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Troll: The Tale of a Tail (2018)

Posted: 12/26/21 19:14
by bunniefuu
Thanks again for watching Lucas.

They have me on nights this week

and I had to spend the whole
afternoon at the hospital.

And the last thing I wanted to do
was ask you for a favor.

It's perfectly fine.

Lucas... he didn't have a good day.

I'll make sure to speak with him.

Thank you.

What you're looking at
is an ancient artifact

that protects against evil trolls.

It was given to me
by my grandfather, but...

only once, I was prepared to believe.

Now, are you prepared to believe, Lucas?

Do you have a charger?
- A what now?

A charger, you know, for the phone?

I have a phone.

You want to call somebody?

Bad day?

I don't want to talk about it.

That's the rune of patience.

Please don't read me a story.

It actually reminds me of a story.

I knew it.

This is a story about patience and...


In the land of scheming villains,

forest monsters,

walking mountains and...

young princes

looking to prove themselves.

This tale of a tail
takes place in the ancient days,

beyond where any human
has ever gone before.

A magical world that was about
to be changed forever

by one special little prince named Trym.

Excuse me, troll coming through.
- Trym!

Sorry! Late for the Sunburn Run!

Hey JinJan!

- Hello!

C'mon, guys.
The race is about to start.

Gonna be a good one.

Awesome! Be right there!

That'll be five acorns, pal.

"Chickens fly and frogs can run,

give us Ymir, the power of the sun!"

You're doing it, Freia.

The first spell in your training.

It's fanta...

Oh, I don't think
that was supposed to happen.

Oh! Silly me.

We were on the wrong page.

Freia! Come on!
My dad is racing again.

By the way,
you got something on your face.

Thank you, Trym.

Hey, excuse me. So sorry!

Royal Family business.

Is the king running today, Trym?

You know it.
Now make sure I get some height...


Now, every year only the strongest trolls
in their town competed

to see who would be king.

And to do so,
they faced their most dangerous enemy:

the sun.

Or, as they liked to call it...

Ah, the sun!

I'm frying!

Now, there was one troll
who stood out from the rest.

He was a warrior.

He was a mountain of a king.

And he was also Trym's father.

It's King Grom! It's King Grom!

It's King Grom!

Hey, Mom! What did I miss?

Oh, just your father,
doing what he does best, Trym.

- That's one way of putting it.

Go, Dad!

Hey, Trym.
- What's up, guys?

I brought the morons.

She's talking about you too.
- Hey!

Here you go, Halfstone.

You can have my seat. Come on up!

Thank you, Todd.

Why do I smell purple?
- Because it's Tuesday, Grampie.

Oh, that explains it.

And why aren't you
running this year, Trevor?

More than anything in this world

Trym wanted to join the Sunburn Run.

Yet, he couldn't because...

My dad says I'm not old enough.

Trym, come on!

They're headed to the canyon.
Be right back!


And they would risk their lives
for one good reason.

To be exalted, supreme, powerful.

To be King of Ervod.

And the one that wanted to be king
even more than King Grom,

was Grimmer.

Your cousin isn't very nice there, Trym.

Hey, second cousin! Super removed.

And the only troll
who actually wanted Grimmer to win

was his sweet mother,

Mother Sheriff.

Not this time, Grom!

Hey, not fair!

Where's Dad?

I'm gonna do it!

I'm actually gonna do it!

Way to go, Dad!

Yeah, maybe next year.

Stop moping, Cousin.

The strongest troll won, that's all.

Everyone smile!


Champion and King of Ervod.

Ten Sunburn Runs and counting.

Ladies and Gentletrolls,

King Grom!

Isn't this great, Trym?

Yeah, magical.

We'll get 'em next time, champ.

Like they always say:
twenty-third time's the charm.

Second place, Mort. All my life.

Second! Second place in bark chewing,

second place in the Trollympics.

My entire life has been "next time".

All because of him!

Well, on the bright side:
At least you're a first place loser.

You're right. Second place stinks.

Why do they like him
so much more than me?

It just ain't fair!

Hey, I ordered a moss loaf!

Sorry, hon. Saving it for the king.

It's his favorite, you know.

Needs more salt.

Trym! Get down here!

