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03x14 - Poa the Destroyer

Posted: 12/19/21 06:38
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

"Little old ginterbong."


Sure is nice to relax now that
we're here at the tree of life.

Gotta admit.
You're right, Beshte.

Ooh, yeah!

Nothin' better than relaxin'
and munchin' on bugs.

Ugh. Yeah. Nothing better.

I'm glad you guys get to relax.

Uh, Kion? You okay?

He's fine. The mud is helping
to treat the venom in his scar.

- Can I...
- Yes, you can wash it off now.

Ah. That's better.

So how's the healing going?

Kion is making progress.

But we still have
a long way to go.

Right. Long way to go.

Speaking of healing,

Ono, it is time for
your healing to begin.

Oh. Yes, yes, yes!

Your remedy is ready.

Queen janna and
makini are waiting for you.

Shall we go to the tree of life?

You... you mean right now?

Of course. Let's go!

Good luck, Ono!

Yeah, good... ooh, water bugs!

They're better than regular
bugs 'cause they're a lot crunchier.

Ugh! Bunga! Could you be
any noisier when you eat?

I can try. Like this?

I think Bunga's chewing is
kinda quiet for a honey badger.

You know other honey badgers?

Sure. My friend binga.

She lives just over
there in the marshes.

Ooh, I've never met
another honey badger.

I gotta meet her!

Okay. Let's go.

Zuka zama!

Huh. Another honey badger.

Sounds nice.

Sounds stinky.

Yep. That'd be binga.

Wow. She does chew loud.

Whoa! You're a honey badger.

You're a honey badger!

We're honey badgers!

Bunga, meet binga. Binga, Bunga.

Bunga! Binga! Bunga! Binga!

Bug-eating contest, Bunga?

You're on, binga.

Ready? Set... go!

- Whoa!
- Whoa.


What? No way! I want a rematch!

We can't have a
bug-eating rematch.

We ate all the bugs.

Oh. Yeah. Maybe
something else then.

You're on! Like what?

Uh... I don't know.

But I'll be back as soon
as I think of something.

Okay, Bunga. See you then.

If your so-called plan had worked,
we'd be at the tree of life right now.

As if your plan was any better.

Besides, it is makucha's
fault we are here.

My fault? You should thank
me for getting us this far.

Shush! All of ya!

Mama's got a plan.

And my plan will actually work.

What makes you so
sure, mama binturong?

Because I am much
smarter than you three.

All I have to do is
trick the night pride

into letting me
into the tree of life.

Once I'm in, I can find
out their weaknesses.

Won't the Lion
Guard recognize you?

The Lion Guard has never
seen me. Except for Bunga.

And if he sees me,
he'll wish he never had.

That miserable honey badger

destroyed my tuliza.

What's tuliza?

Never mind! Now listen up.

Here's the plan.


Somebody help me, please!

Get her! Please help me!

Better warn the night pride.

Help! Oh, help!

Now we gotcha!

No! No, please get away from me.

I'm just a little,
weak old lady!

My favorite.

Ora. It's not for
real, remember?

Oh, right.

Stop right there!

Leave that animal alone.

Why should we?

Because I said so.

Sounds like
fighting words to me.

If that's what you want.

With strength and respect...

Night pride protect!

Okay, fine.

You win this time, night pride.

And the next. Count on it.

Come on, guys.
Let's get out of here.

Oh, thank you so much for saving
me from those mean animals.

No problem.

You see, with my
injured leg and all,

I could barely outrun them.

You're safe now, and
that's all that matters.

Now let's get you
to the tree of life.


Oh, I'm so excited.
Come on, everyone!

- I can't wait.
- Yeah. It's what we came here for.

I just can't believe it.

Me neither, little b. Finally.

Ono's gonna get
his eyesight back.

No, I mean I just can't believe
that binga b*at me at bug eating.

You lost. Get over it.

But I gotta come up with
another honey badger challenge.

Maybe you stink
more than she does.

Yes! That's it! Stink contest.

Thanks, Anga!

Tell Ono I'll see him later.

When he sees me!

He's going now?

Hello, Lion Guard.

Lion Guard?

It's okay. They're our friends.

No Bunga. Phew.

Rani. You here for
Ono's healing, too?

Actually, no.

We have a new animal to
introduce to queen janna.

Come on, everyone.

Welcome, traveler. I am
janna, queen of the tree of life.

What brings you here?

We rescued her from the
villains lurking outside the pass.

Why would they pick on a
weak, old lady with a bad leg?

You no longer need
to worry about them.

You are safe
at the tree of life.

