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Asterix and Caesar (1985)

Posted: 12/26/21 09:48
by bunniefuu
- Hi, Moralelastix!
- Hi, my friends! On a hunt?

Right! We need to
have something to eat tonight.

My God.

You have lost your mind, Obelix? You
bring down trees while I'm on a trace!

Well you know how Panoramix does not love
when you bring down trees!

Tree? What tree?

This tree.

Ah, that tree?

I always said you can break a leg in
this forest. These trees are everywhere.

I'm leaving!

Wild boars are there!

Wild boars...

Ah, good. Let's go!

Here's our dinner!


Gifts from the distant country, Egypt
for almighty Caesar!

Gifts from mountain tops of Switzerland
for almighty Caesar!


Almighty Caesar! Immortal ruler!

Do not worry, we shall note your triumph
with magnificent representation!

You just look, the gifts will
arrive from the whole empire!

In the beginning of the ceremony, hundreds
of slaves will come into the arena.

And everybody will bow
their heads before you!

- Gaius Obtus!
- Yes, Caesar!

I want a gripping show,
worthy of my victories!

In other words, the best festival
in the world in the name of our Caesar!

I named you the main organiser!

And if you will succeed, I shall make you
the richest person in Rome!

But if it happens otherwise, you will
become the main act...

of the festival of the lions.

Your destiny is in your own hands,
Gaius Obtus! Good luck!

Thank you for your trust,
great Caesar! What an honour!

You have told to me that we have
received gifts from all provinces?

Oh, yes, Caesar!
Thousands, millions!

From every single province?

From every province, yes.

From every place?

Yes, Caesar. Yes, from all.
All, all, all places.


All is quiet, sentinel?
Natives do not rebel?

All is quiet, Centurion.
No rebellions.

That is what I like. Peace.

There's our chance! We need to strike suddenly
on Gauls and to break them! I convoke all!

Hey, one minute! Are you new here?

I have just arrived in last group!

Do not attack these awful Gauls with no
reason! It is too dangerous, imbecile!


Listen, from all countries which has conquered
Great Caesar, Gaul is the most rebellious.

And from all villages in Gaul this is
the most awful.

Wouldn't set one foot
into this village.

There live bloodthirsty
predators, awful monsters.

Vicious beasts, without
anything human in them.

They are like wild animals.

- That was a good hunt, Obelix.
- Yes, we have a...

So, are you coming?


That was a great meal.
Right, Obelix?

Ah, but...

What? This is not good.

That was too much.

Great druid Panoramix.

I wanted to say... I am worried.

Obelix looks sick. Before him lies a plate
with roasted wild boar, and he does not eat.

- Did he eat something earlier?
- Two wild boars.

That's nothing for him.
Let's go take a look.

Good day, great druid Panoramix.
Greetings, Falbala.

Greetings. And who is that?

That? Look, here he is.

Strange, earlier he could not live without wild boars,
and now he does not eat anything at all.

Obelix, what are you doing?

I bear a menhir.

You don't have a menhir.

Huh? I don't...


Falbala! Approach here, child!

It is Falbala, the niece of the leader.

She has just returned from her studies
in Paris. You remember, Astérix?

- I'm glad to meet you once again.
- Greetings.

You left as a small girl. With
such pigtails like Obelix.

- You remember him, by the way?
- Certainly, I remember.

He fell into the barrel of magic potion
when he was a kid.

Greetings. Obelix.

I'm glad to see you. Well, see you later.

Glad to see you, Falbala.

Why are you two laughing?

Obelix, my friend, you are in love.

Who, me?

But Idéfix doesn't like it.
I am afraid, it is a heavy case.

My magic potion can't help there.

You want a peace of advice?
If you like Falbala...

Why won't you talk with
her, get to know her?

I can't.

Greetings, Obelix. How did you sleep?

Are you still thinking of Falbala?

She is beautiful.
No doubt, beautiful.

A precious girl, and kind too.