King Grom!


My boy got his first stone today.

Pinecone for your thoughts, big guy?

It was a good race this year, huh?

- Yes, son?

Can I please race next time?

Trym, that race is no joke.

You could really get hurt.

No, we've been over this.
- But Dad!

I'm tired of sitting at the kiddy table.

I'm tired of sitting in the stands.

I'm old enough!

Have I ever told you
the story of the Jingwei Bird?

Please, don't tell me a story, Dad.

I'm not a baby.

The youngest and most beautiful daughter
of the first troll king

once drowned in the Eastern Sea.

What kind of story is this?

The princess came back to life
as a blackbird with red claws.

But always with a pebble
or a branch in her mouth.

She wanted to fill the mighty East Ocean,

so that no others would suffer her fate.

OK, time out.

With one pebble at a time?

That would take forever!
I don't buy it.


And the princess was prepared
to work forever and a day

in order to achieve her goal.

This is her lesson for us, Trym.

Patience and determination.

You have a big future ahead of you.

And it can be a scary world.

I'm here to protect you

just like I protect the village.

That's an adult responsibility.

And being an adult
isn't all fun and games.

Grom! The fun and games
are about to start!

It's gonna be awesome!

Grom! Grom! Grom!

Gimme a G!

Gimme an R!

Gimme an.... uh... IMMER!

Come on! You got this, big guy!

Come on!

No pain, no gain.

No pain, no crown.

Bring the heat, my man!

Let's do this!

I made you your favorite,
my pookie-wookie.

Tree sap with snail chips.

Ma! Not when I'm getting my pump on!

You know I gotta
start training again for the next race.

Oh you! Such a cranky pants.

I'll just leave them here.

I'm gonna go for my morning walkies.

Come on, Peaches.

Thanks, Missus S!

Whoa. You are tense.

You still upset about the race?

Father. Now there was a king.




Everyone loved him, Mort.

Every single troll in Ervod.

And never in second place.

I'm sorry Father.

I've disgraced the Sheriff name.

I'm a failure.

A flop. A... a...

A no-good, down-and-out,
washed-up has-been?

I'm getting an idea, Mort.

Very... exciting... sir.

I can't feel my fingertips.

We're going to get rid of King Grom
once and for all.

Grom? But he's the strongest
in the village.

Exactly. But the Pixie is stronger.


But... but why would Grom
go into the forbidden forest?

Simple. We just need the right bait.

Are you sure my dad said this was OK?

Trym, he practically begged me to do it.

He's just really busy today.

Said you deserved it.

Something about him
"knowing you're ready".



I remember my first run.

I was younger than you of course.

But I never looked back.

Yeah, well,
I don't plan on looking back either.

Neither do I, Trym. Neither do I...

Trym! Trym! Trym!

Don't forget the glutes, Lars.

They'll be beautiful, Your Majesty.


Grimmer, if this is about your
stinkberry trees, you picked a bad...

It's Trym! He's in the forbidden woods!

I couldn't stop him.
- Trym!



You take the north. I'll cover you.
- Good thinking, Grimmer.

And keep an eye out for Pixie traps!

Not... good.



Dad, we're in the
Forbidden Woods, with Pixie!

Yes, we are.

But that's nothing compared
to the world of trouble you're in.

Now let's get home.
- But Dad!

But nothing. I said we're leaving!

Oh no.

What is it?
- A Pixie trap.



You have to get out of here.

No way! I'm not leaving without you.

I saw a Grumble Tree back there.

I'll get the leaves to shade you
from the sun.

No, Trym!

I'll be right back, Dad.

This is even better
than I could have imagined.


Are you OK?

Grimmer! Thank Ymir!

Quick, help me out of this trap.
We don't have much time.

Absolutely, my king.

And there we... go!

Grimmer! W-what are you doing?

Oh boy. Looks like hat weather.

Sorry, Cousin.

It looks like the strongest,
smartest, handsomest

and bestest troll is winning today.





Number one.

The trolls were all saddened
at the stoning of Grom.

But none of them more than Queen Guld.

Grimmer told them about the trap.

And how bravely he fought
to try and save Grom.

While all weren't as easily swayed.

