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03x10 - Unfit

Posted: 12/26/21 07:38
by bunniefuu
♪ They be actin' friendly,
I don't want to make amends ♪

♪ They be muggin' mean

♪ I can't see them through the tints... ♪


♪ And everything is comin' true... ♪

Aw. There we go.

♪ And I'm unapologetic ♪

♪ I ain't out here makin' truce ♪

♪ I'm-a dance like no one's watchin' ♪

♪ Watch me make moves, you can check... ♪


♪ I built this thing from the ground ♪

♪ I'm an architect

♪ I sent my boss a check,
I'm gettin' boss respect ♪

♪ I'm passin' all the tests,
I get it all correct ♪

♪ I don't respond to texts

♪ I'm out the country,
homie, leave a message ♪

♪ I call the sh*ts,
ain't no second-guessin'... ♪


LUCY: Kay, come join us.

♪ Late nights at the Westin,
I'm a hard hitter ♪

♪ I'm, like, an eight on the Richter ♪


Kay! There she is.

Let's party.


Hey. I just got him to sleep.

BRIANNE: I thought this was a party.

It is, but I just spent ten days
sleep training,

so unless you want to ruin the night,

listen to a screaming baby, keep it down.

[LAUGHS] Come on, Mummy.

You remember this one.

♪ We'll just do it all again

♪ And again, and we'll do it all again ♪



♪ I can't see 'em through the tints ♪

♪ I can't see them through my tints ♪

♪ And so I show up late to
the party so everybody saw me ♪

♪ A g*ng of chicks
and some other rappers... ♪


♪ I gotta pause ♪

♪ And give 'em a chance to applaud... ♪

Like old times, right, Kaylee?

I have missed this.

♪ Cheap drinks at the bar ♪

♪ Hit the glass, hit the floor ♪

♪ I'll be fine by tomorrow,
it's a new day... ♪

Did somebody spike my drink?

Oh, come on, Kay.

The booze was never your problem.

Didn't put smack in it,

did I? Yeah, it's all a problem
for me, Bri.

In my support group, we say
alcohol is a drug, full stop.

Well, I think you're boring, full stop.

- No, I'm not fighting with you.

If you want to drink, fine. Just
don't make it harder for me.

BRIANNE: Oh, do you know I'd
give quid for the old Kay?

Right here, right now. This new one's

- a total prat.

All right, out. Both you now.




Finn? Finn!


OLIVER: It was really great.

I hope you, you know,
get something from it.

- I am glad it was...
- Thank you.

- Take care. Thank you.
- Thank you. Hey. Thanks.

[SIGHS] Thanks very much.

Laura, hey.

Oliver Yates.
That was a great presentation.

Well, thank you.
We're always happy to share

what we know with other negotiators.
Good, good question.

- Uh, Eric.
- Yeah.

This is Laura Watson,

founder of Extreme Risk Management.

I have heard

only good things. Other than the fact

that you tried to poach one
of my best people, of course.

Well, offer still stands.

- Yeah, so does my answer.
- That's right.

Well, then, I guess we'll
just say good-bye... again.

Remind me why I chose to stay with you?

I guess you're just a less-
pay-for-more-work kind of guy.


- Stop!
- Get off me.

Let go of my arm.

E-Eric Beaumont, I need your help.

Uh, I'm sorry.

- Do we...?
- Yeah, he's gonna be sorry

if he doesn't let go of me.

It's okay. Thank you.

Uh, what can I do for you, Miss...?

Hobbs. Uh, Kaylee Hobbs.

Look, I'm really sorry
for barging in like this.

It's just, I saw on the news
about this conference,

and they said you were the best
there is at getting people back.

"Back"? Who's been taken?

Someone took my son.

ERIC: This was left in his crib.

I know this MO.

He goes by the name Sandman.
Repeat offender.

He specializes in kidnapping babies.

Did you pay the ransom?

We tried.

They had to fake it
since I didn't have the money.

Police, uh, thought they could catch him,

but he never showed.

That was six weeks ago.

Now they're saying I should be
prepared for the worst.

Has he made contact since?

- No.
- Hmm.

Kaylee, here's the thing.

We're-we're not investigators.

