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03x17 - Triumph of the Roar

Posted: 12/19/21 06:43
by bunniefuu
"The lake of reflection."

That's far enough.

Oh, I don't think so.

We wanna get
to the tree of life,

and I don't think
you can stop us.

Look at them. They're exhausted.

So tired.

Don't let them see it.

Too late, we saw.

Nirmala, Chuluun in the trees.

The sleepy lion is mine.

How about a lion
that's not so sleepy?

And his not-so-sleepy friends.

Thought you could
use some help, ra...

Uh, your majesty.

Thanks. It's been a long night.

Kion, use the roar.
Blast those baddies.

No. I can't.

- Sarak, Baliyo, take or a.
- Beshte, don't let or a pass.

Twende kiboko!

Kion, I spotted Chuluun.
She's in the trees.

Fuli, go get Chuluun.

In the trees? Uh, I'll try.

- Huwezi!
- No, wait!

Nirmala's got Chuluun.

Kion, I'm in charge here.

Ah, right. Of course.
How can we help?

You and the Lion
Guard handle or a.

The night pride will
take the leopards.

Got it. Lion Guard, let's go.

Ah, too many.

Anga, Ono, the binturong.



Ha! Missed me.

That's what you think.

Wait for me!

And stay out!

Sorry, rani.

We came to help. But I
kind of made things worse.

Your team did help, Kion, but

from now on, follow my lead.

What? But Kion's
great at taking the lead.

I know Kion has potential
to be a great leader, but...


- Kion's already a great leader.
- Am I?

I became leader
of the Lion Guard

when I got the roar.

But now, I can't
control the roar.

I've been messing things
up like I did just now.

Maybe I shouldn't be leading.

Kion, seriously?

Kion can't control the roar.

And he doesn't wanna lead.

At least until my
scar is healed.

Looks like your team
could use some rest.

Mama binturong and
the others never give up.

They'll be back.

The Lion Guard could patrol
during the day while you rest.

Then the night pride could go
back to patrolling only at night.

Oh, we could use the help.

Especially now that I'm queen

and leader of the night pride.

And the night pride's
leader needs help.

Mama's got a plan.

Okay, then the Lion Guard
will start patrolling right away.

Not you, Kion.

You're coming with me.

Then the rest of the Lion
Guard will start right away.

Okay, Lion Guard, head out.

Anga, take the lead.

I'll catch up.

Got it.

Rani, can we talk?

Of course, Fuli. What's wrong?

Kion doesn't seem
to be getting better.

Well, nirmala did say his
healing would take time.

But he's even worse
than when he got here.

He's totally lost
his confidence.

Are you sure nirmala
knows what she's doing?

My grandmother trusted nirmala

to become the healer
at the tree of life.

You should trust her too.

Okay, if you say so.

Is everything okay?

Fuli doesn't think
Kion's getting better.

And I think she might be right.

This is pratibimba,
the lake of reflection.

Look in the water.

What do you see?

Ugh! My scar.

I can't wait till it's
healed and gone.

Kion, what if your
scar never goes away?

But that's the whole
reason I'm here.

To heal my scar.

So I can be my old self again.

That scar doesn't make
you who you are, Kion.

What do you mean?

That scar is only skin deep.

There's much more inside you.

You just need to remember that.

Just like I need to
remember to sleep.

What? Aren't you gonna
stay here and help me?

I've done everything
I can do, Kion.

To complete your healing,

you need to look
inside yourself.

Look inside myself?

Yes. Reflect about
what you've done

and what you have yet to do.

Listen, we have the
perfect opportunity.

Rani's royal duties
are distracting her

from leading the night pride.

And Kion doesn't wanna
lead the Lion Guard

because he's afraid
to use the roar.

We should att*ck now.

Not yet. There's more.

The night pride defends
the tree of life at night

and the Lion Guard will
be on duty during the day.

So there's no
good time to att*ck?

Wrong. We strike
at the end of the shift

when they're tired

and before the new
patrol is on duty.

Sunset. That's
when we'll att*ck.

- Trouble.
- Is it mama binturong?

Back already?

This is my bamboo!

I was here first!

That doesn't sound like mama.

We still need to check it out.

You really think you're
going to push me out of here?


I think we're gonna
push you out of here.

Come on, fellas!

Oh, really, guys?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Everyone calm down.

I said, "calm down!"

- And who are you?
- I'm Fuli.

We are the Lion Guard.

But you're not lions.

Yeah. We get that a lot.

