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02x08 - Speed

Posted: 12/19/21 07:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Wrecked"...

The pirates came here on a cruise ship?

Specifically, a Red Hot Chili
Peppers tribute cruise?

Full throttle.

- We're going home!

This thing whole thing
with Owen and Florence,

it's like, "Remember me,
your old best friend?"

you really think I was gonna let
you rot in the pit your whole life?

Come here.

What? I'm sorry. Who are you?

It's me... Corey.
Do you not know who I am?

- Who the hell is this guy?
- Corey!

I've literally been on the
island the entire time.

- Will you marry me, like, for reals?
- Yes!

- (LAUGHS) Yeah!



TODD: Announcement time, dummies,

so shut up and listen
to smokin'-hot fiancée.


So, all this time out
here on the boat...

It's really given us a chance to think.

You know, the reality is,
when we get back home,

we'll probably all go our separate ways.

That's why while we're all still here,

- me and Todd are getting...
- We're getting married!

- Yeah!

Right here on the boat.
You guys are all invited.

And we wanted to tell you
guys first, because, well,

you guys are our best friends.


COREY: And you're our best friends!

Whoo! (LAUGHS) Wow!

Todd and Jess finally wed! Yeah!

I just got to say,

watching your love blossom
these past few months...

has been one of the greatest
pleasures of my life...

Of our lives.

Oh, my God.

I should officiate the
wedding. I'm ordained.

It would be such an honor.
That's, of course, if you'll have me.

Who are you, bro?

- What?
- Who are you?

Who am I? I'm Corey.




Co... I saved your life!

I saved your life from him!

No, I don't think so.

Yes, I did!

I absolutely did!
Florence, you remember!


Okay. I get it.

I see what's going on here.

You're pulling my chain.
(CHUCKLES) You're joshin' me.

It's not gonna work this time, Todd.

- Seriously, Josh, I don't...
- Corey!

My name is Corey!

Say it!

Say it at the same time that I say it!

- Gordy.
- Cor... Corey!

I'm gonna wear this dead
lady's dress to the wedding.

What are you gonna wear?

Yeah. You know what?
I was thinking that, uh...

I might not go to the wedding, so...

What are you talking about?
It's Todd and Jess.

They are literally the
only other couple we know.

See, that's the thing,
though. It's like...

Man, are we even a couple?


Okay, it's like we just
started hooking up, right?

We're probably gonna get
rescued soon, and then

I-I think... I think I'm just unclear

on, like, what is supposed
to happen when we get back.

'Cause we don't even
live in the same city,

so does that mean that one
of us is gonna, like, move

to the other city? Am I gonna,
like, pack up all my stuff?

Am I gonna help you pack up
all your stuff? Like, how...


Have you seen the movie "Speed"?

- Of course.
- Okay.

In the movie "Speed,"
Sandra Bullock and Keanu

fall in love on a speeding bus, right?

But then by the time that "Speed :
Cruise Control" come out,

they're not together anymore.

Why do you think that is?

'Cause Keanu didn't
want to do the sequel?

No, it's because their
relationship only worked

in a time of crisis.

Sorry, what does this have to
do with Todd and Jess' wedding?

Going to a wedding is something
that normal couples do,

and we don't even know if we're
ever gonna be a normal couple.


(SCOFFS) Okay. You know,

I'm not gonna let your
weird relationship hang-ups

ruin this wedding for me,

and I certainly won't
let it ruin "Speed."


- Oh! Pack! (CHUCKLES)
- Hey.

Fancy seeing you here in
the captain's quarters.

I guess we both had the same idea.

- Yeah. Find a suit.
- Jerk off on the bed

and wipe my knob on the curtains.

What did you say?

What... What did you say?

I'm looking for a suit.

Yeah, same... Looking for a suit.

Okay. Yeah.

So... let's do it.

Let's look for those... suits.


Aha! Lucky days!

Look at that... Captain's whites!

You know, I could have been in the navy.

I had the height, but,
of course, I can't swim.

I look good in white. Shut up! Shut up!

PACK: I think I found something!

There's no need to be rude.
We both found things.

Oh, my God!
Don't jump! (LAUGHS)


What are you doing out here,
man? Where's Florence?

I don't know. We kind of had a... fight.

Oh, no! That sucks.