We're negotiators. If the
police are handling the case,

I'm sure they're doing
everything they can

to try and make contact
with the kidnapper.

But they're not. They're giving up.

- You think I can't pay you?
- We promise

that's not it.

- If I thought we could help, we would.
- Yeah.

You have kids, Mr. Beaumont?


What would you do if it was yours?

Would you fight till your last breath?

Would you ever give up?

Client's name is Kaylee Hobbs.

, single mom, former addict.

Baby's father?

[SIGHS] Overdosed.


I lived in a place like this
after my parents died.

You said a neighbor

was with Kaylee the night
of the kidnapping?

Yeah, um, her friend Brianne. She lives

in number .

- Let's start there?
- Yeah.

And this window was locked?

Police said the, uh, Sandman

uses special tools, like a cat burglar.

- Didn't even leave a mark.
- OLIVER: Or a fingerprint.

Yeah, and you found the card right here?

Card left was a Moon tarot.

Every report says the Sandman
leaves the King of Cups.

Yeah, police held that back.
Said it was a way to be certain

they were dealing with the real kidnapper

and not a scammer.

You know, kidnappers tend
to favor taking victims

whose families are wealthy, and...

Any idea why the Sandman might
think that you had £ , to spare?


I won , quid

on a scratch card a while back.

People around here started
talking like I won millions.

Was this on the night of the kidnapping?


For all the good it did me.

It's got an SD card inside.

It takes a photo every second,

but kidnapper was wearing a mask.

- Police couldn't identify him.
- Okay, I'd like to see those pictures.

They're right there in the report.

You know, we should speak to the police.

Um, do you have a number
for the lead investigator?

Yeah. I'll get my phone.

BRIANNE: She came over the day after

Finn disappeared,
saying I distracted her.

Saying I'm the reason it happened.

Why would she say that?

She needed someone to blame.

She's always looking
for someone to blame.

Drinking, dr*gs...
none of it's her fault.

We just want to know
what you saw that night.

Miss High and Mighty
kicking me and my mate out

for trying to have a good time.
That's what I saw.

You would have been

walking home at the same time

the kidnapper was escaping

- with Finn.
- I've been over this

with the cops. I didn't see nothing.

Whatever your issues are

with Kaylee, she was once your friend.

And right now she is a mother
who is terrified for her child.

So, look, I'm gonna leave you my card

and hope that if you can think
of anything, you'll call.

Did this poor, suffering mother tell you

that she was gonna sell that baby?

Excuse me?

Didn't think the angel Kaylee

would have told you that.

KAYLEE: I was an -year-old smack addict

with no family and quid in my pocket.

Of course I thought
about not keeping him.

I understand why you didn't tell anyone,

and we're not here to judge you.

But it is important
that you do tell us everything.

It's not like I got pregnant

because I wanted to make some quick cash.

I didn't know what I wanted.

I heard there were people
who pay for babies.

I thought about it for half a second.

- WOMAN: This is

the London social housing authority.

I told you to leave me alone!

- Get out of here!
- Miss Hobbs,

I have your final notice in hand.

The bailiffs will be coming

- in six hours.
- Bastards.

- You are not coming in here!
- Let me handle this.

Cynthia Walker, solicitor.

You're her lawyer?

I'm a lawyer.

Why don't you tell me what's going on?

Deena Hazari,
London social housing authority,

district manager.

There have been multiple
hearings in this matter,

many chances for Kaylee
to plead her case in court,

but she hasn't even seen fit
to turn up to them.

What matter are we talking about?

Kaylee Hobbs is being evicted.

Evicted? What for?

I cannot condone v*olence.

That girl is her own worst enemy.


It wasn't like it sounds.

Finn was missing a few weeks.

They sent around some man
with a clipboard

asking all kinds of questions

about noise and the way I live.

Told him to get out.

Tried to slam the door. Caught his arm.

You're leaving out the foul language

and the threats you made.

Do you know what happens if
you kick us out of this place?

Social services said if I can't
provide a safe environment

for Finn, they're gonna take him away.

I can't get him back

just to lose him all over again.

You must know
the mitigating circumstances.

I know she's lost her child.

Kaylee's child isn't gone forever.

