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05x05 - My Heart Is Yours

Posted: 12/23/21 07:04
by bunniefuu

I can't believe we're getting married

in only three days.

And there is still so much to be done.

Oh, we don't need to check off

every last item on that list.

It'll still be a beautiful wedding.

Well, some of these items
aren't exactly optional.

We still don't have a pastor.

No word from Frank yet?

No. I wrote to him a few days ago,

but I haven't heard back.

I even sent a telegram

to children's hospital,
in Cape Fullerton,

where he's been volunteering.

He's been gone so long.
I hope he's okay.

And you miss him.

I do.

But not to worry,

the wedding must go on,

even if I have to perform
the ceremony myself.

You can do that?

Well, as mayor of the town,
I have the legal authority.

Then we're covered.

But I have faith Frank will be here.

I hope you're right.



Have you seen Jack?

He's out. Something the matter?

I've got a telegram for him.

Mountie headquarters.

Is that going to affect the wedding?


When are you gonna give it to him?

I'll see that he gets it.






Whoa, Sergeant!

Why are we stopping?

I just thought of something.

What is it?


What was that for?

I wanted to kiss Miss
Elizabeth Thatcher...

before she becomes Mrs. Jack Thornton.

I can't wait.

If seven multiplied by six equals ,

then what do we get

when we multiply seven by seven?


It appears something else

has captured your attention today.

Miss Thatcher,

when are you gonna start
decorating in here

for your wedding?


Tomorrow morning, bright and early.

Maybe we could help.

Oh, that's very generous,

but do you really want to spend
your Saturday at school?

I meant today.

We could start decorating right now.

Could we?

[CHUCKLES] Are you sure

you'd rather decorate
than study mathematics?


[LAUGHS] All right.

Well, since it's a special occasion,

I'm willing to make an
exception just this once.


Now, I'm going to need two groups...

One to start decorating the pews,

and the older children can start
taking down the school posters.

Let's get started.


I'm wondering

if we shouldn't raise
this just a little...

Clara, I think you're right.

Elizabeth is, shall we say...

quite modest.

It's such a beautiful design, Rosemary.

Oh, Clara! This has been a group effort

between you, me, and Dottie,

from start to finish.

Oh, thank goodness!

Wonderful! You got more silk.

It wasn't easy.

Oh, what kind of heartless creature

could possibly deny you
the material necessary

to finish a wedding dress?

Well, a creature who
needs to make a living.

Since we're so short on cash,

I had to do a little bartering
with our Buxton supplier.

We owe him a bolt of
cotton on our next visit.

- Jack!


- Oh!
- Ladies...

You two should know better

than to come in here without warning.

What is all the fuss?

The groom absolutely cannot
see the bride's dress

before it is on the bride,

in the church, at the wedding!

I didn't know that.

Neither did I.

Oh. Men.

You must be here for
the groomsmen suits.

Well, I'm sorry, but
they're not quite ready.

Clara has been working day and night

on Elizabeth's wedding dress.

It takes priority above all else.

So we're learning.

Any idea when they're gonna be done?

By tomorrow morning.

Okay, great. We should
probably get going then.

Well, unless you want us to stay.

[WOMEN]: Go!

They want us to leave.

Jack, what are you doing here?

Actually, we were just leaving.

Ladies, we'll leave you to it.

Good luck.

That was too close!

Jack almost saw your wedding dress.

He didn't. Thank goodness.


I'm glad to hear it.

But, Elizabeth,

your fitting isn't for
another hour or so.

I know, I gave the children
a break from decorating,

so I thought I'd stop by
while I had the chance.

Well, I'm sorry, but we aren't
ready for your fitting.

I need that extra hour.

That's all right.

I'd like to keep an eye
on the children, though.

Is there any way we can do
the fitting at the school?

Yes. I can make that work.
We'll bring the dress to you.

How long are you gone?

A day, a day and a half, tops.

There's a Mountie that needs help

escorting a prisoner to Cape Fullerton.

This is for Jack.

Well, Jack's not gonna be escorting

anybody but Elizabeth down the aisle.

Be careful, Bill.

Afternoon. Hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

- No.
- No, uh...

Just boring town business.


Headed somewhere?

Just more boring town business.

Well, you lead quite the life.

Yeah, I'll be back in plenty
of time for the wedding.