See, I'm just trying to
explain to her that right now,

we might feel like Keanu and Bullock
in "Speed," but when we get home

and we're not in danger anymore,
we might feel more like

- "SPEED : Cruise Control."
- Thank you. You get me.

Yeah, I get it. You're totally Keanu.

And if she doesn't think that,
then... psh!...

Let her go find some Jason Patric.

Totally. Who? What?

- Jason Patric.
- Who's that?

The guy that replaced
Keanu in "Speed ."

They replaced Keanu?

Now, he and Sandy... They had chemistry.

But Keanu was never supposed to
be with her in the first place.

He was supposed to be with
his bud, Jeff Daniels,

'cause Jeff Daniels was the
guy in his ear the whole time.

Okay, good. Good. Yeah.

I got to go find Florence.
I got to apologize.

Thank you, Danny.

$ , !

Guy Ritchie!

But who do you think left it here?

The pirates! Steve,
this is a pirate ship!

Oh, yeah. I mean, obviously.

Yeah, the pirates.

Good. So, we'll split it
up with the rest of them.

What's $ , divided by ?


I want to say $ ? $ ?

What if we didn't share
it with the others?


- Keep it a secret?
- Think about it.

If we split it with everyone,
that's like...

$ . Exactly.

But if we split it just
between the two of us,

then that's like...


... ...

... uh, pretty much $ , .

Wow! Pretty much $ , ?

And if you want to keep
that pretty much $ , ...

we're gonna have to
keep this between us.


I got to warn you,
I can't keep a secret.

- You're a grown man.
- It's burning inside me already.

- I'm gonna tell someone.
- Steve, just... Steve.

- Ohh!
- Lock it up.


Okay. It's locked.

You know, um, you look
like a born-again...

Hey, Florence. Wow.

You look... incredible.

- Hi, Chris.
- It's Corey.

Whatever. Florence, I wonder
if I could talk to you alone

for just a moment about the wedding.

Um, it's funny you mention that,

because Chris here just asked
me if I want to go with him,

'cause Chris likes weddings
and he's not weird about them.

Isn't that right, Chris?

Yeah. TBH, I love weddings.

(CHUCKLING) And, actually,
it's, uh, Corey,

but I can tell that Owen's getting
you flustered, so it's no big deal.

I'm sorry, aren't you
supposed to be officiating?

Um, a minister can have a date, Owen.

It's not the Dark Ages.


Oh, my God! (LAUGHS)

And you're fine with that, right,

because we're not a normal couple?

No, I'm great with it. I wan you to go.

Good. Because it's happening!

I'm gonna go to this frickin'
wedding with this guy,

and we're gonna have a
great frickin' time!

Great! I hope you do!


Corey, she is into you, bud.

She's into you.



Oh, man.


What can I say, man? Oh, wow.


Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here
today to celebrate love.

Let's face it...

Todd and Jess are basically
the Jim and Pam of the island.

- At least that's what she said.

- That's...

Your suit looks good, man.


I cannot believe that she came
to this wedding with that.

It, uh... It's my understanding that...

I mean, look at him. He's goofy.

The guy's goofy.

Dude, I know you're bummed,

but look on the bright side.
Now you get to hang with the Dan Man!

Hey, can you guys shut the [BLEEP] up?!

I'm trying to listen to the vows! Jesus.

ALL: Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!


(LAUGHS) Whoo!

Oh, God, the money...

I can't stop thinking about it.

Look at everyone.
They can smell it on us.

Jesus, Steve, chill out!

Pack! Steve! Thank you guys for coming!

Oh, my God. I love the suits!

You guys are k*lling it!

Oh, please. The only one
in white who matters today

- is this lady angel. (LAUGHS)
- Oh, stop.

You look like , bucks.

A million bucks! I mean a
million. That's insane.

Who even has $ , ?

(CHUCKLES) Certainly not me.
Or him. So, we...

Okay, you know what we're gonna do?
We're gonna go to the bar.

Congrats again, Jess. You look radiant.

- Ah, thank you.
- Pull yourself together, man!

Champagne for my real friends,

real pain for my sham friends.


You're right. I shoul do something.



Uh, can I have your attention, please?

- I'd like to make a toast.
- TODD: Yeah!

- Roast me, pretty boy! Come on!

Yeah, I'm not... I'm not
really much of a wedding guy.

In fact, I-I usually try and avoid 'em.

