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03x16 - The Lake of Reflection

Posted: 12/19/21 06:42
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

"Long live the queen."

Now we've got you.

And your cubs.

Go. Run through
the mountain pass.

You'll be safe
on the other side.

But what about you, mom?

I'll be right behind you.

Now, go.

Get those little tigers before
they reach the tree of life.

Yes, mama.


Going somewhere?


I gotcha now.

Leave those cubs alone, Chuluun.

I was just about to do that.

Night pride.

Lion Guard. Together.

Kion, have Bunga and
Beshte help the cubs.

Right. Guys?

Got it. Zuka zama!

Aw, look how cute
their stripes are.

And how sharp their teeth are.

Don't worry, little guys.

We're here to help
you get to the tree of life.

But what about our mom?

We're gonna help her too.

Come on. You'll be safe with us.



Nirmala, check on the tiger.

Surak, Baliyo, with me.

Ha! You missed.

I won't.

Huh. Get off.

Lada'i! ugh!

I'm going. I'm going.



There's too many of them.

It's not worth it.

Wait for me.


You win this time,

but the next animal seeking refuge
at the tree of life won't be so lucky.

Arama karo.

Relax. You're safe now.

Are you okay?

Have you seen my cubs?

Did somebody say "cubs"?

We got cubs.


Oh, you're safe.

Thank you for your help.

My name is varya.

I've heard the tree of life could
be a safe place to raise my cubs.

Is that true?

That's up to the queen.

Then I need to see her.

Of course, varya.

We'll take you to see her.

- Rani.
- Rani.

Queen janna needs
you and the night pride.

- Oh?
- Go ahead, rani.

Me and the Lion Guard will
stay with varya and her cubs.

That won't do. The
queen asked for Kion too.

- Me?
- Go on.

We can handle this, Kion.

Yeah. We got
everything under control.


Don't worry. I've got
everything under control.

Thanks, Fuli.

Thank you. Let's go.


You okay, little b?


You kidding? These
cubs are great.



What's going on?

Why are they all here?

It's grandmother janna.

Something's wrong?

It seems her time has come.


Rani, Baliyo...

No. I don't want to go in.


Queen janna has
asked to see you.

You must go to her.

We'll be with you
the whole time.


Surak and nirmala are right.

We need to go in.

You can do this.

I'll be right by your side.

Night pride, together?

Yeah, little brother.

Night pride, together.

Some water, queen janna?

Thank you, makini.





Is that you?

Yes, grandmother. It's me.

The whole night pride is here.

Hi, grandmother.

Hello, queen janna.


How is she?

And is Kion with you as well?

Yes, queen janna. I'm here.

I am glad to have seen the
roar return to the tree of life.

Me too.

I would have liked to see
your healing completed.

But at least I know you're here.

I hope you find peace.

And perhaps...

Choose to stay.

Thank you, your majesty.

For everything.


I'm here.

Stay strong, sweet Baliyo.

Your sister will
need your strength.

Yes, grandmother.


We are so fortunate you
joined us all those years ago.

Thank you, your majesty.

The healing powers of the
tree of life belong to you now.

Continue helping
all who are hurting.

Of course. I promise.

And surak, my son.


Rani will lean on
you for wisdom.

Give it.

But let her find her
own way as well.

I will.

It is time, rani.

I'm not ready.

You are.

But I still have
so much to learn.

Rani. You have everything
you need to be queen.

And you won't be alone.

The night pride will
stand beside you.

And makini, your royal
mjuzi, will help guide you.

I'll do my best.

I know you will.

Goodbye, grandmother.

I'm so sorry, rani.

Thank you, Kion.

Someone has to tell them.

I'll do it.

Huh? It's okay, rani.

This is the duty
of your royal mjuzi.

My duty.

Thank you, makini.


Animals of the tree of life.

Queen janna has completed
her journey in the circle of life.


I can't believe it.

It's okay. Shh.

As is tradition,

we will gather at the willows
to say goodbye to queen janna.

The coronation ceremony,

to make rani the new
queen of the tree of life,

will happen at sunset.

Are you okay?

I will be.

I'll miss having her here.

I guess I thought
I'd have more time.

To learn from her.

My grandmother was so wise.

She always knew
the right thing to do.

The right animals to
welcome to the tree of life.

In fact, if she hadn't insisted,

I never would have let you in.

What if I can't be a good queen?

When I first got the roar,

I didn't think I could be
leader of the Lion Guard.



But then I found the
strength I needed inside me.

You will too.

My grandfather Mufasa
helped me learn that.

Do you still talk to
your grandfather?

Not since I got this.

It makes me look like scar.

The evil lion who
betrayed and...

Yes. My grandmother told me
the story of what scar did to Mufasa.

Then you understand why
I can't face my grandfather.

Not until my scar is healed.

We all have our scars, Kion.

Sisi ni sawa.

It's something my
grandmother says.

- It means...
- We're the same.


She reminded me of
that when I wasn't sure

if we should welcome
you to the tree of life.

I'm glad she did.

I'm glad she did too.

She always said exactly
what I needed to hear.

And talking to her always
made me feel better.

You know, you might feel better
if you talked to your grandfather.

Yeah. I might.

