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03x10 - Orientation Day

Posted: 12/24/21 08:24
by bunniefuu
BOB LEE: Previously on "sh**t"...

Our next justice of the
Supreme Court, Ray Brooks.

Does Brooks have the votes
he needs to get confirmed?

We stop that, we stop

the confirmation hearing altogether.

You guys are talking about
blackmailing a Supreme Court nominee.

The poison didn't enter
Sam's bloodstream,

but he took a turn for the worse.

You still wanna help me with the eulogy?

Can you handle it?

I'm dealing with this my way.

You don't even finish
anything around here

for your family. You can't even buy paint

for your daughter's room.

Maybe it's time to make a change.




Got this from Bob Lee.

That's a whole lot of Semtex.

Clearly, they're planning something.

- Jesus, Bob Lee.
- Evac routes are changed

- and reencrypted every day.
- Yeah, well,

- this thing decrypts it.
- So it has evacuation routes?

NADINE: For every VIP in D.C.

JACK: I spoke with Russo.
He said you're off

the k*ll list if you bring him the card.

He'll even let you back in the program.


- CARLITA: Where are we going?
- JACK: You wanted to see Russo.

- I'm taking you to him.
- BOB LEE: All right, well,

I'll get on a plane
as soon as they'll let me.

I'll be home soon.


- Where's Harris?
- NADINE: I don't know.

He hasn't answered his phone for hours.

You mean this phone?



- The card's gone.
- Give you one guess who took it.

Carlita's probably
halfway to Atlas by now.

I knew we shouldn't have trusted her...

- or Harris, for that matter.
- Wait, hang on.

We don't know that either one
of them is to blame.

Carlita's wanted the card from day one,

and Harris is MIA without his phone.

- You do the math.
- Don't you ever stop assuming

- the worst in people?
- BOB LEE: Guys, guys,

shut up for a second.


You hear that?



You got a key for this?



- HARRIS: Nadine?


- See?

- Told you he wasn't in on it.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I think so.

[GRUNTS] What is that beeping?

It's a military-grade GPS tracker.

- They call it a dagger.
- The question is,

what the hell's it tracking?

After all this time,
Russo still doesn't trust you

enough to give you the campus location?

- It's you he doesn't trust.

I'm getting a lot of that lately.

I suppose you don't trust me, either.

I have the decrypter.

Nothing else concerns me.


It doesn't make sense.

HARRIS: How bad is it?

BOB LEE: Well, the tracker's headed here.

Right in the middle
of a nuclear waste dump.

- Nothing else around for miles.
- NADINE: I still think if Carlita

was trying to screw us,
she'd just disappear.

She wouldn't leave us bread crumbs.

- She would if it was a trap.
- ISAAC: Could be a trap,

could be a creative way to set a meeting.

- Oh, so now you trust her?
- Either way,

I can almost guarantee
that place ain't filled

with nuclear waste.

I'm gonna go find out.

Whoa, whoa. You're hurt.

Go home, be with your family.

We got this.

I can't go home.

- Not until this is finished.
- You think following Carlita

will lead to answers about your dad?

I need to know who took
the shot that k*lled him.

ISAAC: This isn't about
your father anymore.

We're talking about an imminent attack

on American soil.

Two birds, one b*llet.

BOB LEE: All right, so Isaac
and I will follow the tracker.

You guys stay here
and work on getting to Brooks.

More than happy to sit this one out.

We can go through the intel Margo sent.

Look for proof that Brooks' ties to Atlas

still run deep.

You two stay safe.


Whatever you're planning...


No good will come of it.

Because a mission clouded by emotion

is a mission failed?


Welcome home.



Agent Jack Payne...

overseeing disclosure number one

with Recruit Carlita Cruise.

"Antisocial behavior, impertinent...

"with violent tendencies.

Not fit for duty."

The FBI rejected you.

They didn't see your potential.

Where they see weakness, we see strength.

You can be one of us, Recruit,

but you must submit.

Any confirmed kills?

Michael Gowdy.

He was my mom's boyfriend.


They fought.

He drank.

He liked to hit her.

And then one day, I came home,
and he was...

he was doing something worse.

I shoved the Taser in his chest,
and I didn't let go

until his heart stopped beating.

This is Agent August Russo

overseeing disclosure number

with Agent Carlita Cruise.


After Hayes' death, I discovered myself

on the k*ll list.

I used my status as a target

to track and infiltrate the group.

