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03x04 - It's a Ravenzo

Posted: 12/26/21 07:34
by bunniefuu

Sorry, miss,

but you forgot your...

My bag.

It's not just a bag.

It's a Ravenzo.

- MAN: Bravo.

MAN: It's a beautiful bag.

- WOMAN: Bravo.
- Buona sera.

I am Sandro Ravenzo.

And welcome to the launch
of our new Ravenzo bag.

The Ravenzo name, it has
survived the Great Depression,

two World Wars,

, and one marriage to an American.


My mother, Francesca.


MAN: Wonderful.

- Mm.
- Eh...

Of course, I would be remiss

if I did not thank my sister Giulia.

- WOMAN: Bravo.


Thank you all for coming.

And remember, you touch
it, you buy it. Yes?

- WOMAN: Good job.





See you later.

Get a hold of yourself.

What are you talking about?

Don't embarrass me tonight, please.

And where have you been
spending your nights, Fiona?

Give me the valet ticket.

Sandro, go after her.

Fiona. Fiona, wait.

- Fiona.
- How can you stand there

and praise this ugly family?

What are you saying?

Would it matter?




Hate to disappoint you,
Yates, but there doesn't seem

to be any severed heads
in Cynthia's closet.


- Sculptures.
- Mm-hmm.

No family photos.

No evidence of any life
outside of this stuff.

What does that tell you?

That she's been burned by
nosy coworkers before.

Come on, Zara. Don't you think Cynthia's

- being a little evasive?
- No.

Every time we hang out, she bails early.

It's been eight months. I
feel like I barely know her.

I'm not being nosy. I think
she's hiding something.


Count me out of the "Who Is
Cynthia Walker?" sweepstakes.

You're on your own.

All right, you guys, let's eat.



Escabèche snapper, braised lamb shank,

topped with crispy fried shallots

and parsnips beurre
blanc finished by Eric.

Well, come on. I-I whisked.

I didn't... I didn't finish anything.

I can't do any of this.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Well, where did you learn to cook?

Oh, I just pick things
up here and there.

Must have been a big change,

- moving back to Montreal.
- How so?

You know, having all your family
and friends so close again.

Oh, well, actually, my
parents were immigrants,

and they died when I was young,

so it's just me.

Just you.

I'd like to make a toast.

No. My house, my toast.

Uh, but I was gonna toast...

This is not a negotiation,
Beaumont. Zip it.

[LAUGHS]: All right, glasses up.


So, to finally cooking

for you lovely people.

When you live alone as long as I have,

you forget how nice this is.

How nice what is?


To Cri/Res.

To Cri/Res.

To family.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.


Fiona, I have left you messages.

Would you please, please...

pick up the phone?


Ferma! Ferma la macchina!



MAN: It is in the best interest

to not screw us around.

We won't be lied to.

Okay, no one's screwing you around.

My name is Eric Beaumont.

I was hired by the Ravenzos
to negotiate on their behalf.

Now, before we begin, I need proof

that Fiona Ravenzo is still alive.

SANDRO: Oh, Dio mio.

Give me back my wife.

- Animali. I will k*ll you.
- Oliver?

CYNTHIA: Mr. Ravenzo,

expressing emotion

gives the kidnappers leverage.

We will get your wife back,

but you need to stay calm.


ERIC: Thank you. It helps knowing

that Fiona's alive and relatively well.

Enough talk.

How much is the Ravenzo
woman worth to you?

Well, we're prepared to offer
you a substantial sum.

It should be here...

[QUIETLY]: One million, three hours.

... very soon.

We have , euro to offer.

The Ravenzo family is worth a fortune,

and you're offering me scraps?

No, sir.

Maybe I should just sh**t her right now.

Maybe I should just empty
my g*n on her head.

Emotionally, this guy's
all over the place, Eric.

He has a beta personality.
He'll respond to an alpha.

, was my offer.