Grimmer lied
that Trym caused Grom's death

and ran away from Ervod.

And now Grimmer was to be the king
until the next Sunburn Run,

a race that he was sure
to never make happen.

And despite their best efforts,

the village could not prove him wrong.

Grimmer was their new king.

But for Trym,
his adventure was just beginning.

Who's there?


How'd you find me?
- Locator spell.

Hey, Trym!
- Heya!

What the what?!

You gotta believe me, I didn't do it.

Yeah, we know.
- That's why we're here.

We got your back, Trym.

Plus, we have two heads!
And two heads are better than one.

That's not what that means.

I'm pretty sure it is.
- Well, I'm pretty sure it isn't.

How are you doing?

I don't know, Freia.

I don't know what to do.

Don't worry. I have a plan.


Is Halfstone OK with that?

This? Oh, I...

I'm kinda "borrowing" it, OK? Look...

He's teaching me
how to be an oracle like him.

I'm just doing some
"field trip studying", that's all.

Yeah, right.

So now what?
- I don't know yet.

But I think I know who we can ask.

Alright. Move it in.

Move it all in.

Let's go, you varmints!

Personal effects go upstairs.

All the awesome stuff goes downstairs.

Ladies and gentletrolls,

I am pleased to present

my friend and yours.

A heck of a guy and a troll's troll...


King Grimmer!

I think it's time
we go to the castle, Mort.

Right away, Your Awesomeness.

Someone get me a towel! Get me a towel!

Oh Halfstone, this is horrible.

I'm so worried about Trym.
Do you think he's OK?

I'm sure he'll be fine, Your Majesty.

You're sweet.

I think I know someone who can help.

So I say we just
go back to the village,

storm the castle
and tell everyone the truth.

Grimmer's a lie!

I have a feeling Grimmer
and his g*ons won't let that happen.

So what do we do?

There's no coming back from stone.
He's dead!

And we're still alive.

Look, I know it seems bad,
but I told you I'm working on it.

We got your grub worms, Freia!
, just like you asked.

I named this one "Liam".


Is that soup?

Yes, it is. But like I said,
it's not for you.

Well, if it's not for us, then who, woman?

What the what?

It's time.
- Time for what?

Time for the Taotie.
- Fantastic.

What's a taotie?

Jan taoties in his sleep every night.


The Taotie is an oracle.

Like Halfstone?
- You could sort of say that.

It's the Pixie!
- I knew it!

It's not the Pixie.
- We're dead!

Well, hello, children.

Don't you look tasty!

But the question is...

Which one of you gets to be dessert?

Is that... peppercorn?

It is! Yes!

You know, no one ever
uses peppercorn anymore.

I miss it.

Oh, thank you.

That's so sweet of you to notice.

My name is Freia
and this is my friend Trym.

And these are Dummy and Dummy .
- Hello!

Pardon me, but...

what the swampmoss
is going on right now?!

What's going on is, I am the Taotie,
oracle of these Forbidden Woods.

You made the soup, I ate the soup,

And now I gotta give you a prophecy.
Badabing, badaboom.

How's your grandfather, sweetheart?

He good?
Tell him he owes me another dinner.

Alrighty, let's get this show on the road.
Who am I doing?

Uh, me, I guess?

Oh, you're a cute one.

Are you...

the son of King Grom?

I am.

Or... I was.

Mortals. You're always so pessimistic.

I've been waiting for you, cutie pie.

You have?
- You betcha!

Just let me do my thing.
Okey-dokey, here we go.

Three suns and three moons,

until you can't undo the doom.

Find the Pixie with speed of wings

and return the tail to the mighty king!


Save your king before the final petal fall.

But only the Chosen One can save them all!








Seriously? Nothing?

I just busted out a pretty sick rhyme,
like on the spot.

I totally made that up. Just now.

Out of my head.

You're the Chosen One, kid!

You're supposed to do something amazing.

He doesn't talk much does he?

We have to find King Grom's tail
and reattach it in three days

or he'll be stone forever?
I take it we lose a petal a day?

This one. She gets it.
Good for you, sweetheart.

Look, I'd love to believe that fairy tale,
but I'm just a kid.

My dad is dead.

Even if all this was true...

