

If he thought you understood that,
he'd be more receptive to you.

- It's the patient's choice.
- Of course.

But we must offer to do
all we can to keep them alive.

Okay, Gretel! Okay, you can stop now!

You've got my attention!

Before you speak, I have a dozen
reasons why I shouldn't be doing this.

For one, I don't wanna ruin my career.

The police are coming-

I have a patient, Valerie Page,
, dying of cardiomyopathy.

She's on UNOS.
An L-VAD could buy her time.

And you think I give a rat's ass?

I'm sorry. What was I thinking,
coming to you...

...a seasoned doctor who supposedly
has dedicated his entire life... helping people?
I'm just a puny student...

- ... who stupidly thought she could-
- Miss Knight.

What do you want?

I want you to help my patient.

I want you to help me.

- Where's the fat dude in the red suit?
- There are many here.

- The one giving out the Gameboys.
- Chuny, I got this. Hi.

- We heard you give Gameboys for gats.
- Well, that's not exactly true.

It happened once, but that
was sort of a unique situation.

We out of here.

Well, wait.
Does it have to be Gameboys?

Hey, Vivian.
I'm looking for my triple-A.

- The guy who saw his dead wife.
- Howard Waller? Over there.

- He d*ed?
- He coded less than an hour ago.

- You miss me?
- I'm curious about something.

Me too. Are you a natural redhead?
I'd like to see for myself.

You're willing to be a vegetable
for the rest of your sad life...

...for a pissing contest.

Well, that's one contest with you
I'm sure I can win.

Without surgery,
the flesh on your leg will rot.

- Become infected, probably gangrenous.
- You're scaring me, doc.

Next comes septic shock.
Your BP will be so low... will have a massive stroke.

You'll wind up drooling in your food,
wearing diapers.

Rather like that pathetic man.

Except you'll only have one leg
because they'll have to amputate.

But you'll have won, Dean Rollins.

Now, is that really
the best you can do?

It's the truth. If you don't believe
me, you'll only have yourself to blame.

You do care about me. Don't you?

- As your doctor, I do.
- No, not as a doctor. As a woman.

Say it.

Say it.

I care.

Then let's do it.

Crappy generator.
That Amish salesman will hear it.

- What do you need a generator for?
- T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.

- The End Of The World As We Know It.
- Y K.

Computers rule us.
Doesn't take a genius to see our doom.

Aftercare instructions:
change that dressing in hours.

Haven't they fixed the Y K glitches?

One pebble can make ripples. You can
bet this place'll be a deathtrap.

I assure you, Mr. Thorpe, our mainframe
has been thoroughly Y K-inspected.

They check the interface
with front-end terminals?

I don't know.

I'm gonna show you how well
you've been inspected.

Your CT came back negative,
which means no injury to your brain.

- Thank God!
- So I can go home now?

I'm afraid not. I've made
arrangements for you to be placed... an alcohol-treatment program
here in the hospital.

- You did what?
- You can't make me stay.

My duty is to ensure
your well-being and safety.

- Mom?
- Please don't do this to us.

- I'll try harder.
- He's lucky now. What about later?

- I won't get drunk again.
- Believe me, it's for your own good.

I just wanna go home.

Please, Dr. Finch.

I beg you, don't take him from me.
It's Christmas, for God's sakes!

He's at a greater risk.
No school, partying with friends.

I promise I won't drink again.
I promise. Please.

It's all right, sweetheart.
It's all right.

It's all right.

Now, go to the month pull-down
and change it to January .

- Hit "apply." And then "okay."
- Done.

Now try to retrieve my medical chart.

I'm sure we'll convince you
we run a tight ship here at County.

"No records found
for December , ."

? What did you do?

- Get Tech Support!
- I'm leaving while I can.

- You gave it away?
- For a good cause.

- That was my Secret Santa gift.
- I'll get you another one.

- They're taking you for a ride.
- That's four less g*ns out there.

There's a horde of troublemakers
asking about gifts for g*ns.

- Thanks.
- You're still here.

- Where's her mom?
- Try Exam .


Keep Exam clear for a while.

- Sure thing.
- Thanks.

I can't believe we don't have
-hour tech support.

- Romano's getting a memo.
- It's Christmas.

Y K is seven days away.
They should be here.

- Computer problems?
- It crashed.

- I can't get labs or medical records.
- Mind if I take a look?

No! That's how I got into trouble
in the first place.

The terminal's current.
It's a software problem.

I could download a Y K patch.
That should fix it.

I guess you can't
make things any worse.

I feel the catheter sliding.

- There's some minor resistance.
- I'll give you suction.

It'd be so easy for me to just slip.

Oh, at least he's gonna
have to stand trial.

Okay, I've got the clot.
Shirley, check the foot.

page to O.R. ?

- Why's Romano here?
- I feel a pulse.

Good. Get an angio,
check for arterial tears.

- Can you finish here?
- I've come this far. Go.

Look for ventricular decompression.

With a transesophageal echo,
the septum will bow.

Fourth-year, huh? Not bad.

Nice to see when the cat's away,
the mouse still jumps.

What's going on?

I'm demonstrating
an L-VAD implantation.

From now on, I'll only do favors
for people who beg at my door.

Which leads me to ask,
why wasn't it you?

- Never considered it.
- O ye of little faith.