Go and visit her, give her a present.

Great idea!

Oh, no, Obelix! No!

- What is it?
- You want to give her that?

This is the most beautiful menhir.

That's not a gift for a girl.

It's better to give her flowers.

That's a great idea!

Be careful, do not run into trees!

Imbecile, imbecile?
I'll show them who the imbecile is.

That is my problem, that I
am so modest and irresolute.

Surrender, Gaul, you are my prisoner!

You have been told. Imbecile.

Loves me, loves me not.

Loves me, loves me not.

Loves me, loves me not.

No, no, no, you give.
I can't, can't.

- All right. Falbala!
- Quiet, she'll hear you.

Falbala, my friend has
brought something for you.

Oh, how sweet!

My favourite flowers.

At last, there you are!

Falbala! I've found you!

- I've waited for so long!
- We are again together!

- I shall not release you!
- And I too!

Oh, pigeons in love.
They hear nothing.

It is great that Tragicomix has returned.
They will soon get married.

What is with you, Obelix?

I am afraid, he has fallen in love.

With that child? Poor creature, Obelix,
you don't have the slightest chance.

Trust me on that.

You will regret that!

- Private, this Gaul, is he an athlete?
- No, Decurion.

- Is he wild?
- No, Decurion.

Then it is my chance!

Perhaps, the very last.

Get on with it!


We grabbed him!

What is it? What do you have there?

It's Falbala's ribbon.

Something is wrong. We must find them.

Druid Panoramix, apparently,
the Romans are about to attack the village.

I will prepare magic potion, just in case.

The Gauls.

You wished to make good impression,
Decurion? Well, you are.

I wanted to make you happy!

I will never forget it.
You will far go, I promise.


To the most distant post of
an overseas foreign legion!

To... to Condatum?

Yes, to Condatum!
And you will take the captives with you!

- You don't need them?
- I don't have any need of them even for money!

If I keep them here, the other Gauls will
tear everything down to bring them back.

And if I release them, they will revenge.

I need to get rid of them,
and of you too!

Something is missing.


Look, the Romans have captured Falbala!

Well, again. Gather the villagers, Astérix.

Now it's good.

Rise in turn!

Have you noticed, today I did not ask
for the magic potion? No, no.

In fact I already know,
that if I ask for it...

that you will tell me again how
I fell into it when I was a kid.

Gauls, forward! We shall
rescue our friends!

It is not necessary to swear!

Don't push me! I want to be heard!

Get out of my way, I'll show them!

Gauls, Gauls! The Gauls!

Let me at them, I also want to beat Romans!

Do not worry, we'll get them all!

Arrange cohorts in three rows!

In three rows!

Legionnaires, spears out!

Spears out!

Ah you, Gauls, prepare the fists!

Stand still or it will be worse!

There was a month of fog, I have
taken a knife out of a pocket.

Obelix, may I?

- Sure. Like this?
- Yes.

I came, I saw, I didn't conquer.

Gaul, I am ready to admit my defeat
and give my life to you.

Romans know how to die. Take a sword
and allow me to leave with honour.

You what, have gone mad?
I am going to pull your ears!

Tell me where the captives are.

They have been taken to the most
distant post of the overseas legion.

Hey, Obelix!

- Yes, yes, I'm coming!
- To the most distant post of the overseas legion!

- I am free?
- Yes, free.

Friends, neighbours,
All village counts on you!

We understand what responsibility
lays on you!

Here, this is your stock of magic potion,

You will need it
on your long journey.

Who knows what dangers wait for you there!

The die has been cast.


We need to find their headquarters.
I'll ask the first Roman soldier we meet.


- Left, straight! Left, straight!
- Let's stop the patrol and ask.

- Perfect!
- Hey, Obelix, I didn't have that in mind!

Too late.

- We just needed to stop them.
- They are stopped.

It is necessary to be polite sometimes.

Sir, would you be so kind as to tell us
where the headquarters is, please?

