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04x10 - Heart of a Fighter

Posted: 12/18/21 07:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls The Heart...

You're saying Carson
Shepherd is a doctor?

He was.

Carson told me that his wife was sick.

A tumor. She died on
the operating table.

[Elizabeth]: I didn't know you had
made up your mind about going North.

[Jack]: I've decided to
take the assignment.


[Cody]: She's always studying.

She doesn't have time to play anymore.

[Cody]: I don't feel good.



The medication should
help with the pain.

Try to rest, Cody.

What's wrong with him?

I'm not sure, but I
think it's appendicitis.

How serious is it?

If the appendix isn't removed,
and it ruptures...

it could be very serious.

Can you do the operation?

I'm not a surgical nurse.

We need a doctor.

I'll wire Dr. Burns.

He's on sabbatical.

Karl Strohm is covering his cases.

But even if Dr. Strohm left right away,

he might not get here
until tomorrow afternoon.

Is that soon enough?

There's no way of knowing.

There is one doctor who's closer.

Carson said he wasn't coming back.

Then we'll just have to change his mind.

Are you sure you don't want to
stay here and be with Abigail?

You need all the volunteers
you can get, Bill.

This is important.

If anything happens to Cody...

I get it.

All right, listen up...

We don't know what direction
Carson Shepherd took

when he left town.

If we're lucky,
he didn't get far overnight.

Everybody spread out.

What if he doesn't want to come back?

Make him come back.

- How much time do we have?
- [Bill]: Not much.

Carson's our last hope.

If we don't find him, the boy could die.

Let's go.

Hyah, hyah, hyah!

Let's go! Come on! Hyah!

Is Cody going to be all right?

Nurse Carter is doing everything she can

until the doctor gets here.

What if they can't find Mr. Shepherd?

Oh, sweetheart,
you can't think that way.

Half the town is out looking for him.

I was so mean to Cody.

I should've spent more time with him.


you can spend all the time in the
world with him once he gets better.

But what if he doesn't get better?

You have to have faith.

And we have to be strong...

For each other and for Cody.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.




What are you doing out here?

We've been looking for you everywhere.

Abigail should have
saved you the trouble.

It's Cody.

He's sick.

Faith thinks his appendix
is going to rupture.

Well, any competent doctor
can handle that operation.

All the other doctors are too far away.
They won't make it to town in time.

Trust me...

I'm not the person you want.

Abigail told us about what
happened with your wife.

Well, then you know

the last patient I operated on...

didn't make it.

I'm guessing you saved a lot
of other lives before that.

And that's what you
need to do right now.

For Cody.

I haven't seen a patient
in over two years.

I don't believe for a minute
you've forgotten all your training.


we really need you...

All right.

I'll go back and do an exam.

But that's all I can promise.

Thank you.

Breakfast is served.

Finally. Thank you.

Oh, dear.

This is embarrassing.

How's that?

This is for Rip.

Mr. Avery asked me to
feed him while he's gone.


Where's he gone?

He's out looking for Carson Shepherd,

who, as it turns out, is a doctor,

not a cook after all.

Well, we all have our secrets.

It's a lucky thing, too,

because poor little Cody is very sick.

Mr. Shepherd might be our
only hope in saving him.

How's Abigail taking it?

As best she can,

given the circumstances.

It isn't easy.

I'll see if I can find
you some breakfast.

Sorry about the boy.

Yes. We all are.

There isn't much any of
us can do right now...

except pray.


How is he?

No better, no worse.

He's still in a lot of pain.

[door opens]


Where's Cody?

This way.

How are you doing, buddy?

What are his symptoms?

Fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.

Tenderness and swelling.

His appendix is infected.
The sooner this is removed, the better.

Can you do it?

[door opens]

I got here as soon as I could.

You must be Dr. Strohm.

I am. How long has he been like this?

Since last night.

If you feel his side, you can tell
that his appendix is swollen.

Is that a professional opinion?

I practiced medicine.

Carson Shepherd.

I remember the name.

You were investigated
by the medical board.

That's true. I was.

Carson was cleared of any wrongdoing.

It was confirmed by our sheriff.


Since you no longer practice
medicine, Mr. Shepherd,

perhaps you'll allow me

to determine what's
wrong with my patient?

Of course.

I'll need you all to leave.

I'd like to stay,

if you don't mind.