Memphis was able to unlock the decrypter.

She's smart, driven,
but she struggles to accept

there is no black and white
in this world.

Only gray.

Swagger is skilled but is hampered

by his sense of duty, which leads him

to take unnecessary risk,

putting himself and others in danger.

Johnson is consumed by guilt
over his wife's death.

He uses v*olence to try
to escape those feelings.

And what do they know of the plan?

They've surmised the targets
could be Senate holdouts

to Brooks' confirmation.

On the surface, they're cohesive,

but there are divisions
and conflicting agendas.

And Swagger has never forgiven
Johnson for his betrayal.

I believe we can turn them
against each other.

And I made sure they came looking for me.




You know the South fired
the first shot in the Civil w*r?

- Fort Sumter.
- Yup.

Think you're fighting for one thing,

turns out to be another.

Am I supposed to be reading
between the lines here?

I'm just saying.

People should leave the past in the past.

You can't change it, can't erase it.

So I should just forget about the fact

that Atlas m*rder*d my father?

- Like you did with Lin?
- It's not the same.

Lin's death was my fault.

Your father's m*rder's not on you.


All right, we're close.

Then it looks like we're gonna
have to walk a ways on foot.



You don't think you're gonna
be making head sh*ts

with that shoulder?

Name your target.

Okay, fallen tree,
one click from the ridge.

Center mass, Gunny. No fancy shit.




Can't believe I just watched you miss.

If could see you now. [LAUGHS]

All right, I didn't miss.

- I grazed it.
- Whatever.

Just don't slow me down.



Don't be too hard on yourself.

Carlita's highly trained.

Could have happened to any one of us.

You know how she got to me, Nadine?

She listened.

She asked me how I was doing.


You know what? This is taking too long.

We need to go back to plan "A."

Get to Brooks directly,
use the affidavit as leverage

- to make him step down.
- We run into the same problem.

Between SCOTUS police,

Secret Service, Atlas,

guy's better protected
than the president.

Unless you have a secret army
I don't know about.


Yeah, an army of Ben Franklins.

His public appearance schedule.

Brooks is the keynote speaker
at a fundraiser

for wounded vets, that's ironic.

I think it's time we put that Atlas money

toward a good cause.



You know, Sam would have been so touched

by your having everyone over.

Well, we're really
the only family he has.


[SIGHS] You're still waiting for him.

No, I'm not.

It's not that easy, okay?

You love him, and... and it's hard,

but you did the right thing, Jules.

Can I put out the cookies now?

Yeah, that's a great idea.
Will you make some space

on the table, though, sweetie?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

JULIE: You know, the thing is,
when I think

about myself and my marriage...

it's hard.

And then I think about Mary,

and it's easy.

I have to keep her safe
and do what's best for her.

And right now, she's safest here,

at home, without Bob Lee.



Tracker lost signal.

Check the sat phone.


They must be blocking it somehow.

Where the hell is she leading us?

Guess everybody hit the road
when they heard

a nuclear waste dump
was moving in next door.

ISAAC: Or they heard
Bob the Nailer was on his way.

You're funny.

Still nothing.

Same here.

Good place for an ambush.

- Don't tell me you're scared.
- I ain't scared.

I'm just wondering
why they aren't ambushing.



[GRUNTS] Shit.

They know we're here now.

- Laser-guided arrows.
- Don't slow you down, huh?

This is high-tech shit.

Means we're getting close.

You got a plan for when we get

to wherever we're headed?

Stay breathing.

Wanna flesh that out some?


BOB LEE: Contact!

[RAPID g*nf*re]



Fall back!

- ISAAC: You got your ambush.
- BOB LEE: No shit.


What the hell, man?
When's the last time you saw

a group of mercs huddled up
during a mission?

Stupid is as stupid does.

Hold your fire. Something's off.

Why would they thin their ranks?
They had the advantage.

They... they could have boxed us in.

- They just gave it up?
- I don't know, go ask him.

All right, I will.

Cover me. I'm dry.


Where's Carlita?

- Where is she?


BOB LEE: Hey, hey!


What the hell?

They're blanks.

I told you something was off, man.

- This was an exercise.
- So they're all recruits.

Yeah, man. This isn't an abandoned town.

They built it for their rookies.

That's where Carlita was leading us...

an Atlas training camp.



CARLITA: One kick to the back
of the neck and you'd be dead.

You shouldn't leave yourself
so exposed, Recruit.