You want to negotiate,
fine. Let's negotiate.

But you make one more threat,
and you won't see a dime.

We want a serious offer.

It'll take some time, but I may be able

to get that number up
to a half a million.

We'll call back.


Zara, what have you got?

ZARA: Skid marks indicate
Fiona was going very fast

before she went off the road.

It's a miracle anyone survived.

Yeah, she had quite the cut to her head.

Okay, I'll work fast.

Zara, negotiating in Italy is illegal,

so if the police show up, you...

Just make an excuse and
get out of here. Got it.

I'll call back when I have something.

That car crash bother anyone else?

Well, it's a risky way
to kidnap someone.

Fiona could've been k*lled.

And the kidnappers didn't come
at us with a fixed number.

That's also new.

So what does that tell us?

They're making it up as they go.

I don't think they
intended to kidnap her.

Might have been a crime of opportunity.

Driving along, find a crashed
car, rich woman inside.

What about that call?
What did you pick up?

Well, the fact that he
kept making threats

and cutting you off implied
a deep sense of insecurity.

Like fear of failure?

Answering to someone important?

That, or he's way out of his element.

- Yeah.

Hey, Zara. You're on speaker.

ZARA: Hey, I found some deep tire marks.

Not from Sandro's car, but on
the other side of a blind hill.

Something big, maybe a dump truck?

I'm guessing the kidnappers parked here

knowing Fiona would come this way.

Okay, so they were planning
something, but what?

Looks like she swerved to avoid them

and went off the road.

- That's when they collected her.
- ZARA: Also...

the ransom note was right where
Sandro said it would be,

but he failed to mention it was written

on the back of one of
his speeding tickets.

Okay, that doesn't sound planned.

And the seat belt on the
passenger side was cut, Eric.

Tampered with before the crash.

If she was sitting where she was
supposed to be, she'd be dead.

She's only alive because
she was driving.

Okay, so whoever took Fiona

approached the car expecting to
find her in the passenger seat.

Now, when they found her alive
and figured out who she was,

they scribbled a note on
the only piece of paper

they could find

and took her for ransom instead.

Instead of what?

Instead of k*lling her.

These men were hired as assassins.


Uh... mi scusi.

Parla inglese?

What are you doing here?

I was driving by, and I saw the car.

Wanted to make sure no
one was trapped inside.

Was there?


I hope you didn't touch anything.

Don't worry, I know the drill.

I used to be a cop like you. New York.

A cop, huh?

NYPD Blue.

[LAUGHS] Something like that.

You sure you were just driving by?

Am I free to go, signora?

For now.



You know, it would seem, Mr. Ravenzo,

that someone put a hit out on your wife.

What? I don't understand.

Passenger seat belt on your car was cut.

Someone tried to k*ll her and
make it look like an accident.

Then why was she taken?

Well, the assassins didn't
know who their target was.

When they did, they decided to
cash in on the Ravenzo name.

It was a crime of opportunity.

Uh, are you sure that
your sister's coming?

I called her, sent her a text.

- Giulia is, uh...
- My daughter has an

A-type personality. It's
impossible to get her

to stop doing the things she
loves, and she loves her work.

Ever since she was little, she...

She has been a heartless bitch.

FRANCESCA: Sandro is head of marketing,

but Giulia is the chief
operations officer.

And you're CEO?

I've taken a step back with age.

It's Giulia's company now.

Uh, Mr. Ravenzo, I-I know this
is hard, but I have to ask.

Who would want your wife dead?

I have no idea.

Fiona is well-liked, a philanthropist.

She spent more time with
our factory workers

than the fashion elite.

She is kind.

That someone would try to
k*ll her, doesn't make sense.

Who's Roberto Ferrucci?

Why do you ask?

I found a restraining order online.

It was filed by Fiona

against a Roberto Ferrucci.

FRANCESCA: Roberto was our old designer.

A hothead like all
artists, but not a k*ller.

