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My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2019)

Posted: 12/26/21 18:55
by bunniefuu
Suichi! Iguchi!

It 's the Villains Alliance!


It is armored

I will get closer!





How persistent!


What are you planning ...?

Don't ask stupid questions

Why are there heroes here?

Information has been released

Has it leaked?

How? 'Or' What?

Who knows

Chase team.
We have been defeated. The following...

Don't say more

Leave me that


It looks like we came up with number 1

Thank you for coming this evening!

Jet Burn!

I'm going to crush you Endeavor!

Get out sir



Damn, here we are


So you were there

You could have helped a little, Hawks

I just arrived, Endeavor

Where is the Alliance?

They were all replicas of Twice

What is that?

A life t*nk, huh?

Maybe they were carrying a new type of Brain


What were you carrying Shigaraki?

It looks like you are fine Nine ...

It was worth it

The experience was a success

The world is a society of superhumans ...

in which 80% of the
population has an Alter

Fate took me
to find me ...

with Heros number 1: All Might,
even if I had no Alter.

From him, I inherited his Alter: One For All

Then I entered the school
who trained many heroes, Yuei.

So that I can get closer to achieving my dream


This is the story of how
i became the best hero


Let's have fun together!

No thanks

Do not say that!

What is that?

I can't take it off!

Everything is fine?


Thank you!

You saved us!

No, this time it wasn't me ...


I am here!

Asui, 70 meters towards the rocks

... a flowing child I will

It's okay?

Why are you crying?!

He's afraid of your face

No swimming!

Swimming in the rocky area is prohibited!

From there, it's dangerous.

They can't pass!


It is not a spectacle ...

Shoto, can I ask you for some more ice cream?



It's too much!

They are so many heroes!

Older sister?

Yuei Heroes Office

Yes let's go

Kaminari, Mr. Matsuda's battery has failed again


This man should already buy a new one,

Rest assured, Chargebolt!

Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go! Let's go!

Hello ! You call Yuei's Hero Office.

We will efficiently solve any problem

Have you ever found the lost dog?

I just found it

It's good and sure

Good work

You should now find a parakeet

My little brother is lost,
I can't find it anywhere!

Calm, everything will be fine,

You don't have to worry



Ms. Sato suffered a sprain


I will go right away

A child is lost in a commercial area

If someone is available ...

I refuse

Didn't even think about it!

Don't be like that, Bakugo

Uraraka, I will go with you

Is your alter used to search for people?

If it's about looking for someone, it's my turn

Uraraka, I'm going too


One for all, full hood ...

at 8%

We are ready to go

Class 1A, come on!

Let's go!

Students of Yuei's heroic class

we came to the island called Nabu

Although we have temporary hero licenses ...

Why are we the only heroes on this island?


Of course, there is a reason:

A place where there are no professional heroes ...


... only our students.

"Draft Recommendation of the Bureau of Heroes"


Society crosses
currently a period of chaos

Hero number 1 ...

The hero they knew as
"Symbol of Peace" has retired

Thus, the activities of
villains have grown

It is therefore urgent to form the new
generation so that she can deal with it

It is the high command of
the Public Safety Commission.

I know you may not be in favor

but we will greatly appreciate your cooperation

"Draft recommendation
from the Heroes' Office "

Your operations center will
far south on Nabu Island

The heroes who protected this place
are about to retire

You will take care of the place
until the arrival of new heroes

We will finally be real heroes!

On the contrary, we are already heroes!

Path of tension!

I am very excited!

It's not like internships or work studies

We will be real heroes

Since I was a child, I have always
wanted to be like the hero I admired

The time has come

Hear the rest of what I have to say


By regulation, teachers do not
can't be there to support them

So if something happens,
you will be responsible for serving yourself

Keep that in mind and
act responsibly




Where are you?

Where are you?

Older sister !


You are Katsuma Shimano, right?

A hero !

You separated from your sister, didn't you?

Well come with me

It's late! Too late!

Older sister ?

What is your name?


and you are...?

Katsuma's sister Mahoro

So you've already found your sister,

Its good!

What's the point?