- What the hell are you doing?
- Foraging.

Even Gandhi could only go
days without food.

Yeah, well, I didn't join up
for passive resistance.

I came to crack skulls.


Some people play checkers.
Others play chess.

You're not the only one
with a library card here.

I guarantee my time beats yours.

You assume the objective
of the mission is speed.

What if it's something different?



Maybe it's to watch us.

Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure

it's not for us to know.

Fall back, Recruit.
You know we're supposed

- to travel alone.
- But it is for us to know.

If they wanted robots,
they would build them.

- They want soldiers.
- No.

Soldiers serve.

They want true believers,
agents who will die

for their missions.

And that's you?



- Shit. Shit!

No! No, no, no, you idiot!


- Stay still.

All right.


Go. Go!

The card has been verified,
as well as the intel

from your disclosure.

You've done well for the mission.

Thank you, sir.

Finish it.



He still favors you.

He favors the mission above all.


- Weakness doesn't become you.
- It wasn't his fault.

- I was trying...
- I wasn't talking about him.

Infirmary, then disclosure, now.

See, we complete our missions
as directed, Recruit.

You must submit.

No one will help you
and you will help no one.

I understand.

[CHUCKLES] No, you don't.

But you will.


RUSSO: This better be important, Recruit.

- What is it?
- We've got two intruders

inside the perimeter.

They've been ID'd as Bob Lee Swagger

and Isaac Johnson.

I wouldn't come back empty-handed.

Well done, my dear.

Wait here.





MAN: Stop!

Bob Lee Swagger and Isaac Johnson,

you're trespassing.

Drop your weapons.

- More blanks?
- I don't know, man.

If they know who we are,
they know why we're here.

Then why haven't they done any...


RAY: Sorry, my assistant
must have mixed up the time.

NADINE: No, you're right on schedule.

We think it's very important
to support our troops.

HARRIS: So much so that we
bought up all the tickets.

NADINE: We were hoping to speak with you

about your time in Vietnam.

Excuse me, Cambodia.

Or was it Laos?

They're clear.

RAY: Give us the room.


MARY: Daddy?



MARY: So many people came today, Mom.

JULIE: Well, your Uncle Sam
was well-loved.

Let me out of here!

[MUFFLED] Let me out of here!


Let me out of here, you assh*le!

MARY: Why wasn't Daddy here?

He loved Sam the most.

JULIE: You're right, he did.

Daddy's still on his mission, honey,

but what's most important
is that you and I

are here together.

Thank you for helping me
clean up, sweetheart.

MARY: I wanna make everything perfect

for when Daddy gets home.

Stay away from my family!

I was young.

Hopped up on go-pills and hormones.

I didn't think twice about the dope.

Help my country k*ll Charlie,
that sounded right to me.

I'll never forgive myself
for some of the things

I did over there.

But I've spent every second
of my life since

trying to make up for it.

NADINE: If that's true,

then you need to step down immediately.

Because of this?


Look, I heard that Phoenix had evolved,

but I swear to you, I haven't had a thing

to do with them since the w*r.

If I were a pawn, I'd know it.

NADINE: Doesn't matter what you know.

We know that Atlas wants you
on the court,

and they're gonna take innocent lives

to make that happen.

My whole life has been building
to this appointment.

I won't give it all up
on the word of a stranger.

- I can't.
- Then we'll have no choice

but to leak Earl Swagger's affidavit

to the confirmation committee.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

Your candidacy is over either way.



Do you know the most important trait

of a successful recruit?

The ability to completely surrender

- to the mission at hand.
- Yes, sir.

- Is that a polygraph, sir?
- It's incredibly difficult.

There can be many questions and feelings.

But a mission clouded by emotion

is a mission failed.

You lied in your first disclosure.

No, sir, I...


You left out the part
where after you saved

your mother's life, she kicked you out

of the house... isn't that right?

- No.
- Chose him over you.

- Again.


How does it feel?

Watching her in pain.

The door's unlocked, by the way,

so you can go to her at any time.

You know what?


Go ahead, save her.

sh**t the man who is causing her pain.

But your mission is to continue.

Oh, and, um...

choose carefully, Recruit.

[LAUGHS] I mean you're bright, but...

you and I both know
you ain't gonna rise up

in this place until you prove yourself.

To him.


RUSSO: Attachments made your mother weak,

make you weak.

Not anymore.

No one will save you.

You will save no one.






"Mama Tomato
and her little cherry tomatoes

settled in for the night."