Well, a restraining order
isn't easy to get.

You know, someone had to
think the threat was real,

including a judge.

Roberto worked for our
company for years.

He became infatuated with Fiona.

He stalked her, made
inappropriate comments.

After several warnings, I had him fired.

He made threats.

This is why the restraining order.

Is it just me, or did
Sandro seem nervous

about us talking to his
old buddy, Roberto?

Yeah, I caught that, too.

Find him. If we can prove he's involved,

we might be able to leverage
it with the kidnappers.

See if you can track down
Fiona's life insurance policy.

It'd be good to see who
stands to gain from her death

- and by how much.
- Okay.

Oh, and, um, by the way,

a cop turned up at the crash site.

Good chance they'll be by here soon.

Well, we better get
our stories straight.

My mother does the same
thing when she's worried.


I have been through a lot.

Was widowed young.

This is just the next thing.

Francesca, the police
found Sandro's car.

It's only a matter of time

before they start asking questions.

The police will not hear
about Fiona from me.

Is this your father?

That is the man who give us all of this,

my grandfather.


Dirt poor.

Something the old money of Florence

never let my father forget.

You must understand, Mr. Beaumont,

our name was all we had.

My father vowed we would
never give it up,

even when I was married.

There is much in a name.

Something my children
have not yet realized.



Ah, Lorenzo.


Third time

in two months Sandro
has crashed the car.

Francesca, the way he treats you.

I'm a police officer.

It is getting harder
to look the other way.

- This is the last time.
- Of course.

It's always the last time.

Come. Come. Sit.

And you are?

Eric Beaumont. Uh, I'm a negotiator.


The Ravenzos have business
that's extremely time-sensitive.

My team flew in to
guide them through it.

You flew in? Big shot, huh?

Just a helping hand.

Okay, well, I'm gonna leave you to it.

CYNTHIA: Mr. Ferrucci,
we just want to ask you

- a couple of questions.
- No, I'm on my way to a meeting

and have no desire to ruin my day

by talking about that
damn Ravenzo. Capisce?

Well, someone tried to
k*ll Fiona Ravenzo,

and since there's a restraining
order out against you,

I think that makes you a
solid suspect. Capisce?


We just want to know where
you were last night.

[LAUGHING]: No, no, no. You
should be looking at Sandro.

He and Fiona are always fighting.

Protecting the precious Ravenzo
name is his only priority.

That a weasel like him could
steal a woman from me.

- Wait, steal?
- Yes.

Fiona was my girlfriend first.

Then Sandro somehow seduced her away.

I'm not surprised he neglected

to mention that part.

When you said Sandro's only priority

was to protect the Ravenzo
name, what'd you mean by that?

Okay, enough. I got to go.

- I'm done talking to...
- Listen, Roberto.

Out of my way.

How about you give us a call

if your blood pressure drops

and you suddenly remember something?

KIDNAPPER: Do you have the money?

We were able to get the half
million euros discussed.

Now, if you give us the
location, we'll make the...

KIDNAPPER: Half million is not enough.

It was enough earlier. What's changed?

I think she's worth more.

Unless you have a better
offer, I hang up.

You have to give us more time.

No more time. We are done.

I can get you one million euros.

Finally a serious offer.

Stay by the phone. Wait for our call.


Does it bother you that we keep

going up in price in this negotiation?

We usually talk them down.

But they said, "Unless you
have a better offer."


So whoever paid these men to
k*ll Fiona are still in play.

The kidnappers are taking
offers from both sides.

We're in a bidding w*r.

And whoever pays the most
money first, gets Fiona.

Dead or alive.

ZARA: Sandro,

where's your mother?

Lying down. The stress of
this thing is too much.

Your sister?

Fiona isn't made of leather,

so don't count on Giulia being here.

How much money can you get quickly?

You just promised them a million.

They may have already
received a better offer.