How could you take a
time to find a lost child?

Although you are from Yuei, you do not
can't do something that simple!

I think we were a lot
better with our former heroes!

II am sorry ...

Well, there is no other way. Finally
they are only students.



Next time, you should do better, Deku


I will be more careful

Let's go, Katsuma


Oh yes


Thank you

No need to thank him for anything!

What happened to Deku?

Why did you apologize?

They scolded me for taking so long to find her

What does it mean?

But i'm happy

About what?

Katsuma found his
sister without any problem

That's how you are, deku

What do you mean?

You are a hero!

Of course, these heroes are useless!

And that on this little island
nothing ever happens

Yuei's heroes are nothing special

But they came to get you

This boy...

he is a hero.

I will have to show him
what is its true nature



Class 1-A does real hero work, huh?

Nabu Island has only 1,000 residents
and in 30 years there have been no incidents

There should be no problem


Being a hero is not only
deal with disasters ...

or dangerous villains, like you did

Protecting and helping others will
a good experience for them


I am tired

We gave our more
Ultra beyond what the law requires

Don't you think we
do unimportant things?

There is no unimportant work

Although now we are working as heroes,
let's not forget that we are still students

We have to do our job of
good faith to gain people's trust


But here's someone who hasn't
nothing done since our arrival

I stayed at the express office

What will they do if a naughty
appears while you are away?

There are no villains on this island

Good afternoon


Thank you very much for
took grandmother to the hospital

Thank you for repairing the bike

My battery too

Thank you for working as a lifeguard!

It's been part of fishing for a long time!

It is not enough to thank you,
but we brought them with pleasure

Thanks for the food!

Hey! Have some decorum!

thank you very much for everything

On the contrary, we are very
grateful that they came here

We are counting on you


We will do our best!

Enjoy your meal!

How delicious!

These people were very nice

Right now, I'm very
happy to work as a hero

Bakugou ... or rather Kacchan ...

We will take a
bath and we will fall asleep

You will take care of the cleaning

Why me!?

Well, today you did nothing

Damn you...

1365 ...

1366 ...

1367 ...

I'll tell you the truth

My Alter has the ability to transfer energy ...

One for all

A person cultivates power ...

and pass it on to someone else who
repeats the process and passes it on to another

It is the crystallization of power ...

which is for the voices of those who
ask for help with a brave heart

And now it's your turn

You, the heir of One For All ...

One day you will have to face the evil embodied ...

You're next ...

Now i can only use that
One For All up to a maximum of 20%

I have to try harder to control this alter


Good patrol work ...

Have you already mastered One For All ...?

We can't talk about it here!

I'm not in the mood

I know it very well

We have been together since childhood

So master this alter ...

and come fight!

Then I'm going to show you that whoever
will become hero number 1 will be me ...


I'll show you that this
alter will be completely mine

To become the best hero!

I will become the best


You are the boy this afternoon



A bad guy ?

Explain yourself !

Heroes Public Safety Commission

Since a few weeks,
they attack different heroes

Victims end up unconscious
and lost their Alters.

Shigaraki's group
seems to be developing ...

a replica of the drug to clear the Alters

Do we know if they have succeeded in
make their mass product?

No we don't know

So we have to investigate, continue with ...

Could the alters have been stolen?


Simply because the victims are heroes,
their alters are things that can be used

Course the suspect would
someone like All For One ...

with an Alter capable of flying other Alters

It is not possible...

Anyway, Shigaraki is of course involved

I will continue the two lines of investigation

Where will the charge be?

The heroes haven't recovered it, have they?

This is the information we have

What was in the box?

The doctor said we don't need to know

What does it mean?

We just had to deliver it and then keep silent?

I'm a little curious

I already told you, forget that, okay?


I do not care!

Tomura shigaraki

You shouldn't be involved

Forget that



In ten days, you’ll go home, right?

Dad, good luck with the job

You don't have to worry about us

I will take good care of Katsuma

Thank you, Mahoro, Katsuma

I will bring you many gifts ...

We finally found you

What ... what are they doing?

Do not worry. I will not k*ll you.