The end.

- One more.
- No, that was one more.

I love you.

Can you pass me Teddy, please?


This old Teddy?



MARY: What's wrong, Mom?

Sweetie, did anybody
hold Teddy today at the party?

No, why?


well, he has a little hole in him.

So let me sew him up tonight, okay?

Can you sleep with another one?

I choose...

Larry the Llama.

Perfect choice.

- Sweet dreams.
- Mwah.

- I love you, Mama.
- I love you too, sweetie.



What did you do to my family,
you son of a bitch?

Calm down, Mr. Swagger.
Your family is fine.

What you heard was merely intel.

Here at Atlas, we research our projects,

plan our missions carefully.

You should try it sometime.

Now, have a seat.

I'll stand.

[g*n COCKS]

Have a seat.



Your country needs you, Bob Lee.

RUSSO: For someone
so concerned about his family,

you certainly spend
a lot of time away from them.

You really are your father's son.

I recruited him in Vietnam.

You want a prize?

You're confused.

It's you who wants something from me.

Answers about who k*lled your father.

I can tell you for a price.

What's that?

Nothing out of the ordinary for you.

I need you to k*ll someone.

Before you get all noble,

take the unusual step
of thinking before you act.

I've been listening
to your wife for a while now.

She's in real pain.

Do you remember when that started?

The day Isaac Johnson
drove down your driveway.

You really think you're
gonna get to me like that?

Solotov, then.

He k*lled Donny, Rodriguez, Zehnder,

Dobbs, Ali.

When Isaac chose to bury that report,

he put personal ambition above duty

and a target...

on the chest of every man in the .

Isaac tarnished your name.

Put your child in danger.

Wreaked havoc on your marriage.

Let your brothers die.

You can't trust a rabid dog, son.

You have to put it down.

Go ahead.

For your family.

For your brothers.

For your father.



If it ain't loaded...

it ain't lethal, right?




ADAM: In Missouri. It's called Five Mile!

It's called Five Mile!


Hey, Julie, I wasn't sure
if you wanted red or...


Thanks. No, that...
that wine will be awesome.

Do you wanna get some wine glasses?


MAN: ♪ I'm dazed and in a haze ♪

♪ Trying to make things good ♪

♪ A man is afraid, torn between the two ♪

- Are those listening devices?
- Yes.

We're not safe here anymore.

You don't go into the maze

to look for the mouse.

You set out the cheese...

wait for it to come to you.


If the Swagger men are one thing,

it's predictable.

Heroism is their weakness,

and Bob Lee won't leave here

without Isaac Johnson.

And that will be the end

of all the little mice in the maze.



Before he comes back.

Come with me.

Forget the mission.

I'd wish you luck,
but I wouldn't mean it.

Same here.

RUSSO: Isaac Johnson.


Did you know Hayes had his eye on you

even before Mexico?

The man had his vices,

but he could spot natural talent.

- Didn't do him any good.
- No.

But he was right about you.

- You're a k*ller.
- And you are?

I'm the guy who knows
you threw Lee out that window

and sliced Gold's throat clean through.

They deserved it.

And Susan Fenn?

Your point?

You haven't stopped

punching clocks since your wife died.

Hasn't it felt good?

Honest, even?

Not all of us are meant
to be heroes, Isaac.

You don't know me.


Give me one reason why
I shouldn't k*ll you right now.


- Where is he?
- With Russo,

getting his mind warped.

Russo likes to toy with his prey

before he eats it.

And it's your job to set up the hunt?

Hardly. I came here to take out
the top of the food chain.

All I needed was a good distraction.

Bullshit. You've been playing Isaac

- and Nadine all along.
- No, I have not.

I needed to buy time.

Only real a*mo in this whole place

is locked up in Russo's office.

Is that where you got the fireworks too?

[SCOFFS] Please.

That's a sparkler compared
to what I have planned.

I set this up as a contingency
a long time ago.

Well, great. You got a b*llet,
but we still need a g*n.

- Russo will take care of that.

Yeah, but how are we gonna get to him?

He's got bootlickers at
every door on the way to Isaac.


I know a way. But whatever happens,

I pull the trigger.


What did Lin ask you

the night before she died?


You promised her it would.

Don't you think it's time

you keep that promise, Isaac?


- Come here.
- Wait a min...

BOB LEE: Blanks again.

Cover the door.

Isaac, you good?

- Now give me the b*llet.
- Give me the g*n.

