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02x10 - Can't Get It Out of My Head

Posted: 12/19/21 08:05
by bunniefuu
Listen up, people.

The Believers' ship still
has the machine they used

to steal Cosmo's powers, and
we're gonna steal 'em back.

Quill, why don't we just use
the Continuum Cortex to teleport in?

Duh! It's a crashed spaceship, Gamora.

We might teleport right into a
radiation leak,

- or worse.
- Mm, not tail! Not the tail!

Get away, you little mutt!

I am Groot.

I am Groot.

Eh, he's got a way with animals.

It's just me. Get over it already.

Without his psychic energy,
he is merely a simple beast.

Mm. No way, Drax.

He's just frustrated 'cause
he can't read minds no more.

I am Groot.

- I am Groot?
- I don't hear no rumbling,

and I sure don't hear
no ominous rumbling.

I believe.

Oh. That ominous rumbling.

No! No, no, no, no, no!
This is not the time to blink!

Get ready for one big headache!

Okay, so maybe we won't be taking
the Milano to the Believer ship.

I believe.

- That can't be good.
- All the more reason

to get aboard the Believer ship
and find out what they're up to.

Hey. Excuse me. Could you, uh,
you know, open the eyelid for us?

Cosmo, get a grip!

Seriously, dude, we
need to get outta here.

Do I gotta do everything myself?

Hey, buddy, we need to...

Rocket! You all right?

Yeah, no thanks to
that flarknard in there.

What's your malfunction?!

Hold that thought.

Cosmo, what is it, boy?

Why do you question that animal
when you know he cannot answer?

'Cause he's smarter than
the rest of ya put together.

Now let's go, you krutackers.

Cosmo's gonna lead the way.

I believe.

Uh, where exactly
is Cosmo leading us?

How should I know?
I'm just glad it's not you.

Good dog, Cosmo. What'd you find?

I believe. I believe.

I believe. I believe.

I believe. I believe.

- Zombies!
- Uh, what's a zombie?

Clearly, it is an enemy.

I believe. I believe.

I believe. I believe.

I believe. I believe.

An extremely slow enemy.

Ha! That's what everybody says

right before the
zombies eat their brains.

Wait for it. Wait for it.

I believe. I believe.
I believe...

I am Groot?

My brain's still intact, which is
more than I can say for Quill's.

I know this man. He once
made me an excellent sandwich.

Of course! They're
all upstanding citizens

until they go all zombie.

- Hey, that's my ship you're tearing up!
- Rocket, wait. If Quill's right,

which may be a first,
these are innocent people.

They are not in control
of their actions.

What? I had it on "stun"...

Aha! See? Superstrong.
That's a zombie thing.

I have studied every
zombie movie ever made.

Wait. You know them from movies?

Well, mostly that one music video,
but I saw it, like, a billion times.

Hang on. Okay. Look. I've
got it all right here on tape.

"Star-Lord's Audio Guide to
Surviving a Zombie att*ck."

Why would you record an audio guide
to surviving a fictional situation?

Uh, I'd just beening a taken by aliens.

Everything was kind of up for grabs.

I believe.


Quill, are you okay?

That krutacker scratched my tape player!

You know how hard it is to
find parts for this thing?

Not as hard as it'll be
to replace all your ship's parts

if we let those krutackers
make off with 'em!

I believe.

- I am Groot.
- Now can I blast 'em?

Try not to do any permanent damage.

You just gotta suck
the joy out of everything.


I believe.

- Aah!
- I am Groot!

I believe.

Stun beams ain't working on these
guys. They just keep coming back.

That's 'cause zombies don't stay down,

which you'd know if
you listened to my tape.

- We have to fall back.
- Cosmo, we're leaving.

I believe.

- We have to get to the...
- Quill, are you all right?


I believe.

- Quill's a zombie!
- I am Groot?

How should I know how he turned zombie?

Right now, we gotta keep
'em all away from us!

Good idea, Cosmo!

Shortcut through the
Knowhere marketplace.

- I believe.
- I am Groot.

The zombie-filled
Knowhere marketplace.

I believe.

I believe. I believe.

That krutackin' Believer ship is
putting the hoodoo on everybody!

There's no choice now. We have
to use the Continuum Cortex

- to get onto that ship.
- Can I point out that there's

a bazillion zombies
between us and the Cortex?

The ones in the hangar
ignored us until we interfered.

Maybe if we blend in,
we can sneak through.

I will consult Quill's zombie survival
guide. He may have valuable advice.

When has Quill ever had valuable advice?

Just be quiet and act like a zombie.
I believe.

I believe.

- I believe.
- I am Groot.

"Star-Lord's Audio Guide
to Surviving a Zombie att*ck."

Rule one: If someone tells
you, "I'm not like other guys,"

take their word for it.

You there.
Are you like other guys?

I am Groot.

I believe.

Rule two: Avoid abandoned
houses with window blinds

that cast spooky,
prison-bar-looking shadows.

Drax will destroy all
foul window blinds!

I believe.

I believe. I believe.

Rule three: Head sh*ts.
Always head sh*ts.

Rule three: Head sh*ts.
Always... Huh?

We're not doing that.
Just keep moving.

I believe. I believe.

That dumb animal knows
nothing about sneaking.

Then you two have something in common.

It's okay. We're almost there.

I believe.

I believe.

I believe we're flarged!

Run for it!

I believe.

I am Groot!


Continuum Cortex! Go!

Controls are dead.
That energy pulse must've knocked

- out the Continuum Cortex too.
- You better get it working,

'cause the zombies are coming,
and it's our only way out.