- The third turn to the right.
- Thank you.

You see, Obelix? You
always have to be polite.

Wait here.

I won't let in Gauls. If you wish to enter
the army, wait in line.

I simply wish to ask something.

- Wait in the line, I've told you!
- I'm in a hurry!

I won't have it. Scoot!

Oh, well...

I do not understand, how does
Astérix's politeness differ from mine?

The information
department, please?

I don't know. The information
department has that information.

Strange, who the hell comes here?

Come on, you'll break down the door!

As you wish!

Nobody here? Ah, you are here!

I would like some information. I'm looking for a
legionnaire Tragicomix. You have enlisted him.

That is secret information.
I can not give it to you.


Because it does not concern
impudent Gauls, such as yourself.

I'll ask once again.
Where now is Tragicomix?

Give him a copy of orders on a march.

- There you are.
- Perfect.

Here, that means to be polite.

Obelix! Obelix!

I'm coming!

Stop! To the line, like all the others!

Hey, Astérix! The Roman with whom you were
is extremely polite is very polite with me too!

What do you think, should I
be polite with him too?


Lift a chin, I shall show you how
cultural and polite I can be.

Tragicomix and Falbala
have been taken to Africa.

We can get there, we just need to enter
the Roman legion, and immediately.

- Read.
- It's in Latin. It's all Greek to me.

It's us again!


Well, here you are gathered,
young volunteers, so welcome.

So if you please, I'm your
humble instructor Briseradius.

What a wonderful idea,
to fight for Romans.

And now I ask you to follow
me here, gentlemen, here.

We must enlist here before we can
get to know each other better.

- What is he saying?
- It doesn't matter, we are in a hurry.

- Come on. What is your name?
- Payletax. I'm Breton, I say.

- Next.
- Greetings, and thank you.

How do you spell it?

Just write down "Olé!", or else we'll spend
the whole day writing it down.

And finally, there are two Gauls.

Astérix and Obelix! Move that
hammer faster, we are wasting time!

A soldier's paella needs a fish
or a chicken.

Well here we are in the army.

Silence! No jokes!
Now you are in the army!

- I was speaking.
- Back in line! A step back!

- I shall make the soldiers out of you!
- Should I be polite with him as well?

- No, it is not necessary yet.
- Silence!

- What is he saying?
- Stop talking!

- What is he saying?
- Stop talking!

He wants to know what you are saying.

I said: silence!

- What does he say?
- Silence!


All right, let's all calm down.
So, what was I saying?

- Can I ask a question?
- What?

About the money. How much is
legionnaire paid per day?

- One sestertius.
- Ah, unmöglich, impossible. Two!

- I said one.
- Two!

- One!
- Two!

- One!
- Two!

- One!
- Two!

Uno, dos, tres!

Viva, viva, viva, España! Olé!

Hey, Roman, when will we proceed?
When will we start training?

- What is it?
- Come get soup!

- Soup!
- Soup!

- The soup.
- Soup?

- Soup!
- Great idea, my belly is already empty.

Yes, I also think that mine is empty.

So, Decurion Briseradius, this is how you
bring recruits into shape.

What did Decurion told us, soup is bad?

You know that, I think
I've fallen in love.

The soup, the soup, the soup, the soup...

Astérix, do you think
they will have wild boar?

The stronger the army, the worse the meals.

They do that so the soldiers
would be more malicious.

That's how the Roman army is
the strongest in the world.

What have you put in there?

Soup of the legionary.

Wheat, old stale cheese, wild nuts,
all mixed and cooked together to save time.

- And every day like that?
- No. Double ration for Easter.

This is impossible to eat it!
What a nasty thing!




Are you the guy who prepares the meal?

- Yes, why?
- Because it's terrible.

If you wish, you may order
your favourite meal...

Certainly. I would order a wild boar.

I see, you have rather refined taste. Or as
they say, your taste in food is very delicate.

That's right! You have
understood us perfectly.