[Dr. Strohm]: Actually, I do.

But I'll require the
services of your nurse.

I'll help in any way I can.

Let's go get some coffee.


I'm so glad you're back.

Did you find Carson?

Yeah. He's with Cody.

Why don't you have a seat

and I'll make you a nice sandwich?


No thank you.

I'm... I'm not very hungry.

But you missed breakfast.

Yeah. I have to get to work.

Work can wait.

You need your rest.

What I need is to get cleaned up

and get to the office.

The sawmill can do without you

for a couple more hours.

Rosie, could you stop fussing, please?

Have I done something wrong?


No, of course not.


I'm just a little tired, that's all.

Lee, I'm your wife.

I know what you're like
when you're tired.

This isn't it.

Not right now, okay?


I'm not sure how I feel about Dr.
Strohm's bedside manner.

He's been head of surgery
at Memorial Hospital in Union City

for the past ten years.

Well, he must be good at what he does.

[knocking, door opens]

I have news for you, Mrs. Stanton.

I hope it's good news.

I performed a thorough examination,

and I think you'll be greatly relieved

to hear it's not appendicitis.

So Cody doesn't need an operation?

No, he doesn't.

Oh, that's wonderful news.

But he has all the classic
symptoms of appendicitis.

Symptoms common to a
variety of illnesses.

He has a fever,

which indicates an infection.

[Dr. Strohm]: An infection
likely caused by influenza

or an intestinal issue,

like colitis,

but more than likely,
it's the stomach flu.

It's not the flu.

[Dr. Strohm]: I thought you told me
you no longer practice medicine?

What if he's right?

Young lady, surgery poses
a great deal of risk.

Sepsis, bacterial infection, blood
loss... Any of which can k*ll a patient.

It's not a procedure to
be undertaken on a whim.

This isn't a whim.

Mrs. Stanton,

I have been practicing
medicine for years.

If I thought surgery was necessary,

I would recommend it without hesitation.

[Carson]: You're wrong.

[Dr. Strohm]: Have you
ever even considered

the possibility that
it's you who is wrong?

Or do you just think

you're smarter than everyone else?

Let's try not to make this personal.

A child could die from
unnecessary surgery,

performed by a man

who's trying to prove he's a hero...

so I'd say this is very personal.

You say operate...

and you say wait.

I've given the boy castor
oil and a mild physic.

We'll know more in a day or two.

In your opinion.

I understand you lost your last
patient on the operating table.

I hardly think you're in a
position to give advice here.

But the decision is yours, Mrs. Stanton.

Thank you for the advice, gentlemen.

Let's wait until the morning
and see how Cody is doing.

[Elizabeth]: Carson!


Carson. Please don't go...

Why would I stay?

Just because Abigail wants
you to wait a little

doesn't mean she thinks you're wrong.

It just means she's scared.

She asked for my opinion.

I gave it.

There's no reason for me to be here.

Carson, surgery is risky.

Abigail knows that.

And if there's a chance
it isn't necessary...

It needs to happen.

There isn't a lot of time left.

I should go.

No, please.

One more day.

Just in case.

That's all I'm asking.

One day.

Then I'm gone.

Miss Thatcher,

why won't Nurse Carter
let us visit Cody?

He's sick, sweetheart.

But why can't we see him?

Well, we don't know what's
wrong with him yet.

And just in case he has the flu,

Nurse Carter doesn't want
you all to get sick.

Well, I got a frog from
the pond to cheer him up.



Why don't you all make him
get well cards instead?

It's his birthday tomorrow.

You can make him birthday cards, too.

But if he's sick,

how can he have a birthday party?

He will have his birthday party

just as soon as he's feeling better.

Now go get started on those cards

and we can finish them
at school tomorrow?



Oh, Elizabeth.

I'm so sorry.

I must have been a little distracted.

Is something wrong?

It's Lee.

There's something he's not telling me,

and I don't know what it is.

Have you tried talking to him?


Talking is what I do best.

But he just walked away.

Then there really is something wrong.

I know...

With you.

With me?

The Rosemary I know doesn't give up,

especially when it comes

to getting to the bottom of something.

I never thought of it like that.

Maybe you should.

You know, I once read this advice column

that said communication is the most
important thing in a relationship.

Are you quoting me to me?

Good advice is good advice.

It seems even the columnist

can use some advice now and then.

Especially when it's her own.