We are working to get him back.

I feel for her. I do.

And I wish I could help.

But our nonviolence policy is...

You kick us out,
get Finn taken away from me,

see how much I care
about your nonviolence policy.

All right, all right. Let's go inside.


MAN: I don't know why
she needs negotiators.

I've got five men on this case.

I think she was concerned that
your people might be giving up.

You, uh, you told her
to prepare for the worst?

I did. But how she got
from that to giving up...

Given that you're not family,

I'm not required to provide you
with any information.

No, of course. No, we understand.

We're just hoping you can
answer a few questions.

Kaylee said you set up a ransom exchange,

but the kidnapper didn't show.

Is that something that the
Sandman has done before?

No. We thought we'd have him.

We had the whole site covered.

Uh, is it possible he never showed

because he spotted your people?

My people are well-trained officers

who were outside long before
Sandman was supposed to show.

Yeah, I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.

What do you think happened?

I've worked council estates

since I was a constable.

The number of overdoses alone was enough

to break your heart,
but then there's the babies.

Clinging to life

because of mothers
who couldn't stay clean

when they were pregnant.

Poor lungs, prone to seizures.

If you ask me,

Sandman didn't show

because he didn't have a baby
to bring back.

I think Finn Hobbs died

because he was too weak
and sick to survive.

Do you still have
the number that you used

- to contact Sandman?
- We do.


But it's disconnected.

He's long gone.

We need to find a way to get
in touch with the Sandman.

Well, what about another negotiator?

There's been Sandman kidnappings.

Someone's got to have used one.

, huh?

Well, Laura Watson's
company has negotiated

most of the big K&Rs in the
U.K. in the past ten years.

Okay, well, odds are good that
she's dealt with him before.

Yeah. Might be able to tell us
how she communicated with him.

- Thank you.
- The only problem is

we would never give up
confidential information

about someone we've negotiated with.

Neither will she.

Have to figure out something she wants.

- Other than you.
- [CHUCKLES]: Anything Laura wants

and is gonna ask for,
I'm not gonna want to give her.

[EXHALES] That's a lot to ask,

Mr. Beaumont.

Confidentiality is the
key to our business.

We understand that,

but there is a baby's life at stake here.

You're dating an FBI agent, correct?


You know, private
negotiation is a small world.

People talk.

What does my personal life
have to do with anything?

I might have a way
to contact the Sandman.

But in return, I need

information from the FBI.

I recently hired a former FBI profiler.

Soon after he joined us,

someone breached my office firewall

and accessed confidential information.

You're trying to decide
if you can trust him.

I want to know if his leaving the FBI was

a "quit before you can be fired"

You're asking a lot.

You're asking me
to betray the core principle

of what we do.

Do we have a deal?


Give us a minute.

Okay, you don't have to do this.

We can figure out another way

- to contact the Sandman.
- Such as?

You think we can't all see
that you're happier

since you've been with Kate?

No one would ever ask you to risk that.

Kaylee would.


Hey, Beaumont.

Pick a restaurant for Friday?

I did.

I found a place
with a $ steak on the menu.

I'm thinking two ribeyes.

And whatever you're having, of course.


You know, actually, I'm calling
because I need a favor.

I need the personnel records

of a former profiler at the Bureau.

You want me to access
confidential records

and hand them over to a civilian?

Listen, I wouldn't ask
if it wasn't important.

I hope not.

Since you'd be putting my career
on the line.


I know. And I understand.

Why do you need them?

All I can say is if I trade those records

for information, it might help me

bring a kidnapped baby home
to his mother.

Send me the name.
You'll have it in an hour.

Thank you.



CYNTHIA: As I said, Miss Hobbs

wasn't in any state of mind
to answer those notices.

And an appeal would...

Thank you.

I appreciate you making the time.

I have news on your flat.

- What?
- Deena Hazari,

the woman who was here earlier,

she's agreed to speak with you.

It's nothing formal,
but we can go down to her office

- for mediation.
- That's like a negotiation?

- Yes.
- Brilliant. You can handle it, then.

I can advise you. But it's up to you

to convince them on your own
to let you stay.