Get out of my kitchen, or I'll throw you
into the furnace!

Astérix, may I be polite with him?

He doesn't give us any
other choice, Obelix.

Excuse me, chef.

Listen well, Roman.

Each time you don't prepare us
our meal, we shall come back.

Lucullus, are they gone?

Yes, cook.

Quickly find some wild boars,
partridges, a salmon...

and crème fraîche.

All right, boss!

Before you leave, please
lower the fire a bit.

You are enlisted in the first legion, the third
cohort, the second maniple, in the first centuria!

You must report to the commanders!

The small one, report!

- Astérix from Gaul.
- I'm Obelix, and what is your name?

Decurion Briseradius, the first legion,
the third cohort! Get back in line!


So, now spear throwing! Try
to hit the target.

Legionnaire Obelix!

Come on!

Oh! Well, I did everything that I could!
It's not so simple to find a wild boar!

And now I shall teach you to fight
with the sword!

Since you are new, they are made of wood!

So, begin! Begin! Guard yourself!

- Why is it made of wood?
- Do as he tells you to! We should not waste the time!

- Guard yourself!
- As you say!

Those Romans are silly.

Decurion, You should not eat
this soup, it smells spoiled!

Legionnaires, your training is over!

In the morning you will go to Marseille,
from where a ship will take you to Africa!

It was about time.

- I should gather my things.
- I hope they will not forget to bring the cook.

You have proved that you
have the heart and spirit...

- What does he say?
- Spirit...

"What does he say?" Hahaha!

All to sleep! We will begin a
campaign early in the morning.

A bunch of pitiful barbarians!
Now they are not so ridiculous to you, right?

March forward for the glory of Rome!

You will get to know the
real Decurion Briseradius!

There's still a long way ahead of us!

In the name of a beard of the druid, look
those lagging behind.

One drink and I'll carry entire cohort.

We halt the march.

We'll set up camp for the night.

At this rate we shall reach
Marseille in 4 days.

- You think it will be easy to find them?
- Sure.

Here is Marseille, a
small fishermen village.

I can't be a legionnaire any more.
I want to go back to Rome.

Throw your things and pair up!

We're very much in a hurry.

Is everything ready?
Raise anchor!

Usually I say that.

Goodbye, my friends!

Centurion Vapetibus!

I welcome you, Centurion Vapetibus.
I'm at your service.

Get to work, Gaul!

Waitress, I'm thirsty!

One glass of wine!

Has the wind damaged a fence?

Yes, when the wind blows,
nothing can resist it.

I also can't resist something.


Your new waitress is very vivid.

- She's a Gaul.
- A Gaul?

Ah, from the Moulin!

It's great that we captured Gaul.

Move your hands! Help!
Leave me! Let me go!

Hideous beast! Evil Centurion!

- Falbala, here!
- Stop them! Guards!

Stop! Stop!

Where they're going there's nothing
but the sand and the sun.

The desert will become their tomb.

Here are the new reinforcements,
Centurion Vapetibus.

Leventepus, I am pleased with you.

Send the newcomers to fix the fence. We
need to reinforce it before the wind rises.


My helmet!

This is nice. There are many Romans here.

Don't beat them, Obelix.
They are our friends now.

- Romans are our friends?
- Right, since we are the Romans now.

So, we are now friends of our enemies?

- Explain it to me.
- We have no time for that. Let's help them.

Now nobody can get out of here.

Those two that ran into the desert
can be considered dead.

- Which two?
- The guy and the girl. Both Gauls.

- Ran into the desert.
- Tragicomix and Falbala?

- You didn't know about that?
- We know now!

There's no point in us staying
here anymore, Obelix!

Deserters! Guards!

- Is that a friend?
- No, it's an enemy.

- Are we Romans?
- Not now. Do you understand?

And now, open the door, Obelix!

May I ask why we had to close them before?

Not many caravans pass through here.

You were fortunate that
we have found you here.

We will take you to the coast.