May I join you?

Go ahead.

I know we don't see eye to
eye on what's best for Cody,

and I don't have as much
experience as you...

Mr. Shepherd, the boy will
be fine by the morning.

Not if I'm right and you're wrong.

The odds of that are highly unlikely.

You may want to slow down there,

in case you need to perform surgery.

You might want to mind
your own business.

This is my business.

I care about that kid.

Just like you cared about your wife?

You weren't there.

I did what I had to do for Amber.

So you say.

If you would just listen to me.

Cody's appendix...

Quite frankly, I've done
more than enough listening.

The medical board might
have cleared you,

but that doesn't make you a good doctor.

I'm not going to let you
k*ll another patient.

Cody is going to die
because you're a coward!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Break it up. Break it up!

You saw what he did.

He assaulted me. Now arrest him.

What I saw was two doctors
having an honest disagreement.

There's no reason for charges.

That's how it is here.

You protect your own.

Are you accusing me of not doing my job?


Of course not.


I think it's time for
you to call it a night.

You too.


there you are.

Dinner's almost ready.

I think maybe I'm just going
to go straight to bed.


Whatever's wrong...

tell me.

Let me help.

It's nothing.


I just don't want to bother
you with it, that's all.

Isn't that what marriage is for?

To bother each other
'til death do us part?


I've been thinking about Cody a lot.

We all have.


Do you remember when I told
you that I lost my brother?

Yes. When you were a boy.


Cody reminds me a lot
of Patrick sometimes.

He was a good kid.

He always did what he was told...

most of the time.


when Patrick got sick...

the doctors didn't know what it was.

Said we just had to wait and see.

His last night,

he asked me if I'd read to him.

He loved that.

Tom Sawyer.

It was his favorite book.

We just had one chapter to go.

But I was tired that night.

And I asked if I could read
to him in the morning.

But I never got that chance.

Because he didn't make
it through the night.


I'm so sorry.

Why didn't you ever tell me?

Guess I just felt like

I'm supposed to have the
answers, not the problems.

Maybe it's all right for us
to find the answers together.

What if there are no answers?

Maybe that's all right, too.

I'm guessing you couldn't sleep?

How's he doing?

I'm worried he's getting worse.


Keeps going up.

His pulse is thready.

That appendix is going
to rupture any minute.

I'll get Dr. Strohm.

I saw him at the saloon.

He's in no shape to do the surgery.

Then you have to.

Go get Abigail.

[Carson]: If I don't operate now,

Cody's appendix will rupture,

and if it that happens,

the bacteria from the infection

will move into the
bloodstream, causing sepsis.

It spreads the infection everywhere.

[Carson]: And once that happens,
there's nothing we can do to help him.

But Dr. Strohm thinks an
operation is dangerous.

And he's right.

Especially here. We don't have
all the modern surgical tools,

there are issues with
sanitation, blood loss,

a hundred other things.

And if there was time to
move Cody to a hospital,

I would tell you to do that.

But there isn't.

If I don't operate,

Cody is going to die.

Are you absolutely sure about this?

A hundred percent.

You need to trust me with this, Abigail.


Do what you have to do.

I'll need a scalpel, clamps, ligature.

Sterilize the instruments.

Carbolic acid if you have it,

boiling water if you don't.

I want to avoid risking
any contamination.

I'll have everything for
you in a few minutes.

I'll need you to leave.


Don't let my boy die.

It's so hard to sit here and do nothing.

What you really need is sleep, Abigail.

Oh, I couldn't sleep.

Not until I know Cody's okay.

I already lost one son, Elizabeth.

I don't know what I
would do if I lost Cody.

That little boy is in my heart.

He's part of who I am.

He's part of all of us.

[door opens]

[Lee]: Any news?

Not yet.

How long has it been?

[Elizabeth]: A little more than an hour.

Is there anything we can do?

Why don't I make us some tea?

[Rosemary]: I'll help.

You made the right decision.

Oh, Lee, I hope you're right.

I know I am.

He's going to be okay.

Things certainly have
changed here in Hope Valley.

When I first arrived,

you were afraid of your own shadow,

but now, look at you.

You're taking care of Abigail,

you've given me great advice...

you've changed the lives
of all the children here.

You've come so far.

I hardly recognize you.

That's really nice of you to say...

but to be honest,

some days, I feel so empty,

I'm not sure I'll be able to keep going.