If I screw up, I'll lose my flat,

- and they'll take Finn away.
- You can do it.

You just have to keep
your head on straight.



- ZARA: Anything?
- Yeah.

Another negotiator gave us
the Sandman's real name.

- You're joking.
- No, no. She had proof

of his identity, but, uh...

there's something that she didn't know.

We just looked him up.

First thing we found was an obituary

from eight months ago.

Sandman was dead before Finn was taken.

He's not the kidnapper.

If it wasn't the Sandman,
then who the hell took Finn?

OLIVER: Says here he
died of natural causes.

I don't understand.

Why would some kidnapper pretend
to be the Sandman?

Maybe to lead the police
down the wrong path.

Given the subterfuge
and the fact that the kidnapper

never tried to get the ransom,
it's-it's possible

that we're actually looking
at an abduction.

What's the difference?

Well, a kidnapper makes a demand
in exchange for the victim.

In an abduction,

there's no intention of giving them back.

Kaylee, you said you heard

you could sell your
baby? Who told you that?

Uh, a man from my narcotic
support group meetings.

Another addict. He, uh, was nice to me.

Drove me to the doctors.
Got me prenatal vitamins.

Said there was people
willing to pay to adopt a baby,

the kind that could
give Finn a better life.

Do you know the man's name?

Benjamin something?

Uh... Barnes.

I think he's worth looking into.

OLIVER: The kidnapper was able to match

the handwriting on the tarot cards

with the Sandman's.

That suggests someone had access

to confidential case information.

Zara, you come with me.

We'll look into Benjamin Barnes.

Oliver, Cynthia,

go back to DCI Turner.

See if you can, uh,

find out who had access
to the case files.

- Kaylee,

focus on the mediation.

- What do I do?

Think of three good reasons

why you deserve to stay here.

CYNTHIA: Those the images
from the baby monitor?



He said you have new information
about Finn Hobbs.

We have proof that Sandman
wasn't the kidnapper.

- What's this?
- Sandman's real identity.

Another negotiating firm had his name.

We looked him up, and he died.

Eight months ago.

I'll need to contact Scotland Yard.

They'll need to confirm it.
But if it is true,

it'll answer a lot of questions.

Well, there's only so many people

who can convincingly fake
a Sandman kidnapping.

You kept images of the tarot
cards out of the press.

No one knew the handwriting.

So that leaves the families and us.

The police.

If you can gather a list of every officer

who had access to Sandman files,

we can help you identify any suspects...

I can't do that.

[SCOFFS] You're suggesting

that police officers may be involved

in a major kidnapping case.

It's an internal affairs matter.

Can you at least keep us in the loop?

When I have something more concrete, yes.

But I'm not gonna spread suppositions.

This is the place.

The man who suggested

Kaylee should give up her baby for money

- lives here with his wife.
- Well, not for long.

House is for sale.

If they do have Finn, we
can't risk tipping them off.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


ZARA: This is a beautiful space.

And I love

everything you've done with it.


it's exactly what I've been looking for.

Now if I could just convince my husband.


Have you been here a long time?

Uh, m-more than ten years.

We love it around here.

Everything's nearby. Shops, parks.

There's a pool just up the street.

Schools around here are some of the best.

It all drew us to the area originally.

Do you have kids?

No, it's just Ben and I.

- Hi. Benjamin Barnes.
- Hey.

- Pleased to meet you.
- Hi.

This house was meant for a big family.

- You said you have three children?
- ZARA: Mm-hmm.

There's three bedrooms
upstairs, two down,

so they could each have their own.

Please feel free to look around.
Make yourselves at home.

BENJAMIN: None of those
come with the house,

I'm afraid.

You're in the military.

Two tours in Afghanistan,
but that's done.

Civilian life for me.

You miss it?

Parts of it, yes.

People I served with. The ones we lost.

Oh, brothers in arms, right?


Benjamin, I'm sure these busy people

don't want to hear your
w*r stories. [CHUCKLES]

Why don't we show you
the rest of the house?

- Okay, yeah. Fantastic.
- WOMAN: Would you like

- to see the upstairs?
- Hey, babe.

It's nice, right?

Very nice. It's very nice.

I have three points I'd like to make.