- And why are we tied up?
- It's so you wouldn't fall off the camel.

Who are you? Traders?

Yes, brother. sl*ve traders.

Romans will pay a great
sum of money for you.

Slaves on sale! Beautiful slaves.
This is a Viking sl*ve!

They are in excellent condition!

Good man.

Second-hand slaves for a special price!
Good for all occasions!

- With 6 months guarantee!
- Is he in a good condition?

He's been in sl*very for 10 years. He
belonged to an old woman, helped her knit.

No, that's not what I'm looking for.
I need a brawny brute for the circus!

Sorfus, have you traded with the Africans?

They have arrived from
Africa, Caius, but they are Gauls.

The girl does not interest me,
but the guy is strong.

- Well, how much is he?
- I sell them both to you for 3.000.


3.000 is too much.

But for that sum you receive great goods!
They have lived on village of Gaul, in Armorica!

In Armorica?

Say, I think your stand
is a bit in the road.

Imagine what the prefect
of Rome would say about that.

You will not be
allowed to trade anymore.

Why should I argue with my old friend?
2.000! Do we agree now?

Certainly, my friend.

Usually for this kind of slaves you need to have a
license. Have you been asked for it on customs?

Yes. Only one thousand.
Is it possible in cash?

And the sales taxes, brother,
have they been paid?

500, Gaius Obtus.

Yes, and still. And you filed all payment

It would be a great honour for me
to give them to you...

as a sign on the infinite gratitude
and respect for you, Gaius Obtus!

Well, I couldn't take them as a
present, but since you insist...

We need transport the goods.

With me, an arrangement
can always be found.


A caravan!

There are more and more
people in the desert.

- Where are you from?
- From Gaul.

- You as well?
- What do you mean by that?

I have just sold, that is I have given a
ride to a couple from Gaul to the sea.

- Would you take us as well?
- Of course!

- However, we have not much money.
- It's a free-of-charge service.

No, no, the buyer will pay me.
Catch them! Quickly!

Astérix, are they our friends?

- No, I wouldn't say so.
- Good.

Astérix, since now we are not Romans,
where do we go?

- To Rome.
- To Rome?

Yes. There they sold Tragicomix
and Falbala to sl*very.

Well, Gaius Obtus, when will
my triumph be finished?

Colosseum will be ready, Caesar.

- What is in the program?
- About that, it'll be amazing!

We will set free 10.000 pigeons...

then the chariot race will begin and
the best equestrians will delight crowd.

After that, in arena will
enter the gladiators.

For you, oh Caesar, I prepared a show
with magnificent people!

Giants. Strong as bears.
Quick as foxes.

After them, the slaves representing every country
of your empire will pass by in front of you.

- No exception?
- No, Caesar.

Even the rebellious Gauls, presenting Gaul
will bow to you on circus sand.

- Never!
- Hey, how dare you?

Caesar, do not pay attention.

No, as the son of the valorous leader
I am not a sl*ve.

And he is insolent, your young Gaul.

- Obey!
- Nevermind.

He's right. I will see to it that he
is treated in according to his status.

Put him in solitary confinement!

No, we will not be separated!

Girl was wrong to speak like that.
Pardon her, Caesar.

- I'd rather die!
- Die?

If that is what you wish,
there's nothing simpler.

Put them both in the Colosseum prison,
and then throw them to the lions!

My cats have a great appetite,
you'll see that for yourself.

Well, is that Rome?

Yes, Obelix, we've arrived.

- What shall we eat?
- There must be a sl*ve market somewhere.

Farfelus, did you sell
slaves from Africa?

Yes, I've sold two of them.

Right, to whom did you
sell those two Gauls?

You require the information?
Well, that's going to cost you.


Just 500 sestertia.

Alright, 100.
Okay, I'll tell you all for free.

- Do you want more?
- No.

He is called Gaius Obtus, he's tall, large
man. You'll have no problem recognising him.

He always dresses in red, he has a white
toga, and often goes to the pool.