How would I get it back?
- OK, here's the deal.

Your dad's tail is being held by Pixie.
- Pixie?!

My dad's tail is with the Pixie?

Yeah. She's a bit of a hoarder,
you could say.

So you heard of her, huh?

M-mostly just the troll-eating part.

Yeah, that's probably the best part
to remember. So we're good then?

The Chosen One and the whole Swamp
of Despair, battle-to-the-death thing?

Yeah, yeah. We'll take it from here.
- Fantastic then. Good luck!

What did you do!

Do you really know
how to get to the Swamp of Despair?

Uh... define "know".

Oh, that's just great!

What? I have a pathological need
to always pretend I know the answer!

Well, you didn't now, did ya?

It's a condition!

Just get her back and we'll ask again.

I don't have any more ingredients,

How hard is it to find more worms?

Come on, guys. We have to go.

Yeah, why can't you find...
I'm sorry, what now?

We're going to get my dad's tail
back from Pixie

and return it before three moons.

That's funny.

I could have sworn you just said
we were going to battle Pixie for the tail.

Good one, Trym.

Well, I am. We have three days.
And I'll go alone if I have to.

It's just a tail!

It's my dad's tail.

But how are we going to get there?

One step at a time.

I'm in.

Don't leave us!

Grimmer is awesome!

Grimmer is great!

Grimmer is the best king of all time!

Grimmer is so handsome!

Grimmer is totally jacked!

Grimmer has the body of a god!

I have everything, Mort.

I have a castle, a crown,
a simply incredible pair of biceps.

They're very impressive, sir.

But why don't they love me?

Why won't they love me
like they loved Grom?

'cause you're unlovable!

Ingrates, Your Majesty. Every one of them.

Even if Grom's biceps are bigger,
he has Queen Guld as a wife,

he has way better hair,

he's more athletic and kind
and he smells pretty good to boot...


- I'm getting an idea.

Why are you looking at me like that?



Uh, not to be "that troll",

but no one has ever been allowed
past this point. Like, ever.

- ...v-v-v-v-e-r?

Just ask that guy.

It's bad luck just seeing
something like that, man!

Looks like someone
stayed out past sunrise.

Let's do it.

- Kidding!

We're kidding!

Tonight, my troll brethren,

we are here on a mission.

We are here to...

find Grimmer a queen!

Find Grimmer a queen!

Our first contestant is
Hilgreth the Horrible Breathed.

She sports thirty visible warts.

Does she have more?

She'll never tell...

She sweats from her feet
and makes her own clothes.

Give it up for Lady Chafingthighs!

Get some!

And our final contestant,
contestant number three!

She's an alligator in the swamp,

and a sloth bog in the trees.

Let's hear some noise for

Torgalina the Twelve-Toed Terror-Troll!

You complete me.

Trollete number one,

what do you consider
a good trait in a troll?

Um, I would have to say manners?

If he has any,
I get super turned off.

I mean, what kind of troll can't burp?

Am I right?

Some say she's determined
to find the tail of a troll,

so she can return to Ervod.

And finally get her revenge.

Others say she just loves
the taste of troll blood.

Anxiously awaiting her next k*ll.

Get it off! Get it off!

Oh no!

So many tongues!

Oh no!


"Hey, Guld.

I know we haven't exactly
seen eye to eye since we was kids,

but given that Grom
is now a statue, uh...

you wanna marry me?"

Oh, you're a poet, Grimmer.

Oh, Halfstone...

Do you really think we can find Trym?
- Absolutely, Your Highness.

Feels good to be back in the saddle.

Who dares to summon the almighty...

Halfstone? Is that you?

As I live and breathe!
It's so good to see you!

Hello, Taotie. How have you been?
You look... healthy.

Things have been pretty quiet.

A little of this, a little of that.

Whatever happened to that dinner,
you sly dog, you?

I know, I know.
I'll make it up to you, I promise.

This guy. My favorite student.

What can I do for you then?

Yes, well, my husband...

King Grom, yeah.
I'm sorry for your loss, sweetheart.

I'm the Taotie, remember?

I suppose you're right.

But that son of yours,
he's a real cutie-pie.

You know where Trym is?