Thanks, rani.

Queen janna isn't the only
one to know just what to say.

You're a lot like her.


Well, I... I hope to be.

I'm really going to miss her.

We all will.

But queen janna will
always be a part of us.

And we can hOnor her by
sharing our memories of her.

I wouldn't have my sight
back without queen janna.

She was a great leader.

And she made us feel welcome
when we first got to the tree of life.


She was loved by everyone.

She was, wasn't she?

Yes. She was.

Nirmala? What do we do now?

Now we prepare.

For the new queen's coronation.

Cubs. Cubs.

Where are you?

Hmm. Big b.

I'll catch up with
you guys later.

Okay. See ya.

Varya? You okay?

Bunga. My cubs.

I looked away for one
moment and they ran off.

I'll help you find them.

Thank you.

Hakuna matata!

You know, in the pride lands,
they call me babysitter bung...

Found them.

Oh! There you are.

Anything else I
can help ya with?

Actually, yes.

I still need to find out if my
cubs and I can stay here.

Can you take me to the queen?

The queen?

I'll take you to rani.

She'll know what to do.

Race ya!

Don't worry. I'll
help catch 'em.

It won't be the same without
you, grandmother janna.

Who's there?

Rani. Hi.


Oh! I'm so glad you're here.

I have something to show you.


Come on. Right over here!


What is all this?

They're the stories of
the tree of life's past.

And these are
queen janna's stories.


Yep! I've been working on them
since the moment we got here.

See? This one is from
the day we arrived.

It was a lot of
work. But worth it.

Queen janna wanted you
to have all of her wisdom.

Whenever you needed it.

And here it is.

Thank you, makini.

It was my hOnor.

I guess queen janna was right.

I really do have everything
I need to be queen.

What's that? I dunno.

Come on!

Hello again.


Hey, cubs! Wait up.

Hey, rani. Makini.

Sorry the cubs got ahead of me.

It's okay, Bunga.

Bunga! Cubs! There you are.

Hello, varya.

Oh! I'm sorry if my
cubs barged in on you.

They're just excited to
know if we can stay here.

I know it's been
a hard day for you.

But you said earlier it
was up to the queen.

And now you're the queen.

Uh... yes.

Of course. You are welcome
to stay at the tree of life.

Thank you.

So, what do we do next?


Well, as queen,

the first thing I need to do

for newcomers is...

Uh... Hmm.



I might not be sure what to
do, but I know how to find out.

Grandfather Mufasa?

I'm here, Kion.

It has been a long time.

I was worried you
had forgotten about me.

No, grandfather.

I didn't forget about you.

It's just... I was
afraid to face you.

I've got this scar now.

And I was worried
that I might turn evil,

like scar.

Especially since I
kept losing my temper

and losing control of the roar
on our way to the tree of life.

Kion, you could have
talked to me anytime.

I told you I would
always be here for you.

No matter what.

That hasn't changed.

And it never will.

Thank you, grandfather.

That makes me feel... better.

I'm sorry I stayed away.

I promise I won't be
afraid to talk to you again.


I missed you.

I missed you too.

You cubs sure are heavy.


This forest should be a perfect
home for you and your cubs.

Thank you.

This does look perfect.

Who are you?

Hello. I'm varya.

We're your new neighbors.

I don't think so.

A word?

Are you sure that tiger family
living here is a good idea?

Don't worry.

They know the rules.

They've promised to
respect the circle of life.

Are you sure you know the rules?

Well, I'm still learning, but I'm
willing to give them a chance.

Varya came here

seeking safety for her cubs.

I don't think she'd risk

being kicked out by
disrespecting the circle of life.


If you say the tigers are
welcome here, then so do we.

Everyone, the
tigers are welcome,

by decree of queen rani.

Over here, varya.

There's a nice clearing
your cubs might like.

Oh, wonderful.

Thank you. And thank you.

My cubs and I are so
grateful to be home.

You're welcome.

Come along, cubs.

Hear that? Time to say goodbye.

Bye, Bunga.

Cubs are a lotta work.

Thanks for helping
with them today, Bunga.

Hakuna matata!

Happy to help, your majesty.

I don't think I'll ever
get used to hearing that.

Well, you better.

After the coronation, that's
what everyone will be calling ya.

My coronation!

It's at sunset.

Wait for me, your majesty!

Welcome to the coronation
of the queen of the tree of life!

Long live the queen

we lift our voices
up in praise

with wisdom, Patience
strength and guile

watch over us all our days

our hearts and voices sing

all praise and glory bring

goodwill and
joy in everything

long live, long live
long live the queen

long live, long live
long live the queen

long live the queen

to rule the tree of life

protect our land
and keep it free

from sorrow and from strife

our hearts and voices sing

hearts and voices sing

all praise and glory bring

praise and glory bring

goodwill and joy

in everything

long live, long live
long live the queen

long live the queen

long live, long live
long live the queen

long live the queen

long live, long live
long live the queen

long live the queen

long live, long live
long live the queen

It is time.

Queen janna would be proud.

Animals of the tree of life,

it is my hOnor
to present to you,

queen rani!

That's my sister.

Zuka zama!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen.

Grandmother janna?

You were right.

I'm ready.