You really believe someone would pay

over a million euro to k*ll my wife?

I don't know, but we have
to be prepared to bid

until their revenue stream is exhausted.

- So how much can you get?
- I'll talk to the bank.

Thank you.


What's happening with Roberto?

He blew us off, threatened
us, then he sent us a text.

It says, "You want the truth?

Here's a time and a place to meet."

You don't like the look of
the place, you don't go in.

We're about preserving
lives, our own included.

Any luck with Fiona's life insurance?

Waiting for a call.

Pay Giulia a visit in the meantime.

See why she hasn't been with the
family in this time of need.

Something tells me this isn't

your garden variety family feuding.

What about you?

I think it's time to come
clean to the police.


That's why they are so
expensive, Ms. Hallam.

Handcrafted by real artisans.

The mark of true Italian quality.


They're lovely.

I'm very sorry for not coming by.

I can only imagine what
Sandro must be going through.

But we have put everything
in this new bag,

and someone has to
oversee the deliveries.

Fiona's kidnapping could not
have come at a worse time.

Please, don't mistake my
devotion for the Ravenzo legacy

as a lack of concern
for my brother's wife.

What should I mistake it as?

My mother and Sandro are on
the board of the company.

They have fancy titles, but
if I left everything to them,

the company would fall to ruin.

I'm busy. Is that a crime?

No. I guess the optics
just aren't great.

If I didn't know better, I'd think...

Sandro and Fiona have
been fighting for months.

A week ago, I was working late

and I went out for a meal.

I saw Fiona and her ex, Roberto.

Whispering, talking close.

Throw a rock, and you will hit women

that dreamed of marrying my brother,

marry my family,

but not Fiona.

Fiona resented us.

So what are you suggesting?

I think Fiona has conspired
with Roberto to kidnap herself.

But if she was unhappy,
she could have just left.

Why take the risk?

The family money's tied up in a trust.

If she divorces my
brother, she gets nothing.

Everyone else wants what we have.

Why should she be so different?


MAN: What are you doing?


MAN: What are you doing?

CYNTHIA: Are you sure this is
where Roberto said to meet?


Yep. This is it.

Roberto. Hello?

If this is Roberto's idea of a date,

I'm starting to see why Fiona left him.

According to Google Maps,
this was a Ravenzo factory.

Press release said it
burned down a month ago.

Threatened the launch of the new bag.

Timing of that smells an
awful lot like arson.

Fire makes a bag more
exclusive, aka more expensive.

- You really want one, huh?
- [LAUGHING]: Oh, that.

First time I saw a Ravenzo, it
was in a celebrity magazine.

I was about eight. I was obsessed.

So where is he?


- Cynthia.
- What? Oh.

- Looks like a bull

or an ox or some...


Shine your light right here.

Looks like some sort of sacrifice.


- Okay.
- Okay, let's go.


Peace offering.

That's not going to be enough.

A negotiator of kidnappings.

I wasn't entirely truthful

when you visited the Ravenzos earlier.

You don't say.

Fiona's been taken.

Fiona is a good woman.

Too good for a man like Sandro.

You know the Ravenzos well, don't you?

Everyone in Italy knows
the Ravenzos well.

When you came by the house,
I noticed a closeness

between you and Francesca.

Maternal, even.

The Ravenzos took my family
in after World w*r II.

When everyone was
starving and destitute,

the Ravenzos gave my grandparents work,

a place to live.

And when my parents died,
Francesca took me in

and raised me alongside
her own children.

The woman is a saint.

But I was alive for the Brigate Rosse.

I watched as they extorted

the privileged of our
country for ransom.

Held our government hostage.

This type of negotiation
was banned for a reason.

But you've seen my website.
You know what I can do.

With your help, we can ensure
this stays out of the press.

Nobody knows except my team,
the Ravenzos and you.


if I were to look the other way...

... what other way would I look?

I need you to do full
forensics on Sandro's car.