Not until I get the answers I want.

This is what you want.

Two floors down,
door marked "Black Room."

Trust me.

- Where's the card?
- CARLITA: It's gone.

- ISAAC: You kidding me?
- CARLITA: Big picture, Isaac.

There's a yellow hard drive down there

with all Atlas' plans,

not just the one that concerns the card.


You got ten minutes.

Scream and you're dead.

I did everything you asked of me,

and you put me on that list anyway.

My dear Carlita.

Still so emotional.

You won't do this...



ISAAC: The hell is all this?

Must be Atlas operations HQ.

Where they keep the files
on all their missions

and operatives.

Looks like it goes
all the way back to the ' s.

So it did start in Vietnam.

- Phoenix.
- My dad.


ISAAC: This is that drive
Carlita was talking about.

BOB LEE: Got it. My dad's file.

Jesus, man, it's all here.

Mission intel, dates, locations.

WOMAN: Operations.

Please state your phone identification.

RAY: Ray Brooks. Operation Windmill.

WOMAN: Confirmed. Mission complete?

RAY: No. Target in sights,

but there's someone else here.

A kid in the back seat of the police car.

Abort or proceed?

WOMAN: Your call, Agent.


[g*nsh*t ECHOES]


They must have found Russo's body.

- Yeah, we gotta go, now.
- We gotta get that drive.

No, man, there's no time.






Hope Carlita made it out okay.

She knew what she was doing.

That psycho didn't get
in your head too bad, did he?



I'm good.

I think he might be right, though.

Once we finish this thing...

we should leave all
of our old shit in the past.


Copy that.



All right...

I think I have everything.

Uh, your stuff's in the car, right?

- Yep, I'm all set.
- Why can't I know

- where we're going?
- Because the point

of a surprise is that it's a surprise.

You know what? Actually...

let's tell her where we're going.

We are going on an adventure to Yosemite.

- Yosemite?
- JULIE: Yeah!

It's totally off the grid.

We're gonna camp. There'll be tents.

It's gonna be super fun.

And then Daddy will meet us?

Yes, and then Dad'll meet us.

It's a long drive, though,
so will you go grab

another book or two from your room?

- Mm-hmm!
- Yeah?




Give me your cell phone. Come on.

Mary, you almost ready, honey?

- MARY: Yeah, one second!
- Gotta hit the road, Jack.

Mary. Come on, baby, let's go.

MARY: Coming!


[SIGHS] All right.

- MARY: Let's go.
- Are there horses there?

- Yes.
- And butterflies and bunnies?

- Everything you can dream of.
- Tons of nature.

MARY: Last one to the car
is a rotten egg!

ANNE: Oh, I'll catch you!

- Mom, you're the rotten egg!

I am, I'm the rotten egg.

Still nothing on Brooks.

He needs to step down.


Hey, I got it.

I figured out why Atlas needs Brooks

- on the court so fast.
- "Anhur Dynamics"?

That was Lon Scott's company.
It was a front for Atlas.

- What's the case?
- Uh, complicated.

But it all hinges on a document
request for discovery.

Uh, Anhur claimed
a national security exemption.

- Okay, so?
- So, once the court

hears arguments, they will rule
on whether or not

a government contractor can claim that.

And if Anhur loses,
all their documents go public,

which opens the door for Atlas' past.

Money, missions, everything.

Their secrets brought into the light.

- Jesus.
- Yeah.

So I-I talked to my friend from
law school, uh, Van Tassell.

He clerks for one of the justices.

He said right now, they're split - .

Atlas is trying to tip the balance.

This isn't over.





- He's on.
- Uh, I got it.

- BOB LEE: Yo.

Hey, uh, you're just in time.

Brooks is about to make a statement.

You okay? Where's Isaac?

He's babysitting.

I'll explain later. Turn it up.

Like many soldiers,
I did things in Vietnam

I'm not proud of.

Despite that, I'm addressing

these issues here today

because I've been the victim
of blackmail.

These culprits tried

to use unsubstantiated allegations

of my past in Vietnam
to force me to step down.


But their only source is nothing

but a troubled man done in by the w*r.

I will not let these criminals
obstruct the will

of the president or the American people.

I stand here before you today to tell you

that these allegations are false.

I look forward to clearing my good name

at the Senate confirmation.


He has to be Atlas.

We don't know that for sure, Nadine,

but what we do know is...

He k*lled my father.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna k*ll him.