We welcome all animals
who need healing.

Perhaps we can
even help your leg.

I believe you may
be our very first... uh...

Sorry, but what kind
of animal are you?

Oh. Oh, yes. I'm
a... a ginterbong.

I've never heard
of a ginterbong.

We're very, very rare.

You can call me
granny ginterbong.

Yes. And the tree of life is
home to many rare animals.

So I've heard!

Queen janna,

perhaps you can take me
on a tour of your beautiful land.


I no longer have the
strength to leave the tree.

But I'm sure my granddaughter rani
would be happy to show you around.

Once she and the night pride
have rested from their patrol.

So the night pride
rests during the day?

That makes perfect sense.

I won't trouble you for
a tour right now, deary.

Maybe just show me to a
tree where I can rest, too?

Of course. Follow
me, granny ginterbong.

Thank you again, queen janna.

It is my pleasure.

Oh? What's that smell?


That would be a honey badger.


Now, about your tree?

Oh, don't you mind me, dear.

I see there are
lots of trees here.

You go rest like your
grandmother said.

Uh, okay. Thank you.

Oh. Oh, no. Thank you.

That disgusting smell is
going to lead me right to Bunga.

Okay! My turn.

Is that all you got?

- What?
- Now. Try this.

Okay. Okay, binga.

Okay, you win.

I never thought I'd say this,
but you're stinkier than me.

It's true. I'm stinkier,
and I eat bugs faster.

Guess that means I'm
the better honey badger.

Not so fast!

I challenge you to the
ultimate honey badger contest.

You're on!

Who is better than who

you'll see it's
me and not you

only one way to
know if that's true

show me what you can do

so try and keep up with me

I can do that you'll see

time to finally
prove who's best

but just who will that be?

Whoa-ho, look at you go

you b*at me there
let's try one more dare

whoa-oh, look at you go

what else can you do?

So we can see who

who is better than who

who is better than who

I got you on the run

except I think that it's fun

all that matters right
now is winning and

so maybe you've won

there's still
more we can try

our only limit's the sky

no one else can
keep up with this guy

maybe we'll have a tie

whoa-ho, look at you go

- ♪ you b*at me there
- ♪ let's try one more dare

whoa-oh, look at you go

what else can you do?

So we can see who

who is better than who

who is better than who

you're fast and so acrobatic

you're so fun and carefree

doesn't matter
which way you go

you're standing
right next to me

whoa-oh, look at you go

- ♪ you b*at me there
- ♪ I've run out of dares

whoa-ho, we just don't know

who's better than who

I think maybe it's you

no, maybe it's you

who is better than who

who is better than who

nobody's better than you

Now, Ono. It is time.

Makini, bring Ono here.

Watch, nirmala.

Soon this will be your role.

Ono, your eyesight
will be better now.

But it may never be as
strong as it once was.

Uh, okay.

Makini, please remove
the leaves from his eyes.

Oh, yes. Yes!

I can see so much better now!

Everyone. Everyone!
I can see all of you.

Thank you so much, queen janna.

Of course, Ono.

Now I... wait a tick...
I don't see Bunga.

Bunga's with his new friend.

Wanna go tell him the good news?

Yes! Now that I can see again,

I can find him. Let's go!

I can see!

Kion? Are you ready to
continue your healing?


Everyone? I gotta go.
Ono, I'll see you later.

And I'll see you, too!

Okay, now to find Bunga.

That's strange.

Ono? You okay?

Yes. But queen janna was right.

My eyesight isn't
what it used to be.

Maybe you just need
to give it some time.

Maybe. Anga?

See if you can find Bunga?


Got him. He's
with his new friend.

Bunga is around here somewhere.

I can smell it.

There he is!

Hey there, granny ginterbong.

Oh. Hello there.

Hello. I'm Ono.

Nice to actually see you.

I've never seen a
ginterbong before.

Well, we are very rare.

And where is the
Lion Guard off to?

We're just meetin' up
with our friend Bunga.

You wanna meet
him? Oh, I'd like to, yes.

But I'm too tired right now.

I need to rest.

Bye-bye, now.

Nice meeting you. Bye.

Hmm. That's strange.

Granny ginterbong's not limping.

Hey, guys! Where's Ono?

Bunga! Great news! My...

Oh, Ono! I want to introduce
you to my new friend, binga.

She's a honey
badger. Just like me!

Yes. I can see that.

You can see?

I must have healed you
when I touched your wing!

Bet you can't do
that, binga! Oh, yeah!

Bunga, queen janna
healed me. At the tree of life.