Fingerprints, DNA, the works,
and if this was a hit,

now it's an auction for Fiona's life.

If we lose the bid,
identifying the kidnappers,

tracking them down, may
be the only way for us

to bring Fiona back alive.

I'll call you when it's ready.

Okay, thank you.

Mr. Beaumont.

If you in any way take advantage
of Francesca Ravenzo,

being arrested for negotiating ransom

will be the least of your problems.


How much did you get?


The million I got earlier
emptied the family trust.

There is no more.

Well, I find it hard to believe
the Ravenzo fashion empire...

What, do you think we are made of money?


Is that it?

This new bag, the overhead,

the deliveries, you have no idea.

Ravenzo Luxury Goods is worth a fortune.

I mean, the name alone could
sell for what? Half a billion.

What's going on, Sandro?
Where's the money?

I lost it.


I kept thinking I could win it back

and refill the trust
before anyone noticed,

but I kept losing,

and no bank will touch me now.

You think it's me.


You think I did this to my wife.

I love Fiona.

I have to take this.


Roberto was a no-show,

so we decided to knock
for him at his shop.


He's dead.

CYNTHIA: su1c1de.

Either that or a m*rder made
to look like one. Anyway,

police are on their way.

Okay, get back here when you're done.

Get me a statement.

What's going on there?

Were you able to track down
a life insurance policy?

Yeah. Ten million euros.

To who?

The Ravenzo family trust.

Well, Giulia's finally arrived.

She's in the study, working.

Francesca and Sandro are in the kitchen.

Do we really think one of the Ravenzos

is trying to have Fiona k*lled?

ERIC: Her insurance pays ten million

to the Ravenzo family trust.

Nothing else makes sense.

So if the Ravenzos are our clients,

that means we're in a bidding
w*r against ourselves.

Yeah, it looks that way.

So? Which Ravenzo is it?

Well, I don't see Francesca
risking her son's life

just to k*ll his wife.

My vote's for Giulia.

This is the first time
she's been to the house

since Fiona was taken.

CYNTHIA: If the factory fire was arson,

we can assume that Roberto knew...

that's why he led us there...
but what if Fiona knew as well?

Giulia showed me a photograph
of Fiona and Roberto together.

Now, she thought they
were having an affair,

but what if he was telling
her what he found out?

That's when she confronted Giulia,

Giulia puts a hit out on Fiona

to shut her up about the arson.

Makes you wonder what else
these people are capable of.

We're sure that Roberto
wasn't a su1c1de, right?

Nah, nah. Right when he's
about to blow the whistle

on the Ravenzos for burning
down their own factory,

he takes his own life?

That's too coincidental.

If we're gonna accuse the
people picking up our tab

of m*rder, I'd really
like to be certain.

Okay, head to the police station.

See if you can get eyes
on that forensics report

from the cop that you met.

S.I. Marmoldo didn't come through?

He practically threatened to
k*ll me if I touched a hair

on Francesca's head.

Now, if he catches on that
we're about to accuse

a member of her family,

we may never see that report.

It's our only contingency
if we get outbid.

- I'll be in touch.
- Thanks.

What about that dead ox?

On the way to interview the
man that purchased it now.

Let me know what you find,

if it has anything to
do with Giulia Ravenzo.

I am very interested to see

how she behaves during the next call.

Please, a woman's life is at stake.

I can't talk to you. I'm working.

But you did buy the ox, right?
Look, I have the invoice.

I don't want any trouble.

Just tell me why you k*lled
that ox, and I will leave.

I don't have papers.

My family, they depend on me.

Look, this woman's life's at stake.

You know Fiona, don't you?

She's kind. Not like the other Ravenzos.

Someone's trying to k*ll her, Gogo.

Just tell me what you know,
it could save her life.

Time's up. How much can you do?

We don't have any more money.

- Then we are done.
- Why?