I will protect
Quill's zombie-fighting guide.

Where ya gonna hide it?
Never mind. Don't wanna know.

I believe.

Are you all right?

I'm... fine.

But that door's not gonna hold for long.

It's your toy, Cosmo. How do
I reboot this thing?

You know, you're really not
helping your case here, mutt.

Guys! Let go!

Wait. I've seen this before.

Yeah. When Quill flew the big
head around and blasted Thanos.

The zombies are going to pilot Knowhere?

- To what location?
- Can't be anywhere good.

Then we need to stop
them from taking control.

Come on. Fight it.


I believe.

Aw, krutack!

I believe.

Gamora, I will avenge you!

Forget it, Drax. We
don't need vengeance.

We need to find out what the
flarg is going on around here.

Come on. Cosmo's got a plan.

I believe.

I see no point in following this animal.

Look, I'm telling ya,
he's got something.

Maybe it's an
override for the Cortex,

or some kind of de-zombifier.

Oh, you're killin' me here, pooch.

Gimme that!

- Ha! In your face, Drax!
- What? What is in my face?

Check this out.
Security monitors.

We got eyes all over Knowhere.

The zombies aren't
just tearing stuff up.

They're building some kind of w*apon.
A Believer w*apon.

And they're taking it to Xandar!

But what would Xandar have that
would interest the Believers?

Oh, nothin' much. Just
the krutackin' Cocoon

that they think is
gonna save the galaxy.

If only I could
get to that Believer ship,

I would yank it out with my bare hands!

Service tunnels! Perfect!
We just gotta figure out

how to move that krutackin'
ship once we get there.

You are one brilliant pooch.

Yes, you are!

This is not the Believer ship.

That animal merely pushed
random buttons. He has no plan!

Wanna bet?

Cosmo brought us here
'cause he wants us to fly

a bunch of these mining
pods up to the Believer ship

and use 'em to push that
krutacker outta Knowhere's skull.

Ain't that right, pooch?

I believe.

He has led us straight into a trap.
Forgive me, Gamora.

I believe.

I am Groot!

I finally get to sh**t Quill, and
I don't even have time to enjoy it.

Aw, krutack!

I believe.

Again, my apologies.

I believe.

I believe.

Get to the pods.

There's the Believer ship.

Find yourself a good place to push.

Okay, let's shove this
krutackin' thing outta here!

Success. The ship is moving.

There's a weird energy
signature coming from the ship.

Hang on.


I believe. I believe.

I believe.

Come on, come
on, come on! Full throttle!

- Engines at maximum!
- I am Groot!

We need more than maximum!

Rocket, what is happening?

The Believers turned on
their engines.

If we don't do something,
they're gonna crush us into pulp!

Rocket, our pods lack
the power to overcome the Believer ship.

I know, I know!

We gotta knock out their
engines or something before...

Huh? We're at Xandar already?

Who knew a severed head
could move that fast?

I will play Quill's zombie survival
tape. Perhaps he will have an idea.

I do not want the last words I hear
to be Quill's krutackin' nonsense!

Oh, that is it! We are now
officially % krutacked!

And there's a power surge
in the Continuum Cortex.

Oh, this ain't good!

The Believers have the Cocoon,

so they can open it and maybe
destroy the entire universe.

But that don't matter to us, see,
'cause we're gonna get squished

flatter than a firpnik
in the next seconds!

- I am Groot!
- Then I must act quickly.

Rule three: Head sh*ts.
Always head sh*ts.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Head sh*ts.

Quill's actually right for once.

A head sh*t is exactly what we need!

Ha! This time, the humiliation
is in your face, Rocket!

I am Groot.

I need full remote control of your pods.

You've gotta trust me on this one.

Okay. Here we... Aah!

Here we what?
What are you doing?

Cosmo, no! Stay!


Bad dog! Bad zombie dog!

Okay, this time for sure.

One head sh*t, coming right up!

That Believer ship wants
to push through this skull?

Let it push all the
way through this skull!


I believe.

Where are we?

And, uh, where are my tunes?

Gentlemen, we have
saved the universe again!

- Drax the Destroyer triumphs!
- I am Groot!

Hey, Cosmo!

Ya had me worried
there for a sec, pooch.

Greetings, Believer
brothers and sisters.

Rejoice! For the new
Golden Age is at hand!

Once the cannon is fully charged
with our own Belief energy,

it will fire its beam,
opening the Cocoon,

and I believe the
Golden Age will begin!

I believe. I believe.

- Our celebration was premature.
- I believe...

We must get to the Cortex and
stop them from opening the Cocoon.

We'll never make it in time!

- Unless some genius mutt.
- I believe...

has a Continuum Cortex
passport for a collar!

The cannon's still charging!

I just gotta shut it down
without blowing us sky high.



Drax thought
you was a dumb animal,

but he was wrong.

Don't you worry. I'll tell him.

I'll tell everybody he was a hero.

Listen up, losers!

Cosmo sacrificed himself
to save the universe.

- I hope you appreciate...
- Comrade Rocket! Is okay!

Cosmo is not sacrifice.

Cosmo! Buddy, you're alive!

And you're readin' my krutackin'
mind, ya meddlin' pooch!

This true. Thanks to blast of
energy, Cosmo is Cosmo again.



Well, maybe Cosmo
is too much Cosmo.


Sorry, Comrade Rocket.

Cosmo is not able to
control this much power.

Unfortunately, Cosmo is not able
to keep Cocoon from opening, either.

Please to brace yourself
for Golden Age,

- or destruction of universe!
- Aahh!