I'll take your Alter

With that we will get there

As we always wanted ...

We will create a new world!


Why? Why?

Type B is not enough


Since we had come so far!


No, there is still a way.

Dad, good luck with the job

You don't have to worry about us

It is true

The Alters ...

are inherited ...

Why are you coming with me, damn Deku?

What do you mean, why?

If it is true that a villain ...

With me, it's more than enough!

Hey, where did you see this villain?

In the ruins of the castle

You already said it!





Deafening Grenade!



The villain ...

It hurts!
Get a little scared at least!

This girl!

Did you project the illusion?

What do you mean by "illusion"?

I realized!

There was no villain.

Hey, damn kid ...

Do you like to make fun of heroes?

I am totally
different from other heroes

I'm going to beat All Might and
I will become number 1

I am Katsuki Bakugo

You made fun of the wrong person

Don't be mad at my sister


So you are with her

Enough Kacchan!

Let me go stupid Deku!

It's just a joke!

Kids today have no respect!

Hold on!

Hold on!

Stop it!

Don't give me orders!

What's wrong with this Bakugo guy?

And so he wants to be number 1!

It is rather the number 1 of heroes
who looks like a villain!

But he came to save us

Katsuma, Do you want to be a hero like them?

Do not do that

It's very dangerous

Also, I know a person
who is taller than these heroes

Who is that ?

Our father

He always thinks of what
which is better for us.

I would like you to become
someone like him.

Among the victims, there are still
someone who has lost their alter.

But this time it was not a
hero, but an ordinary citizen.

Besides flying alters, it seems
that they are looking for something specific.

Does the suspect want us to know
what kind of alters did they fly?

Why do they need to hide it?

Hello ! You talk at the office
of Yuei's heroes.

A lost travel suitcase.


Let's go immediately.

A traveler has lost his
suitcase in the commercial area.

I will go!

Come on Aoyama!


Another lost object! At
unless they could fix it alone ...

This customer had a very cute voice!

I have to help whoever needs it!

Shoji called for support on the beach.

Then I will go.

Now is the time to patrol.

I'm also going to.

I will help Mr. Niijima in his cultivation.

See you!


What is happening?


Sorry about yesterday.

What a good boy!

You came to apologize.

Don't worry, I'm not crazy

Could you tell the other hero that I apologized?

Of course.

But what really happened to Katsuma?

My sister hates heroes.

He said if a villain appears ...

They would be afraid and would not come to save us

That's why I ...

You trusted us.


You said we were going to save you.

So you came to pick us up

This badge.

He's the hero Ninja, Edgeshot right?


Would you also like to be a hero?

My alter doesn't allow me to be a hero.

Besides, my sister says it's dangerous.

These heroes of the Yuei academy
They are useless!

I see,

Not that Mahoro hates heroes ...

but she worries about Katsuma.

Izuku ...

I can not anymore.

You hurt yourself all the time ...

My heart can no longer bear it ...

Hey !, Katsuma.

What kind of hero would you like to be?

A strong hero who can
face the villains.

I see.

I want to be a hero who can
save everyone from danger.

Save others?


You wanted to be a hero who defeats
villains to save others.

I want to be a hero who saves
the others by defeating the villains.

It's a little different,
but the objective is the same.

That's what it is to be a hero.

So, in this case ...

Let's do our best!

But if possible, don't
don't worry too much about your family.


Katsuma really likes heroes, right?

I brought you this.

Thank you very much Ms. Suzumura!

Be nice to him.

The boy’s mother died very young,

His father works outside while
time. He and his sister live alone

Of course, the neighbors
are present with them all the time.

But not having your mom at
his age is a very sad thing.


Where were you katsuma

With Deku!

I went to apologize for yesterday


I really like dad

I want to be someone tall like him



What was that?

Breakwaters, what about this ship?

Run away !

Huh ?!

What's going on ?

Chimera, mom

Don't let anyone bother us

You will be in charge of the distraction

Something special?

As you wish


Slice ... I already know ...

Of course, they are villains.

Sister, we have to call the heroes

But they are still students

If it's Deku, he will surely come to save us!