Well, you'd better, or I'm
gonna come and hunt you down!

You got it.




Hey, big brother!

Wow! I can't believe it!

Oh, you didn't think I'd really
miss your wedding, did you?

Well, how did you know?

I didn't have an address to wire you.

Yeah, business keeps me on the road,

but Mom found me

and she cabled me about your wedding.

You know, if there's any way
she could've traveled...

- She'd have been here.
- Is she gonna be okay?

She wrenched her back pretty bad
being thrown off that horse.

But you know Mom... She's
down, but never out.

Right. Well, I'm just glad to see you.

This whole new you!

I represent a tire company.

Let me tell you, the
future's in rubber.

Wow, okay.

I'm gonna buy you a drink.

Actually, better yet, you buy me one.


I'm here to buy some candy, please.

Three cents.

I will have the red ones
and the green ones.

[RUBY]: I've never lit candles
for a wedding before, have you?

How hard can it be? When it's time,

we step forward and light the candles.

What if we do something wrong?

Everybody's gonna be watching us.

[ROBERT]: Maybe you should rehearse it,

like we do for our school plays.

Rehearse where?

The school. The side
door is usually open.

That's a good idea.

Did Miss Thatcher give you
a job for the wedding?

She sure did. I'm an usher.

What's an usher do?

I don't really know, but
I bet it's important.

Thank you.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.




[MOUNTIE]: Identify yourself.

Sheriff Bill Avery, from Hope Valley.

I'm here to escort
your prisoner to jail.

What's the problem?

No problem. Just being careful.

This is Joe Yancy. Ever heard of him?

[BILL]: Head of the Yancy
g*ng, out of Waterston.

Let's go.

Right now?

I want to get to Cape
Fullerton before nightfall.

We leave now.

Get him back inside.

[SHOUTING]: They're onto you!

[sh*ts BLASTING]


[sh*t FIRES]

That fear on your face
suits you, Sheriff.


They cut the wire.


Thank you.

[GASPS] Rosemary!


Oh! Welcome!

Oh! I'm so glad that you made it.

I wouldn't miss it.

How is everything coming along?

Well, I can honestly say,

I've never been so busy
in my entire life,

but it's a labor of love!

On that note, I really need to run.


[ABIGAIL]: Okay, the hors
d'oeuvres are ready,

now we move on to choice of entrées...


Chicken or prime rib,

with sides of duchess
potatoes, candied carrots,

gratin of broccoli, and
green beans almandine.

That all sounds delicious,

but do we really need that many sides?

If we dropped a few,

you might actually get
to enjoy the reception.

Well, ordinarily, I'd argue with you,

but I'm a little shorthanded.

Bill was helping out,

until he had to leave
town on Mountie business.

Why is Bill doing Mountie business,

and not Jack?

Well, there is always a
possibility of danger.

He didn't want Jack to leave town

just before the wedding.

And he didn't want him to know.

That's really kind of him.



[GASPING] Julie!



I hear the whole town is at work,

getting ready for your wedding.

Good to see you, Abigail!

Good to see you, too, Julie.

Elizabeth tells me your
mother is still in London?

Caring for our sister and her new baby.

I'm not sure which one
demands more attention.


[ELISABETH]: It's so sad
they'll miss the ceremony.

It is,

but Father will be here tomorrow.

So... how can I help?

Well, they could use help
decorating the church.

I'm on my way!



This is really happening!


It is.

[THUG]: Lawmen!

You hearing me?

Hey! Lawmen!

They can hear ya, Wade!
They're just cowards!


I need to shut you up.



What are those?

This is why we can't
wait for the patrol.

We got to get out of here
as soon as possible.

So the curtains have to
be hang on every window,

and then the flowers can be
put at the end of every pew.

Thank you, ladies.

Excuse me, Miss.

Do you know where I
might put these c...?



I wondered if you'd be here.

You look...


[LAUGHS] Good "different"
or bad "different"?

"Dignified" different.

Mm! Thank you.

You look, um...


The last time I saw you, you weren't.

I needed to find my place in the world.

And I have.

I enrolled in art school.

Well, you always did
have an artistic flare.

And you were always full of surprises.



So, did you bring a
date for the wedding?

No. No.




You know where this goes?

I didn't even know that was there.


We make our move after it turns dark.

[ABIGAIL]: Thank you for
all your help, Carson.

You're welcome!