Oh, you're a giant panda.

And you guys are gentle lemurs.

Not so gentle when
bamboo's at stake.

Um, I'm sure we
can work this out.

My name is Beshte. Who are you?

I am heng heng, and this
is my favorite bamboo stand.

I'm kely, and it's our
favorite bamboo stand too.

Can't you just come back later?

Uh, no.

Pandas have very
specific requirements

for when we need to eat.

Morning, afternoon,

and the middle of the night.

Should we just
continue our patrol?

Let them fight it out?

I don't think rani
would like that.

So we'll take them to rani.

She's the queen.
She'll know what to do.

Right. I'll find her.

All right, everyone, let's go.

We're gonna go
see the queen. Now.


This is your therapy?

Well, yeah.

At least there aren't any
tree frogs jumping on me.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

It's okay. I've just
been reflecting,

thinking, and I
could use a break.

- What have you been thinking about?
- My scar.

Nirmala says it might
not ever be totally healed.

But if it never heals,

I might not be able
to use the roar again.

And without the roar,

I don't know if I can
lead the Lion Guard.

Do you really need the roar?

My grandmother said you
were supposed to come here.

That the roar was
destined to return.

Maybe she meant the
roar should stay here

even if you leave.

You're saying I should
give up the roar?

Leave it behind?

This way!

Just you wait,

she's gonna say it's my bamboo.

Oh, no, she won't.


Kely, heng heng,
what's going on?

Lemurs, get off of her.

Now, what's this about?

Queen rani, well, it's just that

kely and all his friends

were hogging the
best bamboo stand.

We were there first.

Is that true?

Well, yes, but...

And how long had you been there?

Well, since sunrise.

And when does heng
heng have to eat?

In the morning, the afternoon
and the middle of the night.

We've already heard this.

Kion had a great idea for
the night pride and Lion Guard.

Maybe it'll work for you.

Try taking shifts.


The lemurs get the
bamboo stand at sunrise,

then in the middle of the
day and again at sunset.

And, heng heng, it's all yours
in the morning, the afternoon

- and the middle of the night.
- The middle of the night.

That is a great idea.

- Come on, heng heng.
- My pleasure, kely.

Let's go, boys.

Hey, Kion, all healed yet?

I don't think so, Bunga.

Maybe the interruptions
are slowing things down.

I'm sorry, Kion. Fuli's
right. We should go.

Yeah, guess I'll get
back to reflecting.

Fuli, you should know.

I'm worried about
Kion's healing, too.

What do you mean?

We all want him to get better.

But maybe this is as
healed as he's going to get.

You mean like my eyesight?

It's better, but not
back to the way it was.

Exactly like that, Ono.

If that's true, then it's time for
us to go back to the pride lands.

Except I'm not
sure Kion believes

he can lead the Lion
Guard without the roar.

- Seriously?
- Of course, he can.

Kion's always been
leader of the Lion Guard.

- Not to mention our only lion.
- Yup.

Kion might not be
at his best right now,

but he is the best

with or without the roar.

Maybe you can talk to him then.

Sorry. I'm tired. I'll
go get some rest.

Sounds like Kion's doubting
himself more than ever.

Come on.

Done reflecting yet?

Bunga, guys.

I thought you were on patrol.

We are. And we're here
to deal with an emergency.

- You.
- Me?

Kion, your scar is
making you doubt yourself.

But we don't doubt you.

But without the roar, I...

You've always been
a great leader, Kion.

Even before you had the roar.

Wait, Anga, how do you know?

We met you after
Kion got the roar.

Yeah, but I remember seeing
you around the pride lands.

Anga remembers and
you need to remember too.

Remember what makes you you.

We've come this far together

the last step's up to you

we've known you forever

but you need to know you too


remember what makes you you

recall what is real and true

that's all you need to do

remember what makes you you

I remember a time when
we were all a lot younger.

Race you to the watering hole.

The first one
there's a rotten egg.

Zuka zama!

Look at me. I'm the rotten egg!

Sorry, little b,
I got here first.

Guess Beshte is the rotten egg.

That's okay.

I still smell like one.

Kion! Kion!


There's a hyena in the pride
lands and it's stealing an egg.

That's not right.

We gotta go tell your dad.

No time to tell my dad.

We gotta stop that
hyena ourselves.

Come on.


This egg is so,
oh, hard to roll.

Hey, stop!

Leave that egg alone.

Why are you smiling?

'Cause I know
something you don't know.