I'm done with the field work!

Welcome, Midoriya

Good work!

What? If this is another boring request ...

Villains have appeared in the harbor!

This voice

You are the kid from yesterday

How often do you think ...?

I do not lie! Bakugo it's true!
Hi, my name is Deku!

Swelling! ...
At the port!

What did Mahoro say?

Now we are in complete privacy.

The following...

Hope this is just another joke ...

But I still have to go to the port!

thank you very much for everything

I'm so happy, Maa

Me too Mii

These lovebirds ?!

Damn Ashido!

What's going on ?

Hero! There are villains!

They are really villains!

It's very sudden

We have to do something!

Aoyama, your navel laser!

It's called Navel Laser!

I didn't think there was
three heroes in this remote place

Now there is more!

Hagakure, inform the office!

The call does not come!

I have no signal!

It can not be

If I keep sh**ting like this ...

my stomach...


What are we doing?!

Froppy, Tentacole!

Take care to evacuate people!


Get away from here quickly

Tornado Tail Dance!

What is your goal?

Why are you doing this?

You are too young to be a hero


Sorry for the delay!

Dark shadow!


We cannot use cellphones

Go to the reinforcement office!


I will try to stop it here!


My cell phone has no signal

It is true

Neither mine nor mine

00: 34: 39,130 ​​-> 00: 34: 40,330
What happened?

It's not possible...


Villains have appeared!

Villains ?!

They destroy the commercial area.

The heroes are fighting!

Let's go!

There's a bad guy on the beach!

Did they fight with them?

Ojiro and the others are fighting

I came for reinforcements!


We don't have time to think about it

We will be divided into
groups to face the villains!

Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari!

Go to the commercial area
to stop this villain!

Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Ashido!

You will take care
to protect people!

Todoroki, Sato, Sero and Tokoyami!

You will come with me to the beach

Uraraka and Koda ...

You will help protect
beach people!

We must act quickly

We are the
only heroes of the island.

We are the only ones
to be able to save people!

Yuei class course
Academy Class 1-A! Let's go!


I must warn the others!

No signal!

The villains came to this island

Probably others will go their
cope as soon as they realize it

In this case, I have to make sure
may mahoro be safe

Your house is ...

Of course, the neighbors
see them all the time

Near Ms. Suzumura's house!

My stomach has reached its limit

My head has also reached its limit

Mineta! Aoyama!

This place is full of unnecessary!

Just like these extras!


Red Riot is here!

Chargebolt is also there!


They are friends?


Yaomomo! Girls!

We came for
help protect the people


AP Shot Auto Cannon!


Thank you!



What is that?!

Everything I catch with my
bandages move according to my will

It doesn't work with living things,
but it works with what they wear

Your protections and your combination
will act as an order!


I will crush them with their own partner!



With this shape ...

They should be laughing at you, right?

Don't you hate your parents


Leave it to me!

I entrust you to Ojiro!


Tokoyami, Sato!

Sugar Rush!

They can't stop me!


Eh eh...

Although they are only
children was too much

Big Sister, we have to
inform the heroes.

Mobile phones don't work
no we can't do anything

Let's go home first,
then we will tell everyone

We're screwed

I found it

Type B cell activation


I'm going to steal your alter!

Don't worry, I won't k*ll you

Stay away!

I said to stay away!

I know it's an illusion



A super strength alter.

Everything is fine,

Can you run?


Quick, get out of here


Why are you chasing these children?

Back off

I'm not leaving here

If you interfere, I will k*ll you

Air wall?

So that's your alter!

Did he sh**t lightning?

Looks like he has two independent Alters

It's almost like ...

All for one!

Stop Bakugo!

You fully controlled it

What do we do Kirishima?

I do not know


Damn it!

To choose

You can become my puppets ...

or be defeated by your partner

Shut up!

Do not make me laugh!


Do not underestimate me

Swelling of my two.

He sacrificed his own weapons

I still have a lot of capacity

Maximum power!

Pass away!

You did it Bakugo!

And with minimal damage to buildings

Guys !

And the villain?