Because you received a better
offer from whoever hired you

to k*ll Fiona?

What's the number?

One and a quarter million euros.

How much of that money do you
think you'll live to spend?

I am not interested in what-ifs.

I'm interested in getting paid.

He's serious, Eric.

We need to make an offer,
or he's gonna k*ll Fiona.

Well, we don't have
anything to offer. Do we?

Giulia, aiutami.



- Sì.
- Sì?

Like you helped the company?

But Fiona didn't do that. I did.


Look at this. How do you know Fiona

isn't behind this herself?

How dare you?

Are you really going to let her die?

I screwed up.

But don't punish Fiona
for my mistakes, please.

Giulia, I got to give him an answer.

I will do anything you ask.


I will get the money.

Tell them . million euros,

and not a penny more.


I have . million euro.

You won't do better.

We accept.

- There is a phone

under a white rock about a
hundred yards down the road.

Drive north with the money,

and we will give you further directions.



Eric, I'm here with Elisa.

No fingerprints in the
report, no DNA, no trace.

Zara, check and see if there's

any mention of the tampered seat belt.

Hang on.


No mention of the seat belt, either.

Yes, there is. I filled
out the report myself.

This is not my work.

This is a fake.

Who faked the report?

Station Inspector Lorenzo Marmoldo.

Mr. Beaumont.

I must insist I take over.

- Inspector Marmoldo, I don't understand...
- I know it is not ideal,

but it would be better for me.

My career. You understand.

I think we both know your career

- is in enough trouble already.
- Excuse me?

Been right under my nose since
I got here, but now I see.

It wasn't Giulia.

I know what you and Francesca are up to.

I have no idea what you are insinuating.

I'm insinuating that Francesca
didn't raise you like a son.

She raised you like an attack dog.

You think she'd risk her
own blood to k*ll Roberto?

Fiona? Start the fire?


I'm going to collect Fiona Ravenzo

and bring her back home.

If I were you,

I would not be here when I get back.

Here you go.

The phone the kidnappers left for us.


Hey. What's up? Where's the money?

Lorenzo has it.

And unless we can wrestle
the leash from Francesca,

he's gonna k*ll Fiona
and the kidnappers.

No loose ends.

OLIVER: You're positive
it's Francesca and Lorenzo?

Lorenzo's sure risking
a lot to help her.

The Ravenzos took his family in.
They raised him like a son.

I mean, he was a... he was a
nobody who became part of

one of the greatest
dynasties in this country.

A feeling of indebtedness
is a very strong motivator.

It's possible Lorenzo would do
anything to please Francesca.

CYNTHIA: The Nguni migrant

who bought the ox... I got him to talk.

The Ravenzos burned

a lot more than bags in that fire.

Any word?

About the conspiracy to commit m*rder?

Excuse me?

You burned the factory down.

You put the hit out on Fiona,
had Lorenzo k*ll Roberto,

and now he's gone to
finish the job on Fiona.

- I mean, is that it?
- Uh, Mr. Beaumont, what are you saying?

That night you saw Roberto
and Fiona talking,

he was telling her about
the arson, how Lorenzo

burned down the factory
for the insurance money.

Fiona confronted you,

and that's why you tried
to have her k*lled.

Why would my mother do something...

I spoke to a man named Gogo.

Two of your Nguni migrant
workers died in that fire.

They were his cousins.

We found Gogo because
he sacrificed an ox

at the factory.

It's a Nguni tradition.

You said it yourself, Sandro.

Fiona spent more time
with the factory workers

than the fashion elite.

She was friends with them.

You knew she'd never
keep quiet about it,

so you tried to have her k*lled.

Only problem was, she took Sandro's car

at the launch, drove herself home.

She didn't die in the crash,
like you planned, did she?

- Shut up!

Mr. Beaumont,

I don't know what you are
talking about, but...

if Lorenzo is, as you say he is,

a bad apple, you have
already run out of time.