Many thanks, Farfelus. It was a pleasure.

As my parents used to say,

agreements are always possible, one
just needs to know how to trade.

Respectable citizen,
would you wish to undress?

- Is he our friend?
- Yes, friend. Do as he says.

We're in so few clothes.
I hope we will not catch a cold.

- You can't get in, shorty!
- How dare you speak to him like that?

I haven't spoken to you, fatty.

Astérix, as I see it, he's not our friend.

- I'm afraid he's not.
- Good.

Anyway, I can't see anyone wearing a white toga.
There's nothing for us to do here. Let's go.

Magnificent. That man is just
born to become a gladiator.


Wait, I need to fresh up.
Look, Astérix, I'll dive.

I need him. I must have him.

There's no more water in the pool.

All right, Obelix, but
you are slowing us down.

Alright, alright, alright.
I'm coming, I'm coming.

I need those two.

- The small one too?
- Yes him too. He's the leader.

Hello Idéfix? How do you feel?

We must find that man. He knows
where our friends are. Let's go.

All is well, my beloved.
Do not worry, daddy is with you.

Move, Obelix, we have stayed hare for too long already.
Hurry up, Obelix!

Mister Astérix, I have the right
to greet Idéfix whenever I want.

Mister Obelix, we have no time!

If you don't stop shouting, you will
frighten little Idéfix. Calm down.

I'm calm!

Me too. I am calm!

- Do you know Gaius Obtus?
- Certainly. Very well.

He has the school for gladiators and
he's very interested in you. Grab him!

Oh, my magic potion!

Astérix is always yelling at me,
I don't know why.

Well, let's go, Idéfix.

It works, just not always.

Where did Astérix go?

I'm suddenly tired.


Is there anybody here?

No, we are closed.





Wait. Look, there's the second Gaul.
We need to catch him. Go after him.

- Where will you go?
- I'll cover you.

Where is Astérix?





Where are you going, Idéfix?





Obelix! Obelix!





Obelix, I'm here! Obelix!

Obelix! Obelix!


Well done, Obelix,
I'm glad you arrived.


But, unfortunately, I have lost magic

And I have lost my little friend.

What is that singing in the Colosseum?

It's a Gaulish sl*ve. Every night
she sings the same song.

- From Gaul, you say?
- Yes.

On the day of Caesar's triumph
she will be cast to the lions.

- And I'm without a magic potion.
- What did you say?

I said, I'd love to get into
the circus to take a look.

Yes, but they let in only those, who are
doomed to death, the lions and gladiators.

We'll get in!
We'll become gladiators!

I require strong men, not sweet dancers!

You are miserable fighters! Fight harder!

Harder! Faster! Strike harder!

Strike him with the sword.

Come on, strike with the sword!

That is not a bouquet of flowers!

You are the gladiators, not Vestals!

You are just hopeless!

None of you have any talent!

That big Gaulish gladiator, that's
what I need for Caesar's festival!

I don't care how, just find them!
Let all the army search them!

I need them today, do you understand?

Bring them to me! Quickly! Leave now!

You too! Stop irritating me with that coin!

Are you Gaius Obtus?

I am who? Ah, yes, no...

Are you Gaius Obtus?

Yes. That is, no. Not quite.
But I used to be him.

We want to become gladiators.

You want to become gladiators?

I am Gaius Obtus.

Then again, becoming a gladiator is not
easy, but I'm willing to help you.

- Only make it fast, we are in a hurry.
- Strongly, weaklings! Strongly!

Briseradius, I have a two candidates here,
take a look at them!

So, you want to become gladiators?

Well, I shall send you to a trainer.

He is the strictest trainer I've ever seen.

Where are those two puppies?

No! Forgive me! Forgive me! Don't do
that to me, Gaius! I do not wish to die!

Oh, no, no!
I can't do it! Not the Gauls!

We want to become gladiators.

Teach us, Briseradius.