I like being in the kitchen.

Plus, you have an army
of guests to feed.

So, what do you think of the menu?

Well, I think it's ambitious.

You're pulling out all the stops.

Well, it's a big day,
and I can hardly wait.

Me either.



Hi, Carson.

Hey, Frank. Welcome back.

I'll give you two some time.

Oh, thank you, Carson.

Oh, these are beautiful.

I'm so glad you're here.

I was worried when I
didn't hear from you.

I didn't write back

because I didn't think a letter
would arrive before I did,

but nothing would keep me from
Jack and Elizabeth's wedding.

They are gonna be thrilled
when they find out.

And Cody is gonna be
so excited to see you.

I can't wait to see him, too.

Would you join us for dinner?

Did you need to ask?

Oh, Frank!

All right. Now, listen up.

In two minutes,

I want you to start sh**ting

out of each one of these two windows,

but I want you to aim for the treetops.

I got it.




[g*n FIRES]


[WADE]: Harry? You okay?

He's all tied up at the moment.

I love our walks.

It's so nice to have some
alone time together.

How're things going on
your side of the aisle?

I couldn't ask for
better matrons of honor.

Abigail always knows what to say,

and Rosemary...


Well, she tests my limits,

but I couldn't do it without her.

I'm really happy Julie's here.

Tom too.

It wouldn't be the same

without at least some
of our family here.

Have you seen Bill yet this evening?

Is he back?

Back from where?

He didn't tell me where he was going.

Do you know?

There was some Mountie
business out of town,

and he went to take care of it for you.

That was really nice of him.


Okay, everyone, so we're
gonna rehearse this.

So when Opal and Philip walk in,

that's when we light the candles.

So, everyone in position.



Not so fast, Opal.

Go from the beginning.

[OPAL]: Like this?

Just like that.

Is that one too tall for you?

No, I got it.

Here, let me help you.



- Oh, no.
- Oh, no.


Everyone has gone above and beyond.

Mm. Doing what they can

to make this wedding go
off without a hitch.

Here's to a smooth wedding.

[CHILDREN]: Help! Someone, help!




Is anyone inside?

Opal! Where's Opal?

[ELIZABETH]: Are you all right?

Yes? Yes?

We need to form a bucket chain
from the pond to the church!

Go back! Get more men, more buckets!

Are you okay? Yes?

Where's Mountie Jack?

He went inside to get Opal.

- Oh!
- No, no, no! Elizabeth! Wait!

- No! It's too dangerous. No.


- Aw, geez.

Here. Give her to me. I'll take her.

Go. You should go with him.
I'll stay here and help. Lee!

Okay. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Come on, everyone, hurry up!

[CARSON]: She was
overcome by smoke, but...

she'll be okay.

I sent her parents home.

You should go, too.

[OPAL]: Hi, Miss Thatcher.


How are you feeling?


Did I miss the wedding?

No, sweetie. You didn't miss a thing.

Do I still get to be your flower girl?

Let's just see how you're
feeling, all right?

But, for now...

you've got to rest.


I'm sorry, Miss Thatcher.

It was all my fault.

No, it wasn't. It was my fault.

It was an accident.

We ruined everything, didn't we?

No, you didn't.


You and Cody and the others...
You just...

You cared about our wedding so much

that you wanted it to be perfect.

I understand that.


[JACK]: How's Opal?

She's gonna be fine.

Thank God.

[JACK]: There's a lot of damage.

My wedding dress...


I'm so sorry.



we can either postpone the wedding

or we'll have the ceremony outside,

with the clothes on our back.


We have a day and a night.

To do what?

To make everything right.

We can't rebuild a
wedding dress in a day.

And a night.


Well, it wouldn't be easy...

With all those decorations...

Yes, but if we all pitch in...

Whatever we need for the dress,

I'll donate from my shop.

[NED]: And whatever else we need,

if my mercantile's got it,

you can have it.

[LEE]: And the walls are
still intact, pretty much.

A little elbow grease...

Yeah, a fresh coat of paint...

What are we waiting for?

Abigail, it's just too much to ask.

No. You didn't ask.

We're volunteering!



[ABIGAIL]: Oh, gentlemen. Thank you.

The sewing machines can go right here.

[ROSEMARY]: Okay, so
I'll need you three

on the sewing machines.

Clara, you and I can cut.