Again, I want to thank you for-

That's enough sucking up. Cut.
That'll be all, Peter.

- Can I scrub in?
- You didn't earn it.

- I still want to help.
- What do you think?

- She can use all the help she can.
- You heard her, Peter. Scrub in.

The ' s were from to .

- And ?
- The last year of the ' s.

So the new millennium
really starts in .

Why am I spending my paycheck
on New Year's Eve?

- You and the rest of the world.
- Sleeping Beauty.

- That felt great! How long was I out?
- About four hours.

It felt like days. Where are the kids?

Asleep in Pedes. Yosh is on duty.

- I appreciate you helping me.
- What are friends for?

- Christmas cookie?
- Yeah, I'm famished.

- I heard about Kate. Is she okay?
- She's fine.

- Where you off to?
- Indianapolis to see family.

- Did Kottmeier go upstairs?
- A few minutes ago.

- Merry Christmas, Kwanza, all that.
- Safe travel.

- I'm sorry I can't give you a ride.
- You've done enough for us already.

Carol, I can give you a ride.

- Since when do you own a car?
- Since I sold my boat.

- Thank you, no. The girls are asleep-
- Look who's up. Come on!

Oh, come here, sweetheart. I know.

All right. I'm gonna get our stuff.

Quite an arsenal.

After I gave away the Secret Santa
gifts, I started writing checks.

Call the police,
have an officer pick them up.

- I already did.
- Double trauma at the back door.

Drive-by victim, . Single GSW to
the thigh. BP is / . Pulse .

- Name's Hank Lohman.
- Lohman?

Carter, take the next one.

Seven-year-old. GSW to the chest.

- Lost the pulse en route.
- Get ET tube placement.

Took a b*llet aimed at his neighbor,
the guy just brought in.

Son of a bitch!

Two units of O-neg
and prep for a thoracotomy.

- He's in fine V-fib.
- Pupils fixed and dilated.

Let's prep his chest. Oh, my God!

- Where's the blood coming from?
- They sh*t him in the head.

- How're you doing?
- Full traumatic arrest.

- Thoracotomy tray is ready.
- Chest is prepped.

There's gray matter all over
this backboard. He's dead.

Okay. The pump is de-aired.

Decrease bypass flow
to two liters per minute.

Start the L-VAD.
Fixed mode, cycles per minute.

- The moment of truth.
- It works.

- You're surprised?
- It's loud. How will she sleep?

She'll get used to it.
Just like hearing your own heart b*at.

- Pump is filling nicely.
- Isn't that your munchkin out there?

You mind if I scrub out?

You want in, you want out.
I know, it's Christmas. Get out.

- Thanks.
- Miss Knight, care to help me close?


- You feel up to it?
- Absolutely.

I know I was supposed to get him
earlier, but this surgery came up.

Save it. It's nothing
I haven't heard before.

Carla, it is the holidays.
We could at least try to be civil.

You want civil? Fine.

Thank you very much
for ruining my life.

- What is that supposed to mean?
- Roger and I aren't moving to Germany.

- What?
- He asked for time off for the trial.

His boss decided he wasn't
promotion material after all.

- Look, I don't know what to say.
- I'm sure you don't.

I'm sorry about Roger's job.
But I'm not sorry...

...Reece gets to stay here
with both his parents.

Whatever, Peter.

You won. Merry Christmas.

Hey, Amira?
I'm expecting an officer to stop by.

How about... that one?

What happened?

One punk sh*t another,
k*lled a kid instead.

Caught him fleeing the scene
with a cut on his head.

- It's you?
- You thought I couldn't score another?

You want a g*n?

I got g*ns.
Why don't you take your pick?

sh**t it and bang!
A -year-old's brains get splattered.

- What do you think you're doing, John?
- Merry Christmas!

We'll see how long this lasts.

They had quite a night.

Their first Christmas ever.
It's hard to believe.

It only happens once. Enjoy it.

Luka, wait.
Do you have any Christmas plans?

- Like those two over there. Sleep.
- Stay for eggnog.

It's the least I can do.

And end up like those Santas?
I don't think so.

- Come on. It's tradition.
- What's in that eggnog exactly?

- Eggs, sugar, milk, rum-
- Rum?

You know what?
I suppose I can risk it, eh?

Next few days, a bland diet.
Clear fluids, rice, bread...

- Your computer running okay?
- Yes! Thank you.

- I appreciate it.
- Santa always aims to please.

You know a place to get bland food?

Doc Magoo's is right
across the street.

And you can't get
much blander than that.

- They're open on Christmas?
- Always open, just like us.

Sounds perfect. Thanks.

Dr. Weaver.

Care to join us?

My treat.

Free bland food...

- Sure.
- Great.

So, you work with computers, huh?

Yeah. I own my own software company.
Just went public.

Really? I'm always looking
for investment opportunities.

We split the breastbone,
so your chest will hurt for a while.

- That's a small price to pay.
- So how's our lovely patient?

She's great. Pressure's up,
kidney function's improving.

Good. Carry on. I'm going back
from whence I came.

You'll have to come
by my office next week... discuss disciplinary action.

Nothing personal. I do have
a reputation to maintain.

What was that all about?


I cannot thank you enough, Dr. Knight.

I'm not a doctor yet.

You are to me.

God, I am so tired now.