But, um, when I see what
Todd and Jess have together,

it makes me reconsider.

Telling someone how you feel
about them can... can be scary.

You know, it all happens so fast.

But if you're lucky enough to
find someone in this world

that makes you happy,

then you should do whatever it
takes to hold on to them...

at whatever speed.

To Todd and Jess!


(CRYING) You got me, man.

He got me, everybody.




I found some money.


I had to tell someone.

And you're a bit of a lost vagrant,
caught between the tides.

It's not like you're gonna tell anyone.

- Speaking of finding shit, though...

What's that?

It's kush. It's weed.

You want to toke some?

Um, no, I'm good for now.

- You've already had a little?
- Yeah, I've had a "lottle."

Oh, I feel much better.

How much scratch did you find, anyway?

Oh, around $ , .


Well, ain't that somethin'?

How 'bout that speech, huh, Corky?

That Owen's got himself a silver tongue.

Yeah, I guess.

Honestly, he's really
starting to piss me off.

Tell me about it.

Looked like he and Florence
were vibing pretty hard.

What are you saying?

Oh, just if you don't do something,

pretty soon, he might be using
that silver tongue on her.

On her?

What does that even... (GASPS)

You got to fight for
what's yours, buddy.

Oh, my God.

♪ Everything's in the groove ♪

♪ The love I have for you ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ When I'm with you ♪

- So, uh...
- ♪ Everything's all right ♪

... Chet has a g*n to my back.


'Sup, Pack? Where's my money, dickface?

I left you alone for two minutes!
You told him about the money?!

The guy could barely string
a sentence together!

How did he get a g*n?!

There's a lot we don't know
about Chester Montgomery.

- Your name is Chester Montgomery?
- It has to be.

- Wow.
- Now, here's what we're gonna do.

The three of us are gonna
stroll out of here real mellow.

Okay? And then you're gonna take me
straight to that bag of cash.

- Get it?
- Yeah.

♪ Everything is all right ♪

Congratulations, kids.

TODD: Hey, thanks, broseph.

♪ You know you light me up inside ♪

♪ You know you turn me on ♪

♪ You've got me burnin' up ♪

♪ Girl, you've got it goin' on ♪

Owen! Oh, my God!

Dude, that speech up there
was absolutely incredible!

Just kidding.

I hated your stupid speech.

What? Wow.

This suit... who has had a
chance to drink this thing in?

That is a sharp suit.

Psych-out again.

I hate your stupid little suit,

except for the embroidery on back,
which is actually pretty bad-ass.

Hey, man, why don't you just relax?

(MOCKINGLY) "Hey, man,
why don't you just relax?"

don't you relax, okay?

Florence chose me, not you,

so stay away from her... or else.

This has been an incredible chat!

When you guys get a sec,
you got to talk to this guy.

Lot of wisdom, lot of knowledge.

Dude, we have got to
hang out, and we will.

You know we will.

Just kidding.

I would never hang out
with you in any situation.

Pull the money out, Pack. Ah.

Don't try anything, or I'll go,

"Blap! Blap, blap, blap,
blap, blap, blap!"

Oh, so many blaps.
So, what, Chet? What's your plan?

You're gonna take the
money and swim for it?

- Y-You're gonna k*ll us first?
- Take it from me, Chet...

- You don't want to k*ll anyone.

Oh, you think I haven't
k*lled someone before?!

Trust me, these dirty hands

have k*lled many people! Oh! Oh!

And for thou,

I'll k*ll again...

- Anybody that stands in my...

You were threatening my
life with a beer bottle?!


I'll k*ll you!


Steve, what are you doing?!

Aaah! I'm gonna thumb his eyes out!

Aah! Stop! Aah!


Steve, you just said you
don't want to k*ll anyone!

I don't know what came over me.


The son of a bitch clocked me.

The money! He took the money!
Get him! Right!

♪ Oh, oh, oh, yeah ♪

Hey. Listen, that speech was just...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speech. Whatever.
Listen, that guy that you're with...

- Kyle, Kirk, whatever his name is...
- Carl.

Okay, whatever.
That guy is a total psycho,

and you need to get away
from him, like, right now.

What is wrong with you?

First you tell me you don't
want to come to the wedding,

and then you show up and
make some big speech,

and now you're acting jealous?


Yeah. Is a lion jealous of a potato?

Oh, my God. You think you're a lion?