Yeah. Him, that spunky girlfriend
of his, and that two-headed doofus.

Oh no.
- Oh hon, don't be so down.

He's a good kid!

Especially for a Chosen One.

They're usually such brats.

Chosen One?!

The prophecy!

Trym is on a quest to right the wrongs.

But he's just a child.

He will fulfill the prophecy

if we have faith, my dear Queen.

And Grimmer's tyranny will finally end.

OK, well, I gotta run.

Have a casserole cooking.

There's enough for two.

I mightily appreciate that, Taotie.
Maybe next time.

Well, suit yourself.

But I'm holding you to it.

Oh, Halfstone.

Farewell, King Grimmer.


What's there?

Looks like once we hit the Bridge of Doom,
we should be really close to Pixie.

Hey, Freia, this Bridge of Doom,

it's not an ironic name
or anything, right?

I don't think so. Why?

Cause this is pretty doom-ish.

The Bridge of Doom.

This forest
needs some happier names. Seriously.

What's wrong with
"The Bridge of Happiness"?

Well, we cross this
and we're home free! Let's go!

Not good!

What did you do?

I don't know.

I never know what I do.
It's a condition!

Not the faces!

This is why I never do
group projects in school.


What are you doing?

That's King Grimmer, you dolts!

Right. Yes, well, he looks a lot bigger
than his picture, I assure you.

Get outta here!

Apologies, Your Highness.

I took the liberty
of listing out a few new laws

that should help get you the love
and devotion we all know you deserve.

Failure to comply will result in immediate
incarceration in the Drudgetrudge Wheel.

The name was my idea.

Mort! That's ridiculous.

I like it! Continue!

We've instituted new security
and loyalty laws since you've been gone.

We repurposed the river water wheel
as a... "re-education facility".

You love Grimmer!

Grimmer may or may not love you.

That's not important now.

Who loves Grimmer?

Keep walking!

The laws include but are not limited to

no more Sunburn Runs!

You'll be king forever, Your Highness.

All you have to do is sign... here.

This is good, Mort. Very good!

I'm glad you approve, sir.

So how is it all going?

Could be better.

Well, here's two more.

And to think
you could have had all this.

Toss them in the wheel!

Prepare the main catapult, Mort.

I have a throne to protect

and a lesson to teach a little prince.

You will like me, Ervod!

Whether you like it or not.

Who's there?

Show yourselves!
Show yourselves or I'll...

I'll do something.

- I don't know.

Omigosh, there's like three of them!

We've never had like three.

Technically three and a half.

I'm warning you!
I will not be responsible for my actions.

Oh, look. The little one thinks
he's tough. Totes Adorbs!

OK, OK, OK. Let's do it, you guys.

Who are you?

We are...


- Hubba!

And we are the guardian trolls
of this totally awesome bridge.

Let's please not do anything too...
- Great!

I'm Trym and these are my friends.
- ...rash.

We need to cross your bridge as I'm trying
to get my father's tail returned to his body

that was turned to stone from sun.
We have to battle the Pixie for it.

And if we can do it in under three nights,
he might come back to life.

That's a pretty complicated plot.
- Tell me about it.

Sister conference!

OK. So, like, we're totally
gonna let you play!

One riddle.
- And, like, three guesses.

Guess it right...
- get to totally pass by and junk.

And if we get it wrong?

Then you get to meet our puppy, Dimples!

He seems...


It's a she!
- She! She seems lovely.

Let's play!

This is so much fun, you guys.

OK, so uhm...

Welcome to our show and stuff.

Ready for your riddle?

They are goddesses!

"Many have heard me."

"But no one has seen me."

"And I will not speak back
unless spoken to."

Who am I?

- Cookies.

- Nada.

Don't say anything!

Hear me... not see me...

C'mon, Freia. Think!

What is...?
- Why are you so lonely?

That's not an answer, that's a question!
Stop pressuring me!

No one asks us questions.

We ask the questions around here!

I know, I know. Wait!

I just wanted to know,
why are you so lonely?

Oh my gosh!

That is so sweet of you to ask.

Seriously, no one ever asks about us.

How did you know?

All your toys over there.

Looks like they
haven't been touched in forever.

Figure that's either cause they aren't yours

or you don't have anyone to play with you.