- What's that?
- That there's three of us.

Oh, yeah? Well,
there's four of us.

Which is more, three or four?

Give us that egg, hyena.

Hey, he's got a name, lion cub.

- It's Janja.
- Yeah, and I am Cheezi.

No, you're Chungu.

I'm Cheezi.


I don't care who you are.

You hyenas aren't
allowed to steal that egg.

Oh, yeah? Who's gonna stop us?

- We are.
- Yeah, right.

Come on, fur brains,
help me steal this egg.

Did he call us fur brains?

Yeah, I like it.

Uh, fur brains,

stop talking and hold those
guys off while I take the egg.

Okay, Janja. You got it.

How do we do that?

Beshte, get Cheezi.

Fuli, take Chungu.

Bunga, go for the egg.

Leave that Janja to me.

- Right. Huwezi!
- Got it.

- Uh-oh!
- Twende kiboko!

Zuka zama! Gotcha!

Hey, that's mine.

Not anymore,
eenie-meenie hyenie.

Get out of the pride lands.


Okay. We're going, we're going.

Look at 'em go. Bye-bye.

Huh! I bet we'll
never see them again.

Kion, look at the egg.

Oh, no. It's cracked.

Heyvi kabisa!

It's not just cracked,
it's hatching.



You see it's
always been there

those special qualities

believe what's inside you

and you'll do
the rest with ease


remember what makes you you

recall what is real and true

that's all you need to do

remember what makes you you

I remember that day.

- Me too.
- Oh, yeah.

I don't.

We sure showed those hyenas.

And you showed us
how to be a team, Kion.

The roar may have made you
the leader of the Lion Guard,

but it's not what
made you a leader.

You've always been one.

Maybe you're right.

Back then I didn't even know
about the Lion Guard or the roar.

Does that mean you're
ready to lead us on patrol?

Actually, it's almost time for
the night pride to take over.

Lion Guard! Lion Guard!

Makucha, or a and Chuluun are
headed back up the mountain pass.

Thanks, ullu. Alert
the night pride.

Lion Guard, follow me.

Kion, they've already
cleared the mountain pass.

Then we need to hurry. Come on.

Here comes the Lion Guard

and they look tired.

So we'll b*at them now,
before the night pride gets here.

That's gotta be
mama binturong's plan.

Attacking when we're tired.

And before the night
pride starts their patrol.

Ow! Kion, I'm down.

Try that on me. I dare ya.

Beshte, are you okay?

I'm hurt, but I'll be fine.

Kion, here comes
the night pride.

At least most of
the night pride.

Surak, Baliyo, att*ck or
a from both sides at once.

Anga, can you take
care of mama binturong?


Nirmala, with me and Fuli.

So, Kion can lead.

Anga lenga!

Let me go!

I mean, don't let me go.

It's over. Get out.

For now.

Not bad.

The venom is
already wearing off.

You'll be fine soon.

Thanks, nirmala.

Great job, everyone.

Looks like I missed
all the action.

But you handled
it fine without me.

I guess Fuli was right.

You are a great leader, Kion.

Yeah, but I had forgotten it.

Guess it took
a little reflection.

So, if you're back
to your old self,

does this mean you're
ready to use the roar again?

I'm not sure about the roar.

Guess I need to
reflect about that too.

But tomorrow. I'm tired.

Grandfather Mufasa?

I am here, Kion.


for the first time
since I got my scar,

I finally feel like
myself again.

Does that mean you are healed?

Maybe. I know now that
my scar doesn't make me me.

And maybe the
roar doesn't either.

Queen janna said the roar was
supposed to return to the tree of life.

Maybe she meant I
needed to give it back.

You were a great leader
and you didn't have the roar.

I think I can be a great
leader without it too.

I'm ready to give it back.

I understand.

But you cannot
return the roar to me.

I never led the Lion Guard.

The roar was never mine.

The roar came from there.

Cikha escarpment.

That is where you must go.

Uh, hello?

Greetings, Kion.

I am askari.

Askari. You were leader
of the first Lion Guard.

Yes, and I know you are
leader of the new Lion Guard.

I am.

And I always thought the roar was
what made me leader of the Lion Guard.

And now, what have you learned?

I've always been a leader.

Even before the roar.

It's who I am.

But I'm not sure if I can
control the roar anymore.

So, I've come to give it back.

I don't need it.


That means you are ready.

- Ready?
- Yes, Kion.

It is time.

Time for you to learn
everything the roar can do.