I was struggling

with the kidnapping of my son.

And I wasn't, uh, thinking clearly

when your bloke

- came and...
- Our maintenance supervisor.

Yeah, him.

When I, uh, closed the door

on his arm.

I would never consciously choose
to hurt anyone.

I appreciate that.



I-I never had anyone, uh...

looking out for me

when I was growing up, so...

I-I'm trying to change...

but it takes time.

And three...

I'm doing everything I can...

to get my son back.

But if you kick me out...

it'll all be for nothing. I'll lose him.

DEENA: Miss Hobbs,

we have to be conscious
of the fitness of our residents.

- You think I'm unfit?
- Kaylee...

Look, I was never convicted of anything.

There were several noise complaints.

Yeah, of course there was noise.
I had a baby.

I ha-have a baby.

Do you know what this is?

It's a medallion

that I got for being one year sober.

One year.


I did it for my son. He's all I have.

I understand you've been through a lot.

You-you think...
you think you can understand?


No. Uh...

Forget it. I'm done.

You think she's even listening?

You think she's not

sitting there, having
fun, looking down on me?

Believe me, Miss Hobbs,
there's nothing fun about trying to

anticipate the future actions
of a young woman

with a history of drug offenses.


- How'd it go?
- ZARA: There was no sign of a baby

in that house.

Anything on your end?

Well, I've been going over
the pictures on the baby monitor

to see if there are any clues

that the police may have missed.
Look at this.

So Kaylee's monitor
took a reference photo

every second, and on their own,

they don't seem to show much, but...

since he walks a few strides

in a straight line
from the crib and then back,

I'm able to simulate his walk
using motion interpolation

to fill in the missing frames.

There's only one guy I can think of

with a limp and access
to Sandman evidence.

The same person running the
investigation... DCI Turner.

OLIVER: Okay, DCI Turner.

Celebrated officer, two kids.

Served in the military before
joining the police service.

Sustained combat injuries in
Afghanistan on his second tour.

Explains the limp.

Imagine him as a soldier...
two tours, Afghanistan.

When we were at the Barnes
house, I saw that he received

the Valor Cross.

ZARA: Show us that picture.

- Is that him?
- ERIC: That's Benjamin Barnes.

And that's... DCI Leo Turner.

That's why Andrea stopped Benjamin

from telling us his w*r story.

She was afraid that we
would connect him to Turner.

Turner must have told him
that we were poking around.

Well, it says here
their convoy was pinned down

by Taliban insurgents.

Turner was hit in the leg.

Barnes dragged him to safety
under heavy enemy fire.

So he feels indebted to Barnes.


CYNTHIA: Things didn't go quite as hoped.

She's being evicted.

We think DCI Turner took Finn

with the intention of giving him
to Benjamin and Andrea Barnes.

We should contact
Turner's immediate superior.

ERIC: I don't know. Not yet.

No, we don't have enough evidence.

OLIVER: Well, we have the limp,

access to Sandman's case files
and the connection to Benjamin.

ERIC: That's enough for
us, but not a prosecutor.

Uh, just need some air.

Calm my nerves.

Won't be long.



ERIC: All right.

Dig into Benjamin and Andrea.

Anything that might be
a motivating factor

as to why they're abducting
a baby rather than adopting one.

Zara, get eyes on their house.

- If they leave, follow them.
- Yeah.

And what about you?

Let's see how Turner reacts

to news that his Army buddy
suggested to Kaylee

that she give up her baby for money.

Should be interesting.

Wait. My keys... they were in my pocket.


Don't forget the car seat!


Where's my son?

I-I don't know what you're talking about.

If you... if you want money...

I don't want money!

You and your husband took my child.

Can't say it's good to see you again.

- You were stalking me to get my baby.
- Kaylee,

what exactly do you think
you're doing here?

Shut up!

Liar! You played all nice to get Finn.

Then when I wouldn't
give him up, you stole him.

That's nonsense, and you know it.

Tell me the truth,

or I'll k*ll him.

K-Kaylee, is it?

Do you really think you're
in any shape to raise a child?

- Don't say another word.
- Look around.

Look at what we could give him.

He'd have everything... the best
schools, two loving parents.