Gladiators, we have two new guys!
Children, give them a good lesson!

I'm done. Good bye, Gaius.

Where are you going?

I wish my pension to be sent to my mother.


Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!

Caesar, this is our triumph.
Eh, your triumph, Caesar.

You have magnificently presented Rome.

I hope everything goes well, Caius,
or you will be the main act.

Let the games begin!

Let the games begin!

From the farthest provinces of the empire!
Brits, Goths, Egyptians, Liberians!

The slaves from all conquered countries

bow their head in the presence of the
great Caesar on the sand of the arena!

From all corners of the world,
dressed in animal skins!

All roads lead to Rome,
and today everything is here!

Calinpus, bring me some water,
my throat is as dry as Sahara desert.

As a highlight of our programme, straight
from Gaul, come the barbarians...

who wouldn't submit to
our great emperor Caesar!

In the end of this presentation they
will be thrown to hungry to lions!

The emperor, almighty and infinitely

has allowed them to protect themselves
with their bare hands!

You are too kind, Caesar.

I know. I have a merciful disposition.

And here comes the moment all
of you have been waiting for!

Chariots race!

A gift from our immortal emperor to
Romans and fellow citizens!

Where is that Gaul, who until now
rode that chariot?

- Oburix? I don't know.
- How are we gonna race without him?

That's no problem.

- What are you doing here?
- Yes, if you need a Gaul, that is. the circus. Death or glory!

I will hold the reins,
you take care of the competition.

Two men in a chariot with four horses?!
What mockery is this?

This is the last round! Last round! Thi...

By Mercury, if anyone touches me,
he'll receive a whipping!

He won't let us pass, stop him!

- Let go, you idiot!
- As you wish!

- Ave, Caesar!
- Thank you, Gaius.

Get back down there, you coward!
Your place is in the arena!

You too, Gaius!
Your place is also in the arena!

No, no. Please.

The winner of great chariots race:
The Gaul Astérix!

And now, get ready for the great spectacle!

The greatest gladiators of Roman history!

The gladiators are trained in the school
of Gaius Obtus to fight for Caesar.

The greatest event of the world!

It is my great privilege to
present to you this group.

Among them are two of the best fighters.

Ave, Caesar! We, who are about to die,
salute you!

Hi, Julius! What's up?

They have all those bad Gaulish habits,
it's in their blood.

They are the bonebreakers.
They have to be rude.

Astérix, those men, are they our friends?

I don't think so, Obelix.

I don't understand.
In Gaul they were our enemies.

In Africa they've
become our friends.

Can Julius explain it to me?

Oh, Caesar, I'll set the lions on them,
and it'll all be over in a second.

My amphora, is it coming? My amphora!

Calinpus, bring me my amphora!

I have the Sahara desert in my throat!

When will you bring...

And now, dear spectators, comes the moment
of sacrifice in the name of Jupiter!

The great kitties have
gotten hungry, Caesar.

Since they have been caught, they
have received one yoghurt per day.

- Obelix, Astérix!
- Magic potion! We are saved!

Magic potion, magic potion...
Are you able to fight, Obelix?

You know me. If my little
poet is not with me...

Here come the animals!

The most vicious,
the strongest, the most horrible...

the most terrible, the most
frightening beasts on Earth!

- My friend!
- The lions.

My magic potion!

My little Idéfix!

Tragicomix, catch!

Lions, lions, and all mine!

You said it right, Gaius.

The programme was extraordinary.
No one in Rome has ever seen one like it.

Mercy, Caesar! Why don't you release
those two brave soldiers?

The mercy of Caesar has no boundaries!

Oh, no. No, no.

Gauls, you are free.

My friends!

Caesar's triumph has appeared
to be the triumph of Gaul.

I thank the emperor personally...

Have you seen them, they are such heroes.

And Obelix tore down the
Colosseum single-handedly.

It was just a small Colosseum.
It was nothing.

Thank you, Astérix.

And also...

our elegance.