He is slightly injured

What about the locals?

We evacuated them all to the west area

Where are you going bakugo

Take care of the rescue!

I'm going to crush the remaining villains!


He cornered us with his power

Iida, what do we do?

For now, I think we keep it on the sidelines

At least until we finish moving people

Black ankh!

Recipro Burst!

They're hard to break, hero!

If this continues ...

Delaware Smash ...


Aerial projectiles

What an interesting way to use it

I have to keep attacking him if I don't want to
not that he gets close to Katsuma and his sister!

You can also launch gusts of wind!

How many does he have in reserve?

If I can't know what are
your alters, then I must strike first!

One for all, full hood!

At 20%!

His power increased

With this power ...!

Saint Louis...


20% was not enough!

This strength ...

This Alter ...

Worth flying

Steal it?

He said he would steal it

So if you have a
Alter equal to All For One ...

He will steal my One For All!

I couldn't steal it

No, it does not fit into the slot

This guy...

has an alter of incredible potential.

I have to move

Come on! Come on!

It's amazing

But for that, I have to delete it

Did he throw me with the air wall?



To run away!


I'm fine, run away

You are...

His goal



Run away!




What is that?


Anyone please ...

Protect Deku!

An expl*sive alter

I finally found you, damn ugly.

Kacchan ...

It is...


Brats, look carefully!

I will be number 1!

With my strength!

It's finish!



Kacchan ...

This guy has several alters.

And he can steal them

Is All For One back?

In this case, it would be better to crush it!

I already know this stuff!

I'm too strong for you!

Where does this come from?



You are like a crying dog


it's you!

Damn Deku!

Detroit ...


What is happening?

What's going on?



I will not leave you...


It's still...

Is not over

Deku ...

Bakugo ...

The heroes are really ...

It hurts



Resist Nine

The boy is ...

Understood !

Stay calm.

Do not worry

We are on your side




You have to reach them ...

No matter how, this child ...

Nine ...

They can't leave this island

You should now recover

Already ?!

For today, they will save their lives, children

Is he running away ?!

It is more appropriate to say that he spared us

Stopped !

It can be a trap

We couldn't even
overcome in numerical inferiority.

Trying it alone is very dangerous


The security of populations
is more important

It's also our hero's job

They use their Alters too much

We don't know when they will attack us again

If we don't do it now, there won't be ...

You are already reaching the limit


Thank you

It's hot, be careful

Take one per person!

There is something for everyone

What happened to the Villains?

Do not worry !

We will take care of
you and we will protect you all

How full of food this island is!

What happened to the villain they caught?

He's locked up in the engine room

But no matter how much you
question, he doesn't seem to tell us anything


How are Deku and the others?

They haven't regained consciousness yet

Doctors give them treatment

Thank you very much for your effort.


With our Alters, we were barely able to close his wounds

There is nothing we can do about his fractures

For that you need the
take to hospital

I can help


The Katsuma Alter has the
power to reactivate cells

We do not know if this could
help heal wounds but ...

But they were injured
trying to save us!


We would appreciate it, kid


I have to save them


I will save you!

How is he doing?

He will be fine

In few hours,
He can get up

And Mamy?

Not here?

Maybe the heroes ...


Either way, we have to
continue with what was planned,

We need to

We need to

Why did you save me?

Come with me

We are going to destroy this society which
call naughty people and monsters

We will create a world that
will only be dominated by force

Are you going to join the Alliance des Vilains ?!

Strictly speaking ...

I will participate in an Alliance experience
to increase the power of the Alters

They just want to use you

It's very dangerous

We need more power

We chose you

You can't leave us

I managed to adapt the factor
d'Alter by All For One

Fly 8 other Alters

You have become able
to use 9 Alters.

The experience was a success

We can finally realize our plan

However, the side effects also got worse

If I use the Alters, the cells
and the tissues of my body will die

It is not possible...

This operation therefore made no sense!

I have to steal an alter
able to activate cellular tissue.

And so...

We can create the world we want

Katsuma at least sleep


I must continue

But ... I have to continue

i can't give up

Heroes never give up!