Hello, my dear!



What's happened?

So the wagon with the paint and
supplies will be here soon.

Good, we're gonna need it.

Who's that?

That's my future father-in-law.

Mr. Thatcher.

Hello, Jack. I just arrived.

Elizabeth told me about the fire.

Everyone's working hard

to get it repaired.

All these men? Must
be costing a fortune.

Actually, they're volunteers.


How industrious.

Well, we like to think of
it as being neighborly.

Well... I'm not a neighbor.

But I'm family, so let me help out.

Yes, sir.


Just up on that wall, please.



[LEE]: So, you, uh, got any
jitters about tomorrow?

Not really.

Okay, maybe a few.


Well, if I'm completely honest, Lee...

I'm shaking in my boots. [LAUGHS]

Of course you are!

Just like I was right
before I married Rosie.

No. No, you didn't seem like it!

Are you kidding me? I was a wreck!

I was convinced that I was gonna

mess up my vows and
make a fool of myself.

- But...
- Convinced!

You didn't.

No. And neither will you.

Just gotta forget about the ceremony,

forget about the guests,

just think about your bride-to-be.

This is the day you finally
become man and wife, forever.

So, you say the vows,

and you put the rings on
each other's fingers,

and that's it...

You're done.

You're a good friend, Lee.

Yeah, I know.

So are you, and you're gonna make

a great husband to Elizabeth, in...

about hours.



Here you go.

For the bodice.

Oh... Faith!

I tried to follow your design

as best I could.

Oh, well, the attention
to detail is just...

Well, it's stunning.

Guess it comes with being a nurse.


[CLARA]: Just what I was afraid of.

There isn't enough lace left

to make the whole dress over again.



What was that?

Mm! Thank you.

We can use my dress.

My dress was lace.

We can deconstruct my dress

to make Elizabeth's.

[ABIGAIL]: That's a great idea.

Hello! How's it all going?

It's coming along great.

It still needs work,
but don't you worry.

You know, I have another
dress I can wear.

I don't want you all
to exhaust yourselves

trying to pull off a miracle.

Well, lucky for you, we
specialize in miracles.


when Jack catches sight of
you walking down the aisle,

he's going to think he's in heaven.

Now scoot!

- Oh...
- We have some work to do.





This is home.

Come on in.

How are you holding up?





Don't be.

You're marrying a good man,
and he's devoted to you.

You have no idea how long I've waited

to hear that from you.

Your mother...

asked me to give this to you.


She wants you to wear
this on your wedding day,

just like she did on ours.

I see so much of your mother in you.

I take that as the highest compliment.

To both of you.

What is it?


I remember holding you
as a little girl.

When I'd get home, you
would run up to me

and throw your little arms around me

and hold me tight.

That's about as good as
it gets for a father.

But now...

you're a grown woman,

moving on.

Oh, Father.

I may be grown,

but I will always be your little girl.

[ROSEMARY]: Clara is putting

the finishing touches on
your dress right now.

I can't believe I'm about
to be a married woman.

The day has finally arrived.

And we're here to give
you all the wedded-bliss

advice you'll need.

Which is pretty simple, really.

It's all about love,
kindness, and devotion.

And honesty with your husband.

Lee and I always talk about
everything that's on our minds.

I do most of the talking,

but Lee is an excellent listener.

Most of the time.

And it's okay if you and Jack disagree.

You don't have to have the
same opinion about everything.

And it's okay to make mistakes.

Lee makes most of them,

but I always forgive him,

because nobody's perfect.


Even me.



But most of all, Elizabeth,

as a married couple,

you'll be sharing your lives together,

which means sharing your heart.

Love conquers all.


I just love you both so much.

We love you, too.

Well, we better get
started on your hair.




What's wrong?

Bill's gone out of town
on Mountie business.

He's not back yet.

Hope he's okay.

I'm sure he just got delayed.

You've got a wedding to focus on.


How do I look?

Dad'd be so proud of you.

I hope so.

You're a Mountie, just like him.


you found a great woman

to spend the rest of your life with.

He would've been proud
of you, too, Tom.

You're gonna be a captain of industry.


About time to go?


The rings.

What about them?

I gave them to Bill.


Something must've happened.

I'm sure he's just delayed.

What are we gonna do?

[SIGHING] I don't know.


I have an idea.

I'll be right back.