Well, I'm certainly not a potato!

- Hey, Florence.

Everything okay over here?

Yeah. Couldn't be better.

Hey, but let's go dance. I
frickin' love this song.

- Yeah, I'd love to.

We'll be right back, except...

no, we won't.

♪ Oh! ♪

Hey, man.

Uh, sometimes you win some,
sometimes you lose some,

and sometimes you drink some.

(LAUGHS) Okay, thanks.

She's just doing this to make
me jealous. Hey, Karen...

... let's dance.

It's about [BLEEP] time.

♪ Good gracious, ass is bodacious, unh ♪

♪ Flirtatious, tryin' to show patience ♪

Yah! Huh!

It's mine!

♪ Waitin' for the right
time to flash them keys ♪

♪ Then, um, I'm leavin',
please believin' ♪

♪ Me and the rest of my heathens ♪

♪ Check it, got it locked at
the top of the Four Seasons ♪

♪ Penthouse, rooftop,
birds I'm feedin' ♪

♪ No deceivin', nothin' up my sleeve ♪

♪ No teasin' ♪

♪ I need you to get up,
up on the dance floor ♪

♪ Give that man what he askin' for ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel like bustin' loose ♪

♪ And I feel like touchin' you ♪

♪ Unh, unh ♪

♪ And can't nobody stop the juice ♪

♪ So, baby, tell me, what's the use? ♪

♪ I said, "It's gettin' hot in here" ♪

♪ So what? ♪

♪ So take off all your clothes ♪

♪ I am gettin' so hot,
I'm gonna take my clothes off ♪

♪ It's gettin' hot in here ♪

♪ So what? ♪
♪ So take off all your clothes ♪

Ohhh! Ohh! Sorry!

♪ I am gettin' so hot ♪

♪ I'm gonna take my clothes off ♪

Aah! Uh-uh-uh-uh-yuh!

♪ Mix a little bit of ah, ah ♪

♪ With a little bit of ah, ah ♪

♪ Let it just fall out ♪

♪ Give a little bit of ah, ah ♪

♪ With a little bit of ah, ah ♪

♪ Let it hang all out ♪

♪ With a little bit of ah, ah ♪

♪ And a sprinkle of that ah, ah ♪

♪ Let it just fall out ♪

♪ I like it when you ah, ah ♪

♪ Girl, baby, make it ah, ah ♪

♪ Ohh ♪

One more step and I'll drop it!

- Don't do it.

Look at us!

We're slapping the shit out
of each other, and for what?!

For the money, assh*le!

It's just the money,
but don't... don't...

I said no more steps!

- Yah-ha-ah!

Noooooooooooo! Noooooooooooo!


I see what you're doing.

You're using me to make
your girlfriend jealous.

Well, let me tell you something, pal.

I am in-to it.

Ah. Hey. Karen, hey.

Ooh. Karen, I think you
have the wrong idea.

Oh, shh. No judgment. Unh.

COREY: This is the greatest
night of my entire life.

It just feels so right, you know?!


Florence, wait!

Hey! Hey! Florence,
that wasn't what it looked like!

Oh, really? Because what it looked like

is you were being a real horse's ass.

This is exactly why I didn't even

want to go to the wedding
in the first place,

because I knew it was gonna
turn into some stupid fight!

A fight you caused by acting
like a total lunatic!

I know I'm acting like a lunatic,
and I can't seem to stop myself

because I have feelings for you!

That's funny, 'cause I have
feelings for you, too!

That's great, because when we
finally get home from this thing,

I'd really like to make this work!

Then we are totally on the same page!

Well, then, why didn't we just
say that in the first place?!

'Cause communication is
really (VOICE BREAKING) hard.


STEVE: Maybe it's better
the money's gone.

I'm sorry I went all Wall
Street on you dudes back there.

That's not me.

Did you say that you k*lled someone?


No, Pack. What?

Absolutely not.

I might have.

There's a small chance
that that's % true.

Hey, you want to get some cake?

Oh, God. Yes.



I'm way too lifted to walk.


Thanks for pulling us in from the edge.

- The edge?
- Yeah.

- The edge.
- What edge?

The edge of time.

I've been to the edge of time?


- ♪ Hot dog

♪ Tequila hot dog

♪ Tequila hot dog

♪ Tequila hot dog

- Ohh.

- Oh, shit.

- Conga!