I will first make a
report on the current situation

Electricity and communications have been destroyed

We cannot ask for help

Some time ago, I created a
drone with a distress message

We sent him to ask for help

So at least it will take six hours to
help will take longer

I don't think the villains
wait until then to act again

For now our priority
absolute is to protect the locals

How are we going to do it?

This villain managed to hurt
seriously Midoriya and Bakugo

The one we met was really skillful

Yaomomo and Kaminari abused their
Alters, so they can't fight ...

And as far as we know,
there are still three cowardly villains

We cannot even
not attack them at once,

If only we could
know what their purpose is ...


Then we could at least take action

I will steal your Alter


I'm the target of these villains

What did you say?

He said he wanted to steal my Alter.

Steal your Alter?

Is it like All For One?

But now we know what its purpose is

If we run away with the child ...
It will not be so easy

They are villains

If we run away with the child, they
could thr*aten to k*ll people

So what can we do?

I will let myself be captured!


I'll let him steal my Alter, he said he wouldn't k*ll me.

If it serves to save them all ...

We will not do that!


Midoriya! Are you fine

Thanks to Katsuma Alter

My Alter doesn't allow me to be a hero

Cellular activation

An Alter that promotes metabolism

It's like it's a stimulant

Thanks to this, I was able to
recover quickly

He's an incredible Alter, Katsuma!

I thank you infinitely !

Deku ...

You must not be afraid

This is why we are here

All we have to do is
to crush those damn bad guys, right?


Save to beat

Win to save

If you recognize yourself ...

you'll become...

surely one of the strongest heroes

We will definitely protect you!

And I'm going to crush these villains!

We will save the islanders!

I will definitely win!

Bakugo, Midoriya, I'm with you

Me too!

I want to protect
inhabitants of this island.


In one way or another!

I still have to fix
the tractor from Matsuda

I want Mrs. Sato to be able to
live much happier

I am also with you!

Me too

I am in me too

Me too! And me

Me too! Ribbit!

Let's do it!

Yes let's do it

We need to!

Because we are heroes!

We will show you that there is no impossibility

What we always say

Let's go there!

More Ultra!

Midoriya, what is the strategy?

We confirmed three villains.

We will make our base
in the ruins of the castle

So the villains won't
only one emergency exit

Here we will separate them and at
from there we will use the earth

I will beat them

We will shelter the inhabitants in the
caves in these ruins

We will protect Katsuma and Mahoro

We will also secure your escape route

How do we face someone
able to use several different alters?

When Kacchan and I fought him, he
suddenly seemed to be suffering from something.

It is likely that if he uses too much of the
Alters, his body can no longer handle it.

That's why he's trying to steal the Alter
of Katsuma, to reactivate its cells

I understand.

So are we going to make him use them?

We will attack it in waves
to make him use his Alters

To keep it from us
try to steal ours ...

we will attack him at
distance as much as possible

If we can defeat him, that's fine,
but if we can't do it ...

just resist up
help arrived

We will protect you all

You are wrong

We will definitely win


Our goal is at the top of Mount Shiroyama

Heroes too

Are they locked in there?

We will go directly to them

A real king doesn't need tricks

Here they are

There is three

They advance along the planned route

I leave it in your hands, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama

The villains are 20 meters from the point

Aoyama, sh**t your Navel
Laser at maximum power.

Charge energy

5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1.

I can't stop running Super Nova!


They separated!

I'm going to use all the fat I have left

This is my last attack!

Where have you...?
What... ?

First phase ... accomplished

I can not anymore

We separated them successfully


We take them
at determined points

So far it's been going as planned

We will certainly protect you all!

Tape Shot Trident!




We make the villain ...

Use your Alters!


They separated us

Damn it!



Ashido, leave me the rest

It's my territory

How arrogant

Did you want to separate us?


It went as planned

Not yet

It was not cold enough

Let's meet

You better give up

Today I will fight seriously

We are not the same as before

All people are protected.
Let's fight it all!

We will arrest you

I'm going to Turbo!

It will be over in 10 minutes!


I am superior to you!