People who wanted a child,
who begged for one.

[CRYING]: He's my son. He needs me!

What if you slip?

Get back on dr*gs? I've seen it happen.

I know what it's like
to have the best intentions,

but you can't fight the weakness,

and it's always the child who pays.


Where is he?

Kaylee, put down the knife.

Not until they give me Finn.

You're not gonna get him back this way.

No one is going to believe you.

- Okay?
- Oh, well...

nobody does no matter what I do.

ZARA: You've been working
so hard to make sure

that when we get him back you
won't lose him to foster care.

Where do you think he's gonna
end up if you're in jail?




ERIC: All right, Kaylee, drop the knife.

Just... stay calm, let them do their job.

Don't make this worse.

- Hello.
- That's her... Kaylee Hobbs.

Drop it. Drop it, Kaylee.

Kaylee Hobbs, we're placing you
under arrest for threatening

- with an offensive w*apon.
- Take it easy.

- You do not have to say anything.
- No. Don't.

- Don't you dare. Do not touch me!
- But it may harm your defense

if you do not mention, when questioned,

something which you later
rely on in court.

[CRYING]: They're the criminals!
They took my son!

Anything which you do say
may be used in evidence.

- She's insane.
- Get her out of here!

- Let go of me!
- It's gonna be okay.

They took my baby.

They need to be arrested.

So you two know each other?

What does that matter?

That girl came in here and
threatened my wife with a knife.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

You know exactly why she came here.

You're both coming with us.

You give your statements.

We'll give our statements right here.

You'll give them at the station

where you'll be detained and deported.

- Excuse me?
- On what grounds?

You interfered in a police investigation.

You incited a disturbed young woman

into harassing these good people.

That makes you an accessory.



Just take a breath.
You're practically buzzing.

I should have realized
the police were on their way.

I mean, Benjamin's a soldier.

Kaylee's a scared teenager.

He could have disarmed her at any point.

He wanted her caught
with that knife in her hand.

I mean, any shred of credibility
she has left is gone.

I know. I know.

Every second we're in here,

they get further away.

I mean, bringing us in...

this is Turner buying them time
to escape.

I still don't understand

how a career police officer could be okay

with taking a baby away

from an innocent mother.

There must be a way to reason with him.

I think we're past the time
for reasoning.

Then what?

We thr*aten him.


I'm never gonna see Finn again, am I?

- We don't know that.
- I didn't go there

planning to pick up a knife.

I just grabbed it in the kitchen
when I came in. I d...

I don't know what I was thinking.

That's the problem!

You weren't thinking!

Kaylee, life has given you

a lot of reasons to be angry, I get it.

But you can't let that anger drive you.

You need to stop
and make conscious choices.

Count to ten.

[LAUGHS] I need to count to a thousand.


What about that medallion in your pocket?

Why don't you let it remind
you to look before you leap?



You'll write in your own words

exactly what you witnessed tonight.

Kaylee Hobbs broke into a house,

held the residents hostage
with a kitchen knife,

spouting crazy accusations.

Are they really crazy, though?


We used the still images
from the baby monitor

to model the abductor's movement.

You can see
that the kidnapper has a limp,

much like yours.

Means nothing.

Well, not on its own,
but the other thing is access.

Who had better opportunity
to study the Sandman than you?

Not to mention, there was no discrepancy

in the handwriting on the tarot card.

How much do you want to bet one
of the originals is missing

from evidence?

You thought it was a win-win.

Save a kid from a life with a junkie mom

and give your friends the baby
they so desperately wanted.

Question is: if you get caught...

you will... is it worth the cost?

Here's what I can offer.

You tell me where Benjamin
and Andrea would go.

You get that baby back to his mother.

We can say we found it on a church step.


No one needs to know any more than that.

Benjamin's the strongest man
I know, and the only time

I ever saw tears in his eyes
was when he told me

that the country he was fit
to fight for decided

he wasn't fit to adopt.

It was just... pub chat at first.

I told him about
the young mothers on the estates

and how their children had no future.

I told them about Kaylee.

It was Andrea's idea to save her baby.

Ben posed as an addict
to get close to her

and make sure she was staying clean.