You miss Jack.

More than you know.

He's fighting the good fight up there.

And you are fighting the
good fight right here.

He would be so proud of you.


Time to go, Henry.


Just got a wire from the magistrate.

Your arraignment's been scheduled.

I know that you're eager
to be rid of me, but...

I have a favor to ask.

You want to ask me a favor?

It's not a big one.

I just wondered

if you'd let me stay

until I found out what
happened with Cody.

Just a day.

We'll still get there in time.

You're stalling.

You can call it what you will.

Why do you care so much about Abigail?

Why do you?

Weather's supposed to be
better tomorrow anyway.

I'll let you know if
there's news about the boy.

[Clara]: It's been more than five hours.

[Elizabeth]: I'm sure
we'll hear something soon.

[Rosemary]: Is it supposed
to take this long?



We removed the appendix just in time.

[Abigail]: Oh, thank goodness.

Cody's still unconscious.

He's going to be all right,
though, isn't he?

Isn't he?

Abigail, he lost a lot of blood.

Oh, no...

He's still running a fever
and his pulse is weak.

We did the best we could.

Of course you did.

I was just at the infirmary.

Mr. Shepherd, you'd better have a very
good explanation for your actions.

I gave him permission to do the surgery.

That was a mistake.

From what I understand,
you were indisposed at the time.

The medical board is
going to hear about this.

And they're going to hear how you
misdiagnosed a case of appendicitis.

You may have k*lled that
boy with your recklessness.

All I know is he didn't die
from a ruptured appendix.

He should have been transferred
to a proper hospital

with a proper operating theater.

Dr. Strohm,

I made the decision, and I stand by it.


Then I'll be leaving.

He's your patient now, sir,

but if he dies,

it will be on your conscience.

I am so sorry you had to hear that.

Can I see Cody now?

Of course.

I'll walk you over, Abigail.

You look like you need a break.

I heard you had a rough night.

Something like that.

I'm guessing you could use some sleep.

Maybe later.

There's nothing more
you can do right now.

That's the thing.
What if I didn't do enough?

Well, you don't get to decide
who lives and dies, my friend.

That's up to a higher power.

The sooner you figure that out,

the better off you're gonna be.

Guess my life didn't quite turn out

the way I hoped it would.

You can change it.

What if it's too late?

Until they put us in the ground,

it's never really too late, is it?

One thing I've learned, Doc,

running away is never the answer.

I'll be right there to help you.

It looks like you're working
on a school project.

The children are making cards for Cody.


I'd like to send a wire

to the medical board in
Cape Fullerton, please.


There you are.

I really wish you wouldn't do that.

Have we met?

I'm Elizabeth Thatcher.

I'm a friend of Mayor Stanton...

and Carson Shepherd.

Carson Shepherd is dangerous man.

He performed an operation

and he hasn't practiced
medicine in two years.

He did what he had to do
to to save a child's life.

You don't know if he
saved anyone at all.

Well, what I do know

is Cody wouldn't still be here
if it weren't for Carson.

My sister's not here.

And it's his fault.

Sometimes, God has other
plans, Miss Bennett,

and they're not the ones we want,

but we have to accept them

and move on.

You're going to feel very differently

if that little boy

doesn't make it through the night.

Well, I'm praying that he does.


Stop being so angry and forgive Carson.

He's hurting even worse than you are.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy.

Cody, you just have to get better.

I know you're a fighter.

You've already been through so much,

and you've never given up.

There's so much more
life for you to live,

so much more for you to do.

If there was a time for you
to fight, Cody, it's now.


please don't give up.

I have to say, I'm surprised to see
you back here, clearing tables.

Just covering for my business partner.

- Is she at the infirmary?
- Yeah.

She said she's not leaving
until Cody wakes up.



Will you be joining us

for the prayer service at the church?

Wouldn't miss it.

I'll be there right after I
clean these dishes and lock up.

Better yet...

Why don't we help you?

Good idea.



[Frank]: Give him health,
give him strength,

and let him heal.

We ask this in the name of our Lord,

who taught us to pray,

saying, Our Father...

[congregation]: who art in heaven,

hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day,

our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil,

for Thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,

forever and ever. Amen.

How is he?

Heart rate is normal.

Fever's broken.

[Carson]: Cody?

Can you hear me?



Cody, wake up.

Cody, sweetheart...