Oh, yeah.

So, Bunga...

Oh, right.

Everybody, meet binga.

So you're the honey badger that's
better than Bunga at everything.

That's me, all right.

Hey. We haven't
tried everything.


Where's Kion? I want
him to meet binga too.

He's with nirmala.

Just like every day
since we've been here.

Nirmala's helping our
friend Kion get better.

He hasn't been
feelin' too good lately.

Hmm. So Kion is sick,

the night pride
rests during the day,

and the queen is lying
helpless under the tree of life.

Mama's got a plan.


Excuse me, kind young fellow.


You wouldn't happen
to have some tuliza left

for a hungry old lady?

I don't have much left.
But you can have a little.

I don't think you understand.

So, Bunga. Snowball fight?

Oh, yeah!

Gotta go. Another
honey badger contest.

Have fun looking around
the tree of life, Ono.

I want it all!

What's that? Hmm.

Hey, Ono. Come on!

There's still lots more to see.

Uh, right. Of course.

What took you so long?

I got distracted
looking for Bunga.

But now I have a plan.

The queen of the tree
of life is old and weak.

She can't even leave her lair.

We take her out, and
everyone will panic.

Then all those rare,
delicious animals will be ours.

So what are we waiting for?

You're gonna wait for my plan.

Now, listen.

The night pride
only patrols at night.

So at sunrise,
when they're all tired,

I'll distract them with a
crisis far away from the tree.

Then you three can go to the
tree of life and get rid of the queen.

What about the Lion Guard?

They're shorthanded.

Kion and Bunga
aren't even with them.

They'll be easy to take care of.

Just leave that Bunga to me!

Oh, no! Help!

That sounds like
granny ginterbong.

Ullu, can you tell where she is?

Help me! Help me!

Sounds like it's
coming from ciso river.

That's way on the other
side of the tree of life.

How did the bad
guys get past us?

I don't know. But we
need to stop them.

Ullu. Find the Lion Guard.

Ask them to meet
us at the river.

That's what I'll do!

With strength and respect...

Night pride protect!


The night pride
fell for it. Let's go!

Kion. Lion Guard. Wake up!

Rani needs your help.


Ullu? What's going on?

It's granny ginterbong. She's
being att*cked near the icy river.

Oh, no!

Anga? On it.

Help! Chuluun is attacking me!

She's hanging from a branch.
But I don't see any bad guys.

If there's snow, Chuluun
could be hiding in it.

Right. Let's go.

Follow me!

Wait a tick. How does granny
ginterbong know Chuluun's name?

Nawaza, nawaza,
nawaza... hapana!

Everyone. Everyone!
Stop! This is a trick!

Ono? What do you mean?

Granny ginterbong
isn't who she says she is.


I've never heard
of a ginterbong.

I've seen her climbing
and walking without a limp.

She scared off a pika
and stole his tuliza.

Chuluun is attacking me!

And she knows Chuluun's name!

I think she must be
working with Chuluun.

And makucha and or a.

Ono's right!

They're headed
for the tree of life.

Smart. Great insight, Ono.

Ullu! Go tell rani.

Granny ginterbong
is just a decoy.

Will do!

Lion Guard, with me!

I have never met a queen.

Then you better say hello fast.

And then say goodbye.

Stop right there, makucha!

You really thought
you could fool us?

Not us. It was
the old lady's idea.

Well, here's my idea.

Get out!

Twende kiboko!

Forget it. The plan's ruined.

Let's get outta here.

- Wait for us.
- Yeah!

What's taking them so long?

Old lady in trouble here.


So, we meet again, Mr. Bunga.

Mama binturong?

You destroyed my tuliza.

But now I'm gonna get
you and your little friend, too.

Zuka zama!

Bunga! You're Bing-credible!

I thought I was

Night pride! Over here!

Night pride! Oh!

Those honey badgers!
They att*cked me!

Say what? She att*cked us!

Curious. She's
no longer limping.

Rani. Night pride.

That ginterbong isn't
who she says she is!

She's not a ginterbong.
She's a binturong!

Common knowledge, really.

Night pride, we need to make
sure she leaves the tree of life.

We've got something I
know will get rid of her!

Come on, binga!

Curious. I wonder what that is.

I think I know.

No! Not again!

Ono? Ullu says you're the one who
figured out mama binturong's plan.

Yes. My vision may not be
what it was, but I still want to help.

You definitely
helped. Thank you.

Rani's right, Ono.

Even if you're not the keenest of
sight, you are the keenest of insight.

And you'll always be
part of the Lion Guard,

no matter what.