Sister conference.

For you, guys, being so cool and stuff,

we wanted to let you cross the bridge.


Shut up, Dimples!

These are nice trolls and stuff!


Wow, thanks.

It's no problem whatsoever.

It's just a stupid game.

Good luck with the rest of your journey.

Thank you for your time.
Trym, let's go!

Let's go!

Wait a second, guys.
We still have one more thing to do.

OK, guys, come on!

battle to the death and all that stuff.

Well, if you hang a right
after you get over the bridge

you can, like, take the canyon short cut.

There's a short cut?

Totes, should cut your time in half.

It's the least we could do.
Thank you for taking the time...



Bye-bye, ya!

Good luck with Pixie and stuff!

Come back soon.
I'm sure she won't eat all of you.

We will! Wait, what?

An echo!

"What is heard but not seen,
speaks only when spoken to."

An echo!





Sir, are you sure you wanna do this?

The only troll who could survive
a launch this big would be Gro...

...immer! You! Of course, you!

I packed you a lunch, baby.

Thanks, Ma.


Let 'er rip!

Oh, Trym.

I'm a-comin' for you, boy!

She loves me.

She loves me!

She loves me!

She loves me!

This is not a happy place.

With a name like "Tragedy Canyon",
I wouldn't expect it to be, Trym.

Again with the names!

She loves me!



Stand aside!

Yeah, we got nothing.

Hey, smarty-pants. You got anything
in that magic scroll of yours for this?

I've been doing some low-weight
levitation spells with Halfstone but this...

this is a little more than a pinecone.

Bah! Levitation is levitation.
Let's get this show on the road.

You got this, Freia. Go for it!

Help us, Ymir, the great and wise.

Help us, help us, rise, rise, rise!

Freia? What's wrong?

That was a good try.

I can't do it, Trym. I can't!

I took you on this journey
and now we're stuck.

There's no way to move these.

I knew I wasn't ready.

I'm sorry.

It's OK, Freia. We'll figure it out.

Maybe it's not about moving a mountain.

Maybe it's about moving
one pebble at a time?

I believe in you, Freia.

Well, maybe there might be something...

You guys might wanna step back for this.

Teiwaz! Dagaz! Jera!


No way!

Way to go!

Now if you'll excuse me.

Levitation is levitation.

Go, Freia!
- You're the woman!


Thank you. Thank you very much.

Would you like to keep going now?

Why yes, I would.

Let's go, guys!

Seems... homey?

You think she's around here?

Well, I guess it is the Swamp of Despair.

Of course it is.

I don't know...
- Shhh! Do you hear that?

It's so...


If you're into that sort of thing.

So beautiful!

You guys! Wait!

So pretty!


What is this place?
- Dunno.

Guess it's your run of the mill
scary dark building

in the middle of a scary
dark Swamp of Despair.


I stubbed my toe.

What the what?!

Maybe you should get some light going.
- Good idea.

Yep, I am definitely feeling despair
right about now.

This is the big one!


Are we supposed to dance?

We're supposed to cower in fear, you twit!

Everyone stay calm!


I'm too handsome to die!

That's my dad's tail!


You! Booky! What spell can you cast?

How do we beat this thing?

I can turn swamp moss into lavender.

What good is that supposed to do?
- I don't know.

I've only been doing this for a month.
Give me a break!

I told you we should have been dentists!

Oh no.

What's happening?

I think someone might be
finding his troll rhythm.

That boy's got some moves!

Who knew? Go, Trym!

Way to go, Trym!

How did you even know how to do that?

I don't know.


I had fun playing music with you!

You want the tail, don't you?

Well you can't have it.

Trym, are you insane?

I'd bet, if the stories are true,

that you thought this tail
would bring back your soul.

Make trolls like you again.

And when nothing happened,
that probably made you mad, right?

Here's what I think.

If you're a good troll,

if you have a good soul,

it's already inside of you.

And a tail won't change that.

I need this tail
to bring someone I love back to life.

But after I do, if you'd still like,

I'd love to come back
and play with you some more.

What'd we miss?

Oh boy...

C'mon guys!



Are you kidding me?

I don't know what happened, Trym.