Damn, it doesn't stop a bit


He's approaching the trap! YES

Sero! Uraraka!


Everything is ready!

It's your turn, Uraraka



It's your turn, Mineta!

Super grape!

Take this, this and that!

Take this and that!

This is a trap!

We did it!

It worked...!

You're okay?

You deserved it!
We caught you!

He escaped the trap

It is 30 meters from us!

Do not interfere!

Aoyama, Yaomomo ...

Sorry for the delay...

Here we are...

Do not meddle!

The game is over

Are you still alive ?!

Stop talking and die!

Bakugo is fighting with him!


I entrust you to Katsuma and Mahoro!

Deku ... Deku ...

We have to stop it here!

Take this!

I have to protect this site!

Or it wouldn't make sense to call me a hero!

Saint-Louis Smash!

I don't need all my strength. he
it's just about him using his Alters


They are not bad

Behind us are ...

It doesn't matter, I'm going to k*ll him!

Was it not your territory?

Show again!

That's it?

I find it hard to stop it

If only for a moment ...


Black Ankh Sabbath!


Acid kick!


It's already decided!

Not yet!



What is that?

They will not interfere, Nine!

Tokoyami, Dark Shadow ...

Do not bother me!

I do not do it!

It was useless ...

Didn't I tell you it was useless?

My body...

Our attack pattern
was part of the plan

My legs and hands of
Kirishima were covered with ...

a toxin made by Asui

Call me Tsuyu

It was our idea


But i will show you

The reason they call me a monster!

He got bigger!

This form ... is like Amajiki!

Asui! Kero!

There is Iida and the others!

They fight?
We have to help them.

We can't, we have to protect Katsuma and Mahoro

Deku ... Bakugo ...

We have you now!


Just a little bit!


Forgive me ... Deku


You will pay for it!

We have to roll it back

He gets too close to children ...

Curses ...

This is...

It is done! It has reached its limit

But what power!

We will not be able to approach

Recipro reaches the limit

Create an opening

I'll take care of him

What will you do?

I have an idea


It will be the last attack!

Iida, grab your attention with Recipro Turbo

It reminds me of Kamino.
And it's!

Whatever happens, I'll go there
resist, be sure to defeat him!




Increase the temperature
of your body to the limit!

If it can be done with
fire, also with ice!


Exceed the limit!



It's time to hibernate

We have done our part

Midoriya ... Bakugo ...

It's time to counter Kacchan!

Don't give me orders!

If I had the power
to activate my cells

This is our opportunity!

I don't need to contain myself!

Deku ... Bakugo ...

Deku ...! Bakugo ...!

Cellular activation?


However, my Alter will only work with type A blood cells.

It is a very useful Alter to help people

Mr. Shimano, do you have a family?

I have a daughter and a
son on Nabu Island

Nabu is far away, but within reach of criminals

Excuse me a moment

What is there?

A fishing boat in Kyushu
received a distress message

Villains have appeared
on the island of Nabu, we must act!

They are the suspects of the
loss of Alters!

What are you saying ?

Send a rescue team immediately!

And inform Yuei!

Why Yuei?

For a government project, they are in charge of the island of Nabu ...

Students in class 1-A!

Shoji, lead Katsuma and
Mahoro by the escape route

We order them

It's understood

We have to stop it.
And we go

I found you

Heartbeat Fuzz!

Tornado Tail Dance!


The escape route ...

To run away!


Flee, children!



Flee, Katsuma

Big Sister ... I'm fine, run away!

Go away!

Don't touch my little brother!

I said go!


If you care about her life, come here

No! To run away!

To run away!

Make my wish ...

... become reality

To run away...

Katsuma ...

Stop it!

I will protect you!

I will protect you, Big Sister!


sorry for the delay

Deku ...

You really tried hard Katsuma

You are incredible!

Bakugo, you are alive

I told you, right?

I'm going to beat All Might and
I will become number 1.

Flee with Mahoro! I go!


How did they survive my lightning ...

We have already received it


We ask this
silly to receive it for us

It was too ... download


Pass away!

Hide here!