Turner, how do we stop them?

Well, you can't.

Benjamin isn't just some soldier.

His career was in special ops.

If he wants to disappear, he'll vanish,

and you will never find him.

Then we get to them before they vanish.

It's too late.

They're picking the baby up
from his sister's.

They fly in less than an hour.

How far is the airfield?

If we floor it, minutes.


You're free to go. Come on.

What? How?

We'll explain on the way.

ERIC: Yeah.

Hey. You guys okay?

We're fine, but we need to get
to a private airfield

to stop Benjamin and Andrea.

You got anything that could help?

Maybe. I found out they
were rejected for adoption

because he has psychiatric problems

after he served in combat.

And Andrea... her mother was an addict.

Arrested several times.

Once for child neglect.

So she thinks, by abducting Finn,

she's actually saving his life.

Do you need me with you?

Um... why?

If we get that baby back,
I want to know she can keep him.

Yeah. Sure.

I'll come with you.

Come on.

What is it?

We were supposed to pick the
perfect city and start over,

live good lives.

Going on the run was
never part of the plan.

We won't be running for long.

We'll start over,
have the life we deserve.

We committed to this a long time ago.

You don't get to say "no" now.

We're too close, and he's too precious.

You've promised him a good life.

You never break your promises.

Now get us prepped for takeoff.

KAYLEE: You think Finn's in there?

One way to find out.

I'm coming with you.

ERIC: Listen. Hang on. Hang on.

You brought me in on this
'cause you needed help.

Now, you trust me?

All right.

Stay with Zara. Now she's on comms.

She'll let you listen.
She'll know when to come in.

All right?

♪ When you wake ♪

♪ You will have cake ♪

♪ And all the pretty ♪

♪ Little horses ♪

♪ Hush-a-bye ♪

♪ Don't you cry ♪

♪ Go to sleep ♪

♪ You little baby ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

ERIC: Andrea?

- Benjamin?!
- Andrea.

Andrea, I'm not here to hurt you.

I just want to talk.

I realize now why you're doing this.

Stay back.

- Shh.


It's okay.

He's okay. Eric's in there.

ERIC: I know you wanted
a child of your own,

but it's-it's more than that.

You grew up with a mother
who was high all the time.


So help me.

Help me protect him.

Why are you helping that horrible girl

when you could be protecting
this innocent child?

She's not a horrible girl.

I mean, she's... tough, but if you...

if you saw her again,

gave her a chance,
you could understand that.

Let's go.

She's his mother.

She's a good one.



Kaylee. Kaylee.

Kaylee gave birth
to the baby boy you're holding.

She hasn't touched dr*gs
since she found out

she was pregnant. When...

When he disappeared,

she fought every way
she knew how to get him back.

Would your mother have done that?


I'm so sorry.

But we love him.

Not like I do.


- Don't move, any of you.

All right.
Benjamin, please, take it easy.

No one has to get hurt.

The helicopter's ready. Let's go.

Now you say you're doing this
for the child.

Really, you're doing it for yourselves.

For the betrayal you feel
by your country, by life.

That is not Kaylee's fault, and it is

not Finn's.

Now you can go.

Live your lives, we won't turn you in.

I've already made the same deal
with Turner.

But first...

you need to do what's right for Finn.


Put the g*n down.

It's over.







Look at that.
He's such a big boy, isn't he?

He's such a beautiful big boy.


Back in his own bed.

In his own home.

For good.

How'd you pull that off?

Well, I told Deena Hazari
a story about a young woman

who made a lot of mistakes,
until someone believed in her.

Then she pulled herself together,

she grew up to be a lawyer

and graduated at the top of her class.

You talking about you?

I'm gonna do this exactly right.

I don't think any mom gets it
exactly right.

But you are gonna be great.


OLIVER: You know, you never did
say how it went with you and Kate.

Yeah, the jury's still out.

Yeah, I know that feeling.

Never had a relationship

that didn't sometimes require
flowers and candy.

Well, this might be bigger than that.

- Yeah, well, you had no choice.

- Give her some time, she'll see that.
- Mm.

I know you've been
out of the game for a while,

but stuff happens.

Pretty normal.

Right. Normal.