Unless Zara can track
him on my cell phone.

Put it in the bag with the money.



- We're two minutes behind him.

All right, tell us when
you've caught up to him.

Copy that.



Zara, talk to me.


Sorry, Eric. Looks like Lorenzo

didn't want anyone to follow him.

Lorenzo has always been a smart boy.

Smarter than most.

You told me the workers were removed.

Why didn't you move the
migrants like we agreed?

They could have said something
to the insurance company.

CYNTHIA: They were no threat to you.

They were in this country illegally.

They didn't want any trouble.

You didn't have them moved

because you didn't see them as people.

You saw them as an acceptable loss.

ERIC: There's only one way
out of this, Francesca.

I know the hold you have over Lorenzo.

Only you can call him off, so do it.




Drop the money.

It's good.

Where is she?

She is in the building.

What the hell is this?

- [g*n FIRES]


Was I an acceptable loss?

I was supposed to be driving this car.

However, it worked out.

We planned it so you'd live.

So be grateful, because you have

done nothing but take, take
and take your entire life.

It was time to get back.

All we have ever done
was try to please you.

But you prefer Lorenzo,
the gardener's son.

Lorenzo is loyal.

He knows the value of our name.

You value nothing.

Fiona wanted to leave.

She begged me. She begged!

She was going to destroy everything,

everything this family
has worked to build

for over a century.

We survived Mussolini, the
Communists, Berlusconi,

and I was supposed to sit back and watch

as that American puttana

you let in tore everything down?

My father entrusted his name
and this company to me.

ERIC: And there is still a
chance to save the Ravenzo name.

CYNTHIA: No one has
to know about Giulia,

that she knew that the
migrants were squatting there.

She was told that they were
moved, and she believed you.

OLIVER: And we don't need to tell anyone

she was involved with the arson.

ERIC: Call it off.

There's still time.

LORENZO: Fiona, I'm here!

Let's get you home.


ERIC: If the Ravenzo name

is all you care about,

call Lorenzo off.

He will only listen to you.

Do it.

Or help me, God, I will turn
this company to ash myself.



Roberto told me

you started the factory fire
that k*lled those migrants.


ERIC: If you k*ll Sandro's wife,

the entire Ravenzo empire is gone.

Overnight, like it never existed.

Now, you pick up that phone,
and you call Lorenzo,



- [g*n CLICKS]
- No, no, no.

- Please.


Let Fiona go.

What are you talking about?

We are exposed.

My children have turned on me.

That's what I get for
being kind to them.

Let Fiona go.

It will only make things worse

to k*ll her now.

What will happen to you?

I will go to jail. I will die there.



I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I let you down.

It's all right, Lorenzo.

It is I who failed my father...

... by trusting any of you.


I'm sorry I never told
you what I found out.

Don't be sorry.

You were worried I wouldn't
have done anything.

You were probably right.

I'm going to get help.

The drinking, the gambling,
I'm done with all this.

I want to start over.

ZARA: Lorenzo's been taken into custody.

Everything Francesca
was trying to protect,

she destroyed.

Well, it's a misconception:

We don't bury our secrets when we die.

They bury us when we're alive.



Uh, listen, Cynthia.

I wanted to apologize.

- For what?
- For being skeptical.

You know, Cri/Res has
always been a family,

just like you said in
your toast, and when

you didn't seem interested in
being part of that family,

I kind of got my back up.

I want us to be straight
with each other.

Cri/Res is all that matters,

and you're a big part of that.

Thanks, Oliver.

And I got you this from Sandro.

[LAUGHS]: You didn't.

No way.

You know, call it an olive branch.

What do you say?

I say,

in light of what we now
know about the Ravenzos,

- I'd settle for a handshake.
- Mm.

I don't blame you.

- All right.
- Thank you.




Happy birthday, sis.

I thought I'd never see you again.

Look at you.

Who else knows you're here?