Please, Cody.

Please wake up.


Where am I?

You're in the infirmary, sweetheart.

I remember I had a stomach ache.

Yes. Yes, you did,

but everything's going to be okay now.

You're going to be just fine.

I don't know how to thank you.

We'll leave you two alone.


You need some rest.

I'll stay here.

- You sure?
- Go.

Why are you crying?

Because I'm so happy.

That's a funny reason.

You'll understand when you're older.



He's going to be all right.


Can I see him?

I was just going to drop off some cards.

I'm going to go tell Becky.
You go see him.

[Marlise]: Carson?

Did the boy make it?

He did.

So you saved his life.

I did what I was supposed to do.

And you did what you were
supposed to do for Amber.

It wasn't enough.

I was so angry,

I was so upset at losing her,

that I wanted to blame someone,

and it was easier to blame you.

But it wasn't fair.

And it wasn't right.

Do you really believe that?

I do.

The only reason I ever
wanted to be a doctor

was to help people.

Well, something tells me

you have a lot more lives to save.

And I'm not going to be the
one who stands in your way.


Even Dasher sent me a card.

Everyone misses you.

[door opens]

- Can I come in?
- Of course.

I'll be back to check on you later.

Cody, I was so worried about you.

You really scared me, you know.

Sorry about that.

No, I'm the one who's sorry.

For what?

For not spending enough time with you.

But I promise, as soon as you're better,

we're going to do everything
together just like we used to.

I'm always going to be
your big sister, Cody.

Even when I'm being a brat?

That's what little
brothers are for, right?

So what can I do to help
with Cody's birthday party?

Well, I've got the cake.
How about decorations?

Say no more.

Now, there's a sight I
never thought I'd see.

I'll catch up with you in a minute.

I thought you were leaving yesterday.

I heard there was bad
weather near Cape Fullerton.

I didn't want to take the chance.

Actually, Bill was kind enough

to let me stay an extra
day until there was news.


About your boy.

I'm glad he pulled through.

Thank you for that, Henry.

Time to get going.

Well, I guess this is goodbye.

I'll be back sooner than you think.

I wouldn't be too sure of that.

Take care of yourself, Henry.

You too.

Up you go.

Let me make that for you.

Oh, I'm fine.

And you shouldn't be working
in a kitchen anymore.

Faith can keep an eye on Cody now.

He's out of the woods.

Carson Shepherd,

you were meant to be
a doctor, not a cook.

I'm not so sure about that.

I am.

Don't you see?

God sent you to Hope
Valley for a reason...

To save a child's life.

The truth is,

Cody saved me.

All of you did.

Then it was meant to be.

[Elizabeth]: Hope Valley

is a place where miracles happen,

where help comes when
it's least expected.

It's been a few weeks
since Cody's operation,

and he has recovered completely.

But sometimes,

it takes the threat of
losing someone we love

to realize how important it is

to make the most of the
time we have together.

Come home soon, my darling Jack.

Nothing is more precious to me than you.

With all my heart,
your dearest Elizabeth.

[Opal]: Happy Birthday, Cody.

Open mine next.

[children]: Oh!


I owe you an apology.

For what?

I was wrong about you.

I'm glad I was.

Apology accepted.

Have you decided to
open a practice here?

I've been thinking about it.

I already spoke with the town council

and offered to pay half your salary.

That's a generous offer.

[children gasping]

[Cody]: A genuine Snyder baseball bat!

Thank you, Mr. Shepherd.

He's not a mister. He's a doctor.


You're welcome.

[Rosemary]: That one's from us.
Well... Lee.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

- Thank you, Mr. Coulter.
- You're very welcome, Cody.

[Cody]: Who's Patrick Coulter?

He's someone very special.

You remind me a little bit of him.

This is the best birthday ever.


it's not over yet.

What's this?

It's a special present.

For Becky, too.

Something I've wanted to
give you for a long time.

It came in the mail last week.

What is it?

[Abigail]: It's the
official adoption decree.

[Cody]: What does that mean?

[Elizabeth]: It means

that Miss Abigail...

is your mother.

Is that true?


From now on, you can call me "Mom."

I'm going to try out my new bat.

I'm coming with you.

Okay, but you take it easy, young man.

And be back before dinner.

I will, Mom.

I will never get tired
of hearing that word.

I'm so happy for you.

For all three of you.

Thank you.