We must have taken a wrong path.
I... I don't know.

I'm sorry.

We'll never get there in time.

My Dad'll be stone forever.

You never know, Trym.

Ymir works in mysterious ways?

Ymir? We don't have time for Ymir!

We're out of time!

- It's not fair!

Do you hear me, Ymir?

I just wanted one more day with him.

Just one conversation.

I just want three words.

"I love you". Nothing else.

I'm sorry, Dad.

- ...quake!

It's a Landshifter, Trym.

A Landshifter!

They are real!


What the...


Thanks, Ymir.

We can get there in time!

Well, lookie, lookie...

You just don't know
when to stay beaten, do you, kiddo?

Grimmer! You won't get away with this!
- Won't I?

Won't I?

Where was I?


Look, we may be compulsive fibbers...

We may pretend we're more than we are...

But you, you, Trym,

you made us want to be heroes.


Yeah, you!

Go on! Get that tail back to your dad.

We got this.

Let's go!
- Thanks, JinJan!

Whaddaya say, tough guy?

Wanna go?
- Yeah. He don't look so tough.

Oh look.

Two for one sale.

I'm gonna enjoy this.

Missed me!

Not doing too good, huh?

Nice try!

Fly, my pretties!

So fluffy and cute!


Get 'em off! Get 'em off!

He did something cool!


Our heroes!

That was the bravest thing
we've, like, ever seen.

Do you, like, have a brother?

What do we do, Trym?

You trust me?
- I guess.

Then let's go!

They're here!


Everybody, stop walking!


Keep walking!


Stop that kid!

Trym, there's your dad!

On it.

By the power of Ymir!

That's my girl!

And you're grounded.





Please! Help my son!


You did it, Grimmer!

You did it! You did it! You did it!

You did it! You did it! You did it!

Grimmer is still the king!

You did it! You...

Grimmer! Grimmer!

Grimmer! Grimmer! Grimmer!

- Hey, Dad.

What's happening?

Trym is the Chosen One.


Hey now!

I'm not in a hurry to be king anymore.

Honestly, it's exhausting.



Grimmy? You got so...

so handsome!


give me one good reason why I don't
banish you from Ervod forever.

Whoa now! What did my boy do?

He left me for stone-death
and apparently made himself king.

Is this true, Grim?

Apologize to King Grom.

But Dad!
- You are a Sheriff!

And Sheriffs apologize.

Now apologize to King Grom!

I'm sorry.
- Louder!

I'm sorry!
- For what?

I'm sorry for trying to k*ll you and
overthrowing your kingdom, King Grom.

It will never happen again.

Dad, if there is one thing
this adventure taught me,

it's that, maybe there isn't
such a thing as a bad troll.

Maybe they're just misunderstood.

Apology accepted.

Got yourself a good son there.

Yeah, I know.


My queen!

My king.

Pretty good job there, Prince Trym.
- Yeah, we did OK, didn't we?

We sure did.

What'd we miss?
- Yeah, and don't leave out any details.


And then we crossed the Bridge of Doom.

It was awesome!

Wow, we'll have to go sometime.

- Why not?

King Grom is back
and he rocks the town.

He's mighty and he's awesome
and he's world-renowned.

All hail...
- Hey, hey!

Let me hear it again!
- Hey, hey!

Long may he rule the Sunburn Run

and forever be cool under the sun.


Hey, hey!
- That's what I say.

I have to admit, I do like the Town Cryer.

Think I'm keeping him.

Hey, Grimmer!

Yes, Your Highness?

You know, while you came up
with a lot of crazy laws,

I think you got one right.

I suppose we can find a safer way
to choose our next king.

Or queen.

What? It could happen.

And I'll have the mossloaf.

Come on, Dad!

Let's do this!

Go, Trym!
- You're the best!

Nice moves, son! How'd you learn that?

One step at a time, Dad.

Oh, you romantic, you...

That's it?

This is the end?

What happens next?
Does Trym become king?

What happens to the Pixie?

Yes, yes.

Trym did become king.

In fact, the youngest troll king ever.

And he would have more adventures
than a boy could ever imagine.

But that is a story for another night.

Can I stay up for a little longer?


Yah-ba, Lucas.