It is not finished yet

It can't end like this

With this power everything will end

A tornado!

It can really change the weather!

What are we doing?

Katsuma is still here

In addition, people are also at risk

Do you intend to destroy this island?

We have to stop it!

One for all, 100%!

It's f*cking ...

I will attack him with all my power!

Detroit Smash!

Howitzer impact!





I get it! Take them to the bottom

Not even 100% ...

Curses ...

Not even if I stoop
to fight with Deku ...

It's useless

They can't resist my power

In the new world I'm going to create ...

The new World?

The most powerful beings.

The strongest will create
utopia for the weak

What are you saying?

It has nothing to do with
heroes or villains.

In the face of pure power, everyone will be equal

This is the real way you should
have a super power society

It's just a selfish idea!

Don't talk stupid!

In my new world, there will be no weak!

So you don't have to exist!


What would All Might do?

It can't end like this!



I do not intend to lose!





Do not lose!

So there they are ...


There is still a way

There is only one way!

My Alter is like a torch

Power that passes from generation to generation


Heroes still have a lot to protect.

So I can't lose!


Heroes overcome all adversity!

One way to protect them!

One way to win!

There is only one way!

What happens?

Since we did, can you use it too?

I do not know but...

After transferring it to me, All Might continued to protect us

What did they do?

Two for all!

With that, we will save them!

With this we will win!

They won't beat me!

It will end your dream, you know

No matter, there is no other way

Also, All Might would agree that it is you

You never shared our secret and
we have always admired the same person

If it is you...

All Might is pretty cool!

He's a super cool hero!

No matter how difficult it is, in the end it's always good ...!


No matter how many people I save, always in the end!


Do not make me laugh!



What is that?

What is this power?

They won't stop me from realizing my dream!

Kacchan, come on!

Don't give me orders!

They will not stop it!

This is the last time...

My last...

My last...!



One for all

Thank you

Do you agree Tokoyami?

Hawks? Why...?

I'm here to help and I brought company ...

All might ...

Young Midoriya, sorry for the delay ...

And Kacchan?

You always care about others first ...

He is injured, but he will be fine, his life is not in danger

I am happy

I made it try too hard


All might!

I transferred the ...

One for all in Kacchan ...

One for all?

If we haven't used two One For All ...

We couldn't have protected people

We couldn't have beaten the villain.

So I don't regret it

But i'm sorry

Although you have chosen me as your successor ...

Even if you told me that I could become a hero ...

I wanted to be able to protect them all ...

Young Midoriya ...

Sorry All Might ...


But I...

I also do not regret having transferred the One For All to you

You used it in the best way

The crystallization of power that unites voices ...

of those who ask for help with a brave heart ...

One for all

Young Bakugo passed out before the transfer was completed!

No it's something else

It is an Alter for the one who sacrificed his life to protect others ...

and whoever sacrificed it to win ...

Master ... and those who came before us

Thank you so much!

What do you plan to do Tomura Shigaraki?

So you are still alive ...

Shigaraki ...

You had a great opportunity!

A little more, a little ...

Don't worry, I'll make your dream come true

It only takes one leader ...

That's right, it only takes one ...

Rest, Nine ...

Good work

It hurts!

What happened to me?

Kacchan does not remember the transfer of One For All

The One For All is always in me


Mahoro, Katsuma!

A few days later, Mahoro
and Katsuma met their father

We were able to protect the locals
of the island with very few injured

The program of the commission
public safety has been suspended but ...

we stayed a little longer on the island ...

to help with reconstruction

And so the day came when we had to leave

Shall we leave without saying anything?

We cannot intervene in the reconstruction work

Well, go quietly ...

This is something very typical of heroes

We already said goodbye to this island, huh?

I am happy

Can we leave without saying goodbye to these kids?

There are a lot of things I wanted to tell you, but ...

It's good, I'm sure you will understand

Eh eh!




Thank you for protecting us all!


I will become strong!

At least I want to protect my father and my sister!

So I will become strong!

And then I will become a hero like you and Bakugo!

I won't forget those words, damn kid


You can become a hero!

I am waiting for you at Yuei!