I need my basket of petals.

I'll give it to you in the church

just before we start down the aisle.

Miss Thatcher?

Just a moment, Philip.

Cody, Ruby, you can go now,

but no lighting candles
until we say it's okay. Go.

Ushers, people will be arriving soon.

Go take your places in the church

and show them to their seats.

Miss Thatcher!


do you have your sheet music
for the wedding march?

Right here.

Go ahead.

Miss Thatcher.

Oh, yes, Philip. What is it?

Where are the rings?

Where are the rings?

Rosie, quick! I need your wedding band.

What? Why?

Bill hasn't shown up
with the rings yet,

so Jack and Elizabeth
need to borrow ours.

- Hey!
- Where have you been?

Looking for these?

[LEE]: Yes! Yes.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Your suit is in the jail. Hurry up.

Well, I guess I'd better go change!

Word has it there's a wedding. Ladies.

Oh! Aren't weddings exciting?

You two look lovely.

[KIDS]: Thank you.


There... something blue.



You okay?




Gentlemen, I have it on good authority

that the bride has arrived.


Glad you could make it!

You and me both.

Here. This is for you.


What is that smell?

It's a root cellar. Don't ask.


We're five minutes behind schedule.

It's fine. Fashionably late.

She's here.

When the curtains open,

you start down the aisle.






[FRANK]: Friends...

we're gathered here today

to witness the joining of
this man and this woman

in holy matrimony.

For everything, there is a season,

and a time for every
purpose under heaven.

Love is patient, love is kind.


I choose you and no other.

Your happiness is the only question

I want to spend my life answering.

Your heart is the only flame I
will endeavor to keep alight.

Before you said "yes" to marrying me,

I was already yours in every way.

So I marry you today

without hesitation

or doubt.

I'm committed to you... absolutely.

I love you with everything that I am.




I never expected to find love
when I came to Coal Valley.

But, somewhere along the way,

without even realizing
it was happening,

you became the most important
person in my life.

You're my shoulder to cry on...

my favorite to dream with...

and my greatest surprise.

I'd offer you my heart, but...

the truth is, you've had it
for quite some time now.

So, instead...

I'm going to give you my soul.

I love you, Jack Thornton...

From chalk dust to eternity.


I'm yours.

We're ready for the rings.

Thank you.

I give you this ring

as a symbol of my love.

With all that I am,

and all that I have,

I honor you.

With this ring...

I thee wed.


Elizabeth... Jack...

it is my great pleasure

to now pronounce you

husband and wife.


you may kiss your...






[JACK]: Thank you.

[ELIZABETH]: Thank you so much.
Thanks for being with us.


you really are the most beautiful bride

I've ever seen.

Thank you.

It's all because of
this beautiful dress,

thanks to you and the other women.



Thank you.

Thank you.

Congratulations to you both.

Jack, you are one lucky man.

Don't I know it.

I must admit,

we did a wonderful job

pulling this all off.

We certainly did.




I'm having an art show in Hamilton,

in a few months.

Maybe you could come by and see it.

Maybe I can.

[LEE]: Uh, excuse me, everyone?

Can I have your attention for a minute?

Um, the other best man would
like to say a few words, so...

The one who almost didn't make it.


I'll keep this short.


you fight the good fight, my friend.

You protect the community.

You deserve the very best.

Luckily, you found it in Elizabeth.

To the bride and the groom...

may they always be as
happy as they are today.

[OVERLAPPING]: Hear, hear!

- To the bride and groom.
- Hear, hear.

[OVERLAPPING]: Hear, hear.


I would like to just say a few words.

I've had the great honor

of watching this romance
blossom into a love story.

And the sparks were certainly flying

when Jack Thornton and
Elizabeth Thatcher

first laid eyes on each other.


There was no denying

that something special was
unfolding before my eyes.


A love that doesn't
come along every day.

A love that...

Is undeniable.

A love that can't be broken...

And that will endure.

A love that lifetimes are built upon.

To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thornton...

May God bless you and keep you.

Congratulations to the newlyweds.


To the bride and groom!

[OVERLAPPING]: To the bride and groom!


Oh, Elizabeth!

I think it's time

for the bride and her father
to have their first dance.


Thank you.


I remember when we'd dance

with your feet on top of mine.

I don't think you'd
want me to do that now.



May I?






Would you care to dance?

